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m Iv«. . ADDITIONAL LOCALS 1, B. T. Frierson spent Monday night t the beach. * * Miss Lucile Sasser was a visitor at Iffyrtle Beach last Friday. * Misses Ellen and Eva McQueen of l«oris were in Conway Saturday. # * * Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Walsh visited relatives in Florence the past weekend. * * * V * > Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Stevens and children of Loris were in town Saturday. ***** Rev. S. C. Morris of Pinewood, visited his sister, Mrs. D. G. Spivey, last t^eek. ***** Mrs. Blanton of Atlanta. Ga., visited 1M rs. W. D. McConnack during lastj -week. ***** Mrs. B. T. Frierson and little daughter are visiting relatives in JKingstree. ***** Dinner was served at the Kingston hotel Monday evening1 for the Collins house party. ***** Cordie Page spent last Sunday at Aynor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Page. ***** Harry Bryan, Mrs. C. M. Prince and (laughter, Aleene, of Loris, were in 'town Saturday, v -XSr ***** Tuesday afternoon the Collins house party motored to Murrell's Inlet and other places of importance. i * -v * * Mrs. D. V. Richardson and Miss Jes samine Burroughs were visitors. from Myrtle Beach last Monday. ***** Mrs. H. T Harlee and Miss Mary Harlee of Florence will visit Mrs. McQueen Quattlebaum this week. ***** D The trustees of the Horrv Industrial School met at the office of Hon. R. B. Scarborough, Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock. ***** Rev. Long, the Baptist preacher at Myrtle Beach, preached at the Conway Baptist church on last Sunday evening. ***** Rev. J. C. Atkinson and Rev. W. L. Parker attended Quarterly Conference at Mineral Snrings, Bucksville Circuit, on Tuesday. * ** +* * Dr. Clifton, specialist in diseases of eve, ear. nose and throat, has returned to his office at Conway Drug Co., after an absence of one month. AV.V.V.V.V.'.'.VV.W.V.V.V.V | Sell 1 I IN ;:j Why not?.I will equal tl :jj MAKE OU i wl akfc, alvl ji cool of: :j enjoy our ::j We have a | supplies. Br | ronize our Pr 5 ing but the fa § "Nothing too jj Mail order | thing in our Zm "ww ^i« J Kodak tilr | for sale. Ph | Piatt's ij "The Drug jtwVJVWMVW.'.VWW, TH Mrs. C. P. Quattlebaum is visiting: her daughter, Mrs. Larue Larigston, in Walhalla. * * * » Mrs. Walter Stackhouse passed through Conway last week on her way to the beach. * » * Mr. anil M^p. W. H. Smith spent last Sunday at Myrtle Beach, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hawes. * ** * Miss Alene Spivey and A. C. Thompson, Jr., or Hendersonviilq, N. C., spent a short while in Conway last week. ***** Burch Harper, of Toddville, passed through town last Thursday on his way to Sellers where he will visit his aunt, Mrs. C. E. Haselden. * * * *>* Mrs. E. S. C. Baker entertained the lawyers of the to\yn on last Wednesday afternoon at a dinner at 6:00 o'clock. The occasion was in honor of Mr. E. S. C. Baker's birthday. ***** Mrs. E. M. Teskey and children of Florence and her mother, Mrs. E. H. Howe of Florence, are expected to visit Mrs. McQueen Quattlebaum this week. ***** The Rev. Henry Snider was the! guest of his brother, C. H. Snider, for! n few days last week and while here filled the Baptist pulpit on Sunday morning. ***** Misses Margurite and Nina Collins' have as their guests at Myrtle Beach, Miss Mary Thomas of Statcsville, N. C.. Mi*s Mary Henry of Clinton, S. C., and Miss Harriett Lewis of Tabor, N. C. ***** Claude Dusenbury who has been holding a position at Bolton, N. C., is at home for a few days, but will hold a position with the RichardsonHuntley Co., beginning the first of August. ***** J. P. Graham, formeny of Horry countv, has been spending a few days with his parents. He is now connected with the agricultural denartment of Mt. Jackson High School, Mt. Jackson, Virginia. * * * RADIUS ROD BREAKS While a truck vas being driven alone: the highway from Wampee toward Conway, last week, one of the radius rods came loose and dropped to the irround. The driver and two or three others who were on the truck at the time are said t«^ hnv#» left the the vehicle to its own devices. Tt ran out of the road, pcross the ditch and against a tree or stump doing considerable damage. '.VAW.