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HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 1-16-2016

Feb 26, 2018



Ken Storey
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  • 7/25/2019 HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 1-16-2016



    HSIC January 16, 2016:

    Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes:

    MARKET WRAP (6:15)

    CNBC Headlines

    The Dow is now down 8-10% for the year. This the worst start to any year in the history of the stock market! For a while now, America has been considered the safest place as the rest of the world

    has been struggling and in crisis. This has kept America up longer than the rest of the world, but our markets are rolling

    over now as well. We are forecasting a major downturn later in the year.
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    Last August, the Dow fell to 15,500. Now were down to 15,900. This recent drop was on high volume. There is a real collapse in the market place at the moment. The chart below shows the Dow over 10 years:

    In 2008/2009, there was about a 50% collapse in the market down to 6,600. Then we had a threefold climb. Now it is turning over.

    Now every time it tries to run up, there isn't much momentum behind it. The State of the Union address didn't give much hopethe President just gave a

    generic message - so the market continued down. The chart below shows that the 50 day moving average has crossed below the 200 day

    moving average. This is known as the Death Cross, a technical signal that the markets are in trouble.

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    We could see reversals in the market because the government and money mastersmanipulate the market.

    We expect them to talk the market up without actually doing anything. For instance, someone at the Fed might say they think they Fed raised rates too soon.

    Then the media stooges would pick this up and spread rumors that the Fed won't raiserates, and the market would rally on the rumors.

    They may also resort to helicopter money. This is a term that started when BenBernanke said the way to create inflation was to push money out of helicopters out topeople so they spend it into the market.

    The modern version of helicopter money is government spending, for instance onhighway projects, etc.

    Right now, the data is negativesales are falling, tax income is falling. We could havemajor things happening as soon as this weekend.

    America's markets are closed monday for Martin Luther King Jr. day, but the rest of theworld will stay open.

    Before the market falls too far, expect to hear a lot of talkperhaps of more EuropeanQE, Chinese intervention, etc.

    However, America is trying to go back to "normal economic policy." Ken thinks there's no we can right now. They would need to go back to a 4 or 5% federal

    funds rate, and the Fed would have to sell off their US Treasurys and mortgage-backedsecurities. But it looks like they won't be able to ever sell any of them.

    The Fed is waiting for maturity to finish off these bonds. We expect a major collapse in the second half of the year. These are the warning

    signs. Ken has made a good return on VIXY and FAZ. FAZ is a fund that shorts the banks. The banks have loaned lots of money to oil

    companies, many of which are failing because of low oil prices. While some banks fold, the Big 5 banksjust get bigger as they buy out failing banks.

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    Walmart Take Over? (20:00)

    FoxNews: Walmart to Close 154 Stores in the US; 10,000 Workers Affected

    Walmart is closing 269 stores, more than half of them in the U.S. and another

    big chunk in its challenging Brazilian market.The stores being shuttered account for a fraction of the company's 11,000 storesworldwide and less than 1 percent of its global revenue.

    More than 95 percent of the stores set to be closed in the U.S. are within 10miles of another Walmart. The Bentonville, Arkansas, company said it is workingto ensure that workers are placed in nearby locations.

    The store closures will start at the end of the month.

    Some of these closing stores are the smaller Neighborhood Markets that were notsuccessful.

    About a year ago, Walmart announced they were closing 5 stores across the southernUS, saying they all had plumbing problems.

    However, after the were closed, no plumbing permits were applied for, and no plumbingwork done that anyone could tell.

    Then someone sneaked their phone into one of these closed Walmarts:

    Watch the video here:

    This looks like the security processing area of an airport. Some construction workers reported that they entered one of these Walmarts through an

    underground tunnel. Some claim there are 18 more stores that are being converted, some say as many as

    100 more Walmarts. The government loves Walmarts because they can easily receive big trucks and are

    often near railroads.
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    Fox Quote ContinuedWalmart said that it's still sticking to its plan announced last year to open50 to 60 supercenters, 85 to 95 Neighborhood Markets and 7 to 10 Sam'sClubs in the U.S. during the fiscal year that begins Feb. 1. Outside the U.S.,Walmart plans to open 200 to 240 stores.

    The financial impact of the closures is expected to be 20 cents to 22 cents perdiluted earnings per share from continuing operations with about 19 cents to 20cents expected to affect the current fourth quarter. The company is expected torelease fourth quarter and full year results on Feb. 18.

    They're shutting down 154 stores, and building many other supercenters,neighborhood markets and Sam's Club.

