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 Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469  1  Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers, Coughs, and Sinus Congestion What is Homeopathy? Homeo pa thy i s the us e o f minute a mounts of a nimal, plant a nd mineral substanc es to s timul ate the b od y to he al its elf. I t is ba s ed on the be li ef tha t a vi ta l for c e a ni ma tes a l l li ving thing s. S ickne ss is a n imb a lanc e in this vital force . H om eo p at hic rem ed ies a re c hosen that magnify the current c ondition wi thin the b ody. The vital force resp ond s by perc eivi ng the imbalance and res tori ng the b od y to hea lth. So, unlike western or allopa thi c medicine, it is not the m ed icine that reduces s ymptoms, but the vital force. T he effi c ac y of homeo pa thy res ts with m atc hing the s pe cific m od a lities of the illness or i njur y with thos e of the reme dy. Ge nerall y i f the reme dy d oes not w ork it is bec aus e the r em ed y given d id not clos ely ma tch the symp tom s. For this reason home op athic prescribing involves extensive questioning and observation. Constitutional treatment addresses long -term co nditions a nd should only be undertaken by professionals. Acute treat me nt refers to situations tha t a r is e rap idly and g enerally r es olve o n their ow n – homeopathy can speed their resolution. My Background: I am certified in Class ical Homeo pa thy by the Council for H omeo p athic Certific at ion, a national organization supp orti ng excellenc e in clas s ical homeop athy. I am a lso a r eg istered member of the North American Society of Home op aths ( RSHom NA.) Add itionally, I am a g raduate of the three-year program at the P ac ific Ac ad emy of Hom eop athy. I have a p ra c tice for huma ns at Back to Lif e Well ness Center in Alam ed a , and c ons ul t for a nimals at the Oakland Z oo and Creature C om forts Holistic Ve teri nary Center. My huma n home op athy we bs i te is , and my animal home op athy w eb s ite is Constituti onal Treatment: I f the p atient is und er co nstitutional treatment wi th a professional homeo pa th, ca ll the home op ath and ask for advice as to whether the c old or flu should be treated acutely with home op athy, or whe ther you s hould use a naturop athic trea tme nt such as a herbal c oug h s yr up, z inc loz eng e, vi tamin c, echinacea tincture etc . Your homeo pa th ma y c hoo se to g ive the c on s titutiona l rem ed y i n an acute s ituation – often this res olves the c old and keeps the pa ti ent on the deep er path of healing effec ted by the constituti onal remedy. For the ma j ori ty of c olds and flues , you w il l give a 30c p otenc y. A ge neral guide line is to give one pe llet 2-3 time s /da y unti l they feel s igni fic a ntl y be tter, and then on c e a d ay for a d ay o r two mor e. When a p atient is very s i c k, you m ay ne ed to g i ve the rem ed y mo re fr equently (every hour to begin with) or us e a 20 0c p otency. You will hear in your pa tient’s tone o f voic e whe ther they a re be tter – tr ust this! If they sound o r feel  better after the firs t d ose, but  the s ympto ms are uncha nged , continue the remedy, the s ymp tom s will l ik ely imp rove s oo n. Taking the case: B efo re you a s k a ny q ues tions ,  just let the person talk . T he informa tion the y s p ontaneous ly give you a bo ut their c ond iti on, wil l b e fa r mor e he lpful in fi nding the r em ed y than a ny

Homeopathy for Fevers, Coughs, Sinus

Apr 09, 2018



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Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469 



Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers, Coughs, and Sinus


What is Homeopathy?

Hom eopa thy is the use o f minute a mo unts of a nimal, plant a nd mineral substanc es tostimulate the b od y to he al itself. It is ba sed on the be lief tha t a vita l force a nima tes a llliving things. Sickness is an imba lanc e in this vital force . Hom eo pat hic rem ed ies a rechosen tha t ma gnify the current c ond ition w ithin the b od y. The vital force respond s bype rc eiving the imb a lance a nd restoring the b od y to hea lth. So, unlike western orallopa thic me dic ine, it is not the m ed icine that reduces symp tom s, but the vital force .The effic ac y of hom eo pa thy rests with m at ching the spe c ific m od a lities of t he illness orinjury with those o f the reme dy. Generally if the reme dy d oe s not w ork it is bec ause therem ed y given d id not c losely ma tc h the symp tom s. For this rea son ho me op at hicprescribing involves extensive questioning and observation. Constitutional treatmentaddresses long-term co nd itions and shou ld only be und ertaken by professiona ls. Ac utetreatme nt refers to situations tha t a rise rap idly and gene ra lly resolve o n the ir ow n – hom eopathy c an spe ed their resolution.

