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Hubbard Dehaene Synaesthesia Cortex

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  • 8/13/2019 Hubbard Dehaene Synaesthesia Cortex


    Special section: Research report

    What information is critical to elicit interference

    in number-form synaesthesia?

    Edward M. Hubbarda,*, Mariagrazia Ranzinia,b, Manuela Piazzaa,c

    and Stanislas Dehaenea,d

    aINSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA/SAC/DSV/I2BM/NeuroSpin, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Franceb

    Department of Psychology, University of Pavia, ItalycCenter for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto (TN), ItalydCollege de France, Paris, France

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 4 July 2008

    Reviewed 11 March 2009

    Revised 22 May 2009

    Accepted 11 June 2009

    Published online 7 July 2009





    a b s t r a c t

    Numerous behavioural paradigms have demonstrated a close connection between

    numbers and space, suggesting that numbers may be represented on an internal mental

    number line. For example, in the Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC)

    effect, reaction times are faster for left-sided responses to smaller numbers and for right-

    sided responses to larger numbers. One valuable tool for exploring such numericalspatial

    interactions is the study of number-form synaesthesia, in which participants report vivid,

    automatic associations of numerical and other ordinal sequences with precise, idiosyn-cratic, spatial layouts. Recent studies have demonstrated the influence of synaesthetic

    spatial experiences on behavioural number tasks. The aim of the present study is to further

    explore these internal spatial representations by presenting a case-study of an unusual

    synaesthete, DG, who reports highly detailed representations not only of numerical

    sequences (including representations of negative and Roman numbers), but also different

    representations for other ordinal sequences, such as time sequences (months, days and

    hours), the alphabet, financial sequences and different units of measure (e.g., kilograms,

    kilometres and degrees). Here, we describe DGs synaesthetic experiences and a series of

    behavioural experiments on numerical tasks concerning the automaticity of this

    phenomenon. DGs performance on number comparison and cued-detection tasks was

    modulated by his synaesthetic mental representation for the numerical sequence, such

    that his reaction times were slower when the spatial layout was incompatible with the

    orientation of his mental number line. We found that the spatial presentation of stimuli,rather than the implicit or explicit access to numerosity required by tasks, was essential to

    eliciting DGs number-forms. These results are consistent with previous studies and

    suggest that numericalspatial interactions may be most strongly present in synaesthetes

    when both numerical and spatial information are explicitly task-relevant, consistent with

    a growing body of literature regarding the SNARC and other related effects.

    2009 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.

    * Corresponding author. Present address: Vanderbilt University, Department of Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College#552, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN 37203-5721, USA.

    E-mail addresses:[email protected],[email protected](E.M. Hubbard).

    a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m/ l o c a t e / c o r t e x

    0010-9452/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.


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    1. Introduction

    One of the fundamental representations of numbers is the

    mentalnumber line, a typically implicitrepresentation of numbers

    inwhich small numbers are representedon theleftside ofspace

    andlargeon theright in most left-to-rightreaders (e.g., Dehaene,

    1997). The existence of suchimplicit links betweennumbers andspace was first demonstrated by Dehaene et al. (1993), who

    showed that smaller numbers are responded to more quickly

    with left-sided responses, and larger numbers more quickly

    with right-sided responses, the Spatial Numerical Association

    of Response Codes (SNARC) effect (for reviews, see Fias and

    Fischer, 2005; Hubbard et al., 2005b, 2009). Although the SNARC

    effect has traditionally been taken as evidence for a mental

    number line, various authors have recently questioned this

    interpretation,arguing that the SNARC effect reflects the shared

    semantic markedness of left and small rather than spatial

    coding(Proctor andCho, 2006), thatit reflectsstimulus-response

    compatibility, rather than spatial mappings (Fitousi et al., 2009),

    or, at the very least, that magnitude processing must occur priorto the elicitation of spatial representations (Santens and Gevers,

    2008), thus undermining the traditional concept of a unified

    spatial number line.

    However, the evidence for mappings between numbers

    and space is not limited to the SNARC effect. Other behav-

    ioural paradigms have similarly demonstrated automatic

    mappings between numbers and space. For example, in

    a cuing task that uses numbers at fixation as cues, left-sided

    targets are detected more quickly when cued with small

    numbers, and right-sided targets more quickly when cued

    with large numbers (Fischer et al., 2003). A subsequent study

    demonstrated that these shifts of attention can induce the

    phenomenon of prior entry, in which objects at attendedlocations are perceived as appearing earlier than objects at

    non-attended locations (Casarotti et al., 2007). Similarly, in

    a backward priming experiment, Stoianov et al. (2007)found

    that responses for smaller numbers were faster when they

    were followed by a cue on the left side ofthe screen than when

    they were followed by a cue on the right side of the screen; the

    converse was true for larger numbers.

    Studies of patients with neglect (Zorzi et al., 2002, 2006)

    have demonstrated deficits in numerical tasks that closely

    correspond to those seen in physical line bisection tasks.

    Similarly, in a recent study, we demonstrated that numerical

    cues elicit event related potential (ERP) components similar

    to those elicited by arrow cues that lead to endogenous shiftsof spatial attention (Ranzini et al., 2009). Finally, using

    functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we were able

    to show that a support vector machine (SVM) trained to

    discriminate leftward from rightward eye movements on the

    basis of patterns of activation in posterior parietal cortex,

    once trained, was also able to generalize to simple arithmetic

    operations, so that the left versus right classification of eye

    movements could be used to sort subtraction versus addition

    trials (Knops et al., 2009). Taken together, these studies

    suggest that numbers are automatically, consistently asso-

    ciated with spatial locations, and that such associations

    depend on interactions between parietal regions that are

    critically involved in representing numerical and spatial


    Additional evidence for the reality of numericalspatial

    interactions comes from the reports of synaesthetes forwhom

    these spatial associations become conscious (Galton, 1880a, b;

    Flournoy, 1893; Sagiv et al., 2006; Seron et al., 1992; Piazza

    et al., 2006). As first noted by Galton, numbers and other

    sequences are often linked with spatial locations, and thesenumber forms can take on almost any shape. Subsequent

    research has extended these observations and demonstrated

    that spatial forms may exist not only for numbers, but also for

    days of the week, months of the year and the alphabet

    (Flournoy,1893; Sagiv et al., 2006), and that theseforms tend to

    co-occur within individuals (Flournoy, 1893; Sagiv et al., 2006).

    In rare cases, individuals report a large variety of sequence

    forms including forms for shoe sizes, height, historical time

    periods, time of day, TV stations and body temperature (case

    CS in Cytowic, 1989/2002). Interestingly, as early as 1893,

    Theodore Flournoy had noted that certain types of synaes-

    thetic forms tend to occur less commonly than others. He

    noted that the most common spatial forms occurred fornumbers, days of the week and months of the year, but that

    alphabet forms are only present in people who already

    possess other forms, and who are therefore gifted with

    a strong tendency towards schematization. (Flournoy, 1893,

    p. 151; translation by EMH). Here, we report a case of an

    individual with an extremely large number of spatial forms,

    including forms for numbers, days of the week, and months of

    the year, but also rarer examples of spatial forms, including

    historical periods (c.f. Flournoy, 1893; Cytowic, 1989/2002),

    multiple forms for financial sequences, including stock prices

    and taxes, computer CPU speeds, hard disk space, and even

    the order of pure-bred dog names. The large number of spatial

    forms that DG reports for ordinal, non-numerical sequencessuggests that sequence-form synaesthesia is most likely to

    depend on ordinal, rather than cardinal information.

    These observations on synaesthetic associations between

    sequences and space may have relevance for questions about

    whether ordinal sequences are systematically associated with

    space in non-synaesthetes (Hubbard et al., 2005b; Cohen

    Kadosh and Henik, 2007). In their original experiments,

    Dehaene et al.(1993) failed to observe a SNARC effect for letters,

    leading them to conclude that cardinal, rather than ordinal

    information was critical for eliciting spatial mappings.

    However, subsequent studies by Gevers and colleagues

    demonstrated SNARC effects for letters and months (Gevers

    et al., 2003) and days of the week (Gevers et al., 2004).Conversely, another recent study replicated the cueing effects

    described above for numbers, but did not observe any cueing

    effects for letters, weekday names or month names (Dodd et al.,

    2008). Finally, when Zorzi et al. (2006) tested patients with

    neglect on letter, weekday name and month name versions of

    their interval bisection task, they replicated their previous

    findings of an effect for numbers, but not for other ordinal

    sequences. However, in the same study, the authors found

    evidence for a circular organization of the months sequence in

    non-synaesthetes. Taken together, these contradictory results

    with ordinal sequences suggest that, as in synaesthesia, the

    mappings between ordinal sequences and space are weaker

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    than those seen for numbers, and may depend critically on

    more basic numericalspatial interactions.

