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-I’m writing this document to enlighten myself and other people with food allergies about one of its main causes and treatments. I’m focusing on low stomach acid as the cause and therefore taking betaine HCl as the treatment. However, there are other effective treatments for food allergies in addition to this, especially if low stomach acid isn’t the cause or at least not the main cause. The most effective ones I’ve researched are the following: -low dose naltrexone -bee propolis -probiotics -colostrum -vitamins D and C -magnesium -phytosterols -mushrooms -there are even more treatments out there, if nothing on this list helps you (although I doubt that will be the case), keep searching, cause I haven’t listed some of the other ones here for the sake of brevity. -The information you’ll find in this document is in no specific order, I just wrote about stuff as I found it. My own thoughts and analysis is in red, the stuff I copied and pasted from articles and papers is in black. Each new point I make or piece of information is marked by a dash (-). I hope you can use this document to find all the answers you need to cure your health problems, whether they be food allergies or a digestive disorder. I believe everyone can heal themselves of any disease with the right knowledge, because I believe all the cures for disease can be found in nature, they just have to be properly applied to the right disease in the right dosage. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me at [email protected] .

How to Treat and Cure Food Allergies and Digestive Disorders

Mar 28, 2015



Chris Antenucci

This is my research on the use of hydrochloric acid to treat food allergies and digestive disorders. I believe this treatment can help you take back control of your health if you have these problems. There's always hope, don't stop til you find something that works, because there IS a cure for your problem, you just have to find it.
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Page 1: How to Treat and Cure Food Allergies and Digestive Disorders

-I’m writing this document to enlighten myself and other people with food allergies about one of its main causes and treatments. I’m focusing on low stomach acid as the cause and therefore taking betaine HCl as the treatment. However, there are other effective treatments for food allergies in addition to this, especially if low stomach acid isn’t the cause or at least not the main cause. The most effective ones I’ve researched are the following:

-low dose naltrexone

-bee propolis



-vitamins D and C




-there are even more treatments out there, if nothing on this list helps you (although I doubt that will be the case), keep searching, cause I haven’t listed some of the other ones here for the sake of brevity.

-The information you’ll find in this document is in no specific order, I just wrote about stuff as I found it. My own thoughts and analysis is in red, the stuff I copied and pasted from articles and papers is in black. Each new point I make or piece of information is marked by a dash (-). I hope you can use this document to find all the answers you need to cure your health problems, whether they be food allergies or a digestive disorder. I believe everyone can heal themselves of any disease with the right knowledge, because I believe all the cures for disease can be found in nature, they just have to be properly applied to the right disease in the right dosage. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me at [email protected].

“It’s estimated that 80% of patients with food allergies have low stomach acid secretion”

-NOW I KNOW WHY I HAVE STOMACH PAIN ALL THE TIME: The mucous barrier in my stomach has been destroyed by the constant inflammation from my food allergies. So basically anything I eat will irritate the lining of my stomach

-ANOTHER EUREKA MOMENT!!- I JUST REALIZED WHY MY STOMACH HASN’T GROWLED FOR SO LONG: it’s cause I have really low stomach acid, so the food isn’t been broken down properly and isn’t being digested, and the digestion of food by our stomach acid is what causes the growling sound

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-I’ve been focusing on my leaky gut and damage to the lining of the intestines the whole time when in reality the lining of my stomach was damaged as well and I was doing nothing about it! No wonder taking digestive enzymes hasn’t cured my allergy symptoms!

-I may need to take HCl for a while until the lining of my stomach heals and it starts secreting HCl on its own. My body will tell me when the HCl I’m taking is too much cause my stomach is starting to make HCl on its own

 The passage of acidic stomach contents into the small intestine stimulates the pancreas to release digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, critical for continuing the digestive process

-This is yet another reason why the digestive enzymes weren’t helping. For one, the lack of HCl was making my digestive system work harder to break down undigested food and depleting enzymes, which explains why I have more pain almost immediately when I don’t take the enzymes. But more important, the pancreas relies on the passage of acidic stomach contents into the intestines as a signal to release sodium bicarbonate and digestive enzymes, and if only non-acidic undigested food comes in, it’ll only release these things in amounts relative to how little acid there is in the food passing through. In other words, less stomach acid means the pancreas will release less digestive enzymes, cause more indigestion and damage to the lining of the gut and stomach.

Clinicians report that 50% of patients with autoimmune disease are also hypochlorhydric (have low stomach acid).

It has been suggested that as many as 80% of those with UC have low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria).

Caution should be advised regarding the use of HCL in heartburn patients. It can be supplemented on a trial basis after acute symptoms are resolved and if the stomach lining is not inflammed. Contrary to what seems logical, heartburn can be an indication of not enough stomach acid.

An older study showed that 80% of children with asthma had gastric acid secretions below normal levels.

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If improvement isn't clear when using zinc or essential fatty acids, consider HCl and pancreatic enzymes. The pancreas manufactures picolinate, which is used in zinc absorption. A Dr. Bray, MD, as well as linking asthma to a high rate of HCl deficiency, found that in severe eczema 50% of subjects were hypochlorhydric. Most cases are not this severe, but the possibility of HCl deficiency should be checked.

