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How To Write A Successful CV

Apr 10, 2017



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HOW TO WRITE A SUCCESSFUL CVl Be Outstandingl www.nicollcurtin.coml

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IMPORTANCE OF• A curriculum vitae is a very important personal document

that gives a summary of a job seekers career history, academic qualifications and also explains their future potential

• A completed CV aims to impress recruiters. CVs are valuable and important because they are your first and maybe only direct communication with a potential employer

• Presentation of your CV is key. For this reason your CV should be carefully thought out, designed and written so that it makes an immediate positive impact on key decision makers


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FORMATTING CV• Keep it short and sweet. The most effective CVs aren’t just

informative, they’re also concise. Try and get straight to the most pertinent points, and ideally take up no more than two sides of A4

• Choose a professional font. A professional font ensures that your CV can be easily read and simply scanned. Remember: Comic Sans is not your friend

• Present things in a logical order. Use sufficient spacing, bullet points, clear section headings (e.g. work experience, education) and a reverse chronological order to keep things clear and easily legible

• Other things to do: Include contact details, keep email address professional ([email protected] does not count), maintain consistent formatting, ask someone to check


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FORMATTING CV• Hand-write or type your CV. This looks unprofessional and

old fashioned

• Include information which may be viewed negatively – (failed exams)

• Use jargon or acronyms

• Use strange fonts, too many colours

• Include information that is humorous. The CV is not the place for humour or being “cute”.

• Grammatical mistakes or typos

• Don’t ever lie on your resume


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MAIN• Personal information

• Picture (Yes or No?)

• Current interests

• Education

• School and/or work experience

• Professional qualifications and personal development/skills

• References

• Appendices


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PERSONAL• Full name

• Current address

• Contact details: email and phone number

• Gender

• Age

• Nationality

• Valid residence permit in the country of application


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Page 7: How To Write A Successful CV


PICTURE• In general, there is no single rule for having or not having picture on your CV. Every company has

different preferences. Normally if the picture is required it will be mentioned in the job description (ex. Please send your CV with the photo directly on [email protected])

• Some rules for the picture are:

- Do not use photocopied versions –insert the picture onto your CV itself. The size of your photo should be somewhere around 1.5″ by 1.5″

- The choice of photo is also very important…it is best to have a picture taken wearing a suit and looking smart – not on holiday in Spain last summer with your sunglasses on

- The background of the photo should be white or at least some lighter colours


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CURRENTIn no more than a few lines summarise your:

• Current interest such as: subjects at school you prefer, subjects you are good at etc.

• Ambitions or targets for the future

TOP TIP: Just give a flavour of your key interes areas and keep this really concise – you could use bullet points. Save the detail for the appendices, or add more detail in your education


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This part should include:

• School diplomas

• Awards, scholarships, prizes and any other techniques/methods acquired

TOP TIP: In ‘Education’ the focus should be on your qualifications and achievements and in reverse chronological order


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SCHOOL AND/OR• School experiences such as sport, clubs, community

service, workshops, youth group support etc.

• Internship, summer work, volunteering experience etc.

• List any achievements and special responsibilities

TOP TIP: If you haven't attended any internship/summer work yet then focus on your schooling experience and relevant community work that can demonstrate your skills relevant for the job you apply for


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Page 11: How To Write A Successful CV


• Two or three full references including name, job title, address, email and phone number

• Two should be academic referees

TOP TIP: Make sure your referees know the details of the post you are applying for.


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• Diplomas/Certifications

• Articles

• Examples of projects, workshops templates, presentations etc.


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Jayani Lal Email: [email protected] Mobile: XXXX XXX XXX Address: xxxx Nationality: xxxx Age: xxxx

ZIS student seeking casual employment in a dynamic organisation Personable and astute student with proven time management and collaboration skills developed from sporting and volunteer engagements. Strong interpersonal skills enhanced by taking part in theatre activities to develop confidence and communication abilities. Understanding of general employability skills and the importance of working as part of a team, learning from others and developing as a professional. VCE graduate looking for first-time employment in a position that requires a dedicated, young and enthusiastic employee. Personal Attributes:

Effective Communication Skills: Articulate communicator with appreciation for the different communication styles required when working with other team members or with customers.

