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  • 8/8/2019 Hoops 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Hoops 2010


    HOOPS 2010-2011


    The winds of change are blowingthrough New Mexicos high school

    basketball landscape, and its notthe kind of that turnedThe Pit intoa dust-blown freezer the night ofthe big-school quarterfinals at lastseasons girls state tournament.

    Anyone in University Arena thatchilly March 9 night will recalltheClass AAAAquarterfinal betweeneventual champ Kirtland Central andNo. 8 Albuquerque Del Norte. WithThe Pits $60 million renovationinfull swing, the arenas organizersturned off the heat aroundhalftime

    before heading home for the evening.The sudden temperature drop

    was followed by a frigid wind flow-ing unabated through the fabricsidepanelson the west side of the arena.It covered everything in the buildingin a fine layer of dust as New MexicoActivities Association officials saidthe thermostat dropped into the 40s.

    I still love that place, says CindyRoybal with a laugh. There arememories. We won state in there lastyear. Its impossible for me not tolove it.

    Although Roybal admitted she

    was looking forward to Friday nightsNMAA FoundationTip-OffClassic inthe venue against Gallup, shehas a lotto look forwardto nowthat the 2010-11 basketball seasonis finallyhere.

    For starters, Roybals Santa FeIndianSchool program is a strongfavorite to defendits Class AAAtitle.Backin the mixfor the Lady Bravesare the Corizsisters, senior Jenineand sophomore Justina. The pairanchors a deep backcourt that com-pliments a talented frontcourt.

    Id be lying if I said we didnt havea shot, says Roybal, the SFIS headcoach. We may take our hits early,

    but I guarantee you well be one ofthe last teams standingat the end.

    Roybal and the Lady Braves alsoget to christen the sparkling newgymnasium on the SFIScampusin

    another month or two. The spaciousdigs standjust a stones throw fromthe Lady Braves currenthome.

    Well have so many baskets to

    practice on that I wont know what todo, Roybal says.

    Almost lost in the glare of SFISsmyriad of gifts is the underlyingtheme to this prep hoops campaign:Change.

    An aggressive realignment alteredthe scopeof nearly everydistrict.In the North, it reunites old rivalsin Class AAAA while long-standingfeuds in AAA are no more.

    I dont like it, not at all, says WestLas Vegas head coach and athleticdirector Jose Majic Medina. Peo-ple love their rivalries and now wevelost three big ones. Our fans loved toturn out for thosegames. Now werescrambling to find something else.

    The Lady Dons remaina staple ofDistrict 2AAA along with crosstown

    rival Las Vegas Robertson and Raton.Joining the fray is Taos, a defectorfrom AAAA thanks to dwindlingenrollment.

    To make room,the NMAAmadecarpetbaggers out of St. Michaels,SFISand PojoaqueValley. Thattriois in the newly formedDistrict 5AAAalong withAlbuquerque powersHopeChristianand Sandia Preparatory.

    The onething I dont thinkanyones talking about is the impactit has on our revenue, Medina says.Were already feeling the crunch.

    Its kind of a double-edgedsword, says Robertson head coachAunna Bradley. On one handyouhave theseschools that youve beenplaying against for years moving toanother district, which isnt good.Then you have a district thats leftover that isnt nearly as tough. Youhad to be tough in that district thelast few years. By time you got to

    state you were certainly better.The alterations to AAAAarent as

    severe. They bring former AAAAAmemberSanta Fe High down a

    notch to join Capital, Espaola Val-ley andLos Alamosalong withBernalillo. Thats a good start forthe Demonettes, who finished lastyear with a single winas formerSt.Michaels boys head coach ElmerChavez returned to town after anextended stay in Grants.

    Not since the days of Ron Drake ashead coach has Santa Fe High been aconsistent playoff threat. With Drakenow working his magic in Espaola the Sundevils won 26 games andreachedlast years state semis theDemonettes are on more equalfooting now that theyre no longerdistrict fodder for Albuquerque LaCueva, Albuquerque Sandia andAlbuquerque Valley.

    Anddontforget about thesmall

    schools. The oft-traveled JamesBranch takes over as head coach of aMesa Vistateam that won 20 gamesa year ago. David Sanchez returns for

    a secondseason at Peasco, whichslidesfrom3AA to 2AAwith Santa FePrep, Mora, Monte delSol andPecos.

    Over at Desert Academy, its ayear of transition as Gerald Lovatotakes over a Wildcats club that won18 games andcaptured the District2A title last year. At his disposal is averitable United Nations of players.On the roster are kids from Brazil,Spain, Germany and Korea.

    It will be interesting, Lovato says.Some of these girls are still learning

    the rules.Going fullcircle, SFISwill contend

    with a St. Michaels team that lost inthe semifinals at The Pit last year, aswell as a Pojoaque Valley programthat welcomes rookiehead coach

    Juan Pepe Alvarado.I coached boys in Hatch and

    Deming,but this is where I wantedto be, he says. I wanted to coach inthe north because its so basketball-oriented up here. The administration,the fans, thekids they all take itso seriously. Oh, my goodness, as acoach you have to love the peopleand the administration here. Thissport is very important, thats clear.

    Romero knows all about that. Sincethe pressure to win is omnipresent atSt. Michaels, he says his team will beready for the altered look no matterwhos lying in wait.

    Lastyear the final four had us,West (Las Vegas), theIndian schooland Lovington, Romero says. Iwouldnt be surprised to see all fourof those teams get back there.

    Back there, of course, is the fabledPit. With thefaux walls a thingofthe past, replaced by soaring glasspanelsand giant video replay boardspositioned directly behindeach bas-ket a location thats sure to drivefree-throw shooters nuts as they lookat a 15-foot version of themselves put-ting theball in theair the arena isstill the destination spot for NorthernNew Mexicos best.

    So with that, welcome to the2010-11 girls basketballseason. Whilechange is clearly upon its, maybe itsnotsuch a bad thing after all.

    Contact WillWebberat 986-3060or [email protected].


    Its old rivalries being renewed.Or maybeits a new spin on exist-

    ing ones.Is it new ones being forged?Perhaps the simplest explana-

    tion is that the latest realignment inthe state is just like all the previousones some coaches like it; othersdont. But it is a conversation starter,

    especially as the prep boys basketballseason arrives.I guess there are always pros and

    cons to anything they do andchooseto do, Peasco head coach ManuelRomero says of the latest alignment

    by the New Mexico Activities Asso-ciation.

    Programs have four years to getusedto it.At least in the North, theadjustment will be smooth for themost part.

    Santa Fe Highs move from ClassAAAAA to AAAAmeans itsyearlymatchups with Espaola Valley, LosAlamos and Capital go from non-district bragging rights to District2AAAAbattles with an edge to them.It also renews old district rivalrieswiththe Sundevilsand Jaguars, whowere in the same district until five

    classes came to fruition in 2000.The districthas always beentough, and now it just gets tougher,Capital head coach Mark Senteneysays. Last year, you had Espaola,us and Los Alamos all reach Albu-querque. How many districts can saythat?

    Only District 6AAAA, with Albu-querque St. Pius X, Albuquerque Vol-canoVista andGrants, could boastof similar strength. This year, each ofthose teams find themselves in differ-ent districts or in VolcanoVistascase, a different class (AAAAA).

    But 2AAAA has nothing on 5AAA.The NMAAcreated a beast of a

    district when it merged St. Michaels,Pojoaque Valley and Santa Fe IndianSchool (formerly of 2AAA) withAlbuquerque schoolsHope Chris-

    tian and Sandia Preparatory. Thedistrict canboast housingthe AAAstate champion for the past five sea-sons St. Michaels (2006, 2007),

    Pojoaque (2008) and Hope Christian(2009, 2010).

    Even more imposing is the fact thatall four semifinalists from last yearsstate tournament (St. Michaels,Hope Christian, SFIS and SandiaPrep) are 5AAA foes in 2010.

    The district promises to be equallytough this season, with four schoolsranked in the top five in the NewMexico High School Coaches Asso-

    ciationpreseason poll.Still, not all is well with thissetup.I am not too thrilledwith the new

    alignment, Elks head coach JoeyTrujillo says. But it is what it is, andwe just got to do it.

    Trujillos consternation stems from

    his program being the only one thatis not a private or a boarding school.The reasons why it happened haverun rampant.

    You hear different rumors, Tru-jillo says. You hear that we were putin there so that the NMAA couldnt

    be accused of creating an all-privateschooldistrict.

    The NMAAhas been on recordsaying distance and traveling costswere at the root of the decision, andTrujillo admitsthat its an easier bustrip to Albuquerque (roughly 90 min-utes) versus going to Raton (about3

    12 hours). The otherbenefit for the

    Elks could come in the postseason.The way it affects the program is

    that, in the long run, you get better byplaying better teams, Trujillo says.In the long run, it will make us bet-ter.

    The musical chairs game wasntgermane only to the bigger classes. InAA, the jumbling might leave someheads scratching. Gone are Questa,Escalante, McCurdy and Coronado toA, and Mesa Vista moves into a dis-trict (7AA) dominated by the JemezValley schools (Cuba and JemezVal-ley, along with Dulce).

