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Washington, DC Parish Center: 3513 N Street, NW Washington DC 20007 Main Church: 36th Street, between N and O Streets, NW 202-337-2840 Inside this issue: From The Pastor 2 Prayer Requests 3 Ignatian Spirituality 4 Social Justice 4 Faith Formation/ Religious Education 4 Development 5 Parish Life 5 Holy Trinity School 5 Youth Ministry 5 Calendar 6 HolyTrinityCatholic- Church May 1, 2016 @holytrinitydc HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Go, Set the World on Fire! Service is an Essential Christian Trait In a homily Pope Francis gave a year ago today he spoke about “two traits of Christian iden- tity” – history and service. On history, the Pope noted: “The Christian is a man or woman of history, because he does not pertain to himself alone – he is inserted into a people, a people that is on a journey. One cannot imagine a Chris- tian selfishness, no, this won’t fly. The Christian is not a spiritual man or woman in a la- boratory, [the Christian] is a spiritual man or woman inserted into a people, which has a long history and which continues to journey until the Lord returns.” The second trait the Pope discussed was service. He noted that “Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, inviting them to do as He has done: to serve.” Then he continued: “Christian identity is service, not selfishness. ‘But Father, we are all selfish.’ Ah, really? It is a sin, a habit we have to break away from. Ask for forgiveness, that the Lord will convert us. We are called to service. Being Christian is not about appear- ance, or even about social conduct, it’s not a little make-up for the soul, because it should be a little more beautiful. To be Christian is to do what Jesus did: serve!” In this homily, Pope Francis is asking us to contemplate how we serve others; how we per- tain to others beyond ourselves. We are invited to listen to the movement of the Holy Spirit within us and discern how we might be called to act in serve. In the next two weeks Holy Trinity parishioners will have at least two opportunities to act on this discernment. First, on May 7th, is our parish-wide day of service, the Power of One. Consider participating and joining with fellow parishioners in service to our DC metro area community (details are on the parish website.) Then, on May 14-15 we will host a ministry fair in McKenna Hall after every Mass. Parishioners will have an opportunity to learn more about service options both with- in the parish and to the larger DC community. We invite you to use these two upcoming op- portunities to see what kind of service might light your heart on fire. **Borrowed, in part and with permission, from America Magazine. The full article may be found at Have You Registered for the Power of One? On May 7th the parish will join together for a day of service across the DC Metro area. You can serve meals at the Fr. McKenna Center, move furniture at A Wider Circle, Clean at the Northwest Center, bag food for delivery at Iona Senior Services, Clean up a Fairfax County park, or do a host of other things. Then at the end of the day we’ll all regroup at the parish for some light refreshments before the 5:30pm mass. Spend a day serving and praying with your fellow parishioners. All you have to do is register: (under headlines)

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC · 2014-05-08  · Ignatian Spirituality 4 Social Justice 4 Faith Formation/ Religious Education

Jan 31, 2021



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  • Washington, DC

    Parish Center:

    3513 N Street, NW

    Washington DC


    Main Church: 36th

    Street, between N and

    O Streets, NW


    Inside this issue:

    From The Pastor 2

    Prayer Requests 3


    Spirituality 4

    Social Justice 4






    Development 5

    Parish Life 5

    Holy Trinity

    School 5

    Youth Ministry 5

    Calendar 6



    May 1, 2016



    Go, Set the World on Fire! Service is an Essential Christian Trait

    In a homily Pope Francis gave a year ago today he spoke about “two traits of Christian iden-

    tity” – history and service. On history, the Pope noted:

    “The Christian is a man or woman of history, because he does not pertain to himself alone

    – he is inserted into a people, a people that is on a journey. One cannot imagine a Chris-

    tian selfishness, no, this won’t fly. The Christian is not a spiritual man or woman in a la-

    boratory, [the Christian] is a spiritual man or woman inserted into a people, which has a

    long history and which continues to journey until the Lord returns.”