    Although the heterogeneity of synaesthesia makes the

    study of this phenomenon difficult, demonstrating the auto-

    maticity of synaesthetic experiences can be particularly

    helpful in understanding cognitive processes that may be

    present in the broad population (Ramachandran and Hubbard,

    2001b; Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007; Sagiv and Ward, 2006).Specifically, the study of sequence-form synaesthesia can be

    of theoretical importance for understanding the mechanisms

    of numericalspatial interactions revealed by behavioural

    tasks such as the SNARC effect. Demonstrating that synaes-

    thetic number forms obey the same rules as other numerical

    spatial associations described in literature would further

    strengthen the link between synaesthetic and non-synaes-

    thetic cognition. To do so, we collected data from a series of

    different numerical tasks with our synaesthete DG in order to

    empirically verify the existence of the numerical representa-

    tion described in DGs self-reports, and to explore the role of

    various features of the task in triggering number forms. In

    particular, we examined the influence of the layout ofnumerical stimuli on the screen, the influence of response

    hand, and the explicit or implicit access to the numerical

    magnitude, which was suggested to be important in

    a previous study (Piazza et al., 2006).

    Recent experiments have demonstrated the influence of

    synaesthetic spatial experiences in behavioural tasks with

    numbers (Piazza et al., 2006; Sagiv et al., 2006) and months of

    the year (Smilek et al., 2007; Price and Mentzoni, 2008). For

    example, when participants are required to name which of

    a pair of numbers is larger (number comparison task),

    synaesthetes were faster to respond when pairs of numbers

    were presented in spatial layouts compatible with their own

    number line. However, while previous studies have examinedthe effects of compatible versus incompatible mappings on

    reaction times, they have not explored the effect presenting

    stimuli orthogonal to the reported orientation of the synaes-

    thetic sequence-form. Recent work with the SNARC effect has

    shown that a SNARC effect is observed only when the asso-

    ciated dimension is being held in memory as part of the

    relevant response set (Gevers et al., 2006a). If we assume that

    the synaesthetic number form will always be active in

    memory (see alsoPrice, 2009, this issue), since it is thought to

    be automatically evoked, we would expect to observe inter-

    ference effects when stimuli and responses are aligned with

    the synaesthetic number form (in DGs case, when numbers

    and/orresponses are vertically aligned), but not whenthey areorthogonal to the synaesthetic number form. This result

    would strengthen the connection between synaesthetic

    number forms and numericalspatial effects in non-synaes-

    thetes, and would further argue against the possibility that

    previous findings with synaesthetes are due to strategic

    influences, but rather arise from the task relevance of the

    congruency with the spatial form (see alsoJarick et al., 2009a,

    this issue, 2009b, this issue).

    Similarly, previous research with neuropsychological

    patients has suggested that whether the numerical task

    requires explicit or implicit access to numerical magnitude

    may modulate the degree to which numbers and space

    interact.Priftis et al. (2006)showed that patients with neglect

    made errors as if they were neglecting the left half of the

    mental number line when required to make a bisection

    judgement (magnitude explicit task) but not when they were

    asked to make a parity judgement (magnitude implicit task).

    In both cases, Priftis et al. (2006) assume that magnitude

    information has been activated, consistent with previous

    research (Fias et al., 1996, 2001), but argue that whether

    magnitude information is explicitly or implicitly used affectsthe degree to which numericalspatial interactions should be

    observed. In order to explore the impact of explicit versus

    implicit access to numerical information in our synaesthete,

    we asked DG to perform two tasks in which numerical

    magnitude information was explicitly relevant to the task and

    two tasks in which implicit access to numerical information

    was sufficient to perform the task. The tasks requiring explicit

    access were a magnitude judgement with a pair of numbers

    and a magnitude judgement against a fixed standard (5) with

    only a single number. The tasks requiring only implicit access

    were a standard SNARC paradigm, which required a parity

    judgement, and a numerical cued-detection paradigm,

    modelled after that developed by Fischer et al. (2003). Wepredicted that DGs reaction times would be affected by the

    congruencybetween hisspatial form andthe various response

    alternatives when those responses were aligned (either

    compatibly or incompatibly) with his spatial form, but not

    when theywere orthogonal to his spatial form. In addition, we

    predicted that the degree of interference observed would be

    reduced or absent in tasks that required only an implicit use

    of magnitude information. Based on these results, we hope

    to help make clearer the links between synaesthetic and

    non-synaesthetic cognition, and to illustrate how the study

    of synaesthesia can help to elucidate issues in the study

    of numerical cognition (Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007;

    Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001b).

    2. Case report: DG

    DG first contacted us on November 13, 2005, in response to

    a French television program La Magazine de la Sante

    [Health Magazine] in which we described synaesthesia, and

    asked for individuals who thought that they experienced

    synaesthesia (especially sequence-form synaesthesia) to

    contact us. Based on DGs responses to our first question-

    naire (see below) we classified him as having a variety of

    spatial forms, and then sent him a second questionnaire,

    probing his synaesthetic experiences in more detail. At thetime of testing DG was a 41 year-old, right-handed French

    male, operating his own light-construction business

    installing shelving, acoustic ceilings, and so on. In our

    interviews with him over a period of nearly two years, he

    consistently described his synaesthetic experiences as being

    omnipresent, automatic, and overall useful for him. Indeed,

    he reports a feeling of being always connected with his place

    in space and time relative to the universe because he is

    always positioned in a certain place and moment in his

    spatial forms. While we have not tested his memory and

    mathematical abilities, recent work on these topics suggest

    that the presence of synaesthetic spatial forms may lead to

    an unusual pattern of strengths and weaknesses (Simner

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    et al., 2009, this issue; Ward et al., 2009, this issue). Over the

    course of our interviews with him, DG described a total of 58

    spatial forms in great detail, including a canonical orienta-

    tion, direction and shape, although the present investiga-

    tions focus exclusively on DGs spatial forms for numbers.

    3. Questionnaires

    We first asked to DG to fill out two questionnaires in order to

    evaluate the accuracy of his verbal reports and the degree of

    his synaesthetic experiences. We used two questionnaires

    taken from previous studies. The first questionnaire was

    based on previous questionnaires created byRamachandran

    and Hubbard (2001a)and was translated into French in order

    to collect self-reports from a large number of French synaes-

    thetic participants. It is composed of five parts:

    1. Basic phenomenology: general questions about the main

    features of the participants reportedsynaesthetic experience.2. Detailed phenomenology: more specific questions con-

    cerning the description of synaesthetic experience.

    3. Synaesthesia and the external world: questions related to

    the external projection or the internal representation of

    the synaesthetic representations (see also Dixon et al.,


    4. Synaesthesia and conscious perception: concerning the

    way in which participants can differentiate between syn-

    aesthetic experiences and the perception of the real world.

    5. General information: demographic and health-related

    information (e.g., age, sex, any potential neurological

    conditions, etc).

    All questions were open-ended, so the participant could

    thoroughly describe details of his experiences.

    The second questionnaire focused specifically on the

    experiences of number-forms, their frequency, format and

    use. This questionnaire was created and used for the first

    time by Seron et al. (1992). It is composed of 21 questions,

    some of which are open-ended, and others which are

    multiple-choice. In particular, the questions were created in

    order to describe the development of the phenomenon since

    infancy, the possible genetic origins (i.e., if there are other

    known synaesthetes in the same family), the variability of

    synaesthetic experience, the usefulness of the numerical

    mental representation for mathematical calculation and howthe participant does calculations by activating of his mental

    number line, and the automaticity of the phenomenon.

    DG provided detailed descriptions of his synaesthesia,

    including drawings for each of his sequence forms. He reports

    a highly detailed representation of numerical sequences,

    including negative numbers and Roman numerals, but also

    mental representations for other ordinal sequences, such as

    time sequences (months of the year, days of the week, hours

    of the day), financial sequences (stock prices, tax rates, etc.),

    different units of measure (e.g., kilograms, kilometres and

    degrees), the alphabet, and even the sequence of pure-bred

    dog naming conventions. Clearly, these experiences are not

    limited to numerical sequences, but rather extend across

    a large range of ordinal sequences. DGs experiences were

    stable, in that the mental images always had the same

    features (direction, position and physical size), were not

    influenced by different external situation (e.g., different times

    of the day) and were reported to be elicited automatically and


    4. Experiments

    In order to explore DGs experiences, and to test whether they

    were sensitive to the same manipulations that have been

    shown to affect numericalspatial associations in non-syn-

    aesthetes, we focused here on replicating and extending

    previous behavioural studies of number-form synaesthesia

    (Sagiv et al., 2006; Piazza et al., 2006). We collected data in five

    tasks meant to tap into numericalspatial interactions:

    Experiment 1: drawing the mental number line (including


    Experiment 2: number comparison between a pair of numbers

    presented on the screen.