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VWJ four Tt CONWA t is your Home hat of any otl R STORE YOUR HEA1 /AYS GLAD TO HAVE F UNDER OUR ELE< ICE CREAM AND SC complete line c 'ing us vour dru escription depar >est and purest good for the sic s solicited. We line free of cost, ns developed ai one us your wai Pharma Store of Service." Cc E HORRY HERALD, CONWAY, Rev. S. C. Morris ""Spent a short while in Conw*y^ tart week, having come over to perform the adding ceremony of Miss Isla Page and Mr. Potter, which took place at Aynor on Thursday. * * * J. F. Spivey arrived here this week to visit relatives and friends. He is a brother of Messrs. J. C. Spivey and D. A. Spivey. Before coming to Conway, Mr. Spivey spent several days at Lake City, S. C., visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Stalvey. ***** Hon. S. W. G. Shipp, Judge of the ,12th Judicial Circuit, with his familv and a few friends, are spending the summer vocation at Myrtle Beach. Money makes the wheels go round. If you want the community to do well then pay what you owe and let the money circulate and pay the debts of others. CAUGHT VIOLATING B. T. Livingston was recently caught violating the prohibition laws and turned up by the policemen. o LOST One Wedgewood Cameo Brooch. Finder please return to Mrs. Claude Dusenbury and receive reward. ndv.lti-pd. FOUND DEAD DRUNK Jim Williams, a negro, was found by the night policemen dead drunk on the street last Saturday night and was taken up and placed in the town guard bouse whore be later sobered up and was fined in tbe sum of ten dollars in the town court. o BUYS NEW GOODS M. B. Thompson of the M. B. Thompson Company, recently spent several days in Baltimore engaged in purchasing: a stock of new goods for the late summer and early fall trade. He was hack at his placj of business the first of last week. o MRS. SMITH ENTERTAINS Mrs. M. R. Smith entertained Friday afternoon in honor of her nieces, "Misses Flora Bethen and Sarah Jones, and Mrs. Ed. L. Smith's sister, Miss Jeanette Croxton. Tables were arranged on the porch and in the living' room for hearts dice. After a number of progressions, it wovj found Miss Evelyn Collins held the highest score. She was presented a lovely powder puff, and Miss .Lucile Sasser, a minature powder puff as the booby. At the conclusion of the sanies, cream and cake were served. '.V.V.VV.VV.V.V.V.V.W.'.W/ . loacco i y i 5 and prices 3 tier market, -j S dquarters. | i you. 5 :tric fans. 5 )da water. | >f drugs and ig list. Pat- tment. Notn- i drugs used, i :k." | deliver any" i » Js in a sunnlv J tits. \ cy, Inc. | >nway, S. C. £ « S. C, AUGUST 2, 1923 STOL*lf~~~ ... STOLEN.One brown horse mule; weight 1000 or 1100 lbs.; age about 13 years, extra large feet; has on No. 3 horse shoes in front, large mule shoes behind, all shoes corked; stable roach, switch cut square at end; also one Hull buggy with odd front wheel; right shaft broken at end; liberal reward. Notify police station, or N. A. Gaddy, Timmonsville, S. C. ad-lti" o.i FORD IS DITCHED A Ford touring car came to grief last Saturday afternoon when it ran into one of the deep ditcttes by the side of the road to Myrtle Beach, a short distance beyond the veneer factory. » The car belongs to Vance Parker and he was driving it. Some negroes were in the car with him at the time. No explanation was given as to the cause of the accident. o > VISITS RELATIVES L. N. Moore of Moultrie, Ga., accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mitchell Moore, arrived in Lake City last week to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred -Stalvey. Mr. Moore came on here last Saturday and will hp ioinpd liPi'P liicf nf fV»« wonl/ his daughter. They will spend several .days visiting relatives and friends .here before returning to their home in Moultrie. o HAD FINE RAIN This section of the county was visited by a fine rain last Wednesday and at a time when things were getting very dry. The tobacco was beginning to burn to some extent on tlie bottom leaves, but the showers of last