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^S^SSfeaSiksi ' to jo: fe J.P-* \i-.c appearance of ureal ly improved, b.u> the grass can r.aking a small in- AH ehaags^.sf.:itfi/Vifc^^wiii.'•' .»****- " 'mini Vim V"'. I. *•*** fWQKWW&g&Z** are A#NI^R$W&. lietns.- ~-T>he $totejasgay ; freight will to© cl6;s«d! H to%y.:-f. &ft,f, l%|ted^ :•'-'• ^11^ : ipt^iji|©ii«, ! # s* : s#r. -%6 ; ; -xm#f^t.0*tfisbami ifigh $5aool te&fc* wjhftom.JKmttkgtt Asad- m&t't&M&tate,,m' the :•&»&• grounds yesterday $ttera#oh, maipjig the s&v- [Mt6,':ftet#^-i6t tt&'tocal'Mil tossersu jit waf % widl ^ t e s t e d , ^ M e , Mftloiie *I§a.dihg tor fl.tia lAtilnga and then going, aihead; ' Jft the I t ^ & S ^ ^ ^ - ! * ^ 1 ? ^ ! * ^ ^ **«M* feW«hi *Woi their tef"' RUBBER IDS •$•* / ^r6"^ ;t, guaranteed kladj so aks. her•©£ Htfe.'Wasas m r e .enteifMaed at -a. Mspday .party toy Sfiss Haiel Sawyer*. *. ' ,. -^Urn w, 33* $&&. yesterday talked to the pagEte *of the Stoatf Street school ^garitihi?. ta*e observance of M«B^8%! © a y ,*"" "••". •^Trolley «ass ^jja w a fo t h e *S«n*- mgr Seitool tod $lm £oin* tomoirow. af seraaon, %g, feather *>ejmttah& on, tae r^gal^f jSfteea. miUute .scisedute^. ' ^k&.'&m^m, & barker/,b&di&a* bgtatowu* ^mrOfesfflp;-/ the p«|;»it. d£- tbe ; Baptist chu&h tomormw .in 'ex- *hsakg# with. #e pastor, the 0&v/ W» S..«Pee£.,.. , . ' - " ' [ - - ^ t e ^ ^i,^3Mto*attaa--taar*s. %vtli he hett at Arlington oft Jatne * aa4 S, aa§. fi^angemeiits are h-eingS -made .by & ^ar%' of «attsbtti^t eh4 t»n#asts-to see'Shem 1 .. rhe best construct* 1%*$ &•( ^ \c market. If jSEHSt sf* ^Usisl&g- ^patriotic songs, ij^tJ^MaftO-tatt jrbttiai^ 1 e ^ t a t l o n i «cwt %cla6maojjss a^ptoprlate to Me> «aon*JSl 'Day 'w$*e HeM at «Sb' Inters fajediate .$c&&<& iBViday aftemqow, •—9a*. $gg$gar »ee«t^. of ttte Wool> hfe held fa ^ associatxoii rooms on llbstdaj; '$wb ip% at 4- *». -&u Meel^' faf•-.«£ fie e ^ c a S * * " ©tnwatftte^ *t' ty-fiw ,ai- goods we eaa a«rve :'pi^ SENRY. WOOD <S MARSHALl 14 Bridg^ mm kmm %e sflate* finir 6he J"^ •was weeded •«§: the score, bitt the last psttone IhatShiau snade three iu- ^ctiial i&het aitti^t air ^ d it was 'ail ,-i«frer + .,. - ;'• ••.''" ! ' Qow was ih the hox f^r the horae ieain atid'©itefe^d'jBt stii>srh gatae. He' * a s a^ «troHtg at t h e finish as at the start, &M "<rtm cool at t&feti: times* Uhllfee ttany yoyng Ktt<5h«rs^6{i)w is wot Utqiierirei &y iacfc of supppii, biit oft iKiich. ooMSlonS jseeiis to l^t oat a. hi^.iaaa Strltes oal the jjiexfe i n a a or two: H e 4 i i this several tjifles yes* For #ie P. H. -^ Bessette/and lay- ette hit %ell. {Both.' Kaa: haSas in flfte style, ahd Bessette. cleverly took «d- y,aatage of $a dpj^rtuliii^r ttt steal jioitte "whea th* Ufelone pltishej; drojH a, thro* ltoj^ : the ^teher. " •Phe irork of the M^m hatt«»5r) iresr excellent. aDuiSey,*as very effec- #ve ill t | e box> ahtf 9HoK«^. thot&h hkrid^s^pea t>y *• h«diy sprsjijea ankle, did weli. &* Is a igoOd ; ba6k* stsp and; J ias «, 'swtit *M amittite mtblti Thft 3aalojtie *ijMetd^j» dilft ijiot show np as vjfeTl as th*- reist 4t ;Oie team, heiag 5a&par«atly hotheTfied . 3>y. t h e r i « ^ i gfound^ % » stiittinaly Mlow»; ' . : NEW BELT PINS AND BUCKLES, Ifrooches, Bead Chains, Hat Pins, &c. NEW* CHINA, iBRIC-A-BRAC , AND CUT GLASS. €fca Tuttle (SL ParsHall Co.- 3. w* Tiitii© #.s©* BASE BALL-^Everything in the Line. Spauld ing's and other makes. LAWN TENNIS—1903 (koods. SpauldingVand Wright & DItson's. GOLF—33. G. I. Fine Line. Rubber Balls—Red, Green and Blue. -i^Rhy not ha^ee t h e b e s t ? They cost 60 ^Iftore .m&n the oidjnw* Idadi tpjeaj^if JgEtS^ If yoa ^rant them. Some iy|& iosfe?i|-:'^c» ;j-!)on*t feiet about owr coats and r ttoasers made Irom ponegai Bome- NEGLIGEE SHIRTS We offer new colosxajjr &L 3£anha.ttan" :.*n* Mtaarch shirts not to he foiunj V^feewhere. ! - •$jrs, HorehsHse will he at the ©Whetlahd Irte ISaesday aiijprniTiS :4mH./$ataJt4ay,»odtt/-%lth th& latest M^f' fe::^''tte«dlgs^j¥k m& m^gerialgf : A8 |&#es°imter€istieid.'i(fe- Mifttea to- ;«aBL. .. :. .'h-fire" Featst *jr. We«ks * ^ « » '•«; :Seth-»imej ts&st&o&m v^&M held'oa #akday -«settifig' a t t .<>*«lfi^,, ^Oixd'a* ;im©mlae. at S-tf-idoek,. M^ad»y'<fe?eni»g m.*% ©SclodMxSiid- gsoesday m&p&g: a.i- : .i*GWe&pe Wv.i3t *mttiei^ee,:whoJ recency ret3axnedt f r o t o Mis huntUftie trip in Canada, and TVAO wa» absent from hdxae some three weeks, heoii(Sht jjaca with Mm two fine bears as tropin-. its of the fcmiHEesex^Co, fteflutollcMu -iAt the post office W a y the sen" c«* delivery 'window -wEi be opeal £rom 7 to 1J30 a.m"„ <1 to-1:30, and ? t o $ pi nu; t^»e carriers' -window will be open £rom.T-to S $•. m. U'hft m o r n - ing delivery only wlii he mate by tiift carriers. - f o d a y JEL B. Baker ?wiil formally oj»en to thfe puhlio the sale of ice £t$ani *nd $oda -water, at hiia store, Sa, 1^ Brinfeerhoffi sweet, where he will be pieiased to serve to his irteftds as delicious an article as can he pro- duced in this Jine. —The new" steamer ' Yermont willj leave Piattsburgia, ax, 8 o'cloos; this morning* arriving at Burlington at $r,lS. 