    Experiment 3: numerical cued-detection task.

    Experiment 4: parity judgement task.

    Experiment 5: number comparison with an internal reference

    of 5.

    4.1. General methods

    All tasks were executed in two different versions, differing

    on the horizontal or vertical alignment of the response

    hands and the stimuli on the screen (except for the numbercomparison and the parity judgement, where numbers were

    always centrally presented). We used two 14.1 in (36 cm) Dell

    laptop computers, running Windows XP and E-prime version

    1.2 to collect data. Participants were seated a comfortable

    distance from the screen, approximately 50 cm. The control

    group was composed of eight participants matched for age

    (DG age 41, controls age mean 41.3 range 3745) and

    nationality (French). Seven of the controls were right-handed

    (as was DG), and all received a payment for their participa-

    tion in the study. They performed the same tasks that DG

    did, exceptExperiment 2b.

    Except forExperiment 1, in which the dependent measure

    was position, all reaction time data were cleaned with a cut-off of three standard deviations. We performed within-

    participants analyses on DGs data, considering each reaction

    time as an independent observation, and we performed

    repeated measures analyses for the control group on the

    participants mean RTs for each condition. As standard

    statistical methods are liberal when comparing a single

    subject against a population of controls, we adopted a signifi-

    cance test (ST) adapted for comparing individual scores to

    a small normative sample (Crawford and Howell, 1998), and

    a method also based on ST which compares the discrep-

    ancy between scores on two tests observed for an individual

    with the mean discrepancy in a normative or control sample

    (DIFFLIMS,Crawford and Garthwaite, 2002).

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    4.2. Experiments 1a and 1b: drawing the number line

    In order to test the consistency of DGs spatial representation

    for the numerical sequence, we asked him to draw his

    representation by clicking a computer mouse on the appro-

    priate screen location for numbers from two different ranges

    (small scale: numbers from 1 to 12; large scale: numbers

    from 1 to 40). We then asked DG to repeat this task aftera period of more than one year, for both the small and the

    large range.

    4.2.1. Experiment 1: methods and procedure

    This experiment required indicating the spatial location eli-

    citedby each numberone at a time on a computer screen, with

    the help of a mouse (seePiazza et al., 2006). Participants were

    instructed to click the mouse button to indicate the position of

    each number on their mental representation of the numerical

    sequence. DG performed two versions of the task, a small

    numbers drawing task (Experiment 1a) with numerical stimuli

    from 1 to 12 (all numbers in the range), and a large numbers

    drawing task (Experiment 1b) with numerical stimuli from 1 to40 (numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38,

    40). Both tasks started with the presentation of the smallest

    number (i.e., 1) and of the largest number (12 for Experiment

    1a and 40 for Experiment 1b), to allow DG to delimit the

    extremes of his spatial coordinates according to the range

    used in the experiment. Following the placement of the first

    two numbers, the remaining numbers were randomly pre-

    sented and each number was repeated 10 times. White

    numerals were presented in Arial 30 point font, aligned

    vertically with the top of the screen and horizontally with the

    centre, on a black background. Each number was presented

    for 500 msec, but there was no time limit to indicate the exact

    position of the number. Once the answer had been given,there was an inter-trial interval of 300 msec before the next

    stimulus was presented. DG executed each Experiment (1a

    and 1b)two times, the first session (test) in February 2006 and

    the second (retest) in April 2007, in order to test consistency.

    Both for test and retest,Experiments 1a and 1bwere executed

    in two different sessions with the large numbers drawing task

    being run after the small numbers drawing task in both cases.

    Control participants were instructed to perform the same

    experiments (small-scale drawing task and large-scale

    drawing task), by trying to imagine the numerical sequence as

    spatially organized, in any form they wished. Test-retest data

    were collected in a second session, two to three weeks after

    the first session. While DG immediately understood theinstructions and found the task easy, for all of the control

    participants it took some time during the first session for the

    experimenter to explain exactly what the task was, since the

    non-synaesthetes did not automatically report thinking about

    numerical sequences as spatially represented. During the

    second session, controls were required to try to place the

    numbers in the same positions as they had during the first


    4.2.2. Experiment 1: analyses and results

    For each number and testing session, we computed the mean

    x- andy-coordinates and the mean of the standard deviations

    and standard errors in the x and y directions across trials.

    Fig. 1a shows the relative locations selected for each number,

    and shows that DGs number position is accurate (the diam-

    eter of the circle represents the mean of the standard errors in

    the x and y directions) and consistent across time (compare

    Session 1 and Session 2). In order to test DGs consistency

    across time we computed two values: the angle, expressed in

    degrees, between each number and the number 1; and the

    distance in pixels between each number and the number 1(Fig. 1b). Correlations between angles were highly significant

    both for the small-scale drawing task (Pearson r .987,

    R2 .976, p< 1 108) and for the large-scale drawing task

    (Pearson r .993, R2 .986, p< 1 1014). Distance measures

    were also highly correlated (small-scale drawing task: Pearson

    r .986, R2 .973, p < .107; large-scale drawing task: Pearson

    r .993,R2 .987, p< 1 1014).

    For each participant, we combined data from the first and

    the second session and then computed standard deviations

    for the mean x and y coordinates for each number (see

    Fig. 1c). We compared thex and ystandard deviations for the

    controls with that for DG with an independent sample t-test,

    separately for small and large scales. The mean standarddeviations for the control group were larger than those for

    DG in the x-direction [small scale: DG 24.29, con-

    trols 65.14, t(106)2.028, p< .05 large scale: DG 33.15,

    controls 59.25, t(151)1.752, p < .05 one tailed], but not in

    the y-direction [small scale: DG 27.09, controls 54.37,

    t(106)1.625, p .11; large scale: DG 29.20, con-

    trols 38.67, t(151).836, p .404]. Direct comparison of

    the mean standard error for x and y in each experiment

    between DG and control with the ST for comparing indi-

    vidual scores to a small normative sample (Crawford and

    Howell, 1998) did not reveal significant differences.

    Closer inspection of the control participants data suggests

    that these statistical measures may underestimate the differ-ences between DG and the controls, as control participants

    tended to create the same forms for each scale across the two

    testing sessions, but not across the two scales within the same

    testing session. Of the eight control participants, four created

    significantly different forms for the small-scale and large-scale

    drawings, which might be thought of as an immediate test-

    retest measure. Three others created purely straight-line

    forms, which have nearly no variability in the y-direction.

    Indeed, one of the controls who created a straight-line form

    aligned his form with the upper edge of the screen, thereby

    nearly completely eliminating the possibility of variability in

    the y-direction. The only participant who created the same

    non-straight-line forms within both the small-scale and large-scale drawing tasks, C6, was consistently among the most

    variableparticipants. To quantitatively test theseobservations,

    we calculated the correlation in positions across scales within

    sessions (small session 1-large session 1; small session 2-large

    session 2) forDG andfor the controls.The mean between-scale

    correlation in the x- and y-directions was .97 for DG,and .25 for

    the 8 control participants. A direct comparison of the correla-

    tion coefficients (IIMA;Crawford et al., 2003) between DG and

    controls showed that DGs across-scale consistency was

    significantly greater than that for controls [IIMA: t(7) 3.63,

    p< .01]. Taking these additional considerations into account,

    the similarity of DGs forms, over a test-retest interval of 14

    months, compared against 14 days, is all the more remarkable.

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    Fig. 1 (a) Spatial forms as drawn by DG in two testing sessions, separated by 14 months. Each circle indicates the centre ofthe positions indicated for the tested numbers, and the size of the circle indicates the mean standard error of his

    placements. DGs spatial forms are highly consistent. (b) Correlations between the angles and distances from 1 for each

    number in the testing session between the 2006 and 2007 testing sessions. Dark grey circles indicate the angles and

    distances calculated for the small-scale drawing task, while light grey circles indicate the corresponding measures for the

    large-scale drawing task. DG was very consistent in his placements, even over a test-retest interval of 14 months. (c) Mean

    standard deviations in the x and y directions for DG and the eight control participants (C1C8). Control participants are

    indicated by different open symbols, while DG is indicated by the filled circles. DG was among the most consistent

    participants, especially in thex-direction. The lack of variability in the y-direction for certain control participants is probably

    due to the fact that they simply drew a straight left-to-right line when required to place numbers at spatial locations.

    Indeed, C3 even went so far as to align his responses along the top of the screen, where he could use the edge of the screen

    as a reference point.