-by age 40 we are producing 50% less stomach acid

-THIS EXPLAINS WHY I’M ALWAYS HUNGRY: It’s because I’m literally starving. My food isn’t being broken down and absorbed due to my lack of stomach acid.

-So taking betaine HCL will actually make me less hungry, not more, because I’ll be absorbing the nutrients in my food and thus need less food to provide me with the energy I need

-WHY GERD, HEARTBURN, AND INDIGESTION ARE CAUSED BY INSUFFICIENT, NOT EXCESS STOMACH ACID: the lower esophageal sphincter is a pH-sensitive valve that closes when the pH of the stomach is lower (sufficient stomach acid is being secreted) to protect the lining of the esophagus from acid coming back up. However, it stays open when the pH of the stomach isn’t very low (insufficient stomach acid). This allows whatever food and little stomach acid you have to come back up and damage the lining of the esophagus, causing heartburn, indigestion, and bloating. So you need more stomach acid to lower the pH of your stomach and allow this valve to work properly

I thought I’d throw in some customer reviews of HCl acid on amazon:

Betaine HCL has changed my life! I started taking one tablet before a meal (or garbage snack food) about a week ago. For about the last 25 years I would always get tired after eating or even sick feeling with bloating and gas. Loose stools were also part of the fun. This stopped completely. I can eat a large meal (pizza, meat, fried foods) without getting tired or sick.

I am not snacking every 20 mins anymore because I am not always hungry like I was before. The more I google and read up on low stomach acid, the more I believe almost everyone I know in my age group (45) and above suffer from it. My family and friends who would try it are having the same positive reactions. It has allowed my Mother to sleep though the night, something she has not done in the last 10 years.

I believe we were starving, which is why I always felt tired and hungry. I sound like a crazy man telling my friends and family how much better I feel eating acid pills before my meals, but it's true.

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I'm 29 yrs old & have been on PPI's for over 3 years. My primary and G.I. Dr.'s had no idea why I had chronic heartburn. I decided to try quitting my daily 40mg's Omeprazole using apple cider vinegar. There's a theory that the Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a ph sensitive valve which closes tighter as the PH of the stomach lowers. By drinking ACV when you have heartburn, the ph lowers drastically and the LES shuts tight thus preventing acid from entering the esophagus. Well, this completely worked for me. The problem is I was drinking about 1/2 cup of barely diluted ACV per day which burns like whiskey going down and is bad for tooth enamel.

I read the book "why stomach acid is good for you" by Jonathan Wright & Lane Lenard which is required reading for heartburn/gastric sufferers. It appears that most people get chronic heartburn and a myriad of other gastric disorders because of insufficient acid production. This flies in the face of the medical establishment whom say the problem is too much acid. Before I switched from ACV to Betaine HCL, I visited both my primary DR. who then referred me to my G.I. Dr. They both said the following, "I do not recommend you take that" (betaine hcl). They did not tell me why & they never heard of the supplement.

Because the ACV worked pretty well, and because the more acid (vinegar) I would ingest the less heartburn I would feel, I disobeyed my Doctors orders. I bought the HCL and took it as outlined in the book above. For "Nexium quality" hearburn relief and optimal digestion I need 4 pills during every meal. The label says one per meal but it all depends on how much acid you need. Again, gotta read the book. I took my last omeprazole more than a month ago, I no longer drink vinegar and am heartburn free.

This product has been a complete miracle for me. Granted, I have to take the pills, but it's much better supplementing a substance your body is not producing enough off than to take some pharmaceutical that does something completely unnatural (turns off your gastric acid secretion by over 90%). I have a tremendous amount of energy now, I need less sleep, I'm not as hungry. I am completely amazed that all I needed was a little more stomach acid.

I have no idea why Dr.'s don't know about Betaine HCL & low stomach acid. Stomach acid secretion sounds so fundamental and they just completely ignore it, it's crazy. Anyway, highly recommend the product.

-Magnesium is needed to reduce histamine levels.  In the book Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, the authors note that food allergies are usually associated with low hydrochloric acid levels and poor digestion.   The authors' rationale for this is that low stomach acid leaves food undigested and fermenting in the intestinal tract.  This fermentation causes gas, bloating and stomach upset, the symptoms of irritable bowel

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syndrome.  Undigested and fermented food causes the body to raise histamine levels, which produce allergic reactions.  This is why people take antihistamines for allergies, to lower histamine levels. 

Low stomach acid levels reduce levels of beneficial intestinal bacteria   which is needed for absorption of magnesium.  When lab rats are deprived of magnesium, a wide variety of studies have noted that they develop allergy like symptoms.  Their ears turn red and they develop skin problems.  Rats with magnesium deficiencies have increases in histamine levels.  They also have raised levels of white blood cell counts.  Mg deficiency has been implicated in allergies and allergic skin reaction in many studies on humans, too.  Variations of allergies, skin allergies, and raised white blood cells have all been noted as features of many chronic disorders.

Stress stops the production of HCL.

There are digestive enzymes with HCL you can buy from the health food store, and there are many herbs that aid digestion.  Sulfur also stimulates bile secretion and safflowers simulate HCL production.   Zinc  also assists in the production of HCL.

