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How to make a simple backyard foundry for less than $20, for melting pop cans, and casting aluminum. Step 1: Watch the Video ( About This Instructable Posted: Jan 15, 2015 License: 201,480 views 2,993 favorites (/member /The+King+of+Random/) The King of Random (/member /The+King+of+Random/) ( Follow Random Weekend Projects 9457 Bio: (/id/How-To-Make- a-Matchbox-Rocket-Launching-Kit) (/id/5-Phenomenal-Science- Stunts-Done-with-Dry-Ice) (/id/Top-10-Party-Tricks- for-2014-YouTube-Mega-Collabor) More by The King of Random foundry (/tag/type-id/category-workshop/keyword- foundry/) metal melting (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-metal melting/) pop can foundry (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-pop can foundry/) soda can foundry (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-soda can foundry/) backyard foundry (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-backyard foundry/) backyard science (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-backyard science/) metal working (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-metal working/) diy (/tag/type-id/category-workshop/keyword-diy/) science experiment (/tag/type-id/category-workshop /keyword-science experiment/) science demonstration (/tag/type-id/category- workshop/keyword-science demonstration/) Tags: Add instructable to: How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry by The King of Random (/member/The+King+of+Random/) Collection I Made it! Vote! Download (/id/How-To-Make-The-Mini-Metal-Foundry/?download=pdf) 10 Steps Favorite Share (/id/How-To-Make-The-Mini-Metal-Foundry/) (/) (/) Explore (/tag/type-id/) Create (/about/submit.jsp) Contests (/contest/) Community (/community/) You (/you/) How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry 1 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry.pdf

Dec 16, 2015



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  • How to make a simple backyard foundry for less than $20, for melting pop cans,and casting aluminum.

    Step 1: Watch the Video


    About This Instructable

    Posted:Jan 15, 2015



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    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    1 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • WARNING: Charcoal foundries can reach temperatures in excess of 1,000C,which is well above the melting point of hobbyists. This project should only beattempted with adequate knowledge and training, proper protective safety gear,and in a fire resistant area with adequate ventilation. The sparks flying from thefoundry can ignite fires, and the fumes from burning dross can be toxic. Usecaution and common sense. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

    Step 2: The Mini Metal Foundry

    In this project youll see how to use equal parts of sand and plaster, to make asimple backyard foundry, thats powerful enough to melt scrap metal in seconds,but still pleasant enough keep around for decoration.

    Step 3: Things You'll Need


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    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    2 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • Start this project with a big bag of play sand, and some plaster of paris. Both ofwhich you can find at your local hardware store, for under $20.Youll also need a 10 quart steel bucket, and a tablecloth to cover anythingimportant, because chances are this is going to get a bit messy.A 2.5 quart bucket can be used for measuring the ingredients, but it also servesa more important purpose that youll see in just a second.The recipe for this makeshift refractory lining, is 1-3/4 buckets full (21 cups) ofplaster of paris, 1-3/4 buckets full (21 cups) of sand. And 1-1/4 buckets, filled (15cups) with water.

    Step 4: Refractory Mix







    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    3 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • The moment the water touches the dry mix, the clock starts ticking. Youve onlygot about 15 minutes before it all hardens up. So get busy mixing everythingtogether.Its really important to get all the dry powder wet, and work out any lumps asquickly as possible.

    After mixing for a couple of minutes, it should be fairly runny, and roughly all thesame color. When youre convinced there arent any clumps of powder left in thebucket, the refractory mix is ready for pouring.Carefully transfer it to the steel bucket as slowly as practical, to minimize thesplattering. There should be just enough fluid to fill the bucket about 3 from thetop. Now bring back the plastic measuring bucket, and use it to form the centerof the foundry.

    Fill the bucket with water, to give it a bit of weight, but anything like sand orrocks will work as well. As you push the bucket into the center, the mixture risesupward, but it wont spill out.

    Before the mix is starts to firm up, try working the bucket up and down a fewtimes, to help level it before it sets. Now hold still for 2 to 3 minutes. This willgive the plaster just enough time to harden, so the bucket stays in place, evenwhen you let go.Time for a little cleanup.

