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How to Avoid the 'Stall Call' and Other Distractions While on a Conference Call

Jul 27, 2015



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Page 1: How to Avoid the 'Stall Call' and Other Distractions While on a Conference Call
Page 2: How to Avoid the 'Stall Call' and Other Distractions While on a Conference Call
Page 3: How to Avoid the 'Stall Call' and Other Distractions While on a Conference Call

1. DOING OTHER WORK No one was surprised by this one. One of the big advantages to a

conference call is the opportunity to multitask. Almost two-thirds of people said they do other work while on a conference call.

While we applaud the multitaskers and overachievers, it can also be dangerous to become so distracted with other work that the conference call

becomes ineffective.

Pro Tip: If you can't keep up with the conversation on the conference call, there's no need to be on it. Make sure your call is the #1 priority.

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Make this bold like the other pro tips. Delete last sentence and replace with: Chances are, if you can get away with multitasking during the meeting, you really didn't need to join in the first place. Get some time back in your day and decline the meeting if you don't really have to be there. Sometimes it's actually OK to be excluded.
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2. SENDING EMAILS This isn't a shocker either and may sometimes even be necessary. More

than three out of five people send emails during a conference call.

This isn't always a bad thing, especially if it is related to the call. But, keep in mind that if you can't type and pay attention at the same time, you might

want to put a hold on the emails.

Pro Tip: Only send out emails that are requested or are necessary for the call you are on. If you are a loud typer, put yourself on mute while you compose the email so the other attendees aren't distracted by the constant 'clack, clack, clack'.

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( (

3. EATING OR MAKING FOOD The survey found that 55% of people eat or prepare food while on a

conference call. They must not be contributing much if their mouths are full.

It isn't unusual to keep snacks at your desk, but no one wants to hear you chomping your cheese curls while everyone is in a heavy discussion about


Pro Tip: Just don't eat during a call; you won't starve. But, if you have to, put your line on mute before you dig in.

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deleted 'while everyone is in' and replace with 'during'
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4. GOING TO THE RESTROOM (a.k.a. The Stall Call)

The last thing anyone wants to do is picture a conference call participant going to the restroom while talking on the phone. Nevertheless, nearly half

of people admitted to doing just that while on a conference call.

Gross. Not only does this have the potential to be extremely embarrassing for you, but how about the people in the bathroom with you? They really

don't want to hear your to-do list for the upcoming week.

Pro Tip: Hold it!

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5. TEXTING This one is pretty predictable. When are people these days not texting? It's

become so normal to see someone shoot off a quick text that we almost don't think twice about it, no matter where or when it happens. But that

doesn't mean it's acceptable.

Even in the modern world, some manners will take you a long way. A simple rule of thumb: If you wouldn't do it in a face-to-face meeting, you probably

shouldn't do it during a conference call.

Pro Tip: Err on the side of caution and only text during your conference calls if it's an emergency. If you're relying on your cell phone to attend a meeting, the last thing you need is to push the wrong button and accidentally disconnect.

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6. CHECKING SOCIAL MEDIA It should come as no surprise that more than four in ten people surveyed

said they use social media during a mobile conference call. Social media has permeated our society. That being said, it can be very distracting while trying

to pay attention to something important.

Social media has become intertwined with the business community, so it may not be a bad thing to use social media during the work day. But, like most

things, there is a time and a place to tweet or post a status. A conference call is rarely one of them.

Pro Tip: Unless your job title has the words "social media" in it, play it safe and limit your status updates while you're working.

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change from ten to 10
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7. PLAYING VIDEO GAMES There is just something strange-and almost offensive-about a client or

coworker playing Call of Duty or Madden while the team is trying to discuss quarterly budgets and program strategies. But alas, a quarter of our respondents claimed that they have played video games during a

conference call.

Pro Tip: Don't risk yelling at the virtual football player and then realizing that your phone isn't muted. Or try to withstand the need to play Candy Crush until lunchtime. The other people in your meeting will appreciate it.

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More than one in five of those surveyed fessed up to shopping online during a conference call. This isn't so surprising. Most people browse the web while

working. But, again, when you're on the clock and on a call, you should probably be giving 100 percent of your attention to the conference call.

Pro Tip: Unless it's Cyber Monday, those online deals will be there when your call is over. Park the cart until after the call.

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change conference call to meeting
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Change to: Park the cart. Unless it's Cyber Monday, those online deals will be there when your call is over.
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9. EXERCISING So, almost one in ten people admit to getting a sweat on while on a

conference call. It's possible that their version of 'exercise' is squeezing a hand grip instead of running on a treadmill or trying to set a new world

record for a bench press.

Either way, no one wants to hear your heavy breathing while you are trying to give a status update.

Pro Tip: If your schedule is so packed that you need to overlap your workout and your conference calls, hire a personal assistant to optimize your schedule or consider hitting the gym after work

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change ten to 10
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change to: ...sweat on while participating in a conference call.
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Change this to: If your schedule is so packed that you need to overlap your workout and your conference calls, hire a personal assistant to optimize your calendar. You really should save the leg warmers and muscle shirts for after work.
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10. TAKE ANOTHER PHONE CALL With just six percent of respondents admitting to taking another call while on a work conference call, this has likely never happened to you. But, as anyone

who has ever tried to call customer service about your cell phone bill will attest, being on hold is one of the more maddening things in the world.

Pro Tip: If you are expecting an important phone call, make sure you announce that fact at the beginning of a conference call so people aren't surprised or put off when you take the call. That way, too, when they ask for your feedback and there's only silence, they won't wonder if you're sleeping.

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What can you do to make sure people on your calls are engaged?

STOP STRIVING FOR INCLUSIVITY Change the idea that all attendees should be on a conference call

from start to finish. Stagger invitations so people are only on the call for the portion they are needed. Even better, don't invite everyone and their brother just because you can-just get the people who

really need to be there on the call.

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delete 'just'
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What can you do to make sure people on your calls are engaged?

WARM UP TO VIDEO Include video conferencing in your meeting toolkit. It helps to facili­

tate interaction when people can see others' reactions to their ideas and feel connected to their remote co-workers .

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What can you do to make sure people on your calls are engaged?


Make your remote meetings more like being in a conference room. You can do this by implementing web conferencing so you

have a whiteboard available to illustrate a concept or a screen to show a presentation.

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