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How to manage distractions and achieve your goal

Apr 15, 2017


Social Media

Mary Sorial
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How to manage distractions and achieve your goal

Distractions destroy Actions

Today we are going to be talking about the topic of distractions. We will play some games, watch some video clips, and have some discussions. Let us start by defining the meaning of the word distraction.

How many are multitaskers? Not? Good at it?

Give them paper with goals and distractions1

WHAT IS A DISTRACTION?Definition: - a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.- divert one's attention from something worrying or unpleasant by doing something different or more pleasurable.

What is distracting you? Get their input, social media? Which ones?

New media take time from Old media (then have to double book)

It effects cognitive skills, grades


Verse:Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Phil 3:13

The talk today is going to be focused on this verse.

What is distracting us the most is the myth of multitasking. Define it. How many of you like multitasking? Here St. Paul is saying that there is ONE THING that he does, what does that indicate? Focus. He is focused on what he is doing.

Game 1: Now, let us play a short game. For this game I actually want you to use your phones. Talk with the person next to you, that person will not look at you, will be playing/distracted on his phone. Then ask the talker how he felt? Unimportant

How many of you while praying, look on your phone to see who sent you a text message. How many of you text in church, during the liturgy? So how do you think God feels when we do that? As we will see multitasking in general is very bad, but especially when we are distracted on the expense of God. 3

Multitasking Game 1

Game 2: How many if you are multitaskers? Which is faster one task done and go the next or multitask? Lets play a game. Here is a piece of paper and a pen, I want you to write the following sentence and after you are done write 1-26, which is one number for each letter. The sentence is distractions destroy actions and here is a stop watch, write how long it took you. Next, write a letter then on another line the number, then go back write another letter, and then a number, and so on until done, and see how long this took you (sorry the stop watch only goes up to 10 minutes).Me (36 sec, then 58 sec)This tells us that your brain cannot actually multitask, it does task shifting. And every time you switch tasks, you are losing time, and your brain has to work extra hard to orient itself again.

Here let me show you a couple of videos. 4

This video show what a lack of focus can do for you. Here the players were looking but they were not thinking, they just let the quarterback walk by them.


For the next video follow the instructions. It shows you that your brain can really focus on one thing at a time and cannot possibly process all the information that is thrown at it, even if it was a gorilla.


Game # 2

What distractions does


Facebook and Texting Made Me Do it: Media-induced Task-switching while Studying

Participants averaged less than six minutes on task prior to switching most often due to technological distractions including social media, texting and preference for task-switching. Having a positive attitude toward technology did not affect being on-task during studying. However, those who preferred to task-switch had more distracting technologies available and were more likely to be off-task than others. Also, those who accessed Facebook had lower GPAs than those who avoided it.

Stories coming up about distracted while texting8




The research is almost unanimous, which is very rare in social science, and it says that people who chronically multitask show an enormous range of deficits. Theyre basically terrible at all sorts of cognitive tasks, including multitasking.


Cognitive Control in Media MultitaskersWhen intentionally distracting elements were added to experiments, heavy media multitaskers were on average 77 milliseconds slower than their light media multitasker counterparts at identifying changes in patterns.


Game 3: How distracted are you?1. Do you eat most of your meals while at the computer or in front of the television?2. Do you sometimes bring your laptop when you sit on the toilet?3. Do you check your feeds more than 1x per hour?4. Do you make a nervous habit out of refreshing your inbox over and over, just in case someone emailed you in the last 45 seconds?5. Have you ever listened to a sermon about importance of prayer, planned to pray everyday, and then forgot about it?

Game 3: So here let us do a questionnaire to see how distracted are you. For each question, give yourself one point, and then we will add the points at the end. (possibly get some skittles/or other siyami candy and allow them to eat one skittle for each yes question to make it fun) 14

6. Do you freak out if you're in a car and there's no GPS?7. When Abouna asks you about praying and reading the Bible, do you tell him that you are too busy?8. Have you ever changed vacation plans based on wi-fi availability?9. Are there more than two portable electronic devices within reach right now?10. Do you know what the word "meme" means, for that matter?


11. Are you closer with some online-only friends than people you actually see in real life?12. Do you use your phone while others are talking to you?13. Do you buy things online that you could easily drive across town to get in person?14. Do "electronics" have their own category in your monthly budget?15. Are you a member of any sort of online "guild?"


16. Do you answer questions in support forums when you're bored?17. Do you bring your smartphone with you to church?18. Do you own 3 or more video gaming systems? 19. Do you have multiple t-shirts with references to Internet memes, linux, or webcomics?20. If your house were on fire, would you run in to rescue your laptop?