    It appears the government is taking over these Walmarts. Why would the government need all these processing centers? It appears they expect a major disruption in American society. We want to keep our eyes on this situation and what the disruption could be that theyre

    preparing for.

    The Deep State Information System (30:00)

    CNBC: The CIA-backed Start Up That's Taking over Palo Alto

    Downtown Palo Alto, the heart and soul of Silicon Valley and former home toGoogle,Facebook and PayPal, is slowly turning into a scene out of "Lord of theRings."

    Palantir Technologies, a highly secretive software developer whose name isderived from a magical crystal ball in J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy novel, has beengobbling up real estate in the upscale home of Stanford University, and according to critics uprooting a vibrant start-up ecosystem in the process.

    Unlike its start-up predecessors, which outgrew the cramped streets of Palo Altoand moved to more traditional corporate campuses in nearby Menlo Park andMountain View, Palantir is intent on staying put and expanding. The companycontrols about 250,000 square feet of office space, or 10 to 15 percent of the

    commercial inventory, spread over 23 or so buildings. Some of its leases are fora decade or longer

    Palantir is notorious for its secrecy, and for good reason. Its software allowscustomers to make sense of massive amounts of sensitive data to enable frauddetection, data security, rapid health care delivery and catastrophe response.

    Government agencies are big buyers of the technology. The FBI, CIA,Department of Defense and IRS have all been customers. Between 30 and50 percent of Palantir's business is tied to the public sector, according to peoplefamiliar with its finances.In-Q-Tel,the CIA's venture arm, was an early investor.
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    Below is a chart of the system as Ken sees it:

    70% of the budgets of the FBI, CIA, etc. go to private subcontractors. The bottom layer feeds information to the data processors, who feed it to the

    intelligence organizations, which feed it to the Military Industrial Complex, whichis overseen by the money masters.

    Many of the bottom layer companies are funded by the CIA, etc. The Internet of Everythings agenda is tochip all animals, people, etc. so that everything

    is connected to the internet.

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    Facebook facilitates people giving up all their personal information freely, and thisinformation is bought up by the government.

    Palantir is buying up all the office space in Silicon Valley. They're becoming one of themajor data processors.

    If you add people's health and tax records to the data they mine from social media, theycan tell just about anything about a person.

    Jade Helm is a military program that can track all cell phones within range of their

    technology. With this information, they create normal travel patterns for various people.In a crisis, they can know where a person of interest will be based on their patterns.

    This is the system the beast will use to control humanity. Every Google search is recorded and tracked. Ken wants us to be aware so we can be aware of the real situation and be able to

    respond to it. The Internet 2.0 may only work on biometrics. The CIA is divided, partly governed by elected officials, partly functioning with no

    oversight. The bad CIA has found ways to fund itself. A former Assistant Secretary said that HUD funds were being syphoned off for black

    budgets. She requested HUD records from Lockeed Martin, but they refused her. She investigated at least 30 homes that were supposed to exist and bought by HUD, but

    the lots were empty!

    Launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (49:30)

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    Almost everyone except America has joined it! The AIIB is the Chinese response to the US-controlled World Bank .

    JC Collins: Right on Target

    AIIB to Start Lending by Mid-2016The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

    will hold its inaugurating ceremony on January 16th in Beijing. These openingboard meetings of the China-led development bank will establish themanagement team of the bank and name a president. Founding members of thebank include the BRICS members, ASEAN members, and EU countries such asGermany, France, Italy, and staunch American ally, the United Kingdom. Thefounding members of the AIIB total 57, with more members welcome in thefuture. The implementation of this bank, and the diverse founding members list,amounts to a drastic change in the financial architecture of the world.

    US To Track Real Estate Generally, the only safe place for money launderers to invest was real estate.

    This has been a loophole which allowed Russian oligarchs, mafia, etc. to buy upproperty in America.

    CNBC: US Will Track Secret Buyers of Luxury Real Estate

    Around the world, people are trying to get their money out of their own nations. Someare criminals, some are successful business people.

    We expect to see another collapse in commidities, particularily copper. For instance, a wealthy person in China was not allowed by their government to transfer

    $10 billion out of China. So instead they bought up copper, zinc, and iron and stored it inwarehouses in China.

    Then they came to America and borrowed money using the copper in the warehouse assecurity.

    Since the price of copper has fallen, their loans would no longer be covered by thecollateral.

    Ken expects to see the liquidation of copper and thus a further drop in the price ofcopper.

