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How to Connect DDD FTP using “FileZilla” FTP Client

How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs

Jun 25, 2020



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Page 1: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs

How to Connect DDD FTP using “FileZilla” FTP Client

Page 2: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs

➔ C I i fi

::= Apps ■ bookmartcs Q OotStaff {f:• Ta bleau PROO {f} Tableau Summary D .. . Fee-For-Service

~ Fi leZi I laTherreem~lution


FileZilla Featu res Screenshots Download Documentation FileZilla Pro

FileZilla Server Download

Community Foru m Project page Wiki

General FAQ Support Contact License Privacy Policy Trademark Policy

Development Source code Nightly builds Translations Version history Change/cg Issue tracker

Other projects libfilezilla Octochess



Overview Welcome to t he homepage of FileZilla@, t he free FTP solution. The FileZilla Client not only supJ Public License.

We are also offer ing FileZilla Pro , with addit ional protocol support for WebDAV, Amazon S3, Bae

Last but not least , FileZilla Server is a f ree open source FTP and FTPS Server.

Support is avail able t hrough our fQ.~~ITl-~, t he "'-i~i_ and the llyg and feature request t rackers.

In addition, you will find documentation on how to co mpile FileZ il/a and nightly builds for multi

0 Quick download links

I Download -FileZilla Client All platforms


Download FileZilla Server Windows only


Pick the client if you want to t ra nsfer files. Get t he server if you want to make files avail

9 News Q

~ 2019-08- 15 - FileZilla Client 3.44.2 released

Bugfixes and minor changes:

Q MSW: Fixed a crash if using predefined sites through fzdefau lts.xml 0 Fixes t o protocol se lect ion glitches in the Site Manager 0 Increase maximum length of response lin es when using FTP

0 2019-08-09 - FileZilla Client 3.44.1 released

How to Download FileZilla Software

1.Please visit the website

2.Download the latest FileZilla Client (Free) version

using the link button “Download FileZilla Client”(as

shown in Picture 1)

3.And then Install the software using the .exe file

that you downloaded.

Note : FileZilla is one of many free FTP client

softwares available online and DDD is not

recommending it over others.

Page 3: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs


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~ UltraEdit-32.lnk -,_• Transportation_Rat~71&pdf

{:'.lTimeliness Report_Jan2019.xlsx

~ m .jpg ~ QNXT_CRS_BH.sql

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-,_' Petition_Docum,nt.pdf

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l!} Fil,Mov"Strvice. '3(,.config ~ Fil,.M nv .. Nrvir "·""" • {nnv.rnnfin

44fi lesand3directories.Total size: 11,087,470 bytes

Strv" / Local file Direction Remote file

Queued files r h il,d transf,rs Successful transf,rs


215,421 XMLFile 11/28120186:00:~--

125,656 DTSX Fi1e 8/16/2018 3:2&31 .. .

693,029 Microsoft Wor ... 5/ 29/ 20189:25:32 .. .

56,832 Outlook:ltem 3/12/20182:41:17 .. .

593 Shortcut 7/20/2018 12:06:08. ..

63.761 AdobeAcroba ... 12/17/ 20183:19:08. ..

236,069 MicrosoftExct .. . 1/ 28/2019 3:20:26 .. .

287,292 JPGFil t 12/6/2018 3:27:22 .. .

67,427 SQL Filt 7/31/2019 4:48:25 .. .

292, 106 Microsoft Wor ... 9/ 14/ 2018 4:29:05 .. .

2,238 Shortcut 4/25/2019 3:17:04 .. .

96,705 Adobt Acroba ... 5/ 29/2019 10:39:56. ..

2,003J)82 AdobeAcroba ... 5/ 20/20149:08:04 .. .

364 TXT Filt 8/14/2018 3:00: 55 .. .

0 TXTFile 5/21/2019 1:39:32 .. .

127 lnt,metShortc ... 1/12/2018 10:49: 15 ...

213,055 AdobtAcroba ... 7/3/201912:36:33 .. .

147,833 fo.tOocument 11/1 / 2018 3:09: 18 .. .