    Step 5: Clean Up






    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    4 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • Everything will still need about an hour to really harden up, but the plasters stillsoft enough that you can clean and shape it to look really good. And while yourehere we may as well wipe the bucket down as well.

    Dampen a rag and gently drag it around the top, the surface cleans up prettynicely, and gets a cool texture in the process. When it looks the way you want ittoo, simply leave it for about an hour.

    While youre waiting, turn an old steel fire extinguisher, into a custom crucible.

    Step 6: Making the Crucible

    You can tell its made from steel because a magnet sticks to it. And magnetswont do that to aluminum.

    Depressurize the tank and unscrew the valve from the top, to make it safe andeasy to cut in half with a hacksaw. Which should happen in less than a minute.

    The bottom part of the extinguisher is what you want for the crucible, becauseits basically a steel cup 3 in diameter, and 5 tall. Thats going to be perfect foryour custom backyard foundry.





    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    5 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • Step 7: Making It Professional

    At this point, the plaster should be pretty well set, so dump the water from thebucket, then use something like a pair of channel locks, to grip one edge of thepail, and pull gently toward the center.Grip it with both hands and give it a bit of a twist, you can see the whole bucketpops loose, and pulls right out. This just created an amazingly smooth surface,which gives this makeshift foundry, a surprisingly professional look.The only features you are missing now, are an air supply port, and a lid, somake those next.

    Step 8: Lid & Supply Port





    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    6 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • A 1-3/8 (35mm) hole saw is the perfect size for accommodating this 1 steeltubing, and if you center the metal cutting blade with the top line on the bucket,you can carefully begin cutting through the metal wall.Once through the metal, its easy to burrow down at about a 30 angle becausethe plaster hasnt fully cured, and cuts away like butter.

    Now you have a tight, downward sloping hole, that the blower tube fits perfectlyinto, and its strategically placed, a few inches up from the bottom. This way, if acrucible fails, and dumps molten metal into the foundry, it will stay in the foundry,instead of dangerously flowing out of the pipe.The blower tube is really easy to make. Start with a 1 steel pipe. This is thebusiness end that will sit next to the hot coals in the foundry. Youre also goingto need a 1" PVC coupling (Slip x FIPT), as well as some 1 PVC pipe.You can see the threads on one half the coupling screw onto the steel pipe, andthe slip adaptor on the other end, simply pushes onto the PVC tube. Its thateasy.

    Now go one step further and make a lid to help retain the heat.Get a couple of 4 U-bolts from the hardware store and stand them upright in a 5quart, bigmouth bucket, filled with a half-measure of our insulating mix. (10 cupsplaster, 10 cups sand ,7 cups water).After an hour, the plaster should have set, and the whole thing pops free fromthe bucket, giving you a nice little custom lid for the foundry.It still needs a vent hole for relieving pressure buildup, and you could just formone when youre casting it, or you could try drilling one with a 3 hole cutting sawlike this.

    With the hole in the center, you can see you end up with a nice thick lid, thatkind of looks like a giant white donut. This design works great for ventingpressure, and gives you the option to melt metal as well, without even having totake the lid off the furnace.

    Step 9: Finishing Touches and First Firing






    ( All 7 Items

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    7 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • Pick up a can of Burnished Amber spray paint, and give the foundry a coupleof coatings to make it look a little more attractive.When you get it fired up, the mini foundry gets so hot on the inside, that it willmelt soda cans within seconds and fill a crucible with liquid aluminum. Look forhow to do that, in another project video.With this homemade furnace, you have the power to liquify aluminum in thebackyard, and cast just about any object you can think of.The best part is, when youre not melting scrap metals, rather than taking upspace and looking terrible, you can drop in a plant, and instantly transform it,into fashionable home decor.

    Step 10: How To Melt Soda Cans






    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    8 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    5 days ago Reply

    With this transforming Flowerpot Foundry, theres certainly more than meetsthe eye. And by the way, if you run out of soda cans to melt, you could try usingit as a blacksmithing forge, or even a bbq, for summertime grilling. After all, it isfueled by charcoal briquettes.

