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  • Free Global Webcast on Saturday May 8th !



    In This Earth-Keeper Newsletter of March 6-2014

    Free Global Webinar - Saturday March 8th (Timing & Links Below)

    With Zuni Elder Clifford Mahooty, Linda Robinson, Cathy Kominos & Arielle Faith Michael

    Article - Journey to the Centre of the Earth The Mysterious Cave in the Grand Canyon

    The Sedona-Tibet Harmonics Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Videos & Interview - What NASA Knows

    Article - The Men Who Know - NASA Astronauts and ET Sightings In Space Richard C Hoagland - The NASA Files

    Clifford Ma'Hooty Joins the EK AZ Star-Gate Event - New Featured Speaker

    Coming Soon - Archangel Metatron Channel on the Extra Terrestrial Realty - Stay Tuned

  • Free Global Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Webinar

    Time - Approximately 2 1/2 hours...

    Topics: Up-Shifting the Earth Template: Star-Nation & The Extra Terrestrial Phenom

    Interview with Clifford Ma'hooty - Zuni Elder on Direct Interaction with Star Nation & Space Brothers

    & Authors Arielle Faith Michael, Linda Robinson & Cathy Komnios

    LINK for the WEBCAST:

    Just add the password : Stargate

    Join Us on Saturday, March 8th at these timings...and invite a friend to join in ! This will be a truly fascinating program.

    1 pm Eastern - Virginia Beach, Virginia 12 noon Central - Crystal Springs, Arkansas 11 am Mountain - Phoenix, Arizona 10 am Pacific - San Francisco, California 6 pm London UT Time 7 pm Europe - Netherlands & France

    Check Your Local Time > Time Converter:

    WEBINAR FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or by Internet Webcast )

    OPTIONAL DIAL-IN PARTICIPATION BY FONE: Call (425) 440-5100 , Guest Code: 987073#

    TO ATTEND THE LIVE WEBCAST BY INET : Just add the password : Stargate

  • Talking Points :

    The Star-Gate Portal Up-Shifting the Earth Template Zuni Ancient Star-Nation Wisdom : Star Nation & The Inner Earth People Interview with the Amazing Clifford Ma'Hooty - Zuni Elder & Wisdom Carrier Fascinating Interviews with Authors & Goddesses : Arielle Faith Michael, Linda

    Robinson & Cathy Kominos ...Don't Miss !

    Access the replay on this page:

    Zuni Wisdom - Clifford Mahooty - An Elder & Academic

    The Man Who Walks in Two Worlds

    Clifford Mahooty is a Zuni Tribal Elder and member of more than 12 'Secret Societies ' including the the Kachina Society. He is a man of extraordinary credentials and integrity. He is a degreed Civil Engineer & Master Structural Engineer, now retired after working as chief engineer for the USA Department of Interior HUD for over 30 years. Clifford says that Native American elders have a lot of hidden knowledge about "Star Beings" that they choose to keep to themselves. He feels that it is now time that the knowledge be shared with the public, and that his 'ancestors' have permitted him, and called him to share this forgotten knowledge at this timer.. A man of great humility and intelligence, he is a man who has walked in two worlds. Mahooty is both an academic and a wisdom carrier of ancient indiginous knowledge.

  • Clifford has recently been featured on television documentaries including the History channel's Ancient Aliens, The Unearthing America series, the Travel Channel , Discovery Channel and National Geographic. He shares the stories of his great grandfather regarding the validity of extra terrestrial interaction with the Zuni Tribe. He speaks in integrity and striking honesty regarding personal encounters with 'Space Brothers, Star Nation and Hollow Earth Beings. He is a man who walks in 'two worlds, as a highly educated engineer, graduated in engineering from New Mexico State University , and Tribal Elder of the Zuni Nation. We are honored to announce that this incredible wisdom carrier will speak on these experiences at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate gathering in Arizona.

    Still Time to Join the EK AZ 2014 Star-Gate Gathering Before We Sell-Out - Scroll Down

    NASA -Astronauts Reveal ET Contacts in Apollo Missions Richard C Haogland - The NASA Files

    AOL News has reported that a highly respected & well known former NASA scientist believes that there are aliens on the moon watching humankind, and evidence of their existence may go back thousands of years. For decades, researchers have claimed that strange objects have been seen on or above the moon. From mysterious pyramid shapes to unusual moving lights to tall tower-like objects and huge glass-like dome structures, stories and pictures abound claiming that Earth's next-door neighbor is loaded with extraterrestrial artifacts. Richard C. Hoagland - a former NASA consultant and curator of astronomy and space science at the Springfield Science Museum in Massachusetts as well as consultant to CBS News during the Apollo moon missions - has spent decades looking into what he asserts to be the truth about what was discovered during the numerous unmanned spacecraft missions as well as the manned Apollo voyages to the moon 40 years ago: "The orbital photographs show us the scale of ancient ruins on the moon. And surface photography by the astronauts have shown remarkable, specific examples of anomalies that could only be explained through there being ancient remnants of some extraordinarily advanced technology." Hoagland - who is also the founder of the acclaimed research group 'The Enterprise Mission', an extensive private space investigative analysis consortium - further claims that NASA has discovered evidence of a primeval moon society: "What NASA did not tell the American people is that it discovered the remains of an ancient lunar civilization, and to this day, that data and those artifacts have been withheld from the American people." In his New York Times Best Seller book, "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA," Hoagland alleges there are huge glass structures and domes on the moon that have produced repeated prismatic effects on Apollo astronaut photographs available on NASA websites. He also claims numerous geometric ground features are evidence of ancient structures.