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    4.2.3. Discussion of Experiment 1

    We assessed the consistency of DGs spatial forms by asking

    him to draw his spatial form on a computer screen in two

    sessions separated by 14 months, while control participants

    were asked to draw spatial forms in two sessions separated by

    14 days. On several different measures of consistency, DG was

    more consistent in his spatial locations than controls, even

    though controls were tested over a much shorter test-retestinterval. Additionally, DGs form was quite similar across the

    two different drawing scales (small scale: 112, large scale:

    140) while many of the control participants created remark-

    ably different forms across the two drawing scales, which was

    essentially an immediate retest. The consistency of DGs

    spatial forms, as assessed both across the two drawing scales

    and a test-retest interval of more than one year, is consistent

    with previous research (Piazza et al., 2006; Smilek et al., 2007;

    Price and Mentzoni, 2008) that has demonstrated consistency

    of spatial forms across time, and support the claim that DGs

    synaesthetic reports are veridical.

    Interestingly, although DG drew his number form as being

    horizontal in this computer based task, he also reports that heplaces himself inside the curve of the number line, with small

    numbers descending on his left and the larger numbers

    ascending and passing him on his right. At some point, which

    is still unclear, his vantage point shifts as he reports facing the

    long segment with smaller numbers to his left and larger

    numbers to his right. This is additionally complicated by the

    fact that DG reports that his spatial forms have a default

    orientation relative to the Sun and the surface of the planet

    Earth. This is a critical issue, as whether 912 should be

    thought of as part of a horizontal or vertical representation

    depends on whether we privilege DGs verbal reports or his

    drawing in this drawing task. In what follows, we have treated

    912 as being part of an ascending vertical segment, consis-tent with DGs phenomenological descriptions.

    4.3. Experiment 2: number comparison task

    In order to further demonstrate the reality of DGs experi-

    ences, we tested him on a task that has been used to

    demonstrate synaesthetic interference between numbers and

    space in previous studies (Piazza et al., 2006; Sagiv et al., 2006).

    Pairs of numerical stimuli were drawn from the range of

    numbers from 1 to 12 with a fixed numerical distance of two

    (10 pairs overall). Participants were asked to respond with

    a button pressat the location of thelarger of the two numbers.There were two tasks, differing on whether the stimuli were

    aligned vertically (Experiment 2a) or horizontally (Experiment

    2b) on the screen, as well as on response hand-position pair-

    ing. We predicted that DGs RTs would be affected by the

    stimulus layout, and in particular that an association between

    small numbers and bottom-sided responses and large

    numbers and top-sided responses would emerge in the

    vertical task. As observed in previous experiments (Piazza

    et al., 2006; Sagiv et al., 2006), we expected to find a compati-

    bility effect for the direction of the numbers in the pair, and in

    particular that DGs performance would be facilitated when

    large numbers were presented on the top, consistent with his

    mental representation. Additionally, due to the curve in DGs

    numerical representation (seeFig. 1), we predicted that his

    compatibility effects would be affected by numerical magni-

    tude relative to 5, the midpoint of the curved portion of his

    spatial form. Finally, we expected to find a different pattern of

    results for controls in the vertical task, where interactions

    between numbers and space should not emerge as for DG.

    4.3.1. Experiment 2a: methods and procedureParticipants were asked to identify which of a pair of numbers

    presented on the computer screen was numerically larger by

    pressing the button corresponding to the position of the larger

    number as quickly as possible. Each trial started with a central

    fixation cross lasting 300 msec, followed by a blank screen

    lasting 300 msec, and then the numerical pair appeared in

    a vertical orientation. The time limit for responding was 5 sec,

    and after the response there was an ITI of 1 sec in which

    a black screen was displayed. Stimuli were white 30 pt Arial

    font numbers on a black screen. The task was composed of 10

    practice trials at the beginning of each session, and 120

    randomly ordered experimental trials for each session. The

    position of numbers in each pair was counterbalanced, so thateach pair of numerical stimuli in each condition (compatible

    or incompatible) was repeated 6 times. The task was run in

    two consecutive sessions, in order to counterbalance the

    position of the hands on the keyboard (left-top, right-top).

    4.3.2. Experiment 2a: analyses and results

    DGs performance was relatively accurate (9% error rate, 9 and

    12 errors in the compatible and incompatible conditions,

    respectively). DGs overall reaction times were faster in the

    compatible condition (i.e., top-larger responses, mean RT:

    459 msec) compared to incompatible condition (i.e., bottom-

    larger responses, mean RT: 477 msec), although this effect did

    notreachsignificance[t(214)1.472,p .143].WethenplottedtheRTsas a functionof numericalmagnitude(Fig.2a)andfound

    a strong association between small numbers and the lower

    portionof spaceandlarge numbersandthe topportionof space.

    This association can be seen more clearly by computing mean

    RTs for trials where the mean of the pair was less than or equal

    to 5 (small pair condition), versus greater than 5 (large pair

    condition), as shown in Fig. 2a. In the small pair condition,

    reaction times were significantly faster when the correct

    response was on the bottom [mean RT: bottom respon-

    se 445 msec, top response 492 msec, t(86) 2.371, p< .05],

    and in the large pair condition RTs were faster when correct

    response was on the top [mean RT: bottom response

    503 msec, top response 439, t(126)4.191,p < .0001]. Eightcontrols performed the same task. Error rate never exceeded

    3%.Resultsare shownin Fig.2b. Performance of controlsdid not

    differ significantlybetweentop andbottomresponse conditions


    faster for top-sided responses than for bottom-sided responses

    in the large pair condition [t(7)2.509,p< .05].

    We then computed the difference in mean RTs (dRT) for

    top-larger responses minus bottom-larger responses. The

    linear regression between dRT and magnitude was significant

    for DG [R2 .80, F(1,8) 32.14, p< .001, see Fig. 2c] and

    marginally significant for the controls [R2 .39, F(1,8) 5.11,

    p .054, seeFig. 2c]. These results support the conclusion that

    DGs spatial representation for the numerical sequence can

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    interfere with his performance in numerical tasks, but also

    suggest a similar, but weaker, representation in controls. In

    order to directly test whether this spatial representation of

    numbers led to greater interference in DG, for whom it was

    explicit, than in controls, for whom it was implicit, we directly

    compared the top versus bottom difference betweenthe small

    andlargepairs, andfoundthat it wassignificantly largerfor DG

    than for controls (DIFFLIMS: t2.415, p< .05). In addition,direct comparison of the slope of DGs linear regression and

    controls slopes demonstrated a significantly stronger associ-

    ation between numbers and space for DG compared to the

    control group [ST: t(7)2.2369,p< .05, one tailed, see Fig. 2c].

    4.3.3. Experiment 2b: Methods and procedure

    We asked to DG to perform a second comparison task, but in

    this case the pair of numbers was horizontally presented on

    the screen, in an orientation that was either compatible or

    incompatible with the classic left-to-right orientation of the

    mental number line, and we ran only one block, with

    uncrossed hands. In all other respects, stimuli and trials were

    the same as inExperiment 2a. For this task we did not collectdata from the control group.

    4.3.4. Experiment 2b: Analyses and results

    DG washighlyaccurate in executing the task (3% errors). Mean

    RTs were computed for the larger-left and larger-right condi-

    tions. DGsresponses were faster when the larger number was

    on theright(467 msec),than when it wason theleft (488 msec),

    and the difference between conditions was significant

    [t(227) 2.903, p < .005]. We then analyzed the advantage for

    the larger-right condition as a function of magnitude (given by

    the mean of each pair of number). If DGs performance is

    affected in the same way as suggested by the classical mental

    number line (i.e., with small magnitudes on the left and largemagnitudes on the right),the advantage forlargernumbers on

    the right should increase in function of the numerical magni-

    tude (Fig. 2d). The linear regression on the dRTs between

    larger-right and larger-left conditions was not significant

    [y1.33 13.30, R2 .03, F(1,8) .25, p .6], indicating that

    DGs performance was not affected by magnitude in the hori-

    zontal orientation. Again, clustering data into two sub-groups

    with respect to the mean of the numbers in a pair (smaller or

    equal/greater than 5), we find a significant advantage for

    larger-right in both cases [small pair: t(94) 2.094,p< .05;large

    pair: t(131) 2.035,p< .05]. Thus, unlikein thevertical case, we

    find no interaction between numerical magnitude and

    response side, consistent with DGs reports that he experi-ences numbers as vertically oriented. The main effect of

    response side (larger-right) may simply reflect the fact that DG

    was right handed, andthereforewould be expected to respond

    more quickly with his right hand.

