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How to Extend the Reach of your Marketing Materials

Nov 01, 2014



James T Noble

If you’re a smart marketer, you know what you should be doing to grow your business

But, it’s not always easy to follow your own advice....

If you know your Marketing Materials could be working harder for you,

But you’re not sure quite how then this will help

(this is the same advice that’s working for me and for my Private Clients right now).
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Page 2: How to Extend the Reach of your Marketing Materials

INTRODUCTION!If you’re serious about growing your business, you’ve probably already produced some (hopefully many) content pieces that you can be proud of. !… But, if that’s true, then you also know just how much work goes into creating content that’s worth reading (aka. NOT the poor excuses for content that turn a 1-paragraph idea into a 45-page guide). !There’s tons of noise out there, so you need to produce high quality content to attract new customers and grow your business… But, the time required to produce enough of that content takes away from the time you need to spend actually running your business. !It’s the content Catch-22. !The good news is there are easy (and underused) ways that you can extend the reach of your existing content… !Which means: !

• NO MORE wasted time on researching and producing compelling content • START multiplying the customer-getting power of your best content

pieces • NO MORE waiting “until there’s time” to improve your content strategy • START attracting new customers and getting more repeat customers


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To increase engagement with (and extend the reach of) your presentations, webinars, speeches or podcasts, have

someone illustrating your key points live on a whiteboard. Simple, in-person whiteboarding is proving popular with megabrands like Coca-Cola to add visual interest to presentations. But, if your office is short on decent doodlers, then you can always consider turning outages from your popular webinars into a paid-for whiteboard “doodle” video (there are online services that will do this for you for a fee). !Making it work for you: Use one of your successful past webinars or podcasts and get one of your more creative staff members to create a whiteboard drawing of the main points (see Kelly Kingman’s work here for a good example of this). The drawing doesn’t have to be a work of art and is a great way to appeal to your more visual audience members and your busier prospects who only have time to scan your content. !Maximize the exposure of your content by pinning the images of your finished whiteboard graphic to Pinterest, or by sharing the process on SlideShare. You can even post a time-lapsed video of the drawing process to tease the content of your webinar or published slides. Send it out in an email to catch attention quickly and encourage a click-through to related content. !Example: Say you’re a chiropractor and you’re speaking at a health conference - you could bring someone in to contribute visuals to your speech, illustrating the highlights as you go. You can set up a camera to film the process, or ask someone to take pictures at different stages of the illustration. Then use these visuals to promote a recording of your presentation. !

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Many businesses are missing the opportunity to get in front of interested prospects by not optimising their non-

text content for search. Google only indexes text-based content, so increase the chances of appearing on page one of

Google Images by optimising your visual content’s meta tags. !Making it work for you: Include detailed image descriptions using a couple of your main keywords in the “alt tags” of your images and ensure that your file sizes aren’t too big to keep your load times speedy. Don’t forget about your image’s file name - make this short and descriptive to maximize your search visibility. !Optimizing your visual contents’ meta data takes minimal effort on your part and is a really effective way to extend the reach of the images you’re already using. !Example: Say you’re a marketing consultant and you’ve just produced a new infographic for your blog on the effectiveness of viral marketing - if your blog is the only thing that’s ranking in the search engine results pages, you’re missing the chance to drive traffic directly via your infographic image. So, make sure you fill out the meta data for your infographic to get it indexed on image-based search engines like Google Images. !!


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If you’ve taken the time to research, develop and produce content pieces like whitepapers, podcasts or

webinars, then you’ve likely got lots of ready-to-use content that you’re not taking advantage of. So, go through

them and find your best quotes or tips and archive them. !Making it work for you: Send out your best quotes in emails to your audience, or create eye-catching images of these standalone quotes to share on social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram. Don’t forget to include a link to related content pieces that your audience might be interested in. !This is a great tactic to use when you’re short on time to create new content and a good way to encourage engagement with your audience while cementing your thought leadership in your niche. !Example: Say you’re an engineer and you’re holding a training event - break up your speech into twitter-sized quotes and create eye-catching visuals using these quotes to promote your training event, course or webinar across social media.


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Another great way of extending the reach of your existing (and bigger) content is to divide it up into

smaller content pieces. You can turn the focussed chapters or sections of webinars and whitepapers into easily

digestible, bite-sized pieces like videos, SlideShare presentations, podcasts, infographics, blogs posts or Google+ Hangouts. !Making it work for you: Try using your notes from a specific section of a past webinar to create a focused (and brief) blog post on the subject. This is a good way for your content to reach prospects who may have missed the webinar or saved the recording “to watch later” (aka. the prospects who have forgotten about it or just don’t have time for it). !Example: Say you’re a financial coach and you’ve created a whitepaper download on investment strategies - you could choose a particularly useful chapter of your whitepaper to turn into a video script, which could be read on-camera by yourself or turned into a short animated video (this can be done quickly through many online services). This low-cost content repurposing can be used by itself as a mini-training, or to promote sign-ups and downloads for your larger guide. !!!!


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While your focus should be on regular content production, it doesn’t mean that your older content

can’t be working for you, too. If you’ve got old content pieces like blog posts and articles that are still relevant (and

worthy of your audience’s attention) then archive these posts and link to them from your newer content pieces. !Making it work for you: If you have enough content, you can create topical archives on subject matter that interests your audience. If you don’t have enough content to create topical archives, then just link relevant keywords in your new articles, posts and other content pieces to the older content piece. Alternatively, place a link at the end of the post to an older that they might be interested in. !(*IMPORTANT NOTE: don’t link to outdated information - for example, no one wants to learn about once-effective SEO tips that’ll actually get them punished in the rankings now!)

!Example: Say you’re a web design agency with a comprehensive blog containing news about design, marketing and social media - make a list of your most popular posts and ensure that you’re still sending traffic to them. Divide your existing blog posts into broad categories based on subjects (i.e. “design news”, “social media” and “marketing”) and, if you have enough content, subcategories based on specific topics (i.e. “visual marketing”, “responsive design”, “Facebook advertising”). Link out to these archives from your newer, related posts and link relevant keywords in your new posts to your popular past posts. !!!

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Would You Like My Team To Personally Double, Triple or Even Quadruple Your Business

...For Free? !!From The Desk Of James T Noble London, England December 2013 !Dear Marketing Consultant, !I’ll cut to the chase. !I’m looking for a “dream” client for whom I can generate outstanding results. !If you’re that client, my team and I will personally work with you one-on-one to help you double, triple, or maybe quadruple your revenue and/or net profit. !I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. If you’re the right fit, I’d like to do it for you. !

The Cost? ZERO. Here's why. !The very first thing I’m going to do for you is personally create a strategic plan to bring in immediate additional revenue. I call this “Found Money.” !There’s no charge for this and it only takes 45 to 60 minutes for us to do together. !(I’ve grown multiple businesses of my own and consulted for others for well over a decade - I’ve grown pretty good at fast results.) !At the end of this initial planning session one of three things will happen: !1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch to let me know how you’re doing. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to work together in

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the future.!2. You love the plan and ask to become a client so my team and I can personally help you execute it and increase your revenue ASAP.If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park together. Guaranteed. !My team and I will even do most of the heavily lifting for you... we develop strategy, write copy, produce ads and lots more. !See, every client that has genuinely followed my advice and implemented my material has got results: tangible business growth, not ‘feel good’ stuff. !3. In the unlikely (and so far unprecedented) event that you feel you wasted your time, I will send you $500.00 as payment immediately. No questions or fuss. Your time is your most valuable asset, and I respect that. !It’s that simple. There is no catch. !Go here to find out how it’ll work and why I’m offering this to you: !