    Well now you know, how to use commonly available materials, to build the minimetal foundry. Powerful enough to melt metal in seconds, but still pleasantenough keep around for decoration.Well thats it for now. If you liked this project, perhaps youll like some of myothers. Check them out at (http://htpp://

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    TDWay (/member/TDWay/)this mis is one option however this mix is condussive to transferring thru thematerial and will make your jroje t quite heavy. Have you tried mixing equalparts of slow setting Plaster of Paris, Vermiculite, and perlite with water till youget a stiff mortar like consistency? This would decrees the waight by almost50% and decrees the radiation of heat from the outside of the vessel



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    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    9 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    Remove the interior form once it firms to the point it's able to hold is shape andapply a generous coat of vermiculite to the interior while is is still moist. Otheroptions to finishing the interior would be iron oxide , aluminum oxid or TitaniunOxide, making the interior more resistant to abrasion and reflect heat back into thechamber.

    tytower (/member/tytower/) TDWayIs that dry vermiculite or mixed with plaster? I have made one withvermiculite and perlite both mixed in to the plaster sand mix as anaggregate . I'm not at the fire up stage yet but will post back if it fallsapart anytime soon.

    TDWay (/member/TDWay/) tytowerOnce you remove the inner for while the plaster is still tacky, you willwant to apply dry vermiculite and press it in to the plaster, being carefulnot to deform the interior.

    me and some friends made this... thanks for the instructable!


    tytower (/member/tytower/)Well I spent $30 on a steel bucket and plaster plus I bought a small bag ofvermiculite and a bag of perlite at $9 each. $50 so far plus handles - mine willbe bits of bent steel rod with springs around handle part .Only used a quarterof each of the perlite and vermiculite so far. I thought that I would try an equalsand plaster mix then add in some perlite and vermiculite . Its setting now andseems to have gone off hard . Just looking around now for the pipe and holecutter. I figure if I don't like this method then I can bore a hole directlyunderneath and put an oil or gas burner in there or even still feed the burner inwhere the steel pipe is.

    Thanks to the OP as I think this is the best one I have found so far .I built theone with a 44 Gallon drum and burning wood but it barely got hot enough forlead and burnt a massive amount of timber scrap to do it . Has a hinged doorto feed wood in - useless . Trash burning only

    Quaamik (/member/Quaamik/)Nice!

    One thing, you don't want to use it for grilling (food) after you have used it tomelt metal. Far too much chance of contamination.

    HughM (/member/HughM/) QuaamikAs long as you take the crucible out before your put food over it you'llbe just fine.

    Quaamik (/member/Quaamik/) HughM

    xinman (/member/xinman/) made it!

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    10 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    8 days ago Reply

    Contamination from metals is notsomething to play with. Splatter fromthe crucible, drops or slag that gotinto the coals or around the top - alloutgass.

    Its far safer to use seperate,dedicated equipment for cooking.

    tytower (/member/tytower/) QuaamikConsider yourself a Wowser

    void_main (/member/void_main/)Really nice.

    In regards to safety, before trying this at home, please search for "How NOT toPour Aluminum Metal" on YouTube. Very sobbering.

    WVvan (/member/WVvan/) void_main

    "How NOT to Pour Aluminum Metal"

    void_main (/member/void_main/)I hate to ruin everyone's enjoyment (by the way love the instructable) butbefore trying check this out:

    PowellMade (/member/PowellMade/) void_mainTo avoid this are you to heat the mould?

    factoryrec (/member/factoryrec/) void_mainwhen you melt dirty aluminum it's forming hydrogen, a degassing tabletdisperses the hydrogen and everything will go fine

    TravisB5 (/member/TravisB5/) void_mainDef not a fun ruiner. I needed to see that to remind me of whathappens when mixing hot and cold.

    deadsy (/member/deadsy/) void_mainCommentary-

    1) Use tongs that are long enough to get your hands away from theheat. Gloves aren't enough. Heat will penetrate thick welding gloves intime.

    2) Don't pour over a flammable or wet surface. When the Al spills (andit will spill) it will set on fire whatever it touches.3) Make sure your molds are completely dry before you pour into them.The pop was probably caused by a little steam explosion. This sendsmolten metal flying around and that is very disconcerting.

    4) Wear gloves, long pants, boots, a face shield, etc. Cover your body

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    11 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    2 days ago Reply

    so that you won't get molten metal on your skin or in your eyes.