21. Has your significant other (or family members, if applicable) ever banned you from your smartphone?22. Do you spend more time on Facebook than you do in the presence of actual people?23. Are you currently in a virtual relationship? 24. Do you have 3 or more active social media accounts?25. When something happens in your life, is your first thought usually "How can I fit this into 140 characters?"


26. Do you need multiple wall outlets to charge all your stuff at night?27. When you sit down in a coffee shop, do you tend to position yourself close to a power outlet "just in case"?28. Do you interrupt prayer or Bible reading to read a message or notification?29. Have phrases like "BRB" , "ROFL, ALOL worked their way into your real vocabulary?30. Do you often skip meals because you've lost track of time in front of the computer?


31. Do you call people by their screen names when you see them in real life?32. Do you usually have more than five tabs open in your browser?33. Are there more than three screens of some kind in the room you're usually in at home?34. Are there more computers in your house than there are people?35. Do you tweet or read blogs while watching movies at home?


36. Do you put your phone on vibrate at the movie theater rather than turn it off, even though you're not expecting anything important?37. Have you ever turned down meeting a friend in order to play video games?38. Does your Internet usage cut into the time you should be spending on personal matters?39. When you see the last names Cerf, Otellini, Ballmer and Berners-Lee, do you know who is being mentioned?40. Do you ever leave your laptop open in social settings, even though you aren't actually doing anything on it?


41. Have you ever had a dream where you were surfing the Internet?42. Can you type text messages faster than you can handwrite the same words?43. Have you ever left an event early so you could get online?44. Would you classify yourself as an "expert" multitasker?45. Can you read machine code?


46. Do you regularly have to put blocks of ice, portable fans, or frozen packages of hash browns on or near your computer to keep it cool?47. Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome?48. Do you check your text message while at church?49. Are you up on the computer past 3am at least once a week?50. Do you answer text messages while at church, even the non-emergency ones?


Results:0-1: Not at all addicted You are not at all addicted to technology in fact, do you even know what it is? Or did you lie on this test to make yourself feel better about your technology addiction? 2-9: A little addicted - You're not great with technology, but dabble. You probably have hobbies, a significant other, a family life. 10-19: Slightly addicted - You're about as plugged in as the next person you get your daily fix. Let's face it gadgets are everywhere nowadays, right? 20-29: Somewhat addicted - You recognize that you're a little too plugged in, and you're trying to quit. Your tech addictions are starting to interfere with your social interactions.30-39: Quite addicted - You're addicted, but you have no desire to quit. You probably grab food on the go so that you can spend more time on-line. 40-49: Very addicted - You get all shaky when you think about having to do without technology. 50: Extremely addicted Are you a real human being from planet earth?

Now add up your points, anyone wants to admit what their score is. 24

TIPS on dealing with distractions?- Do ONE thing at a time. Really its okay.- Distractions in Prayer:Avoid using the phone, use the bookLook at the wordsMean the wordsSet time for technology Set time/place for No Technology

Dont feel guilty You should not feel less productive. Release the chains that are pulling us down by distracting us.25

Verse:Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Phil 3:13


Things which are behind- are distractions

Matt 24:17-18 (NKJV)Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.

Matt 9:62 (NKJV)But Jesus Said to him, No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Any body that looked back in the Bible and had bad consequences?

Let us see what Jesus tells us about distractions and about looking back

Example of someone in the bible who had a good goal but got distracted. Its like all of us we have a good goal, right? We want to be good Christians, we want to read the Bible deeply everyday, we want to pray, we want to have quite time with God. Any famous example of some looking behind.27

Lots wifeGen 19:15-26 (NKJV)When the morning dawned, the angels urged Lot to hurry, saying, Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city. And while he lingered, the men took hold of his hand, his wifes hand, and the hands of his two daughters, the LORD being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.

Escape for your life! Do not look behind you: this is how serious it is many peole have wanted to repent or wanted to read the Bible or wanted to have a quite prayer time, but they got disctracted they looked behind, but God is telling us Escape for your life do not look behind you, all these things are not necessarily bad, but when they keep you from going forward then they are bad. How many times have you heard a nice lesson about prayer, and put it in your heart to start praying but then go home, spend time on the computer, fall asleep and not pray!!! Why not plain but mountains,

(It was hard for them to let go of Sodom). This is the story of our lives, right. We linger and delay. They did a study, 6 minutes before turning to an electronic device.28

Lots wifeSo it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he[a] said, Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed. Then Lot said to them, Please, no, my lords! Indeed now, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have increased your mercy which you have shown me by saving my life;

