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House of Sakhi - Hospital License Application

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 House of Sakhi - Hospital License Application


    Joint Commission InternationalAccreditation

    Survey Application



    Effective: January 2010Revised: 10 February 2010

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    PART 1

    Check the type of survey you are applying for:


    FOR IN ITIAL SURVEY APPLICANTS: If you have provided clinical services for less than a year,please provide the date that your organization began providing clinical services.

    04/ 23/ 2010dd / mm / yyyy


    A. Demographics

    1. Organization N ame: (The entry text below, as entered, will be used for your certificates. Only a max imum

    length of 60-characters is allowed.)


    2. Facility Address:

    5225 FIGUEROA MOUNTAIN ROAD[street number and name]

    [P.O. Box]

    LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA[city/ province and/ or state]

    93441[postal/ zip code]

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA[country][website address]

    3. Main Telephone Number:805 294 32

    [country code] [city code] [number]

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    4. Ownership:HJTT % RACHEL SAKHI[Owner Name/ Parent Company]

    Choose applicable Ownership Type from the list below.private / non-government

    public / governmental

    public / private mix

    governmental / military


    Mailing Address: (if different from above)5225 FIGUEROA MOUNTAIN ROAD[street number and name]

    [P.O. Box]

    LOS OLIVOS, CA[city/ province and/ or state]

    93441[postal/ zip code]


    5. Ownership Primary Contact:

    Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi[Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Registered Agent

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

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    B. Organization Contacts

    6. Staff Information: Fill in the names, titles, telephone numbers and email addresses for the individuals listed below

    Chief Executive Officer: (or equivalent)Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Chairwoman & President

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]


    [country code] [city code] [number]

    Individual responsible for Medical services(or equivalent)Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Chairwoman & President

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

    Individual responsible for Nursing services(or equivalent)Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Chairwoman & President

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

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    Accreditation Survey Coordinator: (provide contact information)Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Chairwoman & President

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

    7. Individual responsible for completing this application

    If this individual is the same as an individual listed above, add only their nameName: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Chairwoman & President

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 32[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

    8. Individual responsible for processing invoices and payments:Name: Dr. Rachel Lynne-Sakhi

    [Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms./ Dr.]

    Title: Medical Director

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel: 805 294 0032[country code] [city code] [number]

    Fax:[country code] [city code] [number]

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    C. General Information

    9. Are there laws or regulations requiring your organization to have a current operating permitor license?

    Yes* No

    a) * If yes, please submit a copy of the permit or license along with this application. Theapplication cannot be accepted until a copy of the license is received.

    b) If no, please name the government agency that grants your organization the authority tooperate and provide services

    10. Are you applying as a hospital that is located within another hospital?

    Yes No

    If yes, what is the name of the hospital in which you are located?

    11. Please provide your usual hours of operation, and provide information on any dailyreligious observances, staff functions, etc. that will need to be part of the survey agenda andactivities of the survey team.

    Regular Business Hours

    12. In the box below check any changes that you anticipate will happen within the next 12months related to the applicant organization and give a brief description of what willchange.

    Check Type of Change Description

    Ownership Change of Ownership of Property

    Clinical Medical Services (new services or expansion ofservices)

    Establishment of Clinical Medical Services

    Organization Management Integration of Organization Management

    Patient Care Buildings (new or renovations planned) Establishment & Infrastructure Installation of PatientCare Building (Renovations & New Construction)

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    13. In what language is the medical record documentation written?

    English & Spanish

    14. In what language are the policies, procedures, and committee minutes written?

    English & Spanish

    15. In what language is patient care conducted?

    English or the Primary Language.

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    16. Site Demographics and Building Codes: Specific information is required in order to assist inthe development of the on-site survey agenda. The information needed includes the location(s),distance(s), and occupied areas (square meters) of the organization's physical layout (both on themain campus and/ or off campus locations) where the health care services are provided. Also

    needed are the local or national codes under which the buildings were designed and are beingmaintained, and the approximate age of each site. Please fill in the information on this form. Listeach building separately: See Addendum on page 19for additional form(s).

    Building Name Address:

    Include num ber, street,and city

    Is this building locatedon the Main campus oris it an additional site?

    (check box)

    If an additional site:include Kilometersfrom main campus

    Parcel # TBD; Zone TBD Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Parcel # TBD; Zone TBD Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Parcel # TBD; Zone TBD Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

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    A. In-patient Services

    21. Total number of beds: As Needed

    22. Total number of holding or observing beds: As Needed

    23. Average daily in-patient census: To Be Determined

    24. Emergency room annual visits: On Demand

    25. Does the organization conduct or participate in any research or clinical trials?

    Yes No

    If yes, please list the research or clinical trials currently underway.To Be Determined/ As per Schedule

    26. Does the organization serve as a site for training health care students or residents?

    Yes No

    If yes, please check the type of students who are on-site and list the number of students on-site annually.