    What was once 4AA Mora,Pecos, Santa Fe Prep and Monte delSol was renamed 2AA, andaddedto the mix are Romeros Panthers.That adds another layer of intensityfor Peasco to already existing AA

    enmity with Mora and Pecos. As ifthe fans of the Rangers needed anymore fodder, Romero coached atMora for 13 years before being firedin 2009 despite winning two statetitles.

    To boot, Romero still lives in town.Itll be a little bit different,

    Romero says. We went there lastyear (a 91-61Panthers win in Decem-

    ber) and it was pretty intense. I cantimaginewhat it will be like now.

    Amid all the intrigue of a newdistrict is the passing of an old one.What was once one of the toughestdistrict in AA was 3AA. The group-ing of Mesa Vista, Peasco, McCurdySchool and Questa created an intensedistrict season, one that often wasnot settleduntil the final week of theseason.

    Peasco benefited from thechanges, while Mesa Vista finds itselfin a district not nearly as competitive.The same could be said of McCurdy,

    which is in a three-team District 4Awith Escalante and Coronado.

    Meanwhile, Questa finds itselfgoing into the teeth of Class As

    best in 1A, where it is teamed withSpringer, Des Moinesand Cimar-ron. Springer was the A runner-upin 2009 anda semifinalist in March,while Des Moines enters this seasonranked fifth. Questa, which is No. 9 inthe poll, will find thedistrict goingsno easierthan it didin AA.

    Its funny because I was talking to(former Wildcats head coach) LarryKing, who I assisted, Cruz ChavezIII, Questas first-year head coach,says. I told him, Imleaving MesaVista and Peasco, who are rankedpretty highin AA (sixth and eighth),and I am going to Springer (third inA) and Des Moines. So, were stillgoing to play some good teams.

    What might benefit Chavez andthe rest of the North is a changeto the small-school state tournamentformat.

    This will be the first seasonthesmall schoolshave an at-large bidsystem that the big schools enjoy.

    While the district champion(regular season and/or tournament,if they are won by different teams)get berths into the tournament, theremaining slots willbe filled by at-large teams.

    The new system eliminates pres-sure from the drama-filled districttournaments in which a strong sea-son could end prematurely if a teamdidnt make the championship.

    In my opinion, that is a big plusfor us, Romero says. Now, threeteams (from a district) couldpoten-tially make the tournament, versuswhere one good team had to stayhome in the oldformat.

    Thank Romeros old rival inQuesta to provide a crystal-clearexample. The Wildcats have posteda 69-39 mark over the past four sea-sons, yet made only one state tourna-ment appearance.

    In a season of change, that might

    prove to be the best adjustment.

    Contact James Barron at 986-3045or [email protected].

    Girls Double-edged sword slicesopinions downthemiddle inseason of realignment

    Boys Season of changereunites school rivalries and creates alteredstateofmatchups


    Santa Fe IndianSchool conquered allworlds big and small asit grabbed last seasonsClass AAA state title.The reigning statechampionencounters adifferent set of obsta-cles as the Lady Bravesadjust to a new district(5AAA), and the bullseye on their back.


    The District 2AAA sceneis slightly different forthe Lady Dons of WestLas Vegas. WithoutPojoaque Valley, SantaFe Indian School andSt. Michaels, West LasVegas is the odds-onfavorite to be the dis-trict champion. But theLady Dons have muchhigher aspirations like changing the colorof their state trophy tochampionship blue.



    St. Michaels and Albuquerque Hope Christian have been among thetop Class AAA programs in the state for the past five years. The Horse-men and Huskies are now District 5AAA rivals, and they are a part of thereason the district is not just one of the best in AAA but in the state.


    D-2 THE NEW MEXICAN Saturday, November 20, 2010

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    HOOPS 2010-2011


    JonathonRodriguezforward, Capital

    The 6-2 senior aver-aged 10 points and 5rebounds per gamein 2009-10, but hewill be asked to carrymore of the load.Rodriguez has a niceblend of outsideshooting and the abil-ity to attack the bas-ket. He, like the rest ofthe Jaguars, focusedon getting stronger,especially after hesuffered a separatedshoulderin the ClassAAAA quarterfinalsagainst AlbuquerqueVolcano Vista.

    RodneyColesguard, Espaola ValleyDubbed Rocket by head coach Richard Martinez,the 5-foot-7 senior has been a blur to opposingdefenses. His ability to attack the basket and knockdown free throws allowed him to score 17 points pergame last season. He also dished out 7 assists andgrabbed 3 steals on average as he was a first-teamAll-State player in Class AAAA. Barring injury, thereslittle doubt he will repeat that honor.

    LukeSalazarguard, Pojoaque ValleyThe 5-7 junior was the Elks best scoring punch, as he slashed and shothis way to a 17 points-per-game average. He also showed he could a littlebit of everything, as he managed 2.2 rebounds, 2.7 assists and made 2.8steals for Pojoaque.

    MichaelQuinonezpost, New Mexico School for the Deaf

    Hes been a big presence for the Roadrunners since he was a fresh-man, and he should cast a very large shadow as a 6-3 senior. Heled the team with 16.6 points and 11.4 rebounds per game. Withhim, the Roadrunners should be a contender in District 1B.

    OrlandoEchavepost, Santa Fe High

    The name doesnt ring a bell, does it? Of course not.Hes a 6-5 senior transfer from Phoenix, but he wasa key player at Carl Hayden High School. He aver-aged a little more than 5 points and 6 rebounds percontest, so expect those numbers to increase withthe Demons.

    D-4 THE NEW MEXICAN Saturday, November 20, 2010






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    HOOPS 2010-2011

    JenineCoriz guard, Santa Fe Indian SchoolCoriz, left, isnt just the best point guard in the North; she is thebest overall player. The 5-foot-4 senior averaged 14 points, 4.8assists and 4.5 steals per game to lead the Lady Braves to the ClassAAA state title. With post Lakeshia Padilla likely gone for the seasonwith a knee injury, it will be up to the diminutive Coriz to carry SFISto a second straight title.

    VanessaLuceroforward, West Las Vegas

    The 5-11 senior, right, was thethird wheel in the Lady Donsattack last season, behindMartinez and graduate Linda

    Esquibel. Still, she averaged13 points, 11 rebounds and3 blocks per game. Lucerorecovered quickly from a tornanterior cruciate ligament inthe summer, which is goodsince she will counted on tocarry a heavier load.

    AlexaChavezforward, St. Michaels

    Chavez,left, a 6-0 junior, blos-somed inthelowpostfortheLady Horsemen,averaging 12pointsand 9 reboundsper con-test. She alsopossesses goodpassing skills, as she dishedout3 assists pergame. With

    SFIS LakeshiaPadillaout witha knee injury, Chavezis thepre-mier post in District 5AAA.

    MirandaMartinez guard, West Las VegasMartinez is the best point guard in Class AAA not named Coriz, butshe is as valuable to the Lady Dons. Martinez was second on the teamin scoring with 15 points per game, but she also averaged 4 steals and8 assists a night.


    Chelsea Visarraga,guard, PeascoVisarraga, a 5-foot-8 junior, aver-aged 11.2 points as a sophomore,while also grabbing 4.5 reboundsand dishing out 3.5 assists.

    Dominique Vigil-Lovato,guard, CapitalVigil-Lovato, a 5-4 senior, led theteam in scoring (17.2 points pergame) and assists (8), while alsoaveraging 6 rebounds to boot.

    Justine Vigil, wing,Espaola ValleyVigil was the second-leadingscorer for the Lady Sundevils(16.2 points per game), and the5-6 senior will be their go-toplayer after the graduation ofNisa Duran.

    Desiree Howie, forward,Espaola ValleyThe 5-8 junior forward representsthe Lady Sundevils most effec-tive frontcourt player, and willimprove her 7.2 points and 5.7rebounds per-game averages.

    Estrella Flores, wing,Desert AcademyIt seems like the 5-6 junior hasplayed an integral role for the

    Lady Wildcats for years, becauseshe has since the eighth grade.As a sophomore, she led the teamwith 19 points per game.


    Gerrick Romero, guard,PeascoRomero can do it all for the Pan-thers. The 5-6 senior led the teamin scoring (14.4 PPG), steals (4per contest) and assists (4.4).

    Antonio Garcia, guard,St. MichaelsGarcia, a 5-8junior, made themost ofhis playing time ina largeHorsemenrotation, scoring 10.9points per gamewhile alsohitting82.5 percent ofhis free throws.

    Daniel Van Essen, forward,Santa Fe PreparatoryThe 6-4 junior took a giant leapforward last year with his 17.9points-per-game average. Hecould reach double figures inrebounding (he averaged 9.4 lastseason).

    Justin Bustos, forward,Las Vegas RobertsonThe6-3 junior forward already hasaccumulated morethan 1,000pointsin hiscareer. Heshouldimproveon lastyearstotals(16points, 6 reboundsper contest).