Escape for your life! Do not look behind you: this is how serious it is many peole have wanted to repent or wanted to read the Bible or wanted to have a quite prayer time, but they got disctracted they looked behind, but God is telling us Escape for your life do not look behind you, all these things are not necessarily bad, but when they keep you from going forward then they are bad. How many times have you heard a nice lesson about prayer, and put it in your heart to start praying but then go home, spend time on the computer, fall asleep and not pray!!! Why not plain but mountains,

(It was hard for them to let go of Sodom). This is the story of our lives, right. We linger and delay. They did a study, 6 minutes before turning to an electronic device.29

but I cannot escape to the mountains, lest some evil overtake me and I die. See now, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one; please let me escape there (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live. And he said to him, See, I have favored you concerning this thing also, in that I will not overthrow this city for which you have spoken. Hurry, escape there. For I cannot do anything until you arrive there.


Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Zoar. Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.


Lessons1 Do not linger. Do not delay. 2 Escape for your life (understand the seriousness of distractions)Our spirits want to fly and soar but distractions are like chains that pull us down.3- Do not stay in the plain. (stay away from too much talk) (silly things people post about their lives)4 Escape to the mountains (go to a quite place, free from distractions)5 Resist the urgency6 Do not settle

1 as the prodigal son did not delay, if God moved your heart to do something, do it right away.3 does it really matter to know what (silly things people post about their lives) (silly things people post about their lives)4 how many people check their messages in church, answer them in church, how about pray on the phone, that can be a big problem, you start praying and get notification, someone liked your status, oh let me see who that is, and then you respond, then you waste 10 to 15 minutes and then race through the agpeya prayer if not interrupted again by another like.5 how many of you when waiting for an e-mail you keep pressing refresh? Or keep checking the feed to see if anything happened, we say, what if something happens, I have to know. We feel like that the word is going to end, if we do not respond to an IM right away, what is he going to think of me that I ignored him, no let me respond right away, we are like Lot, we say, if we go to the quite place, to the mountain, we will die.6 God wants great things for you, but you say no Lord, I want to go to this small place instead, small city, 32

Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions. Saul Bellow (winner of Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts)There are always distractions, if you allow them. Tony La Russa (American professional baseball player)


The most obvious drawback of social media is that they are aggressive distractions. Bill Keller (a writer for The New York Times)I attribute much of my success in New York to my ability to understand and avoid unnecessary distractions. Derek Jeter (A five-time World Series champion)


Verse:Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Phil 3:13


Things which are ahead:Prov 4:25 (NKJV)Let your eyes look straight ahead, And your eyelids look right before you.

Col 3:1-2 (NKJV)If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Write down what are the things that are ahead for you. What are your spiritual and academic goals, I will not see them, what is distracting you and how to avoid them. they should write how they plan to avoid/manage these distractions This paper they will take it home - if there is time show them the Word Bible software36

Verse:Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Phil 3:13

Review the verse37

ReviewTIPS on dealing with distractions?Lessons from the story of Lot and his wife


TIPS on dealing with distractions?- Do ONE thing at a time. Really its okay.- Distractions in Prayer:Avoid using the phone, use the bookLook at the wordsMean the wordsSet time for technology Set time/place for No Technology

Dont feel guilty You should not feel less productive. Release the chains that are pulling us down by distracting us.39

Lessons1 Do not linger. Do not delay. 2 Escape for your life (understand the seriousness of distractions)Our spirits want to fly and soar but distractions are like chains that pull us down.3- Do not stay in the plain. (stay away from too much talk) (silly things people post about their lives)4 Escape to the mountains (go to a quite place, free from distractions)5 Resist the urgency6 Do not settle

1 as the prodigal son did not delay, if God moved your heart to do something, do it right away.3 does it really matter to know what (silly things people post about their lives) (silly things people post about their lives)4 how many people check their messages in church, answer them in church, how about pray on the phone, that can be a big problem, you start praying and get notification, someone liked your status, oh let me see who that is, and then you respond, then you waste 10 to 15 minutes and then race through the agpeya prayer if not interrupted again by another like.5 how many of you when waiting for an e-mail you keep pressing refresh? Or keep checking the feed to see if anything happened, we say, what if something happens, I have to know. We feel like that the word is going to end, if we do not respond to an IM right away, what is he going to think of me that I ignored him, no let me respond right away, we are like Lot, we say, if we go to the quite place, to the mountain, we will die.6 God wants great things for you, but you say no Lord, I want to go to this small place instead, small city, 40