  • For years, Hoagland and other notable researchers have quoted from "The Brookings Report." "The Brookings Report" - which is short for "Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs" - was a study commissioned in 1960 by NASA and put together by the Brookings Institution, a highly trusted think tank in Washington. One section of the Brooking report says: "While face-to-face meetings with it [extraterrestrial intelligence] will not occur within the next 20 years (unless its technology is more advanced than ours, qualifying it to visit Earth), artifacts left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be discovered through our space activities on the moon, Mars or Venus." Hoagland believes that NASA did indeed uncover evidence on the moon of an extraterrestrial civilization, but decided the public wasn't ready to accept such information. But what about the astronauts who went to the moon? Wouldn't they have spoken up if they had encountered any evidence of an ET presence there? Perhaps one of them already has. Apollo 14 astronaut, scientist and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Capt. Edgar Mitchell - the sixth man to walk on the moon - a man of impeccable integrity and credentials claims that he has first hand knowledge from respected inner circle NASA colleagues, scientists and fellow astronauts, (whom he would not name for security reasons) and one high ranking military official that the U.S. government has been aware of alien life for many decades, have had communication with them, studied their crafts....and that at least two astronauts have observed extra terrestrial ships during space missions at close range, undeniable range.

  • So although Mitchell himself hasn't seen direct evidence of an alien presence on the moon, he is an adamant believer in the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life forms. " I have more several colleagues in the know who are fully aware of ET Life, and have had direct experiences with them" Mitchell is a strong supporter of the ANCIENT ASTRONAUT theory - and is open to the possibility of a lunar base. He hints at another 'moon walker' having seen extraordinary crafts apparently observing the Apollo Missions at close range. "There could very well be alien utilization of the moon...for me, it's just a matter of the evidence, and the evidence, as far as I'm concerned, is overwhelming. Not only are they here, they've been here for quite a long time, and the more I've investigated, the more I realize it's been much longer than any of us really thought. Its time the government shares what they know. The men I know that are in the inner circle have been sworn to oaths of secrecy, they have clearances well beyond Top Secret, and they cannot break that vow. The CIA are involved in a deep level." Mitchell firmly believes the Roswell Incident, the legendary 1947 encounter wherein an alien spaceship allegedly crashed, killing its otherworldly crew - was a real event that was covered up by the military. He also asserts that more than one alien species has visited the Earth: "It's the preponderance of evidence that counts here. There seems to be more than one species of visitors here, from all the evidence that I know, and several of them are investigating our people in their own way... their motivations are somewhat different, depending upon what species we're talking about. Some seem to be here to help us others are apparently just observing us." It would appear that Mitchell is speaking about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin when he refers to other astronauts having seen extraordinary crafts on the moon observing the moon landing, but he refuses to name names. However, other credible sources have indicated that both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11, on 21 July 1969. According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, at least one foreign and one domestic source with their own VHF receiving facilities bypassed NASA's secret internal broadcasting outlets and picked up the following exchange: NASA: "What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11..." APOLLO: "These 'Babies' are huge, Sir! Enormous! Oh my God! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're here on the Moon watching us!" In 1979, Maurice Chatelain - former chief of NASA Communications Systems - allegedly confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two enormous ET Space Craft on the rim of a crater: "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now. Apparently these crafts were huge." According to Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a lauded physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University, Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident: "According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module. Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it. We were able to receive and record the radio broadcasts that NASA encrypted and hid from the rest of the world. " Richard C Hoagland will be a featured speaker at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering.

  • Clifford Ma'Hooty Joins the WESAK Conference

    Star Nation & Hollow Earth Article By James Tyberonn

    I n 2013 invited by the 'Travel Channel' to speak about Earth-Energies and Sacred Sites on a new television series to be aired. The filming took place on the Hancock Ranch behind Boynton Canyon in Sedona and at Grand Canyon. The Sedona location was at an ancient cliff cave, complete with ancient petroglyphs. In the ongoing filming process, I met an extraordinary man.

    A Zuni Tribal Elder and Medicine Man was being filmed and interviewed before me, and I had the opportunity to hear his astonishing accounts of the Pueblo people's interaction with 'Star Nation' and 'Hollow Earth'. He spoke of extraordinary entries to Hollow Earth in the Grand Canyon, and of personal interactions with Star Beings. We made an instant connection, and I was able to speak with him at length over 2 days. I am very pleased to announce that he will be a featured speaker at our WESAK Gathering in Arizona in May, joining Dr Robert Schoch, John Van Auken and Richard C. Hoagland. Much of the focus from speakers Richard Hoagland and Clifford Ma'Hooty will be on the extra terrestrial question.