    Aaron Vogel, forward,Monte del SolHe was the one in Monte delSols formidable one-two scor-ing punch with Dennis Mares.Vogel, 6-1 senior, scored 20.6points and grabbed 8 reboundsper game last year.

    KassandraTapia forward, Las Vegas RobertsonTapia might have had one of the best under-the-radar seasons of any player in ClassAAA. Despite averaging 17 points and 9 rebounds per game, the 5-foot-10 seniorfailed to even crack the All-District 2AAA lineup lasts season. Not first team. Notsecond team. Its safe to assume shell make it this season, barring an injury.

    Saturday, November 20, 2010 THE NEW MEXICAN D-5


  • 8/8/2019 Hoops 2010


    HOOPS 2010-2011

    DominiqueVigil-Lovato, 5-4, senior;Sarah Romero, 5-9, senior; StephanieOellien,5-9, junior; Ashley Sorensen, 6-0, sophomore; Marissa Danielson, 5-8,senior; Shantel Kilkenny, 5-6, senior.Top newcomers: Amber Adams, 5-10,sophomore.In their words: Im not going to waitfor a second year to get a programbuilt, coach Gonzales says. I amlooking to certainly make some noisein the district this year. The girls areused to playing with each other andI have seen that on the court. We donot plan on having that one-year lag,waiting until everyone gets to know

    each other. We want to be there thefirst year.

    LOSALAMOSLADYHILLTOPPERSHead coach: Tarah Logan(third season)Last season: 20-11, 6-2 District2AAAAReturning letterwinners: KristinaRadosevich, 5-foot-7, senior; KamilleChavez, 5-2, senior.Top Newcomers: Monika Teter,5-foot-10, junior; Christine Larribas,5-9, junior; Marissa Higdon, 5-9, junior;Anna Scott, 5-5, sophomore; Erin Kirk,5-9, sophomore; Hayley Each, 6-0,freshman; McKenzie Logan, 5-6, fresh-man.In their words: We have so manynew faces to our team this year,coach Logan says, and all of themhave been working hard in the off-season to take their game to the next

    level. Consequently, they all have thepotential to have a huge impact on oursuccess.

    ESPAOLAVALLEYLADYSUNDEVILSHead coach: Ron Drake (fourth sea-son)Last season: 26-5 overall, 7-1 District2AAAAReturning letterwinners: JustineVigil, 5-foot-6, senior; Desiree Howie,5-8, junior; Lauren Quintana, 5-8, soph-omore; Amanda Maestas, 5-8, sopho-more; Laura Duran, 5-3, junior; ReynaDe La Cruz, 5-2, sophomore; CassieTrujillo, 5-6, sophomore.Top newcomers: Lilly Martinez, 5-10,freshman; Janica Flores, 5-10, junior;Krista Bustos, 5-5, sophomore; LexusSalazar, 5-6, sophomore.In their words: The key to our suc-cess will be hard work and playingtogether because we are a very young

    team with only one senior, coachDrake says. So we got to pick up theleadership, and just help the youth out.The youth are good ball players; wejust got to get the chemistry going.

    DISTRICT5AAASANTAFE INDIANSCHOOLLADYBRAVESHead coach: Cindy Roybal(third season)Last season: 23-6 overall, 8-2 District2AAAReturning letterwinners: JenineCoriz, 5-foot-2, senior; Justina Coriz,5-2, sophomore; Jessica Tsosie, 5-8,senior; Danielle Nelson, 5-11, forward,Jasmine Felipe, 5-7, guard, LakeshiaPadilla, 6-0, senior.Top newcomers: Tamara Jim, 5-4,sophomore; Nicole Lesansee, 5-6,junior.

    In their words: A new district doesntchange the fact that SFIS is an AAAheavyweight once again. Roybal saidits safe to assume the Lady Braves willstumble a few times in the early goingbut, as she said, its how you finishrather than how you start. Well bethere, coach Roybal said. Id be crazyif I didnt think that.

    POJOAQUEVALLEYELKETTESHead coach: Juan Pepe Alvarado(first season)Last season: 19-11 overall, 6-2 District2AAAReturning letterwinners: Liz Gomez,6-foot-2, senior; Kiana Vigil, 5-8,senior; Alyssa Roybal, 5-4, sophomore;Amber Roybal, 5-4, junior.Top newcomers: Cheyenne Cordova,5-7, sophomore.In their words: Alvarado inherits arich and deep program left behind by

    previous coach Lanse Carter.

    I couldplay 22 girls on the varsity, coachAlvarado says. With the success theyhave had here, the goal isnt to wingames; its to win a state champion-ship.

    DISTRICT 2AAALASVEGASROBERTSONLADYCARDINALSHead coach: Aunna Bradley (eighthseason)Last season: 11-16 overall, 3-7 District2AAAReturning letterwinners: KassandraTapia, 5-foot-10, senior; Marka Garcia,5-8, senior; Eliana Herrera, 5-0, senior;Jamie Allen, 5-7, sophomore; MirandaGarcia, 5-6, senior; Shannen Lopez,5-8, junior.Top newcomers: Kendra Montoya,5-5, sophomore; Natasha Lujan, 5-4,junior; Jolene Martinez, 5-7, junior.In their words: Our expectationswere extremely high at the start oflast year but we wound up losing twoplayers with ACLs, another to ankle

    surgery, another to grades, coachBradley says. If we can stay healthy Ithink well be OK.

    TAOSLADY TIGERSHead coach: Robert Trujillo(seventh season)Last season: 11-16 overall, 3-5 District2AAAAReturning letterwinners: GabbyGarcia, 4-foot-11, junior; Brittany Gon-zales, 5-2, junior; Marissa Mares, 5-2,junior; Monica Trujillo, 5-4, senior; Van-essa Valerio, 5-7, senior; Cindy Hoang,5-1, senior; Camille Rivera, 5-1, senior.Top newcomers: Marisol Martinez,5-5, sophomore; Elizabeth Martinez,5-5, sophomore; Elizabeth Winter, 5-7,sophomore.In their words: Trujillo cant coachsize and he knows it. Thats why its nosecret the Lady Tigers will be a guard-oriented team that leans heavily on itstransition game and perimeter shoot-ing. Our strength, coach Trujillo says,is going to be our speed and depth.

    DISTRICT 2AASANTAFE PREPARATORYBLUEGRIFFINSHead coach: Anika Amon (secondseason)Last season: 12-12 overall, 2-4 District4AAReturning letterwinners: OliviaCicci, 5-foot-5, sophomore; MadelineFort, 5-9, sophomore; Dominique Ehrl,6-0, junior; Sarah Ihlfeld, 5-7, freshman;Santana Bartholomew, 5-4, sopho-more.Top newcomers: Samantha Croy, 5-7,freshman; Meggie Stone, 5-4, fresh-man.In their words: We have an athleticbunch and plan to use their athleti-cism to our advantage, coach Amonsays. Our primary five are very strongand could potentially surprise some

    people. We are looking forward to howour youth handles pressure and whatupsets we can pull off in the comingmonths.

    MONTEDELSOLLADYDRAGONSHead coach: Lucy Lindley(first season)Last season: 3-17 overall, 0-6 District2AAReturning letterwinners: AlysiaLujan, 5-foot-10, sophomore; CaylaMontoya, 5-6, sophomore; Alicia Rael,5-6, freshman; Amelia Gutierrez, 5-11,sophomore; Pennie Soto, 5-5, sopho-more; Jennifer Gutierrez, 5-8, junior.Top newcomers: Kariann Ortega, 5-7,junior; Audrianna Montao, 5-6, sopho-more; Mariah Johnson, 5-6, freshman.In their words: My young team willsurprise a bunch of people with theway they get after folks on defense,coach Lindley says. We are going to

    play hard and get better every day. Ourkey to success is to push the ball andlimit turnovers.


    Head coach: Benny Gallegos(fifth season)Last season: 16-13 overall, 4-2 District4AAReturning letterwinners: Yeshema-

    bet Turner, 5-foot-6, senior; BriannaGallegos, 5-8, senior; Amber Rouge-mont, 5-5, senior; Amanda Sanchez,5-8, senior; Brittany Gallegos, 5-9,junior; Mariah Maestas, 5-5, junior;Arlene Quintana, 5-4, junior.Top newcomers: Vivian Valencia, 5-4,sophomore; Nicole Armijo, 5-1, sopho-more; Diamond Montao, 5-8, sopho-more; Miranda Gonzales, 5-7, senior.In their words: We have a lot of girlsback that played a lot of basketball,coach Gallegos says. We have anothertough team in Peasco joining the dis-trict. The title is up for whoever wantsit between us, Peasco and Mora, butwere expecting to get to the finaleight at state.

    PEASCOLADYPANTHERSHead coach: David Sanchez (secondseason)Last season: 23-7 overall, 6-0 District3AAReturning letterwinners: Lexy Tru-jillo, 5-foot-7 senior; Kim Vigil,5-6 senior; Amy Rendon, 5-4, senior;Chelsea Visarraga, 5-8, junior; Melanie

    Gonzales, 5-5, junior; Felicia Lopez, 5-5,junior; Pam Lopez, 5-4, junior; AbigailSoto, 6-1, junior; Marcella Sanchez, 5-10, sophomore.Top newcomers: Vanessa Roybal,5-7, sophomore; Shannon Medina, 5-5,sophomore.In their words:Witha talentedclassofjuniors andseniors, we are hopingtobuild on theexperiencegained lastseason, coachSanchezsays. Ifwe canunderstand how important our defenseis to triggering our transition and offen-sivesets, we will be successful.