    4.3.5. Discussion of Experiment 2a and 2b

    InExperiments 2a and 2b we tested whether we could use

    tasks that have been usedin previous research to demonstrate

    an association between numerical magnitude and space in

    a unique synaesthete, DG. As predicted, we found a strong

    spatial effect in the vertical task (Experiment 2a), in that DG

    responded more quickly on the bottom for small pairs, and on

    the top for large pairs, independently of the orientation of the

    twonumbers (i.e., larger on the top or on the bottom). Contrary

    to previous experiments (Piazza et al., 2006; Sagiv et al., 2006),

    we did not observe an effect of compatibility (which would

    correspond to faster RTs for the compatible condition, where

    larger numbers were on the top), but rather found that small

    pairs were associated with the bottom part of the space, and

    large pairs with the top. This may reflect the fact that number

    pairs were always separated by a constant numerical distanceof 2, and therefore were primarily composed of either small or

    large numbers. We finda similar effect forcontrols,although it

    just fails to reach statistical significance. The effect in controls,

    unlike that observed for DG was mostly driven by faster

    response times for top responses for the large pairs. These

    findings are similar to those that demonstrate a vertical

    SNARC effect, and further suggest vertical associations

    between numbers and space in non-synaesthetes (Ito and

    Hatta, 2004; Schwarz and Keus, 2004). The significant differ-

    ence between DG and his controls suggests that such associ-

    ations are stronger for DG than for non-synaesthetes, and are

    consistent with previous suggestions that synaesthetic

    number-forms and non-synaesthetic numericalspatialinteractions arise from similar brain mechanisms (Cohen

    Kadosh and Henik, 2007; Eagleman, 2009, this issue; Hubbard

    et al., 2005b). Conversely, in the horizontal task, which is

    orthogonal to the orientation of DGs reported spatial form, we

    did not observe a significant interference effect. Although we

    did not test control participants on this task, based on exten-

    sive previous literature on the SNARC effect (for a recent meta-

    analysis, seeWood et al., 2008) we predict that we would have

    observed a significant horizontal interference effect.

    Although these results are consistent with DGs self-

    reported spatial forms, from the standpoint of numerical

    cognition, this is a relatively complex task. In this number

    comparison task numerical magnitude is explicitly relevant tothe task, since participants had to respond with a button press

    in the location of the larger number, and the presence of two

    numerical stimuli on the screen elicited strong spatial repre-

    sentations. In order to further explore which of these compo-

    nents were critical to eliciting synaesthetic spatial forms, we

    ran an additional series of experiments, in which we manip-

    ulated the explicit/implicit aspect of numerical information

    tasks and the degree to which spatial information was

    explicitly represented, to determine which of these factors was

    most relevant to eliciting DGs synaesthetic experiences.

    4.4. Experiment 3: numerical cued-detection task

    In order to assess whether numerical magnitude information

    needed to be explicitly represented to elicit synaesthetic

    number forms, we tested whether the mere perception of an

    irrelevant numerical stimulus could elicit a shift of attention

    in DG. Previous experiments have found that the perception of

    an uninformative numericalcue canelicitshiftsof attention in

    a simple detection task as a function of numerical magnitude

    (Fischer et al., 2003; Galfano et al., 2006; Casarotti et al., 2007 ).

    This numerical cued-detection task requires detecting a target

    that can appear either to the left or to the right of a central

    fixation point and that is preceded by a non-informative

    central number.Fischer et al. (2003)found that reaction times

    were faster when a left-sided target was preceded by a smaller

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    Fig. 2 (a) and (b) Mean RTs as a function of response position (top or bottom) and pair tested for our synaesthetic participant

    DG and for the eight control participants. The line graphs on the left show the mean RTs for top (dark grey) and bottom (lightgrey) responses, while the bar graphs on the right show the mean reaction times collapsed across small (mean less than 5)

    and large (mean greater than 5) pairs of numbers. Error bars indicate the SEM. DG showed a continuous increase in reaction

    time for bottom responses as numerical magnitude increased, and a corresponding decrease for top responses, leading to

    an overall congruency effect suchthat bottom responses were faster for small pairs while top responses were faster for large

    pairs, consistent with DGs reported synaesthetic spatial form. Control participants show a slight effect in the same

    direction with top responses being faster than bottom responses for large pairs, but no such effect for small pairs.

    (c) Regression slopes for DG and controls calculated on the dRTs (topbottom) as a function of numerical magnitude. Shorter

    RTs for bottom-sided responses than top-sided responses thus yield difference scores greater than 0, while shorter RTs for

    top-sided responses yield difference scores less than 0, and an association between small numbers and the bottom side of

    space is indicated by a negative regression slope. DGs data points are indicated in dark grey, and controls in light grey, with

    the corresponding regression slopes in black. DGs regression slope was more negative than the mean for the controls,

    consistent with his stronger association between small numbers and the bottom side of space. (d) DGs performance on the

    horizontal number comparison task. The line graph on the left shows the mean RTs for right (dark grey) and left (light grey)

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    numberand when a right-sided targetwas preceded by a larger

    number. However, subsequent studies using different para-

    digms have suggested that this effectcan be over-ridden by the

    participants mental set (Galfano et al., 2006),andthatitcanbe

    modulated by the relevance of the number for the task

    (Casarotti et al., 2007), suggesting that this effect may be weak

    in non-synaesthetes. In some studies with entirely irrelevant

    cues this effect is not reliable at the behavioural level (Bonatoet al., 2009) even when numerical cues have been shown to be

    sufficient to affect ERP components related to shifts of visuo-

    spatial attention (Ranzini et al., 2009). In order to test whether

    DGs synaesthesia could induce stronger shifts of attention

    than for controls due to the simple perception of a number, in

    a way that is compatible with his internal numerical repre-

    sentation, we asked DG and the same eightcontrols to execute

    a numerical cued-detection task similar to that developed by

    Fischer et al. (2003)in two different versions: in one case the

    spatial locations of the target were vertically aligned (Experi-

    ment 3a), and in the other case they were horizontally aligned

    on the screen (Experiment 3b). We expected that DGs perfor-

    mance would be affected by the magnitude of the numericalcue only in thevertical task, compatible with hisnumberform.

    We thus predicted that small numbers would direct attention

    towards the bottom, whereas large numbers would direct

    attention towards the top of the screen. Moreover, contrary to

    theresults observed in thegeneral population, we expected DG

    to show no effects of numerical cueing in the horizontal task.

    We predicted that DGs attention would not shift to the left for

    small numbers and to the right for large numbers, since his

    number form for this range does not correspond to the clas-

    sical left-to-right oriented mental number line. Finally, based

    on previous studies, we predicted that control participants

    would showa horizontal, but not vertical, compatibility effect.

    4.4.1. Experiment 3a: method and procedure

    Each trial started with a central fixation and two vertically

    aligned boxes for 500 msec followed by a central numerical

    cue for 300 msec (modified from Fischer et al., 2003). After

    a variable delay (100, 300 or 600 msec) the target appeared in

    one of the two boxes. Participants were required to press

    the spacebar as soon as possible after the target appeared. The

    cue was either a small(1 or 2) or a large (8 or 9) number and

    the target was a black circle on a white background. The

    experiment thus consisted of 12 trial types (2 cue

    magnitudes 2 target sides 3 delays), and each trial type

    was presented 12 times, yielding a total of 144 experimental

    trials. We also presented catch trialswhere no target appearedin order to discourage automatic responding. Each of these

    was coded as corresponding to one of the 12 trial types listed

    above, although no target was presented making delay

    meaningless here. Participants performed 168 randomly

    selected trials (144 experimental trials and 24 catch trials)

    preceded by a block of 10 practice trials.

    4.4.2. Experiment 3a: analyses and results

    DG was 100% accurate, both in the experimental and in catch

    trials. We computed mean RTs for the compatible (small

    number/bottom target and large number/top target) and

    incompatible conditions (small number/top target and large

    number/bottom target) with respect to the orientation of

    DGs mental number line, overall and for each delay ( Fig. 3a,

    DG on the left and controls on the right). DGs reaction timeswere clearly faster for compatible trials and an analysis of

    variance (ANOVA) with compatibility and delay as factors

    showed that the effect of compatibility was significant

    [F(1,142) 11.61, p< .001]. Importantly, this effect did not

    interact with delay [F(2,137)< 1.0, p .92], suggesting that

    these effects are elicited automatically (see alsoJarick et al.,

    2009a, this issue, 2009b, this issue;Smilek et al., 2007). For the

    eight controls mean RTs were analyzed in a repeated

    measure design with congruency and delay as factors. For the

    controls, there were no significant main effects or interac-

    tions (Fig. 3a). Direct comparison between DG and the control

    group showed that DG had a significantly greater interference

    effect than controls did [DIFFLIMS: t(7)2.008, p< .05, onetailed]. RTs were overall faster in compatible trials than in

    incompatible trials for DG, but this advantage was not

    observed in the control group (DG: compatible 273 msec,

    incompatible 304 msec; controls: compatible 388 msec;

    incompatible 391 msec).