    Excepts from Clifford Mahooty Interview & Conversation...

    "We have a closely guarded secret history with extra terrestrials that the white man knows virtually nothing about", stated Elder Clifford Ma'hooty of the Zuni Nation. "Many of the Elders do not want to share this information that has traditionally been held in secretive societies, but I feel it is my sacred calling to pass along this information for posterity in regard to our vast and unique knowledge of the 'Space Brothers'. Few of the younger generation in our tribe have learned the oral histories or meaning of the songs and paintings that our ancestors passed down. I am a member of the Galactic and Kachina secret society, and these societies are one of the few remaining harbingers of the unique historic information about the 'Kachina', whom I feel to be extraterrestrials. " "I was born into a medicine clan, and in my youth there was no electricity, no television or radio on the reservation. We were taught in oral myths and stories by the grandfathers and grandmothers. Those elders have long since passed, and although I wish now I had paid closer attention and spend more time with them learning, I did receive a lot of fascinating information. And those stories are no longer being taught by many people with such extraordinary and credible firsthand knowledge ... so I feel called to share some of this forgotten information." He continued, "Our history includes the Space Brothers and our time of dwelling in the inner earth at the time of the waters, inside the depths of the hollow earth entered in at the Grand Canyon. The Hopi & Maya also

    have these histories and the Hopi have shared the stories. Our people, the Zuni have not told these histories."

    ... Continued below ...

  • Clifford Mahooty will be a featured speaker at the Earth-Keeper WESAK Gathering.

    Clifford Mahooty Interview Continued ...

    I was fascinated by Clifford Mahooty's interview, and asked him afterward a few direct questions. My impression of Clifford was that he was a remarkable man of integrity, humility, wisdom and honesty. He told me his grandfather had had direct experiences with the 'Star Brothers', and that he had also had 'close encounters of the third kind'. But that these were intentional, not random. He said that many of his tribal counterparts follow the tradition of not speaking of these, because it is felt that one must go through rigorous initiation in order to rise into the ability of this sacred contact.

    "Not everyone can visually see them", he said, and he explained some have the experience in a mental way of sensing and feeling. He told me of an experience in which a craft appeared on the reservation near his home, in front of several tribal members. Only 2 or 3 were able to 'see it' and the others kept asking what they were seeing. That is because, he explained, that not everyone has developed the ability of the 3rd eye. This resonated with my own experiences, and ties in perfectly with the information I have received through Metatron. "The Star Nation people exist in a higher dimension", he said, "And you have to learn how to see in that frequency. That is what the initiations and ceremonies do, teach you to see the other worlds that are here with us. Our Zuni cultural cosmology & mythology is recorded orally in the prayer system. The ritualistic protocols talk about these 'Star' people or ' Guiding Spirits' that came over here and told us actually how to live our lives. As beings, guide people."

    Clifford also spoke about the astonishing "Hollow Earth cities that are entered in the Arizona area, specifically the Grand Canyon. There are some extraordinary accounts of secret entries into Hollow Earth Chasms and an amazing story about an 'Egyptian Cave' found in the Grand Canyon. Native lore states that the Canyon was the result of the Great Flood that had drowned the previous 3rd world, a world that had forgotten the path of

  • truth. The Grand Canyon is said to be the Eden Point, the beginning of the 4th, our present world. The Hopi and Zuni cosmology is clear that the Grand Canyon was the Sipapu, the 'place of emergence' from whence the Pueblo peoples had emerged from underground after the flood had destroyed the 3rd world. Several inner world 'Sipapu' entry points are said to be located on Hopi land in the Canyon, one of which is honored in ceremony as the dwelling of the ancients. Appearing as an opening in a rounded rock mound, it is a sacred place of pilgrimage for the Hopi, located at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little Colorado River just above its joining point with the Colorado River. It is very hallowed and off limits to all but the Hopi people. The lore fur-ther claimed that the Hopi were assisted by 'ant people' who live in the inner world caverns, humanoids who had stick like arms and legs, slightly arched backs, and blue toned skin.

    Native Americans of the Canyon revered the movements of the stars through what they termed Star Wisdom. For the Zuni, Havasupai & Hopi, beyond the Mother Earth was Star Nation. Their legends speak of Star People who visited through holes in the sky located within the Canyon, a clear reference to what we consider portals, stargates. The Hopi and Navajo consider themselves direct descendents of the Pleiades, whom they call the Chuhukon and Delyahey, respectively. Their legends speak of White Star Children, who helped them as Gods. The Pleiadeans are said to be Nordic in appearance.

    Mysterious Egyptian Cave in Grand Canyon

    The April 5, 1909 edition of the Phoenix Arizona Gazette newspaper featured a front page article entitled, "Explorations in Grand Canyon: Remarkable Finds Indicate Ancient Egyptian People Migrated from Orient."