'Pare for the "round trip, 5Q cents. TSae Vermont will leav$ Bar-^ lington « t S-30 for .Essex, Westport, Port Henry and TieoMerosa, TSie fare tor diis round trip is also £0 cents. On the return trip the steamer leaves Turlington * t 5 o'ei6<fk, reach-* ing 'Hatishur^h at 5.15. ioutc«ost mill iw duly observi-d ai Sr~ PeMir's church tomottow, Tn ta« n.oi'2 , n^ the choir wili sing ihi C-Jegorian »iiass liegia^ by- Dumontl v tit orcajestral aecompaniaaenfc $*oi" an offertory a trio, *'Veni Oi-eator.' 1 ' will be sung by air, and Mrs, c , ^ •Oardinal and Wilfrid Tremhiay. jSjt the evening the^S&daiity o£ the Chilj. drea of Mary yulll -give & special pro' gram. 'j -""" *, ' ' —vTbe Traction CS>, ik addition to its regtUar schedule to tke Barracks wii,i this afternoon operate all its extra cars from <&&$ *s corner direct to thp fair .grounds,- retuirning to the fiarub point by way pt Broad sjtreet CPas!- seugers 01^ the belt will be taken to the fair grounds on any belt car. Ajt the end of the game tae cars will bk ran direct froip 1he fair] grounds to Cady'ff corner, belt and hack long a#ihe business demands it. ; PlMtskttrgh. T3fe»?her, 3b». *. , £ayeifct#; xi *.,.. , . . fjBfaachaifd^*., ...J, #ex«teitl% •et.*' .* « Bon^teel, If,. ..,, ^ierney, 5b-..» „ .,,*. Sa^e> T68* V »» » k . .. * 'ISotah*..., i ...... ^PrainkHn -iicademy* SioKee, <;-,•'-•.*» .».*» Matshali^ cf ....... ,»..• jt\.cHcyj ss* # *.* .* * •» iHutchlna, Sh.. »,, Flack, 1&,„ *. *ii, Hnntington, 2h,» ., Gibson, if...' ..; ,^„ >QaUagiher j , f| v » 4 *. Dudey, p % , *» .»,* v' •.&• . i i- i -e ." I I 0 0 B .. t »m a « . 0 %m2 1 . UIH * & * 4 0 © . 1 1 i 12 , 0 t- a 0 i 1 i I 0 •2 a. 10 2 3L 5ft a i t .5 m $•%, '—Ther6,,wa9 and thence around th^ t!o~the fair grounds as «! ^..n™? a. good^attendance the entertainnii iat given to the Court Stseet 4&eatte last evening tor! thi l»eneiat.'Ol^e ;|#tMetie ^soeiatio)R..o; •^fe.^3^h®rm &gft -SfbtooL • j Ax 5 ^ x s ; # e h $ -s*og3afflf, was- .giVefr;'- j^Tn\ 1 :isc^0o4"^efe <fn»! ^mad«. Ms- fBrst, -nafee^ iajtt^ and. feye'several find seiectians,' •4 1 i-. Y* E 1 TV £ Varfettes ^ocd thingi fort he tabic I v e liave tlte i full Mat; j a i l o r s o l o s w^c&' g i v e n .&y i S s 3 "^ot- m -'5feW> # d ; #&S' Mahit-,Stt)W^r» : «, Violin, solo :by S&ms^&.SBasra' alj^a « : ^tute'.aold.- % .MarchaiClow-. ^and;. 5 Ml :,wer^ mU- «s^?ftted>. _'. Mj&te#d WeTtr- MfiVMfli^.^arrsn. a; sjjfrano-'soto; it.^as-.fM'.Jss W.inm'S- Srs> ; .a^earanc3 :iX£.4 "hfftr- 4EatngiiJ|Sf sqxadW. -at iapsfc iavor- sitte impBessi&i- An informal danfie enjoyed alter the concert. , Another Concert On Wednesday evening afiit. at S'30 o'clock, a oencfe.' wfli he ^ v e i v iw. tb« <3onrt Str.eet ihej&fre for t*3« 'benefit; Of tjtie ienamplMtairChoral •Onion. and ent Braining jrograia fancy Groceries, Fruits, feptaMes . Darber S Co •toe g i v e n , 2S- 'cenii.* &ee. . after Report of COHisiderable on the' streets the report that Will the 'admission ^vili be •i;o m e m b s r s , A< mlsglort An info: •mal idance.-wili b§ held •thfr -eoncirt'. ""The proceeds of xhe, entertelitment will be used as'a .sina&ng fand i or the' moonlight ex.- carsion on-the new steamer Vermont, June lOta, _ finest and choicest lightsflf m weight. The "Dorothy t>)dd" Shoe lighter in weight than any other *hoe. The- Score by/ iSnfjngwj:. ',' P. H. SU-. .•*- ft * * * & % & 9 '3H& Franklin SU ^ «• 4 ^ 1 *>-4 * 0'ftJ«^ Stolen %isiseiHSIeag;her 5(aj # jkHMK-' $teel (2), ^ierhey* Kelleyj doublife playa—Me*|jh«f to Cfeir; a»dEEe* *&•! Hutchinsi *taK3t o«%-hy <S$# JO* Dirfey U biiise^: oh: ba|l»--off «?fo* oft J&udey -M tyk W', W^ 1 ® W&?* "MoKee; two>-has|*iatg*^e«thervBes'f' "sette, Hatetilnti three -hfifr bitfrrk !>ay*ttes - »W***.. h%t#~.'#(fcriehi*ai HcKee (%.«8^ed*«i»SMP* «..S-». 6| JSifaione, 2$ umpire, i^ Mt^tk*..* Yesterday's Bail Gamej. iSrationat I^pie-^Bo^ott-- %, i?"ew York 3; S»W»delpM«. 4, »ooJdyJB », American; SJ^gm^&K' ;¥ork 3,. FiiHaddphla & #a*hiwgton S, StoSlcm T; «t. iAuiB'5iSM*6it% tsmtmm % CievelsaKlS; Pot! Henry V^cftfemen. The Bufwagga 3Tacht Clmh'd£ !Port Henry htts eiecfeeel Ae toilciwln* o|* fleers f o r tshfi fiJisiang''«fi«scmt C0mmodore--# 4 . $L Sherrhaa, '<•• YiceHC^r^jnod9j»-rr©i M^h* , 'J Secretaryr-0, ^U ffeide,' ' TreasurerMS; i& $tti1f$fk- ' ' - \ Executi^o: ©6mm|tte«^-A» 35. fia^ ley, G, K, '^ettftnisi. "& W, 'Wt$mwi% Commodore Sherman made, th^ lot- lowing a&|*0intment9 pn the istafe Fleet cap^h».Maii*c^,1?, sioofc^-^&j fleet Burgeon:, "$&:'&% t^arne*,-' ] ^ regatta committe^'ffllitiafd, Sttae%T' a Atwen,-'a:yL- , 2feide i :;;!\, -• •• :; I«I' The dat^ fpf ih#-imw6»Ji *^gett»" set for 3fe#4*y a»dJ*W^^e^Say»^t%.. 17 and 1& *The aiipuai: «niQ*toer ; jw|H be held on-'the evening -pf'th© : $Wjt and the ^Riliaii : ha|i : Wili. -hft. Ott:."J : tfi^-- evening 6f the- I S a C ,;, Commodo,re ..ffi^bote •$&& t a k e n j his sail yacht iOhlilfeagie to tflie Sioudd, r^here: he Will -compete, itt; race« (Ops- jseaapap. / „•• .,!.-. ' |. /• ." In in,,; 11 ' 1- ' iin'ii-iii - I #ewer Giiionsj' W«ars. J<H%erj : $%wer <6allonsi Wears Longer,, JTewer GaiJonsj ' 1 Wesrs Pulp Mil! Men Strik*, | 'X*ht shlphite.pulp mill 0 ! f i e 4J^» Ba^; and sPa$fer COrh^ahjp, located m '^iiiin'ore, »e^aT\Satndy piTl,',.was cicis:- ed TJsirs^af»" the/empjay£si 100 inenj s t e i n g , . Tht^ihplQp^eiit. of k ion' union hand caused "the controversy Which resulted in, the strike...' TfcS strike is cottfinei tOj the pr^ss ahd'puip workers; Ttih iail\ isinm. ning with non-untoh tahor; ShoH- ;ly after the strikers.