Another method to see if you have low HCl is to drink 1/2 cup of beet juice. If your urine is red, you need HCl.

"Mayo Clinic researchers... in the 1930s published an article that tabulated the statistics on stomach function in people of all ages. They found that 50 percent of all the people they tested over age sixty had less stomach acid produced in their stomachs than is necessary to completely digest their food. When we don't digest our food, we don't get the nutrition out of it." - Dr. Jonathan Wright

-low stomach acid allows bad bacteria to overgrow and multiply on the skin, causing eczema

-also, without adequate stomach acid, good bacteria can’t thrive and therefore can’t absorb vital nutrients such as magnesium. In fact, mg is very important for allergies because it reduces inflammation

-My instinct was right all along. The food I eat is undigested and is still passing relatively quickly through my intestines that way. This means it isn’t being absorbed so I need much more of it to provide me with sufficient energy.

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-The presence of undigested food in the small intestine and colon can wreak digestive havoc by causing an overgrowth of harmful

bacteria, which in turn produces toxins that are absorbed by the liver. This internal warfare puts a terrible strain on one of our most vital organs, forcing the liver to work twice as hard in order to detoxify itself.

-What Causes Low Stomach Acid?

Aging is one of the primary causes of low stomach acid. However, adrenal fatigue, alcohol consumption, bacterial infection, and chronic stress are also associated with this condition.

Low stomach acid has a history of not being taken seriously by the medical community. As a result, it is an often misdiagnosed and frequently under-diagnosed condition.

Sometimes low stomach acid is simply left untreated; in other instances, the sufferer is prescribed copious amounts of antacids, in effect treating their symptoms as though they had too much HCL, rather than too little.

Accurate testing is available. The Heidelberg Gastric Analysis test is a precise, if somewhat expensive, test that takes between one and two hours to complete.

The patient swallows a vitamin-sized capsule containing a pH meter and radio transmitter. Next, a bicarbonate of soda solution is drunk in order to stimulate the release of stomach acid. Fluctuations in pH levels are transmitted to a receiver, and then graphed. The capsule is excreted normally.

-since lemon juice has the same pH as our stomach acid, you can take that instead of betaine HCl. Also, apple cider vinegar is similar.

-Betaine HCL supplements containing thirty or forty milligrams of pepsin are highly encouraged.1 When taken with meals, betaine can help produce stomach acid, alleviating the immediate issue. Long-term use of betaine can help your stomach produce more stomach acid on its own.

In addition to supplements, incorporating foods containing betaine into your diet can help your body produce more stomach acid. Dietary sources of betaine include beets, broccoli, spinach, and inexpensive wines.2 People who've suffered for years with low stomach acid have been known to have immediate, life changing results with betaine HCL.

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-For any kind of infection or bacterial overgrowth, HCl acid is a key treatment. It kills bacteria in the stomach and intestines and thus prevents them from spreading elsewhere, including the blood, where they can react with the immune system cells, causing a variety of autoimmune diseases.

-Dr. Guy formulated a theory that most disease conditions, acute

infections, anemias, metabolic disturbances and malignant cell

overgrowths are direct results of changes in the hydrogen-ion content

of the lymph of the body which produces blockage of the lymph channels.

In his studies of the growth of corn and other forms of vegetable

life he had been able to demonstrate that the absence of sufficient

potassium salts in the soil would result in stunted growth, and evidence

of precipitation of minute particles of iron and other substances

in the stalks. When potassium was added, the growth procceeded

normally; when dilute hydrochloric acid was also added, the growth

was further stimulated. He studied the lymph of a large number of

patients suffering from carcinoma, and found that these cases showed

a hydrogen-ion much higher than normal individuals. He also found

that by administering the salts of potassium in combination with dilute

hydrochloric acid, either orally or by the intravenous route, these

patients made remarkable clinical improvement and the hydrogen-ion

content of their lymph became normal..

-It is interesting to note that laboratory researchshowed very definitely the actual germicidal properties of dilutionsof this acid. Cultures of staphylococci and streptococci andother organisms were destroyed within a few minutes when mixedwith dilutions 1-1000. This observation led to the use of the solutionas a local application in pustular skin affections. The effect was sospectacular that its importance is no longer questioned. Ferguson

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demostrated its efficacy as urethral antiseptic in gonorrhea by beingable to obtrain negative smears in from two to three days, and bybeing able to alleviate the distressing symptoms of burning and tenemus in even less time. Even bladder irrigations of solutions as strongas 1-500 were tolerated satisfactorily by the patients, and there wasno evidence of the destruction of normal tissue cells which often attendedthe use of other antiseptic solutions such as the silver salts,potassium permanganate and the like. Most interesting of all was thereport by Ferguson of his success in the treatment of a most aggravatedcase of pustular syphilides (secondary stage).

Othersopenly ridiculed the whole theory as preposterous, and refused toallow this simple therapeutic measure to be employed in their clinics.However, it has been found that the makers of sterile ampules admittedfrankly that the demand for ampules of hydrochloric acid dilutionsvastly exceeded the demand for all other preparations — and thetlargest consignments were delivered in the city where most of theopen criticism and ridicule was heard! In other words, the leaders ofthe profession in many places were giving the measure a full trial andfinidng it efficacious, yet were unwilling to admit the fact.

