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Image: Shutterstock Tinnitus is quite common. One out of every 5 people across the world suffer from this problem. More than 33% of senior citizens experience it. The constant ringing sensation might be irritating but tinnitus is not a disease. It is a symptom of other prevailing health conditions. While there are no permanent cure for this irritating symptom, studies suggest that yoga can ease the condition. Before we go through the yoga poses for treating tinnitus, let’s try and understand the triggers that can cause this condition: 1. Stress 2. Stiff neck and jaws 3. Jaw joint disorders 4. Poor blood circulation to the brain 5. Ear wax accumulation 6. High blood cholesterol levels 7. Cardiac ailments 8. Allergies 9. Ear infection 10. Middle ear bone stiffening Permanently Cure Your Tinnitus

How To Cure Tinnitus Permenantly

May 07, 2015


Health & Medicine

Tinnitus Yoga exercises for anybody effected by ringing and buzzing of the ears.
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Page 1: How To Cure Tinnitus Permenantly

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Tinnitus is quite common. One out of every 5 people across the world suffer from this problem. More

than 33% of senior citizens experience it. The constant ringing sensation might be irritating but

tinnitus is not a disease. It is a symptom of other prevailing health conditions. While there are no

permanent cure for this irritating symptom, studies suggest that yoga can ease the condition.

Before we go through the yoga poses for treating tinnitus, let’s try and understand the triggers that

can cause this condition:

1. Stress

2. Stiff neck and jaws

3. Jaw joint disorders

4. Poor blood circulation to the brain

5. Ear wax accumulation

6. High blood cholesterol levels

7. Cardiac ailments

8. Allergies

9. Ear infection

10. Middle ear bone stiffening

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These were just handful of the causes, which yoga can minimize and control. Yoga eases stress,

improves the circulation of blood, boosts your immunity and eases the stiffness and inflammation

affecting joints. This, in turn, lowers the strain caused by tinnitus.

Clogged chakras are one of the prime reasons behind this condition. Clearing and awakening the

chakras with the help of Kundalini Yoga can offer immense relief from this condition. Check out

these 15 yoga poses with a handful of breathing techniques, which you can practice regularly to

combat tinnitus.

Top 15 Yoga Poses For Tinnitus:1. Karna Pidasana – Ear Pressure Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

This Kundalini yoga asana is also an inversion pose. It looks simple, but needs intense practice to

master. The knees placed near the ears improve circulation levels, while muffling ears, easing

assorted hearing issues, including tinnitus.

How to do:1. Sit in the floor on your knees.

2. Fold a blanket and place it beneath your shoulders, while your neck and head are away from

the blanket.

3. Slowly, lie down in supine position.

4. Push your legs above your head and bend it in such a way that your toes come into contact

with the floor, behind your head. Knees should be erect.

5. Stretch your arms backwards and interlace your fingers.

6. Roll your shoulders, slowly, allowing your hips to align over them.

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7. This is the Plough Pose. From here, bend your knees in such a way that they rest alongside

your head on the floor.

8. The feet should also rest on floor.

9. Apply mild pressure on your ears in such a way that the aural disturbances are cut off for 5


10. Hold the pose for a count of 5.

11. Slowly release your arms and gently roll out.

Repeat this 5 times everyday for maximum benefits.

Standing Poses:2. Tadasana – Mountain Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

A basic standing pose, it improve awareness, steadies your breathing, and improves the blood

circulation throughout your body. It is ideal to keep your motivation levels high and give you that

much wanted energy booster to kick off an awesome day. Regular practice also helps in easing

various kinds of pain experienced throughout the body.

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How to do:

1. Stand on the mat, feet kept together, spine and head erect.

2. Allow your hands to rest alongside your body, palms resting on your thighs.

3. Taking a deep inhalation, take your hands above your head and join the palm in Namaste.

4. Stretch as much as possible balancing yourself on your toes. If you are a beginner, then

allow your feet to rest flat on the mat.