    This is all leading to a liquidity crisis. As the stock markets around the world have fallen, $7.3 trillion in just the last few weeks. We're trying to get ourselves in the right places. This will put a put a downward pressure on copper and copper miners around the world

    for a time.

    President of the World? (57:00)

    Jon & Jolene Hamill: Breaking - Obama, President of the World?

    Well, here we go. President Obama is apparently in the running to succeed BanKi Moon as Secretary General of the United Nations when the South Koreanleader steps down December 31, 2015.
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    The Jerusalem Post broke the story today about Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahus initial opposition to Obamas candidacy for Secretary General. Toread the storyclick here.

    Lamplighter family, we have shared prophetically from almost the beginning ofPresident Obamas tenure that the Presidency of the United States was not hisfinal quest. He is a resolute globalist. And ultimately, he desires a global throne.

    And as of now, it seems that POTUS is looking to become POTW. President ofthe World. Without even losing a step in the transition.

    If you look back on President Obamas tenure, you can see very clearly how hispolicy from the beginning has been intended to appeal to a global audience. Andat the same time, his policies have already begun to yield Americas sovereigntytowards a global governance

    Todays decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americanscoast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court, wroteJustice Antonin Scalia in his dissent to the gay marriage ruling. This practice ofconstitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied(as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most

    important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in theRevolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves.

    Hes suggesting Obama may consider stepping down as President in order to becomethe UN Secretary General before the end of the year.

    Joe Sweet: The Resurrection of the USA (1:02:00)


    DREAM: My family lived on a large ranch in the rolling hills away from the city. Ihad been away from the ranch for a while leaving my wife to oversee things inmy absence. While I was gone from the ranch, I saw a nineteen year old young

    man who had grown up in the inner city who came to visit the ranch. He wasbeing given an opportunity to visit the ranch so he could experience another kindof life besides inner city ghetto.

    This young man, upon seeing the beautiful ranch, the countryside and the forestthat bordered the property, told my wife that he wanted to go hunting. He hadnever hunted before. He had no training, no experience and no hunting license.However, my wife, being nave herself regarding hunting, felt compassion for theinexperienced youth, and she gave him my high powered hunting rifle. He tookthe rifle, thanked her and told her that he was headed out into the nearby forestto go hunting. However, he had lied to her. Instead of going out hunting in theforest, he went over to a corral where we kept a large, handsome, prize bull. He

    shot the prize bull. He did not make a shot to the vital organs that would havemade a quick, clean kill. He shot it in the gut. It appeared that his shot inflicted amortal wound but because it was in the gut, the bull was suffering a slow, painfuldeath.

    Just then I returned to the ranch and arrived on the scene. I saw the bull lying inthe corral on its side. It was trembling with its legs twitching, as if in death throes.It was a pathetic sight. I was very angry at this foolish, lying, inexperiencedteenager for what he did. Because it looked certain that the bull was dying, I toldhim to shoot the bull in the head. I felt it was the only humane thing to do at thispoint. The teen took aim but was such a poor shot he completely missed the bull.
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    Still angry at him for what he did I forcibly took the rifle away from him. As I heldmy rifle I noticed that he had seriously abused it. Although the rifle had beengiven to him in very good condition, now it had deep scratches on it in severalplaces. I proceeded to attempt to put the bull out of its misery so I aimed at thebulls head. However, just as I was pulling the trigger, the bull morphed into aman! Because the bull changed shapes into a man, I missed. I was shocked. Iwas greatly relieved but at the same time I felt terrible that I had just tried to

    shoot a wounded man in the head. I looked at this man lying in the corral. Hisbody was bleeding and seemed mangled as if he had not only been shot buttrampled. His intestines were spilled out on the ground. It was a gruesome sightas he was covered with blood and dust.

    Then something very miraculous happened: the resurrection power of God fell onhim! The man began to pull himself together in a matter of seconds. He reachedout and put his guts back into himself. Instantly his abdomen healed over. Thenthe rest of his body started healing up in a moment. He was miraculously andalmost instantaneously healed. He stood up and it seemed that he was about98% healed. I was stunned! He looked a bit shaken and there was some bloodand dust that remained on him but it was absolutely miraculous. It was anastounding resurrection!

    He then turned to walk toward me. Feeling badly that I had just tried to shoot him,I was afraid he was going to be angry at me for trying to shoot him.