    And also:

    5) Don't pour over concrete or brick. Even concrete that is apparently dryhas moisture in it. When the metal spills on it little flakes can explode offleading to the molten metal flying around problem.

    keithmund (/member/keithmund/) deadsyExtremely good advice here.

    WJR339007 (/member/WJR339007/) void_mainRead the video description, "A little mishap while pouring aluminummetal into a cold ingot. So this had happened, which rarely does,maybe 1/1000 times at lab.


    pdu toit1 (/member/pdu+toit1/)i run a brozne foundry i think this grate little furnes but not very good foranything other than al

    ironsmiter (/member/ironsmiter/) pdu toit1This great little furnace works PERFECTLY for aluminium, but that isnot it's limit! Any of the lower melting temperature metals would feelright at home in here. Tin, Lead, Zinc, etc. Should even work just finefor most bronze, if you use a proper crucible and hardwood charcoal orreal coal. Brass, steel, and most of the precious metals are probablybeyond it's ability, if used as-is.

    pdu toit1 (/member/pdu+toit1/) ironsmiteryour right but most people dont us a proper crucible sadly...stainlees steel is the connom substitue.... but as long as you play safeand dont be like me


    bradleynelson102 (/member/bradleynelson102/)The link to your wedsite is broken

    loving this time to collect some cans

    BAMBAM2148 (/member/BAMBAM2148/) made it!

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    12 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    /F81XSFAI5A1UNKQ.LARGE.jpg) (

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    building mine today. im using a old propane tank for my bucket total cost athome depot was $46 but i bought double just incase


    zstarkovich (/member/zstarkovich/)Where did you get an empty fire extinguisher

    meeeeep (/member/meeeeep/)Nice! Unfortunately, now I feel kinda bad trying to compete with this kinda thingduring the Burn It contest.

    Squarcio (/member/Squarcio/)What about the mold? how do i make my personal? (You're the best anyway!)

    mysterygirl995 (/member/mysterygirl995/)Totally going to have to make this!!!!!!

    BAMBAM2148 (/member/BAMBAM2148/) made it!

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    13 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

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    spatuladle (/member/spatuladle/)What kind of saftey equitment/ precautions do you need to do thissaftely?

    BigW2802 (/member/BigW2802/)and what else would work as a crucible

    BigW2802 (/member/BigW2802/)where do you get 12" of steel pipe from

    wyldaxe (/member/wyldaxe/)

    Edgar (/member/Edgar/)I always said you could make neat Instructables, and here's the Proof! :D

    Went to my Blog.

    ncdodave (/member/ncdodave/)can I also melt down lead for fishing weights, using the steel extinguisher?would be more efficient than using a torch.

    Quaamik (/member/Quaamik/) ncdodaveFor melting lead there are plenty of commercial electric pots availableto the hobbiest. Lee makes some very good inexpensive ones.

    dregalia (/member/dregalia/) ncdodaveThe melting point of lead is 327(f) 163(c) This is good for up to 1200(f)660(c) atleast to do aluminum. As long as you don't cross 2500/1370,you should be alright. I think this would be way better than using atorch, but in all honesty, you're better off using an electric heater, orsomething like that for such a low temperature. Look at the heatingelements you use for 3d printers. a few of those may do the trick at it'shighest setting. Here are some melting points of metals (

    Ralphxyz (/member/Ralphxyz/)"Just a hair dryer" for air source, ah thank you I was picturing a bellows.

    Thanks for the Instructable, I've just gotta try this just to make AL ingots fromold screen doors.

    Bowtie41 (/member/Bowtie41/)

    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    14 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.

  • 7 days ago Reply




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    10 days ago Reply


    We have a be nice comment policy.Please be positive and constructive. I Made it! Add Images Make Comment

    Do you want the blower hole to be in thecenter of the circle,or off to the side radiallyto create a swirling effect,or does it evenmatter?I'm just about ready to start buildingmine,and want it to be as efficient aspossible,as I'd like to try brass too.Thanks!

    KenC4 (/member/KenC4/)The girl is hot, So is the instructable thx

    starforest (/member/starforest/)This is a great idea! But what in the world to do with melted aluminum?

    Also wouldn't concert or clay be better and more stable the plaster?

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    How To Make The Mini Metal Foundry

    15 de 15 26/01/2015 02:46 p.m.