Wednesday and Wednesday night revived the drooping plants and also greatly improved the corn and peas throughout a large section lorry County. o GETS MUCH WORSE The drinking fountain at the court house has gradually grown into bad repair and now is much worse than nothing so far as being sure of getting a supply of cool water. It leaks. It refuses to spout. It gives .such a flat stream that one cannot drink from the top of the flow but must suck down against the lips of the affair and run the risk of getting whatever germs may be clinging there. o The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. E.W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. j To tl H I The Tobac in anticipatioi in stock, the that we have We have rol 2 Cars High ( I Car Morton 1 Car One T I Car Southei 1 Car Corn ar 20,00 lbs. M< Just lots of otl I We have in si One Car Mas One Car Om< 100 Cases M 200 Sacks go Plenty of Suj baccos, Tobacco 1 Ribs, Salt, Hay, C Mule Feed. Wo \70 111 c U IT V lit* Y V J n listed, so when I up-it will pay. i Sell your to J. groceries and f n everything to e COOI n Burroughs & Coll ' A * GOT GOOD PRICES Sales were going on Wednesday at the auction warehouses, beginning at 10:39 «- m. opening day. Prices were ranging from eight cents up to fifty on the primings. Things were looking good. LOSES A BARN John T. PVoctor lost a tobacco barn and a full curing of leaf tobacco last Friday night about 11:30 o'clock. The fire had been drawn and things left in apparently saf$ condition sontte hours before that whert the work was knocked off. . The barn was seen in frames later on in the night and it was totally destroyed. o CURIOUS CITRON A curiosity in the melon line comes from the farm of Joe M. Vereen, of Vina, S. C. It is two perfect citrons .both growing- from a single stem. The citrons are well developed and about the size that is usually attained by .them when planted in good ground. No one has been found who can remember seeing two produced from one stem. Vereen has one of the'finest crops he has ever produced on his place. It consists of corn. nr»r\ I .y v^vi%vwj »» cit^l IIICIUIIS I and other crops. ^ I ing shoes; the one basis settle that. OUR CUT Men's Sewed Sole Ladies Sewed Sole Men's Rubber 'leels Wh«?n shoes are worn, br My up-to-Mate factory equipment speedily anc! satisfactorily. Wrap 'em up in a piece your way to the office. M. B. KUL No. 13 Main Street, ip Ppnn orry Counl co Market open i of this we have largesr stock o ever carried in ling in solid cars the Zirade Flour, in all size sacks ai 's Fine Salt in all sizes. imothy Hay. :n Cotton Oil Co.'s Lard, id Oats. sat bought, and in stock. ler goods to arrive and arriving tock items listed and lots not lis ion Fruit Jars and plenty Caps :>lene and Cow Chow, the best atches. od Rice. gar, Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigare "wine, Candies, Case Goods, ^orn, Dairy Feed, (Checker E m st lots of items tt in Conway don't bacco in Conway eeds from us,--hi at, and Feeds. >ER-SMITI lins old stand, Conwa % \ NEW MGNEY BONDS A new style of bond* be secured by mortgage of real estate;, is now on ,/ sale at the law blank department of the Horry Herald. It is according to a form used in a law office' in Conway for about fifteen years; Ft is a good form and will answer" your purpose better than the ones you* arff now using. SEND YOUR Hemstitching TO THE SPARKS CO. HORRY COUNTY' > TRUST CO. ; _____ i L. D. MAGRATH, Manager Real Estate, Bonds and Insurance. Money k . To buy new Shoes V | when you can have 1 \ them repaired a t. r these cut prices. There can be no argument against repair- ! V i of money saved should 7 ' PRICES 90c, Nailed, 80c. 80c, Nailed, 70c. 40c,. Ladies 35c. ing them to me for expert repair. enables me to turn out work of paper and leave them here on .CHYCKE Conway, South Carolina ~ * le of j y s Aug. l,and | ^ i coming, and l f groceries | following goods: I (id wood. I daily. [j ted. I i n i " and Rubbers. M feeds on market. I ttes, Smoking To- I ^ Plate Meat and y Soard), Horse and I lat we haven't I fail to look us U and buy your [ ^adquarters for l 1 CO. y, S. C., Phone 16 U / \ > f: \ V

Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1923-08-02 [p ]. · Parker attended Quarterly Conference at Mineral Snrings, Bucksville Circuit, ... a large section lorry County. o GETS MUCH WORSE The

Aug 23, 2020



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Page 1: Horry herald (Conway, S.C.). 1923-08-02 [p ]. · Parker attended Quarterly Conference at Mineral Snrings, Bucksville Circuit, ... a large section lorry County. o GETS MUCH WORSE The

mIv«. .


B. T. Frierson spent Monday nightt the beach.

* *

Miss Lucile Sasser was a visitor atIffyrtle Beach last Friday.


Misses Ellen and Eva McQueen ofl«oris were in Conway Saturday.

# * *

Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Walsh visitedrelatives in Florence the past weekend.

* * * V *

> Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Stevens andchildren of Loris were in town Saturday.


Rev. S. C. Morris of Pinewood, visitedhis sister, Mrs. D. G. Spivey, lastt^eek.


Mrs. Blanton of Atlanta. Ga., visited1M rs. W. D. McConnack during lastj-week.


Mrs. B. T. Frierson and littledaughter are visiting relatives inJKingstree.


Dinner was served at the Kingstonhotel Monday evening1 for the Collinshouse party.

*****Cordie Page spent last Sunday at

Aynor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.William Page.


Harry Bryan, Mrs. C. M. Prince and(laughter, Aleene, of Loris, were in'town Saturday,


-XSr *****

Tuesday afternoon the Collins houseparty motored to Murrell's Inlet andother places of importance.

i * -v * *

Mrs. D. V. Richardson and MissJessamine Burroughs were visitors.from Myrtle Beach last Monday.


Mrs. H. T Harlee and Miss MaryHarlee of Florence will visit Mrs.McQueen Quattlebaum this week.


The trustees of the Horrv IndustrialSchool met at the office of Hon. R. B.Scarborough, Wednesday at 12:30o'clock.


Rev. Long, the Baptist preacherat Myrtle Beach, preached at theConway Baptist church on last Sundayevening.


Rev. J. C. Atkinson and Rev. W. L.Parker attended Quarterly Conferenceat Mineral Snrings, Bucksville Circuit,on Tuesday.

* * * + * *

Dr. Clifton, specialist in diseases ofeve, ear. nose and throat, has returnedto his office at Conway Drug Co.,after an absence of one month.


| Sell 1I IN;:j Why not?.I

will equal tl

:jj MAKE OUi wl akfc, alvl

ji cool of::j enjoy our

::j We have a

| supplies. Br| ronize our Pr5 ing but the fa§ "Nothing too

jj Mail order| thing in ourZm "ww ^i«

J Kodak tilr

| for sale. Ph

| Piatt'sij "The Drug



Mrs. C. P. Quattlebaum is visiting:her daughter, Mrs. Larue Larigston, inWalhalla.

* * * »

Mrs. Walter Stackhouse passedthrough Conway last week on her wayto the beach.

* » *

Mr. anil M^p. W. H. Smith spentlast Sunday at Myrtle Beach, theguests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hawes.

* * * *

Miss Alene Spivey and A. C.Thompson, Jr., or Hendersonviilq, N.C., spent a short while in Conway lastweek.

*****Burch Harper, of Toddville, passed

through town last Thursday on hisway to Sellers where he will visit hisaunt, Mrs. C. E. Haselden.

* * * *>*Mrs. E. S. C. Baker entertained the

lawyers of the to\yn on last Wednesdayafternoon at a dinner at 6:00o'clock. The occasion was in honor ofMr. E. S. C. Baker's birthday.


Mrs. E. M. Teskey and children ofFlorence and her mother, Mrs. E. H.Howe of Florence, are expected to visitMrs. McQueen Quattlebaum thisweek.


The Rev. Henry Snider was the!guest of his brother, C. H. Snider, for!n few days last week and while herefilled the Baptist pulpit on Sundaymorning.

*****Misses Margurite and Nina Collins'

have as their guests at Myrtle Beach,Miss Mary Thomas of Statcsville, N.C.. Mi*s Mary Henry of Clinton, S. C.,and Miss Harriett Lewis of Tabor,N. C.


Claude Dusenbury who has beenholding a position at Bolton, N. C.,is at home for a few days, but willhold a position with the RichardsonHuntleyCo., beginning the first ofAugust.