    MORARANGERETTESHead coach: David Salcido (secondseason)

    Last season: 18-10, 6-0 District 2AAReturning letterwinners: MoniqueDuran, 5-7, senior; Franceska Alexander,5-8, senior; Andrea Romero,5-6, junior.Top newcomers: Angel Valencia, 5-0, junior; Brianna Abeyta, 5-6, junior;Chantel Rivera, 5-5, sophomore; Feli-sha Martinez, 5-5, junior.In their words: Our goal is to getto Albuquerque, coach Salcido says.We have the talent to get there, butour problem is were not very big. Itsgoing to come down to our condition-ing and how bad we want it. We haveto execute and work hard.

    DISTRICT 7AAMESAVISTALADYTROJANSHead coach: James Branch (first sea-son)Last season: 20-5 overall, 4-2 District3AAReturning letterwinners: CarmelitaTrujillo, 5-foot-8, senior; Muriah Dean,5-7, senior; Julia Martinez, 5-8, senior.Top newcomers: Larissa Pea, 5-3,sophomore; Brandy Valdez, 5-7, sopho-more; Selina Sequiros, 5-9, freshman.In their words: Adapting to a newsystem quickly while enhancingtheircurrent strengths, which include anoutstanding attitude and desire tocompete and excel at the next level,coach Branch says. We also need todevelop the bench, which is young, sothat they can provide relief from theexperienced returnees and make apositive contributionon both ends ofthe floor when they go in the game.


    QUESTA LADYWILDCATSHead coach: Miguel Romero(fourth season)Last season: 5-22 overall, 2-4 District3AAReturning letterwinners: NicoleSanchez, 5-foot-8, senior; GabrielaQuintana, 5-3, senior; Kayla Trujillo,5-6, senior; Deanda Chavez, 5-5, junior;Santana Ortiz, 5-5, junior; AndreaRomero, 5-5, junior; Alleya Gonzales,5-4, sophomore; Erika Chavez, 5-5,sophomore.Top newcomers: Nayesa Maldonado,5-6, sophomore; Deanna Aragon, 5-5freshman; Rose Archuleta, 5-6, fresh-man; Briana Ortega, 5-5, freshman;Britteny Cisneros, 5-3, freshman;Audrey Romero, 5-1, freshman.In their words: Im kinda of excitedabout the season, coach Romerosays. Were small, were young but its

    going to be a learning experience formyself and for them.

    DISTRICT 2ADESERTACADEMYLADYWILDCATSHead coach: Gerald Lovato(first season)Last season: 18-9 overall, 6-0 District2AReturning letterwinners: EstrellaFlores, 5-foot-6, junior; Isadora Cidral,5-6, junior; Luna Redondo-Campiglio,5-8, freshman.Top newcomers: Lea Colligs, 5-10,sophomore; Chloe Clemens, 5-1, fresh-man; Tori Heath, 5-7, eighth grade;Gabriella Medina, 5-4, junior; Jennifer

    Usner, 5-2, eighth grade; Emma Rios,5-2, freshman; Francis OBurn, 5-3,freshman.In their words: Were a very youngteam, but thats one of the reasonsI came here, coach Lovato said. Iwanted to take a team and build it theway I wanted to. A lot of these kids arereally young, but theyre learning fast.Its fun.

    DISTRICT4AMCCURDYSCHOOL LADYBOBCATSHead coach: Ray Roybal (secondseason)Last season: 1-25 overall, 0-6 District3AAReturning letterwinners: IsabelGarcia 5-foot-6, senior; JacquelineMaestas, 5-3, junior; Alana Sanchez,5-2, freshman; Miah Martinez, 5-2,freshman.Top newcomers: Marisa Griego 5-5,senior; Madison Woelfel, 5-10, junior;Jordan Bustos, 5-4, sophomore; ElianaGriego, 5-1, freshman; Patricia Loera,5-3, eighth grade.In their words: Our intention now isto be more aggressive and competi-tive than what we were last season,coach Roybal says. This year, we havesize and quickness and we want to usethat to our advantage. We are puttinglast season to rest and just workingtowards bringing the pride back toMcCurdy basketball.

    ESCALANTELADYLOBOSHead coach: Tara Terrazas-Martinez(second season)Last season: 13-14 overall, 2-4 District2AA.Returning letterwinners: AnnahMartinez, 5-foot-6, senior; ArneshiaAvalos, 5-3, senior; Shawn Garcia, 5-9,

    senior; Lynette Baca, 5-0, senior; Abi-gail Martinez, 5-2, sophomore.Top newcomers: Cheyenne Law, 5-11,freshman; Anna Daggett, 5-8, sopho-more; Monica Abeyta, 5-5, sophomore;Honoria Andrews, 5-6, sophomore;Karissa Sandoval, 5-0, sophomore.In their words:The key tooursuc-cess will be ourguard play, coach Ter-razas-Martinez said. Because we donthave theexperienceI would like inside,ourguards andsmall forwardswillhavetobe tenaciouson ourpress.We willhave to play a fast,but controlled game.Ourquickness in ourbackcourt will givea lotof teamsfitsthisyear.


    Last season: 13-10 overall, 2-4 Dis-trict 2A.Returning letterwinners: CaldoniaWilding, 5-foot-9, junior; Rosina Garcia,5-6, sophomore; Mia Fernandez, 5-4,senior.Top newcomers: Amberley Luna, 5-5,freshman; Maria Elena Rendon, 5-5,eighth grade.In their words: This season bringsan interesting mix of old and new play-ers, coach Perez writes in an e-mail.The team will have experience com-bined with rawness. Success for thisyear, to me, will mean that the teamcomes together, uses each othersskills to the maximum, and has effi-cient offense and defense.

    SANTAFEWALDORFLADYWOLVESHead coach: J. Anthony Gonzales(first season).Last season: 1-14 overall, 0-7 District2A.Returning letterwinners: SophiaRichard, 5-foot-7, sophomore; GabriellaAvivi, 5-3, sophomore.Top newcomers: Adrienne Gonzales,5-3, freshman; Katie Loy, 5-8, junior;Tami Avivi, 5-1, freshman; Keifer Nace,5-5, eighth-grader.In their words:Ourfocus this yearwill be to stay competitive with ourdis-trict, coach Gonzalessays.Our sopho-moresare thestrength ofthe teamand, hopefully, theybring the youngerplayers along quick enoughto makethebestof ourseason.Thisyearsteamwill only consist of eight players andinorderto be successful, wewill need toworkhard and stay healthy.


    Feb. 27: Pairings for boys and girlstournaments are announced.March 4: Girls first-round games inA-AAAAA.

    March 5: Boys first-round games inA-AAAAA.March 8-12: Boys and Girls state tour-nament in Class B-AAAAA.


    DISTRICT 2AAAWESTLASVEGASLADYDONSHead coach: Jose Medina (eighth season)Last season: 28-5 overall, 7-3 District 2AAAReturning letterwinners: Miranda Martinez, 5-foot-5, senior; VanessaLucero, 5-11, senior; Briana Montao, 5-5, senior; Megan Martinez, 5-7,senior; Michelle Montao, 6-0, junior.Top newcomers: Michelle Tapia, 5-10, sophomore; Cecilia Gutierrez,5-6, sophomore; Alyzza Cordova, 5-8, sophomore; Maya Roybal, 5-10,sophomore.In their words:We were much more of an up-and-down, pressingteam that used speed and quickness last year, coach Medina says.With our size were going to be more of a half-court team this year. Ireally like the combination.


    DISTRICT5AAAST.MICHAELS LADYHORSEMENHead coach: Martin Romero (fifth season)Last season: 16-15 overall, 4-6 District 2AAAReturning letterwinners: Hanna Padilla, 5-foot-8, senior; AlexaChavez, 6-0, junior; Brittany Quintana, 5-1, senior; Monique Romero, 5-7,junior; Lauren Blea, 5-10, senior; Renee Rivera, 5-9, senior; Karina Bel-tran-Jacquez, senior.Top newcomers: The entire JV team from last season.In their words:Weve got some size and weve got experience, coachRomero says. I wouldnt be surprised to see the same final four fromlast year getting back again in March.


    D-6 THE NEW MEXICAN Saturday, November 20, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Hoops 2010


    HOOPS 2010-2011

    BOYSSCHEDULESSANTAFEHIGHNovember23 Abq. West Mesa 7 p.m.December2 -4 a t A l A rm en da ri z Cl as si c T BA7 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.9-11 C apital C ity I nv itatio na l T BA17 St. Michaels 7 p.m.18 Grants 7 p.m.January7 Abq. Cibola 7 p.m.8 at Valencia 7 p.m.13 A bq. San dia P repa ra to ry 7 p.m.15 at Abq. High 7 p.m.19 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.22 Los Alamos 7 p.m.25 at Taos 7 p.m.28 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.2 9 Ab q. Vo lcan o Vi st a 7 p .m .February2 Capital 7 p.m.5 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.8 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.

