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Jul 06, 2018



Olim M Shirinov
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  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Hot Topic - Good Light! Mag - The New Way of Portrait Photography

    FreeDownloa Your Professional

    Production Boo

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01



    Your Production Boo(free template) Make your photo shoot run onautopilot

    Photo Ef ciency Customizing and tailoring thetemplate for your kind of photoshoots

    The Leverage Trick Using your production booktemplate

    Look InsideUse this template as your start-ing point for customizations

    The videos and the template in this is-sue of Good Light! Magazine are takenfrom one of the lessons of my high endphotography coaching program The Pro-ductive Photographer . In the videos I willsometimes refer to other lessons whichare not part of this magazine, but whichare also not essential for the contentfeatured in this mag.

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Your Production Book3


    Your Production BooMake your photo shoot run on autopilot

    Video from my high end photography coaching program The Productive Photographer .

    Photographers want results. Quiteoften I can provide beginningphotographers with results by givingthem a ready-to-shoot recipe for a

    particular scene including a lightingdiagram. However, when it comes tomore advanced photographers, thenthey want outstanding results in theirown shooting situation. And if there isone group of people who are even moreconcerned about the outcome than thephotographers are, then these are theirclients. They want excellent results,

    too, and they want them guaranteed.

    That’s why in my high end coachingprogram, The Productive Photographer ,I had to care to make my studentsset up their shootings for guaranteed

    success. Zero tolerance for failure. Thekey for this is the right type of planning.As you certainly like to have fruitfulphoto shoots as will, I’d like to sharethis particular lesson of The ProductivePhotographer with you today. Let meintroduce you to a type of planning,which will put you ahead of 95% of allprofessional photographers. Coming

    up with a professional production book

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    Your Production Book4

    for your next photo shoot will absolutelygive you the edge.

    Photo shoots tend to depend on anumber of people. There’s not onlythe photographer, but there are alsomodels, stylists, makeup artists,second shooters, assistants and manymore. They all have to work in a teamtowards the result, which you desire.Enable them by giving them guidance.Give them the predictability they needin order to function. Base it on a solidplanning.

    The outcome of your photo shoot caneither depend on luck, or it can dependon good preparation. Choose the latter

    one. From experience I can tell, that itis much easier and also much faster,to plan something in advance, than itis to gure it out under pressure andtime constraints at the day of shooting.

    The tool of choice for planning yourshoot is your production book. Youdon’t need to come up with a new bookfrom scratch every time you prepare ashoot. It’s the opposite, the power ofthis book is that it is based on a solidtemplate which takes care of a lot oflists and information which otherwisemight be forgotten during planning.The outcome is a slick, completeProduction Book which not only makes

    Making the model falling into the light was not much effort. But it required giving the scene a bit of thought indvance during the planning phase. Michael did not photograph the model falling down, but actually jumpingorward.

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    Your Production Book5

    your team working so much better, butit also gives your client so much morecon dence in your work. Preparing thisbook pays of big time.

    Fancy some inspiration for comingup with your own template for yourproduction book? This is what thismagazine is about. It shows youexactly the template, which I use whenplanning my next photo shoot. In orderto make it really convenient for your tostart with my template as a basis foryour template, I am making it available

    for you as a download in MicrosoftWord format, ready to be edited inapplications like Word, Pages or OpenOf ce. All you have to do is subscribingwith your eMail address to the GoodLight! News ash and seconds lateryou will nd the download link to yourtemplate right in your eMail inbox.

    If you have a producer for yourphoto shoot, then he should ownthe production book. It should bethe outcome of his planning. If thereis no producer involved, then thephotographer can quickly come upwith a production book. It’s much lesswork than it seams.

    In any case, the production book willguide your work ow. The checklistsin the book will make sure you don’tleave out any important step duringthe shoot. In your future shoots therewill never be such a shock momentlike “OMG with forgot this important[blank]! We are toast!”

    Besides that, your production book willgreatly enhance the commitment of

    your team and it will make you shinein the eyes of your client.

    Subscribe to our Newsletterin order to download yourproduction book template in

    Microsoft Word format.

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Your Production Book6

    Wardrobe, styling, custume,makeup and lighting mustbe well coordinated in orderto depict a geisha in a shinylatex out t. It’s really not assimple as it might look.

