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No 1997 17 December How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment _____________ Lionel Fontagné Michaël Pajot

How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

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Page 1: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

No 1997 – 17December

How Foreign Direct Investment AffectsInternational Trade and Competitiveness:

an Empirical Assessment


Lionel FontagnéMichaël Pajot

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CEPII, document de travail n° 97-17



Résumé............................................................................................................................ 5

Summary......................................................................................................................... 8

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 10

2. Methodology.......................................................................................................... 11

3. The French case (A).............................................................................................. 17

4. A comparison between France, Sweden and the United States (A, B and C) ..... 21

6. Two poolings (D and E) ........................................................................................ 23

7. Results for FDI stocks........................................................................................... 23

8. Conclusion............................................................................................................. 25

Appendix 1: Parameter estimates for contexts A to E................................................. 29

Appendix 2: Disaggregation of French FDI data......................................................... 38

Appendix 3: Estimates for the pooling France, US, Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands(Context F).................................................................................................................... 39

Appendix 4: CHELEM Nomenclature......................................................................... 40

List of Working Papers Released by CEPII ................................................................ 42

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L'analyse micro-économique des stratégies d'internationalisation des firmesconsidère généralement l'investissement direct à l'étranger (IDE) et l'exportation commedeux formes alternatives de pénétration des marchés étrangers. Pourtant, la prise encompte dans ces modèles de stratégies de fourniture simultanée de plusieurs marchés, ouencore de l'incertitude, relativise cette conclusion traditionnelle. La théorie classique ducommerce international, de son côté, voit dans l'argument de Mundell le fondement d'unepossible substitution IDE-commerce. A nouveau, les développements récents enconcurrence imparfaite ont montré les limites d'une telle analyse. Les séries macro-économiques soulignent quant à elle une forte complémentarité des deux modesd'internationalisation.

Un certain nombre de questions relatives à la compétitivité sont concernées par cedébat : si l'IDE est substitutif au commerce international, les exportations serontremplacées au moins pour partie par des ventes locales des affiliées implantées àl'étranger, au détriment de l'industrie du pays d'origine de l'investissement. Au contraire,pour peu que commerce international et IDE s'avèrent être des compléments,l'implantation à l'étranger sera gage de compétitivité, au bénéfice des exportations et del'activité industrielle du pays d'origine.

Nous proposons ici une approche empirique bilatérale et sectorielle, susceptibled'éclairer les termes du débat. Le travail est basé sur la mise en cohérence de données decommerce et d'IDE ayant une double dimension secteur et partenaire. Cette stratégie derecherche permet de contrôler les déterminants communs des deux formesd'internationalisation, telles que la taille des marchés, le revenu par tête, ou l'intégrationrégionale ; réciproquement, l'importance des économies d'échelle, que l'on peut contrôlerdans un modèle ayant une dimension sectorielle, devrait avoir un effet opposé surl'investissement direct et le commerce. Les estimations sont basées sur des données àdifférents niveaux d'agrégation, cohérents entre eux, pour la France, les Etats-Unis, laSuède, l'UE12, le Japon, l'Italie et les Pays-Bas.

Au niveau de désagrégation le plus fin, sur données françaises, l'existence d'unerelation de complémentarité entre flux d'IDE et commerce international est confirmée pourun panel de 19 industries. L'IDE sortant est associé à des exportations et des importationsadditionnelles, dans l'industrie considérée, vis-à-vis du partenaire considéré. Mais commel'impact sur les exportations est plus profond, l'IDE est finalement associé à un excédentcommercial net. En toute logique, l'investissement entrant est associé en retour à un déficitcommercial bilatéral supporté par le pays d'accueil. On met également en évidenced'importants effets de débordement. Lorsque ces derniers sont pris en compte, l'impact del'IDE sur le commerce est beaucoup plus marqué, mais cela ne remet en question nil'existence d'un excédent commercial net induit pour le pays investisseur, ni l'ordre degrandeur de ce dernier. Nous parvenons à la conclusion selon laquelle la relation decomplémentarité observée au niveau macro-économique transite largement par ces effetsde débordement.

Une comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis souligne que l'excédentcommercial net associé à l'IDE sortant est proportionnellement de même ampleur dans lesdeux pays, alors même que l'IDE américain a des effets de complémentarité beaucoup plus

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


marqués que l'IDE français. Sans surprise, il apparaît que l'investissement entrant auxEtats-Unis est d'abord attiré par la taille du marché intérieur américain, ce qui débouchesur des effets de complémentarité IDE-commerce beaucoup plus limités que pour un payscomme la France, susceptible de servir de base d'exportation pour le Marché unique.

Les résultats obtenus sur données manufacturières suédoises ne sont passatisfaisants. Par contre, si l'on considère globalement l'IDE suédois, tous secteursconfondus, la complémentarité est avérée, mais relativement modeste.

Dans les analyses précédentes, les effets de complémentarité apparaissaient toutefoisasymétriques entre pays d'origine et d'accueil, en raison de l'insuffisante couverturegéographique du modèle. Un pooling de 14 pays déclarants face à 15 partenaires, dans unsecteur et sur la période 1984-1993, permet d'aboutir à une symétrie satisfaisante des effetsd'excédent et de déficit commercial net pour les pays investisseurs et d'accueil des IDE.

Nous menons de façon complémentaire une analyse sur les stocks d'IDE français etaméricains. En ce qui concerne la France, la complémentarité entre IDE-sortant etexportations est clairement validée. Au contraire, nous parvenons à un diagnostic desubstitution concernant les importations. Concernant l'IDE entrant en France, aucontraire, la complémentarité est avérée avec les exportations et les importations. Lerésultat de ces différents effets est clairement une amélioration des positions compétitivesde la France, en cas d'investissement direct français à l'étranger, mais non en cas d'IDEentrant.

Concernant les Etats-Unis, la complémentarité entre stocks d'IDE américain à l'étranger etexportations américaines est avérée. Mais à la différence de la France, il apparaît que lesimportations américaines sont également associées positivement à l'implantation étrangèredes firmes américaines, traduisant l'importance des délocalisations. Ainsi, au contraire dela France, l'IDE américain sortant n'est pas associé à un excédent commercial net, mais àun déficit. A l'opposé, les implantations étrangères aux Etats-Unis, ici le stock d'IDEentrant, sont clairement un substitut au commerce international, probablement en raisondes stratégies développées par les firmes étrangères pour contourner les barrièrescommerciales érigées dans certains secteurs par les Etats-Unis.

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


The analysis of microeconomic agents’ internationalisation choices generally refers to trade and Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) as alternative strategies. This substitution can nevertheless be called into doubt when the

necessity to compete on multiple foreign markets or under uncertainty is taken into account. Concerning the

theory of international trade, Mundell's classical conclusion has been challenged on the basis of imperfect

competition. Moreover, macroeconomic series of trade and FDI highlight that these two modes of

internationalisation are clearly complements.

This debate has shed light on issues related to competitiveness: if FDI displaces trade, exports will be at least

replaced by local sales on foreign markets, detrimental to the domestic industry of the investor. On the contrary,

if trade and FDI are confirmed as complements, investing abroad might lead to greater competitiveness in

foreign markets, which is beneficial to exports from the investing country and thus to its industry. In order to

clarify these relationships, a bilateral and sectoral empirical approach is proposed based on a matching of trade

and FDI data authorising a break down by industryand partner country. It permits to control for joint

determinants of trade and FDI such as market size, per capita income or regional integration, or conversely for

economies of scale having an opposite impact on both forms of internationalisation. Estimates are based on data

of different, even though coherent, levels of disaggregation for France, the US, Sweden, the EU12, Japan, Italy

and the Netherlands.