    4.4.3. Experiment 3b: method and procedure

    Experiment 3b was exactly the same asExperiment 3a, except

    that the vertical orientation of the boxes where the targets

    appeared was changedto a horizontal orientation as originally

    used byFischer et al. (2003).

    4.4.4. Experiment 3b: analyses and resultsDGs performance was once again 100% accurate, both in the

    experimental and in catch trials. Mean RTs were computed for

    the compatible (small number/left target and large number/

    right target) and incompatible conditions (small number/right

    target and large number/left target), with respect to the

    orientation of theclassicalmental number line (i.e.,from left to

    right), overall and for each delay condition (Fig. 3b, DG on the

    left andcontrolson the right). An ANOVA with congruency and

    delay as factors did not reveal any significant effects or inter-

    actions. Eight controls performed the same task and mean RTs

    were analyzed in a repeated measure design with congruency

    and delay as factors. Again, there were no significant main

    effects or interactions (Fig. 3b). Comparison between DGand the control group in the discrepancy between compatible

    and incompatible condition was not significant. Although

    the effect of congruency did not reach significance, RTs

    were overall faster for compatible trials both for DG and for

    controls(DG: compatible 261 msec,incompatible 274 msec;

    controls: compatible 407 msec, incompatible 417 msec; (for

    responses, while the regression line on the right shows dRTs (rightleft) as a function of numerical magnitude. Shorter RTs

    for left-sided responses than right-sided responses therefore yield difference scores greater than 0, while shorter RTs for

    right-sided responses yield difference scores less than 0. An association between small numbers and the right side of space

    is indicated by a negative regression slope. Left and right-sided responses did not consistently differ, and the regression

    slope was not significantly different from 0.

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    a similar non-significant trend towards behavioural congru-

    ency effects, seeRanzini et al., 2009).

    4.4.5. Discussion of Experiments 3a and 3b

    Experiments 3a and 3bshowed that in a purely spatial task

    which did not require explicit access to numerical magnitude

    information, DGs reaction times were modulated by his

    internal number form. We found a significant effect of

    congruency between the magnitude of the numerical cue andthe position of the following target when target stimuli were

    vertically aligned, but did not find significant differences

    between compatible and incompatible conditions when the

    target stimuli were horizontally aligned. DG was faster when

    small number cues were followed by bottom-sided targets,

    and when large number cues were followed by top-sided

    targets, but was not significantly affected by classical mental

    number line, as revealed by the absence of effects for the

    horizontal layout. Importantly, this effect was significantly

    different from control participants, who did not show any RT

    effects induced by numerical magnitude in the vertical task.

    Although this task was purely spatial and did not require

    explicit access to magnitude information, DGs personalnumber form seemed to be triggered by the simple perception

    of irrelevant numbers and to strongly affect his performance,

    suggesting that numerical magnitude need not be explicitly

    represented to elicit synaesthetic inference (see also Jarick

    et al., 2009a, this issue). However, given the spatial nature of

    the task, it is possible that explicit spatial information is

    necessary to elicit synaesthetic interference.

    4.5. Experiment 4: parity judgement

    Experiments 3a and 3bdemonstrated the influence of DGs

    number form in a purely spatial task that did not require

    direct processing of the numerical cue. In Experiment 4 we

    tested whether the influence of DGs numerical representa-

    tion on his behavioural performance would extend to

    numerical tasks where neither numerical magnitude nor

    spatial location was explicitly relevant for performing the

    task. We askedDG and the same eight controls to perform two

    parity (odd/even) judgement tasks. The task consisted in

    judging the parity of a number presented at fixation and

    responding with vertically (Experiment 4a) or horizontally

    (Experiment 4b) aligned hands. Based on his phenomenolog-ical reports, we predicted that DG would demonstrate

    a SNARC effect with the vertical alignment, but not with the

    horizontal alignment, extending the results obtained in

    Experiments 3a and 3b. Finally, we predicted a classical

    SNARC effect in the control group for the horizontal align-

    ment, but possibly not for the vertical one, strengthening the

    difference between DG and controls in the underlying spatial

    representation for numbers.

    4.5.1. Experiment 4a: methods and procedure

    Numbers from 1 to 9 except 5 were presented at fixation in

    random order. Participants responded with a given hand

    when the number was odd and with the other when it waseven, counterbalanced across blocks. Each trial began with

    a fixation cross lasting 300 msec, followed by a blank screen

    lasting 300 msec. Target numbers were then presented for

    200 msec and participants had up to one second to respond.

    Each response was followed by a 1500 msec ITI. Stimuli were

    centrally presented Arabic numerals (30 pt Arial) in white on

    a black screen. The response keys were vertically arranged

    and the experiment was conducted in four different sessions,

    in order to counterbalance response hand and hand position

    (i.e., top response-right hand/bottom response-left hand and

    top response-left hand/bottom response-right hand). The task

    was composedof four blocks of 80 trials (10repetitions of each

    stimulus) for a total of 320 trials, and 9 practice trials at the

    Fig. 3 (a) and (b) Mean reaction times as a function of delay for the compatible and incompatible mappings for DG and the

    control participants. Compatible conditions are indicated in light grey and incompatible conditions in dark grey. Error bars

    indicate the SEM. DGs responses were faster for the compatible mapping in the vertical condition (bottom targets precededby small numbers, and top targets preceded by large numbers) but were not affected in the horizontal mapping. Control

    participants showed no congruency effect in the vertical mapping, but showed a non-significant congruency effect in the

    horizontal mapping.

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    beginning of each session (all numbers from 1 to 9 were used

    for the practice trials).

    4.5.2. Experiment 4a: analyses and results

    DG was quite accurate (4% error rate) with slightly more errors

    in the incompatible mapping than in the compatible mapping

    (4%vs3%, 7vs5 errors) while controls made errors on 6.8% of

    trials, with fewer errors in the incompatible than in thecompatible mapping (6.6% vs 7.1%). For each number, we

    calculated the dRT by subtracting the mean RT for bottom-

    sided responses from the mean RT for top-sided responses.

    We then computed the linear regression on the dRTs as

    a function of numerical magnitude, following standard

    methods for analysis of the SNARC effect (Fias et al., 1996;

    Lorch and Myers, 1990). Contrary to the hypothesis that syn-

    aesthetic interference can be elicited in the absence of explicit

    magnitude and spatial information, we did not observe

    a vertical SNARC effect for DG [y.31x .22, R2 .001,

    F(1,6)< 1, p .9]. As predicted, we did not observe a vertical

    SNARC effect for the control group [y 3.96x 26.13, R2 .21,

    F(1,6) 1.63, p .2]. Direct comparison of DGs slope againstthat of control group was not significant [ST: t(7).30,p .7].

    Examination of individual participants data showed that

    three controls had a significant positive slope [C1, C5 and C8,

    allt(6)s> 2.2, p < .05] and one (C6) showed a significant nega-

    tive slope [t(6)2.53, p< .05], while the slopes for the

    remaining four controls did not differ significantly from

    0 (Fig. 4a). Additionally, because the SNARC effect can

    sometimes have a step-like shape (especially in magnitude

    judgements, seeGevers et al., 2006b) we also tested whether

    a step-like SNARC was present by comparing dRTs for small

    numbers with large numbers. We find that DGs mean dRTs do

    not differ [t(6) 1.82, p .12] between small numbers

    (2.2 msec) and large numbers (.5 msec), further confirming

    that he does not show a SNARC effect in this condition.

    4.5.3. Experiment 4b: methods and procedure

    The method and procedure for Experiment 4b were the same

    for Experiment 4a, except that response hands were hori-

    zontally oriented. The response keys were horizontally

    arranged and the experiment was conducted in two different

    sessions, with response hand counterbalanced. The task was

    composed of two blocks of 160 trials (10 repetitions of each

    stimulus) for a total of 320 trials, and 9 practice trials at the

    beginning of each session (all numbers from 1 to 9 were used

    for the practice trials).

    4.5.4. Experiment 4b: analyses and resultsDG made errors on 7% of trials, with slightly more errors in the

    compatible mapping than in the incompatible mapping (8% vs

    6%, 13vs9 errors) while controls made errors on 8.0% of trials,

    with more errors in the incompatible than in the compatible

    mapping (9.3% vs 6.8%). For each number, we calculated the

    mean difference in reaction time (dRT), by subtracting the

    Fig. 4 (a) and (b) Regression slopes for DG and controls as a function of numerical magnitude in the vertical (a) and

    horizontal (b) mappings for the parity judgement task. The left side of the figure shows the mean dRTs for DG in dark

    symbols and for the controls in light symbols, with the corresponding regression lines. The right side of the figure shows

    the regression slope for each of the eight controls, and for DG. Control participants are indicated by different open symbols,

    while DG is indicated by the filled symbols. Neither DG nor the control group shows a significant association between space

    and numerical magnitude in the vertical condition. However, the control participants, but not DG, do show a classic SNARC

    effect, in which small numbers are responded to faster on the left side of space and large on the right side of space, as

    indicated by the negative regression slope for the control participants.

