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9781925490329 © Blake Education 2018 Earth Day L N E E E B A W R How many words can you make from these 9 letters? All words must have 3 or more letters AND use the centre letter. Can you find the 9 letter word?

How many words can you make from these 9 letters?...Record 3 interesting facts. EARTH ART! 1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’. 2. Inside the footprint write 3 ways

Jul 30, 2020



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Page 1: How many words can you make from these 9 letters?...Record 3 interesting facts. EARTH ART! 1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’. 2. Inside the footprint write 3 ways

9781925490329 © Blake Education 2018 Earth Day




How many words

can you make from

these 9 letters?

All words must have 3

or more letters AND use

the centre letter.

Can you find the 9 letter word?

Page 2: How many words can you make from these 9 letters?...Record 3 interesting facts. EARTH ART! 1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’. 2. Inside the footprint write 3 ways

9781925490329 © Blake Education 2018 Earth Day

Watch the mockumentary ‘The Majestic Plastic Bag’.

In the space below, create a flow chart showing how the plastic bag travels from the supermarket to the Great

Pacific Garbage Patch and the dangers it faces on the way!

? Research the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Record 3 interesting facts.


1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’.

2. Inside the footprint write 3

ways you will reduce plastic waste to minimise your EF.

3. Colour then cut out the Earth. 4. Glue on to coloured paper. 5. Around the edge of the Earth,

write the definition of Ecological Footprint.

6. Cut around and display.

Your ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT (EF) is the amount of productive

land and natural resources needed to support your way of

life including water, food, housing, transport and rubbish.

Page 3: How many words can you make from these 9 letters?...Record 3 interesting facts. EARTH ART! 1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’. 2. Inside the footprint write 3 ways

9781925490329 © Blake Education 2018 Earth Day

Earth Day 2018 : End Plastic Pollution!

Created by Melanie Theed & Jackie Wright

Teacher’s Notes: Upper

Before Starting

▪ Photocopy student activity sheets on separate pages. ▪ For the Earth Art activity students will need access to scissors, colour pencils, coloured paper and

glue ▪ Students will need to access 3 specific web sites to complete these activities. We suggest setting up a

folder with the links to save time and ensure they are on the correct sites. ▪ The “Majestic Plastic Bag” activity requires students to watch the video and take notes to complete

a flow chart – this may be done individually or as a whole class.

Creative Spirits

Place Value Calculator

The Majestic Plastic Bag

Earth Day – Interesting Information

• First celebrated in 1970 in the US when 20 million attended nationwide

• Started by Senator Gaylord Nelson after the Santa Barbara oil spill off California. He felt

environmental issues were not addressed in politics or media

• Aims to raise awareness about pollution and demonstrates support for environmental protection

• Kinds of issues raised: oil spills, factory pollution, power plans, sewage, freeways, toxic dumps,

pesticides, loss of wilderness, wildlife extinction

• Now an annual event – rallies, conferences, outdoor activities and projects

• 1990 - Earth Day became a global event with 200 million taking part in 141 countries

• 1992 - Earth Day helped raise awareness for the UN Earth Summit

• 2000 - Global Warming theme, clean energy

• 2010 - A Billion Acts of Green, plant a billion trees (achieved by 2012)

• 2016 - Trees for the Earth

• 2017 - Environmental and Climate Literacy

• 2018 - End Plastic Pollution; it is expected that 1 billion people will take part in 192 countries


Interesting Fact! “Trees also filter the air and help stave off the effects of climate change. In just one year, a mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen as 10 people inhale!” Source: Earth Day Canopy project:

Further ideas

▪ The Clean Up Australia has interesting facts and statistics about rubbish being found and where

▪ War on Waste has further information and statistics about plastics and other waste

▪ Explore texts written from different points of view and compare information.

Page 4: How many words can you make from these 9 letters?...Record 3 interesting facts. EARTH ART! 1. Read this definition of ‘ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT’. 2. Inside the footprint write 3 ways

9781925490329 © Blake Education 2018 Earth Day

Curriculum Links

These activities link to the Australian Curriculum in the areas of:

ACARA CODE Content Description Activity



ACELY1703 Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources

The Majestic Plastic Bag

ACELY1713 Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts

ACELY1706 Develop a handwriting style that is becoming legible, fluent and automatic

The River

ACELY1716 Develop a handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and varies according to audience and purpose




ACSIS090 Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate

The Majestic Plastic Bag


Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts


Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate

ACSIS110 Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts






ACAVAM116 Plan the display of artworks to enhance their meaning for an audience

Earth Art!

General Capabilities Investigating with ICT Using ICT for research

Various activities

Cross Curricular Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures


Answers ▪ Middens

Groups would cover the midden in which ever food they had harvested most recently to let following groups know what had been used so they could harvest different foods. This ensured no species were over-harvested.

▪ It’s all about PLACE! 590 000 volunteers / 48 000 000 tonnes of rubbish / 5 000 000 000 plastic bags in Australia / 1 000 000 000 000 plastic bags world wide / 13 000 000 new plastic bags each day / 16 679 522 000 000 bits of plastic in the ocean Sources:

▪ 9 letter word – RENEWABLE ▪ Flow chart – answers may vary slightly.

Supermarket – car park – city park (Dangers - Park Maintenance / Dogs) – suburbs – drain – river (Dangers – trees / reeds) – ocean (Dangers – dolphins / turtles) – Great Pacific Garbage Patch.