Using the most disaggregated data (French data), the diagnosis of complementarity between trade and FDI flows

is validated for a panel of 19 industries. Outward FDI is associated additional exports and imports, in the

industry considered, vis-à-vis the country of investment. But since the former increase more than the latter,

investment abroad is associated with a trade surplus. Conversely, inward investment is associated with a trade

deficit of the host country. Spillovers between industries are sizeable. The impact of FDI on trade is much higher

when these spillovers are accounted for, even if the global trade surplus remains comparable with the one

estimated at the "industry of investment" level. We conclude that a large share of the complementarity between

trade and FDI at the macroeconomic level can be explained by large spillovers between industries. A comparison

between France and the US highlights that the net trade surplus is roughly identical, even if US investment

abroad has much stronger complementarity effects. As expected, the impact on trade is much weaker when

inward FDI into the US is accounted for, given the difference in domestic market sizes. Results for the Swedish

industry taken as a whole are unsatisfactory.

Turning to FDI taken as a whole: the complementarity is confirmed, but these complementarity effects are much

smoother than for France or the US. Pooling the data for 14 declaring countries facing 15 partners, in one sector

over 1984-1993, the asymmetry between the trade surplus associated with outward FDI flows and the trade

deficit associated with inward FDI vanishes: the symmetry in parameter estimates is magnified by the

enlargement of the country coverage. In addition, estimates have been made for French and US FDI stocks.

Concerning France, outward FDI is clearly a complement for bilateral exports, but a substitute for imports. In

contrast, inward FDI is a complement for both French exports and imports. Thus, French assets abroad boost

bilateral exports and are associated with depressed French bilateral imports. The net impact on competitiveness

is therefore clearly positive. Symmetrically, inward FDI is associated with a net trade deficit. Turning to the US,

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the complementarity between outward FDI stocks and bilateral trade is confirmed: what is striking is the fact that

US imports are boosted as a result of relocation of activities abroad. Thus, in contrast to France, US foreign

assets are associated with a net trade deficit. In contrast, foreign assets in the US are substitutive to trade,

potentially due to previous tariff jumping strategies of foreign companies.

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.



Lionel Fontagné1, Michaël Pajot


The analysis of microeconomic agents’ internationalisation choices generally refersto trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as alternative strategies (Barlet, 1992). Thisis confirmed by the classical theory of international trade, specifically by the seminalMundell-paper :

"Commodity movements are at least to some extent a substitute for factormovements (...) an increase in trade impediments stimulates factor movements and (...) anincrease in restrictions to factor movements stimulates trade"3.

From a micro-economic point of view this substitution can nevertheless be calledinto doubt when the necessity to compete on multiple foreign markets (Gara,1997) orunder uncertainty (Becuwe, Mathieu-and Sevestre, 1997) is taken into account. Morefundamentally, Mundell's classical conclusion has been challenged by Helpman (1984) aswell as Markusen and Venables (1995), on the basis of imperfect competition.

Finally, turning to macroeconomic series of trade and FDI, these two modes ofinternationalisation are clearly complements (Henry, 1994): FDI might induce trade(Yamawaki, 1991) or vice-versa (Eaton and Tamura, 1994).

From a methodological point of view, this debate raises the question of factorsboosting simultaneously commodity and factor movements, such as market size, theproximity of sources of demand and regionalisation processes. Thus, the diagnosis ofcomplementarity might be based on a pure artefact. From the perspective of economicpolicies, this debate has shed light on issues related to competitiveness: if FDI displacestrade, exports will be at least replaced by local sales on foreign markets, detrimental to thedomestic industry of the investor. On the contrary, if trade and FDI are confirmed ascomplements, investing abroad might lead to greater competitiveness in foreign markets,which is beneficial to exports from the investing country and thus to its industry. If thelatter mechanism is ascertained, inward FDI would be necessarily detrimental to thecompetitiveness of the country where such investment takes place; which is certainly aconclusion invalidated by most studies. Unfortunately, this is a rather complexmechanism, involving numerous competitors investing in foreign markets.

1 Lionel Fontagné is scientific advisor at CEPII and professor at Paris I.2 Authors are indebted to Mrs Erkel-Rousse (Direction de la Prévision, French Ministry of Finance), Mrs Tambour(Bank of Sweden), Mr Caussé (Banque de France), Mr.Hatzichronoglou (OECD-DSTI), Mr Schönborn andDommersnis (EUROSTAT) for support and comments. This study has benefited financial support by the FrenchMinistry of Finance.3 Mundell-1957 p. 320.

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It has been demonstrated in the literature that local sales partially substitute forprevious exports of the investing company. At the same time, local sales, and thus localoutput, require imported inputs, the latter being largely provided by the parent or by othersubsidiaries of the same group, potentially located at least partially in the home country.Adding to these bilateral effects between home and host countries, trade between the latterand third countries may be diverted as a result of the investment. Third countrycompetitors may lose market shares in the host country to the benefit of the investingcountry.

Sweden, with the benefit of the database provided by the Industrial Institute forEconomic and Social Science Research (Stockholm), has generally been taken as a goodcase study4. Swedenborg (1979) concludes that FDI has no significant effect on the parentexports, local sales substituting these exports, while new exports are induced (intermediategoods or complements of supply). This result was confirmed in 1982 by a study finalisedby the same author: $1 of local sales substitutes only 2 cents of exports but "creates" 12cents of new exports, the net effect being a positive complementarity of 10 cents.Blomström, Lipsey and Kulchycky (1988) conclude with a limited effect ofcomplementarity. Taking into account that foreign production can replace exports fromthe home country not only to the host country but also to third markets, however, Svensson(1993) found a trade displacement effect for the 1980s, which can be explained byunfavourable conditions of industry in Sweden in this period. Finally Andersson (1993),and Blomström and Kokko (1994) suggest that the structure of Swedish exports might bemore affected than the value of these exports as a result of outward FDI.

In order to clarify these complex relationships, a bilateral and sectoral empiricalapproach is proposed in this paper, accounting for numerous countries and industries.Spillover effects are highlighted and characterised as the main vector of competitivenessgains associated with outward FDI. In contrast, inward FDI slightly reduces tradeperformances of the host country vis-à-vis the investor. The purpose, here, is not to collectindividual data at the firm level, but to tackle the problem at a sectoral level. In addition,local sales are not referred to, the analysis being based on trade flows and FDI flows andstocks only.


Existing tests in the literature lead to the formulation of a small number ofhypothesis establishing a link between the macroeconomic complementarity and themicroeconomic substituability between trade and FDI.

• Exports of inputs and complementary final products to the affiliate more thancompensating for partial substitution5 of local sales in existing exports. Thecombination of these two mechanisms may lead to a positive net impact of FDIon exports at the sectoral and bilateral level;

4 See Andersson et al. [1996]5 Local sales substitute for i) previous exports of the parent company, ii) previous exports of third countriescompetitors to the considered market and iii)local sales of local producers on this market.

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• Partial substitution of parent's previous exports to third countries by subsidiary'sexports;

• Enhanced imports from the host country, due to the re-importation of finalproducts (specialisation of subsidiaries along the range of final products), orsimply due to a relocation of an activity abroad.

• Inward FDI has a priori a symmetrical impact. The host country reduces itsimports from the investing country, to the benefit of local production, butimports intermediate inputs, professional goods or final products from thelatter. The host country also exports to the investing country, and potentially tothird countries, specifically if it participates a regional integration scheme.Finally, an induced bilateral trade deficit vis-à-vis the investing country may beobserved, partially or totally offset by an induced surplus vis-à-vis thirdcountries6.

In addition to these impacts (generally referred to in the literature) spillover effectsare suggested by our analysis: bilateral trade and FDI relationships are deeply rooted in theproduction system. Subcontracting or procurement practices lead to an overall impact ofFDI on the investing country's competitiveness: this deserves longer developments for FDIin the service sector, as long as wholesale trade is referred to. But, even for FDI in themanufacturing sector, the potential impact of investing abroad surpasses the boundaries ofthe investing sector. The methodology developed here aims, inter alia, at characterisingsuch spillovers.

In accordance with the arguments referred to here, the database and the estimatesare strictly bilateral, each country facing each partner. In addition, relationships with thirdcountries taken as a whole for each declaring country are considered. Given this bilateraldimension, it is possible to control for joint determinants of trade and FDI; such as marketsize, per capita income or regional integration, or conversely for economies of scalehaving an opposite impact on both forms of internationalisation.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the sectoral dimension of theproblem: trade and FDI relationships are affected by the technology embodied in theproduct (which will spread differently according to the type of internationalisation), byeconomies of scale and transport costs (Brainard, 1995).