5. Lift your eyes to gaze at the fingertips.

6. Maintain the pose for a count of 20 to 30.

7. Taking a deep exhalation, relax and slowly come back to the initial position.

3. Parivritta Trikonasana – Revolved Triangle Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

Along with strengthening your lower body and toning your arms and hamstrings, it also improves

blood circulation. It could be considered more of a mild inversion pose as you can lower your head

as you revolve your body to look like a triangle revolving.

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How to do:1. Stand on the mat, feet placed flat and firm.

2. Stretch your hands out to either side of the body so that they make a parallel line with the


3. Taking a deep inhalation.

4. Now, as you exhale, bend to your left in such a way that the fingers of right hand touch the

toes of left foot.

5. Simultaneously, lift your left hand upward in such a way that both hands come on the same


6. Tilt your head up and fix your gaze on the left fingers.

7. Hold the pose for a count of 15 to 20, breathing normally.

8. Exhaling slowly lift your body up and come back to the initial position.

9. Repeat this procedure with your right side.

You can repeat this pose for 5 times, relaxing for 15 seconds after each repetition.

4. Padangusthasana – Big Toe To Hand Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

Just bend forward and hold your toes. Looks simple, right? It is not simple as it looks. You have to

bend completely from your hips.

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So, make sure that your feet are spread out at hip width so that you can bend easily. It calms your

mind and put an end to the unwanted stress and anxiety. Plus, bending forward actually enhances

the pace of blood circulation, easing the ringing in your ears.

How to do:1. Stand on the mat, feet stretched out at hip width.

2. Keep your spine and head erect, while hands are resting on either sides of your body, palms

on the thighs.

3. Taking a deep inhalation, lift your hands up with palms spread out, finger tips gazing the


4. Exhaling, slowly bend forward, knees erect, allowing your body to sway away from hips. Your

head and torso should move like a single unit.

5. Wrap the big toe within the fingers [left toe within the left hand fingers and vice versa].

6. Then press your toes into your hand.

7. Taking a deep inhalation, lift torso and straighten the elbows as high as possible without

exerting pressure on the neck.

8. Exhale and release the torso and bend forward to come closer to your toes.

9. Repeat this for 5 to 10 counts.

10. Taking a deep exhalation, release the toes and slowly come back to the initial position.

Sitting Poses:5. Parvatasana – Seated MountainPose:

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This is a simple and easy to do pose. Those who have knee injuries can opt for props to sit more

comfortably. It wades off tension, helps you de-stress, and relax.

How to do:1. Sit on the floor with spine erect in any comfortable cross legged position, Padmasana or


2. Let your palms rest on your thighs.

3. Taking a deep inhalation, lift your hands overhead in Namaskar mudra.

4. Lift your eyes to fix your gaze at the fingertips.

5. Sit until you feel completely relaxed while breathing normally.

6. Taking a deep exhalation, release your hands and allow them rest on the floor.

7. Stretch your legs out, one at a time, and relax.

This calming pose creates an awareness about your breathing, helping you relax. Start with 5

minutes a day and graduate to half an hour a day for a calmer you.

6. Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose:

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Many a time, extreme stiffness experienced due to arthritis or other painful inflammations could

leave you stressed out. An increased level of stress hampers the proper circulation of blood, in turn

triggering tinnitus.

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This asana targets your hips and shoulders – two of the most common sites for chronic pain and

tension in the body. The practice of this Asana removes pain from the hip and lower extremities.

How to do:1. Sit on the mat, legs stretched outward, palms resting on the floor. Fingers should be held


2. Fold your left leg at the knee in such a way that the heel of your left foot rests near to your

right butt.

3. Now, bring your right leg over the left knee and allow it to rest on closer to your left butt.

4. Bend your left arm behind you at the elbows in such a way that it rests on the back with

fingers pointing to the ceiling.

5. Taking a deep inhalation, lift your right hand and bring it closer to your right ear.

6. Fold at the elbow in such a way that the fingers of your right hand come into contact with the

fingers of left hand.

7. Keep your spine erect and try to interlock the fingers or at least both should be in touch.

8. Gaze forward.

9. Breathing normally, hold the pose for a count of 10 to 15.

10. Exhaling, release your arms and place it beside you , palm facing the floor.

11. Stretch your legs out to resume the initial position.

12. Repeat with the other side.Supine Poses:7. Uttanpadasana – Leg Raise Pose:

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This is one of the best ways to tone your abs, while improving the circulation levels. It is also good

for your back and to beat down stress.