    The second trait the Pope discussed was service. He noted that

    “Jesus washes the feet of the disciples, inviting them to do as

    He has done: to serve.” Then he continued:

    “Christian identity is service, not selfishness. ‘But Father, we

    are all selfish.’ Ah, really? It is a sin, a habit we have to break

    away from. Ask for forgiveness, that the Lord will convert us.

    We are called to service. Being Christian is not about appear-

    ance, or even about social conduct, it’s not a little make-up

    for the soul, because it should be a little more beautiful. To be

    Christian is to do what Jesus did: serve!”

    In this homily, Pope Francis is asking us to contemplate how we serve others; how we per-

    tain to others beyond ourselves. We are invited to listen to the movement of the Holy Spirit

    within us and discern how we might be called to act in serve.

    In the next two weeks Holy Trinity parishioners will have at

    least two opportunities to act on this discernment. First, on

    May 7th, is our parish-wide day of service, the Power of One.

    Consider participating and joining with fellow parishioners in

    service to our DC metro area community (details are on the

    parish website.) Then, on May 14-15 we will host a ministry

    fair in McKenna Hall after every Mass. Parishioners will have

    an opportunity to learn more about service options both with-

    in the parish and to the larger DC community. We invite you to use these two upcoming op-

    portunities to see what kind of service might light your heart on fire.

    **Borrowed, in part and with permission, from America Magazine. The full article may

    be found at

    Have You Registered for the Power of One? On May 7th the parish will join together for a day of service across the DC Metro area. You

    can serve meals at the Fr. McKenna Center, move furniture at A Wider Circle, Clean at the

    Northwest Center, bag food for delivery at Iona Senior Services, Clean up a Fairfax County

    park, or do a host of other things. Then at the end of the day we’ll all regroup at the parish

    for some light refreshments before the 5:30pm mass. Spend a day serving and praying with

    your fellow parishioners. All you have to do is register: (under headlines)

  • Pastor: Kevin Gillespie, SJ, 202-903-2800,

    [email protected]; Associate Pastor: William Ryan, SJ, 202-903-

    2831, [email protected];

    Associate Pastor: John Peck, SJ, 202-903-2832,

    [email protected];

    Emergencies Only: 202-903-2817

    Phone: 202-337-2840 Fax: 202-337-9048

    Parish Center Hours: Mon-Thur: 8:30am-7:30pm;

    Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm; Sat and Sun: No receptionist on

    duty but the parish center is accessible during mass



    Communications/Human Resources

    Courtney Mattison 202-903-2803


    Development Diane Favret 202-903-2801


    Facilities Tass McCarthy 202-337-2840


    Faith Formation/ Religious Educ.

    Judith Brusseau 202-903-2807


    Finance Chris Kehoe 202-903-2811


    Holy Trinity School Principal

    Charlie Hennessy 202-903-2820


    Ignatian Spirituality

    Martina O’Shea 202-903-2810


    Music Ministry Kathleen DeJardin 202-903-2805


    Parish Life Rose Mary Padberg 202-337-2840


    Social Justice Kate Tromble 202-903-2809


    Worship & Liturgy

    David Pennington 202-903-2804


    Youth Ministry Sara Seligmann 202-903-2814


    Holy Trinity is a Catholic parish sponsored by the

    Society of Jesus. We share the Society's mission to

    serve the faith and to promote justice. As disciples of

    Christ, we seek to be transformed by the Holy Spirit

    through our celebration of Eucharist and our

    practice of Ignatian spirituality into a welcoming and

    prayerful community that shares God's life and love

    with each other and the world.




    President Kirk Willison [email protected]

    1st Vice President Ned Hogan [email protected]

    2nd Vice President Constance Herron Cherron824


    From the Pastor’s Desk

    Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC | May 1, 2016 | page 2

    This weekend’s column is written by Kate Tromble,

    Pastoral Associate for Social Justice.