3,201 XMLConfigur ... 11/1 6/2018 12:36:3 ... 7/ l/,01/'i 1:'i0:4JPM

Sia Priority Status


"' Filename

Not connected.


Connect FTP Using FileZilla

1. After install, Open the “FileZilla” software

2. On top left side you will notice the below three

text boxes to fill the information to connect (as

shown in picture).

a. Please enter in Text box labeled as


b. Please enter username in the Text box labeled as


c. Please enter password in the Text box labeled as


3. Click on “Quick connect” button to connect.

Page 4: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs

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44filtsand 3 dirKtorits.Totalsizl!:1 1,087,470 bytes

Filtsize Filttype

215,421 XM LFil t 11 /28/20186:00:06 .. .

125,656 DTSXFilt 8/16/20183:26:31 .. .

693,029 MicrO'loft Wor ... 5/29/ 20189:25:32 .. .

56,832 Outlook. Item 3/12/20182:41 :17 .. .

593 Shortcut 7/20/201812:06:0ll. ..

63.761 AdobtAcroba ... 12/17/20183:19:08 .. .

23-6.069 Microsofthct ... 1/28120193:20:26 .. .

287,292 JPGFilt 12/6120183:27:22 .. . 67,427 SQI. Filt 1/31/20194:48:25 ...

292,106 Microsoft Wor ... 9/1 4/2018 4:29:05 ...

2,238 Shortcut 4/25/20193:17:04 .. . 96,705 AdobtAcroba ... 5/29/ 201910:39:56 .. .

2,003,082 AdobtAcroba ... 5/20/2014 9:08:04 .. .

364 TXT Filt 8/14/20183:00:55 .. .

0 TXT File 5/21/20191 :39:32 .. .

127 lntemt!Shortc ... 1/1 2/201810:49: 15 .. .

213.055 AdobtAcroba .•. 7/3/201912:l6:33 ...

147.833 Ttxt Documer,t 11/1/2018 3:09:18 ...

3,201 XML Configur ... 11/16/2018 12:36:3 ... 11~1 XMI Cnnfin"'

.. ■CLAIMSIN ,-:~~=~r

5 directories

Filtsizt FilttyJH:

File folder




File folder

Last modifil!d Perm... Owner/Group

8/20/20193:00:ll PM cdtflm

8/20/20198:33:35 PM cdtflm

10/30/20183:47:54PM cdtflm

12/15/ 2017 11:35:02. ... cdtflm

12/15/ 2017 11:35: 14 ... cdtflm

Successful Login

1. Once you connected

successfully, You will notice

the folders in your FTP


2. Double click on the “Reports”

folder (as shown in the


Page 5: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs

0 Fildilla

File Edit View Transfer Server Bookmarks Help

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1-''-"-''_"•-',-C.,·\U_","= ------------------------v Remote site; I / AACT/ Reports

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Filesiz.e Filetype Lastmodified

215,421 XMLFile 11/28/20186:00:06 ...

125,656 DTSX File 8/16/2018 3:26:31 .. .

693,029 Microsoft Wor ... 5/ 29/ 20189:25:32 .. .

56,832 Outlook ltem 3/12/20182:41:17 .. .

593 Shortcut 7/20/2018 12:06:08 .. .

63,761 Adobe Acroba ... 12/17/20183:19:08 .. .

236,069 MicrosoftExce .. . 1/28/20193:20:26 .. .

287,292 JPGFile 12/6/20183:27:22 .. .

67,427 SQLFile 7/31/2019 4:48:25 .. .

292.106 Microsoft Wor .. . 9/ 14/20184:29:05 .. .

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56,832 Outlook ~em 3/12/2018 2"1:17 ...


