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Holy Sanction (Belvedere#1)

Apr 14, 2018



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Prologue―Torilee Mallory Jameson! This is the last time I‘m telling you this! Get

down here and eat your dinner!‖ 

For over an hour my mom had been yelling at me to eat my dinner. She

hadn‘t asked me, so why should I answer a question that was never asked? I just

turned my music up louder to attempt to drown her out. Only two words

described that moment. Wrong. Move. My mom came bursting into my room,

practically knocking the door off its hinges.

―Torilee, I could just about kill you right now,‖ my mom was just about tostart one of her random outbursts of rage.‖And what did I say about having that

music so loud. Its going to make you deaf. Turn. It. Off.‖ 

I turned off my stereo, only to turn around and pick up my iPod. I grabbed

my Beats headphones and put them to the test. Seeing if it could block out my

mother. I turned up the volume and watched my mom stomp around my room,

picking things up and throwing them on the ground, probably talking about how

messy my room was. She looked at me and did a double take. Her expression was

so shocked, more disgusted than anything.

―Are you ignoring me!? Ugh! I can‘t believe you! You … you … you spawn

of Satan. I blame on your father. He was a demon himself.‖ 

―Don‘t blame this on Dad. As much as I hate him this is all your fault and

you know it,‖ I said, finally finding my voice. 

―My fault? Wait, are still mad for that ?‖ 

―Yes Mom. It was the only guy I liked in a very long while, and you force

him to break up with me, only to tell me,‘ Surprise! We‘re moving to Arkansas,‘‖ I

said, feigning her voice.

―Well what‘s wrong with moving? We‘ve moved before.‖ 

―This time‘s different Mom. Not only are you robbing me of the childhood

experience to see a boyfriend behind her mother‘s back like a normal teenager,

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but you‘re doing it so that we can move to Arkansas,‖ I said lacing my voice with

disdain.‖Really Mom? Arkansas of all places.‖ 

―Well I already told you. They have nice neighborhoods and —― 

―Gardening commities and clubs. I know.‖ 

―It‘s the best for you.‖ 

―Are you sure that it‘s the best for me and not you?‖ 

―Are you saying that I would put my well being over yours?‖ 

I didn‘t answer at all. Later on in life I would regret that I didn‘t. I simply

turned my head revealing what I truly thought and didn‘t have the heart to say.

She turned to leave my room in defeat, but unexpectedly whipped around and satat the end of my bed. ― You may not think that I put your best interest at heart,

but I do. Sometimes more than I should. You have so many things that you don‘t

know, that I shield you from knowing. You are so very, very special. You have yet

to understand your potential, your power. I love you more than you could ever


―Great Mom, just great. What movie did you get that from?‖ 

She left wordlessly. When I heard her bedroom door close, I climbed out of 

my bed. I changed into the outfit that I knew I would be needing. I silently

sneaked downstairs and left through the front door. After getting in my car, I put

my shoes on and pulled away.

I drive to Miami‘s hottest new club, Essence, where I told Ashton I‘d meet

him. That‘s where we usually met after my mom told me I wasn‘t allowed tointo

the lot, skipping the ever growing line I walked into the night club.

I was searching the crowd when arms like steel bands wrapped around my

waist. I immediatley leaned into Ashton‘s chest letting him push me on to thedance floor. In the middle of all the sweating bodies everything faded into the

beat. Swaying my hips from side to side, I felt as if the more I moved the more my

problems disappeard into the background.

My phone vibrated, pulling me from my music induced stupor.

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I turned off my phone and put it back into its case.

An hour passed and the dance floor was packed with people. Ashton and I

fought our way out of the moving crowd. Sitting at the bar I nodded my head at

Will, the best bartender in the world who happened to support underaged

drinking, and he brought our regulars.

―So what prompted this spopntenious meeting, not that I‘m objecting,‖

Ashton said unsurprisingly. We usually give each other two days notice.

―We‘re moving again. This time we‘re headed to Arkansas.‖ 

He laughed.‖Arkansas of all places?‖ 

―That‘s what I said. This is so not funny. What will happen to us?‖ 

He reached for my hand.‖We‘ll get through it. That‘s what we‘re best at,


―Yeah. What time is it?‖ 

―It‘s 1:05 am. Do you need to get home?‖ 

―Yeah, bye.‖ 

He kissed me goodbye and I left. Driving home, I thought of what I would

tell my mom. I walked into my house at two in the morning calling out,‖Mom.