    Type of Student Number on-siteAnnually

    Medical students

    Dental students

    Medical Residents

    Nursing students

    Allied health students (PT , OT, RT, dietitian)

    Other To Be Determined

    Other To Be Determined

    Other To Be Determined

    Other To Be Determined

    27. List the top five primary patient discharge diagnosis and the top five surgical proceduresperformed. Enter the information in the table provided below.

    Top Five Primary DischargeDiagnoses

    Top Five SurgicalProcedures

    To Be Determined To Be Determined

    To Be Determined To Be Determined

    To Be Determined To Be Determined

    To Be Determined To Be Determined

    To Be Determined To Be Determined

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    29. In-Patient Care Units/ Wards: Using the table below please list each Inpatient Care Unit/ Wardincluding the additional information requested. See the example in the first two lines.

    NOTE: List each patient unit/ ward separately. The survey team needs to know each area thathouses patients in order to select those areas that will be visited during tracer methodology sessions.

    Include patient care units located at the main site as well as any areas that are separate from thehospital. If you need an additional form please click on this link to down load an additional form.Download and complete as many forms as necessary and submit all completed forms with yourapplication. See Addendum on page 19for additional form(s).

    Please check the last column only if anesthesia/ sedation is administered in the location listed. Ifyou need the Joint Commission International Accreditations definition of Anesthesia andSedation1.

    Name ofUnit/ Ward



    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Check here if Anesthesia /


    Example: Ward A 32 Surgical Intensive Care 3 Main site

    Example: Ward B7 10 Mental Health 2 Building C


    The administration to an individual, in any setting, for any purpose, by any route, medication to induce a partial or total loss of sensation for the

    purpose of conducting an operative or other procedure.

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    30. List the type of surgical/ operating room theaters, the number you have, and the building inwhich they are located.(Include all locations and buildings where surgery is provided, such as obstetrics operating theater, general operating theater,

    cardiac operating theater, pediatric operating theater, outpatient operating theater, and so on.)

    Operating Theater Number Building Name

    31. List Non-clinical H ospital Departments or Services. (non-clinical services that support the hospital such ashuman resources, housekeeping, dietary, information systems, finance)

    32. List any contracted services.Contracted services are defined as services provided through a written agreement with another organiz ation, agency, or individual,

    the agreement specifies the services or personnel to be provided on behalf of the applicant organiz ation. For ex ample, a hospital

    may contract with another organization for services such as pathologists, physical therapists, reading x -rays, dietary emergencyroom physicians, medical specialists.

    Name of contracted organization Services provided

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    B. Out Patient Services

    33. List Outpatient Units, the number of annual visits, and the type of service provided.(E x ample: Surgical clinic, 150 visits per month, pre and post operative procedure evaluation and treatment).

    NOTE: See Addendum on page 19 for additional form(s).

    Name of OutpatientUnit or Clinic

    Numberof Annual


    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Anesthesia / Sedation


    Sample: Surgery Clinic 5 Pre and post operativeprocedure evaluation

    and treatment

    1 Building G

    Sample: BehavioralHealth Outpatient Clinic

    10 Mental Health 1 Main Site

    Total Number ofAnnual Visits


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    A. Medical Transport

    34. Do you own and operate a medical transport service that provides Emergency MedicalTransport Services to the community?

    Yes If you answered Y es, continue to # 35 and # 36 below.

    No If you answered N o, please sk ip to section B

    35. Number of medical transports per year. ON DE MAND

    36. Does the medical transport service use advanced life support/ paramedics?



    B. H ome Care Services

    37. Does your organization provide services in an ind ividuals home?

    Yes If you answered yes, please complete # 38 through # 40

    No If you answered no, go to Part IV

    38. Average number of individuals visited in the home per day. ON DEMAND

    39. Total number of home visits made per year. ON DEMAND

    40. Please indicate the type of care provided in the patients home:(check all that apply)

    Home Health (nursing service)Personal Care and supportHome Medical EquipmentHome PharmacyHospice Service/ Palliative Care in the homeOther (please specify) TBD

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    PART 4I . SCHEDULING AND TRAVEL (Section Must Be Completed In Full)

    A. Scheduling

    41. Please indicate three months in which the organization could have the survey scheduled.

    Month Year

    05 2010

    06 2010

    07 2010

    42. Please indicate up to a MAXIMUM of five other weeks during the year to avoid scheduling

    a survey, if preferred months cannot be accommodated.

