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1 How Specialty Contractors Can Use Websites and Social Media March 8, 2014 Steve Drake

How Specialty Contractors Can Use Websites and Social Media

Nov 18, 2014



Steve Drake

Showcasing the why, what and how websites and social media can power sales in a contractor bid environment. It includes a step-by step look at websites, blogs and six social media platforms. This presentation was delivered March 8, 2014 at the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association convention.
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  • 1. How Specialty Contractors Can Use Websites and Social Media March 8, 2014Steve Drake 1

2. About MeOhio State Clarke, the Womans College Albion College American Soybean Association2 3. My Process Analyzed answers to e-survey Reviewed 20 randomly selected websites Googled key words3 4. Who Responded Location2 - Canada 2111 32 1 32 1 112 21141 1 4 5. Who Responded Generations 2.9% 11.4%31.4%1920 - 19421943 - 196054.3%1961 - 19811982 - 1995 5 6. Your Expectations Social media: why? Social media: what & how? Updates? Audience?6 7. Todays Agenda Why? What? How? Websites Blogs Social Media Time Questions/Discussion 7 8. Subject to Change Select what best fits your company and its needs Select what works best for potential buyers Goal: leave with at least 1 good idea8 9. 9 10. Generational Change + Digital Revolution =10 11. The World is Changing11 12. The World Has ChangedWord of Mouse Expands Word of Mouth 12 13. The World Has ChangedIfcant find you you dont exist! 13 14. The World Has ChangedMobilebillionComputer UsersbillionCell Phone Users 14 15. Why? Lets small companies appear large (1st page on Google) Lets large companies be more personal (via social interaction/relationships)15 16. Why? Get on Bid Lists Supplement sales staff Enhance traditional tools 24/7 sales tool16 17. 17 18. Blogs Google News Alerts Facebook YouTube LinkedIn Twitter Flickr SlideShare Delicious Yelp! Craigslist Pinterest Instagram 18 19. You Are What You Publish Content Yesterday: brochures Content Today: website + social media + traditional media19 20. Content Marketing Content creates awareness, builds fans! Creating content Publishing where it can be found Using it to supplement sales tools20 21. Content Rules1 = Daily (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) 7 = Weekly (blog, web update) 30 = Monthly (e-letter, SlideShare post) 4 = Quarterly (trade show, white paper) 2 = Bi-Annually (white paper, event) 1 = Yearly (annual report, research project) 21 22. 22 23. Tools for Sales and/or New Customers 120.0%100.0%95.7%80.0%60.0%47.8% 40.0%21.7% 13.0%20.0%8.7%0.0%WebsiteSocial media Photos Videos (Facebook, etc.) (Pinterest, etc.) (YouTube, etc.)Company blog23 24. Frequency of Sales Promo via Website & Social Media Photo sharing (Pinterest, etc.)6.1% 12.1%6.1%0.0%Very active84.8%39.4%15.2%15.2%Company website69.7%15.2%12.1%Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)69.7%33.3%Video sharing (YouTube, etc.) 3.0%Blogs18.2%39.4%51.5%33.3%20.0%Somewhat active40.0%60.0%Not very active80.0%6.1%100.0%120.0%Not at all active 24 25. Tools You Use Top 4 Tools 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%Bottom 4 Tools56.0% 40.0%36.0%36.0%9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%4.0%25 26. Audience Building Earn it with Content Buy it with Ads26 27. Audience BuildingEarned27 28. 28 29. Dont Hard Sell Features vs Benefits WII-FM Grass seed29 30. Personas Develop persona of typical sports floor buyer: Who? Where? When? How?30 31. Personas Do Not do Let you do31 32. 32 33. To Buyers/Customers Problems Trends/Issues Concerns33 34. Listening Tools Google News Alerts Twitter # Other social media34 35. Google News Alert Key customers Key prospects Your competitors Yourself 35 36. 36 37. Monitoring Molsons red leaf cause campaign Sweetbays sour milk37 38. Monitoring at Work 39. 39 40. Sharing Builds Audience Blog Retweet Email Like Post40 41. Create a41 42. What to Use? Go where the fish are! If your decision markers and influencers are not swimming in one of these social media waters, dont fish there.42 43. Potential Tools of Your Hub 44. Fix them BEFORE you send buyers there! 44 45. Websites Really? 120%100%120%95.7%100%80%80%60%60%40%40%20%20%0%97.2%0%Use Website as source of new clientsUpdate Website once a month or less 45 46. Web Analysis Problem: generic company websites Solution: create & use landing page Problem: old news Solution: need to get fresh info Problem: me focused Solution: turn to WII-FM focus46 47. Content on Web Create informed buyers Solve their problems Provide solutions Share links47 48. Current Update Often daily if possible at least weekly RSS feed48 49. Visual Front page Photos Videos Do NOT use reverse type49 50. Adaptive50 51. 51 52. Blogs Drive people to your website Create informed buyers Solve their problems Reinforce sales efforts Build your reputation52 53. Answer Questions Ask staff for top 5-10 questions of your buyers Write stories that answer those questions Provide answers to buyers problems Use guest blogs from experts (someone like Peter Craig on concrete)53 54. Blogging ToolsWordPressBlogger54 55. 55 56. 6 Potential Tools 57. Why: Build business-to-business audience What: Share links When: IF fits persona Individuals: 36,137 athletic directors 815 athletic administrators Groups: 428 in Athletic Directors Facilities Forum 4,004 in Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators 2,310 in High School Athletic Directors group Consider upgrading to Pro 57 58. Why: Build audience sharing ideas What: Visually showcase work When: IF fits persona58 59. 59 60. Why: Build audience What: Visually showcase work When: IF fits persona Consider a Go Pro camera60 61. Why: Build audience What: Share stories/facts White papers, videos, presentations When: IF fits persona61 62. Why: Build audience What: Monitor, share links When: IF fits persona62 63. Why: Build audience What: Monitor, connect community When: IF fits persona63 64. 64 65. Yes, It Takes Time Consider creating a To stop list Devote at least 44 minutes a day to listening & monitoring Creating & distribution takes more time65 66. Dont Have Time? Service like Hubspot Intern But it with Google AdWords66 67. 67 68. Negative comments You're in control Require approval to post comments Ask them to leave get rid of their comment If legit & constructive address it appropriately68 69. Competitors get my information In Google era, no secrets Be transparent and open Focus on customer69 70. 70 71. Suggested Actions 1. 2. 3. 4.Strategy 1st Website & Blog with current content Use social media to listen & monitor Fully engage in at least 1 social media71 72. 72 73. What is it? ROI Waste of Time bid only world Reputation Trade shows Quality is what sells Spam / too much stuff Privacy Sponsorships & causes 73 74. Content Marketing Institute www.marketingprofs.comThe Sales Lion Hubspot Blogs and vidoes at How to Use Social Media to Make Sales at 75. For presentations and/or social media workshops CONTACT Steve Drake President 10564 Carena Circle Fort Myers, FL 33913 (314) 239-9464 [email protected] @stevedrake @causeaholic 75