^ijossed' the jpri- vate bridge bsetween ^enlmore' and Sandy Hill the str«ctu*e was diBccy- ered on fire, The blaze Was qwlcliy extinsnish'ed. The police are inr4s- tigatinig.' <'•.'• Death a Mistake. of a stir km cr^ed iTuesday inornlns' by Alex. Jackion, a, young man of Chateattgay^ had•jpeenj found dead in the wo^ds in Clinton, ' died from gw3| e£>a% wounds. ; The absence of the since- Saturday Phone I i s .1 OppWltheril! rival and well and of Che flurry of bad occasioned ^oungt man;. frohf£ home* ^i@hr,fa;veicolor 'to the report, and pasties Immediately went to the neisbihoirhood; wteere. it was' said his Body Jiy, /hut ujipn their aff-> there thejy found jaekseui. ai|Te entirely Mqk»ng«lotis •excitement ixXs absence ,^<JhatoaiUisay Becord. Stewer Gallods; Wears linger. "Fewer Gallonsj W e a r s .3t«oDiser» GERJIS (W |IHSBAikE Bhoafld he promptly expellen, from the, -blotd. This la ar time whert the system is especially i?ttsc>p.ti ! bje to iflhem. • Get rid o£ all iinjJuritieB in the blood by taking Hood's Sar^tpairilla, and tatus fortify your waofle hody and prevent illneiSJ. ! ! Fewer Gallons; Wears lenger. Musipal MerchsMidise. ; , The/greatest sale of sheet music, etring instruments and musical mer- chandise ever held in this city mil commence April 22d and will^cofitiniie until May a2d at .j Jklissi ,Marie jIJaiForce's music atorei t% Margaret .'street; oppoeito 33evliQ ijonse, cojh- jriected with Cittett & Sons of Troy aid .Albany. jOuring this, .treat, gale pop- ular and olasslc muiii will g o a t 6> 10 and ,15 cents "per "~ copy, afaings of all kinds 'at half price, t string instru- ments at a great redaction, Larjge stock of Edison phonographs, Victor italking machines and latest records always on hand. CaU or writo for fjnee talogue of the famous MoKihley 10 <a% inu»io edition. . , t . .J "• T^L_ materials t«ed in wearing applet of all kinds, are land y e t wt strong as the heavier jmd more commoQ nut- terjals, J T h e upp< srs of "^Dorothy Dodo" Shoes are cat from especially light weight, .nne- grained A h w of the highest o.u«iity—such as is uMd ohijy toy m»nufact!ir*rs ot much, higher |priced shoes." This lightness i* of particular advantage. In view of the present .marked tehA«tt<sy in favot of close edge, Hghl-wetght shoes. -' ' W# keep the "D&rothy podd Shoes an^ Oxfords in stock. STACKPOLE'Si A SEARCHING INVCSTIOATIQN Superintendent Collins Inquiring Into fhe Inner Details of Clinton Prison* The most searching investigation eVgr held at ClmtOnlpriaonlis now in progress at Dannemora, and some startling disclosure? are expected among the residents of jDannemora; who have for years closely -watdhed events inside the prison walls. Superintendent Collins, -Gharles K. Baker, his chief; clerk, two members of his office force and his official stenographer arrived at Clintoh prison Tuesday afternoon and at once began arranging for tin?-investigation which was started the following morning, Is. still in progress atfd will pot in all probability be ^completed before Jhe middle oj| next week; For some- time past stories* Soare appeared, in the newspapers regarding the smuggling of opium into tne (prison by keepers, guards and even outsiders and these stories led up to the pres- ent ^investigation. \ Superintendent Collins stated yesterday afternoon, however, that the Investigation was not being confined to the alleged smuggling of opium, but that inquiry was being made Into every branch of the inner workings pt , tfee prison where there was or might be any sus- picion of lax methods or violation of pripon regulations, r The investigation opened by taking evidence of prisoners, o and of these fully one ihundred have already been before «^he atsberintendent. Most ot these men have readily testified, but in a few instances they have Tefused to answer questions putfo ( them/ and on~Thutsday a "Bhree striper" roundly abused Mr. Collins. For this he was sent to -the "cooler,*' and when he was again brought before the committee yesterday he was perfectly willing to answer any and all questions, A night and day in solitary confinement had taken 4(11 the fight out of him. Each prisoner after giving his testi- nwmy was placed in a,'cell in a differ- ent part of the prison from that usually occupied by htm. This was done in order that there could be do "tipping off*' to other prisoners the nature of the questions asked. * (Among the prison officials none are too high in authority to escape being called before the committee, and many of iftem are under fire for several hours., (Bach officer] when leaving the committee room is* cautioned to d o no talking about tke Investigation; either to brother officii* or to out- siders. , I All the industries at jthfe prison will he shuj; down today, but ,the work of the committee will be continued, as it has from the start from early in the iorenoon until late in. the evening, Quality Fir& A- Clinton St A. F. BRANDO Hot Well, T should »ay so, and fellow*, tlla la nothing to wtat it will be. How are yoh iixed for'it?, Bet 4 d<pli*-yon have put off buying thin; nin^ until you're' mxfki, _.', '/ Serge Sn?t» |ft to Wi Mome Spun^ Ofaahee an^d HannelSj,.'