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A bǎi to put (on); arrange; to sway; pendul A 摆摆 bǎobèi treasure; precious things; darling; b A 摆摆 bǎochí to keep; maintain; to hold A 摆摆 bàodào to report; news report A 摆摆 bàogào to report; make known; inform; speech A 摆摆 bāokuò comprise; include; consist of A 摆摆 bǎoxiǎn insurance; insure; safe A bēi, bèi carry on one's back; to bear | back; recite A biàn, pián plain; convenient; excretion; formal A 摆摆 biǎodá to express; to voice; convey A 摆摆 biǎoqíng (facial) expression; express one's fe A 摆摆 biǎoxiàn to show; to show off; display; perfor A 摆摆 bǐcǐ each other; one another A 摆摆 bìyào necessary; essential; indispensable A 摆摆 bózi neck A cloth; announce; to spread A 摆摆 bùmén department; branch; section A 摆摆 bùrán otherwise; not so A 摆摆 cānyù participate (in sth.); attach oneself A 摆摆 céngjīng once; (refers to something that happe A 摆摆 chǎnshēng to produce; emerge; to cause A chǎo to quarrel; make noise A chǎo to stir-fry; saute A cháo, zhāo to face; towards; dynasty | morning; A 摆摆 chāojí super; transcending; high grade A 摆摆 chèdǐ thorough; complete; completely A chēng, chèn weigh; to call; be called | appropria A 摆摆 chéngrèn to admit; concede; acknowledge A 摆摆 chéngxù procedure; sequence; program A chōng, chòng to rush; to clash; to rinse; thorough pungent; toward A 摆摆 chōngmǎn brimming with; very full A chòu, xiù stench; stink | scent; odor A 摆摆 chuàngzào create; bring about; creativity A 传统 chuántǒng tradition; traditional

Hsk5 Group A words

Jan 30, 2016




HSK list of words
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Page 1: Hsk5 Group A words

A 摆 bǎi to put (on); arrange; to sway; pendulumA 宝贝 bǎobèi treasure; precious things; darling; babyA 保持 bǎochí to keep; maintain; to holdA 报道 bàodào to report; news reportA 报告 bàogào to report; make known; inform; speech; lectureA 包括 bāokuò comprise; include; consist ofA 保险 bǎoxiǎn insurance; insure; safeA 背 bēi, bèi carry on one's back; to bear | back; have one's back to; leave; reciteA 便 biàn, pián plain; convenient; excretion; formal equivalent to A 表达 biǎodá to express; to voice; conveyA 表情 biǎoqíng (facial) expression; express one's feelingsA 表现 biǎoxiàn to show; to show off; display; performanceA 彼此 bǐcǐ each other; one anotherA 必要 bìyào necessary; essential; indispensableA 脖子 bózi neckA 布 bù cloth; announce; to spreadA 部门 bùmén department; branch; sectionA 不然 bùrán otherwise; not soA 参与 cānyù participate (in sth.); attach oneself toA 曾经 céngjīng once; (refers to something that happened previously)A 产生 chǎnshēng to produce; emerge; to causeA 吵 chǎo to quarrel; make noiseA 炒 chǎo to stir-fry; sauteA 朝 cháo, zhāo to face; towards; dynasty | morning; dayA 超级 chāojí super; transcending; high gradeA 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; complete; completelyA 称 chēng, chèn weigh; to call; be called | appropriateA 承认 chéngrèn to admit; concede; acknowledgeA 程序 chéngxù procedure; sequence; programA 冲 chōng, chòng to rush; to clash; to rinse; thoroughfare | vigorously; bluntly; pungent; towardA 充满 chōngmǎn brimming with; very fullA 臭 chòu, xiù stench; stink | scent; odorA 创造 chuàngzào create; bring about; creativityA 传统 chuántǒng tradition; traditionalA 除非 chúfēi only if; unlessA 吹 chuī to blow; to blast; to puffA 处理 chǔlǐ deal with; to process; sell at a discount; to treat (by a special process)A 出色 chūsè remarkable; outstanding; excellentA 刺激 cìjī exciting; provoke; irritateA 存在 cúnzài to exist; to beA 呆 dāi stupid; foolish; blank; dumbstruck; to stayA 代表 dàibiǎo represent; to delegate

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A 单独 dāndú aloneA 到达 dàodá to reach; arriveA 道理 dàolǐ reason; sense; argumentA 导致 dǎozhì lead to; bring about; to causeA 答应 dāying to respond; to promise; to answer; agreeA 等待 děngdài to wait (for); expectA 顶 dǐng top; roof; carry on one's head; prop up; to butt; (mw for headwear, i.e. hats)A 地区 dìqū an area; a region; a districtA 的确 díquè really; indeedA 敌人 dírén enemyA 洞 dòng cave; holeA 断 duàn to break; decide; absolutely (usually negative)A 度过 dùguò spend; to passA 堆 duī pile; heap; stack; crowdA 对待 duìdài to treatA 对方 duìfāng counterpart; the other party involvedA 对手 duìshǒu opponent; adversary; matchA 顿 dùn pause; arrange; stamp feet; suddenly; (mw for meals)

A 嗯ēn, én, ěn, èn, en groaning sound | (interjection expressing what?, huh? hmm? why? ok, etc.)