The first difficulty is to collect bilateral FDI data at the industry level; as a result ourdatabase is actually a long way from covering all industrial countries. The United Statesand France have provided the best data. Sweden has also tried to provide disaggregateddata. For other European countries, the Eurostat database has been used andcomplemented by OECD data for some countries. The second difficulty is to finalise a dataset in a common nomenclature for differing declaring countries. The third difficulty is thata data set in the same nomenclature for bilateral trade flows has to be matched. CEPII hasprovided trade data (CHELEM database).

6 To give an example, a Japanese investment in Spain will "create" Spanish exports to France and Germany.

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Concerning US investment abroad, we have information on flows and stocks for1982-1995. Foreign investment in the US is available over 1980 -1994. Finally, afterhaving solved different problems the following database has been implemented:

• 45 countries (or country groups);• 16 years : 1980 to 1995 ;• 22 industries aggregated into 12 sectors when merging the files.

This leads to:

• 5089 observations for FDIIN (flows);• 8787 observations for FDIOUT (flows);• 5216 observations for FDIIN (stocks);• 9217 observations for FDIOUT (stocks).

Turning to French data, the Balance of Payments Appendices have been collectedover 1984-1995 for flows, and 1989-1995 for stocks. Contrary to US data, reinvestedearnings are not accounted for.

The sectoral breakdown being more detailed than in the US, French data can beused at its finest level of disaggregation or reaggregated in order to come back to the 22sectors referred to above. Only 39 partners are taken into account in order to match theCHELEM-CEPII trade database.

Finally the database for French FDI flows entails 10296 observations:

• 39 countries;• 22 sectors;• 12 years: 1984 to 1995.

And the database for French FDI stocks entails 5676 observations:

• 43 countries;• 22 sectors : see Table 2 ;• 6 years: 1989 to 1994.

Turning to Eurostat data, reinvested earnings are excluded due to missing data.There are two types of information in this database. First, for 1992/93, the sectoral andcountry disaggregation is interesting. Sectors are disaggregated along the CITIrev3, forsome 50 industries. But only 4 partners face the 12 declaring countries: EU12, Thirdcountries, USA, Rest of the World. Second, over 1984-1993, a less disaggregated databaseis available for only 10 declaring countries and 2 partners (EU/third countries), and asmaller number of industries.

OECD data has been used as a complement. Notably, sectoral information for Italyand the Netherlands has been introduced in the database. This addition is affected by alarge number of missing data: a "corrected" database has been implemented, usingpartners declaration to fill the gap. As such declarations are generally asymmetric, we willexplicitly mention below when this data is introduced in the estimates.

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Finally, Sweden has kindly provided data disaggregating services and industry, butnot within industries. This data has been introduced in the database.

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Table 1– Nomenclature for the data base "Trade + FDI"1- All industries

2 – Mining

3 – Petroleum

4 - Total manufacturing

5 - Food

6 – Chemicals

7 – Metals

8 - Machinery except electric

9 - Electric and electronic

10 – Machinery

11 - Transportation eqpt

12 - Other manufacturing

13 - Trans eqpt and other manuf

14 - Wholesale trade

15 - Retail trade

16 – Banking

17 - Finance (except banking)

18 – Insurance

19 - Real Estate

20 - Finance (except banking), insurance and real estate

21 – Services

22 - Other industries

Note: There are over 22 sectors in the FDI database, but only 13 match trade data.These are reaggregated in the 6 sectors in bold characters.

Concerning FDI, the identified sector refers to the sector of inward investment flows(stocks) and the sector of outward investment flows (stocks).

In order to control for country and industry effects, three sets of explanatoryvariables are introduced in the estimates:

• Country variable : the size of markets, proxied by the average GDP of thedeclaring country and its partner (AVRGDP), the difference in size(DIFFGDP), the demand for variety and the level standard proxied by theaverage income per capita of the declaring country and its partner (GDPPC),the economic distance and the difference in human capital endowment bothproxied by the difference in income per capita between the declaring countryand its partner (DIFFGDPPC), transportation costs proxied by the geographical

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distance (DIST), regionalisation proxied by the existence of preferentialcommercial schemes (dummy CPOL);

• Turning to sectoral variables, which have no country dimension, theconcentration, the economies of scale, the share of white-collar workers inemployment, the capital intensity, or the capital ratio (barriers to entry) can beused. Given the high level of industry aggregation, it has been decided tointroduce economies of scale only. A "representative economy" has beenconstructed, pooling British, French, German and Italian firms, by size.Calculation is carried out at the three-digit level of the NACE. The relativeproductivity of larger firms (>500 employees) is estimated;

• Finally, FDI is disentangled into outward and inward flows, in bilateralrelations between the declaring country k and its partner k' and relations of kwith all other countries: thus the notations will be OUT and IN, OUTOTH andINOTH.

As referred to above, the database includes data of different, even though coherent, levelsof disaggregation. This authorises six types of estimates:

• In the French case, at a highly disaggregated level;• In the French case, using the American nomenclature, in order to authorise a

comparison with the US;• In the US case;• In the Swedish case, which does not authorises a disaggregation of the

manufacturing sector;• Using a pooling of French, US and Swedish data, considering the industry as a

whole;• Using a pooling of French, US, Italian, Dutch and Swedish data, in cross-

section (1994)7.

Finally, our research is synthesised in Table 2. Each type of estimate will be referredto below using the letters A to F. Estimates A and B are available for FDI flows andstocks, whereas C to F are available for flows only. The first five cases are referred to inthe text below. As the sixth one is a cross-section, parameter estimates cannot becompared with panel estimates. Results are therefore given in the Appendix for theinterested reader.

7 In the Swedish case, the manufacturing sector is not disaggregated at this stage, contrary to other countriesmentioned.

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Table 2– The six types of estimatesCountry France USA Sweden Fr. – USA –

SwedenEU12 - Japan

- USAUSA - France-Sweden - Italy- Netherlands

Period 84-94 84-94 82-94 84-94 84-93 94

Indus or indusmanuf + scale

nom. F - - - -

nom. base - - - - nom. base(excl.Sweden)

Total indus

nom. base nom. base nom. base nom. base - nom. base


nom. base nom. base nom. base nom. base nom. base nom. base

Context A B C D E F

Note: nom F.: French nomenclature (Balance of payments); nom base: nomenclature specific to our database(seeTable 1).


Following our methodology, French exports (imports) to (from) each trade partnerare explained by four FDI variables, controlling for country and industry variables:

• Outward French FDI to the partner (OUT) ;• Inward FDI in France from the partner (IN) ;• Outward French FDI to third countries (OUTOTH) ;• Inward FDI in France from third countries (INOTH).

Concerning exports and outward FDI, for example, the following logic is applied:

• In a first step, industries' exports are explained by outward FDI in thecorresponding industries. This answers the question: "How does $1 of Frenchinvestment in the automobile industry in Brazil affect French exports ofautomobiles to Brazil?"

• Then, the same model is re-estimated excluding the variable of economies ofscale in order to authorise a comparison with the two following steps thatnecessarily exclude such a variable. We take this opportunity to reintroducesectors for which information on returns to scale is not available.

• In a third step, spillovers between industries are identified. This answers thequestion: "How does French investment in the Brazilian manufacturing industryaffect the French exports of manufactures to Brazil?" Thus, we take intoaccount the fact that an investment in the automobile industry might alsoconcern French exports of electrical parts to Brazil.

• Finally, we tackle potential spillovers between FDI in services and exports ofmanufactured products as a whole.