!! to' |15j eita* Trousers in* Crashes and iBlannds $2" to |{»i Straw #ata> Belts, and lots of thin 1^dng« at thin prices that bring com- fdrt ina relief/ "'' '• w FpRsiam-iA jjajtelligence. As applied^ flh$k fehase of Bye Glasses or si^a^brihey mean one and the amtimffll foresight by having yourf^siM^dl^hen you first rfeeome awarfe%f m& ne^'d, and econo- my by aavini ferine where you can get the best iMftlBt *0^ your money, We can fit y^ifjWjes '(ftroperly. Give us a trial, m m ^tiile. Isn't it? CHAS. |. DALE qfewiaAN Margaret StlMi'trliiity Square i- afe I LANABW T- IBU FOLKS «1)K Fit. Good, healthy flesh 1 can anly be gained by the *use of the proper food, together with natural j action of the digestive organs. NInej people out ot ten, in order to swergb. ajs mrach as they ought and-be perfectly jhealthy, should use Mi-o-na, the greajj ^esh'-forming tood and digestion regulator Weigh yourself before commencing to use. these little- tablets and I see. how your >weight increases from, week to week, Mt-o-na does not contain a particle of pepsln^ihe oasis of the«ordinary dyspepsia remedy, and "Which n e v e r made a cure of dyspepsia,. 3fi-o-na has valuable Uesh forming* properties, tones up and strength ens the digestive '<>)$$&?, helps- fllgestj'.-tlLe'"^^* ;^aten,, and abgoiutoly an^ permanently cure! 1 •the worst formit of 4yB]bjBM?i«' ;''' - h , if you *re m>t.. ^xie*M$: i^atJ^ted.. 'with tlte resultsrfro;ni.lf|k>-iia 'i&;% .tapk.ih wili,tetiiim ^ o ^ m o n ^ " w-ito?;' ~mk i u y -.aueirtlons. ;0?h'at ''iMter .medr- ieine is sold on this biakl to obtain good Whiskey is to buy it at a reliable store, Nothing hut the liest is good enough to drink. We only keep liquors folly ap to the stan- dard, and the most economically in- clined person could not quarrel with our p.rtci. . Is Absolute^ Pure. Iry It antf Be Convinced. / . - ••••|»e»>4»» l »»e»t l e •— JL it's Good. Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer, TELEPHONE 1 ,„^,,-,.,'.„,^ ,,-.., 1 ;,„ ,-,. ,;,-,.„ij.„„-,..,1,,f 78^P, Plattsburoh/N^Y —frr Call and g^et one of the. HattdsjJDmc Catalbgaes ; Free of the jPocG, J?ffima 9 or '•"!'.'• Eastman Kodak Cameras j*ad gea^ral siipplies. V. M m TaB:-SEi&-ffi&^T^S]SSB5: S&m %(XB$L to jerank fiounria, "Platts* .trwgh, % 'X4-Jom^t 5oujvia,; i*latts : bvrgh, Si; fef -Vitaliine; faaku^ ^e^uy, : Je**»ali8i "Si. %l '<Saiita #oltras, ; IBlatta:-:' imiigh,,'^* 'Y-j Millie. /..Blow, -St3a^ler' ; 'mm,: J^'t.j t^fWteak.- .^ash^. .Hew* fiaim'pshilre; Jo|eS-9.SB^ayefe, fisa- %omioify'$i*Y$ 'Yicfcbr .Bo'uyea, ^ c i r p ^ l'er "Falls r U^» Y»r iVe4<Bouyea^..Sfchuy^ ler- %tist,.:k.. «4-!^h^e^';.'-lB;eUyea/ Nashua, 'Ssfejv JHaipn^toe-;, .'J*rank. : Bouyeli, Ifashusi'"" iSTe'Jf• •'flfa^pshi're.};"Victor Bou-'vla* ; !BUf>'ner; twftk, s* %t Off el Bouvfa, 9Plattsbur^hv '"fS. "£; Em- maBouviai Platbbfegh, ^'..TF,;''"Lea-' nor* ^ruuyea, Pjattfelbuiih', N. X , and the. descendants (ifj. any) pf ,Charles ^ousiaj deceased VrOIBaer of Jianeiia Bushey, deceased, yhose nsaqaes and: uddresses are unknown, heirs and next of k i n of, t h e ijcBtatOr, and to all Persons in being who woud take an; Interest in any porMbn ot the.real or personal property lot said testator, and the executor or! fkecutors,. trustee or trustees named or dascrmed, in the- will of Amelia JBUsney, late of Platts- bwrgbv % %» decea^d, semi greetihgv Whereas, Joseph ;33L X^Rocque^ isi. B., the executor named, of 'Amelia Bushey, has latelyf; a-&pli|d to,our Surrogate"^ Ctourt Of taie»; County of Qllnton to nave two certiiin Instru- ments in writing |relatin# to botii real and personal esstatk djiljr proved as the last *will and |testlame.nt of Amelia Bushey, late of Piati^burgh^ in said OT\mty, decked,, and a eodi ; cil thereto, respectlveik j Therefore, you arjd eaeh are hereby cited Snd required. to he and appear, %eiore ourj saip..' i Surrogate's (Jjourt to ftiei held at the /of icelof our Arrogate of the Cojunty Of blinton, in the City of: AlattsbUegh, 'in And for the County of -Clinton, |on the SBbt; day Of june> 1903^ at 40 olclock ir r tlie fore- aoon of that day, to j attend 1 he; probate of the feald last will and testament; and cOdieB tfieretoi And it any of the persorJs interest e3i. t>e Tiiider the ..-age of JWejaty-oae years, they are required to appear -by their guardian, if they harO one, oi if they have none to appeir and ap- ply for one to be.appointed! brr,in the ev^ent of their neglect or failure to do so, a guaradian will ijse tipbointed Ihy the Surrogate, toisepreserjt j and act for them in the proceedin, In Testimony 'Whereof, we have caused the seal of our „ said Surrogate's Court to he Hereunto affixed. Witness, John 'H. Booth. ®lrrogato- of {!». S,) the County.of Ollni City of PJati oounty r the IStfc di . nineteen hundred 2708w7-OH8 JOHK IE (B!X>!rH, abrrogate. .'!' m, attthe in said Of April, ^d t h r e e . Removable having a positive circt Grocers' If imSer Refrfgei and introducing cold air chamber. Embracing or without \«ter coolers; !; *n of dry air by means of REMOVAatB' FI_UE^LJ tl'l - ( , E Refrigerl CA bbjitom of the provision tic Refrigerators, Nvith M ijceO&^tti Eto 1. I'd! f ^r '•tlwW i|nr,ki, 'S': I 16 Bridge S t i ^ . X. 'wla^B K?W^^H " X^aM^^^^H 4" ^^w^^^^^H i^sSo^^^H ^^^H ^^swS^^^^M .•^iSBi^^^M '^SD^H '-"ciiil^H '^^S^^^^l >^ESra^^^^H ^^^^^H -^"^S^BI^^^^^H v§$M^Kk .^u'sStS^^^H < ill^H . .* vjfQia^^^^^^H IT/:^ fc%\ S^-.-n. 1 "*' i'.-" P>?£ S.A'- 1 - V-^ '^'.":'<i t"'' I*- 5 -'*! 1*^3 &k M « •f**ii •M?.$ •tn4 ft^il *is' r t \m 4" '"M % : --% fM &'$\ YhM S^'S i-d