I‘m home now so you can freak out, or whatever.‖ 

Nothing. Silence. I was expecting screaming, an interrogation, an

accusation, and most inportantly, a grounding. What I wasn‘t expecting was this,silence. I looked around the first floor. No lights were on, but things were

different. I walked up the stairs. I looked around, everything was still. I walked

into my mom‘s bedroom and gasped. Things were thrown around the room, the

bed was turned upside down. My mom was in the middle of it all, lying bloody,

limp, dead.

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The worst part was the far wall. Not only did it have holes and pieces

missing, but it hade a word written in her blood.


That word would haunt me years later, but the thing that would haunt methe most would be the way I treated my mom the last time I saw her. I didn‘t say

I love her, or goodbye. I accused her of being selfish and trying to ruin my life. If 

only I had been there that night.

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Chapter 1My first day. It could be worse, but it definatley could be better. New

school, new place, new house. The only thing that really remained constant was

my older brother, Breece, my awful dad who was never there, and my natural

platinum blonde hair, that no matter how many places I‘ve moved, always seemed

to draw the wrong kind of people. That wouldn‘t, or shouldn‘t be a problem here

in Colorado. Sure it was the end of summer, but come winter I‘ll be wearing all

the hats I can get my hands on.

―Tori. Torilee.‖ 

Someone whispered my name. That someone was my brother. I became

aware that I was frozen at the door of Bruxton High. I tried to smile at Breece.

―Hey Tori. You going to be okay?‖ he said with a smile.

He could be so sweet at times. I could tell he was worried about me so I

replied,‖ Yeah. Of course. See you after school.‖ 


I watched him leave. It took everything I had to not run up to him and havehim take me away. Slowly I began to move in the direction of my locker. I

managed to make it about two feet before I ran right into someone.

―Uhm. Watch where you‘re going!‖ shouted a the girl I bumped into. When

I took a good look at her I noticed she had make-up on every visible part of her,

dyed barbie blonde hair, and a crowd of girls followed her. She looked like she

was right out of the movie Mean Girls. 

When she stalked away I heard her call me a bitch under her breath, followed by

giggles. Perfect first impression. I made it to my locker without bumping into

anyone else.

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―Torilee Jameson! Welcome! I‘m glad you finally decided to show up!‖ 

My new English teacher, Mr. Oserum, shouted at me as I tried to sneak in

without him noticing. So much for that plan. ― Uhm. Hi.‖

I barely got the words out of my mouth and he seemed to notice,‖You‘ve

got to speak up if you‘re going to be in my English class. My hearing aids don‘t

work that well.‖ 

I noticed he had a slight British accent that he obviously tried very hard to

conceal. He had light brown hair with golden highlights, he was obviously in his

twenties. With designer jeans, a classic white dress shirt, and a gray vest he

looked amazing, older, but amazing none the less.I made it to my seat just in time for us to be paired up. Our first English

project was to find out as much about your partner as possible and then write a

paper about him. Sounded pretty easy.

I was partnered with Trevor. It was all good except the fact that I didn‘t

know who Trevor was. I looked around and everybody was with their partner.

Everybody except one person. That person was a rather gorgeous boy. He had

relaxed golden blonde hair, midnight blue eyes, and all black clothes. His tanned

skin glowed in the flouresent lighting. He had a ring circling his bottom lip. Icautiously moved forward. He only loooked up from his book when I sat down.

―Can I help you?‖, his eyes stone hard as he asked me. He had a lower voice than I

had epected for a high schooler.

―Yeah actually. Are you Trevor?‖ 

―So what if I am?‖ 

―Great. We have the English assignment together.‖ 

He stared at me with a blank face. For a split second I thought I saw

confusion cross his face. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something

then leaned closer to me and said,‖Don‘t bother me again when I‘m reading, or

any other time.‖ 

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Great I thought Just what I need to really get this year going. He doesn’t even 

like me. No one does. Except Breece. Well that doesn’t count because we’re— The bell

interupted my thoughts. With that we were all dismissed for lunch.

When I got to the cafeteria, every table was conviniently occupied at Barbie

hair‘s request. As I looked around I realized it was every table but one. A table

outside seated only one person. Luckily for me I got to sit with my favorite

English parnter Trevor.

―What are you doing here?‖ he asked icily.

―Uhm ….Well,‖ I stammered,‖I…. every other table is full. Or so they told me.‖ 

He didn‘t respond but instead kept drinking his coke and reading. That was

pretty much how lunch went.

When I got back to our house Breece after school was waiting for me with

his newly aquired friends. Breece always made friends easily just by making

conversation and naturally mentioning that we lived alone and got a $500,000

allowance a week from our never there dad. Five members from the football team

and Breece were drinking beers in the kitchen when I got home. I was so

surprised how they stared at me like I was a neon sign.