How to do:1. Lie down in supine position on your yoga mat with feet together.

2. Hands should be placed on either side of the body, palms facing the floor.

3. Relax and take a deep breath.

4. Inhaling deeply, lift your leg, knees erect, in such a way that it makes a 45 degree angle with

the floor.

5. Tuck in your abdomen.

6. Breathe normally and hold the pose for a count of 10 to 15.

7. Exhale and slowly bring down your legs and relax.

Repeat the pose five times, relaxing for a count of 10 in between repetitions.

Variation:Those who find it difficult to lift both the legs together can do it with a single leg as well.

8. Pavanamuktasana – Wind Relieving Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

This asana is quite often advised in cases of obesity to thwart off the indigestion troubles. However,

it is also a way to relax and unwind. Obesity is also one of the lesser known triggers of tinnitus.

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A huge waist actually cuts down the supply of blood to other parts of the body. So, tone up your

waist and bid adieu to tinnitus.

How to do:1. Lie down on the mat in supine position.

2. Let your arms rest beside your body, palms facing the floor.

3. Stretch your feet out, heels touching each other.

4. Fold your knees.

5. Take a deep inward breath and while exhaling, slowly bring the folded knees towards the

chest with thighs exerting pressure on the abdomen.

6. Clasp your hands across the knees to hold it in place.

7. Again inhale and while exhaling, lift your legs to allow your chin to touch the knees.

8. Hold the position for a count of 10 to 15, while indulging in deep breathing.

9. Slowly exhale, and release the knees while bringing your head back to the floor.

10. Spread out your legs at hips width and rest the arm on the floor, palms facing the ground.

Repeat the pose 5 times, with a pause of 15 seconds between repetitions. Those who are new to

yoga can practice the pose with a single leg.

9. Navasana – Boat Pose:

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As mentioned above, you need to keep your waistline trimmed to avoid various health disorders.

This yoga pose can help you with that. Plus, it also enhances the circulation process, ensuring that

the triggers causing tinnitus are eased.

How to do:1. Lie down on the yoga mat on your back.

2. Keep your legs stretched out, toes facing the ceiling.

3. Let the hands rest on either side of your body, palms facing the ground.

4. Inhale deeply.

5. As you exhale, push your head, chest, and legs off the ground so that it looks akin to U.

6. Stretch out your arms in such a way that they are parallel to your legs..

7. Your fingers and toes should be aligned in the same line.

8. Fix the gaze on your toes.

9. Tuck in your abs and hold the pose.

10. Breathing normally, hold the posture for a count of 15 to 30.

11. Inhale and exhaling deeply, slowly relax and come back to rest in supine position.

Repeat this pose for 5 times. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

10. Matsyasana – Fish Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

This yoga asana is ideal for various ENT conditions, including tonsillitis and tinnitus, as it opens up

the clogged throat and eases the ringing sensation experienced within the ears. It also improves the

circulation of blood in the body.

How to do:1. Lie on a mat on your back.

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2. Keep your legs together, toes pointed.

3. Let your hands be aligned on either side of the body, palms resting beneath the butts.

4. Curving your tailbone, hug elbows as close as possible to your sides.

5. Taking a deep inhalation, lift your shoulders and torso from the mat.

6. Gently, tilt your head backward to allow the lower portion of the head rest on the mat.

7. Balance yourself on the elbows by placing them firmly on the ground to keep the chest up.

8. Breathe deeply while in pose and hold the pose for a count of 20 to 30.

9. Exhaling, relax, and come back to initial position.

Do 5 to 7 repetitions, pausing for 15 second between repetitions.

Prone Poses:11. Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

This is a single pose that bestows you with a myriad of health benefits. Be it a stronger back, toned

abs and arms, or a complete freedom from stress, I vouch for this pose. And, it is quite simple to

learn and easy to practice too.

How to do:1. Lie down on your mat in prone position.Permanently Cure Your Tinnitus

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2. Keep your legs together and hands stretched above your head in Namaskar mudra.