    16 Bernalillo 7 p.m.19 at Capital 7 p.m.

    CAPITALNovember19 at Moriarty 7 p.m.3 0 at Po joa qu e Val le y 7 p .m .December2- 4 Al A rm en da ri z Cl ass ic TB A7 Valencia 7 p.m.9-11 at Capital City Invitational TBA21 St. Michaels 7 p.m.January6 at Taos 7 p.m.7 Ri o Ra nch o Cl eve lan d 7 p .m .12 at Abq. Del Norte 7 p.m.14 at Abq. Academy 7 p.m.18 Grants 7 p.m.22 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.25 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.28 Los Alamos 7 p.m.February2 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.5 at Abq. St. Pius X 2 p.m.8 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.11 Bernalillo 7 p.m.16 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.19 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.

    ST.M ICHAELSDecember1 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.3 at Abq. St. Pius X 7 p.m.

    9 -1 1 a t C ap it al C it y i nv it e T BA1 4 B er na li ll o 7 p .m .17 a t San ta Fe H igh 7 p.m.21 at Capital 7 p.m.28-30 a t C lo vis I nv itatio na l T BAJanuary5 L as Ve gas Ro be rt son 7 p .m .7 at Socorro 7 p.m.13-15 St. Michaels Invitational TBA20 Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.2 2 at Po joa qu e Val le y 7 p .m .2 5 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .29 Taos 7 p.m.February3 a t A bq . H op e C hr is ti an 7 p .m .5 at Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.8 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.11 a t San ta Fe I ndia n Sch oo l 7 p.m.15 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.1 9 Ab q. Ho pe C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .

    SANTA FE INDIANSCHOOLNovember22 at Los Lunas 7 p.m.29 Thoreau 7 p.m.December2-4 Taos Invitational TBA7 L as Ve gas Ro be rt son 7 p .m .9 -1 1 Gra nts I nv ita ti on al TB A15 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.17 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.18 at Newcomb 7 p.m.January11 Aztec 7 p.m.13 Piedra Vista 7 p.m.14 at Laguna Acoma 7 p.m.15 at Bloomfield 7 p.m.17 Wingate 7 p.m.18 a t Las Vega s R oberts on 7 p.m.20 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.25 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.28 at Abq. Hope Christian 7 p.m.February3 A bq. San dia P repa ra to ry 7 p.m.5 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.11 St. Michaels 7 p.m.15 at Abq. Sandia Preparatory 7 p.m.1 7 Ab q. Ho pe C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .

    SANTAFE PREPARATORYNovember20 NACA 7:30 p.m.27 at Escalante 5:30 p.m.3 0 Ev an ge l C hr is ti an 7: 30 p .m .December2-4 at Border Shootout TBA7 at B os qu e S ch oo l 6 :3 0 p .m .10 NACA TBAJanuary3 Desert Academy 6 p.m.6 Questa 6:30 p.m.8 at Jemez Valley 6:30 p.m.11 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.13 Escalante 6:30 p.m.15 at Springer 6:30 p.m.20 East Mountain 6:30 p.m.22 at Coronado 3:30 p.m.

    25 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.28 Peasco 7 p.m.31 Mora 7 p.m.February4 at Pecos 7 p.m.7 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.10 at Peasco 7 p.m.14 at Mora 7 p.m.18 Pecos 7 p.m.

    MONTEDELSOLNovember23 Questa 6 p.m.27 Santa Fe Waldorf 2 p.m.December3-4 Bosque Shootout TBA6 a t S an ta F e W al do rf 6 :3 0 p .m .8 Coronado 5:30 p.m.11 Evangel Christian 2 p.m.16 at N.M. School for Deaf 5:30 p.m.20 McCurdy School 3 p.m.22 East Mountain 3 p.m.2 8-3 0 a t Tr i- Ci ti es t ou rn ey T BAJanuary5 at Desert Academy 5:3010 at East Mountain 7 p.m.15 Abq. South Valley 2 p.m.1 8 a t N .M . S ch oo l f or D ea f 7 p .m .21 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.25 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.28 Mora 7 p.m.31 at Pecos 7 p.m.February

    2 Peasco 7 p.m.7 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.10 at Mora 7 p.m.14 Pecos 7 p.m.16 at Peasco 7 p.m.

    DESERTACADEMYNovember17 at South Valley 6 p.m.22 at Maxwell 5 p.m.2 9 at Ea st M ou nta in 6 :3 0 p .m .December6 at Jemez Valley 6:30 p.m.7 at NMSD 6 p.m.16-18 a t A bq. M en au l tou rn ey T BAJanuary3 at Santa Fe Prep 6:30 p.m.5 Monte del Sol (at GCCC) 5:30 p.m.8 East Mountain (at NMSD)4:30 p.m.12 at Abq. Menaul 6:30 p.m.1 5 at Al am o N ava jo 4 :3 0 p .m .22 S.F. Waldo rf (at N MSD) 6 p.m.25 at ToHajiilee 6:30 p.m.29 Mountainair (at NMSD) 3:30 p.m.February1 Ab q. Me nau l (T BA) 6 :3 0 p .m .5 Alamo Navajo (at NMSD) 3:30 p.m.11 To H ajii lee(at N MSD) 6:3 0 p.m.15 at Mountainair 6 p.m.18 Evan.Christian(atNMSD) 6:30p.m.

    N.M.SCHOOLFORTHEDEAFDecember2 at Vaughn 7:30

    7 Desert Academy 6 p.m.9 -1 1 Roa dr un ne r Cl assi c TB A14 at Walatowa 6 p.m.16 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.January6 -8 a t W ag on M ou nd i nv it e T BA

    11 at Maxwell 5 p.m.18 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.20 Vaughn 7:30 p.m.25 Walatowa 6 p.m.2 7 at Wag on Mo un d 6 :3 0 p .m .February8 a t S an ta F e W al do rf 6 :3 0 p .m .1 0- 12 a t G PS D To ur na me nt T BA15 Wagon Mound 6 p.m.1 7 S an ta Fe Wa ld or f 6 :3 0 p .m .22 Maxwell 5 p.m.

    SANTAFEWALDORFNovember19 Grady 6:30 p.m.27 at Monte del Sol 2 p.m.December3 San Jon 6:30 p.m.4 Clovis Christian 2 p.m.6 Monte del Sol 6:30 p.m.10 at Santa Fe Prep 5 p.m.16-18 at Bugg Light Invitational TBAJanuary6 -8 a t Tr oj an I nv it at io na l T BA13-15 at Mountaineer Invitational TBA18 at Vaughn 6:30 p.m.

    22 at Desert Academy 6 p .m.29 a t M ax well 5 p.m.February4 Wagon Mound 5:30 p.m.5 Vaughn 3:30 p.m.8 N .M . S ch oo l f or D ea f 6 :3 0 p .m .10 Maxwell 6 p.m.12 at Walatowa 1:30 p.m.17 at N.M. School for Deaf 6:30 p.m.19 at Wagon Mound 6 p.m.24 Walatowa 6 p.m.

    PECOS PANTHERSNovember27 Springer 7 p.m.30 at Bo sque Scho ol 5: 30 p.m.December7 Estancia 7 p.m.10 at West La s Vega s 7 p. m.11 Escalante 6:30 p.m.17 at Springer 6:30 p.m.18 at Coronado 6:30 p.m.22 Santa Rosa 7 p.m.28-30 Tri-CitiesTournament TBAJanuary5-8 at NRG TBA1 1 at McCurdy Sc ho ol 7 p. m.21 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.24 Questa 6:3025 at Peasco 7 p.m.31 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.February2 at Mora 7 p.m.

    4 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.7 Peasco 7 p.m.14 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.16 Mora 7 p.m.18 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.

    POJOAQUEVALLEYNovember26 Grants 7 p.m.27 at Mesa Vista 7 p.m.30 Capital 7 p.m.December2 -4 a t A l A rm en da ri z Cl as si c T BA7 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.9 at Los Lunas 7 p.m.14 Socorro 7 p.m.17 Kirtland Central 7 p.m.20-22 Ben Lujn To urna ment T BAJanuary7- 8 at Po rt al es S hoo to ut TB A10 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.13 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.15 Bernalillo 7 p.m.20 a t San ta Fe I ndia n Sch oo l 7 p.m.22 St. Michaels 7 p.m.2 5 Ab q. Ho pe C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .2 8 at A bq . S and ia P re p 7 p .m .February5 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .8 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.1 1 a t A bq . H op e C hr is ti an 7 p .m .17 Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.