    Model: SarathustraStyling: Emily Shooting by Blende666 and

    Michael ZelbelStudio: Fotomagic

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    ACookbook for ImprovingYour Boudoir Photography

    This eBook features 74 pages full of recipes for awesome photography in anybedroom• use simple and absolutely reliable ligh ng setups• return from your shoot with posh professional photos• make your boudoir models really proud

    Packed with ac onable ps and tricksIn the ebook I walk you throughthe way that I perform my bou-doir photo shoots. All you needto do is follow the 6-step ap-proach that I provide you with:

    1. basics like the right ligh nggear and lenses for a bedroom

    2. lingerie and clothes whichwork vs. things that do notwork

    3. the ligh ng setups whichdeliver the best results

    4. poses for every model, fromstandard to crea ve

    5. how to fnd the best camera

    angle the common mistakes toavoid

    Findout about this book at

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Photo Ef ciency8

    Photo Ef ciency Customizing and tailoring the template

    for your kind of photo shoots

    In any given photo production thereare a gazillion of things which you haveto do as a photographer in order to

    nally get the result which you want toachieve. Often times it all starts witha brie ng and it ends with Photoshop.In between there are a huge numberof steps which are all part of yourwork ow. You can produce a lot of goodphotos in a lot of good photo shoots ifyour work ow is very ef cient. On theother hand, if it is not ef cient, then the

    inef ciencies will steal so much timefrom you, that you simply won’t havetime to produce a lot of good stuff,

    even if your skills are excellent. A slowwork ow is killing you in photography.

    One aspect of ef ciency is that we wantto do work only once and not manytimes. For example, we don’t want towrite our production book from scratchevery time we plan a shoot, we wantto reuse it as much as possible.

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    Photo Ef ciency9

    The degree to which you will be able toreuse your particular planning templatedepends very much on how well youtailor it for your needs. If you reuse thedownloadable template I referenced in

    the previous article, then I suggest youtailor it in two passes:

    1) Add all the standard informationlike for example your name, detailsand your studio address, then save thetemplate naming it “Production BookComplete.doc”.

    2) Now in a 2nd pass walk through it

    and remove all the sections, which youtypically do not need for your type of

    photography. Save this version under aname like “Production Book Standard.doc”.

    This stripped down version is a perfectstarting point for your typical photoshoots. Just in case you break out ofyour standard way and you need somesections which you already removedfrom your template, then you canalways go back and use the “ProductionBook Complete.doc” instead.

    Now take a couple of minutes to tailoryour template. It will pay off big time

    in the years ahead of you.

    An outdoor shoot in the prairie of Beijing. My classic example for usage of the production book. Even thoughhis shoot involves only a handful of team members, it must be planned very well. By the time the shootingappens every team member needs to know exactly what to do.

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    Photo Ef ciency10

    Shooting fashion in a bar. Thisshoot needed to happen veryfast. Nevertheless everythinghad to be perfect: Location,colors, styling, light... Withoutproper planning, this would beclose to impossible.

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Back Issues?

    Have all of themMake Ultra-SoftBeauty Light

    The Quick PortraitLighting Trick

    Onelight vs Two andThree Light Setups


  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    The Leverage Trick12

    The Leverage TrickUsing your production book template

    How do you leverage your productionbook best? If you are able to integrateyour production book smoothly into

    your work ow, then you will reap hugerewards. You enjoy lots of bene tsof solid planning while having verylittle extra work during planning anda signi cant amount of time savedduring your production.

    If you use your template correctly,it enables you to plan a big shoot,properly, on paper, in like 30 minutes.

    This is really powerful stuff. This makesyou more powerful than 95% of theprofessional photographers out there.

    This video sometimes refers to other lessons of The Productive Photographer , but you don’t really needthese lessons in order boost the leverage given you by your production book.

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    The Leverage Trick13

    Even a very simple photo shoot in a hotel room bene ts greatly from using a production book templatefor very fast, but very ef cient planning.

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  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    Look Inside15

    Look InsideUse this template as your starting point for customizations

    The following pages show the emptytemplate, as I would use it for my work.It is lled with lists for my kind of photoshoots. I feature it here in order to giveyou a good idea of how the template islooking like. However, I highly suggestdownloading the MS Word version ofthe template. You can open and edit it

    not only in MS Word, but also in ApplePages and Open Of ce.

    Subscribe to our Newsletterin order to download yourproduction book template inMicrosoft Word format.

    hooting hair for Toni and Guy. Not in a well controlled photo studio, but rather in a hair saloon with multi-le models and hair stylists preparing one creation after another. If I had not planned well for this shoot, thenwould have been toast in that situation.

    Model: Jennifer Hill

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    A S U C C E S S F U L FA N TA S Y S H O O T I N G

    Your NamePhotographer

    Title ofYourShooting Confidential:This document must not

    be shared with 3 rd parties

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -2-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved


    This document is absolutely confidential. It may not be shared with anyone

    other than individuals granted permission by the photographer. In case you

    received this document from anyone other than the photographer then you

    have received illegal materials.