    FromDD/ MM/ YY

    ToDD/ MM/ YY

    08/ 01/ 10 08/ 30/ 10

    09/ 01/ 10 09/ 27/ 10

    10/ 01/ 10 10/ 31/ 10

    11/ 01/ 10 11/ 31/ 10

    12/ 01/ 10 12/ 31/ 10

    B. Traveling Instructions

    43. Air Transportation: Please indicate the airport(s) nearest to your organization that the surveyorsshould fly into.Sycamore Valley Airfield

    44. Ground Transportation: Please provide travel directions from airport to hotel.

    Please provide the following to assist the surveyors in making their ground transportationarrangements.

    From Airport to H otel: Recommended method of transport (taxi, car service, etc)

    From H otel to Airport: Recommended method of transport (taxi, car service, etc)

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    From H otel to Organization: Recommended method of transport (taxi, car service, etc)

    Please provide travel direction from hotel to organization.

    Surveyor Assembly: Location to which surveyors should go. (building name and/ or number anddoor entrance, if applicable)

    Assembly Point at organization when surveyors arrive.

    45. Recommended Hotel Accommodations: (high-speed internet access is required)Please recommend two to three business hotels near your organization that have high-speed internet access.High-speed internet access is required for the surveyors to complete the survey report each evening. If

    possible, please include the Marriott, Hilton or Intercontinental hotel nearest to your organization, as thesehotels provide preferred rates for the surveyors. If your organization has a preferred rate with business hotelsnear your organizations, please include the specific information and directions for obtaining the preferredrates for surveyors.

    H otel N ame Address/ Web site Distance to hospital Telephone/ Fax(please include countryand city code)

    Kilometers Phone:

    Travel time Fax:

    Kilometers Phone:

    Travel time Fax:

    Kilometers Phone:

    Travel time Fax:

    Kilometers Phone:

    Travel time Fax:

    Kilometers Phone:

    Travel time Fax:

    NOTE: For insurance/ security purposes the survey team is required to make travelreservations through JCI's travel agent.

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    46. Please enter any comments or other information you feel may be pertinent for surveyorstraveling to your survey.

    47. Date application completed: 04/ 23/ 2010dd / m m / yyyy

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    PART 5


    The undersigned makes request to Joint Commission International for an accreditation survey of theApplicant Organization named below. By signing this document we hereby provide accurate and truthfulinformation within this application. Also, by signing this document, we hereby authorize JCI to obtain anyrecords and reports about this organization that may be available from other agencies and/ or organizationsthat may be pertinent to the survey.

    I am authorized to make this agreement on behalf of:

    Name of Applicant Organization: RACHEL SAKHI ATTORNEY

    Name: Rachel Sakhi

    Title: Authorized Representative


    Date: April 23, 2010

    I have also included a copy of the organ izations license (Part I Section C)


    Return Completed Application long with any Additional Forms Usedby FAX or EMAIL to:

    Joint Commission International AccreditationFax: +1 630 268 2996

    ORE-mail: [email protected]

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    Additional Form(s): # 16

    Building Name Address:

    Include num ber, street,and city

    Is this building locatedon the Main campus oris it an additional site?

    (check box)

    If an additional site:include Kilometersfrom main campus

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

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    Additional Form(s): # 16

    Building Name Address:

    Include num ber, street,and city

    Is this building locatedon the Main campus oris it an additional site?

    (check box)

    If an additional site:include Kilometersfrom main campus

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

    Main campus N/ A

    Additional site

    Building Code(s) followed:


    Age of building:Area - square meters:

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    Additional Form(s): # 29 In-Patient Care Units/ Wards

    Name ofUnit/ Ward



    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Check here if Anesthesia /


    Example: Ward A 32 Surgical Intensive Care 3 Main site

    Example: Ward B7 10 Mental Health 2 Building C

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    Additional Form(s): # 29 In-Patient Care Units/ Wards

    Name ofUnit/ Ward



    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Check here if Anesthesia /


    Example: Ward A 32 Surgical Intensive Care 3 Main site

    Example: Ward B7 10 Mental Health 2 Building C

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    Additional Form(s): # 33 Out-Patient Services

    Name of OutpatientUnit or Clinic

    Numberof Annual


    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Anesthesia / Sedation


    Sample: Surgery Clinic 5 Pre and post operativeprocedure evaluationand treatment

    1 Building G

    Sample: BehavioralHealth Outpatient Clinic

    10 Mental Health 1 Main Site

    Total Number ofAnnual Visits


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    Additional Form(s): # 33 Out-Patient Services

    Name of OutpatientUnit or Clinic

    Numberof Annual


    Type ofCare Given

    Floor Building N ame Anesthesia / Sedation


    Sample: Surgery Clinic 5 Pre and post operativeprocedure evaluationand treatment

    1 Building G

    Sample: BehavioralHealth Outpatient Clinic

    10 Mental Health 1 Main Site

    Total Number ofAnnual Visits