    LOSALAMOSNovember2 3 at Ki rt la nd Ce nt ral 7 p. m.27 Piedra Vista 3:3030 at Moriarty 7 p.m.December1 St. Michaels 7 p.m.7 at Belen 7 p.m.9-11 a t A bq. A ca demy tou rn ey T BA20-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBA28-30 a t P oe C orn I nv itatio na l T BAJanuary4 Abq. Volcano Vista 7 p.m.11 at Abq. St. Pius X 7 p.m.13 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.15 Abq. Sandia 5 p.m.19 Bernalillo 7 p.m.22 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.25 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.28 at Capital 7 p.m.February5 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.8 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.11 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.16 Capital 7 p.m.

    ESPAOLA VALLEYNovember1 9 G al lu p ( Ti p- Of f C la ss ic ) 7: 30December2 -4 at Tao s I nvi tat io nal TB A9-11 a t A bq. A ca demy tou rn ey T BA1 7 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .20-21 N.M./Ariz. Challenge(Ariz.) TBA

    28-30 N.M. Oil & Gas Invitational TBAJanuary4 Taos 7 p.m.8 Abq. Hope Christian 7 p.m.15 Abq. Manzano 7 p.m.19 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.22 at Capital 7 p.m.25 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.February2 Bernalillo 7 p.m.5 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.8 Capital 7 p.m.11 Los Alamos 7 p.m.15 St. Michaels 7 p.m.19 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.

    MCCURDY SCHOOLDecember2 -4 at Ma gd al en a tou rn ey TB A7 Espaola Valley JV 7 p.m.17 Dulce 7 p.m.18 East Mountain 7 p.m.20 at Monte del Sol 3 p.m.21 Taos JV 7 p.m.28-30 Tri-Cities To urna ment T BAJanuary11 Pecos 7 p.m.13 Mora 7 p.m.15 Questa 7 p.m.18 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.21 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.22 at Dulce 7 p.m.28 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.February4 at Escalante 7 p.m.9 Coronado 7 p.m.15 Escalante 7 p.m.18 at Coronado 7 p.m.

    CORONADONovember23 at Mora 6:30December3-4 at Rehoboth Christian Invit. TBA7 Cuba 6:308 Monte del Sol 6:309 Walatowa 6 p.m.14 at Dulce 6:3016 at Walatowa 6 p.m.18 Pecos 6:30January4-8 at NRG TBA1 3- 15 a t C ub a I nv it at io na l T BA18 at Mesa Vista 6:3020 Springer 6:3022 Santa Fe Prep 2:3025 Dulce 6:3029 Menaul 8 p.m.February1 Escalante 6:309 at McCurdy School 6:3012 at Escalante 6:3019 McCurdy School 6:30

    PEASCONovember23 at Taos 6:3027 Dulce 6:30December3-4 at Bosque Shootout TBA7 at Mesa Vista 7 p.m.17 at Questa 7 p.m.2 0- 22 a t B en L uj n t ou rn ey T BA

    27-29 at Tri-Cities Tournament TBAJanuary5-8 at NRG TBA15 at Clayton 5 p.m.1 8 Bosque School 6:30 p.m.21 Santa Rosa 6:30 p.m.25 Pecos 7 p.m.28 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.February2 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.4 Mora 7 p.m.7 at Pecos 7 p.m.10 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.16 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.18 at Mora 7 p.m.

    MESAVISTANovember24 at Escalante 6:30 p.m.27 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.December2 -4 at Ta os I nvi tat io nal TB A7 Peasco 7 p.m.9 Questa 6:30 p.m.17 Escalante 6:30 p.m.20-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBA

    30 at Bosque School 5 p.m.January5-8 at NRG TBA14 at Questa 7 p.m.18 Coronado 6:30 p.m.21 at Pecos 7 p.m.28 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.29 at Mora 7 p.m.February1 at Jemez Valley 7 p.m.5 at Cuba 7 p.m.9 Dulce 6:30 p.m.11 Jemez Valley 7 p.m.19 at Dulce 2:30 p.m.

    ESCALANTENovember20 at Cuba 6:30 p.m.24 Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.27 Santa Fe Prep 5:30 p.m.December2 -4 at Ta os I nvi tat io nal TB A10 Questa 6:30 p.m.11 at Pecos 6:30 p.m.17 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.21 at Dulce 7 p.m.23 Mora 5:30 p.m.27-29 at Tri-Cities Tournament TBAJanuary5-8 at NRG TBA1 3 at S ant a Fe Pre p 6 :3 0 p .m .21 Cuba 5 p.m.22 at Questa 6:30 p.m.

    28 Dulce 7 p.m.February1 at Coronado 6:30 p.m.4 McCurdy School 6:30 p.m.12 Coronado 7 p.m.1 5 a t M cC ur dy S ch oo l 6 :3 0 p .m .

    LASVEGAS ROBERTSONNovember27 at Newcomb 7 p.m.December2 -4 at Ta os I nvi tat io nal TB A7 a t San ta Fe I ndia n Sch oo l 7 p.m.9-11 at Abq. Sandia Prep tourney TBA16 Tucumcari 7 p.m.28-30 Stu C la rk To urna ment T BAJanuary5 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.8 Socorro 7 p.m.11 Bernalillo 7 p.m.13 at Tucumcari 7 p.m.1 8 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .20 Estancia 7 p.m.22 at Santa Rosa 7 p.m.February1 Taos 7 p.m.4 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.10 Raton 7 p.m.12 at Taos 7 p.m.1 5 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.18 at Raton 7 p.m.

    WESTLAS VEGASNovember27 Wingate 4 p.m.December2 -4 a t A l A lm en da ri z Cl as si c T BA7 at Santa Rosa 7 p.m.10 Pecos 7 p.m.15 a t San ta Fe I ndia n Sch oo l 7 p.m.28-30 at Stu Clark Tournament TBAJanuary7- 8 at Po rt al es S hoo to ut TB A10 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.13-15 at St. Michaels Invitational TBA21 Ruidoso 6 p.m.27 Mora 7 p.m.February1 Raton 7 p.m.4 a t L as Ve ga s R ob er ts on 7 p .m .10 Taos 4 p.m.12 at Raton 7 p.m.1 5 L as Ve ga s Ro be rt son 7 p .m .18 at Taos 7 p.m.

    MORANovember20 at Dulce 7 p.m.23 Coronado 7 p.m.27 at Cimarron 7 p.m.December16 at Springer 7 p.m.18 Clayton 7 p.m.23 at Escalante 7 p.m.27-29 Tri-Cities To urna ment T BAJanuary5-8 at NRG TBA

    1 3 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.15 a t Las Vega s R oberts on 7 p.m.21 at Questa 7 p.m.27 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.28 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.29 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.31 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.February2 Pecos 7 p.m.4 at Peasco 7 p.m.10 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.14 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.16 at Pecos 7 p.m.18 Peasco 7 p.m.

    TAOSNovember23 Peasco 7 p.m.26-27 a t Berna li llo I nv itatio na l T BADecember2-4 Taos Invitational TBA9 -1 1 a t G ra nt s I nv it at io na l T BA20-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBAJanuary4 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.6 Capital 7 p.m.13-15 at Abq. Hope Christian invite TBA25 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.29 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.February1 L as Ve ga s Ro be rt son 7 p .m .4 at Raton 7 p.m.10 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.

    12 a t Las Vega s R oberts on 7 p.m.15 Raton 7 p.m.18 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.

    QUESTANovember23 at Monte del Sol 6 p.m.December2 -4 at Ta os I nvi tat io nal TB A7 at S an L ui s (Col o. ) 6 :3 0 p .m .9 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.10 at Escalante 6:30 p.m.17 Peasco 7 p.m.18 Dulce 3:30 p.m.28 Clayton 2:30 p.m.January6 at Santa Fe Prep 6:30 p.m.8 Taos 7 p.m.14 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.1 5 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.18 Foothills 6:30 p.m.21 Mora 7 p.m.22 Escalante 6:30 p.m.24 at Pecos 6:30 p.m.29 at Dulce 3:30 p.m.February4 at Springer 5:30 p.m.5 Des Moines 6 p.m.11 at Cimarron 5:30 p.m.12 Springer 5:30 p.m.18 at Des Moines 6 p.m.19 Cimarron 5:30 p.m.

    GIRLS SCHEDULESSANTAFEHIGHNovember23 Abq. West Mesa 5 p.m.26-27 a t Berna li llo I nv itatio na l T BA

    December2-4 at Lady Jaguar Invitational TBA7 A bq . H op e C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .9-11 C apital C ity I nv itatio na l T BA16 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.27-29 at Goddard/Roswell tourney TBAJanuary6 Moriarty 7 p.m.13 at Cuba 2 p.m.15 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.18 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.21 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.29 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.February1 at Capital 7 p.m.4 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.9 Los Alamos 7 p.m.15 Bernalillo 7 p.m.18 Capital 7 p.m.

    CAPITALNovember23 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.30 Abq. Academy 7 p.m.December2-4 Lady Jagua r I nv itatio na l T BA

    7 at Valencia 7 p.m.9 Belen 7 p.m.15 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.16 Taos 7 p.m.27-29 at Lady Horsemen Invitational TBAJanuary4 Abq. Del Norte 7 p.m.6 St. Michaels 7 p.m.1 1 R io R an ch o C le ve la nd 7 p .m .18 at Abq. St. Pius X 7 p.m.21 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.26 Bernalillo 7 p.m.29 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.February1 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.3 Moriarty 7 p.m.9 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.12 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.15 Los Alamos 7 p.m.18 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.