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Table 3: data for France

FDI Data : APE (NAP73) Chelem Data Partenaires


3 Coal, petroleum, gas IA, IB, IC 3 AUSTRALIA aus Refined products 4 AUSTRIA aut

5 Other energy II 5 U.E.B.L. blx6 3 - MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS sub-total 6 BRASIL bra7 Ferrous and non ferrous sub-total 7 BRUNEI bru

- Mining and carrying HA, HB 8 BULGARIA bul - Transformation CA, CB, CC 9 CANADA can

10 Non met. Minerals sub-total 10 SWITZERLAND che - Extraction HC 11 CHILE chl - Transformation BA, BB, BC 12 CHINA chn

13 Chemicals GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, GG 13 COLOMBIA col14 Iron and steel FA, FB 14 TCHECOSLOVAQUIA cze15 Ind. and agric. machinery FC, FD, FE, FF, FG, FH 15 GERMANY deu16 Office machinery, precision instr. FI, FJ, FK, FO 16 DANMARK dnk17 Electronic and electrical equipment FL, FM, FN, FP, FQ, FR 17 EGYPT egy18 Transport equipment FS, FT, FU, FV, FW 18 EQUATOR equ19 Food, bev., tob. KA, KB, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG, KH, KI 19 SPAIN esp20 Textiles and apparel DA, DB, DC, DD, DE 20 FINLAND fin21 Paper, wood EC, ED 21 GABON gab22 Rubber and plastic GH, GI 22 UNITED-KINGDOM gbr23 Other manuf. EA, EB, EE, IG, IH, NA, NB, NV 23 GREECE grc24 4 - BUILDING 24 HONG-KONG hkg25 5 - SERVICES 25 HUNGARIA hun26 Recycling, maintenance, wholesale trade 26 INDONESIA idn27 Hotels and restaurants 27 INDIA ind28 Domestic transports 28 EIRE irl

Sear and air transport 29 ISRAEL isr30 - Sea transport 30 ITALY ita

31 JAPAN jpn32 - Air transport 32 SOUTH KOREA kor33 Related services 33 MOROCCO mar34 Communications 34 MEXICO mex35 Banking 35 MALAISIA mys36 Insurance 36 NIGERIA nig

Ohter private services 37 NETHERLANDS nld38 - Health, culture. 38 NORWAY nor39 - Other 39 NEW ZEALAND nzl40 6 - Public administration 40 PAKISTAN pak41 7 - Real estate 41 PERU per42 8 - HOLDINGS 42 PHILIPPINES phl43 9 - INDETERMINATE 43 POLAND pol44 TOTAL sub-total 44 PORTUGAL prt


56 EU12 eur1257 TOTAL tot

Note: a CHELEM nomenclature is given in Appendix 4.

In general, variables of control have the right sign. The average size of markets(declaring country and partner), the average income per capita, the economic distance(proxying the comparative advantage,) the adjacency and the regional integration have a

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positive impact on the value of trade flows; and reciprocally for the difference in marketsizes and for transport costs. Finally economies of scale have a positive impact when theycan be accounted for, i.e. for the 15 manufacturing industries. There is only one problemwith the average size of markets in the equation embodying economies of scale.

Finally, the core of estimates can be summarised as follows:

Table 4– parameter estimates associated with FDI variables in the equations ofFrench bilateral trade

Context A Exports Imports

Level ofanalysis

Total TotalIndus.

Indus. Indus.Manuf +


Total TotalIndus.

Indus. Indus.Manuf +


OUT 2.41 2.28 0.55 0.59 2.51 1.85 0.27 0.24

IN 4.42 3.52 0.39 0.22(a) 4.46 4.34 0.53 0.34(a)

OUTOTH -0.9(a) -0.14(b) 0.04 0.07 -0.07(b) ns 0.05 0.05

INOTH -0.36 -0.47(a) 0.15 0.09 -0.45 -0.59(a) 0.08 0.04(a)

n 473 8987 7095 473 8987 7095

Note:"Indus. manuf. + scale": trade and FDI for 15 manufacturing industries, controlling for economies of scale"Indus": trade and FDI for 15 manufacturing industries + 3 industries (energy) + agriculture = 19 industries. Noeconomies of scale."Total indus": 19 industries taken as a whole for trade and for FDI."Total": 19 industries taken as a whole for trade; FDI in industry and services taken as a whole.Parameters significant at the 1% level, with the exception of (a): 5% and (b): 10% ; ns : not significant

Clearly, the diagnosis of complementarity between trade and FDI is validated. Let usconsider this result in detail, bearing in mind that country determinants of trade arecontrolled for, and that we have a panel of 19 industries.

Considering the "indus. + scale" estimates, $1 of outward FDI is associated with a59 cents of additional exports and with only 24 cents of additional imports, in the industryconsidered, vis-à-vis the country of investment. Thus, each $1 of French investmentabroad is associated with a 35-cent trade surplus in the industry of the investment, vis-à-vis the country of investment.

Conversely, there is a 12-cent deficit for each $1 of inward investment into France.

From a policy point of view, this result leads to the conclusion that outward FDIenhances the competitiveness of the investing industry. Concerning inward FDI, this resultmay be simply interpreted as the higher propensity of inefficient French industries to becontested by imports and by inward FDI of foreign competitors. In addition, it must beborne in mind that inward FDI also has potential benefits in terms of domesticemployment and technology.

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The expected result concerning third countries is captured by our estimates, but it israther negligible.

It is necessary to re-estimate the model without economies of scale in order tocompare results for individual industries with results for the industry taken as a whole andso capture spillovers. The net trade surplus is robust to this change (28 cents as opposed tothe previous 30), as is the trade deficit associated with inward FDI (13 cents as opposed to12).

Are spillovers sizeable? Our estimates lead to a positive answer, since the impact ontrade is much higher in the equations for "Total indus.". Here, $1 of outward FDI isassociated with $2.3 of additional exports and $1.9 of additional imports. The global tradesurplus remains comparable with the one estimated before, but the complementaritybetween trade and FDI is much higher. Thus, we conclude that a large share of thecomplementarity between trade and FDI at the macroeconomic level can be explained bylarge spillovers between industries. In contrast, turning to inward FDI, the trade deficitraises to 82 cents for each $1 of investment. Thus, balanced FDI flows would be associatedwith a net trade deficit for the French industry taken as a whole. This pessimistic resultwill be reassessed below, taking into account data for FDI stocks.

Here, the role of third countries is better captured: as advocated before, these effectsare rather substitutive. Let us consider "Total indus." Equations. Concerning outward FDIto third countries, this is perfectly compatible with the general principle ofcomplementarity. When France invests in Brazil (OUT) this increases its exports andimports to and from Brazil. In contrast, French FDI directed towards other countries(OUTOTH) reduces, other things being equal, both French exports (imports) to (from)Brazil.

Symmetrically, inward FDI is also substitutive to trade, but following anotherexplanation: when Germany invests in France, this increases French imports fromGermany, and to a lesser extent French exports to Germany. But if other countries investin France (INOTH), this leads to a reduction of imports from Germany (59 cents for each$1 invested in France by third countries) but also French exports to Germany (resp. 47cents). Thus, if Germany invests $1 in France and its third countries' competitors $1 also,this will be associated with a trade deficit limited to 70 cents8 vis-à-vis Germany. Thus,the competitiveness of foreign competitors on the French market is enhanced by theirinvestment in France; but they partially neutralise their gains of competitiveness mutually.

Finally, the estimates integrating services, including holding companies, confirmthe previous results. But the disappointing result is that it is impossible to assess thespillovers of investment in services on industry by this method. This must be due to thepresence of holding companies, which introduce noise.

8 =(82-(59-47))

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The database has 21 120 observations for 1984-1994, of which 4 884 can be used forthe matching Trade to FDI. The principle of estimates is identical to the one developed forFrance.

Let us start by comparing the results for France with those obtained previously: herethe nomenclature is more aggregated, and it is expected that a share of previous spilloverswill be "internalised" in industries, as a result of this re-aggregation. A comparison ofparameter estimates is given in the Table below.