-When hydrochloric acid is injected into the body in very dilute, physiologic amounts, the white blood cell systems increase their activity, the blood pH returns to normal regardless of whether it is too acid or too alkaline and the number of white cells increase.

The most obvious clinical observation in the treatment of an acute infectious disease with the use of hydrochloric acid is that a greater phagocytic activity is imparted to the white cells by the injection of the dilute solution of hydrochloric acid into the bloodstream, and that the activity varies in intensity with different individuals. It proved to be a very important factor in the improvement of the state of resistance of the organism.

In order to accomplish this effectively there must take place an adequate febrile reaction to bring about attenuation of the invading pathogenic microorganisms, rapid elimination of accumulated bacterial and normal production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. There must be an increased presence in the bloodstream as the acid responsible for the maintenance of a normal pH. 

-The connection between stomach acid and Immunity: not only does the HCl acid kill bacteria directly and prevent undigested food from reacting with immune cells, it also directly aids the immune cells in killing bacteria in the body. This is because it has been shown to increase the phagocytic activity of WBCs in killing bacteria.

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-It is reasonable to believe that the acid-base balance of the blood is maintained through the acid cells and since hydrochloric acid is the only inorganic acid normally made in the body and that it is to this acid specifically that we must attribute the apparent acidic response of the white cells. When this condition of physiologic balance exists the individual is in the state of absolute immunity. He is in good health and in the possession of a normal pH in the bloodstream and other fluids in the body. The normal pH in itself is what could constitute what is generally known as a natural immunity. Certain organs and tissues possess an ability to modify their own immunity make up or local defense mechanism. These seem to be governed by a normal production of HCL in the stomach and a normal pH in the bloodstream. Consider continuity of the skin covering, with its acid mantle, the acidity of the stomach contents, the defense mechanisms within the nasal passages, the secretions and linings of the eyes, mouth, intestinal tract, female and male genital urinary tracts, and at times the presence of specific immunity.

-This deficiency in hydrochloric acid production may be temporary or permanent in character, and may be brought about by one or more predisposing factors such as malnutrition, focal infection, chronic poisoning, exposure, fatigue, emotional distress, shock and so forth.

-A vicious cycle can develop between malnutrition and insufficient stomach acid. You need sufficient stomach acid to absorb minerals such as magnesium and potassium, but if you don’t get enough of these in your diet, the cells and glands that produce HCL acid in the stomach won’t be able to produce enough anymore, causing you to have insufficient stomach acid and continuing the cycle.

Good health and the presence of absolute immunity depend on the existence of a normal production of hydrochloric acid and its presence in the bloodstream and other fluids of the body. When the HCL production falls short, and a progressive diminution takes place, we find a loss of absolute immunity, a decreasing degree of tissue susceptibility, an imbalance of blood chemistry, and poor digestion and assimilation. This is the starting point of general ill-health and malnutrition. It is a logical assumption that a lack of sufficient minerals in the daily diet must of necessity give rise to a deficiency in the hydrochloric acid production. It is known that certain salts, such as potassium, are needed by the glands responsible for its production.

-There are cheap ways to test how much stomach acid you have:

-As part of my first nutritionist appointment, I had to take a stomach acid test to test the levels of hydrochloric acid my stomach is producing. The reason for this is that if the stomach is producing too little acid, digestion does not take place properly and so passes under-digested food to the intestine.

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Much digestion of carbohydrates takes place in the intestine itself, but proteins must be broken down in the stomach, by stomach acid. If the acid levels in the stomach are too low, undigested proteins get passed along the gut, and can lead to problems such as food allergies and inflammation.

So I was sent a stomach acid test kit through the post. I already knew it involved swallowing a piece of string (while holding onto one end!), leaving it in the stomach for a while, then pulling it back out. The strong soaks up the juices from the stomach and you test it for acidity once it's out. Although it sounds unpleasant, it's actually just a little strange - not really uncomfortable and I didn't find it made me gag.

The process is you drink a cup of black coffee half an hour before to stimulate acid production. Then you tape one end of the string to your cheek (to make sure you don't swallow it) and swallow a capsule containing the rest of the string with a glass of water. You then lie on your side for 10 minutes while the capsule dissolves and the string soaks up juices, then pull the string out smoothly and fairly quickly.

Anyway, from the results (I'll post a picture soon), my stomach acid is between PH6 and 7. You'll remember from chemistry that 7 is neutral - i.e. not acidic at all, so it looks as if we may have identified one problem in the digestion chain! Me eating is like dumping food in a glass of water - good job I chew well!

My doctor said that they are finding the average dose for people with rosacea is about 70 grains. After writing about taking 100 grains, my next meal only required 60 grains. This seems to be a meal by meal process. I also notice that I seem to need less as I go along. It’s as if it builds up in my system? Does this make any sense? Has anyone else noticed this when taking Betaine HCL? Thanks.

-Another very important point is that just as the esophageal sphincter is pH sensitive, so is the duodenal sphincter at the base of the stomach. This means that it only opens to release the contents of the stomach to the intestines when the pH is very low because this means the food is digested and ready to be absorbed by the intestines. When you have low stomach acid, the valve stays closed longer and the undigested food stays in your stomach and starts being fermented and putrefied by bad bacteria.