My Background:I am c ertified in Classica l Hom eopa thy by the Counc il for Hom eopathic Ce rtific at ion, anationa l orga nization supp orting exce llenc e in c lassica l homeop athy. I am a lso areg istered me mb er of the North Am eric an Soc iety of Home op aths (RSHom NA.)Add itionally, I am a g rad uate o f the three-year prog ram at the Pac ific Ac ad em y ofHom eop athy. I have a p rac tice fo r huma ns at Back to Life Wellness Center in Alamed a ,and c onsult for a nimals at the Oa kland Zoo and Creature C om forts Holistic Ve terinaryCenter. My huma n home op athy we bsite , and myanimal home op athy w eb site

Constitutional Treatment:If the p atient is under co nstitutiona l trea tme nt w ith a professional hom eopa th, ca ll thehome op ath a nd a sk for advice as to w hether the c old or flu should be trea ted ac utelywith home op athy, or whe ther you should use a na turop ath ic trea tme nt such as a he rba lc oug h syrup, zinc lozeng e, vitamin c, ec hinac ea tincture etc . Your homeo pa th ma yc hoo se to g ive the c onstitutiona l rem ed y in an acute situation – often this resolves thec old and keeps the pa tient on the d eep er pa th of healing effec ted by the c onstitutionalremedy.

Potency and administration:For the m a jority of c olds and flues, you w ill give a 30c potency. A ge neral guide line is togive one pe llet 2-3 time s/ da y until they feel significantly be tter, and then once a day for

a d ay o r two mo re. When a patient is very sic k, you may need to g ive the remed y morefreq uently (every hour to beg in with) or use a 200c p otency. You w ill hear in yourpa tient’s tone o f voice whe ther they a re be tter – trust this! If they sound  or feel bettera fter the first d ose, b ut the sympto ms are uncha nged , continue the reme dy, thesymp tom s will likely imp rove soo n.

Taking the case:Befo re you ask any q uestions, just let the person talk . The informa tion the y spont aneo uslygive you a bo ut their c ond ition, will be fa r mo re he lpful in finding the rem ed y than a ny

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Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469 


question you ask. Espec ially avoid lead ing q uestions tha t requ ire a yes/ no a nswe r, suc has, “Is your coug h de ep ?” Lea d ing q uestions ma y take you c loser to believing you ha vefound t he remedy you w ante d to see , and further from ac tua lly listening to the stat e ofthe p erson b efore you.

Take spec ial note of the things tha t d on’ t make sense! If they a re very chilly, yet bette r for

op en a ir, there is a c ontrad iction here that w ill hold the key to the rem ed y.

Any one of 3,000 remedies can cure any condition, however the following

remedies are more likely to be indicated in Fevers, coughs and Sinusitis.

Fevers: Feve rs a re the bod y’s a ttemp t to fight infec tion. In mo st c ases, the fever is

ac tually helping the bo dy a c com plish this. In g ene ral, fevers of 103 deg rees or lowe r aresa fe; the excep tions a re new borns young er than six we eks, those w ith chronic illness orimm une-co mp rom ised c ond itions, and pe op le who tend to have convulsions with feve r.If you have a fever you ma y have the flu, and if you have the flu, you m ay o r may nothave a fever. Feve rs c an a lso b e c aused by infect ion. If you have a feve r and you havea chronic disea se o r a wo und, or have rec ently had surge ry, c onsult a p hysician.

Questions to ask:

  How d o you feel?   Tell me w hat’s bothering you.   Tell m e m ore. 

  Anything else? 

  What makes it wo rse?

  What m akes it b ette r?  When d o you notice the fever the m ost?

  How did the fever sta rt?

  Are you hot o r co ld or both?  Do you want to wrap up?

  Do you wa nt wa rm o r co ol air?  Where in your bod y do yo u feel the fever? Hea t or co ld there?  Do you w ant wa rm o r coo l drinks?