Honest and Reliable: Strong morals and ethics ensure honesty, reliability and ability to undertake tasks responsibly.

Flexible: Understanding of need to remain flexible to support last-minute demands and changes. Comfortable in changing environments and situations, ensuring ability to remain flexible and adaptable at all times.

Software Skills: Microsoft Word ~ Microsoft Excel ~ Microsoft Outlook ~ Firefox ~ Internet Explorer EDUCATION

Zurich International School 2013 ATAR: 88.7 Achievements

2013: Class captain (in partnership with one other class representative) 2012: Represented school at National Youth Day events 2012: Recognition award for contribution to the local community and volunteering


St Vincent De Paul 2010 - 2013 Provided support during various fundraising activities for local community group. Assisted at events and gatherings including providing suggestions to help meet fundraising targets. Personally attended various events, including spending time with homeless youth in Melbourne CBD. Melton Community Gardens 2011 - Current Worked in community gardens assisting members of the local community with planting and caring for allocated sections. Assisted with setup and preparation of community garden, including general repair and maintenance works. PROFESSIONAL REFEREES

Joanne Boyle Manager St Vincent De Paul Society Phone XX XXXX XXXX

Allan Blue Maintenance Manager Melton Community Gardens Phone: XX XXXX XX

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J aso n R eed

R e sid e nc e : Z o lls tra sse 5 8 8 0 0 5 Z u ric h , S ch w e iz

P ho n e N u m b e r: + 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 78

E m ail A d d res s : ja son .ree d @ g m ail.c o m

N a tion a lity : G e rm a n

D a te o f B ir th : 0 1 . Ja n ua ry 1 98 5

P la ce o f B ir th : K o b e , Jap an

E d ucation 09 /2 0 0 6 - 0 8 /20 0 9

0 8 /20 01 - 0 6 /2 0 06

0 6 /20 12 - 11 /2 0 12

0 7 /20 09 - 04 /2 01 0

0 7 /20 08 - 0 8 /2 0 08

0 7 /20 07 - 0 8 /2 0 07

J a co b s U n ive rs ity B r em en , B re m en , G er m a n y

B ach e lo r o f A rts (B .A .) in In te rn a tio n a l P o lit ic s a nd H is to ry ; B .A . T h es is en tit le d : “S te rn an d S p ie g e l co n tra B a ra ck O b am a – A S tu d y o f th e V isu a l R e p rese n ta tio n o f th e A m e rican P re s id en t in th e G erm a n M ed ia”

M a ris t B ro th ers I n tern a tio n a l S c h o o l, K o b e, J a p a n

H ig h S c ho o l D ip lo m a (G r. 1 2 )

P ractical E xp erien ce

S on o v a H o ld in g L td . – P h o n a k A G , S tä fa , S w itzer la n d - F ull -tim e in te rn sh ip w o rk ing in th e M a rk e t In s ig h t T e a m - T ask s in c lu de d q u an tita tiv e an d qu a li ta tiv e re sea rc h in to co m p e titive p ro d u c ts an d se rv ic e s an d

ana ly se s o f m a rk e t sha re

G ü ter -S ch a d en -S e rv ice , F r a n k fu r t a m M a in , G erm a n y

- P art -tim e job in lo g istic s c la im m a n ag e m en t - T ask s m a in ly d ev o te d to file m an a ge m e n t in c lu d in g da ta in p u t an d fi lin g sy ste m org an iza t io n .

G ü ter -S ch a d en -S e rv ice , F r a n k fu r t a m M a in , G erm a n y - In te rn sh ip in lo g is tic s c la im m a n ag em e n t - T ask s m a in ly d ev o te d to file m an a ge m e n t in c lu d in g da ta in p u t an d fi lin g sy ste m org an iza t io n .

U B S D eu tsch la n d A G , F ra n k fu r t a m M ain , G er m an y

- In te rn sh ip a t the U B S d ep a rtm en t o f a cc ou n tin g an d c on tro llin g - D a ily m a nag e m en t o f d iffe re n t ba lan ces a n d co m p u te r da tab ase re su lts .