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-The food, mixed with what little acid is present, is forced back up the esophagus, creating a burning sensation. Paradoxically, the answer to the burning sensation is more acid, not less. Antacids can create a vicious cycle in these cases.

As with so many things, the dose of Betaine HCL is very individualized. If you take too little, you will have that paradoxical burning sensation from the food/acid mixture coming back up the esophagus, because there is not enough acid to trigger the release of food into the small intestine. If you take more, but still not quite enough, the food/acid mixture will still come back up the esophagus. However, now it will burn even worse because it has more acid in it --- just not enough to open the valve at the bottom of the stomach. If you take too much, you will experience “dumping”, as Dr. Cheney calls it, usually diarrhea or a general “yucky” feeling.

-I have to say, get your Hcl acid levels tested first!! There are other diseases that can cause some of the symptoms I’ve described above. However, if you can’t, try the acid challenge, or take 1 betaine Hcl tablet and if you notice no changes keep taking more until you feel some changes, then reduce it.

-An individual who had ulcers in the duodenum and pyloric for 22 years. X-ray confirmed an active state of one of the lesions. He received 10 injections of hydrogen chloride and all evidence of the peptic ulcer disappeared.

It is probable that several hormones influencing the motions of the intestine and its accessory organs are liberated when the acid gastric juice containing digested food comes in contact with the duodenal mucous membrane. We know that iron salts precipitate in a neutral or slightly alkaline medium and thus the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach serves a useful purpose in those who are being given iron for the treatment of anemia.

We know that Vitamin B-1 is unstable in neutral or alkaline solutions and for this reason hydrochloric acid plays some part in the efficient utilization of this substance given orally. By preventing the decomposition of thiamine which would otherwise take place in the achlorhydric stomach, hydrochloric acid allows the full amount taken into the stomach to reach the duodenum.

All disease processes, whether functional, metabolic, endocrine, allergic, acute, chronic or degenerative are accompanied by the condition of acidosis and the deficiency of the hydrochloric acid production. It goes without saying that the longer that ill health is permitted to exist in the body the less capable the tissues become to respond to physiological stimuli. Use of hydrogen chloride therapy in rheumatism and arthritis is rather rewarding. In the treatment of acute articular rheumatism it is imperative that treatment be started immediately. If treatment is given when only one joint is effected the process can be stopped

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right there and then. In the treatment of arthritis we give intravenous injections of dilute hydrochloric acid solution daily for about three weeks. When the pain has subsided we proceed to eliminate or cure all focal infections such as abscessed teeth, infected tonsils and turbinates, an infected or lacerated cervix, prostate glands and rectal crypts, etc.

Carbon monoxide has an affinity for hemoglobin 300 times as strong as that of oxygen. We have found the use of an injection of dilute hydrochloric acid intravenously will accelerate the release of carbon monoxide from the hemoglobin.


Most important of all, the hypothesis is that that lymph circulation, which is the medium

by which nourishment is carried to every cell in the body, is of as

great importance as the blood; and any condition, whether chemical

or physical, which interferes with the flow of lymph produces a profound

effect on the cells of every organ in the body. He had reduced

his theory to simple and easily understood terms by a full explanation

of the significance of the acid balance of the human body, and the

necessity for a proper maintenance of this balance for the preservation

of health. Under normal conditions, the hydrogen-ion concentration

of human lymph should be slightly on the alkaline side. Should

this reaction vary too much, either on the acid or alkaline side, the

patient, will develop conditions known respectively as “acidosis” or

“alkalosis,” either of which may be fatal. In health the acid balance is

maintained by the normal production of hydrochloric acid in certain

cells of the stomach; should this production fall short of bodily necessity,

the balance must be made up. Other acids, which are the products

of decomposition in the human body, such as lactic acid, fatty

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acids, carbonic acid, uric acid and others, are called in to fill the deficiency.

These, however, being abnormal constituents of the great

chemical laboratory of the human body, are ill-adapted to the requirements,

for they are unable to keep in solution many of the salts which

must be thrown off as waste matter in bodily excretions, the sweat,

the expired air, the urine and the feces. In the effort of the body to

provide acid of some sort these harmful acids become a “monkeywrench

in the machinery,” and the condition known as “acidosis” results

with symptoms of general systemic poisoning. Conversely, when

the hyrogen-ion concentration of human lymph falls into the acid side,

due to excess production of lactic acid, fatty acids, carbonic acid, uric

acid and like poisons, there is an effort on the part of the body to

neutralize these with alkaline salts, such as calcium, sodium, potassium,

ammonium and others. These also, being foreign to bodily

economy, produce the condition known as “alkalosis,” the general

symptoms of which are similar to acidosis, but often attended with

general collapse.

-The main takeaway from this paper is that secretion of HCl acid by the stomach regulates the hydrogen ion content of the lymph, which affects the flow of nutrients to all cells of the body.