    The lengthy and detailed article stated that the expedition was financed by the Smithsonian Institute and discovered artifacts that could potentially change our understanding of history. Inside a massive cavern with intricate passages and rooms that Kinkaid described as "hewn in solid rock by human hands" were found tablets bearing hieroglyphics, copper weapons, bronze tools, huge statues that he described as appearing like Egyptian and Tibetan deities, as well as over 500 mummies. Although highly intriguing, the story has been officially disavowed. The Smithsonian denies any knowledge of the discovery. Researcher, author and explorer David Hatcher Childress writes, "While it cannot be entirely discounted that the entire story is an elaborate newspaper hoax, the fact that it was on the front page of a prominent newspaper named the prestigious Smithsonian Institution and gave a highly descriptive and detailed story that went on for several pages, lends a great deal to its credibility. It is hard to believe such a story could have come out of thin air." The article is in the newspaper's archives, both in original print and microfilm, and can be easily found on the internet.

    To add more to the conversation, the 'Egyptian' aspect of the Grand Canyon is referred to in volume II of "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life." On page 302 of his book, is the description of the extraordinary adventure of two backpackers who hiked into the backcountry of the Grand Canyon toward the pyramidal mountain called the Temple of Isis. After an arduous trek, they claimed to have come upon what appeared to be a large impressive man made pyramid, constructed of natural stones. It showed signs of erosion but still held the distinctive pyramidal shape and definitely did not appear to be a natural formation. After a thorough inspection, photos were taken, and they continued trekking to the amazing formation of the Temple of Isis. Upon arrival to the Isis Temple formation, they climbed up some feet, and from that vantage point several interesting cave entrances came in view. They observed that the grotto entrances were cemented and blasted shut. Both climbed upward to the most prominent cave opening, which had an arched entry. They reported that the entrance showed signs of chiseling, and the arc appeared man made. Just above the entry they observed a six foot diameter circular pattern with inner designs clearly chiseled into the ceiling. Just beyond, the cave had been completely filled in with rock and stone rubble, appearing to have been blasted shut, making further entry quite impossible.

    To add even more intrigue, researcher Robert Morningside listed over 20 striking similarities regarding cosmology beliefs among the Babylonian Sumerians and the Hopi. Both believe mankind was created by a woman God, called KA. The Hopi call the Sun Creator Taiowa, the Sumerians call him Ta-Ea. The Hopi and Sumerians use the same name, Pahana, in reference to a Divine Star being who will return one day to assist

  • mankind.

    From a personal perspective, I have become quite aware of the extensive tunnels that exist in the inner earth in numerous locations that I have visited across the planet, particularly in Peru, Bolivia, the Himalayas and Egypt. I have no doubt these exist in the Grand Canyon as well as in the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff Arizona, the latter of which I vividly experienced in lucid dream during my fourth vision quest in the volcanic caldron atop the San Francisco Peaks.

    Whether the Canyon Cave story is factual or not, the Canyon has a mysterious aura in some sections where other world dimensional aspects seem to emanate, and these can be easily sensed by empaths.

    Interestingly, during my two rafting trips through the length of the Canyon, I experienced very clear

    sensations of an 'Egyptian' resonance and connection within certain areas of the canyon and had a powerful visionary experience of Lord Buddha in another. This was prior to my having any knowledge of the 1909 article of the infamous Egyptian cave. It is quite intriguing that many locations in the Canyon have Egyptian names and Buddhist names. The areas around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek are embellished with stunning formations named the Tower of Ra, Horus Temple, Osiris Temple, Isis Temple, Cheops Pyramid and the Tower of Set. Further downriver near the Havasupai Tribal lands within the Canyon are names such as the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple.

    Tibetan-Grand Canyon Hopi Connection "When the iron eagle flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered over the earth and the dharma will return to the land of the red man." Tibetan Lama Padmasambhava, 8th c (aka Guru Rinpoche)

    Several years ago, I attended a Native American modality, 'Rainbow Tribe Earthdance,' along the edge of the Grand Canyon. A Havasupai Elder attended the ceremony. Before we were introduced, I thought he was a Tibetan Llama. The oriental characteristics were quite striking. Beyond the similar physicality, there are other noted comparisons between the Grand Canyon Indigenous and the Tibetans. Several articles have been published that offer evidence that Tibetans and Native Americans share a common ancestry. Author Frank Waters observed in "The Book of Hopi" that the indigenous Zuoi Shalako or snake dance symbolically mirrored the Tibetan ceremony of the Journey of the Dead. He also noted that both cultures recognized and mapped the human chakric systems long before Europeans inhabited the Americas. Other commonalities listed include cosmology, similar jewelry designs and inlays, use of silver, turquoise and coral, nearly identical patterns of woven textiles and the same distinctive manner for braiding hair.