Skills and Achievement


- German: mother tongue - English: fluent - Japanese: proficient in speaking - French: basic knowledge

PC Skills

- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access) Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista - Mac OS X SPSS - GlobalParks Adobe Photoshop

- Hobbies: Traveling

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Jason Reed Residence: zollstrasse 58

8005 Zurich, Schweiz Phone Number: +41 12345678 Email Address: [email protected]

Nationality: German

Date of Birth: 01. January 1985

Place of Birth: Kobe, Japan

Practical Experience Sonova Holding Ltd. – Phonak AG, Stäfa, Switzerland 06/2012 – 11/2012

- Full-time internship working in the Market Insight Team - Tasks included quantitative and qualitative research into competitive products and services and analyses of

market share Güter-Schaden-Service, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 07/2009 – 04/2010

- Part-time job in logistics claim management - Tasks mainly devoted to file management including data input and filing system organization.

Güter-Schaden-Service, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 07/2008 – 08/2008

- Internship in logistics claim management - Tasks mainly devoted to file management including data input and filing system organization.

UBS Deutschland AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 07/2007 – 08/2007 - Internship at the UBS department of accounting and controlling - Daily management of different balances and computer database results.

Skills and Achievements

Languages: German: mother tongue

English: fluent Japanese: proficient in speaking French: basic knowledge

PC Skills Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista Mac OS X SPSS Global Parks Adobe Photoshop

Hobbies: Traveling Sports (hiking, skiing)

Education University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland 09/2001 – 12/2014 Master of Arts (M.A.) in Religion-Economics-Politics J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 10/2009 – 09/2010 Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Studies: Peace and Conflict Research; transfer to another program Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany 09/2006 – 08/2009 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in International Politics and History; B.A. Thesis entitled: “Stern and Spiegel contra Barack Obama – A Study of the Visual Representation of the American President in the German Media” Marist Brothers International School, Kobe, Japan 08/2001 – 06/2006 High School Diploma (Gr. 12)

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J ason R eed

R es idence: zo lls tras s e 58 8005 Zurich, S chwe iz

P hone N umber: +41 12345678 E m ail A ddre ss : J to the R 85@ m

N a tiona lity: G erman D ate o f B irth : 01. J anuary 1985 P la ce o f B irth : C hili

E ducat ion

09/2011 – 12/2014

10/2009 - 09/2010

09/2006 - 08/2009

08/2001 - 06/2006

06/2012 - 11/2012

07/2009 - 04/2010

07/2008 - 08/2008

07/2007 - 08/2007

Univers ity of Züric h, Züric h, S w itzerland M as ter o f A rts (M .A .) in R e ligio n-E cono mics -P o litics

J .W . G oethe Un ivers ity, F rankfurt am M ain, G erm any M as ter o f A rts (M .A .) in Inte rna tiona l S tud ies : P ea ce a nd C onflic t R es earch; trans fe r to a no ther program

J acobs Univers ity B rem en, B rem en, G erm any B ache lor o f A rts (B .A .) in Interna tiona l P o litics and H is to ry; B .A . T hes is entitled: “S tern and S piege l contra B arac O ba ma – A S tudy o f the V is ua l R e pres enta tion o f the A m erica P res ident in the G erman M edia”

Marist B rothers International S c ho o l, C hili H igh S choo l D iplo ma (G r. 12)

Pr act ical E x per ience

S onova Ho lding L td. S w itzerland - F ull-time interns hip working in the M arke t Ins ight T eam - I d id s o me quantitative and qua lita tive res earch - Some Administrative tasks - Getting coffee and Friday beers

G üter-S c haden-S ervic e, F rankfurt am Main, G erm any - P art-time job in log is tics cla im manage me nt - A dm ins trative tas k.

G üter-S c haden-S ervic e, F rankfurt am Main, G erm any - In terns hip in logis tics c la im ma nage ment

- A dm ins trative tas k UB S Deutsch land A G , Frankfurt am Main, G erm any

- In terns hip a t the U B S departm ent o f acc o unting and contro lling - W orked on a da tabas e and did adminstrative tasks .

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Zollstrasse 588005 Zurich

T +41 (0)44 5785 320

E [email protected]