-It is known that when the hydrochloric acid production falls short the required amount necessary to maintain the acidity of the white cells and the acid-base balance becomes insufficient and hydrogen chloride eventually vanishes from the circulation. When hydrogen chloride disappears from the circulation some other acid must take its place immediately in

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order to maintain the pH of the circulating fluids. The acid wastes assume the role of hydrogen chloride in the blood chemistry. This is followed by an imbalance of the blood chemistry.

-The acid wastes can not be thrown off as quickly as they are formed so they begin to accumulate in the fluids and tissues of the body with the resultant struggle between these and the alkaline reserve. The result is a depletion of the latter.

-Functional disorders of a metabolic, endocrine and allergic nature and the condition of acidosis become manifest. The person loses his natural immunity and is highly prone to develop focal infection followed by acute disease. In this depleted condition they lack the necessary reserve to destroy the invading microorganisms completely.

-It has been well established that in all cases of malnutrition the condition of acidosis is always present. There follows a reduction of physiologic functions and the EVER INCREASING accumulation of acid metabolic wastes in the bloodstream. The hydrogen chloride production becomes diminished. The hydrogen ions necessary for the maintenance of a normal pH fall short and sooner or later hydrochloric acid is replaced by the waste acids in the maintenance of the acid base balance. These acid wastes include carbonic acid, diacetic acid, lactic acid, acetic acids, fatty acids, uric acid, etc. These acid wastes however, are abnormal constituents of the bloodstream and will act as a disruptor of the natural blood chemistry.

-hyperchloryidia occurs when a person's HCl in the blood vanishes. This causes the stomach to overcompensate and produce excess stomach acid to increase the concentration of Hcl in the blood

-There follows a deficiency of HCL production, malnutrition, loss of tissue susceptibility and thus the general causation formulation that leads to the chronic and degenerative disease. Recent studies in Germany and in this country demonstrate that cancer, diabetes, acute infection, neurosis, passive congestions, gastric catarrh, severe anemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, chemical poisoning, affections of the heart, neoplastic growths, metabolic and endocrine disorders, senile insanities, dyspepsia, chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, appendicitis, duodenitis, worry, anxiety and pyloric obstruction show pronounced changes in the hydrochloric acid production. Too much, too little or none at all.

-HCl acid activates pepsin too, so lack of HCl acid means there'll be a lack of pepsin too, so the protein you eat won't be digested properly

-without enough stomach HCl acid, the gall bladder and pancreas don't work well because they don't have the signal they need to release bile, enzymes, and sodium bicarbonate

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-In my opinion, lack of stomach acid and digestive enzymes and leaky gut syndrome can cause ANY MAJOR CHRONIC ILLNESS OVER TIME, because you don't absorb your nutrients, your body becomes toxic, and there is excess inflammation which causes slow degeneration of all tissues and organs over time.

- When the hydrochloric acid content of the gastric juice is deficient or absent we must expect grave results which will inevitably appear in the human metabolism.

First of all we shall see an increasing and gradual starvation of the mineral elements in the food supply. The food will be incompletely digested and failure of assimilation must occur.

Secondly, a septic process of the tissues will appear, pyorrhea, dyspepsia, nephritis, appendicitis, boils, abscesses, pneumonia, etc. will become increasingly manifest. Again a normal gastric fluid demands activity of the gallbladder contents and of the pancreas for neutralization. Deficiency of normal acids leads to a stagnation of these organs, leading to diabetes and gallstones.

-In the absence of or in a great deficiency of hydrochloric acid we find a rise in the multitudinous degenerative reaction which prepares the way to all forms of degenerative disease. What then are the causes of hydrochloric acid disappearance in the gastric fluid following eating of food?-

We have discovered that hydrochloric acid secretion may be completely SUPPRESSED by emotion or worry and in these days of emotional worry and distress, loss of homes, business, income and monies, we may well fear that in the near future a great increase of degenerative diseases such as cancer, nephritis, cardiac, nervous and mental afflictions must assuredly occur unless man can rise above worldly affairs and find the true and only source of contentment and happiness.

-Achlorhydria occurs in some cases of apparently healthy persons and in many cases of gastrointestinal disease. It is also stressed that it appears frequently in diabetes and with still greater frequency in thyrotoxicosis as well as in certain nonmegalocytic hypochondriac anemias. Absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is a common symptom in depressive neuroses. It is frequently associated with mental fatigue, persistent worry and strain especially in persons with a congenital unstable psyche. The symptoms are very vague, lack of appetite, fullness after eating, gaseous eructations and diarrhea is more common than constipation. Pain is absent.

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Hydrochloric acid reacts with the duodenal membrane to produce a hormone called secretin which stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, increase the formation of bile and upgrade the activity of the gallbladder. If we were to summarize the sequence of events occurring as a result of hydrochloric acid deficiency we would list the following:

Improper digestion

Fermentation and later putrifaction

Reduced absorption

Reduced liver and pancreas function

Ulcer formation

Elevated blood sugar

Reduced oxidation of lactic acid

Retention of carbon dioxide

Reduced activity of the white blood cells

Reduced destruction of bacteria

Unbalanced mineral levels

The avidity with which the white cells absorb or destroy every foreign substance entering the bloodstream soon manifests itself in the fact that the white cells become smothered and overpowered by the increasing accumulation of bacterial toxins. The great influx of bacterial poisons having rendered the white cells impotent, the phagocytic response almost nil, even though there may be a high leukocyte count. Examination of the blood picture after an injection of hydrogen chloride will reveal a great increase in leukocytic and phagocytic activity.