    For a number of years, Holy Trinity has hosted a parish-wide

    community service program which we call the Power of One. The

    idea was that parishioners, who have limited opportunities to do

    service together, would have this opportunity to gather at the

    parish or in their neighborhoods for community service. We

    thought that the event would also be an opportunity to build up our

    community by bringing parishioners together who normally would

    not cross paths.

    This year Saturday May 7th is our Power of One service day. If you

    go to the parish website at, you will find a listing of

    more than 20 different potential service activities. Some of these

    activities will take place on the parish property, but most will take

    place in different parts of the DC metro area, possibly in your own

    neighborhood. Some activities are scheduled for the morning,

    others in the afternoon. Some involve physical labor; others are not

    physically demanding at all. Some activities are better done by

    adults; other activities are suitable for the whole family. In other

    words, there should be something there for everyone.

    I encourage parishioners to sign up for one or more of these

    activities. Do so as a family or with a group of your friends.

    Remember, the Power of One is not simply about community

    service; it is also about experiencing ourselves as parish while doing

    service as parish. To enhance this aspect of this year’s Power of One

    we will once again host a gathering at Holy Trinity at the end of the

    day. Starting at 4:00 pm we’ll have light refreshments,

    conversation, and fellowship before the 5:30 pm mass. Please join

    us regardless of whether you had the opportunity to serve during

    the day.

    There are many ways to describe the mission of Holy Trinity parish.

    One of the best ways is to say that our mission is to build up a

    Christian community in this place and time. Of course, our shared

    life in Jesus in the Spirit is the basis for our community, but we can

    and should supplement that bond with natural affection and


    The Power of One is an opportunity to experience our communion

    with one another and to deepen it through shared service and

    fellowship. Join other parishioners for this important parish event.

  • The parish community prays for all the dead every

    day at every Mass. However, we encourage

    parishioners to mention specific persons by name

    during the General Intercessions when invited to

    do so by the presider.

    Parishioners can also request that a specific person

    be remembered by name at a particular weekday

    Mass by calling or visiting the receptionist's desk in

    the parish center during normal office hours.

    Names must be submitted one week in

    advance. Persons to be so remembered at weekday

    Masses this week are:

    Please email proposed updates for the website or bulletin to the

    parish staff member responsible for overseeing the activity (see

    page 2 sidebar) by 2pm Thursday, 8 days before the targeted

    weekend. Please note that the bulletin is published online, so

    information you submit may be available online.

    Questions? [email protected]

    To add a name to these prayer lists, contact Rose

    Mary Padberg at: [email protected]. You must

    be an immediate relative of the one to be

    remembered, or have express permission in order

    to add a name to these lists. The names on this

    prayer list will be mentioned aloud at Sunday Mass

    during the General Intercessions and will be

    published in the parish eLetter and bulletin.

    We also invite parishioners to write the name of

    deceased loved ones in the Book of the Dead which

    is kept in the back of the chapel. The parish

    community remembers these persons each time we

    gather for Eucharist.


    Mass Schedule (Check bulletin or website for Holy Days)

    Weekdays: 7am, 8am & 5:30pm in the Chapel (on N St.)

    Note: Chapel is open on weekdays between Masses.

    Saturday: 8am — Chapel; 5:30 pm Vigil — Church

    Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 11:30am, 1:15pm & 5:30pm

    Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Every Saturday from 4:30pm—5:15pm or by appointment

    Sacrament of the Sick

    Communal anointing is celebrated on the first Wednesday of the month at

    7pm in the St. Ignatius Chapel. Call the Parish to request the

    sacrament at home or in the hospital.

    Baptisms and Weddings:

    To schedule a Baptism or Wedding, contact Helene Flanagan,

    202-903-2806 or [email protected]

    To register for the preparation process, see next item.