Hot - NYS Historic in Canada, and TVAO wa» absent from hdxae some three weeks, heoii(Sht jjaca with Mm two fine

Apr 19, 2020



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Page 1: Hot - NYS Historic in Canada, and TVAO wa» absent from hdxae some three weeks, heoii(Sht jjaca with Mm two fine

^S^SSfeaSiksi '


j o :

fe J.P-*

\i-.c appearance of

ureal ly improved,

b.u> the grass can

r.aking a small in -

AH ehaags^.sf.:itfi/Vifc^^wiii.'•' .»****-

" 'mini Vim V"'.. I. *•*** fWQKWW&g&Z**


A#NI^R$W&. lietns.-~-T>he $totejasgay ; freight

wi l l to© cl6;s«d!Hto%y.:-f.

& ft, f, l % | t e d ^ :• '- '• ^ 1 1 ^ : ipt^ij i |©ii«, ! # s * •

:s#r. -%6;;-xm#f^t.0*tfisbami ifigh

$5aool te&fc* wjh ftom. JKmttkgtt Asad-m&t 't&M&tate,, m' the :•&»&• grounds yesterday $ttera#oh, maipjig the s&v-

[Mt6, ' : f tet#^-i6t tt&'tocal'Mil tossersu j i t waf % widl ^ t e s t e d , ^ M e , Mftloiie *I§a.dihg tor fl.tia lAtilnga and then

going, aihead; ' Jft the

I t ^ & S ^ ^ ^ - ! * ^ 1 ? ^ ! * ^ ^ **«M* feW«hi * W o i their


RUBBER I D S • $ • *

/ ^r6"^;t,

guaranteed kladj s o

• aks.

her•©£ H t f e . ' W a s a s m r e .enteifMaed at -a. M s p d a y .party toy Sfiss H a i e l Sawyer*. *. '

,. -^Urn w, 33* $&&. yesterday talked t o t h e pagEte *of the Stoatf Street school ^garitihi?. ta*e observance of M « B ^ 8 % ! ©ay ,*"" • "••"...

•^Tro l l ey «ass ^jja w a fo the *S«n*-mgr Seitool tod $lm £o in* tomoirow. af seraaon, %g, f e a t h e r *>ejmttah& on, t a e r^gal^f jSfteea. miUute .scisedute^. ' ^k&.'&m^m, & barker/ ,b&di&a* bgtatowu* ^mrOfesfflp;-/ the p«|;»it. d£-tbe ; Bapt is t chu&h tomormw . in 'ex-*hsakg# with. # e pastor, the 0&v/ W» S..«Pee£.,.. , . • ' - " • ' [

- - ^ t e ^ ^i,^3Mto*attaa--taar*s. %vtli he h e t t a t A r l i n g t o n oft Jatne * a a 4 S, a a § . fi^angemeiits are h-eingS -made .by & ^ar%' of « a t t s b t t i ^ t e h 4 t » n # a s t s - t o see'Shem1..

rhe best construct*

1%*$ &•( ^ • \c market. If jSEHSt s f*

^Us i s l&g- ^ p a t r i o t i c songs , ij tJ^MaftO-tatt jrbttiai^ 1 e ^ t a t l o n i «cwt %cla6maojjss a^ptoprlate t o Me> «aon*JSl 'Day 'w$*e HeM a t «Sb' Inters

fajediate .$c&&<& iBViday aftemqow, •—9a*. $gg$gar » e e « t ^ . of ttte Wool>

hfe held f a ^ associatxoii rooms o n l lbstdaj; '$wb ip% a t 4- *». -&u • Meel^' faf•-.«£ f i e e ^ c a S * * " ©tnwatftte^ *t '

ty-fiw ,ai- goods we eaa a«rve



14 Br idg^

mm kmm %e sflate* finir 6he J"^ •was weeded t » •«§: the score, bitt the las t psttone IhatShiau snade three iu-^ c t i i a l i&het aitti^t air d i t was 'ail ,-i«frer+.,. - ;'• • • . ' ' " ! '

Q o w w a s i h t h e hox f^r the horae ieain atid'©itefe^d'jBt stii>srh gatae. He' * a s a^ «troHtg a t the finish a s a t the start, &M "<rtm cool a t t&feti: times* Uhllfee ttany yoyng Ktt<5h«rs^6{i)w is wot Utqiierirei &y iacfc of supppii, biit oft iKiich. ooMSlonS jseeiis to l^t oat a. hi^.iaaa Strltes oa l the jjiexfe inaa or two: H e 4 i i this several tjifles yes*

For # i e P. H. - ^ Bessette /and l a y ­et te h i t %ell. {Both.' Kaa: haSas in flfte style, ahd Besse t te . cleverly took « d -y,aatage of $ a dpj^rtuliii^r ttt s t e a l jioitte "whea t h * Ufelone pltishej; drojH

a, t h r o * l t o j ^ : t h e ^ t e h e r . " •Phe irork of the M^m hatt«»5r)

iresr excellent. aDuiSey,*as very effec-# v e ill t | e box> ahtf 9HoK«^. thot&h hkrid s pea t>y *• h«diy sprsjijea ankle, did wel i . &* Is a igoOd ;ba6k* s t sp and; J i a s «, 'swtit * M amitt i te mtblti Thft 3aalojtie *ijMetd^j» dilft ijiot show np as vjfeTl a s th*- reist 4 t ;Oie team, heiag 5a&par«atly hotheTfied

. 3>y. the r i « ^ i gfound^ % » stiittinaly M l o w » ; ' . :

NEW BELT PINS AND BUCKLES, Ifrooches, Bead Chains,

Hat Pins, &c. NEW* CHINA, iBRIC-A-BRAC


€fca T u t t l e (SL P a r s H a l l C o . -

3. w* Tiitii© #.s©* BASE BALL-^Everything in the Line. Spauld

ing's and other makes. LAWN TENNIS—1903 (koods. SpauldingVand

Wright & DItson's. GOLF—33. G. I. Fine Line.

Rubber Balls—Red, Green and Blue.

-i Rhy not ha ee the best? They cost 6 0 ^Iftore .m&n the o i d j n w * Idadi

tpjeaj^if JgEtS^ If yoa ^rant them. Some

iy|& iosfe?i|-:'^c»

;j-!)on*t feiet about owr coats and rttoasers made Irom p o n e g a i B o m e -

NEGLIGEE SHIRTS We offer new colosxajjr &L 3£anha.ttan"

:.*n* Mtaarch shirts not to he foiunj

V^feewhere. ! -

•$jrs, HorehsHse wi l l h e at the © W h e t l a h d I r t e ISaesday aiijprniTiS :4mH./$ataJt4ay,»odtt/-%lth th& latest M^f ' fe::^''tte«dlgs^j¥k m& m^gerialgf :A8 |&#es°imter€istieid.'i(fe- Mifttea to-;«aBL. ..