When the hydrogen chloride supplies in the bloodstream become too low the body begins to manufacture other kinds of acids to neutralize the alkalosis that supervenes. This is accomplished by lactic, carbonic, butyric, diacetic, acetic and fatty acids.

-This is followed by a functional stimulation of the gastric glands responsible for the production of hydrogen chloride. As a result of this disturbance an over-production of hydrogen chloride begins to take place. An over-production of the acid takes place and a condition of hyperchlorhydria and toxemia becomes manifest. Our patient now pays his respects for a

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second time to the family physician and reiterates his former complaints but with the new added ones of the symptoms of gastric distress.

-A disordered chemistry follows the vanishing of hydrogen chloride from the circulation and its replacement by the acid metabolic wastes. Some of these wastes cannot be converted into substances suitable for excretion. This factor plus the presence of bacterial toxins or any other form of poisons entering the blood and the progressive slowing up of the circulation and all other physiological processes of the varied tissues gives rise to the inability of the body to throw off completely metabolic acid waste as quickly as they are formed, and therefore they begin to accumulate in the bloodstream bringing about the condition of incipient acidosis and toxemia.

Our patient now makes a third visit complaining of a lack of endurance, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, vague pains and digestive problems. Observe that as the functional disturbances are beginning to become aggravated new symptoms are beginning to appear.

Faulty digestion and assimilation due to a deficiency of the hydrogen chloride production in the stomach brings about a resulting serious depletion of the alkaline reserve, malnutrition, impaired metabolism, and a derangement of the physiologic functions of the varied tissues.

Furthermore, the bloodstream becomes stagnant with the ever increasing accumulation of bacterial toxins, metabolic acid wastes, acid wastes, acid salts altered secretions of the endocrine gland and bacteria. The bloodstream becomes a literal cesspool against which the varied tissues, particularly those with an inheritied weakness or susceptibility, begin to react. Clinically there becomes manifest the condition of advanced acidosis and toxemia.

Clinically this train of events manifests itself as malnutrition and a so-called physiological disturbance, metabolic, endocrine and organic. Any of the infectious arthritis and osteoarthritis, endocarditis, ulcerative endocarditis, myocarditis, rheumatic pericarditis, acute chorea, muscular rheumatism, peripheral neuritis, herpes, abscess of the brain, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, thyroiditis, nephritis, osteomyelitis, phlebitus, synovitis, various skin disorders, arteriosclerosis, bacteremia and the list goes on and on.

Our patient is still with us and by now he complains of marked general weakness, nervousness, insomnia, digestive disorders, various functional disturbances of a metabolic and endocrine nature, functional disturbances of the heart, severe headache, allergic manifestations, malnutrition, vague pains all over the body and in addition the symptoms of any inflammatory or organic lesions present.

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-The ATP-ase or proton pump in the stomach that is needed to pump hydrogen ions out of the cell and into the lumen is dependent on magnesium

Niacin, vitamin B3, stimulates HCl production. This can be taken before meals, as can magnesium chloride and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (the active form of vitamin B6) to help stimulate the body’s own HCl.

Gastric acid also helps protect the gastrointestinal tract from harmful bacteria. A normal level of gastric acid in the stomach—100,000-1,000,000 times more acidic than water—is sufficient to destroy bacteria, but a low level increases the likelihood and severity of certain bacterial and parasitic intestinal infections. One study showed that fasting people with normal gastric acid levels in the stomach had almost no bacteria in the small intestine, while individuals with low levels of hydrochloric acid had some bacterial colonization in the stomach.

Read more: - Connect to Better Health 





-Betaine hydrochloride may be used as a lipotropic. Lipotropics aid in preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver, and usually help in the detoxification of metabolic wastes and toxins. They may be used to help with weight loss.

Benefits of lipotropics

Detoxification of the waste byproducts of protein synthesis. Increasing resistance to disease by stimulating the thymus gland. Stepping up production of lecithin in the liver, which can lower cholesterol levels. Preventing plaque deposits in arteries. Preventing gallstone formation. Protecting against diabetic neuropathy, a condition in which the cranial and spinal nerves, as

well as the nerves in the bladder and bowel, may be affected.

Read more: - Connect to Better Health 

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-Taking betaine hydrochloride may help in treating respiratory conditions like asthma and seasonal allergies, hay fever or allergic rhinitis (References 1 & 2). You might also take betaine hydrochloride to treat food allergies and hives. Betaine hydrochloride appears to improve stomach acids by providing hydrochloric acid, which could contribute to overall wellness, explains the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. If you have allergies or asthma, you might not make enough stomach acids and might benefit from taking betaine hydrochloride, explains the University of Michigan Health System. Allergies can proliferate when low stomach acid causes proteins to not break down properly before they're absorbed (Reference 3). Talk to your doctor before taking betaine hydrochloride to treat allergies or asthma.