    Sacramental Preparation:

    Persons desiring to receive certain sacraments at Holy Trinity need

    to be registered parishioners and are expected to participate in a

    preparation program. For more information or to register, contact

    the appropriate staff person:

    Infant Baptism: [email protected], 202-903-2808

    First Reconciliation: Judith Brusseau, 202-903-2807

    First Eucharist: Judith Brusseau, 202-903-2807

    Marriage Preparation: [email protected], 202-903-2808

    Adult Initiation (RCIA): Anne Koester, 202-337-2840 x128

    Children’s Initiation (RCIA): Judith Brusseau, 202-903-2807

    Adult Confirmation: Judith Brusseau, 202-903-2807

    Youth Confirmation: Sara Seligmann, 202-903-2814


    Daily Mass Intentions SACRAMENTS


    Pray for those sick: George Baumgardner; Charles Pope; Moira Eisele; Allison Downey;

    Matthew Sowick; Liz Schumacher; Art Maynard;

    Paul J. Umberger; Tia Gillanders Garner; Ray

    McGrath, Brooks Cabe

    Pray for those dead: Carol Miller;

    Pray for those married: Justin Wright & Melissa McLane; Jack Mayer & Frances Eaton


    Monday 7:00am Margaret Fox+

    8:00am Liza Mataac Dodson+

    5:30pm Jim Williams+

    Tuesday 7:00am Kate Light+

    8:00am Dr. Douglas Sanders+

    5:30pm Sheila M. Smythe+

    Wednesday 7:00am Chris Lockhart, SJ+


    5:30pm For the Unborn

    Thursday 7:00am

    8:00am Margaret O’D Norris+

    5:30pm Thomas O’Connor+

    Friday 7:00am

    8:00am Joseph L. Donnelly+

    5:30pm Matthew Kraemer+

    Saturday 8:00am Nabih Saah+

    Limited on-street parking is available. On most Sundays, free

    parking is also available at the following Georgetown University

    parking lots — underground parking garage off Canal Road en-

    trance; surface lot at the end of the Canal Road entrance; and the

    parking structure under the Leavy Student Center (university

    section only). Parking is also available at Visitation Academy, off

    35th Street at Volta, on most Sundays. Handicapped parking is at

    the corner of 36th & O St. NW.

    Welcome to Holy Trinity! We invite you to join our parish. You

    may register at Parishioner registration forms

    can be found under the Participate tab. Questions about

    registering can be directed to Rose Mary Padberg @

    [email protected].

    New parishioner orientations are held several times throughout

    the year. See the bulletin, eLetter and website for an

    announcement of dates/times.

    Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC | May 1, 2016 | page 3

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC | May 1, 2016 | page 4



    RCIA Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Invite them to explore the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), which is the process of conversion and faith formation for individuals who are interested in living the Christian life in the Catholic tradition.

    Those who want to learn more about the possibility of becoming Catholic are welcome to come to the Inquiry meetings held every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm, Holy Trinity Parish Center. Please contact Anne Koester ([email protected]) for more information or go to

    Adult Faith Formation Lecture May 22nd, 10:15am, Trinity Hall John Borelli, parishioner, will present: “Muslims and Christians: Common Faith in a Merciful God.”

    John Borelli currently serves as Special Assistant for Interreligious Initiatives to Dr. John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University. He earned his Ph.D. from Fordham University and has served more than 16 years as associate director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (1987-2003) and as a consulter to the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (1991-2007). He serves as National Coordinator for Interreligious Dialogue and Mission for the U. S. Jesuit Conference and coordinates the Woodstock Theological Center's Interreligious Dialogue on Education. His recent publications include Interfaith Dialogue: a Catholic View, co-authored with Michael L. Fitzgerald, M.Afr. and articles in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, New Theology Review, Origins, America, The Tablet, National Jesuit News,Ecumenical Trends, and The Catholic World.

    MINISTRY FAIR May 14th and 15th Following All Masses Go and Set the

    World on Fire!