:. .'h-fire" Featst *jr. We«ks * ^ « » ' • « ; :Seth-»imej ts&st&o&m v^&M he ld 'oa # a k d a y -«settifig' a t t .<>*«lfi^,, ^Oixd'a* ;im©mlae. a t S-tf-idoek,. M^ad»y'<fe?eni»g m.*% ©SclodMxSiid- gsoesday m&p&g: a.i-

: .i*GWe&pe Wv.i3t *mttiei^ee,:whoJ recency ret3axnedt froto Mis huntUftie trip in Canada, and TVAO wa» absent from hdxae some three weeks, heoii(Sht jjaca with Mm two fine bears as tropin-. i t s o f the fcmiHEesex^Co, fteflutollcMu

- i A t the post office W a y the sen" c « * delivery 'window -wEi be opeal £rom 7 to 1J30 a.m"„ <1 to-1:30, and ? to $ pi nu; t »e carriers' -window will be open £rom.T-to S $•. m. U'hft morn­ing delivery only wl i i he m a t e by tiift carriers.

-foday JEL B. Baker ?wiil formally oj»en t o thfe puhlio the sale o f ice £t$ani *nd $oda -water, a t hiia store, S a , 1^ Brinfeerhoffi sweet , where he will be pieiased to serve to his irteftds a s delicious an article a s can he pro­duced i n t h i s Jine.

—The new" steamer ' Yermont willj leave Piattsburgia, ax, 8 o'cloos; this morning* arriving a t Burlington at $r,lS. 'Pare for the "round trip, 5Q cents. TSae Vermont will leav$ Bar-^ lington « t S-30 for .Essex, Westport, Port Henry and TieoMerosa, TSie fare tor d i i s round trip i s a l so £0 cents. On the return trip the steamer leaves Turlington * t 5 o'ei6<fk, reach-* ing 'Hatishur^h a t 5.15.

ioutc«ost mill iw duly observi-d a i Sr~ PeMir's church tomottow, Tn ta« n.oi'2 ,n^ the choir wili s ing i h i C-Jegorian »iiass liegia^ by- Dumontl v tit orcajestral aecompaniaaenfc $*oi" an offertory a trio, *'Veni Oi-eator.'1' will be sung by air, and Mrs, c , ^ •Oardinal and Wilfrid Tremhiay. jSjt the evening the^S&daiity o£ the Chilj. drea of Mary yulll -give & special pro' gram. 'j -""" *, ' '

—vTbe Traction CS>, ik addition to its regtUar schedule to tke Barracks wii,i this afternoon operate all its extra cars from <&&$ *s corner direct to thp fair .grounds,- retuirning to the fiarub point by way pt Broad sjtreet CPas!-seugers 01^ the belt wil l be taken to the fair grounds on any belt car. Ajt the end of the game tae cars will bk ran direct froip 1he fair] grounds to Cady'ff corner, belt and hack long a # i h e business demands it.

; PlMtskttrgh. T3fe»?her, 3b». *. , £ayeifct#; xi *.,.. , . .

fjBfaachaifd^*., . . . J , #ex«teitl% •et.*' .* « Bon^tee l , If,. . . , , ^ierney, 5b-..» „ .,,*. Sa^e> T68*V »» »k. ..

* 'ISotah*..., i......

^PrainkHn -iicademy* SioKee, <;-,•'-•.*» .».*» Matshali^ cf .......,»..• jt\.cHcyj ss* # *.* .* * •» • iHutchlna, S h . . » , , Flack, 1&,„ *. * i i , Hnntington, 2h,» ., Gibson, if...' ..; , ^ „ >QaUagiherj, f |v» 4 *. Dudey, p%, *» .» ,*

v' •.&• . i i- i -e ." I I 0 0 B

.. t »m a «

. 0 %m2 1

. U I H * & * 4 0 © . 1 1 i 1 2 , 0 t- a 0 i


i I 0

•2 a.



3L 5ft

a i

t .5 m $•%,


and thence around th^ t!o~the fair grounds a s

« !

^..n™? a. good^attendance the entertainnii iat given to the Court Stseet 4&eatte last evening tor! t h i l»eneiat . 'Ol^e ;|#tMetie ^soeiatio)R..o; • ^ f e . ^ 3 ^ h ® r m &gft -SfbtooL • j Ax

5^xs;#eh$ -s*og3afflf, was- .giVefr;'- j^Tn\ 1 :isc^0o4"^efe <fn»! ^mad«. Ms- fBrst, -nafee^ iajtt^ and. feye'several find seiectians,'

•4 1 i-.

Y* E 1 TV £

Varfettes ^ocd thingi fort he tabic I v e l iave tlte

i full M a t ;

j a i l o r solos w^c&' given .&y i S s 3 "^ot-m -'5feW> # d ; #&S' Mahit-,Stt)W^r»:«, Violin, so lo :by S&ms^&.SBasra' alj a « :

^tute'.aold.- % .MarchaiClow-. and;.5 Ml :,wer^ • mU- «s^?ftted>. _'. Mj&te#d WeTtr-

M f i V M f l i ^ . ^ a r r s n . a; sjjfrano-'soto; it.^as-.fM'.Jss W.inm'S- Srs> ;.a^earanc3 :iX£.4 "hfftr- 4EatngiiJ|Sf sqxadW. -at iapsfc iavor-sitte impBessi&i- A n informal danfie enjoyed alter the concert. ,

Another Concert On Wednesday evening afiit. a t S'30

o'clock, a oencfe.' wfli he ^ve iv iw. tb« <3onrt Str.eet ihej&fre for t*3« 'benefit; Of tjtie ienamplMtairChoral •Onion.

and ent Braining jrograia

fancy Groceries, Fruits, feptaMes

. Darber S Co

•toe given, 2S- 'cenii.* &ee. . after

R e p o r t o f COHisiderable

on the' s treets the report that

Will the 'admission ^vili be

•i;o membsrs, A< mlsglort An info: •mal idance.-wili b§ held

•thfr -eoncirt'. ""The proceeds of xhe, entertelitment will be used a s ' a .sina&ng fand i or t h e ' moonlight ex.-carsion on-the new steamer Vermont, June lOta, _

finest and choicest lightsflf m weight.

The "Dorothy t>)dd" Shoe i« l ighter in weight than any other *hoe. The-

Score by/ iSnfjngwj:. ',' P. H. S U - . .•*- ft * * * & % & 9 '3H& Franklin • SU ^ «• 4 ^ 1 *>-4 * 0' ft J « ^

Stolen %isiseiHSIeag;her 5(aj# jkHMK-' $teel (2), ^ierhey* Kelleyj doublife playa—Me*|jh«f t o Cfeir; a»dEEe* *&•! Hutchinsi *taK3t o«%-hy <S$# JO* Dirfey U biiise^: oh: ba|l»--off «?fo* 3» oft J&udey -M tyk W', W^1® W&?* "MoKee; two>-has|*iatg*^e«thervBes'f' "sette, Hateti lnt i three -hfifr bitfrrk !>ay*ttes - »W***.. h%t#~.'#(fcriehi*ai HcKee (%.«8^ed*« i»SMP* «..S-». 6 | JSifaione, 2$ umpire, i ^ Mt^tk*..*

Yesterday's Bail Gamej. iSrationat I^pie-^Bo^ott - - %, i?"ew

York 3 ; S»W»delpM«. 4, »ooJdyJB », American; SJ^gm^&K' ;¥ork 3,.