Table 5- The impact of FDI flows on French bilateral trade1984-1994


16 indus 6 indus 19 indus 6 indus

OUT 0.588 0.486 (a) 0.244 0.239 (b)

IN 0.224 0.793 0.338 1.404

Parameter significant at the 1 % level, with the exception of:(a) 5 %(b) Not significant at the 10 %

Firstly, it must be noticed that the performances of the model are smoothed by thisre-aggregation, in particular for outward investment flows. The results are better forinward investment, and confirm the change in parameters due to a partial internalisationof spillovers.

Let us turn now to the comparison between France and the US.

Table 6- The impact of FDI flows on trade in industries (France and United States)for1984-94 (economies of scale controlled)




USA ns 2,563 0,586 2,264

France 0,793 0,486 1,404 ns

Parameter significant at the 1% level; ns: not significant

The first important result is that US investment abroad has much strongercomplementarity effects than French investment. $1 of US investment abroad is associatedwith respectively $2.6 and $2.3 additional, bilateral exports and imports within industries.This is six time more than in the French case. But notwithstanding this difference, the nettrade surplus remains around 30 cents for each $1 invested abroad, as is also true forFrance.

Even more interesting, the impact on trade is much weaker when inward FDI intothe US is accounted for. The impact on exports is not significant, in contrast with France:this can be explained by the difference in domestic market sizes. Foreign investors

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consider France as a location in Europe, whereas the US domestic market attracts foreigninvestors first of all. But this lesser complementarity is also observed for imports: each $ ofinward investment is associated with an additional $1.4 of French imports, compared withrespectively only 60 cents in the US. This may be explained by the greater availability oflocal procurement in the US, due to the size of the domestic market. Alternatively, it maybe explained by cascading investments in the US, foreign suppliers following theinvestment in the US of downstream firms.

Turning to spillovers, the model has first to be re-estimated without economies ofscale, as was done previously. The gain in significance is large, which permits a goodcomparison of the two countries to be made.

Table 7 – The impact of FDI flows on trade within industries(France and the United States)




USA 0,332 (a) 2,664 0,790 2,472

France 0,988 0,774 1,446 0,624

Parameters significant at the 1 % level, excluding:(a) Significant only at the 5% level.

Then, the model has to be re-estimated for industry taken as a whole, in order tocapture potential spillovers. Compared with the French case, the results are ratherdisappointing for the US. IN looses in significance in the equation of exports and is notsignificant in the import equation.

Once again, the introduction is far from satisfactory, at least for outward FDI flows.But for inward flows, and for the US, the complementarity between trade and FDI isreinforced to the benefit of activities by wholesale trade subsidiaries located in the US. Thenet deficit is 60 cents for each $1 of inward investment into the US, when taking intoaccount such service activities. Foreign investors in the service sectors seem to be attractedfirstly by the domestic market for goods. In contrast, US investment abroad in services isbased on a comparative advantage in services, which has no impact on trade in goods.

Results for the Swedish industry9 taken as a whole are unsatisfactory: variablesassociated with bilateral FDI are not significant in the export and import equations.Parameters are significant only for FDI relationships with third countries. In addition, datais not available on an industry basis. Thus, it is necessary to turn to FDI taken as a whole:the complementarity is confirmed, with the exception of outward Swedish FDI (positiveparameter, but non significant), but these complementarity effects are much smoother thanfor France. The stylised fact concerning the bilateral net trade surplus associated withoutward FDI flows is once again confirmed: 30 cents for each $1 invested abroad.Reciprocally, inward FDI is associated with a net bilateral trade deficit of 18 cents. 9 Notice that for these regressions it has been necessary to consider Sweden as a part of EU, prior to its accession, asthis country was de facto integrated (variable CPOL2).

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The database entails information on FDI and trade flows for the US, France andSweden over 1984-1994, in a common nomenclature. The corresponding 800 observationscan be pooled (context D) in order to check the complementarity at the level of theindustry, taken as a whole or for all the sectors (industry and services).

At the industry level, the results confirm the previous estimates on individualcountries. Here, the complementarity is high, since all industries are aggregated. Turningto potential spillovers between FDI flows in services and trade in goods, the complentarityis confirmed only for inward FDI. Finally, the substitution effect observed for thirdcountries in the previous estimates is confirmed, but the estimate is statistically weak.

More interestingly, it is possible to pool the data for 14 declaring countries (11European countries, the US, Japan, and the EU12) facing 15 partners (the 14 previousones and the world), in one sector (trade in goods as a whole) over 1984-1993. FDI isconsidered globally, adding trade in goods and services. All externalities referred to aboveare internalised here, but the main interest of such an estimate is to address the issue ofasymmetry between the trade surplus associated with outward FDI and the trade deficitassociated with inward FDI. If all countries were in the database, and if the same FDI flowwas registered by the two sides using the same principles, then the symmetry would beperfect.

The complementarity is confirmed, once again, and as expected the symmetry inparameter estimates is magnified by the enlargement of the country coverage.

Table 8- Parameter estimates for FDI flows in the E pooling (14 countries 1984-93)

Database Corrected database


Exports 0.430 2.166 0.484 2.203

Imports 2.025 0.311 2.045 0.359

Parameter significance level: 1 %, with the exception of M/OUT: 5%.Corrected database: missing data replaced by partner’s declarations.

On the whole, around $2 additional exports are associated with each $1 of outwardFDI. This induces reciprocally around $2 of additional imports for the host country, thelatter declaring an inward FDI.

Reciprocally, the host country exports around 30 to 40 cents, whereas the investingcountry imports around 40 to 50 cents from the former country.

Finally, the bilateral trade surplus associated with a $1 investment abroad is around$1.7, given all externalities. The inward FDI leads to a net trade deficit of roughly thesame amount.


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The estimates presented so far have been based on FDI flows. Nevertheless, it can beargued that FDI stocks are a better choice in order to address the issue considered here.Thus, estimates have been made for FDI stocks for the two countries publishing data forstocks: France and the US.

Concerning France, the estimates are based on the context A, which is the mostdisaggregated (11970 observations). France faces 57 partners (55 countries, EU12 and theworld), in 35 sectors, for FDI over 1989-1994. As often noticed, complementarity isquestioned when stocks of FDI are considered: for example, with estimates controlling foreconomies of scale (row "indus manuf+scale"), outward FDI is clearly a complement forFrench bilateral exports, but a substitute for French imports. In contrast, inward FDI is acomplement for both French exports and imports.

Thus, each $1 invested abroad by French companies in the past, currently boostsbilateral exports (8 cents) and cuts French bilateral imports (18 cents). The impact oncompetitiveness is therefore clearly positive. Symmetrically, inward FDI is detrimental tothe trade balance (20 cents per $1 invested in France).

An illustration can be given for 1994, using our parameter estimates: at the industryand bilateral level, more than $ 10 billion of net exports were associated with the Frenchinvolvement abroad.

Table 9- Parameter estimates associated with FDI stocks : France 1989-94equation X M

Indus manuf+scale

indus manuf indus manuf+scale

indus manuf

OUT 0.077 0.060 -0.183 -0.188

IN 0.493 0.456 0.683 0.721Parameter significance level: 1% with the exception of X/OUT: 5%.

Results obtained for industries aggregated in a single sector, and for FDI as a wholeare less interesting, or lead to misleading conclusions (see the parameter estimate for theindustry as a whole), which supports our disaggregated approach.

Turning to the US, the complementarity between outward FDI stocks and bilateraltrade is confirmed, whereas inward FDI is substitutive to trade at the industry level, butcomplementary when spillovers between investment in services and trade in goods aretaken into account.

For industries considered individually, and controlling for economies of scale, each$1 of the US FDI stock abroad is associated with 70 cents of additional, bilateral, exports.But what is more striking is the fact that US imports are boosted too. Each $1 of foreignassets is associated with an additional $1.3 of US bilateral imports. Clearly, this is theresult of relocation of activities abroad.

Thus, in contrast to France, US foreign assets are associated with a net trade deficit.

Turning to foreign assets in the US, the net effect is substitutive to trade. Each $ ofinward FDI leads to a 16-cent cut in US imports from the investor country. At the same

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time, the 10-cent cut in US exports is the result of a lack of competitiveness of USindustries concerned by foreign FDI vis-à-vis the investor country.