  What emo tions do yo u feel p rior to a nd sinc e g etting sick?  How quickly did it com e o n?

Fever remedies:

Aconite: first stag e of c olds and c oug hs, sudde n o nset, d eve lops a fter expo sure to c olda ir or w ind, o ften with h igh fe ver, often w ith restlessness or fea r, chill from dra fts, hea tcom es on d uring sleep , very thirsty, pup ils c ont rac ted

Worse: night o r a fter falling a sleep , wa rm room, touc h, fright, noise, light Better: mo tion he lps the c hill but in gene ral sitting still helps, op en a ir

Arsenicum: c hill from 12-2 a.m., period ic (fever com es and go es,) hea t of face w ithchilled b od y, thirsty for constant sma ll sips, hea d fe els bette r from c old , but rest of bod ywa nts wa rmth, very c hilly, inc rea sed appet ite a fter c hills, restless, fea rful, worriedWorse: cold drinks, worryBetter: wa rm d rinks

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 Belladonna: sudd en, intense fever, chill beginning a t 3 p .m., d ry, burning hea t w ithoutchills, fac e a nd b od y burning ho t, fac e red o r red ness anyw here on bod y, hand s andfeet icy cold, right-sided symptoms, craving lemonade, but generally little thirst, twitchingfac e o r bo dy d uring feve r (ma in rem ed y for c onvulsions/ ep ilep sy after bec om inghea ted ), throb bing, bursting headac he, pup ils dilated , can go into delirium and

hallucinationWorse: 3 p.m., sun, light, no ise, ja rring, dra fts, mo tion ,Better: light c overing, be nding b ac kward, lea ning head ag ainst some thing

Bryonia: slow ly deve loping high fever and pa inful inflamm at ion, grea t thirst for largeam ounts, left fronta l hea dac he, fac e p ale d uring c hill, de ep red during heat , irriatable,wa nts to b e left along, wa nts to g o ho me , anxiety ab out financ es, very ag gravated bymotion, touc hWorse: mo tion, ange r, cold, wet wea ther, eatingBetter: op en a ir, lying still

Chamomilla: c om mo n c hild ren’ s rem ed y, espec ially during tee thing, perspirat ion w ithchills, hea t only in ba ck or front o f body, shudde ring with heat, one cheek red and hot,othe r pa le, exc item ent, irritab ility, nothing makes them hap py, want things then throwthem aw ay, de sires to b e held , but it do esn’ t alwa ys c om fortWorse: 9 a.m. or 9 p.m. or in be d a t night, teething, wa rm c ove ring or uncove ring, ang erBetter:  be ing c arried, swe at ing, heat , fasting

China: fam ous rem ed y for fevers from ma laria or fevers tha t c om e and go , thirst w ithc hills, hea dac he w ith hea t, skin sensitive to touc h during feve r, wea kness or fatigue a fterp rolonge d feve r, worse a fter d iarrhea or loss of v ital fluids, mo st sensitive and irritab leduring feve r, anxiety b efo re c hills, sensitive to light, noise, odors, spaced out during c hillWorse: mo tion, ope n a ir, drafts, uncovering, touc hBetter: ha rd p ressure, wa rmt h

Eupatorium Perfoliatum: fever with seve re pa in, espe c ially bo ne pa ins, chillbe ginning in ba c k or hand s, thirsty b efore o r during chill, vom iting b ile, craves co ld thingsduring fever, wa rm things during c hill, yawning and stretc hing b efore c hillWorse: morning from 6-9 a.m., co ld a ir, mot ion, smell or sight o f foodBetter: vom iting bile, conversat ion, swe at ing, lying on fac e

Ferrum Phosphoricum: feve r with few other symp tom s, ea rly sta ge s of fever, feve rafte r hea d injury, hea da c he and flushed fac e, inflam ma tory sta tesWorse: right side, nightBetter: lying d ow n, c old ap plica tions

Gelsemium: fever with wea kness and trem bling, c hill running up and d ow n back, c hillbeg ins in hands or fee t, fac e flushed dark red , eyelids hea vy, blurry vision, wo rse

antic ipating som ething, espe c ially a te stWorse: fright o r exc item ent, sp ring, humid we athe r,Better: profuse urina tion, swe ating, sha king ,