    Perhaps most compelling is explained by author Daniel Pinchbeck in his book, "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl." He states that specific words in the Hopi and Tibetan language are phonetically exact with antithetical meanings. The Hopi word for day, nyma, is the Tibetan word for night. The word for moon in Tibetan, dawa, is the phonetically exact Hopi word for sun. If you were to drill a hole straight from the Hopiland reservation directly through the Earth, you would come out in Tibet. Interestingly, these two 'reversed' words are quite precise in describing simultaneous planetary time. In other words, when it is day in the Canyon - nyma - it is night time in Tibet - nyma. When the moon, dawa, is out in Tibet, the Hopi see the sun - dawa.

    In ancient days could they have been able to instantly transport within the dimensional tunnels said to connect them? Maybe the Canyon will one day reveal all of its secrets, then again maybe it already has! Truly, it is a place of great mysteries that call for further exploration.

  • We will note that Clifford Mahooty speaks of the Star Beings and some of the Inner Earth Beings as having

    the capacity to instantly transport. Some refer to the benevolent teachers as Spirit Guides, and that 'craft' are not necessary for them to appear. Rarely do they physicalize, rather the human experiences them mentally or thru extraordinary visual development by ascending into higher frequency. This corresponds closely with Metatron's descriptions of 'Bio-Plasma' and multidimensionality. Mahooty speaks of Star Brings as having a sort of federation, in which representatives abide from differing parts of the Galaxy to assist in different areas, including what is termed the 'Animal Totems or Guides'.

    My ET Experiences:

    I have had several 'direct' experiences with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance as well as with the Ashtar group & Arcturians. My experiences always occurred in lucid mind state. My last 4 of 7 five day fast - vision quests, led me into out of body experiences into higher realms in which I had direct and lucid interaction with humanoid extra terrestrials. All of these took place in the Sedona vortex. Two in Boynton Canyon, one at Shamans Cave & Dome, one atop the San Francisco Peaks. The later two were elongated experiences, very vivid. I had another occur atop Mount Shasta during a 3 day fast. I have rafted the length of the Gran\ Canyon many times, and on the last 2 trips, I experienced an incredible encounter with the Sirian Brotherhood on two occasions near the deepest part of the Grand Canyon in the Zorastrian schist metamorphic granite formation, an enormous crystal. Further down near the confluence of the Little Colorado River with the Colorado River, near the Havasupai and Hopi lands, I experienced the Hollow Earth dimensions in an accessible cave with the National park lands, that our group were permitted to enter & offer blessings and meditate. The cave is more of a lava tube and it contains huge pegmatite crystals of pure quartz, it is entered near the waters edge. There is no place on the planet in all of my travels that offers a more unique and potent experience than the inner bowels and depths of the Grand Canyon. It is a place out of this world, utterly astonishing.

    There is also a rather interesting story from Dr Hank Krastman regarding entry of Hollow Earth from the

    Grand Canyon...

    Hollow Earth- Hank Krastman

    Dr Hank Krastman tells a quite amazing story of being taken decades ago by a Hopi Indian to a secretive entrance to the inner earth, near the confluence of the Little Colorado River and the Colorado River. They were given permission to enter, and after traveling down a vast tunnel, they seemed to be transported by something like an elevator of light, and then entered a brightly lit circular room. He believes that the area was hyper-dimensionally accessed, before coming to an entry room in which extraordinary technology was apparent. He speaks of a bright light being emitted in which they were 'cleansed'. Krastman believes it was to remove harmful bacteria. He speculates the light also enabled a frequential stabilization into a higher frequency and 'new realm. He goes on to tell of being allowed to enter a city with houses, sky and sun, and spoke of it as being the city of Pawletkwapi. His Hopi host was said to have lived in Pawletkwapi for a number of years. Krastman said he was sworn to secrecy about the location and other details, but later was given permission to share certain details. Article Written by James Tyberonn

  • Tibet & Sedona Harmonics

    Buddhists from Tibet and India have been coming to Sedona for decades, and recognize the area as a holy place on the planet. Stupas have been placed in the region to amplify the presence of Lord Buddha. It is said that Sedona is the counterbalance vortex to Tibet. ...and that transdimensional inner earth tunnels connect the two. Tibetan lama Padmasambhave made an interesting reference to the 'dharma' of Tibet returning to the red lands. "When the iron eagle flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered over the earth and the

    dharma will return to the land of the red man." Tibetan Lama Padmasambhava, 8th c (aka Guru Rinpoche)

    Several articles have been published that offer evidence that Tibetans and Native Americans share a common ancestry. Author Frank Waters observed in "The Book of Hopi" that the indigenous Zuoi Shalako or snake dance symbolically mirrored the Tibetan ceremony of the Journey of the Dead. He also noted that both cultures recognized and mapped the human chakric systems long before Europeans inhabited the Americas. Other commonalities listed include cosmology, similar jewelry designs and inlays, use of silver, turquoise and coral, nearly identical patterns of woven textiles and the same distinctive manner for braiding hair. Perhaps most compelling is explained by author Daniel Pinchbeck in his book, "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl." He states that specific words in the Hopi and Tibetan language are phonetically exact with antithetical meanings. The Hopi word for day, nyma, is the Tibetan word for night. The word for moon in Tibetan, dawa, is the phonetically exact Hopi word for sun. If you were to drill a hole straight from the Hopiland reservation directly through the Earth, you would come out in Tibet. Interestingly, these two 'reversed' words are quite precise in describing simultaneous planetary time. In other words, when it is day in the Canyon - nyma - it is night time in Tibet - nyma. When the moon, dawa, is out in Tibet, the Hopi see the sun - dawa.