    Join in the

    celebration of

    Pentecost and the

    birthday of the

    Church by considering how you might offer you time and

    talents to our parish. Representatives of all Parish

    Ministries will be in McKenna to share opportunities to

    learn and to serve.

    With Gratitude

    To the Leadership Team of

    Movie Moments of Grace (MMG) Last weekend was the last gathering of the Movie Moments

    of Grace film and discussion series for the 2015-2016

    season. We want to thank Mary and Frank Frost for

    initiating and coordinating the development of this well-

    received parish program of self-discovery.

    Five years ago, Mary and Frank, along with Pam and

    Dennis Lucey, Joanne and Ed Springer, and Father Greg

    Schenden, SJ began planning this program. With Frank’s

    guidance and expertise we gathered in the theater, which is

    now Trinity Hall, to view a film as community, and then

    with delightful refreshments brought by parishioners,

    engaged in small group discussion to discover more about

    the film and ourselves. More than twenty parishioners

    have volunteered to help sustain this wonderful Ignatian

    program next year. Stay tuned for our 2016-2017 season!

    THANK YOU, Mary and Frank, Dennis and Pam, Ed and

    Joanne for your faithfulness and generosity, and for

    sharing your love of movies and commitment to Ignatian



    Let us live the Year of Mercy by being the

    living witness of what Christ called us to,

    a loving presence even in the midst of un-

    certainty, sometimes, chaos.

    -Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference

    Solidarity Pastoral Team

    Have you ever thought about becoming a Jesuit?

    Check out:

    May Food Drive We will hold our regular food drive for the Fr. McKenna

    Center next weekend. All non-perishable food items are

    welcome, though the McKenna Center has a couple of

    specific needs this month. If you are able to bring the

    following, we would be most appreciative: canned fruit,

    canned baked beans, canned meat (chicken/tuna/

    spaghetti O’s), chili, maple syrup. Bins will be located

    outside the church.


  • Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC | May 1, 2016 | page 5



    Save the Date for a Garden Party May 13, 2016 6:30pm-8:30pm Chapel Gardens Celebrate our gardens in peak season at this 11th

    Annual Festival of Flowers event. This magical

    evening of fellowship and flowers features a festive

    reception with wine, hors d’oeuvres and signature

    champagne cocktails, spring floral displays and

    musical entertainment. Proceeds benefit the Holy

    Trinity parish gardens. To make your reservations


    For more information: [email protected]



    Celebration of Mary The Sunday Morning Religious Education program will

    honor Mary through prayer and song. Please join the

    children and their families in the Church, Sunday May 8th


    Early Bird Registration Register your family now for the 2016-2017 Sunday

    Morning Religious Education Program. Registrations

    forms are available at

    Parish Outdoor Mass and Picnic Sunday, June 12th, 10:30am,

    Georgetown Visitation.

    The Mass will be followed by an old-fashioned picnic

    lunch, games and fun for the whole family.


    2016 HTS Gala/Auction

    SPONSORS: GOLD: Kelly & Deborah Silard; SILVER:

    Cynthia & David Fontaine, Lauren & Cayce Roy and

    Debbie Winsor BRONZE: Colleen & Bill McGinley,

    Maryanne Elma & Ryan Szymkowicz and Alan & Listi

    Sobba CASH DONATIONS: Randy & Mary Feldner,

    Barbara Browne, Janene Smith & Paul Schlichting, Sidney

    & Frances Spencer, Danielle & Scott Garten, Chris & Molly

    Gaston, Angela Shime and Justin & Zoey Lavella BAR

    SPONSORS: Todd & Lourdes Daubert and Jennie &


    VOLUNTEERS: Teresa Dolan, Jennifer Touchette,

    Melissa Giuffrida, Lauren Roy, Declan Leonard, Colleen

    McGinley, Sonja DeCarlo, Jeanette Norton, Bridget

    Holmes, Kristina Gill, Janet Stone, Angie Bradshaw,

    Kimberly Linson, Martin Gammon, Listi Sobba, Sheri

    Grant, Debbie Sullivan, Lourdes Daubert, Brittany Milby,

    Grace O’Toole, Kerry Myers, Luz Bazoberry, Jennie Reno,

    Lourdes Daubert, Cherish Medawar, Rob Todero, Anne

    Paterno, Kristin VanFossen, Carla Galli, Merly Minerales ,

    Suzanne Carter, Jennifer Pryce , Deborah Silard, Kelly

    Silard, Karla Bousquet, Kathy Gresham and Angela Grady.