I went up to my room and changed into my bikini and came down to the

kitchen to get a vitamin water before heading out to our waterfall infiniti pool.

When I walked into the kitchen one football player never took his eyes off of me.

Besides feeling awkward he didn‘t do anything to me so I decided not to say

anything. I walked in got my drink and walked out. There was still a deafening

silence when I left. I dropped off my drink on the table next to my pool chair and

walked down to the lower pool. I dived in, intent on drowning out my problems.

When I reached the bottom I waded around the pool. I dunked down in the pool

and drowned all my troubles away.

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When I surfaced to get air for my pounding lungs I noticed there was a

black figure staring at me. The figure looked strong but not bulky. Make no

mistake though he was covered in lean defined muscles. The shade of the trees

around my house covered his face. Even then, I could see his peircing midnight

blue eyes. It was Trevor!

I shot out of the water and looked around. I couldn‘t see him any more. My

gaze met the pitch black color of someone‘s eyes. One of the football players

ventured away from the upper pool where the others were swimming.

―Hi. I‘m Jake. Jake Lansem.‖ 

―I‘m Torilee, Breece‘s little sister, but I‘m sure you knew that.‖ 

―Yeah I kind of did. I‘m the school‘s quarterback.‖ ―Oh awesome. I should be getting back. I have homework.‖ 

―Oh yeah sure.‖ 

I ran up the steps to the upper pool and waved to my brother. He ran up to

talk to me and said,―Hey you okay? From what I heard you had a pretty bad day.

From what I hear if Ashlee doesn‘t like you no one has a good day.‖ 

―Who Ashlee?‖ 

―You don‘t know? Well she‘s a blonde. Like yellow dyed blonde with blue

contacts, and usually has about ten girls following her at all times…..‖

―Oh yeah. I totally thought her name was Barbie.‖ 

―Looks like it right? Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you‘re okay.‖ 

―Well, I‘m fine.‖ 

` When I got back down stiars I noticed that Breece kicked all of his

―friends‖ out of our house. I chose to ignore it and went for the menus that our

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dad left for us since he knows we can‘t cook. CHOW MENG LI: was spread out

across the top of the menu. I called in our order and got Breece to pick it up.

When he came back, I had already set the table for our dinners. He layed

out our food and as he began to eat I asked him,‖ Hey. Has dad sent us our

allowance yet?‖ 

―Yeah,‖ he responded,‖ It came in the mail today.‖ 


We ate in silence.

Later on I took a shower and got ready for bed. With everything that

happened to me today I was happy that the blackness of sleep spread over me


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Chapter 2 

I got to school late but just in time for the bell to exclaim that English wasnext. I got my books and went to English only to see that shlee was the new

addition to my English class. She glared at me when I walked in. ―Early today I

see,‖ said Mr. Oserum.

―Yeah I decided to start today off right.‖ 

―Great. I‘m glad to see that.‖ 

I sat down at my desk right as the bell rang.

―Well, for starters, I am so glad to see that my class is all here on time. So

get with your partners and get ready to do some real bonding. The kind that

doesn‘t involve texting.‖ 

I looked around to find Trevor and found in the back of the classroom just

like the day before. I walked over to him and sat down. Just like the yesterday he

was reading a book. Instead of telling me to leave him alone like yesterday, he put

his book down and started writing on a piece of paper he had out.

―I don‘t mean to interrupt, but —  ― 

―Could‘ve fooled me,‘‘ he interjected. 

―What I was saying was: Aren‘t you supposed to ask me the questions

before you write down the answers?‖ 

―I was never one follow the rules.‖ 

I peered over the edge of his paper trying to see what he was writing about

me. He scooted farther away from me. I moved closer then he cleared his throatthen said,‖ Do you mind I‘m trying to work on an English assignment.‖ 

―Torilee. Could I speak with you after class?‖ Mr. Oserum. He was right

behind me. I didn‘t even see him leave his desk. 

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I heard something growling. Trevor was on the other side of the table with

a snarl on his face and was growling at Mr. Oserum. What was his issue? I could

take the mentally ill and even my crazy dad whom I hated. I found myself 

realizing that the one person in this world I couldn‘t take was Trevor.

―Sure,‖ I responded.

I turned my attention back to Trevor, who resumed writing his list of most

likely false statements about me, and decided if this is how he wanted to work,

then this is how we would work. I started to write my own list the same way. My

list turned out like this:


His name is Damien.

His is a jerk.

He reads.

He’s a jackass. 

He has blue eyes.

He’s an idiot.

He is a horrible group worker.