  • WESAK is named for the extraordinary confluence & emergence of Avatar Buddha, Kristos and Ascended Masters in the Sacred Wesak Valley in the Mystical Himalayas , which occurs during the Buddha full moon in May of each year. Millions make spiritual pilgrimages during WESAK. This hallowed convergence of 'Spirit' is honored by myriad cultures across the planet, with annual pilgrimages of Buddhist to the original manifestation apex in the Himalayas. It is indeed considered a time for Gathering, for questing, and for pilgrimage. During WESAK the 'veil' is thinned and a Great Gathering of Masters takes place , in scared points across the globe. Many are drawn innately to vortexial portals to feel & sense this coded energy and Divine presence. The Sedona Vortexial Portal is particularly enhanced in North America as the site in which the unique convergence of sacred energies will offer the most potent resonance for the codes of 2013 WESAK. The veils will be opened in the Arizona Vortex more potently than any other area, and this extraordinary aperture is a grand opportunity for all. Sedona is uniquely harmonic with Tibet for reasons explained below. WESAK is an energetic and frequencial 'thinning of the veil' that is a Global in scope and in Sedona this energy will be remarkably tangible in 2013.

    In 2013 Arizona is the most powerful location of it's encompassing field for several reasons, perhaps the key shift is due to the Aquarian Radiation. Astonishing plasmic fields are forming a standing wave over the Sedona Vortex, and this energy assists in opening the 3rd-Eye Pineal far more effectively than ever before. Known as the 'electrical vortex' , Sedona has rebirthed in 2013 as one of the 12 most Sacred Portals of the planet. Its Cosmic alignments and earth energies make it so. Arizona is a cornucopia of telluric current. It is the largest deposit of electrically conductive copper in North America, and also holds enormous fields of gold and silver.

    Arizona is laden with piezoelectric quartz and quartzite sandstone. It is known for its rich deposits of gems and precious minerals, such as azurite, amethyst, peridot, turquoise, topaz, tourmaline, jade, copper, opal, azurite, chaldoncy, crystalline hematite, crystalline calcite, chrysocolla, lavender & emerald fluorite, garnet, malachite, pyrite, quartz, and galena. These minerals add very significantly to the energy of place and logically enhance the crysto-electrical aspects of the greater' Sedona Vortex'. For these reasons, Sedona is uniquely embellished as the most potent site for the 2013 North American WESAK Pilgrimage. The very atmosphere here is charged with powerful energetic currents and a profoundly cleansing energy that opens the 3rd eye and allows for release, vision and emergence. It has long been a site of vision quest. Accordingly the Sedona Vortexial-Portal is considered one of the most powerful Chakras of North America . The area has long been hallowed by the indigenous of the area as a Star Gate and Entry point of the benevolent Masters of Star Nation. It also has a very compelling relationship with Tibet.

    The Navajo, Hopi and Zuni believe this part of Arizona is the emergence point of creation of the 4th world. In the 'New Earth' of 2013, the Aquarian Radiation has expanded the parameter of the Sedona vortex to encompass as far south as the Sonoran Desert of Scottsdale, and as far north as Page, including Grand Canyon and the Hallowed San Francisco Peaks, which are only a short distance from the apex in Sedona. They believe there is a sacred city under the areas of Sedona, Grand Canyon and the San Francisco Peaks, which is a portal between dimensions. It is said that the red rock canyons in the Sedona area and Grand Canyon are rich with stargate locales. And this is why so many experience direct vision of extra terrestrial and spiritual beings in this area. Native Americans viewed these benevolent beings as Guides, as Great Spirit . They were considered Starborne Teachers with abilities to shape shift and transport. Sedona is indeed a mystical and beautiful area. Many artists, writers & metaphysicians are drawn to this area for inspiration.

  • 0

    The Arizona Event of the Year !

    Earth-Keeper Arizona Star-Gate May 23 - 24- 25 in Scottsdale

    May 26th in Sedona

    EK Star-Gate in the Apex of the Harmonic Trigger

    Amazing Timing - Amazing Location - Amazing Speakers


    Hotels in Scottsdale Will Sell out on the Holiday Memorial Day Weekend.

    Still Time to Join Us ! Register Soon !