Hepar Sulph: fever with supp urating g lands, c hills without heat afte r, ca n’ t ge t wa rmenough, nee ds all parts c ove red , fever blisters ab out mo uth, voice hoa rseWorse: unc ove ring, evening and night, cold , dry air, winter, touc hBetter: c overing, hea t

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Lycopodium: c hill in a fternoon espe c ially 4-8 p.m., forehead furrow ed during fever, eyepa in during hea t, anxious, wa nts som eone in sam e room but d oesn’ t wa nt to interac tWorse: in bed , a fter sleepBetter: rising from bed , wa rm drinks, mo tion, urina ting

Mercurious: night -time feve rs with swe ats and we akness, sensitive to both he ad a ndc old, runny nose, sa livation on p illow at night, meta llic taste in mouth, urine od orousWorse: rising from be d, too wa rm o r too c old, swe ating, lying o n right , c hanging w ea therBetter: mo de rate tem pe rat ure, rest, morning  

Natrum Muriaticum: fever or ch ill 10-11 a.m., beg ins in finge rs or toes, severeheadache, especially on right side, especially after grief, complains little, reserved,c raves sa lty thingsWorse: 10-11 a.m., heat of sun, exertionBetter: open a ir

Nux vomica: fever with violent heat and c hills, after overeating o r drinking, head ache inba c k of head , very irritable

Worse: unc ove ring at a ll, turning in bed , ope n a ir,Better: lying very still, wa rm d rinks, hea t

Pulsatilla: pa tte rnless, c onstantly cha ng ing, clingy, no thirst, wants op en a ir or op enwindo w, tea ring in eyes, fever with de sire to urinate w ith nothing p assed , numb hand s orfeet w ith c hillWorse: 2-4 p.m., wa rm room, turning in bedBetter: c old ba thing, motion, op en air

Rhus-tox: feve r with ac hing , stiffness, restlessness, thirst fo r sma ll qua nt ities, desire tostretc h, heat o n left side, c hill on right side o r heat o n b ac k side o f bo dy,Worse: c old, dam p a ir or weather, ge tting w etBetter: wa rmth, wa rming up bo dy with move ment

Coughs: Most of the reme dies listed be low treat c om mo n coug hs from c olds caused

by viruses. Croup and who op ing c oug h (pertussis) which b ec om es severe m ay req uiretrea tment by a physic ian a nd/ or home op athic p rac tic ioner.

Questions to ask:

  How d o you feel?   Tell me w hat’s bothering you.   Tell m e m ore. 

  What do es the c ough feel like? 

  Anything else? 

  What makes it wo rse?  What m akes it b ette r?  What b od y po sition a gg rava tes the c ough?

  What bod y position helps the c oug h?  What food s do you wa nt?  Do you w ant wa rm o r cold d rinks?

  How doe s swa llow ing feel (swa llow ing solids, liquids, empty swa llow ing?)

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  What emo tions do yo u feel p rior to a nd sinc e g etting sick?  What e xternal things bothe r you? (light? sound ? d ust? touc hing throa t? od or?

etc)  What kind of we ather were you in prior to the c ough?  What ac tivities ag gravate the c ough? (brea thing? m oving? eructa tion? ta lking?

snee zing et c .) 

  What o ther co nditions ac c om pa ny the c oug h? (chills? sleep iness? fever?diarrhea? etc )

  What t ype o f coug h is it? (ba rking? dee p? d istressing? d ry? pa roxysma l?suffoc a tive? whistling? etc .)

Cough Remedies:

Aconite: first stag e of c olds and c oug hs, deve lops a fter exposure t o c old air or wind,ofte n w ith high feve r, ofte n w ith restlessness or fea rWorse: night o r a fter falling asleep , brea thing in, lying on either side  

Better: lying on ba c k

Allium cepa: coug h from c olds or a llergies, often w ith lots of w ate ry d isc ha rge fromnose tha t irritate s skin a nd watery discha rge from eyes tha t is not irritating , co ugh ispa inful, may g rasp the larynx with pa in at ea c h c oughWorse:  evening, wa rm roomBetter: open a ir