He’s a jerk. 

I had just finished my A worthy list and the bell rang. I got my books and I

went up to Mr. Oserum‘s desk while everybody else left. He said,‖Can I see your

list about your partner?‖ 

―Uhm…..Yeah about that. We decided that it was better for us to talk about

eachother first.‖ 

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―I saw you and your partner writing Torilee. Let me see your list.‖ 

―If you want to.‖ 

I pulled out my list very reluctantly and watched as he skimmed it.

―He‘s a jackass. Very strong words. Tomorrow I want to see real progress.‖ 

―Yes sir.‖ 

He ripped up my piece of paper as left. I ran to the bathroom and called my

brother, he picked up on the second ring. I soon found myself asking,―How soon

can we leave?‖ 

―So what? You‘re going for this new bad girl vibe? Well most of the guys

would like that…..‖ 

―You know what Breece? You can be so annoying sometimes. I‘m doing

this for me. I can‘t take it in that place anymore.‖ 

―You‘re getting crazier everyday.‖ 

―That‘s what they tell me.‖ 

We drove out to the mountains and navigated pretty well. When we got to

our house we decided that after lunch we would play X-Box and then we would

go out somewhere nice.

After tacos and hours of playing guitar hero we got ready to go out for

dinner. Apparently Breece had scoped out this new place in town that was very

fancy. So I put on my favorite dress.

It was black and went down to the middle of my thighs. It was straplessand had black feathers on the form fitting bodice. For decoration it had silver

feathers lining the neckline. I put on patterened black tights and black ankle boots

with it. I went to my mirror wall in my large extra large closet and I have to

admit, I looked great.

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Ashlee‘s voice shrilled with excitement. I cold hear her smile and her face

glowing. I slowly turned and saw the excitement drain from her face.‖You! Joel

we‘re leaving!‖ 

With that she stomped out. I didn‘t know exactly what to do after that. I

sat down and slumped in my seat. Breece looked a little confused.‖The guys said

that she would get over you being the new girl and getting all the attention

beacause all the glory would fade.‖ 

―I don‘t quite think so.‖ 

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Chapter 3School. Great my favorite, but more sepcificly English. I waltzed into

the classroom just as the bell rang. Mr. Oserum waited for me to sit down before

he started. He began the class by saying,‖I am glad to see that most people

becoming friends through the outlet of this little project.‖ 

Giving me a pointed look before continuing he said,‖Remember, writing

that your partner is a ‗ jackass‘ is definetley no way to get an A.Now you may


I blushed and looked at the floor. When I looked up dark blue eyes wereboring into mine. Trevor sat staring at me from across my table with a smug

smirk on his face.‖So, I‘m a jackass?‖ 

My blush deepened. Starting at a light pink, darkening into a crimson. He

laughed at me.

The nerve,I thought angrily,He hasn’t helped me once and now the project is do 

tomorrow. What am I going to do now. Oh yeah, WWJD. Now if I only remembered 

what It standed for. Water With Jack Daniels? That definatley is not —  

―Look I wrote about myself and you, so now you don‘t have to do


A piece of paper landed in front of my vision. I looked at the perfectly

writen script:

Torilee Jameson:

Platinum blonde hair (natural)

Pale complection

 Likes the color silver

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 Favorite artist Johannes Vermeer

 Lives on a mountain

Very rich (due to her father’s weekly allowance) 

Very spoiled (not rotten)

Georgous Pretty Beautiful Not ugly

I sat flustered. Still staring at the paper I wondered how he knew all these

things about me. He got all of the things on his list right. Most of all, he thought

I was georgous, pretty, beautiful, and not ugly. I was happy to see that unlike

most guys he didn‘t think I was hot. If I was hot I would stop wearing long

sleeves shirt.

I felt his gaze on me as I read. He was watching me assess his work. I knew

he could tell that I liked it so it baffled me when he inquired,‖Do you like it?‘‘ 

―Yeah…… Uhm… You got everything right. How do you know this


―I asked Breece.‖ 

He got up and turned in our lists one day early. Mr. Oserum‘s face looked

angry as Trevor came and turned in our project. Trevor smiled when he came

back and said,‖He wants to talk to you.‖ 

Dazed by his smile it took me a while to figure out what he was talking

about. When I figured it out I practically ran up to Mr. Oserum‘s desk. He turned

around and smile while saying,‖ I am glad to see that you worked out your

differences with your partner today and got the project done early. You will be

receivng an A. But, first have a question. Did you really work on this?‖ 

I glanced back at Trevor who was reading and answered,‖ Yes. Of course .‖ 

―Great just checking. You can go sit down now.‖ 

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I walked back to my desk as the bell rang and left. I spent the rest of the

day thinking about if Trevor was secretly stalking me and if that really was him

at my house.