    As he walked toward me I saw that it was a man of God: John Kilpatrick! Thisman was a former leader of a revival of righteousness in America. As he walkedup to me he put his teeth back in his mouth, wiped some blood from his face andwas now 100% healed. He boldly and resolutely declared I was NOT giving upto die. I was believing God for a miracle!Then with love and tenderness hesaid I forgive you.

    INTERPRETATION: This is what the Lord communicated to me after I awokefrom the prophetic dream: The young man was Barack Obama. (In the dream I

    saw Obamas face on the teenage boy.) As I was initially absent from the ranch, Irepresented those people in the church in the US who were absent from theirmoral and civic responsibility as salt and light. My wife who gave the teen my riflerepresented those who foolishly voted for Obama out of misguided compassion(for race issues, the poor, welfare, etc.) Their votes gave the teenager (Obama)the authority (gun). They wanted to give the poor or minorities a chance to dosomething they always wanted to do. However Obama is an illegitimate person(in the dream he was untrained and had no license) in the office of president andhas no real executive experience or qualifications for what he is doing. Pretend-ing like he is going hunting he is willfully using the authority given to him to shootthe bull (destroy the US and its economy). The bull represented the UnitedStates, its strength and also a strong economy (bull market).

    (What the Obama administration has done and is doing is shooting the guts outof our nation. The enormous federal bail outs, unprecedented escalation ofnational debt, massive printing of fiat currency and the HealthCare Act imposedagainst the will of the majority are essentially gutting our economy. Obamasanti-Israel, anti-Christian, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion and liberal socialistagenda has promoted the increasing spread of moral darkness in our nation).Obama could have been prevented from receiving presidential power (the gun)but he was not because there were those in our nation (represented in the dreamby myself) who were absent, not fulfilling their calling and responsibility to pray,vote and stand for righteousness. That left others (with misguided & misinformed

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    human compassion) to give him the rifle (power). Human compassion can beas contrary to Gods will as human oppression. (Remember when Peter, movedwith human compassion, tried to prevent the Lord Jesus Christ from going to thecross. Jesus rebuked him saying: Get behind Me satan. You are an offense toMe for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men. Matthew16:23)

    After Obama shot the bull, the rifle (presidential power) was taken from himby force.The rifle (authority) had been severely abused. He has been abusingand continues to abuse the power given to him. Just as he was only a teenagerin the dream and had no experience or hunting license, Obama is trulyunqualified. His illegitimate presidency will be taken from him by force. Hewill not finish his present term.

    There is a turn-around coming for America!

    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (1:10:30)

    We need to be aware of the silent weapons against us so that we can defend and fightagainst it.

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    This is a plan by the higherarchey to transfer the wealth of the people into thehands of the money masters.

    This is the plan against us. We have to come together as a group to fight against it todeliver ourselves and others.

    God's people will overcome!

    God has given us some amazing confirming signs. Years ago, Bob Jones prophesied about the the Kansas City Royals, and Bob Hartley

    has continued prophesying regarding them. This last year they won the World Series!

    Jennifer LeClaire: Bob Jones' 1985 'Kansas City Royals' Prophecy Stirs Hope for Revival

    "It looks like Kansas City is down and out and will never make it andsuddenly at 5 till 12 the Lord brings the victory in. That's the spiritualmessage over this movement breaking forth in this city. When it looks like it isfive till twelve and Kansas City is counted out. Suddenly at 5 till 12 the Lord'sbreaking in victory."

    Later, Jones told Bickle: "I heard it! I heard it out loud. I heard it in my dream. Iheard the voice of the Lord. It spoke resounding. I heard it very clear. The Lordsaid, 'Eleven is the number because it's the 11th hour victory. It's the 11th hourvictory He's going to give Kansas City."

    The 1985 match went down in baseball history as the "Miracle World Series"because it looked hopeless. From the outside looking in, it didn't appear therewas any way the Royals were going to pull out a victory. Kansas City was downthree games to one and had to win four in a row to take the crown. Thirty yearsago, Jones went on to tell Bickle:
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    "You're going to be counted out many times by people and at 5 till 12, in the 11thhour, the Lord is going to break through and this prayer movement is going tosucceed and it's going to get the attention of the entire earth. This is going tohappen. You wait and watch the baseball league."