Antimonium-tartaricum: no isy, ra ttling , loose c oug h – sounds like c hest filled withmuc ous but c oug h too we ak to expel muc ous, espe c ia lly in elderly or young c hildren,pe rson m ay be irritab le o r not w ant to b e touc hed , main rem ed y for pe rtussis (whoo p ingcough)Worse: night, espec ia lly 10 p.m. to midnight, b ec om ing irritated , lyingBetter:  sitting, bend ing hea d b ac kwards

Arnica: pertussis rem ed y, pa inful, racking c oug h, person fea rs ea c h coug h, holds c hest,we ep ing with pa in of c oug h, nose c an bleed with c oug h or burst eye vessels, holds c hestwit eac h c ough, thic k, stic ky, yellow, c an be blood y muc ousWorse: painBetter: lying w ith hea d low or outstretc hed  

Bryonia: severely pa inful co ugh felt in whole hea d and c hest, dry co ugh w ith ea chmove ment o r de ep breath, afraid o f breathing in Worse: ea ting or swa llow ing, overheat ing, lying with head low, ascend ing, raising a rms,bend ing head ba ckwardBetter: open a ir

Belladonna: Sudden high fe ver, cough in paroxysms (ma ny at a time), burstinghead ac he with eac h cough, bright red faceWorse:  mo tion, dee p b rea th, dust, touc hing la rynx, yawning, bright light, no ise, nightBetter: less stimulus – resting in d ark

Causticum: irritat ing, tickling coug h, diffic ult to expe c torate, but keep s c oug hingde ep er to try and ge t it up. Ca n have c ough a t any hour, but va nishing d uring the d ay isa strong indica tion for Ca usticum. There ma y be urinary lea kag e w ith the coug h.

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Worse: Drafts or co ld air, bec oming he ated at night, lying, be nding hea d forwa rd,talking, b athingBetter:  Cold drinks, rainy weather

Coccus Cacti: Paroxysma l (ma ny at a time ), tickling c oug h at 6 or 7 a .m. or 11:30 p.m.,co ugh c an b e d ry or produc e rop es of thic k muc ous

Worse: bec om ing heate d , wa rm roo ms, wa rm d rinks or food ., lying, rinsing mo uth, winter,in alcoholicsBetter: Co ld or open a ir, cold drinks, cold food  

Drosera: hard, d eep, violent, pa roxysma l co ugh, irritated airwa ys, tic kling a nd drythroa t, suffocat ive c oug h, c an p ress the p it of stom ac h to sta rt c oug h, but coug h sopa inful must hold c hest, ca n have blood y expec torationWorse: be ing enc losedBetter:  sitting up , wa lking slowly

Hepar Sulph: d ry or prod uc tive coug h, mucous is thic k and yellow if p resent, co ughdry at night, loose in mo rning, cough a ll night long, ch illy, want s to b e c ove redWorse:  chillBetter:  wa rmth, expec toration

Ipecac: very dry co ugh, a sthma , irritated or tic kling c oug h in pa roxysms, choking orga gg ing w ith co ugh, freq uent vomiting w ith co ughWorse:  night, esp. 7 p.m., dee p brea thing in, esp. morning in bed , eating, wa rm roo mBetter: afte r expec toration, c old d rinks

Kali-Carbonicum: c oug h at n ight, esp . 2-4 a.m., d ry, tickling cough, b ronc hitis,prod uc tive c oug h (sputum com es up), stitc hing p a ins in c hest with co ugh, ma y bevomitingWorse: 2-4 a.m., on first g oing to sleep , cold a ir or draft, lying, exertion, dee p insp ira tion,warm food .Better: 

Sitting up right o r bent fo rward

Lachesis: cough from a llergy, seve re infec tions or hea rt p rob lems, sensa tion of c rumbor obstruc tion in larynx, any a ttem pt to ta lk c auses c oug hWorse: a ll night, d isturbing sleep , wa kes w ith coug h a s soo n a s falls asleep or in morningon waking , stuffy room , lying on left, d rinkingBetter: open air, after expectoration

Mercury: pa roxysms of coug h at night and from wa rmth o f bed , d ry at night, yellow -green expec toration d uring d ay, tic kling be hind upp er pa rt of sternum, sound s and feelslike chest very dry, hoarseness, diarrhea, salivation, with running nose or nasalco ngestion, ca n’t g et tem pe rature right, too hot o r too c oldWorse: night, ta lking, swe ating, d ra fts, artificial light