When I got home that night, Breece had a lot of his ―friends‖ over and was

heading out to our pool. He gave a quick hug and kiss on the forehead before

 jogging through the french doors that lead outside to catch up to his friends. I

was alone.

I went up to my room and the unbearable silence was growing. I turned on

the radio so it wouldn‘t feel like I was completely alone. That‘s what my momtaught me. I missed her more and more everyday.

I blocked her out of my head again. I couldn‘t cry any more. I wasted more

time doing that then I should‘ve. I took out my books to focus my attention on

something productive. I started my homework and decided that I needed to do

something that didn‘t involve thinking, because my mind would wander to other

topics likemy mom, my dad, or even Trevor.

When my brother came back in with his friends I was on the couch wearing

sophies and a big t-shirt watching the movie, Dear John. Jake stopped to look atme before Breece ushered him out of the house to their cars. He looked at me on

the way to his room and shook his head as a disapproving sign. He hated chick

flicks. I was on my own for the rest of the night.

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Chapter 4At school everybody was buzzing. Something about an annual high school

camping trip. It was manditory and nobody got out of it. Maybe I could bribe the

school. I would rather sit at home alone than go on a stupid camping trip. Why

was I hearing about this just now? We left on Friday and came back on Sunday.

It was Thursday. I had only this afernoon to pack and get the necesarry camping


The rest of the day I‘m made a list of what I need in order to feel prepared

for the school trip. After school I coerced my brother to accompany me on my

shopping spree. We spent hours shopping for the right tent(which ended up beinga being a five person tent). I got tanning lotion, sunscreen, bugsray, more

bugspray, as many plaid shirts and coordinating camis as I could find, combat

boots, low-rise jeans, magazines, tampons, a week long laptop battery, a week

long phone battery, a mobile wifi hot spot, and lots of suitcases. I ended spending

 just under three thousand dollars.

On the way home my brother decided to complain about my

excessiveness.‖You don‘t need a five person tent. It‘s ridiculous.‖ 

―I need space for all the stuff I bought.‖ 

―You could fit the house in your tent. How did you not know about his trip? 

Everybody‘s been talking about it since the first week of school.‖ 

―I guess I had no one to tell me.‖ 

―Jake said he told you, but you never listen so……‖ 

―Jake is creepy.‖ 

―Whatever. How are you going to get there. The teachers put a suitcase

limit. You can only have one.‖ 

―Then I‘ll take the hummer.‖ 

―That‘s my car.‖ 

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―You‘re welcomed to join me.‖ 

―Naw. I‘m sitting with Chris.‖ 

―Who? Nevermind.‖ 

An awkward silent settled over us. I could see Breece squirming in his

seat. ―What?‖, I questioned. 

He kept his unsettled eyes on the road.‖Did you really have no other time

to buy more thingies?‖ 

―Thingies ?‖ 


―Can you be more specific?‖,I said even though I knew what he meant. 

―Tampons. Are you happy? I said it.‖ 

I couldn‘t control myself. I bursted out laughing. Irritation was written all

over Breece‘s face. That made me laugh harder. 

When we got home I spent at least four hours getting everything packed in

the respective suitcases. I fell asleep on one of the larger suitcases.

It was early. The sun wasn‘t out yet. Why was Breece waking me up soearly? Then it hit me. The camping trip. ―If you want me to help get your bags

into the hummer you have to get up. The school leaves at seven. In the morning.‖ 

I got up and showered. When I walked back to my room my bags were

already moved. I went to the kitchen to get everything else that I needed. I

purposely didn‘t pack my phone just in case Breece decided to call.

I ran into my car with a cup of coffee and a bagel, ready to get this weekend

over with. I drove to the school because Breece didn‘t want to leave a car in theparking lot. I followed one of the busses for three hours to some abandoned

moutain campsite.

When I got to the campsite most of the students were already out of the

busses. I wasn‘t going to go looking for Breece so I called him. 

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―Hello little sis. Are you calling me to oblidge you with my servitude?‖ 

―If by ‗servitude‘ you mean my luggage then yes.‖ 

―Where are you?‖ 

―I‘m parked right next to the busses.‖ 

―Okay. I‘m bringing help.‖ 

I waited in my car until Breece showed up. With the stronger half of the

football team.