    Confirmation Registration for

    Risgin 8th Grade Students Confirmation registration is due July 11th. Before you reg-

    ister make sure you have scanned a copy of your child's

    Baptismal Certificate and have a chosen a sponsor. Regis-

    tration and more information can be found on the Confir-

    mation page on the website:

  • Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC | May 1, 2016 | page 6

    Sunday, May 1, 2016


    Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23/John 14:23-29

    10:15 AM

    2:00 PM

    6:30 PM

    The Gospel of Luke & the Year of Mercy/John Donahue SJ Trinity Hall Thank You Reception for Sister Ann & Sister Regina McKenna Hall Young Adult Community Steering Committee Meeting Faber Room

    Monday, May 2 2016


    Acts 16:11-15/John 15:26—16:4a

    7:30 PM Separated, Widowed & Divorced Group Faber Room

    Tuesday, May 3, 2016

    FEAST OF SAINTS PHILIP AND JAMES 1 Corinthians 15:1-8/John 14:6-14

    7:00 PM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Faber Room

    Wednesday, May 4, 2016

    WEDNESDAY OF THE 6TH WEEK OF EASTER Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/John 16:12-15

    7:00 PM

    7:00 PM

    7:15 PM

    Meeting of Twinned Archdiocesan & Haitian Parishes Neale Room Taize Prayer with Sacrament of the Sick Saint Ignatius Chapel Book Discussion Group Lower School Big Room

    Thursday, May 5, 2016

    THURSDAY OF THE 6TH WEEK OF EASTER Acts 18:1-8/John 16:16-20

    6:00 PM

    6:00 PM

    7:00 PM

    7:00 PM

    Christian Meditation Group Saint Ignatius Chapel Iconographers’ Guild Parish Center Library Job Seekers Support Group Georgetown Neighborhood Library/R Street & Wisconsin Avenue NW Young Adult Community Faith Sharing Group Saint Ignatius Chapel

    Friday, May 6, 2016

    FRIDAY OF THE 6TH WEEK OF EASTER Acts 18:9-18/John 16:20-23

    4:30 PM

    6:30 PM

    First Friday Eucharistic Adoration Saint Ignatius Chapel Catechist Appreciation Dinner East Garden/McKenna Hall

    Saturday, May 7, 2016

    SATURDAY OF THE 6TH WEEK OF EASTER Acts 18:23-28/John 16:23b-28

    7:30 AM

    3:30 PM

    Zen Meditation Parish Center Upper Room Power of One/End of Day Gathering McKenna Center Power Of One

    annual Holy Trinity Parish day of service

    at Vigil Mass

    monthly non-perishable food drive for the McKenna Center

    Sunday, May 8, 2016


    Acts 1:1-11/Ephesians 1:17-23 or Hebrews 9:24-28; 10:19-23/

    Luke 24:46-53

    6:15 PM

    7:15 PM

    8:15 PM

    Young Adult Community Steering Committee Neale Room Young Adult Community Mass Saint Ignatius Chapel Young Adult Community Café McKenna Hall

    at all Masses

    monthly non-perishable food drive for the McKenna Center

    join us for coffee & fellowship every Sunday after the 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses in McKenna Hall

    for texts of daily readings: and for audio recordings of daily readings:

    for the most complete listing of parish events with event descriptions and contact information:

    background color of date indicates the liturgical color for that day

    for information concerning liturgical colors:

    May 1.pdf2016_05_01_B