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -3-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Table Of ContentsThe Holy Shooting Schedule ............................................................................................... 5

    The Great Photo Idea ......................................................................................................... 6

    The Story ........................................................................................................................... 7

    Location ............................................................................................................................. 8 Location Details .......................................................................................................................... 8 Weather Forecast ....................................................................................................................... 8 Location Checklist ...................................................................................................................... 9

    Scenes .............................................................................................................................. 10 Lighting Setups ......................................................................................................................... 10 List Of Frames To Produce per Scene ........................................................................................ 10

    The Team – Tasks and Contact Details .............................................................................. 11 Producer .................................................................................................................................. 11

    Photographer ........................................................................................................................... 11 First Assistant ........................................................................................................................... 11 Digital Tech .............................................................................................................................. 12 Videographer ........................................................................................................................... 12 Model(s) .................................................................................................................................. 12 Hair Care & MUA ...................................................................................................................... 12 Stylist ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Location Scout .......................................................................................................................... 13 Drivers / Assistants .................................................................................................................. 13 Translator ................................................................................................................................ 14

    Addresses ......................................................................................................................... 15 Hair, Makeup and Styling .................................................................................................. 16

    Scene #1 ................................................................................................................................... 16 Scene #2 ................................................................................................................................... 16 Scene #3 ................................................................................................................................... 17 Scene #4 ................................................................................................................................... 17

    Gear and Papers Checklist ................................................................................................. 19 Papers ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Essential Photo Gear ................................................................................................................ 19

    Additional Photo Gear .............................................................................................................. 19 Styling and props for the shooting ............................................................................................ 20 Other items .............................................................................................................................. 20

    Day Before Shooting Checklist .......................................................................................... 21

    Takeoff Checklist .............................................................................................................. 22

    Ramp Up Step By Step List ................................................................................................ 23

    Postproduction ................................................................................................................. 24

    Lessons Learned ............................................................................................................... 25

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    -4-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -5-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    The Holy Shooting Schedule

    We absolutely MUST stick to the following schedule on the day of the shooting



    aa:00 Meet at Meetingpoint

    aa:00 – bb:00 Drive to location

    bb:00 – cc:00 Prepare Scene #1, Makeup

    cc:00 – dd:00 Shoot Scene #1

    dd:00 – ee:00 Shoot Scene #2

    ee:00 – ff:00 Shoot Scene #3

    ff:00 Pack up the stuff an leave Location

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    -6-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    The Great Photo Idea

    This shooting is about…

    The key statement that the photos make is…

    I imagine the following scenes…

    Some examples for photos like this are…

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    -7-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    The Story

    We will think of the shooting as taking photos of scenes from the following

    little story. This will help us to express a common mood and expression when it

    comes to setting up the scene, clothing and makeup, posting, lighting and all

    the other creative elements.

    The main characters of our story is….

    She is living in…

    One day she…

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    -8-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved


    Location Details



    Map and Driving Instructions

    Weather Forecast

    The weather on location at the scheduled day of the shooting will be like this:

    Temperatures:Felt Temperature:


    Clouds / Rain:

    Sunrise / Sunset:

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    -9-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Location Checklist

    This list is considered during location scouting and approved by the producer.

    ¥ Parking Space? Distance to set?

    ¥ Electric power 220V available?

    ¥ Restrooms?

    ¥ Changingroom?

    ¥ Retreat in case of rain?

    ¥ Place to store gear?

    ¥ Drinks, food, snacks available?

    ¥ Where is the sun at the time of shooting? Where is it going to set?

    ¥ Can the models pose conveniantly?

    ¥ Mosquitoes, bugs?

    ¥ Temperature at location?

    ¥ Is it a public place? Viewers / spectators expected?


    What permits are required? Do we already any of them?¥ Can we play music?

    ¥ Can we get in conflict with somebody?

    ¥ What are the exact position for your shooting!

    ¥ Make sample photos! Good exposures of sky, greenery, rocks, otherelements of the compositions!

    ¥ Is the location really suitable?

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    -10-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Scenes The photo shoot is going to be structures in various scenes.

    Scene DetailsThese are the various scenes which are planned:

    Scene #1

    Scene #2

    Scene #3

    Scene #4 (fallback or extra)

    Lighting SetupsHere are some scribbles or descriptions of the lighting setup of the different



    List Of Frames To Produce per SceneImage #1

    Image #2

    Image #3


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    -11-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    The Team – Tasks and Contact DetailsEach team member is responsible for their tasks and for overcoming their

    challenges. In case any of the tasks might be in danger please immediatelyinform the producer.