They all lined up behind my trunk carrying one bag each over their heads. I

climbed out of my car hurrying after them.‖Wait! Where are you going? I didn‘t

even tell you where to put my stuff!‖ 

One of the football players stopped long enough to say,‖ Breece told us to

set your stuff right next to his tent.‖ 


The players just continued on their path. I went back to the car to see the

trunk was emptied. I closed the trunk and locked the doors to the car. I ran after

the football players to see where Breece told them to put my stuff. After what

seemed like a mile I saw my pile of suitcases. My tent was already set up. Itlooked like a mansion compared to the other ones around it. I walked in pleased

with the space and started to drag the suicases in. Suitcase by suitcase, my tent

started looking like my bedroom. A full length mirror, an airmatress, piles of 

clothes everywhere. I walked outside my tent to see Mr. Oserum standing with a

disapproving look on his face. He caught my eye and scolded,‖ Did you not get

the packing list on Thursday? This is a lot more than we recommend, more than

we would allow. How did you sneak all of this on to the bus?‖ 

―I didn‘t. I drove my brother‘s car here.‖ 

―This against every rule that we set for this camping trip. Since we have to

accommodate six hundred stundent the biggest tent we permit is a 6x6. How big

is this?‖ 

―20x20, sir.‖ 

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―We only allow one suitcase. How many did you bring?‖ 

―Eight suitcases.‖ 

―Do you think this is acceptable?‖ 

―Yes, I do. You made this trip manidtory. I came. I‘m sorry if I didn‘t

conform to your stupid rules. This is my first year and last time I checked this

still is a free country.‖ 

―I don‘t care for your tone.‖ 

―I don‘t care. Period.‖ 

We stood in a heated stare down. Breece emerged from his tent right

before I was about to punch my English teacher‘s face and said,‖ Hey Tori. Mr.Oserum, what seems to be the problem?‖ 


He left. After all of that, when confronted with another opportunity to bitch

about his problems with me, he leaves! What was his problem.

Breece turned around to see his handiwork. I smiled at the spot he‘d chosen

for us. It was the highest point in the campsite, looking over everybody‘s tents,

the bathrooms, and the biggest campfire I‘d ever seen. Then again, the onlycampfires I had seen were on television.

I looked around. It might just be peaceful up here. I turned around and

found myself staring into a pair of black endless eyes.

―Hey. I don‘t know if you remember me. I‘m Jake, your brother‘s friend.‖ 

―Oh hey I remember you. You were at my house … that night.‖ 

The three hour drive up here definatley affected my memory. I had no ideawho he was, I was just hoping that my guess was somewhere to the truth of how

I met him.

―Yeah. I‘m surprised you remember.‖ 

He turned around to see my wonderful tent. ―Wow. That is some tent.‖ 

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―Yeah. Apparantly I didn‘t get the memo about small tents. I wouldn‘t have

paid attention even if I did.‖ 

He chuckled. I wasn‘t trying to be funny or charming. I just wanted him to

go away. Just then the football team showed up shouting at Jake, telling they

were going to leave him. He turned back to me and said,‖ Sorry I‘ve got to go. I

don‘t want them to hang me ditching them over my head forever. See you later?‖ 

―Yeah. Definitely.‖ 

Ugh. I hoped I didn‘t see him later. He was annoying. Always showing up

at the most inconvient times. I turned around to retreat into my tent. I took out

one of the multiple cans of bugs spray. I sprayed around the interior of my tent. I

went outside to escape the fumes of my tent. I started spraying the outside of my

tent. I sprayed the outside walls of my tent and the ground around it. I was stillspraying when I bumped into someone. I turned and said,‖I‘m sorry. I wasn‘t

paying attent —― 

I looked at who was apologizing to. Ashlee stood in front of me with an

expectant look on her face.‖You were saying?‖ 

―What do you want?‖ 

―Well, since we‘re getting right to the point, I want to talk to you about

two things.‖ 

―Okay. This isn‘t rocket scieince. Start with the first thing and end with the


I could see her biting her tongue.‖Well, I saw you talking to Jake. Jake

Lansem, the school‘s quarterback. I just wanted to know if you were dating him.‖ 

―No. No, no, no I am not dating him.‖ 

―Good because we‘re dating. We‘re just on a break.‖ 


―Anyway the second thing is, well, it‘s hard not to notice your tent. It‘s

massive. It‘s also in the best spot on the campsite.‖ 

―I realize that.‖ 

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―What I‘m trying to say I, my tent is tiny, so can I move in with you?‖ 