A 翻 fān to turn over; capsize; translateA 方 fāng square; direction; side (Kangxi radical 70)A 方式 fāngshì way; style; fashion; mannerA 范围 fànwéi scope; range; limits; extentA 反应 fǎnyìng react; respond; replyA 反正 fǎnzhèng anywayA 非 fēi non-; un-; not be; wrongdoing; simply must (Kangxi radical 175)A 废话 fèihuà nonsense; rubbishA 风格 fēnggé styleA 疯狂 fēngkuáng crazy; madness; wild; extreme popularity; insane; frenzied; unbridledA 分手 fēnshǒu part company; break upA 分析 fēnxī analyze; analysisA 感激 gǎnjī appreciate; feel gratefulA 赶紧 gǎnjǐn at once; hurriedly; lose no timeA 赶快 gǎnkuài at once; immediatelyA 感受 gǎnshòu feel; experience; emotion; impressionA 搞 gǎo do; make; be engaged inA 根 gēn root; base; (mw for long, slender objects)A 根本 gēnběn root; essence; fundamental; basic; (not) at all; simplyA 个人 gèrén individual; personal; oneselfA 公平 gōngpíng fair; impartial; justA 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulate

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A 公寓 gōngyù apartment buildingA 官 guān an official; organ; governmentalA 冠军 guànjūn championA 规矩 guīju rule; customA 规则 guīzé rule; law; regulationA 滚 gǔn to roll; get lost; to boilA 姑娘 gūniang young woman; girlA 国王 guówáng kingA 哈 hā exhale; sip; (sound of laughter)A 喊 hǎn call; cry; shoutA 恨 hèn to hateA 合作 hézuò cooperate; collaborate; work togetherA 怀孕 huáiyùn become pregnant; have conceivedA 恢复 huīfù reinstate; resume; recoverA 婚礼 hūnlǐ wedding ceremonyA 婚姻 hūnyīn marriage; matrimony; weddingA 或许 huòxǔ perhaps; maybeA 呼吸 hūxī breatheA 嫁 jià marry (a husband); take a husbandA 建立 jiànlì establish; to construct; to set upA 简直 jiǎnzhí simply; at allA 教练 jiàoliàn (athlete's) coach; sports coach; instructorA 家庭 jiātíng family; householdA 价值 jiàzhí value; worthA 假装 jiǎzhuāng pretend to be; feign; make believeA 基本 jīběn basic; fundamentalA 戒 jiè warn against; swear offA 接触 jiēchù come into contact withA 接近 jiējìn near; be close toA 戒指 jièzhi (finger) ringA 记录 jìlù to record; take notesA 尽力 jìn lì do one's best; to strive as much as possibleA 精神 jīngshen vigor; spirit; mindA 紧急 jǐnjí urgent; pressingA 尽快 jǐnkuài as quickly as possibleA 尽量 jǐnliàng as much as possible; to the best of one's ability (jìn-: eat or drink to one's fill)A 机器 jīqì machineA 救 jiù to save (life); to assist; to rescueA 酒吧 jiǔbā barA 记忆 jìyì memory; to rememberA 集中 jízhōng concentrate; to focus; amassA 巨大 jùdà immense; enormous; very large

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A 绝对 juéduì absolute; definiteA 角色 juésè role; part

A俱乐部 jùlèbù club (group or organization)