Read more:

-When you have too little acid, the pH is too high and duodenal sphincter stays closed, forcing your food back up and causing heartburn. When you take some HCl acid, but not enough, it lowers the pH, but it’s still not low enough for the sphincter to open, and this will force the acid and food back up and actually cause more burning than before. However, if you experience burning, it could also mean that you have too much acid and don’t need to take that much. Only a certain amount of acid will produce the optimal pH of the stomach, open the sphincter, and prevent acid reflux

-The connection between anti-histamines and stomach acid production:

-the hormone gastrin stimulates the ECLs to release histamine, which stimulate the parietal cells to produce more stomach acid. Since anti-histamines block the action of histamine, they also reduce a person’s production of stomach acid

-gastrin also stimulates parietal cells directly to produce stomach acid

-The connection between stress and stomach acid production:

-the cells in the stomach that stimulate and produce HCl acid are tightly regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Stress activates the sympathetic NS and shuts down the parasympathetic NS. Therefore, when you’re under chronic stress, your stomach acid production is being chronically inhibited, causing all the diseases and health problems mentioned above.

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-Gastric acid production is regulated by both the autonomic nervous system and several hormones.

The parasympathetic nervous system, via the vagus nerve, and the hormone gastrin stimulate the parietal cell to

produce gastric acid, both directly acting on parietal cells and indirectly, through the stimulation of the secretion of the

hormone histamine from enterochromaffine-like cells (ECL). Vasoactive intestinal peptide, cholecystokinin,

and secretin all inhibit production.

The production of gastric acid in the stomach is tightly regulated by positive regulators and negative

feedback mechanisms. Four types of cells are involved in this process: parietal cells, G cells, D cells and

enterochromaffine-like cells. Besides this, the endings of the vagus nerve (CN X) and the intramural nervous plexus

in the digestive tract influence the secretion significantly.

Nerve endings in the stomach secrete two stimulatory neurotransmitters: acetylcholine and gastrin-releasing peptide.

Their action is both direct on parietal cells and mediated through the secretion of gastrin from G cells and histamine

from enterochromaffine-like cells. Gastrin acts on parietal cells directly and indirectly too, by stimulating the release of


The release of histamine is the most important positive regulation mechanism of the secretion of gastric acid in the

stomach. Its release is stimulated by gastrin and acetylcholine and inhibited by somatostatin.

-The stomach can "taste" sodium glutamate using glutamate receptors[8] and this information is passed to the lateral hypothalamus andlimbic system in the brain as a palatability signal through the vagus nerve.[9] The stomach can also sense independently to tongue and oral taste receptors glucose,[10] carbohydrates [11] proteins,[11] and fats.[12] This allows the brain to link nutritional value of foods to their tastes.[10]

-A research study done in Brazil sought to determine whether GERD relief could be obtained with a betaine hydrochloride supplement. In a single, blind randomized study, 176 patients underwent GERD treatment using the supplement and 175 received GERD treatment of 20 mg omeprazole – commonly known to the non-medical community as the “purple pill”.

Betaine hydrochloride would raise stomach acid levels, while omeprazole would lower acid levels by inhibiting the “pumps” that produce it. The betaine hydrochloride supplement would have no known side effects. Omeprazole had a number of unwanted side effects such as: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, rash, dizziness, nervousness, abnormal heartbeat, muscle pain, weakness, leg cramps, and water retention.

Patients participating in the study recorded in a diary both symptoms and changes in severity of symptoms. What were the results?

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* All patients who used a betaine hydrochloride supplement for GERD treatment reported complete regression of symptoms after 40 days.

* Only 65.7 percent of patients who used omeprazole for GERD treatment reported regression of symptoms in the same period.

-The take away from this study is not only did the betaine HCl treat the GERD much better than the drug without the side effects, it has long term effects that will last, whereas with the omeprazole, even the patients who had improvement will relapse once they stop the pill or actually get worse. This is because of what is called the rebound mechanism. Whenever you take a drug that has an unnatural effect on the body, the body fights against it to maintain it’s homeostatic balance, or the way it’s supposed to function without the drug. So eventually, their stomachs will produce even more acid to compensate for the drugs’ blockage of it.

Over 50% of the people over age 60 have low stomach acid. By age 85, 80% have low stomach acid. These are shocking statistics. Healthy stomach acid is crucial to digest food properly in order to maintain good health. Hydrochloric acid is one of your body’s first line defenses against disease-causing microbes. Weak stomach acid allows infecting organisms (that would normally be killed by the acid) to get past the stomach and set up infections in other areas. They can cause food poisoning and dysbiosis of the intestinal tract (abnormal overgrowth of unhealthy intestinal microbes).

For people aged 60 to 80, over 20% have bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. Over age 80, the percentage increases to 40%. This abnormal bacterial overgrowth is also common in younger people. It is linked to low stomach acid as well as eating a nutrientpoor diet, using antibiotics or pain killers, drinking excess alcohol and other factors. Thus, healthy stomach acid is a critical part of maintaining healthy intestines.

-So, as you can see, low stomach acid can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life. It can be caused by many diseases and more importantly, cause many diseases. In my opinion, the ONLY option in treating this health problem is taking betaine HCl, not drugs. Many naturopathic doctors have used it to successfully help many of their patients, and I hope it helps you too.