    Of course, this was long before IHOPKC was going hard 24/7 with worship andprayer. It was before a generation of youth started contending for revival. Andthis was before Bob Hartley, founder of Hartley Institute/Deeper Waters Ministryin Kansas City, had six dreams about the drama of the Kansas City Royals.Here's the bottom line of those prophetic encounters:

    "Watch the Royals, because after many years of disappointment, the Royalones are entering into a time of Numbers 27:18-23, where they are beingcommissioned to enter into the promises. Watch them, as they will win andbring a shift from hopelessness to hope... This is going to be like 1985. Doyou remember what brought them home? ... Hope unseen will get them to firstbase. Then they will become unburdened and light on their feet. This carefreehope will get them to second base. They will be filled with joy and happily stealthird base with childlike hope ... but salvation will come from an unlikely placeand 'hope against hope' will bring them home."

    And then it happened. The Royals won the World Series in 2015 after aheartbreaking Game 7 loss to San Francisco last year. As the Associated Pressput it, "For these resilient Royals, no deficit is too large, no time in the game toolate."

    At a time when hopeless is striking the heart of America and men's heartsthreaten to fail them for fear of economic meltdowns, plagues, earthquakes andother evil prophetic forebodings, the words of Jones and Hartley are ringing inthe ears of Believers around the nation believing for a Third Great Awakening.

    Could God be speaking words of life and hopeand revivalthrough abaseball game?

    5 minutes til 12 is 11th hour The Royals were down in almost every game, but came from behind and came through

    for the win at 5 til 12. Bob Jones also prophesied that when the Panthers win the Super Bowl, we will have

    revival in America! The Super Bowl is on February 7. Pray for the Panthers! God gave us one witness with the Royals' win. We're looking for this second sign with

    the Panthers.

    Company Updates (1:22:15)

    Northern Dynasty (NAK) The Solicitor General at the EPA has given his analysis of the Pebble Project:

    NR: Federal Report Finds No Bias in EPAs Review Affecting Pebble Mine

    The EPAs independent inspector general finds no evidence of bias orpredetermination in the agencys effort to review the potential impacts ofNorthern Dynasty Minerals' (NAK -11.9%) proposed Pebble mine in Alaska.
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    The inspector general says an EPA employee may have acted inappropriately inhelping tribes submit a petition to stop the mine, though the petition was notinitially successful.

    The report marks a major step in a years-long fight over the potential mine thathas been subject to calls of federal overreach by the company; NAK calls theinspector general report a "whitewash."

    NR: Pebble: EPA Inspector Generals Report Whitewashes Serious Bias at Agency

    Northern Dynasty President & CEO Ron Thiessen expressed disappointment atthe narrow scope and limited findings of the Inspector General's report. Withlitigation against EPA pending, a preliminary injunction in place, and several USCongressional committees pursuing investigations into EPA misconduct,Thiessen expressed confidence that the Pebble Limited Partnership's ("PebblePartnership" or "PLP") standoff with EPA will be resolved this year, leaving PLPfree to initiate federal and state permitting unencumbered by any extraordinarydevelopment restrictions.

    We know the EPA has tried to crush this project even before it began!

    PharmaCyte Biotech (PMCB)

    NR: PharmaCyte Biotech Raises Additional $1 Million for Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trial

    Their stock should be going up, but because the markets are falling, they're falling too.

    Geron (GERN)

    NR: Geron Announces Initiation of Janssen Phase 2/3 Clinical Trial of Imetelstat inMyelodysplastic Syndromes

    This will affect the company when the markets start going up again. It was founded by Michael West (who also formed ACTC/OCAT and BTX). All these

    companies put assets into a new company called AST. All of them are working on curesfor cancer, longevity, etc.

    In his prophecy about medical breakthroughs, Kim Clement said, Look to the West.

    Prophetic Word (1:29:15)

    Steve Porter: 2016 - The Year of You Are Coming Out!

    I am speaking prophetically to those who have experienced great loss andsetbacks in the year 2015. Satan has come to convince you that things will neverchange, and he's almost persuaded you to believe that lie! He wants to keep youin the dark valley of death, believing God has abandoned you. This valley may
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    symbolize a valley of defeat, the death of a marriage, a lost opportunity, thedeath of a jobdeadly setbacks that seem impossible to overcome.

    Satan has come to rob you of your peace and steal your hope. But the Lordwants you to know that you will walk "THROUGH" the dark valley. You will notdwell there or build a house there; you will not camp there, because you're notstaying there. You are coming through the valley in the year 2016 if yourefuse to give up hope and instead continue to stand, holding onto faith inHis all-sufficiency

    In the year 2016, I believe the Lord wants to bring about events that will suddenlyinterrupt the downward spiral you've been in. Perhaps you've given up hope,believing your life is so far off course that it can't be restored, or a relationshipwas too far gone to be reconciled, and the valley is so dark that you thoughtyou'd never again see the light of day. But God is getting ready to bring thedevil's plans for evil to a sudden and life-changing halt. He will come in likea flood and set your life back on track, restoring your relationships toorder, and bringing your finances and sense of equilibrium back into divinealignment.