A 居然 jūrán unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as toA 卡车 kǎchē truckA 靠 kào depend on; lean on; near; to trustA 克 kè gram; overcome; restrainA 颗 kē (mw for hearts and small, round things like seeds, grains, beans, etc.)A 可怕 kěpà terrible; awful; frightful; scaryA 空间 kōngjiān spaceA 控制 kòngzhì to controlA 烂 làn overcooked; rotten; soft; mushyA 老板 lǎobǎn boss; proprietor; shopkeeperA 老婆 lǎopó (informal) wifeA 老实 lǎoshi honest; sincere; naive; simplemindedA 雷 léi thunderA 离婚 lí hūn to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse)A 立刻 lìkè immediately; at once; right awayA 力量 lìliang power; force; strengthA 利用 lìyòng to use; to make use of; to exploitA 理由 lǐyóu a reason; grounds; argumentA 满足 mǎnzú satisfy; meet (the needs of)A 冒险 màoxiǎn take a risk; take chancesA 媒体 méitǐ (news) media; mediumA 梦想 mèngxiǎng dream of; wishful thinkingA 面对 miànduì to face; confrontA 秘密 mìmì a secret; confidentialA 命令 mìnglìng an order; a commandA 明显 míngxiǎn clear; obviousA 明星 míngxīng (movie, etc.) star; celebrityA 命运 mìngyùn fate; destinyA 模特 mótè (fashion) modelA 某 mǒu a certain; someA 目标 mùbiāo target; goal; objectiveA 目前 mùqián at present; now; for the momentA 脑袋 nǎodai head; mental capability; brainsA 念 niàn read aloud; to study; to miss or think of somebodyA 年代 niándài decade; eraA 女士 nǚshì lady; madamA 派 pài dispatch; (mw for political groups; schools of thought; etc.)A 拍 pāi to clap; to pat; to shoot (pictures, a film); send (a telegram)

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A 碰 pèng to touch; to bump; to encounterA 匹 pǐ ordinary person; (mw for horses, bolt of cloth)A 片 piàn, piān (mw for pieces of things); a slice; a flake (Kangxi radical 91) | film; photoA 平 píng flat; level; equal; ordinaryA 凭 píng lean against; evidence; proof; no matter (what/how/etc.)A 破坏 pòhuài destroy; destruction; to wreck; to breakA 欠 qiàn yawn; to lack; owe (Kangxi radical 76)A 签 qiān bamboo used for drawing lots; toothpick; to sign (one's name)A 墙 qiáng wallA 枪 qiāng gun; spearA 抢 qiǎng, qiāng fight over; vie for; grab; rush | bump againstA 瞧 qiáo look at; see (colloquial)A 期待 qīdài look forward to; await; expectationA 切 qiē, qiè to cut; to chop | correspond to; absolutely; ardentlyA 奇迹 qíjì miracle; miraculous; marvel

A 亲爱 qīn'àibeloved; Dear ... (a way of starting a letter lovers, intimate friends or close relatives)

A 请求 qǐngqiú to request; askA 情绪 qíngxù emotion; sentiment; mood; moraleA 庆祝 qìngzhù celebrateA 亲自 qīnzì personally

A 圈quān, juàn, juān circle; ring; (mw for loops, orbits, etc.) | pen; sty | continue; to lock up

A 权利 quánlì right; privilegeA 确定 quèdìng definite; certain; fixed; determineA 确认 quèrèn confirm; confirmation; verifyA 群 qún crowd; group; (mw for groups, flocks, or swarms)A 去世 qùshì pass away; dieA 取消 qǔxiāo cancel; cancellation; abolishA 人类 rénlèi humanity; human race; mankindA 人生 rénshēng human lifeA 人物 rénwù figure; personage; character (in a play, story, etc.)A 人员 rényuán staff; crew; personnelA 日子 rìzi days; date; time; lifeA 如何 rúhé how; what; what wayA 傻 shǎ foolish; foolA 杀 shā to kill; to murderA 伤害 shānghài injure; to harm; woundA 设计 shèjì plan; designA 身份 shēnfèn identity; status; dignityA 胜利 shènglì victory; triumphA 神秘 shénmì mysterious; mystical

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A 士兵 shìbīng soldierA 时代 shídài age; era; periodA 似的 shìde seems as if; rather likeA 实话 shíhuà truthA 时刻 shíkè moment; constantlyA 失去 shīqù to lose (time, an opportunity, work, etc.)A 事实 shìshí fact; in factA 石头 shítou stone; rockA 食物 shíwù foodA 实现 shíxiàn achieve; to implementA 首 shǒu head; chief; first; (mw for poems and songs) (Kangxi radical 185)A 受伤 shòu shāng sustain injuries (in an accident, etc.); be injuredA 手术 shǒushù surgery; operationA 数 shù, shǔ, shuò number | to count; to rank | frequently; repeatedlyA 说服 shuō fú persuade; convinceA 属于 shǔyú belong to; be part ofA 似乎 sìhū it seems; as if; seeminglyA 私人 sīrén private (citizen); personal; individualA 随时 suíshí at any time; whenever necessaryA 所 suǒ place; that which; (mw for houses, buildings)A 锁 suǒ lockA 太太 tàitai wife; married woman; Madame; Mrs.A 逃 táo to escape; run away; fleeA 套 tào cover; (mw for sets of things); tie togetherA 特殊 tèshū special; particular; extraordinary; unusualA 挑战 tiǎozhàn challengeA 通常 tōngcháng regular; usual; normal; ordinaryA 痛苦 tòngkǔ pain; suffering; agonyA 偷 tōu steal; pilferA 吐 tǔ, tù to spit | to vomit; throw upA 退 tuì to retreat; decline; withdrawA 玩具 wánjù plaything; toyA 完美 wánměi perfectA 伟大 wěidà great; mighty; largeA 未来 wèilái futureA 威胁 wēixié threaten; to menaceA 唯一 wéiyī only; soleA 位置 wèizhi position; place; seatA 闻 wén hear; to smell; news; reputationA 吻 wěn kiss; lipsA 文件 wénjiàn document; fileA 无所 wúsuǒwèi doesn't matter; be indifferent