―No. Abseloutly not.‖ 

―Why not?‖ 

―I don‘t know what sudden incentive enticed you to try to be my friend, but

I don‘t want you as a friend. I‘d rather have you as an enemy.‖ 

Her face contorted in many different emotions before settleng on

anger.‖You don‘t know what it‘s like having me as an enemy. I think after a day

you would find it in your best intrest. That being said, my offer stands until


―This isn‘t modern warfare, its high school. Sorry to burst your bubble, but

you might have been the princess in the past, but I don‘t see a crown or a throne.‖ 

Her face turned bright red as she spun around on her heel and walked


I went to the campfire to see what was for breakfest. I couldn‘t go back to

my tent for an hour, or I would pass out from all the bugs spray. I took one of the

plates with gray pancakes and burned bacon. I looked at it for a while and decided

it was smart for me to pack scones, muffins, and all different kinds of pastries. I

was half way to the hummer when Breece stepped out of nowhere and envelopedme in a giant bear hug. ―Don‘t you love it here. The great outdoors.‖ 

―Yeah,‖ I said feigning exuberance. 

―Where are you going? The food is the other way.‖ 

―I know. I packed some food in your car.‖ 

―Fine. Make sure you don‘t spill anything,‖ he called out while jogging

back to the campfire.

I walked to Breece‘s car and sat in the heated sanctum. I ate my carb-full

breakfest, thankful that I had thought ahead and packed every meal. Pastries for

breakfests. Pasta and casseroles for luches. Salads, steaks, and chickens for dinner.

I even brought a cooler with ice cream inside. Maybe if I stayed in the car the

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whole time, the weekend . A knock on my window made me jump out of my seat.

When I saw who it was my face fell. I rolled down the window.

Trevor smiled and said,‖ You need to get to the campfire now.‖ 


―Ashlee‘s trying to get your brother to go out with her.‖ 

―Why is he even talking to her?‖ 

―She can be very persuasive.‖ 

―That bitch!‖ 

I jumped out of the car, slammed the door, and raced toward the campfire. I

was panting by the time I got there. Breece was staring at Ashlee while she went

on and on about me.

―I don‘t know how or why you put up with her. I would just dump her on

her ass.‖ 

I stepped into the circle the gethering crowd made.‖Really? I think we all

know my ass is so much cuter than yours.‖ 

Ashlee gave me a look of pure hatred as I stepped in front of her.‖You think

you can come to my school and just takeover. If you do then you‘re wrong. You

 just made a big mistake by —― 

―You don‘t know how many mistakes you made. Don‘t ever look at Breece

again, not that I have to tell you that. I‘m sure if I showed up a second later

Breece would have told you that himself.‖ 

―No he wouldn‘t have.‖ She turned to look at Breece with a smug smile.

―Would you Breecey?‖ 

Breece smiled.‖Let‘s just say Tori knows me a lot better than you.‖ 

I smiled and continued.‖Your second mistake is calling him Breecey. He is

not a care bear, he‘s my brother. You luckily haven‘t made your third mistake, but

if you do I won‘t be as forgiving. Maybe I can make up a nickname for you, too.

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Call me the red queen because the next time you make a mistake, it‘s off with your


The laughs from the crowd started almost immediately. Laughter seemed

to come from everywhere. Ashlee left with tears in her eyes. Looks like I could

takeover her school. Breece stoood up and whispered in my ear.‖How am I

supposed to be the big brother when you do stuff like this?‖ 

I laughed. They laughter stopped abruptly. Mr. Oserum emerged from the

crowd of teenagers. His voice boomed over all the others.‖Torilee Jameson. Is this

the impression you want to make with your new teachers? First you are late to

my class, then you threaten a student, and you‘re lucky you haven‘t made a third

mistake. You can call me the red king because next time you make a mistake it‘ll

be off with your head.‖ 

―Mr. Oserum!‖ I feigned surprise in my voice.‖Is this the impression you

want to make on a new student?‖ 

The laughter started again. Mr. Oserum‘s face face boibled with a mixture

of rage and embarassment. He practically lunged at me. He grabbed my arm,

pulling me from the laughing crowd. He pulled me until the laughter faded away.

He turned to face me and it took a lot of control not to laugh at his red face. ―Why

do you have to try my patience? You can‘t go around threatening to cut off a

student‘s head.‖ 

―What do you want me to say?‖ 


―For what? Making about fifty kids‘ camping experiences ten percent


―You‘re not going to make any friends behaving this way.‖ 

―I think I made twenty new friends just now, but thank you for the advice.‖ 

I walked away, surprised that Mr. Osreum didn‘t come after me. Maybe

this new school would work out after all.

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Chapter 5I spent the rest of the day in my tent, only traveling to Breece‘s car to eat. I

climbed out of my tent after eating a pint of ice cream to watch the sunset. I

walked out to golden skies. I sat on top of the hill in front of my tent. I relaxed

happy for no reason.