3. Bring your hands beneath the shoulder, palms resting on the floor alongside your chest, in

alignment with shoulders. Keep your elbows straight.

4. Taking a deep inhalation, push your palms on the floor, and lift your torso from the mat, away

from the hips.

5. Stretch backward as much as possible. The ideal position would be until you feel the stretch

on your abdominal region without any stress on your spine.

6. Fix your gaze on the ceiling, your head tilted back as much as possible.

7. Breathing normally, hold the pose for a count of 15 to 30.

8. Exhale and slowly relax to come back to the initial position.

9. Stretch out your hands.

Indulge in 7 to 10 repetitions, with a 15 second pause in between.

Inversion Poses:12. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose):

Image: Shutterstock

This is a mild inversion pose and is a part of Surya Namaskar. A simple to learn, easy to practice

pose, it comes with an array of benefits. Plus, it offers a wholesome stretch to the entire body,

making it my favorite pre-workout and post workout stretching option.Permanently Cure Your Tinnitus

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How to do:1. Stand straight with your feet flat on the mat.

2. Keep your spine erect while allowing your hands to rest on either side of your body, with

palms facing the thighs.

3. Breathing normally, bend forward.

4. Bring your hand forward in such a way that the palms in front of you on the mat. Spread out

your fingers.

5. Bend the head down to allow the eyes to come into contact with the floor.

6. Slowly, stretch your legs backwards, one at a time, while maintaining the balance. Make sure

that your feet and hands come in the same line.

7. Keep your elbows and knees straight.

8. Taking a deep inhalation, tuck your tummy completely inward.

9. Hold the position, while breathing normally, for a count of 30 to 60.

10. Exhaling slowly, come back to the standing pose.

11. Let your hand rest on either side of the body.

Repeat 3 to 5 times, pausing for 15 seconds in between.

13. Ustrasana – Camel Pose:

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A counter pose to Naukasana, the Boat Pose, it eases the tension experienced at your back and

tummy. It also ensures that your brain gets a good dose of blood supply, easing tension and stress


How to do:

1. Sit on the mat with knees folded and butts resting on the heels, while palms rest on your


2. Slowly, lift your body up from knees to allow your entire body weight to be supported by the


3. Make sure that your heels and ground are in 90 degrees angle.

4. Inhale and exhaling deeply, arch your back.

5. Lift your hands up and then slowly bring then backward, behind your body, and try holding

your ankles, one after the other.

6. Bend your head backward and stretch b until you experience a tingle in your tummy.

7. Breathing normally, hold the pose for a slow count of 20 to 30.

8. Exhale and slowly relax.

9. Come back to the initial position.

Repeat this pose for 5 times, relaxing for 15 seconds after each repetition.

14. Viparita Karani – Legs Up The Wall Pose:

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This posture allows your head, throat, and neck to be supplied with blood in abundance. The result –

your ENT troubles vanish away. A gentle, restorative, and relaxing pose, it is also known as the

fountain of the youth pose.

How to do:1. Sit on the yoga mat, next to a wall, in such a way that your left side rest on the wall, knees on

the chest. [Curl on to your, right back resting on the wall]

2. Slowly, stretch your lower back to rest it on the floor.

3. Simultaneously, straighten your knees and allow your legs to rest on the wall.

4. With your elbows, support upper portion of your body.

5. Now, gradually relax your lower back and elbows to rest completely on the mat.

6. Stretch out your hands on either side of your body.

7. Close your eyes and hold the pose, breathing deeply, as long as you can.

8. For relaxing, bring your keens back to the chest and roll on the side.

Repeat the pose thrice, relaxing for 15 seconds in between.

15. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose:

Image: Shutterstock

This is a basic pose, but needs to be performed with utmost care.

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This is ideal for people suffering from hyperthyroidism as the shoulder stand improves the

functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring better metabolic rates. Your circulation levels get a boost,

in turn, healing the infections that trigger tinnitus.

How to do:1. Lie down on the mat with your back on the ground.

2. Exhale deeply.

3. Now, as you inhale inhaling, raise the legs in such a way that they make a 90 degree angle

with the mat.