J. P. Graham, formeny of Horrycountv, has been spending a few dayswith his parents. He is now connectedwith the agricultural denartment ofMt. Jackson High School, Mt. Jackson,Virginia.

* * *


While a truck vas being drivenalone: the highway from Wampee towardConway, last week, one of theradius rods came loose and dropped tothe irround.The driver and two or three others

who were on the truck at the time aresaid t«^ hnv#» left thethe vehicle to its own devices.

Tt ran out of the road, pcross theditch and against a tree or stump doingconsiderable damage.


four TtCONWA

t is your Homehat of any otlR STORE YOUR HEA1/AYS GLAD TO HAVE


complete line c

'ing us vour druescription depar>est and purestgood for the sics solicited. Weline free of cost,

ns developed ai

one us your wai

PharmaStore of Service." Cc

E HORRY HERALD, CONWAY,Rev. S. C. Morris ""Spent a short

while in Conw*y^ tart week, havingcome over to perform the addingceremony of Miss Isla Page and Mr.Potter, which took place at Aynor onThursday.

* * *J. F. Spivey arrived here this week

to visit relatives and friends. He is abrother of Messrs. J. C. Spivey and D.A. Spivey. Before coming to Conway,Mr. Spivey spent several days at LakeCity, S. C., visiting his sister andbrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. FredStalvey.


Hon. S. W. G. Shipp, Judge of the,12th Judicial Circuit, with his familvand a few friends, are spending thesummer vocation at Myrtle Beach.Money makes the wheels go round.

If you want the community to do wellthen pay what you owe and let themoney circulate and pay the debts ofothers.


B. T. Livingston was recently caughtviolating the prohibition laws andturned up by the policemen.



One Wedgewood Cameo Brooch.Finder please return to Mrs. ClaudeDusenbury and receive reward.ndv.lti-pd.


Jim Williams, a negro, was foundby the night policemen dead drunk onthe street last Saturday night and wastaken up and placed in the town guard

bouse whore be later sobered up andwas fined in tbe sum of ten dollars inthe town court.



M. B. Thompson of the M. B.Thompson Company, recently spentseveral days in Baltimore engaged inpurchasing: a stock of new goods forthe late summer and early fall trade.He was hack at his placj of businessthe first of last week.



Mrs. M. R. Smith entertained Fridayafternoon in honor of her nieces,"Misses Flora Bethen and Sarah Jones,and Mrs. Ed. L. Smith's sister, MissJeanette Croxton.

Tables were arranged on the porchand in the living' room for hearts dice.After a number of progressions, itwovj found Miss Evelyn Collinsheld the highest score. She was presenteda lovely powder puff, and Miss.Lucile Sasser, a minature powder puffas the booby. At the conclusion of thesanies, cream and cake were served.



loaccoiy i

5 and prices 3tier market, -j

Sdquarters. |i you. 5:tric fans. 5)da water. |>f drugs andig list. Pat-tment. Notn- i

drugs used, i:k." |deliver any" i

» Js

in a sunnlvJ

tits. \

cy, Inc. |>nway, S. C. £


S. C, AUGUST 2, 1923

STOL*lf~~~... f«

STOLEN.One brown horse mule;weight 1000 or 1100 lbs.; age about13 years, extra large feet; has on No.3 horse shoes in front, large muleshoes behind, all shoes corked; stableroach, switch cut square at end; alsoone Hull buggy with odd front wheel;right shaft broken at end; liberal reward.Notify police station, or N. A.Gaddy, Timmonsville, S. C. ad-lti"


A Ford touring car came to grieflast Saturday afternoon when it raninto one of the deep ditcttes by theside of the road to Myrtle Beach, ashort distance beyond the veneer factory.» The car belongs to Vance Parkerand he was driving it. Some negroeswere in the car with him at the time.No explanation was given as to thecause of the accident.

o >


L. N. Moore of Moultrie, Ga., accompaniedby his daughter, Miss MitchellMoore, arrived in Lake City lastweek to spend several days with Mr.and Mrs. G. Fred -Stalvey. Mr. Moorecame on here last Saturday and willhp ioinpd liPi'P liicf nf fV»« wonl/

his daughter. They will spend several.days visiting relatives and before returning to their home inMoultrie.