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11l'30/20183:'7,'.>4 PM cdeflm

fil,, fc ld..- 10{30/2018U7,'.>4P M cdeflm

Filf,fcldtf 10{30/20183:,7,'.,a! PM cdeflm

Successful Login

1. Double click on the

“ProgressReports” Folder (as

shown in picture)

2. Double click on the “IN”

Folder(as shown in picture)

Page 6: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs


File Edi'I View Tr,1nsfe, Se,ve, 8ookm11b Hdp

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Loni irte: C:\User \ Desktop\RaHrch\ProgrnsRc:potl\ v Rc:motc: site: / ADFCJReporu/ PrograsReporuJIN

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flatus: Starting upload of C:\ U~rs\ Desktop\ Resea rch\ Proqr1mReport\DDDProqren Repo rt_2018_0S_ADFCJl010016J33_E4567Jl02.pdf ;talus: Starting upload of C:\ U~rs\ Desktop\ Rese~rch\ Pr~gressReport\DDDPr~gressReport_2018_0S_ADFCJl010016l33_E4567Jl01.pdf ;talus: Fil,transfersuccessful transf, rred 1,361,333 bytesin1s<":cond flatus: Fi!e transfersuccessfultransferred 1,3.61,333bytes in1 Sfiond ;tat us: Retrieving d;redory listing of "/ADFC/Reports/ProgressReports/lN" ... ;talus: DirKtorylisting of "/ADFC/ Reports/PrograsReport!./lN" successful



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: Progra,Report I 8-■ ProgressRiports

i ~ - ' . $--~ Documents ? OUT H oownloads ? REJECT

111--• F~vo rites

f--■ lntelGraphicsProfiles f ,. Links

f---■ LoulSetti ngs (--ftil My Documents

$--■ myA pp f-1 NetHood

tFilename Filaize Filetype Lut modified

! ~8S CODES.xlsx 64,228 Microsoft Exce... 8/16/20194:01 :02 ...

~ ~O~ProgressReport_2018J)S_ADFC_0010016333_E4567_002.pdf 1,361,333 Adobe Acroba ... 8110/201810:50:42 .. .

~ DDDPrograsReport_2018_0S_AOFC_0010016J3J_E4S67_001.pdf 1,3.61,333 AdobeAcroba ... 8/10/2018 10:47:00 .. .

.. r-• D00PrograsReport_2018_0S_ADFC_0010016333_E4S67 _001.pdf

r,.• o oDProg rasReport_2018_0S_AOFC_001001633J_E4S67Jl02.pdf

Fi1aiu Fi1~ Lan modified

Own<':r/ Group

1,361,333 Ado beAcrob ... 8/2.2/20191 :11 :00 PM

1,361,333 AdobeAcrob ... 8/22/20191 :11 :00 PM I

Submit File(s) into “IN” Folder

1. Browse your files from your local machine

using the left side panel as shown in Picture

2. Select one or more file(s) for submission

3. Right click on the selection and click on

“Upload” button.

4. You can observe the files have been uploaded

successfully into the “IN” folder, (as shown in

picture 2) and later it will disappear once the file

has been picked up for processing.

5. Note that our process will pick up file(s) from

“IN” folder every hour.

Page 7: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs I Username: I •••••••••• Discon nected from server Disconnected from server

I Password: I ••••••••••

Retri eving directory listing of M/ADFC/ Reports/Prog ressReports/ OUTM ... Directory listing of "/ ADFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/OUT" successful Retrieving directory listing of M/ ADFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/REJECT " ... Directory listing of "/ ADFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/REJECTM successful

I Port LJ Quickconnect f[:J

C:\ Users\ Deslctop\ Resea rc h\ ProgressReport\ v Remote site: I / ADFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/ OUT -~---i~!,.l~ P-,o-g-,.-,.-.,-,-ort_______________________ i

.... • SNF

~ ... ~ Documents

riJ .... Downloads

EJ··· l;I ProgressReports ..... IN


~ .... Favorites ~----------~------------------~ .... . lntelGraphic.sProfiles Filename Filesize Filetype

• r, Links

.... . Local Settings

.. ~ My Documents

[j]··· • myApp ... , NetHood

Filesize Filetype last modified

DDES.xlsx 64,228 Microsoft Exce... 8/16/2019 4:01:02 ..

"g ressReport_2018_05_ADFC_0010016333_E4S67 _002.pdf 1,361,333 Adobe Acroba... 8/10/ 2018 10:S0:42 ...

?gressReport_2018_05_ADFC_0010016333_E4S67 _001 .pdf 1,361,333 Adobe Acroba... 8/10/ 2018 10:47:00 ...