4. Now, exhale and simultaneously raise your waist while pushing your legs backwards beyond

your head.

5. Support your waist with your hands.

6. Hold the pose for a count of 20 to 30, indulging in normal breathing.

7. Exhaling slowly, bend your knees, curve your back, and gently, allow your body to return to

the initial position.

Repeat thrice, relaxing 30 seconds before the next repetition.

Pranayamas For Tinnutis:1. Kapalabhati Pranayama – Skull Shining Breathing Technique:

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A rapid, forceful exhalation followed by mild inhalations – that is what this breathing technique is all

about. It is the ideal way to cleanse your body and pep up your immunity levels. You will also feel

recharged and relaxed. Make sure you do it on empty stomach.

How to do:1. Sit down on yoga mat in Padmasana or Sukhasana.

2. Take three sounds of deep inhalations and exhalations.

3. With a deep inhalation, tuck your abdominal muscles in.

4. Exhale forcefully. It should continuous exhalations with your tummy flapping. Inhalation

should strictly be a passive one.

5. Do 3 sets of 20 rounds each, including a deep inhalation and exhalation between two sets.

6. Relax with a deep exhalation and breathe normally.2. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama – Alternate Nostril Breathing:

Image: Shutterstock

Alternate nostril breathing helps in purifying the entire nervous system. It is, unarguably, one of the

easiest and best stress busting exercises you can ever learn. It also improves the circulation levels

by purifying it.

How to do:1. Sit on the yoga mat in Padmasana or Sukhasana.Permanently Cure Your Tinnitus

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2. Keep your hands on your thighs in Gyan mudra.

3. Now lift your right hand, with palms shaped into Pranayama Mudra. [Your right thumb should

be used to close the right nostril, while the middle and ring fingers of right hand are used to close

the left nostril].

4. Close your right nostril and take a slow, deep inhalation with your left.

5. Close the left nostril, hold the breath for a count of 5.

6. Open your right nostril and exhale completely.

7. Now, inhale via your right nostril, close it, hold the breathe for a count of 5, and exhale with

your left.

This completes one round of Anuloma Viloma Pranayama. Do 25 such rounds.

3. Ujjayi Pranayama – Ocean Breath – Victorious Breath:

Image: Shutterstock

Improve your body temperature and pep up your metabolism and immunity levels with this breathing

technique. A great way to heal sore and dry throat, it is quite effective in cases of ear infections. The

tension experienced within the throat and ears are also eased. It is an essential breathing technique

to be practiced to ease various ENT ailments, including tinnitus, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.

How to do:1. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position in an area where there is air circulation.

2. Let your hands rest on your thighs, palms facing the thighs.Permanently Cure Your Tinnitus

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3. Inhale deeply through nose and slowly exhale with your mouth making a Aahh sound.

4. Repeat 5 to 8 times.

5. Now, close your mouth.

6. Continue breathing with your nose, making a similar sound.

This makes one round. Do 2 sets of 25 reps.

4. Suryabhedana – Right Nostril Breathing:

Image: Shutterstock

Activate the sun in your body with this breathing technique. Surya is a Sanskrit word that stands for

Sun. As per Yoga principles, the Nadi associated with sun is your right nostril. This is also called the

Viloma Pranayama.

How to do:1. Sit comfortably on the mat in a cross-legged position of your choice, Padmasana or


2. Take a deep, yet slow inhalation via your nostril, keeping the left nostril closed completely

with your little finger and ring finger of the right hand.

3. Now, close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand.

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4. Slowly, exhale completely via your left nostril, keeping your right nostril closed.

One inhalation and one exhalation makes one round. Do 10 such rounds to put yourself at ease and

pep up your energy levels.

There is no permanent solution that can help in completely healing tinnitus. Include foods that can

improve circulation levels, such as pineapples. You can also use garlic to combat infections,

inflammations and pep up your immunity. Along with this, practice these yoga poses for relief. You

will definitely feel the difference in a few weeks.

Have you ever experience ringing in your ears? Have you ever come across anyone who has this

problem? What is your way of easing the trouble? Share with us below.

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