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    mean RT for the left-sided response from the mean RT for

    right-sided responses and then calculated the linear regres-

    sion as inExperiment 4a(Fig. 4b). Although the linear regres-

    sion calculated from DGs performance was not significantly

    different from 0 [y2.13x 19.01, R2 .04, F(1,6) 2.58,

    p .63], DGs behaviour was consistent with a classical SNARC

    effect (i.e., a negative slope, with faster RTs for small numbers

    with left-sided responses and for large numbers with right-sided response). The control group, however, showed a clas-

    sical significant SNARC effect [y9.04x 47.04, R2 .69,

    F(1,6) 13.50, p< .05, 8% overall errors excluded from anal-

    yses].Directcomparisons of DGs slope with that of the control

    group using the ST described in the general methods demon-

    strated that this difference was not significant [ST: t(7) 1.03,

    p .3, seeFig. 4b]. Although the slopes for all eight controls

    were negative in this experiment (Fig. 4b), only two partici-

    pants individual slopes differed significantly from 0 [C3

    t(6)3.94,p< .01 and C8,t(6) 2.32,p< .05]. However, two of

    the controls whose slopes failed to reach significance were

    marginally significant [C1 t(6)1.91, p .0525 and C4

    t(6) 1.90, p .053]. Even if we include these marginallysignificant slopes as significant, this implies that four of the

    controls had slopes that were non-significant [max t(6) 1.32,

    p> .05]. As inExperiment 4a, DGs mean dRTs did not differ

    between small (20.1 msec) and large numbers [39.3 msec;

    t(6) .20,p .42] although the difference was in the predicted

    direction, with large numbers yielding a more negative dRT

    than small numbers for him.

    4.5.5. Discussion of experiments 4a and 4b

    Because of the vertical orientation of DGs mental number

    line, we predicted a significant SNARC effect in the vertical

    parity judgement task, but not in the horizontal task. This

    would have extended findings fromExperiments 2a and 2btoa purely numerical task with implicit access to numerical

    magnitude information. Contrary to our hypotheses, DG did

    not show a SNARC effect in either the horizontal or vertical

    alignment. DGs SNARC slope in the horizontal layout,

    although not significant, was in line with controls slopes

    (Fig. 4a, right panel) and consistent with a classical SNARC

    effect. For the vertical alignment, the variability among

    controls placed DGs slopes in the middle of the controls

    (Fig. 4b, on the right). There are three possible explanations for

    these findings: First, it is possible that DGs number form was

    not elicited because the task required only implicit access to

    numerical information, in line with the suggestion that

    explicit access to magnitude information plays a key role inmodulating the presence of numericalspatial interactions

    (Priftis et al., 2006). Second, it is possible that the presence of

    only one number on the screen elicited a spatial reference

    more weakly than did either the presence of two numbers

    (Experiment 2) or a central cue with spatially separated target

    stimuli (Experiment 3). Third, it is possible that our instruc-

    tions, which focused more on the hands than on response

    buttons, minimized the use of a spatial reference frame, as

    this has also been shown to affect the magnitude of the

    SNARC effect (Muller and Schwarz, 2007; Viarouge et al., in

    preparation). In order to more fully explore the importance of

    explicit magnitude information in eliciting synaesthetic

    number forms, we conducted a final experiment, which was

    identical to Experiments 4a and 4b, except that we asked

    participants to compare centrally presented numbers against

    an internal reference, a task which is classically thought to

    require explicit access to numerical magnitude (Dehaene

    et al., 1993; Gevers et al., 2006b).

    4.6. Experiment 5: comparison with an internal


    It is possible that a single stimulus presented at fixation is

    insufficient to elicit a representation of a line (which requires

    two points) and therefore was not sufficient to demonstrate

    congruity effects. Alternatively, it could be that the parity task

    does not require deep enough processing of numerical quan-

    tity, and therefore failed to lead to activation of the mental

    number line. In order to test whether a deeper level of

    numerical processing could more strongly reveal the rela-

    tionship between the numerical and the spatial representa-

    tions, we asked DG and controls to perform a number

    comparison task against an internal reference. The experi-

    ment was composed of two parts, differing only in the align-ment of the response keys. In Experiment 5athe keys were

    aligned vertically and in Experiment 5b they were aligned

    horizontally. This experiment is identical to Experiment 4,

    except for the explicit access to numerical magnitude required

    by this task.

    4.6.1. Experiment 5a: methods and procedure

    The task consisted in judging whether a number was larger or

    smaller than 5. Stimuli were numbers from 1 to 9 except 5. The

    method and procedure was the same as Experiment 4a.

    Participants responded with left and right hands vertically

    aligned. The experiment was conducted in four sessions, in

    order to counterbalance response hand and hand position. Foreach number, we calculated the dRT by subtracting the mean

    RT for bottom-sided responses from the mean RT for top-

    sided responses. We then calculated the linear regression on

    these differences.

    4.6.2. Experiment 5a: analyses and results

    DG made errors on 4% of trials, with slightly more errors in the

    incompatible mapping than in the compatible mapping (5% vs

    3%, 8vs 5 errors) while controls made errors on 3.0% of trials,

    with more errors in the incompatible than in the compatible

    mapping (3.6%vs 2.9%). Although the regression slope for DG

    was in the predicted direction (i.e., faster reaction times for

    smaller numbers with bottom-sided responses and for largernumbers with top-sided responses), it did not reach signifi-

    cance [y7.26x 22.59, R2 .28, F(1,6) 2.41, p .17]. No

    significant vertical SNARC effect was observed for the control

    group [y1.88x 18.27, R2 .08, F(1,6) .58, p .40, 3%

    overall errors excluded from analyses, participant C6 who

    misunderstood the instructions and made errors on 63% of

    trialswas excluded]. A direct comparison of DGs slope against

    that of control group was not significant [ST: t(6).62,

    p .50], consistent with the high variability in control partic-

    ipants slopes (seeFig. 5a, right panel). Examination of indi-

    vidual participants slopes indicated that three controls (C2,

    C3, C7) exhibited significant differences from 0 (see Fig. 5a).

    However, this difference was in the predicted direction for

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    only two of the three participants [C3 and C7, t(6)3.71 and

    2.39,p< .05, respectively], and was in the opposite direction

    for theother [C2, t(6) 3.05,p< .05]. Contrary to our findingsin

    Experiments 4a and 4b, direct comparison of DGs mean dRTs

    for small (15.6 msec) and large (43.0 msec) numbers was

    significant [t(6) 2.61, p < .05] and in the predicted direction,

    consistent with a step-like SNARC effect in this task. These

    findings are consistent with previous studies that have sug-gested that the SNARC effect may be stronger and more step-

    like in conditions where access to numerical magnitude is

    explicitly required to perform the task (Gevers et al., 2006b),

    and provides further evidence for the reality of DGs vertical

    association between numbers and space.

    4.6.3. Experiment 5b: methods and procedure

    Experiment 5b was identical to Experiment 5a, except for

    the horizontal orientation of the response hands. The task

    was composed of two different blocks in order to counter-

    balance response side. Each block contained 8 practice trials

    and 160 experimental trials (10 for each number and each

    response mapping), for a total of 320 experimental trials.Participants executed 8 practice trials at the beginning of

    each block.

    4.6.4. Experiment 5b: analyses and results

    DG made errors on 3% of trials, with slightly more errors in the

    incompatible mapping than in the compatible mapping (4% vs

    3%, 6vs 4 errors) while controls made errors on 5.9% of trials,

    with more errors in the incompatible than in the compatible

    mapping (7.3% vs 4.5%). The difference between the right

    minus left condition was analyzed, and the linear regression

    computed as for the parity judgement task (Fig. 5b). Thetypical SNARC effect was not observed for DG when the

    response keys were aligned horizontally, in that the magni-

    tude of the numerical stimulus did not significantly affect RTs

    as a function of response side [y 2.56x 21.85, R2 .3,

    F(1,6) 3.46,p .10]. On the contrary, the classic SNARC effect

    was significant for the control group [y8.56x 44.65,

    R2 .77, F(1,6) 19.97, p< .005, 6% overall errors excluded

    from analyses]. Despite the difference between the direction

    of DGs and control groups slopes, the comparison was not

    significant [ST: t(7) .89, p .40], likely driven by the high

    variability observed in controls slopes (see Fig. 5b on theright).