    Full Attendance with Cancellation Option ( 4 Days ) - $577

    Earth-Keeper WESAK on the Full Moon Eclipse May 24-25-26 w/ Optional Visit to Sedona May 27

    Exceptional Discounted Attendance All 4-Days

  • $407 ( Discounted Entry Extended Temporarily by Request for Non-Cancel Ticket Expires March 21)

    Click Below Red-Link to Register

    What Will Occur at WESAK in the Sonoran/Sedona Vortex Gathering

    ** Downloads of the Electro-Crysto Codes of the New Earth to raise the Auric Circuitry and Uplift the Physical Body. ** Soul Contractual completion of the 'Return of Dharma / Virtue' to the Americas ( Lama Rinpoche Prophesy) . ** Group Mass Coherent Meditation to Create Highest Good in embellished activation zone. ** Enhanced communication thru reformation of the Pineal in the new anionic resonance of the Aquarian Radiation. ** Enhanced activation & communication in the Telluric Sedona Vortex with Sirian - Pleiadean Alliance in the WESAK Aperture.

    Join the Earth-Keeper Family in Arizona for the Epic 2014 Star-Gate Gathering. Four Amazing Days.

    You will feel welcomed at home among will be optimally & benevolently up-shifted, you will

    be challenged for the better with the Spiritual Sharing,Teachings and Healing Meditations...

    You will be informed & further awakened by the astonishing Cutting Edge Information of the

    Scientific Researchers & Elders on the True Nature of Our Reality & Humanities True Origins....

    And you will 'get something' that will make your life better.

    Featured Speakers at the Earth-Keeper AZ Star-Gate

    Row 1: John Van Auken, Dr Robert Schoch, Grandmother Bwaun Equa, George Noory Row 2: Dr John Ryan, Cathy Kominos, Richard C Hoagland, Linda Robinson

    Row 3: Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Mona Delfino, Dr Jeri Castronova, Arielle Faith Michael

  • 4: Adrienne Goff, Anne & James Tyberonn, Dr Raman Gokal

    Row 5: Dr Cheri St Arnauld, Dr Joseph McNamara Row 6: Kirby Seid, Elain Fidyk, Leela Hutchison, Michael Firewalker

  • Plus : Zuni Elder Clifford Ma'Hooty

    And Joann Parks & MAX - Michel Nocerino & SHA NA RA The Two True Ancient Original Crystal Skulls Remaining on the Planet

    Carrying the Codes of the Crystalline Shift

    With Live Music By Realm Ryder - Chimes, Bowls & Gongs by Journey

    And Onsite Healers

    Register Now - All Hotels Are Filling Up !

  • The Men Who Know - Apollo 14

    Most who speak on the alien issue are dismissed. But not all ! Of the more than 6 billion people in the world, only 12 have ever set foot on the moon, providing them the unique opportunity to peer at the Earth from hundreds of thousands of miles away. For many of the moonwalkers , the experience appears to have profoundly changed them. The select group has returned to regular life and dispersed into a wide array of vastly different life paths & careers, spiritual and philosophical leanings, and apparent different perceptions of the world they temporarily gazed at from space. Interestingly almost all of them now believe in extra terrestrial life, but not all of them are willing to elaborate. Not surprising. But there are a few exceptions... One is world famous NASA astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 mission that landed on the moon in 1971. He has repeatedly put himself 'out on a limb' and courageously elaborated over the past years on his adamant opinions on life in universe, arguing that ET's absolutely exist and that alien visits to Earth have been covered up by governments for more than 60 years. "I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real," Mitchell said on Britain's Kerrang Radio. "It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now," added Mitchell, who grew up in Roswell, N.M., the location of the controversial 1947 incident in which some believe the U.S. military covered up the crash scene of an alien spacecraft. Dr Mitchell, 82 years of age, is no longer intimidated by speaking out. He says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions - but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six

  • decades. Dr Mitchell said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.' He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head. Mitchell claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now". He says he's been inside the upper echelons of the Pentagon military circles and they know we've been visited and talk about it behind closed doors.He says he's been involved in certain research committees and knows people who know the real story. There is quite a bit of contact going on. Mitchell reinserted that the infamous Roswell incident was absolutely real., and that he was given derails about this from numerous credible eye witnesses. Dr Mitchell says at this point in his life he is no longer concerned about his safety in talking about it openly. He added that some others involved in the Moon landing also know the truth.

    The program host made the point that this is the first time Edgar has stated so clearly that ET life exists and UFOs are real. Mitchell replied that the ones that 'know' just hint at it, because of retribution and loss of credibility from government denial.

    Other moon-walkers re not as prepared to say the governments is hiding the facts. They have admitted to changing their views on ET existence after being launched into outer space. The moon walks certainly changed all of their lives, some becoming far more open-minded about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, others more spiritual, and some choosing to change career paths all together. It has been suggested that NASA has covered up evidence of encounters that the astronauts experienced in space and on the moon. NASA denies it profusely. But some are beginning to speak out, not with precise information, rather with absolutely 'belief' in ET Life. It has been suggested that NASA as a department of the defense in the USA, signed the astronauts to government security secrecy agreements that prevent disclosure. Mitchell said he was never threatened, but his credibility has been attacked. "I do know others who were threatened", he said. " I'm probably too old and too high profile for that to happen at this stage."

    ABC News Photo Illustration

  • Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell says aliens exist. Did his journey to space influence him?