Better: rest, morning, mod erate te mp erature

Phosphorus: eve ry co ld end s in c oug h and c hest infec tion, dry, tickling coug h, pa infulc oug h, burning in chest with cough, headac he d uring co ugh, must sque eze c hest withpa in of c ough, exhaustion, tremb ling from co ugh, ca n vom it with co ughWorse: c old a ir, ta lking, nervous, ent ranc e o f strang er, strong o dors, mo rning in bed andat night whe n falling asleep or waking from sleep , lying o n ba ckBetter: c old d rinks, ea ting refreshing things, sod a , fruit, sleep , dark

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Pulsatilla: coug h from allergy o r asthma , loo se rattling w ith g reen, juicyexpec toration, dry coug h evening, loose m orning, ca n have tearing with coug h orurina ry lea kageWorse: evening or night in be d, be c om ing c old, wa rm room , smo ky room, wa rm d rinks,exertion, lying, measles, before menses or if menses suppressed by pillBetter:  op en or co ol air, ge ntle wa lking, sitting, de ep b rea th, lying p rop ped on p illows

Rumex: intense tickling w ith c oug h, covers mouth in co ld bec ause it ca uses c oug hWorse: 11 p.m. morning, cold air, entering or leaving warm room, undressing, uncovering,be nd ing head ba c kwards, p ressing on pit of throa tBetter: turning on right side

Spongia: dry, hac king, b arking c oug h from allergy, asthma or infec tion, suffocat ivecoug h, ca n turn blue, burning in throa t, che st, larynx with c oug hWorse: a round midnight, bot h da y and night , c old, dry air, c old d rinksBetter: wa rm fo od or drinks, eating or drinking, suc king on ha rd c and y or co ugh d rop s,sitting, be nding he ad forward

Squilla: sudde n, violent, dry, pa roxysma l c oug h with heada che, co p ious sputum, but

only in m orning, may pa ss stoo l, urine or have tea rs with c oug h, sore c hest a nd ab do me nwith coug h, urge to b low nose a fter c oughWorse: taking d eep breath, cold d rinksBetter: expec toration, sitting up


Chronic sinusitis req uires c onstitutiona l trea tment a nd gene ra lly do es not respond tothese rem ed ies. Stea ming and using a net i po t c an rea lly help sinusitis!

Questions to ask:

  How d o you feel?

  What is bo thering you?  Tell m e m ore.   Anything else? 

  Where is your pa in? (spec ifica lly whe re in the he ad or fac e?)  What m akes it b ette r?  What makes it wo rse?

  Is the re d ischa rge from your nose?  If so, what does it look like?

  Is the re a ta ste in your mout h?  What body position feels best?  Does p ressing on the p a inful a rea help or hurt it?

Sinus remedies:

Kali-Bichromicum: thic k, sticky, yellow -green muc ous tha t do esn’ t wa nt to m ove ,stringy mucous tha t sticks toge ther, fullness a t root of no se, c om p lete na sa l obstructioncausing nasa l tone of voiceWorse: c old , morning, 2-3 a.m., hot w ea ther, und ressingBetter: hea t, motion , p ressure

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Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469 


Mercurius Vivus: espec ially fronta l sinuses, gree nish, p rofuse d isc ha rge , every c oldturns to sinusitis, d irty coa ted tongue, offensive brea th, irrita b le and c losed , c an’ t ge ttem pe rature rightWorse: night, swe at ing, lying on right side, hea ted , draftsBetter: mo de rate tem pe rat ure, rest, morning

Aurum: chronic sinusitis and runny nose, ac c om panied by fever and flushed fac e, coldhand s and feet, extreme pa in on b ending hea d forwa rd or stoop ingWorse:  mo tion and jarringBetter: 

Belladonna: throb bing hea d pa in, worse b end ing he ad forwa rd, fac e flushed redWorse: motion and jarring, ligh t, noise, right sidedBetter: resting without stimuli, be nding ba ckward, light cove ring

Causticum: chronic nasal obstruction with post-nasal discharge, constant desire toc lear throa t b ut not ab le to, hoa rseness, nasal d isc harge thick or ab sentWorse: d ry or co ld a ir, wind, 3-4 a.m., riding in c ar, c lear, sunny wea therBetter: rainy wea ther