    Fig. 5b shows that seven of eight controls slopes were nega-

    tive, and examination of individual participants slopesrevealed that four of the eight controls [C3, C4, C6 and C8, all

    t(6)s> 2.03, p< .05] showed a typical SNARC effect in this

    Fig. 5 (a) and (b) Regression slopes for DG and controls as a function of numerical magnitude in the vertical (a) and

    horizontal (b) mappings for the magnitude task. The left side of the figure shows the mean dRTs for DG in dark symbols and

    for the controls in light symbols, with the corresponding regression lines. The right side of the figure shows the regression

    slope for each of the eight controls, and for DG. Control participants are indicated by different open symbols, while DG is

    indicated by the filled symbols. Although DGs slope was in the predicted direction in the vertical condition (slope [L7.26),

    this was not significantly different from 0. The control group shows no such association between numbers and space.

    However, the control participants, but not DG, do show a classic SNARC effect, in which small numbers are responded to

    faster on the left side of space and large on the right side of space, as indicated by the negative regression slope for the

    control participants.

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    magnitude task. The slope for the one control who showed

    a reversed SNARC effect was also significant [C5 t(6) 2.54,

    p< .05]. For DG, the mean dRTs for small (15.4 msec) and

    large (2.7 msec) were not significantly different [t(6) 1.08,

    p .16], further confirming the absence of a SNARC effect for

    him in the horizontal condition.

    4.6.5. Discussion for Experiments 5a and 5bIn Experiment 5, as in Experiment 4, we did not find any

    significant effects of DGs synaesthetic number line on his

    behavioural performance, nor significant differences between

    DG and controls. However, DGs slope in the vertical task was

    in line with our hypotheses of an effect of DGs number form

    on his performance. On the other hand, the high variability

    observed in the control group placed DG within the range

    observed for control participants. Given that the experimental

    paradigm in Experiments 4 and 5 was identical, with the

    exception of the numerical task (parity vs comparison), the

    absence of an effect inExperiment 4cannot be due to the use

    of a task which only implicitly taps numerical information.

    Rather, combined with the results ofExperiment 5, we suggestthat the fact that spatial information is only implicitly coded

    in these tasks is critical to eliciting synaesthetic interference.

    5. General discussion and conclusions

    In the current study, we report on a unique synaesthetic

    participant, DG, who reports spatial forms for 58 different

    sequences. Although the sheer number of spatial forms

    reported by DG is unique in the literature, we have here

    focused on an in-depth exploration of his spatial forms for

    numbers. Experiment 1 used the current gold-standard

    (Ward and Mattingley, 2006) method for demonstrating thereality of synaesthetic experiences, test-retest reliability, and

    as in previous studies, we stacked the deck against

    ourselves, by using a test-retest interval of 14 months for DG,

    compared against control participants who were tested over

    an interval of 14 days. Despite this substantial difference in

    the test-retest intervals, we found that DG was more consis-

    tent than control participants on several measures of


    Having established DGs consistency, and by inference, the

    reality of his synaesthetic reports for numerical sequences,

    we then turned our attention to the main topic of this inves-

    tigation, establishing what sources of numerical and spatial

    information are critical for eliciting synaesthetic interference.In Experiments 2 and 3, we found that DGs number-form

    elicited interference when the stimuli were vertically

    arranged, but not when they were arranged horizontally,

    consistent with the reported orientation of his spatial form,

    and contrary to effects obtained with non-synaesthetic

    participants. However, inExperiment 4, we failed to find any

    effects of his spatial form on DGs behavioural performance,

    although we did find significant numericalspatial interac-

    tions in the horizontal orientation for controls, consistent

    with previous literature. InExperiment 5, although the tradi-

    tional regression analysis was not significant, we did observe

    a significant step-like SNARC effect when we compare dRTs

    forsmall and large numbers, consistent with prior reports that

    magnitude judgements elicit a more step-like SNARC effect

    (Gevers et al., 2006b).

    Taking all the experiments presented here into consider-

    ation, we can conclude that interference elicited by synaes-

    thetic number forms at least in DGs case requires explicit

    representation of spatial information, and may require

    explicit access to numerical magnitude information in order

    to clearly emerge. As observed in previous experiments, whentwo numbers are presented on the screen (Experiment 2) or

    when two spatial locations are relevant for the task (Experi-

    ment 3) we observed that DGs performance was affected by

    the vertical nature of his representation for numbers from 1 to

    9. On the other hand, a single centrally presented number

    seems to be insufficient to elicit DGs representation of his

    number line (Experiment 4), unless numerical magnitude was

    explicitly relevant to the task (Experiment 5). Contrary to the

    hypothesis that explicit access to numerical magnitude

    information is required to elicit synaesthetic number forms,

    we observed synaesthetic interference in a task that required

    only implicit processing of numerical magnitude information

    (Experiment 3), which is in conflict with previous findings(Piazza et al., 2006). While it is possible that both the idio-

    syncratic synaesthetic representation and the classical left-

    to-right representation co-exist in synaesthetes (Piazza et al.,

    2006), we did not find clear confirmation of this hypothesis, as

    we did not observe any significant effects in any of the hori-

    zontal tasks for DG, although he often fell within the range of

    variability observed for non-synaesthetic participants.

    A secondary aim of this study was to test whether syn-

    aesthetic interference is specific to the orientation of the

    reported spatial form, or whether it also generalizes to the

    orthogonal orientation. While previous studies have demon-

    strated the reality of synaesthetic number forms by exploring

    the effect of presenting numbers either compatibly orincompatibly with the orientation of the reported number-

    form (Piazza et al., 2006; Sagiv et al., 2006), the current

    experiments tested whether presentation of stimuli or align-

    ment of response hands orthogonal to the orientation of DGs

    spatial form would also activate DGs number-form and

    consequently affect his performance (see also Jarick et al.,

    2009a, this issue, 2009b, this issue). InExperiments 2, 3 and 5

    we found interference when the stimuli and/or responses

    were vertically oriented, compatible with the orientation of

    DGs reported spatial forms, while we did not find any

    compatibility effects when the stimuli/responses were hori-

    zontally oriented, orthogonal to the orientation of DGs

    number-form. This is especially striking given that non-syn-aesthetic participants have previously demonstrated inter-

    ference effects in these paradigms in a horizontal orientation

    (e.g.,Fischer et al., 2003) and given that we find interference in

    the horizontal arrangement inExperiments 4 and 5for non-

    synaesthetic participants, replicating previous research

    (Dehaene et al., 1993). By demonstrating that synaesthetic

    interference, like the SNARC effect, is modulated by whether

    the responses are oriented in line with or orthogonally to the

    elicited spatial representations, these studies help to establish

    further links between the study of sequence-form synaes-

    thesia and other topics within numerical cognition.

    Given the individual variability among synaesthetes

    (Hubbard et al., 2005a; Rouw and Scholte, 2007; Sagiv et al.,

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    2006), it would be useful to extend these results to other

    synaesthetes, and to test how general our conclusions here

    are. In addition, running larger samples of synaesthetes would

    better permit us to establish which effects here might be

    unique to DG and which might be true of synaesthetes more

    generally (Hubbard and Ramachandran, 2005). To date, there

    has been only one similarly detailed, systematic study of

    a number of paradigms in number-form synaesthesia (Piazzaet al., 2006) and this study also demonstrated that synaes-

    thetic interference may appear with some behavioural para-

    digms, but not with all paradigms. Similarly, in a series of

    experiments analogous to our studies here, (Jarick et al.,

    2009a, this issue) tested two synaesthetes, L and B, both of

    whom had vertical number forms for the digits 19. They

    tested L on a SNARC paradigm and L and B using a cued-

    detection paradigm similar to the one employed in the current

    study. Contrary to our results with DG, Jarick et al. find syn-

    aesthetic interference in the SNARC experiment for their

    subject L. Similar to the current study they also find synaes-

    thetic interference for both L and B in the vertical orientation,

    but not the horizontal orientation.Recentstudies(Smileketal.,2007;PriceandMentzoni,2008)

    have demonstrated similar patterns of interference in calen-

    darform synaesthesia. The fact that calendars, which are

    purely ordinal and do not contain any cardinal information,

    also elicit spatial interference is further evidence that ordinal

    information, rather than cardinal information, is critical for

    eliciting synaesthetic spatial forms. While the Smilek et al.

    (2007) study useda paradigm very similar to our Experiment 3,

    in which a centrally presentedmonth cuedeitherleft- or right-

    sided targets, thePrice and Mentzoni (2008)study conducted

    twoexperiments analogousto our Experiments 4 and 5. Unlike

    in our case, Price andMentzoni found month-SNARC effectsin

    their group of four synaesthetes, both in a task where orderinformation was explicitly relevant (first half/second half of

    the year) and in a month analogue of the st