Taking into account spillovers between industries, the net trade deficit vis-à-vis thehost country associated with outward US FDI is magnified. Symmetrically, inward FDI inthe US is largely oriented towards the domestic market, local sales largely substitutingprevious imports (50 cents for each $1invested). This is beneficial to the US trade balance.

Finally, when FDI in services is taken into account, the negative impact of outwardFDI on the US trade balance vanishes. The positive impact of inward FDI also disappears,for the same reason: FDI in services concerns subsidiaries in wholesale trade.


Lipsey (1991) has noticed that foreign affiliates export less and import more thanUS firms. The benchmark study recently realised by the French Ministry of Industryreaches the same conclusion for France. Such a stylised fact should be a component of therelationship between trade and FDI. In addition, French and US individual firm datahighlights that a large share of intra-firm trade is simply in final products to be sold. Thus,inward and outward FDI may have a symmetric impact on trade. But, at the same time,previous exports of the parent company are, at least partially, substituted for by local salesof their foreign subsidiaries, while the latter import inputs. Lastly these subsidiaries gainmarket shares, detrimental to third countries’ competitors.

These mechanisms, confirmed by our results, were also obtained with differingmethodologies by Lipsey and Weiss (1981) and (1984), Eaton and Tamura (1994).

Lipsey and Weiss (1981) consider 44 foreign markets in which US firms competeagainst 13 other exporting countries. Without US FDI, US exports to these markets wouldhave been smaller: $1 of local sales leads to 2 cents to 78 cents of additional exports to thecorresponding market (depending of the industry). In addition, the diversion effectdetrimental to third countries’ competitors is large: between 23 cents and $3.8 indeveloped countries.

Using individual data, Lipsey and Weiss (1984) highlight that $1 of localproduction induces a 9 to 25 cents of additional exports. It has to be noted that theelasticities linking trade and local output are three times larger for industry statistics thanfor individual firms data. This confirms the existence of externalities between firms withinindustries, a phenomenon observed among industries in our study.

Eaton and Tamura (1994) use a model controlling for country determinants havingno industry dimension, in contrast to what has been done here. They highlight, for Japanand the US, a large and positive relationship between outward FDI and exports, as well asimports. This relation is not verified for inward FDI.

Finally, the main findings of our tentative empirical research are the following:

• Outward French industrial assets are complementary to trade but substitutive toimports: this highlights that the competitiveness of industries is a generaldeterminant at the level of aggregation chosen here: exports, foreign

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involvement and strong positions on the domestic market are one and the samething.

• Foreign assets in France are complementary to both imports and exports sinceforeign investors look for an entry into the European market when locating inFrance.

• US assets abroad are characterised more by a relocation strategy, leading toadditional imports. In contrast, foreign investors in the US are first of allmotivated by an entry in this huge domestic market: they substitute local salesfor previous exports of the parent.

• Turning to disaggregated data for FDI flows, the striking result is that asizeable share of the complementarity between trade and FDI flows is the resultof spillovers between industries. This phenomenon is clearly captured in theestimates for France, due to highly disaggregated data.

• The symmetry in impacts of FDI increases with the number of countriesintroduced in the estimates. With 14 countries, we have rather completesymmetry. Finally, outward FDI reinforces the competitiveness of the investor,whereas foreign investment in a country induces a bilateral trade imbalance vis-à-vis the investor.

• The spillovers between FDI flows in services and trade in goods are notobserved, contrary to the intuition: this can be explained by the structure of FDIin services. Consider the French case for example: from a total of around $4billion FDI in private services (1995), only 10% were in wholesale trade. Inaddition, one fifth of FDI is related to holding companies, which introducesnoise in the estimates.

• A last result concerns the diversion effects detrimental to third countries. Theyare captured by our methodology but seem rather limited, compared withbilateral effects.

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Table A1 – Estimates for France (A: flows) 1984 1994Exports Imports

Total Total indus. Indus indus manuf +scale

Total Total indus. indus indus manuf +scale

OUT 2.405***(7.808)








IN 4.416***(8.765)








OUTOTH -0.087**(-2.393)








INOTH -0.358***(-4.231)








AVRGDP 0.002***(3.772)






DIFFGDP -0.575***(-7.884)








AVRGDPPC 0.572***(10.547)





DIFFGDPPC 0.258***(7.127)





ADJ 489.357***(34.650)




DIST -0.003***(-3.572)




ADIST -0.223***(-5.954)




CPOL 245.946***(22.509)




SCALE 25.503**(2.208)


Obs 473 473 8987 7095 473 473 8987 7095R2 Ajust 0.72 0.60 0.48 0.53 0.67 0.54 0.42 0.50F valeur 152.9 80.7 912.9 799.1 120.7 61.7 713.8 580.9Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 13 12 4 10 14 12 4 10

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Table A2- – Estimates for France and the US (B: flows) 1984 1994: EXPORTSUSA France

Total Total indus Indus Indus manuf +scale

Total Total indus Indus Indus manuf +scale

OUT 0.095(0.450)








IN 0.594***(4.378)








OUTOTH -0.107***(-3.582)








INOTH -0.028(-1.156)








AVRGDP 0.008***(13.427)






DIFFGDP -1.537***(-9.485)








AVRGDPPC 0.641***(10.345)




DIFFGDPPC 0.308***(7.239)




ADJ 35072***(16.636)





DISTADIST -0.232***



CPOL 21451***(7.148)




EXCH -2.934**(-2.338)

SCALE 3026.107***(10.888)


Obs 253 240 1004 1004 407 407 2442 2442Adjust R2 0.894 0.885 0.538 0.55 0.728 0.621 0.388 0.54F value 268.2 231.1 147.2 154.7 137.3 75.1 173.2 257.6Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 11 12 6 8 14 12 8 13

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Table A3- – Estimates for France and the US (B: flows) 1984 1994: IMPORTSUSA France

Total Total indus Indus Indus manuf +scale

Total Total indus Indus Indus manuf +scale

OUT -1.308***(-3.1)








IN 1.176***(4.35)








OUTOTH -0.227***(-3.797)








INOTH 0.003(0.072)








AVRGDP 0.015***(12.838)






DIFFGDP -3.401***(-10.531)








AVRGDPPC 0.727***(9.577)




DIFFGDPPC 0.328***(6.292)




ADJ 39722***(9.452)




ADIST -0.242***(-4.473)




CPOL 27975***(4.676)




EXCH -8.186**(-2.477)

SCALE 7395.614***(13.468)


Obs 253 240 1004 1004 407 407 2442 2442Adjust R2 0.807 0.645 0.385 0.40 0.675 0.555 0.314 0.40F value 133.1 63.3 79.7 85.0 106.4 57.5 124.9 148.6Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 11 12 6 8 14 12 8 14

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Table A4- Estimates for France: context A (Stocks)STOCK

Exports ImportsTotal Sect. Manuf. Sect.communs Sect.communs Total Sect. manuf. Sect.communs Sect.communs

OUT -0.521***(-3.857)








IN 1.044***(6.200)








OUTOTH -0.006**(-1.984)




INOTH 0.029***(5.753)




AVRGDP 0.0025***(3.822)








DIFFGDP -0.634***(-6.383)








AVRGDPPC 0.157***(3.317)








DIFFGDPPC 0.106***(3.428)







ADJ 799.623***(26.679)

DIST -0.0034**(-1.945)

ADIST -0.145**(-2.570)






CPOL 7849.636***(10.486)






SCALE 131.810***(4.333)


Obs 306 306 4896 3978 306 306 4896 3978R2 Ajust 0.75 0.76 0.43 0.49 0.74 0.75 0.52 0.51F valeur 118.4 123.5 414.8 381.2 103.4 128.9 478.6 418.4Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 10 9 9 17 10 9 11 12

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


Table A5- estimates for France, context B (Stocks) -Exports Imports

Total Total indus Indus Indus+scale Total Total indus Indus Indus+scaleOUT -0.369**








IN 1.154***(4.671)








OUTOTH 0.041**(2.121)




INOTH 0.060***(2.939)




