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How to write Essays w answers.pdf

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 How to write Essays w answers.pdf



    EssaysAn essay written for a teacher or tutor very often requires you to give your opinionand support it with examples. lts purpose is to persuade the readJr to agree with theopinions or to show reasons for a particular point of view.Organ isationI Look at the table. Work in pairs and discuss what you think is the purpose of eachfeature in the Contert column.

    General statementDefinition(s) - optionalScope of essay


    I trti (+)

    G)Argument5Evidence5ummaryRelate the argument to aworld view

    (6)more general i fzt.1

    Write these points in the correct place in thePurpose column.lo explain what is under:tood by somekey words/conceptsto introduce the reader to the topicto underline the writeri point of viewto remind the reader ofthe key ideasto express important ideasto support ideas with examplesto tell the reader what you intend tocover in this essay

    Look at this sample essay. ln the tableabove, tick the purposes which have beenincluded.ln any piece of extended writing, we need tolink our ideas so that we produce coherentand logical language.

    Underline the connecting words/phrases in the essay.Are most of the connecting words/phrases formal or informal?

    rAdvances in teqh[oloSr will result in a growth irlulemploJranetrt'' Discuss.There has been considera,ble deba,te in ihe na,iional presswith some expeds ctaimlng that we are heading for a,decrease irr ihe nu:ober and tJrpes of job available lqEilgoiherc insist tha,t we are a,bout to see a surge in iobopportunitles. However, when we look ai the situationfrom a globa,l perspective, we see increasing oppofiunitiesfor work for those who are willing a,nd able to travel.On the one hand, there are those who believe that withthe advent of new technotos/, such as automs,tion a'ndthe use of robots, the number ofjobs for people wi[decrea,se. In addition, these advocates of gloom argue thatglobausation will mearl tha,t 'our' jobs will be taken byothers in other countrles where, for exa,mple, labour costsa,re lowen On the other hand, the more optimistic amongus view the future as a, golden age when more people(architects, for example) will be able to enioy jobs whicha,re lniellectually interestlng because the du-Il monotonousjobs will ha,ve been s,utoroated. Advanced iechnolory willenable us io travel and work almost wherever we like inthe world, a,nd that means a global eoonoqlr will work toour advantage.In mJr opinion, having considercd both sides ofthe argument, I believe that there will be more joboppofiunities, the workforce will be more mobile andiobsir[itl be more rewarding. Moreover, this uril be the casefor an increasing number of people as the econorly of theworld as a whole continues to prosper.

    wRtTihlG FOIDER 6

  • 7/27/2019 How to write Essays w answers.pdf


    Make a plan for the following essay by making noteson points a-c and completing the table below.a Who is the reader?b Style: formal/informal?c Length?

    ln your English class, you have been discussingthe reasons why people study English. Yourteacher has asked you to write the following250-word essay:'lf everyone spoke one language (English, forexample), it would lead to better internationalrelations.'Discuss.

    Bra instorm ing voca bu la ryWhen planning the main body of your essay, writedown all the main points you want to include. Whenyou do this, it is a good idea to brainstorm vocabularyand key phrases connected with the topic. For example,if you have an essay title which requires you to discussadvertising, you could make vocabulary notes like thefollowing.laoabqlaru - Adverlleina-

    Tech^L4aet: catchg rloga^/JL^gle., oelebrLfgend or ce menf , ege.-oat'. hL^g p ao k ag L ng

    2 PoLats {or, ral.e aA/are^?., ,{ yroduct', e^ooqragehealthg oonpeftfLoa befuteea rLval oompanLet,c r o af Lve 7 e at e rt aL aL ag / ;t' L mu I af L "g3 Polate agaLaet', make {alse claLhs, raLcea^.ealLstLc expeot'at'Lonc, LnfrqsLve, oreafemat'erLalLrm, crea{e {alse needg

    6 Read the following essay title and makb notesvocabulary and key phrases.

    'Our appearance, the way wedress, etc., reflects who we are.It is therefore important to beconsistent in the style we adoptthroughout our lives.' Discuss.

    . Styles: hairstyle, .... For consistency: suggests a trustworthy pers. Against consistency: dress to reJlect dffirentmoods, ...

    Tips for essay writing7 Look at the list of tips for essay writing. Add tw

    more tips ofyour own.. Highlight the key words in the question.. List the points you want to include.. Plan carefully.. Give examples or reasons for your view.,.. Link ideas.. Present a balanced argument.. Use formal/neutral vocabulary.. Use a range of grammatical structures.8 Write an essay for the question in exercise 6 in220-26o words. Try to use the advice for

    brainstorming vocabulary and organising your

    wRrTrr\rG FoLDER 5

  • 7/27/2019 How to write Essays w answers.pdf


    5a The new Court House is being constructed/built.b The proposals have been considered by the board.c The situation is now being controlled.d I was ordered not to divulge the company's future

    plans.e The prime minister was attacked for the 5tatements hemade.

    6 Refer to the crammar folder on page r7r for theexplanations to these question5.

    7a Have you ever hadb had our wedding photos taken by( to have/get a special ring made

    Voca bu la ryI

    r overlooked 2 underpractised 3 introductory4 reference 5 excellent 5 scientific 7 relatively8 memoreble

    4 Linkers in writing (and speaking) act as signposts for thereader so that he/she can follow the line of argument.

    while, However, On the one hand, ln addition,Jor example,On the othet hand, and the like, becouse, ond, ln myopinion, MoreovetNote: most of the linkers are formal - and and becquse ateless formal.On the one/othet hond,ln addition,for exomple, ln myopinion and Moreover are followed by a comma.


    Writing folder 5 pages 92-93Essays(z and 3)

    a myteacher b formal c 25o wordsaontent Purpose

    lntrodu.tion More peofle are studyinglnglishEnglish, Spanish, chineseas world language?Discuss ways in which itwill be easierExamine what problemsthere might be

    ( ) To introduce thereadertothe topic(2)To tellthereader what youintend to cover inthis essay

    Body For one languageEveryone learns at youngage - easy (e.9. bilingualchildren)Travel: easlerto makearran8ements, get help, getinfo, meet peoplestudy: easier to follow anycourse, anywhere (but notalways possible)Betterjob prospe.tsMieht lose:cultural identity, thrill oftrevel

    b)To expressimportant ideas(4) To rupport ldeaswith examples

    cohclusion Many activities will be easierbut keep cultural identity /traditions(5)Io remind thereader of key ideas(6)To underline mypoint ofview

    Content Purposelntroduction Ceneralstatement (1) To introduce the reader

    to the topic /Definition(s)-optional (2)To explain what isunderstood by some keywordr/(onceptsScope of essay (3) To tell the reader whatyou intend to cover in this

    essay /Body Arguments (4) To express important

    idea\ /Evidence G)To 5upport ideas withexamples /

    Con(lusions Summary (5)To remind the reader ofthe key ideas /Relate the argumentto a more general

    (7) To underline the writer'spoint of view /

    Unit t5 pages 94-97Speaking and ReadingIrA 2D 3B 4C

    2a3 b5 c6 dz e4 tt

    5 rB 2D tC 4A 5C