    ST.MICH AELSNovember27 Los Alamos 7 p.m.December2-4 at Lady Jaguar Invitational TBA9-11 at Capital City Invitational TBA14 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.16 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.18 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.22 Los Lunas 7 p.m.28-30 Lady Horsemen Invitational TBAJanuary

    4 L as Ve ga s Rob er tson 7 p .m .6 at Capital 7 p.m.8 at Abq. St. Pius X 7 p.m.18 Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.21 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.24 Socorro 7 p.m.2 7 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .February1 a t A bq . H op e C hr is ti an 7 p .m .4 at Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.10 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.12 at Santa Fe Indian 7 p.m.1 8 A bq . H op e C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .

    SANTA FE INDIANSCHOOLNovember19 G allu p (Tip-Of f C la ss ic ) 6 p.m.23 at Valencia 7 p.m.30 Los Lunas 7 p.m.December3 at Zuni 7 p.m.4 Tohatchi 7 p.m.6 L as Ve ga s Rob er tson 7 p .m .9- 11 Gr an ts In vi tat io na l TB A17 Miyamura 7 p.m.18 Shiprock 2 p.m.27-29 Alamogordo Tournament TBAJanuary11 at Piedra Vista 7 p.m.13 a t R io R an ch o C levela nd 7 p.m.18 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.2 1-2 2 Cl ov is Tou rn am en t TB A27 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.2 9 a t A bq . H op e C hr is ti an 7 p .m .

    February1 A bq . S an di a P re pa ra to ry 7 p .m .4 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.12 St. Michaels 7 p.m.1 5 A bq . H op e C hr ist ia n 7 p .m .17 at Abq. Sandia Preparatory 7 p.m.

    SANTAFE PREPARATORYNovember15 Desert Academy 6 p.m.17 at B osq ue S ch ool 6 :3 0 p .m .20 NACA 6 p.m.23 at Questa 7 p.m.27 Escalante 5:30 p.m.30 Evangel Christian 6 p.m.December7 Bosque School 6:30 p.m.10 NACA TBAJanuary5 at Escalante 7 p.m.8 Coronado 6:30 p.m.11 at McCurdy School 4 p.m.15 at Springer 3:30 p.m.18 Bosque School 6:30 p.m.2 0 at Ea st Mou nta in 5 :3 0 p .m .24 Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.27 Peasco 7 p.m.February1 Mora 7 p.m.5 at Pecos 7 p.m.8 at Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.11 at Peasco 7 p.m.15 at Mora 7 p.m.

    19 Pecos 7 p.m.

    MONTEDELSOLNovember20 at Coronado 5 p.m.27 Santa Fe Waldorf noonDecember6 at Santa Fe Waldorf 5 p.m.11 Evangel Christian 11 a.m.13 at South Valley 6:30 p.m.16-18 a t Bugg Lite I nv itatio na l T BA2 0 Mc Cur dy S ch ool 1 :3 0 p .m .22 East Mountain 11:30 a.m.January3 at Ti er ra En ca nt ad a 6 p .m .4 Deser t Academy 5:30 p.m.10 at Ea st Mou nta in 5 :3 0 p .m .11 a t N .M . Sch oo l f or Dea f 5 :3 0 p.m.13 a t E va ngel C hris tian 5 :3 0 p.m.1 5 A bq . S ou th Va ll ey 1 2: 30 p .m .18 at N.M. School for Deaf 5:30 p.m.2 1 a t M cC ur dy S ch oo l 5 :3 0 p .m .24 at S ant a Fe Pre p 5 :3 0 p .m .27 Mora 7 p.m.February1 at Pecos 7 p.m.3 Peasco 7 p.m.8 Santa Fe Prep 5:30 p.m.11 at Mora 5 p.m.15 Pecos 7 p.m.17 at Peasco 7 p.m.


    November1 5 at S ant a Fe Pre p 7: 30 p .m .23 at McCurdy 6 p.m.29 at Ea st Mou nta in 6 :3 0 p .m .December3 C or on ad o ( at N MS D) 6 :3 0 p .m .6 at Jemez Valley 6:30 p.m.7 at NMSD 6 p.m.1 1 Tse Y i G ai (a t N MS D) 6 p .m .16-18 at Abq. Menaul Tournament TBAJanuary4 M on te d el S ol ( at G CC C) 7 p .m .7 S pr in ge r (a t N MS D) 6 :3 0 p .m .12 at Abq. Menaul 6:30 p.m.15 at Alamo Navajo 3 p.m.18 a t E va ngel C hris tian 6:3 0 p.m.2 2 W al do rf ( at N MS D) 4 :3 0 p .m .25 at ToHajiilee 5 p.m.29 M ou ntaina ir (at N MSD) 2 p.m.February1 Abq. Menaul (TBA) 5 p.m.5 A la mo N av aj o ( at N MS D) 2 p .m .1 1 To H aj ii le e (a t N MS D) 5 p .m .15 at Mountainair 4:30 p.m.18 Evangel Christian 5 p.m.

    N.M.SCHOOLFORTHEDEAFDecember2 at Vaughn 6 p.m.7 Deser t Academy 4:30 p.m.9- 11 Roa dr unn er C lass ic TB A14 at Walatowa 4:30 p.m.16 Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.January

    6-8 at Wagon Mound Invitational TBA18 Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.20 Vaughn 6 p.m.25 Walatowa 4:30 p.m.February3 Victory Christian 5 p.m.

    8 at Santa Fe Waldorf 5 p.m.10-12 at GPSD tourney TBA17 Santa Fe Waldorf 5 p.m.24 a t Vi ct or y C hri st ia n 5 p .m .

    SANTA FE WALDORFNovember19 Grady 5 p.m.27 at Monte del Sol noonDecember3 San Jon 5 p.m.4 Cl ov is Ch ri st ian 1 2: 30 p .m .6 Monte del Sol 5 p.m.10 at Santa Fe Prep 5 p.m.17 Tierra Encantada 5 p.m.January6 -8 a t Tr oj an I nv it at io na l T BA13-15 at Mountaineer Invitational TBA14 at McCurdy School 7 p.m.18 at Vaughn 5 p.m.2 2 a t D es er t A ca de my 4 :3 0 p .m .29 NACA 1 p.m.February1 Victory Christian 5 p.m.5 Vaughn 5 p.m.8 N .M . S cho ol for D eaf 5 p .m .

    12 a t Walatow a n oo n1 7 a t N .M . S ch oo l f or D ea f 5 p .m .24 Walatowa 4:30 p.m.26 a t Vi ct or y C hri st ia n 1 p .m .

    PECOSNovember19 Cimarron 6:30 p.m.20 at Questa 6:30 p.m.27 Springer 5:30 p.m.29 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.December2- 4 at L ad y L io n Cl assi c TB A8 -1 0 a t N RG Tou rn am en t TB AJanuary4 Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.14 Questa 6:30 p.m.15 at Cimarron 6:30 p.m.18 Estancia 6:30 p.m.22 at Coronado 6:30 p.m.24 at Peasco 7 p.m.25 at Santa Rosa 7 p.m.February1 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.3 at Mora 6:30 p.m.5 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.8 Peasco 7 p.m.15 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.17 Mora 6:30 p.m.19 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.


    27 at Los Alamos 5 p.m.December4 Piedra Vista 3 p.m.9-11 at Capital City Invitational TBA15 at Capital 7 p.m.16 at Socorro 7 p.m.18 Miyamura 7 p.m.20-22 Ben Lujn To urna ment T BAJanuary5 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.7- 8 at Por ta le s S ho oto ut TB A11 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.14 Taos 7 p.m.15 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.18 a t San ta Fe I ndia n Sch oo l 7 p.m.21 St. Michaels 7 p.m.25 a t Las Vega s R oberts on 7 p.m.27 A bq . H op e Ch ri sti an 7 p .m .29 a t A bq . S an di a Pre p 7 p .m .February4 Santa Fe Indian 7 p.m.10 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.1 2 a t A bq . H op e C hr is ti an 7 p .m .15 Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.

    LOSALAMOSNovember26 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.27 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.December4 Moriarty 7 p.m.9-11 a t A bq. A ca demy tou rn ey T BA17 at Piedra Vista 7 p.m.18 at Aztec 5 p.m.2 0 a t Ki rt la nd Ce nt ra l 2 p .m .27-29 at Goddard/Roswell tourney TBAJanuary4 a t A bq . Vol ca no Vi sta 7 p .m .7 at Abq. St. Pius X 7 p.m.8 Abq. Sandia 5 p.m.11 Belen 7 p.m.15 at Abq. Manzano 3 p.m.18 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.21 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.22 at Abq. Academy 7 p.m.26 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.29 Capital 7 p.m.February4 Bernalillo 7 p.m.9 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.12 Espaola Valley 7 p.m.15 at Capital 7 p.m.