~ ACK_ADFC_20180924.txt

[iJ' ACK_ADFC_2018092S.txt

187,991 TXT File

215 TXT File

Check Status in ACK file(s) in “OUT” folder

1. File status information can be found in the

acknowledgement file under the folder


2. Note that only one acknowledgement (ACK*) file

will be created per day basis (as shown in the

picture with ACK files with different submission


3. Even if multiple set of files dropped in the IN folder

in different time on the same day, all the file

statuses for could be found in one ACK file only.

4. It would be a good practice to verify the statuses

after submission to know if the files has been

processed or not.

Page 8: How to Connect DDD FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client › sites › default › files › media › Connect_to... · 2019-12-12 · C I i ::= Apps bookmartcs J Jbernam~ I •••••••••• I Password: I •••••••••• I Port [_

Disconnected from server Retrieving directo ry list ing of "/ AOFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/OUT" ... Directory li sting of "/ADFC/Reports/ProgressReports/OUT" successful Retrieving directory list ing of "/ADFC/ Reports/ProgressReports/REJECT" .. . Directory li sting of "/ADFC/Reports/ProgressReports/REJECT" successful

.,,_C:\_U_" _" \_D6_ 1ct_o~p\-R6_•_• "_h\_P,_og~•6_ ,_R, _po_rt\ _________________ v Remote sit~ I / ADFC/Reports/ProgressReports/RE.JECT

I L:I ::ressReport El--~ 'Prof~essRepo rts

IE-~ Documents [1


ltJ ..... Downloads I :_ __ I REJECT I ~ -* Favorites !--- lntelGraphicsProfi les Filename

~- II Linh i--- local Settings ~ DDDProgressReport_2018_0S_ADF(_000000000009_E4567_999.pdf

i--[~ My Documents ~ DODProgressReport_2018_0S_ADFC_ 100'.l10006333_E4567_ 100'.l.pdf

~-- myApp "-" DODProgressReport_2018_0S_ODDD_OOIXXXIS104_E4567_999.pdf

! ... , Net:Hood .,. "-" DODProgressReport_208_0S_ADFC_OOIXXXIS104_E4567_999.pdf

t----~~--------Fi-16-.,-Fi-l,typ-,---, -,rt- m-od_<_ied-------f ~~~~:;::::::::::::::~:::c:;~~~::~t:::df DES.xlsx


64,228 Microsoftb:ce ... 8/16/20194:01 :02 ...

1, 361.333 Adobe Acroba ... 8/10/2018 10:S0:42 ...

gressReport_2018_0S_ADFC_0010016333_E4 >67_001.pdf 1, 361,333 AdobeAcroba... 8/10/2018 10:47;00 ...

~ DODProgressReport_AAAA_XX_9999_00IXXXIS104_E4567_AAA. pdf

"-" DODProgressRepot_2018_0S_AOFC_OOOIXXJS 104 _E4S67 _999.pdf

"-' DODProgressRepot_2018_07 _AOFC_OOOIXXJS 104 _E4567 _999.pdf

Filesize Filetype lartmo difi~ Perm ... Owne

1,064,010 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:42.:16 PM

1,361,333 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 2018 12.:S7:27 PM

1,064,006 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:42:16 PM

1,063.995 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:42:16 PM

1,063,997 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/20182.:42.:16 PM

1,064,007 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:42.:16 PM

1,064,008 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:42.:16 PM

1,063,997 AdobeAcrob ... 9/24/ 20182.:3S:S9 PM

1,063.997 AdobeAcrob ... 9/2S/20181 :36;17 PM

Find rejected file in “REJECT” folder 1. Files not accepted are the ones with wrong file

naming formats.

2. Rejected files will not be considered for processing

and will be moved to REJECT folders(as shown in

picture) for your review.

3. Please correct those files names as per the DDD file

naming standards and resubmit them in “IN” Folder

File Naming standard: DDDProgressReport_YYYY_MM_PBS_ASSISTID_SVC_SQN.EXT

Sample File Name : DDDProgressReport_2018_09_AAAA_1234567890_OCL_001.pdf