AVRGDP 0.005***(6.421)







DIFFGDP -0.197(-1.527)








AVRGDPPC 0.211***(4.695)





DIFFGDPPC 0.118**(2.511)














CPOL 7756.157***(11.933)



SCALE 590.529***(5.294)


Obs 234 234 1404 1404 234 234 1404 1404R2 Ajust 0.586 0.783 0.479 0.53 0.65 0.647 0.41 0.46F valeur 56.2 121.5 144.2 179.7 63.1 62.4 109.6 135.2Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 8 9 17 15 9 8 17 16

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Table A6- estimates for the US, context B (Stocks) -Exports Imports

Total Total indus Indus Indus+scale Total Total indus Indus Indus+scaleOUT 0.083*








IN 0.120***(3.243)








OUTOTH 0.059***(6.363)




INOTH -0.046***(-3.501)




AVRGDP 0.005***(8.624)






DIFFGDP -1.480***(-6.657)










ADJ 46049***(19.130)









CPOL 27380***(7.455)




SCALE 1965.159***(4.888)


Obs 166 165 715 715 166 165 715 715R2 Ajust 0.892 0.933 0.621 0.63 0.846 0.68 0471 0.47F valeur 275.5 383.9 147.5 152.0 153.6 88.7 91.9 92.3Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 8 10 10 11 8 8 10 11

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Table A7- estimates for SwedenExports Imports

Total Total indus. Total Total indus.OUT 0.484**


IN 0.578*(1.801)


OUTOTH 0.128***(4.429)




INOTH 0.112**(2.105)




AVRGDP 0.001***(8.525)



DIFFGDP 0.424***(6.554)



AVRGDPPC 0.093***(12.509)


DIFFGDPPC -0.067***(-4.492)




DIST -1.504***(-12.970)

ADIST -0.046*(-1.957)



CPOL2 1589.889***(9.703)




Model 33 34 35 36Obs 261 131 261 131R2 Ajust 0.71 0.93 0.64 0.89F valeur 79.9 250.1 58.5 136Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 4 10 5 11

Student entre parenthèses; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Table A8- estimates for France, United States and Sweden 1984-94Exports Imports

Total Total indus. Total Total indus.OUT 0.822***



IN 0.900***(7.091)




OUTOTH -0.034(-1.496)




INOTH -0.042**(-2.157)




AVRGDP 0.005***(12.835)




DIFFGDP -0.485***(-5.485)





DIFFGDPPC 0.101***(3.182)




ADJ 14360***(16.489)




DIST -0.145***(-2.636)


CPOL 1271.499*(1.784)



Model 37 38 39 40Obs 879 759 879 759R2 Ajust 0.68 0.68 0.60 0.55F valeur 188.2 180.5 165.0 118.0Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 8 8 7 8

Studen in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


Table A9- estimates for the pooling 1984/93Exports Imports

database corrected base database corrected baseOUT 2.166***




IN 0.430***(3.420)




OUTOTH 0.072**(2.377)




INOTH -0.140***(-6.147)




AVRGDP 0.009***(18.929)




DIFFGDP -1.298***(-17.369)




AVRGDPPC -0.146***(-2.876)




DIFFGDPPC 0.051**(1.988)



ADJ 8568.884***(14.753)




DIST -0.361***(-3.317)





CPOL 6934.181***(11.131)




Model 41 42 43 44Obs 1153 1389 1153 1389R2 Ajust 0.77 0.77 0.74 0.73F valeur 396.4 415 305.5 349.8Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 12 12 12 12

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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Appendix 2: Disaggregation of French FDI dataTrade (CHELEM) FDI classification of the model French FDI classification (APE) CHELEM/French FDI

1 - All industriesHA, HB, HC 2 - Mining Quarrying of ferrous and non-ferrous metal HA, HB

Quarrying of non-metallic minerals HC

IA, IB, IC, IG, IH 3 - Petroleum Coal, lignite, crude oil, natural gas IA, IB, ICRefined petroleum IG, IH

4 - Total manufacturing Manufacturing

KA, KB, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG, KH, KI 5 - Food and kindred products Food, beverages and tobacco KA, KB, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG,KH, KI

GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, GG 6 - Chemicals products Chemical products GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, GGCA, CB, CC, FA, FB 7 - Primary and fabricated metal Ferrous and non-ferrous metal products CA, CB, CC

Foundry and forging metals FA, FBFC, FD, FE, FF, FG, FH, FO 8 - Machinery except electric Industrial and agricultural machinery FC, FD, FE, FF,FG, FH

Manufacture of office, computing, precision instr. FI, FJ, FK, FOFL, FM, FN, FP, FQ, FR 9 - Electric and electronic Electrical and electronic equipment FL, FM, FN, FP, FQ, FR

10 - MachineryFS, FT, FU, FV, FW 11 - Transport equipement Transport equipment FS, FT, FU, FV, FWBA, BB, BC, DA, DB, DC, DD, DE, 12 - Other manufacturing Manufacturing of non-metallic minerals BA, BB, BCEA, EB, EC, ED, EE, FI, FJ, FK, Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel DA, DB, DC, DD, DEGH, GI, NA, NB, NV Paper, paperboard articles, printing, publishing EC, ED

Rubber and plastics products GH, GIOther manufacturing EA, EB, EE, NA, NB, NV

13 - Transp eqpt and other manuf.II, JA, JB, JC 22 - Other industries Agriculture JA, JB, JC

Other energy II

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How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


Appendix 3: Estimates for the pooling France, US, Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands (Context F)

Exports ImportsTotal Total indus.. Indus. Indus manuf +

scaleTotal Total indus.. Indus. Indus manuf +

scaleOUT 4.600***








IN 1.304**(2.488)






OUTOTH -0.195(-1.161)





INOTH -0.135(-1.503)




AVRGDP 0.002***(2.902)








DIFFGDP -0.553**(-2.125)








AVRGDPPC 0.311***(4.153)



DIFFGDPPC 0.181*(1.821)

ADJ 14544***(5.529)







ADIST -0.573***(-2.792)


CPOL 4439.011***(2.628)





SCALE 1188.207**(2.034)


Obs 109 118 414 414 109 118 414 414R2 Ajust 0.76 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.64 0.58 0.39 0.35F valeur 59.0 23.8 48.7 45.5 40.4 33.7 33.4 28.3Prob > F (%) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001Condition nb 5 10 8 16 5 5 5 7

Student in brackets; ***<1% ; **<5% ; *<10%.

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1 BA Cement and derived products2 BB Ceramics (including manufactured mineral articles n.e.s.)3 BC Glass (flatware and hollow-ware)4 CA Iron and steel-making (including pig iron and sheet steel)5 CB Tubes and first-stage processing products6 CC Non-ferrous metals7 DA Yarns and fabrics8 DB Clothing (with fabrics as the main input)9 DC Knitwear (made directly from yarns)10 DD Carpets and textile funishings11 DE Leather furskins and footware12 EA Articles in wood13 EB Furniture (made of wood or other materials)14 EC Paper and pulp15 ED Printing and publications16 EE Toys, sports equipment and miscellaneous manufactured articles17 FA Large metallic structures18 FB Miscellaneous hardware19 FC Engines, turbines and pumps20 FD Agricultural equipment21 FE Machine tools22 FF Construction and public works equipment23 FG Specialized machines24 FH Arms and weaponary25 FI Precision instruments26 FJ Watch and clockmaking27 FK Optics and photographic and cinematographic equipment28 FL Electronic components29 FM Consumer electronics30 FN Telecommunications equipment31 FO Computer equipment (including office equipment)32 FP Domestic electrical appliances33 FQ Heavy electrical equipment34 FR Electrical apparatus (including passive devices)35 FS Vehicle components36 FT Cars (including motorcycles)37 FU Commercial vehicles and transport equipment (including public transport

vehicles and railway equipment)38 FV Ships (including oil rigs)39 FW Aeronautics40 GA Basic Inorganic Chemicals

41 GB Fertilizers42 GC Basic Organic Chemicals43 GD Paints, colourings and intermediate chemical products n.e.s.44 GE Toilet products, soaps and perfumes (including chemical preparations n.e.s.)45 GF Pharmaceuticals46 GG Plastics, fibers and synthetic resins47 GH Plastic articles48 GI Rubber articles (including tyres)49 HA Iron ores and scrap

Page 40: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union: a Dynamic Analysis


50 HB Non-ferrous ores and scrap51 HC Unprocessed minerals52 IA Coal (including lignite and other primary energy products)53 IB Crude Oil54 IC Natural gas (including all petroleum gases)55 IG Coke56 IH Refined petroleum products57 II Electricity58 JA Cereals59 JB Other edible agricultural products60 JC Non-edible agricultural products61 KA Cereal products62 KB Fats (of vegetable or animal origin)63 KC Meat and fish64 KD Preserved meat and fish products65 KE Preserved fruit and vegetable products66 KF Sugar products (including chocolate)67 KG Animal foodstuffs68 KH Beverages69 KI Manufactured tobaccos70 NA Precious stones, jewellery, works of art71 NB Non-monetary gold

NV Not elsewhere specifiedTT Total

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Page 42: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.