    Alan Bean, who flew the second moon landing on Apollo 12 in 1967, became an artist & painter after returning to Earth. Speaking in British filmmaker David Signton's 2007 documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon," astronaut Gene Cernan, who made the last moon-landing in 1972, said he became a believer in the idea of a greater power after traveling to outer space. "I felt that the world was just too beautiful to have happened by accident. There has to be something bigger than you and bigger than me," said Cernan in the documentary. "And I mean this in a spiritual sense, not a religious sense," said Cernan. "There has to be a creator of the universe who stands above the religions that we ourselves create to govern our lives." Perhaps the saddest transformation was that of Buzz Aldrin, who made the first moon landing with Neil Armstrong in 1969, and later suffered from severe depression and alcoholism. Although Aldrin denies any admission, it was reported he spoke of seeing alien craft while in space. Space historians and other former astronauts told that while Aldren's case may be extreme, those who travel into the galaxy sometimes return with an altered view of the universe , and perhaps even about extra terrestrials. Numerous reports suggest the astronauts saw structures on the moon and even were viewed by observing craft. Russia claims to have intercepted radio transmission to this effect, that were blacked out by NASA from public audio.

    Space Travels Changes Astronauts Perspectives

    "There is evidence that astronauts are changed by going into space," said Mike Neufeld, the chair of the space history division at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Neufeld noted that while Dr Mitchell's outspoken comments & belief in extra-terrestrial life have certainly come to public notice over the years, the agency has no hidden data. "NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else in the universe,"

  • NASA Headquarters spokesman David Steitz said today. "Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not agree with or share his opinions on this issue." For Mitchell, the four decades back on Earth have done nothing to sway his belief in extraterrestrial life among the stars. "There's no question at all that there's life throughout the universe , We're not alone in the universel," he said l "It is a very real phenomenon."

    Astonishing Video Clips with Acclaimed NASA Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell

    One of the Men Who Walked on the Moon Stating Alien Contact is Real & Covered Up:

    Click Links for Video Interviews

    BREAKING News !!! Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Says ET Contact is real !

    NASA's Edgar Mitchell "Aliens Exist & Government

  • Cover Up Needs to Stop" - Fox News

    Fox News: Dr Edgar Mitchell, renown Apollo 14 veteran said that the U.S. government has had ET contact for more than 60 years. He stated that while he had not personally seen the extra terrestrial beings, he knows people of absolute credibility that have. Some are high ranking Pentagon officials, who will not and cannot come forward. When asked about government disclosure he said, he didn't think it would be forthcoming anytime soon. " Unfortunately, most of you in the press show no real interest whatsoever. The giggle sensation and ridicule factor has been too high, too many eyebrows get raised . But the science behind it, the research behind it, and the evidence of it among the people I know is very real and totally accepted. It's factual." Mitchell said. Mitchell added, "Military pilots, airline pilots from all over the world, for 50 years, have reported these things, but they've quit because they're told to shut up and not talk about it by military and intelligence people. Some are threatened, others debunked and made to look silly." Mitchell said. "I've been saying the same damn words for 10 years, almost verbatim, and all of a sudden, here I'm global news," he said. "It's incredibly naive to think that we are the only intelligent, living system in the universe. That's not credible anymore, and there are more and more people that realize it. The ones that come out are ridiculed, you pay a price for speaking out, one way or another. But I know the truth of what I am saying." Mitchell told the St. Petersburg Times that a "cabal of insiders" in the U.S. government were in the know and that this 'hidden' insider group had stopped briefing U.S. Presidents after John F. Kennedy . Eisenhower and Kennedy were the last two in the loop.

    2014 Earth-Keeper Events:

  • "We Are the Atlanteans Conference"

    The A.R.E. - Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with James


    Sacred Holylands Pilgrimage - April 30-May 8th 2 Spots Still Open - Amazing 9 Day Journey to some of the Most Sacred & Holy Sites on the

    planet in Israel & Jordan - Email to Register - Still Time to Join Us...

    The AZ 2014 Star Gate - May 23- May 26, 2014

    The Arizona Event of the Year

    Stellar Line Up of Speakers

    An Epic 4-Day Event

    Healers Onsite - Live Music

    Links to All Earth-Keeper Event Reg:

    Questions - 936 447-9119 / 936 522-8804

    James Tyberonn is honored to be a featured speaker at the A.R.E. 'Atlantean' Conference (Edgar Cayce

    Foundation) in Virginia Beach, Virginia in early April 2014 with John Van Auken, Peter Woodbury & Shirley Andrews... Sign Up on the A.R.E. Website. Tyberonn will speak on Healing Gems & Crystals, & The

    True Story of Atlantis

    Free Global Webinar Title:

    Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Webinar Featuring : Host James Tyberonn With Special Interview Guests: Zuni Elder Clifford Mahooty, Authors Cathy Kominos, Linda Robinson & Arielle Faith Michael

    Time: Saturday, March 8th at 12:00 noon Central Time Listening method: Attend by Internet or by Phone + Web Simulcast Event password:

    Stargate To attend on Saturday May 8th Click this link:

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