FiiHaddphla & #a*h iwgton S, StoSlcm T; « t . iAuiB'5 iSM*6i t% tsmtmm % CievelsaKlS;

Pot! Henry V cftfemen. The Bufwagga 3Tacht Clmh'd£ !Port

Henry htts eiecfeeel A e toilciwln* o |*

fleers for tshfi fiJisiang''«fi«scmt C0mmodore--#4. $L Sherrhaa, '<•• YiceHC^r^jnod9j»-rr©i M^h* • ,

'J Secretaryr-0, ^U f fe ide , ' ' TreasurerMS; i& $tti1f$fk- ' ' - \ Executi^o: ©6mm|tte«^-A» 35. fia^

ley, G, K, '^ettftnisi. "& W, 'Wt$mwi% Commodore Sherman made, th^ lot-

lowing a&|*0intment9 pn the istafe Fleet cap^h».Maii*c^,1?, sioofc^-^&j fleet Burgeon:, "$&:'&% t^arne*,-' %£ ] ^ regatta committe^'ffllitiafd, Sttae%T'

a Atwen,-'a:yL-,2feidei:;;!\, -• •• :;I«I' The dat^ fpf ih#-imw6»Ji *^gett»"

se t for 3 fe#4*y a»dJ*W^^e^Say»^t%.. 17 a n d 1& *The aiipuai: «niQ*toer; jw|H be held on-'the e v e n i n g -pf'th© :$Wjt and the ^Riliaii: ha|i: Wili. -hft. Ott:."J:tfi --evening 6f the- I S a C ,;,

Commodo,re ..ffi bote •$&& taken j h i s sail yacht iOhlilfeagie t o tflie Sioudd, r^here: he Will -compete, itt; race« (Ops-jseaapap. / „•• . , ! . - . ' • |. /•

. " • In in,,; 11 ' 1- ' i i n ' i i - i i i - I

# e w e r • Giiionsj' W«ars. J<H%erj :

$%wer <6allonsi Wears Longer,,

JTewer GaiJonsj • ' 1


Pulp Mil! Men Strik*, | 'X*ht shlphite.pulp mill 0 ! f i e 4 J ^ »

Ba^; and sPa$fer COrh^ahjp, located m '^iiiin'ore, »e^aT\Satndy piTl,',.was cicis:-ed TJsirs^af»" the/empjay£si 100 inenj s t e i n g , . Tht^ihplQp^eiit. of k i o n ' union hand caused "the controversy Which resulted in, the strike...'

TfcS strike i s cottfinei tOj the pr^ss ahd'puip workers; Ttih iail\ i s i n m . ning with non-untoh tahor; ShoH-;ly after the strikers.^ijossed' the jpri-vate bridge bsetween ^enlmore' and Sandy Hill the str«ctu*e w a s diBccy-ered on fire, The blaze Was qwlcliy extinsnish'ed. The police are inr4s-tigatinig.' <'• . '•

Death a Mistake. of a stir km cr^ed iTuesday inornlns' by

Alex. Jackion, a, young man of Chateattgay^ had•jpeenj found dead in the wo^ds i n Clinton, ' died from gw3| e£>a% wounds. ; The absence of the since- Saturday

Phone I i s .1 OppWlther i l !

rival and well a n d

of Che flurry o f bad occasioned

^oungt man;. frohf£ home* ^i@hr,fa;veicolor 'to the

report, a n d pasties Immediately went to the neisbihoirhood; wteere. it w a s ' said his Body Jiy, /hut ujipn their aff->

there thejy found jaekseui. ai|Te entirely Mqk»ng«lotis

•excitement ixXs absence ,^<JhatoaiUisay Becord.

Stewer Gallods; Wears l i n g e r .

"Fewer Gallonsj Wears .3t«oDiser»

GERJIS (W |IHSBAikE Bhoafld he promptly expellen, from t h e , -blotd. This la ar time whert t h e system is especially i?ttsc>p.ti!bje to iflhem. • Get rid o£ all iinjJuritieB i n the blood by taking Hood's Sar^tpairilla, and tatus fortify your waofle hody and prevent illneiSJ. ! !

Fewer Gallons; Wears l e n g e r .

Musipal MerchsMidise. ; • , The/greates t sale o f sheet music, etring instruments and musical mer­chandise ever held in this city m i l commence April 22d and will^cofitiniie until May a2d at .j Jklissi ,Marie jIJaiForce's music atorei t% Margaret .'street; oppoeito 33evliQ ijonse, cojh-jriected with Cittett & Sons of Troy a i d .Albany. jOuring this, .treat, gale pop­ular and olasslc • m u i i i wil l g o a t 6> 10 and ,15 cents "per"~ copy, afaings of all kinds 'at half price,t string instru­ments at a great redaction, Larjge stock of Edison phonographs, Victor italking machines and latest records always on hand. CaU or wri to for fjnee

talogue of the famous MoKihley 10 <a% inu»io edition. . , t . . J "•


materials t«ed in wearing a p p l e t of all kinds, are land yet wt strong a s the heavier jmd more commoQ nut-

terjals, J The upp< srs of "^Dorothy Dodo" Shoes are cat from especially l ight weight, .nne- grained A h w of the highest o.u«iity—such a s i s uMd ohijy toy m»nufact!ir*rs o t much, higher |priced shoes."

This lightness i* of particular advantage. In view of the present .marked tehA«tt<sy i n favot of close edge, Hghl-wetght shoes. - ' '

W # keep the "D&rothy podd Shoes an^ Oxfords i n stock.



Superintendent Collins Inquiring Into fhe Inner Details of

Clinton Prison* The most searching investigation

eVgr held at ClmtOnlpriaonlis now in progress a t Dannemora, and some startling disclosure? are expected among the residents of jDannemora; w h o have for years closely -watdhed events inside the prison walls.

Superintendent Collins, -Gharles K. Baker, his chief; clerk, two members of h i s office force and h i s official stenographer arrived at Clintoh prison Tuesday afternoon and a t once began arranging for tin?-investigation which was started the following morning, Is. still in progress atfd will pot in all probability be ^completed before Jhe middle oj| next week;

For some- t ime past stories* Soare appeared, in the newspapers regarding the smuggling of opium into tne (prison by keepers, guards and even outsiders and these stories led up to the pres­ent ^investigation. \ Superintendent Collins stated yesterday afternoon, however, that the Investigation was n o t being confined to the alleged smuggling of opium, but that inquiry was being made Into every branch of the inner workings pt , tfee prison where there was or might be any sus­picion of lax methods or violation of pripon regulations, r

The investigation opened by taking evidence of prisoners, o and of these fully one ihundred have already been before «^he atsberintendent. Most o t these men have readily testified, but in a few instances they have Tefused to answer questions put fo( them/ and on~Thutsday a "Bhree striper" roundly abused Mr. Collins. For this he was sent to -the "cooler,*' and when he was again brought before the committee yesterday he was perfectly willing to answer any and all questions, A night and day i n solitary confinement had taken 4(11 the fight o u t of h im. Each prisoner after g iv ing h i s testi-nwmy was placed in a,'cell in a differ­ent part of the prison from that usually occupied by htm. This was done i n order that there could be do "tipping off*' t o other prisoners the nature of the questions asked. * (Among the prison officials none are too high in authority to escape being called before the committee, and many of iftem are under fire for several hours. , (Bach officer] when leaving the committee room is* cautioned to do no talking about tke Investigation; either to brother of f ic i i* or to out-

siders. , I A l l the industries at jthfe prison will

he shuj; down today, but ,the work of the committee wi l l be continued, a s i t has from the start from early in the iorenoon until late in. t h e evening,