    "So let's not grow tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap aharvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9

    A Due Season and Set Time Coming!

    My friend, there is a due seasona set time coming to bring you out of yourdarkest valley if you hold onto faith and begin speaking and declaring infaith what you believe He will doif you refuse to give up on God. You werenever meant to dwell in defeat. You were never destined to live life curled up in afetal position. You were destined to win. Scripture says so over and over. Hegives us a future and a hope. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lordraises up a standard against it, protecting us from harm.

    I hear the Lord say: "I will use the pain to your advantage. I will reverse

    every curse and make the devil return 100-fold for all the losses in your life!Double for your trouble. Even your enemies will stand in awe at yourrestoration and amazing comeback!" I hear these words like thunder in myspirit for you: "I am giving you a powerful breakthrough in 2016 for I AM theKing of the breakthrough!"

    In the year 2016 I declare over you: YOU ARE COMING OUT! I see greattestimonies of His greatness and faithfulness. I see restoration anddeliverance. I see hope where you have lost hope. I see faith in Hisfaithfulness restoring the places where you have lost all faith. I see thisyear as a year of miracles where God will prove Himself faithful, healingyour heart, restoring your sense of stability and giving you a brand newsong of victory inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself.

    "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in ChristJesus." Philippians 4:19

    Ultra-Short ETFs and ETNs
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    Chat Logkenstor:Good morning and welcome to the meeting!

    kenstor:Thanks for joining us a bit later today.

    kenstor:I'm sure Ken will give a report on the Ted Cruz meeting

    Cs:Iuwhen is the start time?

    kenstor:Normally 10:15am, but this morning we changed it to noon/12:15 because there was a Ted

    Cruz rally here at MorningStar at 10kenstor:Ken sent out an email announcing this, if you're not getting those emails, could you please

    let me know [email protected],and I'll be sure to add you to the list? Thanks!

    rmiller:Wal Mart reports Amazon is taking some of their market share. Wal Mart is also doing some

    of their business online, a new efficient trend. Our local Wal Mart in Missouri has the same cameras

    for security.

    rmiller:K Mart and Target is reporting that online sales are getting into their market share as well.

    doch1:I suspect walmart was used to destroy tens of thousands of small local businesses across

    the country. taking down business infrastructure. It is now being used for other things.

    kenstor:Thanks for your comments, I'm sorry I'm just now seeing them! Lost the chat stream for a


    kenstor:Phyllis is saying that the show Point of Interest shows how this system can be used forgood or evil against citizens. (be warned, it is violent)

    doch1:I have heard of health insurance companies who volunteer to come and analyze your health

    condition for free. These are nurse practioners. Some of them are roving teams that will come to

    analyze your health and they want to be in your home for about an hour.

    rmiller:Wal Mart made money, finding a more efficient, profitable method than Mom and Pop

    stores. Conspiracy theories promote fear and suspicion and are not helpful. I love you all. God bless.

    Good day.

    kenstor:Bless you rmiller[email protected],/%22[email protected],/%22[email protected],/%22[email protected],/%22
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    johnandtinaWaller:yeah. we are in a time where 'conspiracy theories' are theories but 'evolution

    theories' are spoken as fact.

    johnandtinaWaller:Truth. all we want.

    drmike:Is this maybe why LBSR hasnt got any partner?

    drmike:Ref the discussion on Copper?

    kenstor:Thanks so much for your generosity! If you'd like to donate, you can click the 'Donate'

    button below or send a check to 5046 Weber Court, Fort Mill SC 29715

    drmike:thanks and God bless you all.

    kenstor:Thanks so much, have a blessed week!

    These notes are very basic and include links to the primary news, charts and graphs used in ourdiscussions and news releases by companies on our many Watch Lists. They are best used inconjunction with listening to our MP3s or viewing the video.

    Please see our web site for the full disclaimer.

    Notice: This analysis and forecast is for the exclusive use of Investing with Insight's paidmembers and should be considered private and confidential. It is for the personal use ofmembers only. The forecasts are those that are used by our Chief Market Analyst, Ken Storey,for his personal investing and should not be considered financial advice. Please see ourdisclaimer below.

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    As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey.Blessings,

    Ken StoreyCEO, Investing With Insight

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