"Why the Euro will be Strong: an Approach Based on Equilibrium Exchange Rates",Michel Aglietta, Camille Baulant, Virginie Coudert, document de travail n° 97-18,décembre.

"Les fonds structurels en Europe", Laurence Nayman, document de travail n° 97-17,novembre.

"Cycles de production industrielle : une analyse historique dans le domaine desfréquences", Pierre Villa document de travail n° 97-16, novembre.

"International and External Policy Coordination: a Dynamic Analysis", Fabrice Capoën,Pierre Villa, document de travail n° 97-15, octobre.

"Optimal Pegs for Asian Currencies’", Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, document de travail n° 97-14, octobre.

"Pour ou contre le système commun de TVA?", Stéphanie Guichard, Claire Lefèbvre,document de travail n° 97-13, juin.

"The Euro and Exchange Rate Stability", Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, B. Mojon, Jean Pisani-Ferry, document de travail 97-12, juin.

Estimation du cycle à l'aide d'un modèle à tendance stochastique et application au cas duRoyaume-Uni", Laurence Boone, document de travail 97-11, juin.

"Looking for French Monetary Policy", Benoît Mojon, document de travail n° 97-10, juin.

"Incertitude sur le choix du modèle et rationalité", Pierre Villa, document de travail n° 97-09, mai.

"Quel est l'impact du commerce extérieur sur la productivité et l'emploi ?", Olivier Cortes,Sébastien Jean, document de travail n° 97-08, avril

"Trade Patterns Inside the Single Market" Lionel Fontagné, Michael Frendenberg &Nicolas Péridy, document de travail n° 97-07, avril.

10 Working papers are circulated free of charge as far as stocks are available; thank you to send your request toCEPII, Sylvie Hurion, 9 rue Georges Pitard, 75015 Paris, or by fax: +33 1 53 68 55 03.

Page 43: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

Document de travail n° 97-17


"The Exchange Rate Policy of the Euro: A Matter of Size", Philippe Martin, document detravail n° 97-06, avril. (épuisé)

"Ces taux de change réels qui bifurquent", Pierre Villa, document de travail n° 97-05,avril.

"Chômage non-qualifié et imitation : les raisons d'un accord international sur la propriétéintellectuelle", Lionel Fontagné & Jean-Louis Guérin, document de travail n° 97-04, mars.

Symmetry and Asymmetry of Supply and Demand Shocks in the European Union aDynamic Analysis", Laurence Boone, document de travail n° 97-03, février. (épuisé)

"Interest Rates in East Asian Countries: Internal Financial Structures and InternationalLinkages", I. Bensidoun, V. Coudert et L. Nayman, document de travail n° 97-02, janvier.(épuisé)

"Intra-Industry Trade: Methodological Issues Reconsidered", L. Fontagné, M. Freudenberg,document de travail n° 97-01, janvier. (épuisé)


"The Cost of Fiscal Retrenchment Revisited: How Strong is the Evidence?",Philippine Cour, Eric Dubois, Selma Mahfouz & Jean Pisani-Ferry, document de travailn° 96-16, décembre.

"Les dynamiques sectorielles de la croissance en Europe centrale", Françoise Lemoine,document de travail 96-15, décembre.

"Growth and Agglomeration", Philippe Martin & Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano, document detravail n° 96-14, décembre.

"La coordination interne et externe des politiques économiques : une analyseedynamique", Fabrice Capoen et Pierre Villa, document de travail n° 96-13, décembre.

"L'intégration asymétrique au sein du continent américain : un essai de modélisation",Philippine Cour et Frédéric Rupprecht, document de travail n° 96-12, octobre.

"Croissance et contrainte financière dans les PED", Pierre Villa, document de travailn° 96-11, octobre.

"Bulgaria From Entreprise Indiscipline to Financial Crisis", Roumen Avramov et JérômeSgard, document de travail n° 96-10, juillet.

"Potentialities and Opportunities of the Euro as an International Currency", AgnèsBénassy-Quéré, document de travail n° 96-09, août.

Page 44: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness:an Empirical Assessment.


"Credit Crisis and the Role of Banks During Transition: a Five-Country Comparison",Jérôme Sgard, document de travail n° 96-08, août.

"Exchange Rate Regimes and Policies in Asia", Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, document detravail n° 96-07, juillet.

"France in the Early Depression of the Thirties", Pierre Villa, document de travailn° 96-06, juillet.

"Pays émergents, emploi defficient ?", Olivier Cortès et Sébastien Jean, document detravail n° 96-05, mars.

"Trade with Emerging Countries and the Labor Market: the French Case", Olivier Cortès,Sébastien Jean et Jean Pisani-Ferry, document de travail n° 96-04, mars.

"The Transmission of Monetary policy in the European Countries", Fernando Barran,Virginie Coudert et Benoit Mojon, document de travail n° 96-03, février (epuisé).

"Trade Policy and Trade Patterns During Transition: A Comparison Between China andCEECs", Françoise Lemoine, document de travail n° 96-02, février.

"Financial Markets Failures and Systemic Risk", Michel Aglietta, document de travailn° 96-01, janvier


"Why NAFTA Might be Discriminatory", Lionel Fontagné, document de travail n° 95-12,décembre.

"Régionalisation et échanges de biens intermédiaires", Lionel Fontagné, MichaelFreudenberg et Deniz Ünal-Kesenci, document de travail n° 95-11, décembre.

"The Geography of Multi-speed Europe", Philippe Martin et Gianmarco I.P Ottaviono,document de travail n° 95-10, novembre.

"The Political Economy of French Policy and the Transmission to EMU", Christian deBoissieu et Jean Pisani-Ferry, document de travail n° 95-09, octobre (épuisé).

"L'importance des exclus de l'intégration monétaire en Europe", Philippe Martin,document de travail n° 95-08, novembre.

"Asymétries financières en Europe et transmission de la politique monétaire", VirginieCoudert et Benoit Mojon, document de travail n° 95-07, septembre (épuisé).

"La mesure du capital éducatif", Pierre villa, document de travail n° 95-06, septembre.

Page 45: How Foreign Direct Investment Affects International Trade ... · How Foreign Direct investment Affects International Trade and Competitiveness: an Empirical Assessment. SUMMARY The

Document de travail n° 97-17


"Capital humain, mobilité des capitaux et commerce international", Pierre Villa, documentde travail n° 95-05, juin.

"L'Europe à géométrie variable : une analyse économique", Jean Pisani-Ferry, documentde travail n° 95-04, avril.

"Comparaison de l’efficacité énergétique des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale avec celledes pays de l’OCDE", Nina Kounetzoff, document de travail n° 95-03, mars.

"L'organisation de la politique économique dans un cadre stratégique", Pierre Villa,document de travail n °95-02, mars.

"Interest Rates, Banking, Spreads and Credit Supply: The Real Effects", Fernando Barran,Virginie Coudert, Benoît Mojon, document de travail n° 95-01, mars.