Hepar Sulph: sinusitis with obstruct ion and thick nasa l and post-nasa l disc ha rge a ftereve ry exposure to cold or uncovering the he ad, “ snot” sme lls like old c heese, very pa infulinflamm ation o f sinusesWorse: least unc ove ring, co ldBetter: c overing, w armth

Hydrastes: thick, ropy or stringy d isc ha rge, espec ially p ost-nasa l, swe lling a ndob struct ion wo rse o n the left sideWorse: inhaling cold air, dry wind , old ag e, ab use o f drugs or wine, after stoo lBetter: dry we ather, p ressure, wa rm c overing

Kali iodatum: inflamm ation and burning inside the nose, wo rse with eve ry inhalation,a llergies w ith thin na sa l disc ha rge wh ich turns to sinus infec tionWorse: warm room, righ t sideBetter: cool

Kali suphuricum: ac ute and c hronic sinusitis with na sa l obstruction , overa ll person fe elswo rse in a wa rm room, b ut na sal symp tom s improve there, thic k and sticky yellowmuc ous, snoringWorse: wa rmth, no ise, e vening, c onsolationBetter: c old a ir, wa lking, fasting  

Lac Delphinum: pa inful sinusitis can b e ac com pa nied by vertigo , moda lities similar toBelladonna, craves chocolate

Worse: 3-4 p.m., exertion, sunBetter: pressing on sinuses

Lycopodium: right-sided sinusitis and na sa l pa in, seve re nasa l ob struction , espec ially a t

night and during sleep , thic k, yellow d ischa rge , ca n b e c rustedWorse: 4-8 p.m., wa king , ea tingBetter: wa rm d rinks, motion, urinating , burping

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Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469 


Silica: c hronic sinusitis, lasts for m onths a fter every c old , post-nasa l d isc ha rge, d isc ha rgeirritates skin, very chilly, can have vertigoWorse: c old, d ra fts, da mp , pressure, new mo onBetter: wa rmth, summ er, humid we athe r, symp at hetic unde rstanding

Sulphur: chronic or allergic and acute sinusitis with thick yellow discharge, sometimes

offensive o r b lood -tinge d , c onstant urge to b low nose b ut nothing c om es out, disc hargedries rap idly to c rusts, d ry and full fee ling in mouth and throa tWorse: winter, indoorsBetter: open a ir

Thuja: thick, clea r or green ish post-nasa l disc ha rge w ith obstruction , left fronta lhea dac he fee ls like a na il bo ring in, pa in in tee th on b lowing noseWorse: left side , c old, dam p w ea therBetter: wa rmth, sneezing, m otion, touc h, rubb ing , sc rat ching

Where to Buy Remedies:

Loc al hea lth foo d store

OnlineHahne ma nn Labs, (888) 427-6422

Remedy Kits:

Hahnemann Lab s in San Raphe l se lls a first a id kit fo r $44.95Co nta ins these 15 rem ed ies in 30C po tenc y:




They a lso sell kits with 30, 100 remed ies etc .

Further Reading:

The Hom eopathic Eme rgenc y Guide, Thom as Kruzel, ND, North Atlant ic Goo d, ba sicguide for a va riety of co nd itions_ 

Desktop C om panion to Physica l Pa tho logy, Rog er Mo rrison , M.D., (A more com p lexbo ok, often used by p rofessional home op at hs; not rec omme nded unless you wa nt tofurther your stud y.)

Hom eop athic Medic ine for Child ren and Infants, Dana Ullma n, M.P.H.

Simple Colds, Flus and Coughs, Stephen MESSER, ND, DHANP, (Not a book, plasticlaminates, with flow charts and diagrams, $3, available Minimum Price books.)

Where to Buy Homeopathic books:

Hom eopa thic Educat ion Servic es, 2036 Blake (at Shattuck), Berkeley, CA 94704,

(510) 649-0294,  

Minimum Pric e Hom eo pa thic Boo ks,  

Page 10: Homeopathy for Fevers, Coughs, Sinus

8/8/2019 Homeopathy for Fevers, Coughs, Sinus 10/10


Prepared by Beth Murray, CCH, RSHom (NA), 510. 522.2469