Quality Fir&


Clinton St A. F. BRANDO

Hot Well, T should »ay so, and fellow*,

t l l a la nothing to w t a t i t will be. •

How are y o h iixed f o r ' i t ? , Bet 4

d<pli*-yon have put off buying thin;

nin^ until you're'mxfki , _.', ' /

Serge Sn?t» | f t to Wi Mome Spun^

Ofaahee an^d HannelSj,.'!! to' | 1 5 j e i t a *

Trousers in* Crashes and iBlannds $2" to

|{»i Straw #ata> Belts , and lo ts of thin

1^dng« a t th in prices that bring com-

fdrt i n a relief/ "'' '•

w FpRsiam-iA

jjajtelligence. As applied^ flh$k fehase of Bye

Glasses or s i ^ a ^ b r i h e y mean one and the amtimffll fores ight by having y o u r f ^ s i M ^ d l ^ h e n you first rfeeome awarfe%f m& ne^'d, and econo­my by a a v i n i f e r i n e where you can get the best iMftlBt *0^ your money, W e can fit y^ifjWjes '(ftroperly. Give us a trial, m m ^tiile. Isn't i t?


qfewiaAN Margaret S t l M i ' t r l i i i t y Square






IBU FOLKS «1)K Fit. Good, healthy flesh 1 can anly be

gained by the *use of the proper food, together with natural j action of the digestive organs. NInej people out ot ten, i n order to swergb. ajs mrach a s they ought and-be perfectly jhealthy, should use Mi-o-na, the greajj ^esh'-forming tood and digestion regulator Weigh yourself before commencing to use. these little- tablets and I see. how your >weight increases from, week to week,

Mt-o-na does not contain a particle of peps ln^ihe oasis of the«ordinary dyspepsia remedy, and "Which never made a cure of dyspepsia,. 3fi-o-na has valuable Uesh forming* properties, tones up and strength ens the digestive '<>)$$&?, helps- fllgestj'.-tlLe'"^^* ;^aten,, and abgoiutoly an^ permanently cure!1

•the worst formit of 4yB]bjBM?i«' ;''' - h , i f y o u *re m>t.. xie*M$: i^atJ^ted..

'with tlte resultsrfro;ni.lf|k>-iia 'i&;% .tapk.ih wili ,tetiiim ^ o ^ m o n ^ " w-ito?;' ~mk i u y -.aueirtlons. ;0?h'at ''iMter .medr-ieine i s sold o n this biakl

to obtain good Whiskey i s t o buy i t

a t a reliable store, Nothing hut the

l iest is good enough to drink. W e

only keep liquors fol ly ap to the stan­

dard, and the mos t economically i n ­

clined person could not quarrel with

our p.rtci. .

Is Absolute^ Pure. Iry It antf Be Convinced. / . - •••• |»e»>4»» l»»e»t le • — J L

it's Good.

Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer,

TELEPHONE 1 ,„^,,-,.,'.„,^ ,,-.., 1 ;,„ ,-,. ,;,-,.„ij.„„-,..,1,,f

78^P, Plattsburoh/N^Y — f r r

Call and g et one of the. HattdsjJDmc Catalbgaes; Free of the

jPocG, J?ffima9 or '•"!'.'• Eastman Kodak Cameras

j*ad gea^ral siipplies.


M m

TaB:-SEi&-ffi&^T^S]SSB5: S&m %(XB$L to jerank fiounria, "Platts* .trwgh, % 'X4-Jom^t 5oujvia,; i*latts:

bvrgh, Si; fef -Vitaliine; f a a k u ^ ^e^uy, :Je**»ali8i "Si. %l '<Saiita #oltras,;IBlatta:-:' imiigh,,'^* 'Y-j Millie. /..Blow, -St3a^ler';

'mm,: J ^ ' t . j t^fWteak.- . ^ a s h ^ . .Hew* fiaim'pshilre; Jo|eS-9.SB^ayefe, fisa-%omioify'$i*Y$ 'Yicfcbr .Bo'uyea, ^ c i r p ^ l'er "Fallsr U » Y»r iVe4<Bouyea^..Sfchuy^ ler- %tist,.:k.. «4-!^h^e^';.'-lB;eUyea/ Nashua, 'Ssfejv JHaipn^toe-;, .'J*rank.:

Bouyeli, Ifashusi'"" iSTe'Jf• •' flfa^pshi're.}; • "Victor Bou-'vla* • ;!BUf>'ner; twftk, • s * %t Off el Bouvfa, 9Plattsbur^hv '"fS. "£; Em-m a B o u v i a i P latbbfegh, ^'..TF,;''"Lea-' nor* ^ruuyea, Pjattfelbuiih', N. X , and the. descendants (ifj. any) pf ,Charles ^ousiaj deceased VrOIBaer of Jianeiia Bushey, deceased, y h o s e nsaqaes and: uddresses are u n k n o w n , # « heirs and next of kin of, the ijcBtatOr, and to all Persons in being who w o u d take an; Interest in any porMbn o t the.real or personal property lot said testator, and t h e executor or! fkecutors,. trustee or trustees named o r dascrmed, i n the-will of Amelia JBUsney, late of Platts-bwrgbv % %» decea^d, semi greetihgv

Whereas, Joseph ;33L X^Rocque^ isi. B., t h e executor named, of 'Amelia Bushey, has latelyf; a-&pli|d t o , o u r Surrogate"^ Ctourt Of taie»; County of Qllnton to nave two certiiin Instru­ments in writing |relatin# to botii real and personal esstatk djiljr proved as t h e last *will and |testlame.nt of Amelia Bushey, late of Piati^burgh^ i n said OT\mty, d e c k e d , , and a eodi ;

cil thereto, respectlveik j Therefore, you arjd eaeh are

hereby cited Snd required. to he and appear, %eiore ourj saip..' i Surrogate's (Jjourt to ftiei held a t t h e /o f i ce lo f our Arrogate of the Cojunty Of bl inton, in the City of: AlattsbUegh, 'in And f o r the County of -Clinton, |on the SBbt; day Of june> 1903^ at 40 olclock i r r t l i e fore-a o o n of that day, to j attend 1 he; probate of the feald last will and testament; and cOdieB tfieretoi

And it any of the persorJs interest e3i. t>e Tiiider the ..-age of JWejaty-oae years, they are required to appear -by their guardian, if they harO one, oi if they have none to appeir a n d ap­ply for one to be.appointed! brr,in the ev^ent of their neglect or failure t o do so, a guaradian will ijse tipbointed Ihy the Surrogate, toisepreserjt jand act for them in the proceedin,

In Testimony 'Whereof, we have caused the seal of our

„ said Surrogate's Court t o he Hereunto affixed. Witness, John 'H. Booth. ®lrrogato- of

{!». S,) the County.of Ollni City of PJati oountyr the IStfc di

. nineteen hundred

2708w7-OH8 JOHK IE (B!X>!rH,



m, a t t t h e in said

Of April, d three.


having a positive circt


If i m S e r Refrfgei

and introducing cold air chamber. Embracing or without \«ter coolers; !;

*n of dry air by means of


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