    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Keep all team members on track according to their tasks and schedule2. Arrange all logistics3. …




    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Care about lighting2. Produce all planned photographs3. …

    First AssistantName



    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Watch out for any mistakes in the shoot2. Help with gear handling3. …

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    -12-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Digital TechName



    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Setup and maintain camera connectivity2. Manage and backup all files (photo and video)3. …



    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. List all necessary scenes for2. Capture all scenes for making of video + extra footage3. …



    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Have top body condition on day of shooting, good nails2. Sign release with complete transfer of all image rights incl. commercial3. …

    Hair Care & MUAName



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    -13-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Prepare Hair and Makeup according to plan2. During shoot check for any imperfections and remove them immediately3. …




    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Supply the clothes and accessories2. Closely align with hair and makeup stylist3. …

    Location ScoutName



    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Care for a suiteable location2. Align with producer on permits and remove all impediments on location3. …

    Drivers / AssistantsName


    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Be prepared with checked and filled up cars on day of shooting2. Know exactly the route to the location3. …

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    -14-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved





    Tasks and Responsibilities:

    1. Be capable of translation photoshooting related terms;2. Stay on side of photographer all the time, and proactively translates his

    directives3. …

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    -15-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved


    Location or Studio


    Map / Driving instruction

    Fallback Location or Studio


    Map / Driving instruction

    Restaurant for dinner after the shootingAddress

    Map / Driving instruction

    Hotel or Meeting Point


    Map / Driving instruction

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -16-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Hair, Makeup and Styling

    Scene #1Hair style

    Makeup style









    Examples (photos)

    Scene #2Hair style

    Makeup style







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    -17-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved



    Examples (photos)

    Scene #3

    Hair style

    Makeup style









    Examples (photos)

    Scene #4

    Hair style

    Makeup style




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    -18-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved






    Examples (photos)

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -19-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Gear and Papers Checklist

    Sort this checklist according to boxes and bags you use during travel andtransit. For every item list in which box it is going to be. For airtravel indicate ifbags are check in or carry on luggage.


    o passport incl. visao production booko location permit

    Essential Photo Gear

    o camera bodyo camera fallback bodyo camera battery chargerso lenseso memory cardso strobes / speedlightso laptop + charger

    Additional Photo Gear

    o camera tripod

    o laptop holdero guerilla podo angle view findero speedlight cableso snooto color filterso light standso umbrella swivelso umbrellaso reflectorso greycardo lens cleaning kito gaffer tapeo USB cableo GPS trackero velcroo a piece of aluminum wrap

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    -20-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    o card readero compass

    Styling and props for the shooting

    o fashion / costumeso wigs and similaro jewelryo accessories, sunglasses etco music for the shootingo special effects (smoke, fire, ...)

    Other items

    o bugsprayo sunscreeno drinkso snackso fruito toilet itemso luggage strap

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01


    -21-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Day Before Shooting Checklist

    o camera batteries charged

    o memory cards clean

    o speedlight batteries charged

    o laptop battery charged

    o external battery charged

    o laptop hard drive got 100GB space

    o got music for the shooting

    o all participants have address

    o releases are ready to sign

    o weather forecast is OK

    o drinks and food for the shooting

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    -22-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Takeoff Checklist

    Things to check before start driving to location

    o Gear and papers checklist checked

    o Clocks in cameras and laptop aligned and on local time

    o Cameras zero’d out and working

    o Batteries are charged

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    -23-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Ramp Up Step By Step List

    List of activities to be done directly after arriving on location

    1. Mark the exact spot where we shoot the first scene by putting a bucket


    2. Park the cars as close as possible

    3. Model(s) get prepared and styled

    4. Videographer start documenting

    5. Everybody use bugspray

    6. Setup the camera tripod for the first scene

    7. Setup camera, check the main settings

    8. Tether camera

    9. Setup first scene (assistant standing in for model)

    10. Setup lighting

    11. Test shoot and color calibration

    12. Pose model

    Ready to go for first scene

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    -24-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved


    For postproduction the following is planned

    o Stretch image by 5%

    o Make eyes 5% bigger

    o Rubberstamp pimples and spots

    o Make skin smoother

    o Recover detail in hair and clothes

    o Sharpen

    o …

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    -25-© by Photographer – All Rights Reserved

    Lessons Learned

    In our shooting the following thing went wrong, or can be improved.

    Checkpoints and planning steps will be addes to the production book of the

    NEXT shooting, so that these things cannot come up again:

    Issue 1

    Issue 2

  • 8/18/2019 Hot Topic 01



    Model: HeMinStyling: Emily WeiMUA: MaoMaoPhoto: Michael Zelbel


    PublisherProPortfolioClub.comZelbel Ltd. & Co.KG©2013, all rights reserved

    EditorSebastian Stelter

    TextMichael Zelbel

    Photos / VideoMichael Zelbel

    PostproductionRenzy Memije

    Graphic DesignRenzy MemijeAlex Zlatev

    ContactEdtitorial / Commercial /[email protected]