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谓A 屋子 wūzi room; houseA 系 xì, jì be; relate to; system; fasten; department; faculty; connect | to tieA 吓 xià, hè frighten; to scare; intimidateA 项 xiàng nape (of the neck); sum (of money); mw itemA 相处 xiāngchǔ get along; interactA 相当 xiāngdāng equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; quiteA 项目 xiàngmù program; item; projectA 想念 xiǎngniàn to miss; remember with longing; long to see againA 享受 xiǎngshòu enjoyA 想象 xiǎngxiàng imagine; visualizeA 显然 xiǎnrán clear; evidently; obviouslyA 现实 xiànshí reality; actuality; practicalA 显示 xiǎnshì display, illustrate, to showA 消失 xiāoshī disappear; fade away; dissolveA 细节 xìjié details; particularsA 行动 xíngdòng to move; get around; actionA 行为 xíngwéi action; behavior; conductA 幸运 xìngyùn luck; fortuneA 信号 xìnhào signalA 心理 xīnlǐ psychology; psychological; mentalA 信任 xìnrèn to trust; have confidence inA 心脏 xīnzàng heartA 兄弟 xiōngdì brothers; younger brother; brethrenA 系统 xìtǒng systemA 宣布 xuānbù announce; declare; proclaimA 血 xuè, xiě blood (Kangxi radical 143)A 训练 xùnliàn to train; to drill; to exercise; trainingA 寻找 xúnzhǎo seek; look for; questA 咬 yǎo to bite; to nipA 夜 yè night; darkness

A一辈子 yíbèizi (for) a lifetime; all one's life

A 一旦 yídàn in case (something happens); once (sth. has happened ... then); in one dayA 遗憾 yíhàn regret; pity; sorryA 以及 yǐjí as well as; too; (formal) andA 以来 yǐlái since (a previous event)A 英雄 yīngxióng heroA 意外 yìwài unexpected; accident; mishapA 意义 yìyì meaning; significanceA 油炸 yóuzhá deep fryA 运气 yùnqi luck

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A 在乎 zàihu care about; be determined by; to mindA 造成 zàochéng to cause; make; bring outA 糟糕 zāogāo terrible; too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; what a messA 则 zé standard; regulation; however; in that caseA 掌握 zhǎngwò to grasp; to master; to controlA 战争 zhànzhēng war; conflictA 正 zhèng, zhēng straight; currently; correct; just (right); pure; precisely | first lunar monthA 政府 zhèngfǔ governmentA 整个 zhěnggè whole; entire; totalA 证据 zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimonyA 政治 zhèngzhì politicsA 真实 zhēnshí true; real; authenticA 直 zhí straight; vertical; frank; directly; continuouslyA 支 zhī branch; support; put up; (mw for long; narrow objects) (Kangxi radical 65)A 治疗 zhìliáo to treat; to cure; medical treatmentA 制造 zhìzào manufacture; makeA 制作 zhìzuò make; manufactureA 中心 zhōngxīn center; heart; coreA 猪 zhū pigA 抓 zhuā to carry in your hand holding strongly; catch; arrestA 撞 zhuàng to hit; collide; run intoA 装 zhuāng to load; dress up; pretend; clothing; to installA 状况 zhuàngkuàng condition; state; situationA 状态 zhuàngtài state of affairs; condition; stateA 专家 zhuānjiā expert; specialistA 追 zhuī pursue; chaseA 主人 zhǔrén master; host; ownerA 自从 zìcóng since; ever sinceA 资料 zīliào data; material; resources; informationA 自由 zìyóu freedom; free; libertyA 总统 zǒngtǒng president (of a country)A 组 zǔ compose; team up; groupA 醉 zuì intoxicated; become drunkA 作品 zuòpǐn works (of literature and art)A 作为 zuòwéi regard as; act as; action; deedA 阻止 zǔzhǐ prevent; to blockA 组织 zǔzhī organize; organization