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How to Pick the Right Facebook Ad Type for Your Campaigns

May 14, 2021



Sandeep Mathias

It’s not uncommon for marketers to face decision fatigue on a regular basis, and if business owners are tackling their own marketing, that fatigue is only heightened. You have to make decisions about platforms, your marketing budget, how to spend it, the strategies you want to use, and so much more. And then, when it’ s time to actually create your campaigns, the decisions start all over again. The Facebook Ad platform is the perfect example. Even once you’ve made all those strategic decisions about targeting, objectives, and placements, you have to choose between multiple ad types and create the right copy. That last step is essential to bring it home—the wrong ad type or messaging could derail an otherwise perfect campaign. 

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If you’re wondering how to pick the right Facebook Ad type for your campaign and see multiple options that might work, remember that you never have to choose just one. Split testing is almost always the way to go. It allows you to discover which copy strategies and which formats work together to create an ad that your audience is most responsive to. In my experience, plenty of brands are sometimes surprised by what the split tests reveal, so prioritize regular testing throughout the ad creation process to ensure you’re optimizing your campaigns to the max.