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SALADERO ECOLODGE GOLFO DULCE, SOUTH-PACIFIC, COSTA RICA - [email protected] - + (506) 8721 0425

Hotel Sustainable Practices of Saladero Ecolodge, Costa Rica

Jul 02, 2015



Discover the sustainable practices of Saladero Ecolodge located on the Golfo Dulce, accross the Osa Peninsula and Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica.
As part of her Hospitality Tour through Latin America, Florie collected their best responsible practices for
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Page 1: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Saladero Ecolodge, Costa Rica

SALADERO ECOLODGE GOLFO DULCE, SOUTH-PACIF IC , COSTA RICA - [email protected] - + (506) 8721 0425

Page 2: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Saladero Ecolodge, Costa Rica


Social Responsibility

Local Development

Travelers’ awareness

Local Heritage & Biodiversity

Green Mobility




Agriculture and Catering


Learn about Hotels

Sustainable Practices


Page 3: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Saladero Ecolodge, Costa Rica


• Energy is suppl ied by hybr id systems of so lar power and hydro.

• Generators are seldom used and so le ly for construct ion and repair purposes .

• Hot water i s provided by pass ive so lar heaters and backup propane heaters that only heat when the water i s turned on .

• Energy ef f ic ient ref r igerators , f reezer and l ight ing (LEDs) .

• Solar and thermostat cont rol led vent i lat ing fans .

• Provides to guests so lar lanterns purchased f rom a for -profi t soc ial enterpr ise (d . l ight so lar ) for l ight ing dur ing thei r s tay.

• Low tech bot t le - l ights prov iding up to 55w of l ights dur ing the day.

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Separat ion and responsible d isposal o f a l l waste :

• Organic waste is composted.

• Recyclables waste go to Puer to J imenez Recycle Center by boat .

• Endevors to purchase as much as poss ible b iodegradable and recyc lable products .

• Dr inks are purchased in returnable g lass bot t les .

• Doesn’ t sel l water in p last ic bot t les , o f fers instead f ree UV t reated water into

ref i l lable a luminum bot t les to guests f rom our pr is t ine spr ing on the proper ty.

• Work towards a goal o f 100% no waste .

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• Grey water goes to an underground f i l ter ing system & returns to the ground water.

• Black water goes to a sept ic tank and drainfields .

• Dr inking water i s f rom a pr is t ine spr ing in the pr imar y ra in forest and is UV

f i l tered.

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• Organic eggs , Fru i t and vegetables grown on s i te wi thout the use of pest ic ides or

commercia l fer t i l i zer .

• Use of f resh vegetables and f rui t instead of canned products

• Natural ju ices are made here f rom our var ious t ropical f ru i ts .

• Gardens and landscaping are fer t i l i zed wi th natura l compost and manure .

• Learning f rom the nat ives about eatable local leaves and p lants.

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• Uses cer t i f ied responsible wood f rom fa l len t rees , as wel l as p lanted bamboos.

• Bui l t in a way that natural vent i lat ion and l ight ing are prominent .

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• Educat ion in best pract ices to a l l employees on waste reduct ion, recyc l ing, energy

management , compost ing and water conser vat ion in order to inf luence thei r

att i tude and soc ia l habi ts w i thin the workplace, but a lso of thei r ex tended

famil ies .


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• Employ and t ra in local Costa Rican staf f f rom the work improver ished area nearby

to Saladero .

• Classes in Eng l ish are provided for employees and thei r ch i ldren .

• Sales of local Costa Rican ar twork and handicraf ts of ind igenous t r ibes benef i t

them di rect ly.

• Direct f inanc ial suppor t to the park ser v ice of P iedras Nat ional Park by providing

housing and fac i l i t ies when working in our area .

• Provides coconuts to workers to enable them to make coconut o i l for sa le to the

publ ic

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• Take guests on a complimentar y tour of the proper ty to ra ise thei r awareness

about sustainabi l i ty l i v ing, and the impor tance of the ra in forest and i ts

biodivers i ty conser vat ion.

• Emphasis on taking nothing f rom the sur rounded ecosystem except ing

photographs and memories .

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• 97% of Saladero proper ty i s a protected pr ist ine ra in forest (465 acres / 180 hect )

• A por t ion of i t , i s in fact now par t of P iedras Blancas Nat ional Park .

• Suppor ts Osa Conser vat ion NGO as par t o f thei r w i ld cat conser vat ion program by

purchasing, p lac ing and monitor ing camera t raps in order to monitor animals


• Suppor t Ear thwatch Char i ty through the CEIC (Cent ro de Invest igación De Cetaceos

Costa Rica) by of fer ing thei r fac i l i t ies for vo lunteers who come at dayt ime to

monitor mar ine spec ies .


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• The proper ty i s accessible only by boat .

• The boats are equipped wi th h igh ef f ic iency 4 st roke motor.

• Once ons i te , guests are inv i ted to enjoy motor f ree t ranspor tat ion, such as kayak ,

and us ing thei r own feet ; - )

• Use of boat for t ranspor t ing guests and buying suppl ies i s coordinated to l imit the

number of journeys to town and l imit the use of foss le fuels

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SALADERO ECOLODGE GOLFO DULCE, SOUTH-PACIF IC , COSTA RICA - [email protected] - + (506) 8721 0425