    ESPAOLAVALLEYNovember30 Thoreau 7 p.m.December9 -1 1 a t G ra nt s I nv it at io na l T BA18 at Taos 7 p.m.20-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBAJanuary4 at Rio Rancho 7 p.m.11 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.1 4 S an ta F e I nd ia n S ch oo l 7 p .m .18 at Santa Fe High 7 p.m.21 Capital 7 p.m.26 Los Alamos 7 p.m.

    29 Taos 7 p.m.February1 at Bernalillo 7 p.m.4 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.9 at Capital 7 p.m.12 at Los Alamos 7 p.m.18 Bernalillo 7 p.m.

    MCCURDYSCHOOLNovember22 East Mountain 7 p.m.23 Desert Academy 6 p.m.29 Tierra Encantada 6 p.m.December2-4 at Evangel Christian tourney TBA8-11 at NRG TBA17 Dulce 5:30 p.m.20 Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.29 at Mesa Vista 7 p.m.January4 at Pecos 5 p.m.6 at Espaola Valley 6 p.m.13 Mora 5:30 p.m.14 Santa Fe Waldorf 7 p.m.21 Monte del Sol 5:30 p.m.22 at Dulce 5:30 p.m.28 Mesa Vista 5:30 p.m.February5 at Escalante 7 p.m.8 Coronado 7 p.m.12 at Abq. Menual 1 p.m.16 Escalante 7 p.m.19 at Coronado 7 p.m.

    CORONADONovember19 at Valencia 6 p.m.20 Monte del Sol 6:30 p.m.27 at Cuba 6:30 p.m.30 Navajo Prep 6:30 p.m.December1 Walatowa 6 p.m.3 a t D es er t A ca de my 6 :3 0 p .m .13 Tierra Encantada 6 p.m.8-11 NRG invite TBA14 at Mora 6:30 p.m.17 Aztec 6:30 p.m.20 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.January5 at Walatowa 6 p.m.8 at Santa Fe Prep 6:30 p.m.11 Los Lunas 6:30 p.m.1 3- 15 a t C ub a I nv it at io na l T BA22 Pecos 6:30 p.m.28 a t Ti er ra En ca nt ad a 6 p .m .29 Abq. Menaul 6:30 p.m.February2 Escalante 6:30 p.m.8 at McCurdy 6:30 p.m.11 at Escalante 6:30 p.m.19 McCurdy 6:30 p.m.

    PEASCONovember27 at Santa Rosa 6:30 p.m.30 Dulce 6:30 p.m.December2- 4 at L ad y L io n Cl assi c TB A8-11 at NRG TBA18 at Mesa Vista 5:3020-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBAJanuary7 Taos 7 p.m.

    11 Questa 7 p.m.15 at Clayton 3:30 p.m.18 at Dulce 6:30 p.m.20 at Taos 7 p.m.22 Mesa Vista 5:30 p.m.24 Pecos 7 p.m.27 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.February3 at Monte del Sol 7 p.m.5 Mora 7 p.m.8 at Pecos 7 p.m.11 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.17 Monte del Sol 7 p.m.19 at Mora 7 p.m.

    MESAVISTANovember19 Questa 6:30 p.m.20 at Escalante 3:30 p.m.29 Pecos 6:30 p.m.December8-11 at NRG TBA14 Escalante 6:30 p.m.18 Peasco 5:30 p.m.20 Coronado 6:30 p.m.29 Mc Cu rd y S ch ool 6 :3 0 p. m.

    30 at Bosque School 3 p.m.January4 at Pecos 6:30 p.m.7 at Questa 7 p.m.1 3- 15 a t C ub a I nv it at io na l T BA22 at Peasco 5:30 p.m.26 at Taos 7 p.m.2 8 a t M cC ur dy S ch oo l 5 :3 0 p .m .29 at Mora 5:30 p.m.February1 at Jemez Valley 5:30 p.m.5 at Cuba 5:30 p.m.8 Dulce 6:30 p.m.11 Jemez Valley 5:30 p.m.15 Cuba 5:30 p.m.18 at Dulce 2:30 p.m.

    ESCALANTENovember19 at Cuba 6:30 p.m.20 Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.23 Dulce 6:30 p.m.27 at Santa Fe Preparatory 5:30 p.m.December2- 4 a t L ad y L io n Cl assi c TB A8-11 at NRG TBA14 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.17 Questa 6:30 p.m.23 Mora 3:30 p.m.January4 at Questa 6:30 p.m.5 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.1 3- 15 a t C ub a I nv it at io na l T BA

    20 Cuba 6:30 p.m.21 at Dulce 7 p.m.2 7 a t A nt on it o ( Co lo .) 5 :3 0 p .m .February2 at Coronado 6:30 p.m.5 McCurdy School 6:30 p.m.11 Coronado 6:30 p.m.16 at McCurdy 6:30 p.m.

    LASVEGAS ROBERTSONDecember2 at Ruidoso 6:30 p.m.9-11 at Capital City Invitational TBA14 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.16 Tucumcari 7 p.m.18 at Santa Fe Indian 7 p.m.22 Lovington 7 p.m.27-29 at Goddard/Roswell tourney TBAJanuary4 St. Michaels 7 p.m.8 at Lovington 7 p.m.11 at Mora 7 p.m.13 at Tucumcari 7 p.m.14 Bernalillo 7 p.m.2 1 A bq . H op e Ch ri st ian 7 p. m.25 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.28 Abq. Sandia Prep 7 p.m.February1 Ruidoso 6:30 p.m.3 at Taos 7 p.m.5 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.8 at Raton 7 p.m.11 at Taos 7 p.m.

    17 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.19 Raton 7 p.m.

    WESTLAS VEGASNovember23 at Capital 7 p.m.December2 -4 a t C la yt on I nv it at io na l T BA9-11 at Capital City Invitational TBA14 at Socorro 7 p.m.16 Bernalillo 7 p.m.18 at St. Michaels 7 p.m.20-22 at Ben Lujn Tournament TBA28-30 at Lady Horsemen Invitational TBAJanuary5 Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.7 at Lovington 7 p.m.8 at Portales 7 p.m.11 Santa Rosa 7 p.m.15 Ruidoso 6 p.m.28 at Mora 7 p.m.February3 at Raton 7 p.m.5 L as Ve ga s Rob er tso n 7 p. m.8 Taos 7 p.m.11 Raton 7 p.m.17 a t Las V egas R oberts on 7 p.m.19 at Taos 7 p.m.

    MORANovember20 at Dulce 5:30 p.m.27 at Cimarron 5:30 p.m.

    December2- 4 a t L ad y L io n Cl assi c TB A8-11 at NRG TBA14 Coronado 7 p.m.16 at Santa Rosa 7 p.m.18 Clayton 5:30 p.m.22 at Springer 7 p.m.23 at Escalante 3:30 p.m.January1 1 L as Ve ga s Rob er tso n 7 p. m.1 3 a t M cC ur dy S ch oo l 5 :3 0 p .m .22 Questa 7 p.m.27 a t M on te d el S ol 5 :3 0 p. m.28 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.29 Mesa Vista 5:30 p.m.February1 at Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.3 Pecos 7 p.m.5 at Peasco 7 p.m.11 Monte del Sol 5 p.m.17 at Pecos 7 p.m.19 Peasco 7 p.m.

    TAOSNovember26-27 a t Berna li llo I nv itatio na l T BADecember2 a t Lady Jagua r I nv itatio na l T BA16 at Capital 7 p.m.18 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.2 0- 22 a t B en L uj n t ou rn ey T BA28-30 at St. Michaels Invitational TBAJanuary7 at Peasco 7 p.m.11 at Bosque School 7 p.m.14 at Pojoaque Valley 7 p.m.20 Peasco 7 p.m.26 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.27 Santa Fe High 7 p.m.29 at Espaola Valley 7 p.m.February3 L as Ve ga s Rob er tso n 7 p. m.5 Raton 7 p.m.8 at West Las Vegas 7 p.m.1 1 a t L as Ve ga s R ob er ts on 7 p .m .17 at Raton 7 p.m.19 West Las Vegas 7 p.m.

    QUESTANovember19 at Mesa Vista 6:30 p.m.20 Pecos 6:30 p.m.23 Santa Fe Prep 7 p.m.December2-4 at Grizzly tourney TBA7-11 at Cowbell tourney TBA17 at Escalante 6:30 p.m.18 Dulce 3:30 p.m.28 Clayton 2:30 p.m.January4 Escalante 6:30 p.m.6 McCurdy School 7 p.m.7 Mesa Vista 7 p.m.11 at Peasco 7 p.m.14 at Pecos 6:30 p.m.22 at Mora 7 p.m.29 at Dulce 3:30 p.m.

    February4 at Springer 5:30 p.m.5 Des Moines 6 p.m.11 at Cimarron 5:30 p.m.18 at Des Moines 6 p.m.19 Cimarron 5:30 p.m.

    Saturday, November 20, 2010 THE NEW MEXICAN D-7

  • 8/8/2019 Hoops 2010


    D-8 THE NEW MEXICAN Saturday, November 20, 2010