This section of the county was visitedby a fine rain last Wednesdayand at a time when things were gettingvery dry.The tobacco was beginning to burn

to some extent on tlie bottom leaves,but the showers of last Wednesdayand Wednesday night revived thedrooping plants and also greatly improvedthe corn and peas throughouta large section lorry County.



The drinking fountain at the courthouse has gradually grown into badrepair and now is much worse thannothing so far as being sure of gettinga supply of cool water.

It leaks. It refuses to spout. It gives.such a flat stream that one cannotdrink from the top of the flow butmust suck down against the lips ofthe affair and run the risk of gettingwhatever germs may be clingingthere.


The Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecause of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVEBROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be takenby anyone without causing nervousness or ringingin the head. E.W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c.

j To tlH

I The Tobacin anticipatioiin stock, thethat we have

We have rol2 Cars High (I Car Morton1 Car One TI Car Southei1 Car Corn ar

20,00 lbs. M<Just lots of otlIWe have in siOne Car MasOne Car Om<100 Cases M200 Sacks goPlenty of Suj

baccos, Tobacco 1Ribs, Salt, Hay, CMule Feed.

Wo \70 111 cU IT V lit* Y V Jn listed, so whenI up-it will pay.i Sell your to

J. groceries and fn everything to e

COOIn Burroughs& Coll

' A



Sales were going on Wednesday atthe auction warehouses, beginning at10:39 «- m. opening day.Prices were ranging from eight

cents up to fifty on the primings.Things were looking good.


John T. PVoctor lost a tobacco barnand a full curing of leaf tobacco lastFriday night about 11:30 o'clock.The fire had been drawn and things

left in apparently saf$ condition sonttehours before that whert the work wasknocked off.

. The barn was seen in frames lateron in the night and it was totally destroyed.



A curiosity in the melon line comesfrom the farm of Joe M. Vereen, ofVina, S. C. It is two perfect citrons.both growing- from a single stem. Thecitrons are well developed and aboutthe size that is usually attained by.them when planted in good ground.No one has been found who can rememberseeing two produced from onestem.Vereen has one of the'finest crops

he has ever produced on his place. Itconsists of corn. nr»r\ I

.y v^vi%vwj »» cit^l IIICIUIIS I

and other crops. ^I

ing shoes; the one basissettle that.

OUR CUTMen's Sewed SoleLadies Sewed SoleMen's Rubber 'leels

Wh«?n shoes are worn, brMy up-to-Mate factory equipmentspeedily anc! satisfactorily.

Wrap 'em up in a pieceyour way to the office.

M. B. KULNo. 13 Main Street,

ip Ppnnorry Counlco Market openi of this we havelargesr stock oever carried inling in solid cars theZirade Flour, in all size sacks ai

's Fine Salt in all sizes.imothy Hay.:n Cotton Oil Co.'s Lard,id Oats.sat bought, and in stock.ler goods to arrive and arrivingtock items listed and lots not lision Fruit Jars and plenty Caps:>lene and Cow Chow, the bestatches.od Rice.gar, Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigare"wine, Candies, Case Goods,^orn, Dairy Feed, (Checker E


st lots of items ttin Conway don't

bacco in Conwayeeds from us,--hiat, and Feeds.

>ER-SMITIlins old stand, Conwa




A new style of bond* t» be securedby mortgage of real estate;, is now on ,/sale at the law blank department ofthe Horry Herald. It is according to aform used in a law office' in Conwayfor about fifteen years; Ft is a goodform and will answer" your purposebetter than the ones you* arff now using.


HemstitchingTO THE SPARKS CO.



L. D. MAGRATH, Manager

Real Estate, Bonds andInsurance.

Money k. To buy new Shoes V| when you can have 1\ them repaired a t.r these cut prices.

There can be no argumentagainst repair- ! Vi of money saved should 7' PRICES

90c, Nailed, 80c.80c, Nailed, 70c.40c,. Ladies 35c.

ing them to me for expert repair.enables me to turn out work

of paper and leave them here on

.CHYCKEConway, South Carolina



le of jys Aug. l,and | ^

i coming, and lf groceries |following goods: I(id wood. I

daily.[jted. Ii n i


and Rubbers. Mfeeds on market. I

ttes, Smoking To- I ^Plate Meat and ySoard), Horse and I

lat we haven't Ifail to look us U

and buy your [^adquarters for l

1 CO.y, S. C., Phone 16 U

/\ >