This is one of the rare moments in my life where I‘m not thinking about

anything. I‘m not worried about anyone. I‘m just reveling in the silence. Then

Trevor slowly made his way towards me and sat down next to me. Why couldn‘t

he just leave me alone?

―Did you get in trouble for make little miss sunshine cry?‖ 


Silence. I relished it as long as I could since I knew it wouldn‘t last long. 

―Are you just watching the sunset?‖ 


―Who are you going with tommorrow night?‖ 

―What do you mean? What‘s tommorrow night?‖ 

―There‘s this dance that supposedly brings us all closer together.‖ 

―Ohmigod! This is perfect!‖ 

―That‘s sarcarsm, right?‖ 

―No! Every trip I go on I always bring an emergency dress and an

emergency pair of heels. Breece always says that I don‘t need them, but I‘m goingto prove him worng tommorrow night.‖ 

―You sound very excited, but you didn‘t answer the initial question. Who

are you going with?‖ 

―Well if someone asked me, I would‘ve known about the dance.‖ 

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―You‘re right.‖ 

Silence swept over us again. I don‘t know how much time passed before

Trevor tood up and said,‖I got to go. Enjoy the sunset.‖ He turned sharply to

leave, then turned back around just as fast.‖Before I forget, it‘s going to rain

tonight and tommorrow morning. You might want to mover you‘re food from

your car to your tent.‖ 

He turned around to leave and didn‘t turna around again. When the sun

went down I went to my tent to get a coat and a flashlight. I went back and forth

from my car and tent moving food, my cooler, and a battery operated microwave.

Then when that was done, I put a two plastic tarps over my tent to make sure

when it rained no water would seep through. Then I crawled back into my tent

and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of water pounding my tarp. Shouts filled the

campsite. There was no doubt the other students were surprised by the rain.

Maybe Trevor was capable of being helpful. Before I knew it the screaming died

down. Then the outline of a person showed of the wall of my tent.

―Knock! Knock! Tori, open up!‖ 

Breece was kept calling out my name until I managed to crawl over and

unzip the entrance to my tent. He walked in and stripped down to his breifs andgrabbed a blanket from my ample supply.

―Everybody moved to the busses when it started raining. You are the only

one smart enough to bring two plastic tarps.‖ 

―Since we‘re talking about how smart I am, guess what.‖ 


―There‘s a dance tommorrow night.‖ 

―I bet you brought your emergency dress and shoes.‖ 

―Yes I did. I was all kinds of prepared for this trip.‖ 

―I can‘t disagree.

―So are you staying in here tonight?‖ 

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―Yeah it was way too crowded on the bus.‖ 

―Okay just don‘t wake me up before noon.‖ 


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Chapter 6When I woke up I found that Breece had stayed true to his word. It was

one in the afternoon and he left me to sleep in peace. I realized that I hadn‘t eaten,

so I had a muffin and a bowl of ramen noodles. I realized I had eight hours to get

ready for the dance so I got started.

It took an hour to do my stripping face mask and another hour to do my

correcting face mask. I moisterized and condition my skin, then I bronzed it

because I would look like a ghost in the dark if I didn‘t. I put on my make upwhich ended up being a smoky eye and lips a little more glossy and pink than my

bronzed skin. I put on my strapless skin colored lace dress and strapped on my

heels. By the time I was done I was thiry minutes late to the party. I stepped

outside and sank. The rain turned the ground to mush and I was going to be able

to wear heels. I went back in my tent and changed into the only other shoes that

would match the dress. I put on brown, leather, knee high, combat boots. I walked

out of my tent and headed towards the campfire.

I walked into the crowd of mingling students. I looked around for Breece. Icouldn‘t find which meant he was probably with the football jock. I turned around

and ran into a solid, warm, moving , wall. I looked up and found Jake looking down

at me. I took a step back and turned around again, prepared to look for Breece in

the opposite direction.

―Tori. Wait.‖ 

I turned around to face Jake. Silence settled over us as I waited to hear

what he was going to say.

―Oh right. Sorry for running into you.‖ 

―It‘s fine.‖ 

I turned around preparing to walk away again, but he called my name and I

reluctantly turned his way again.

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―I was just wondering if you wanted to—― 

―Well, hello Ms. Warrior Princess.‖ 

Trevor stepped out of a throng of people and luckily stopped Jake‘s attempt

to ask me out. The down side, I was now sandwiched between Jake and Trevor.There was no way to escape the fuming testosterone. Where was Breece when I

needed him?

―Trevor, if you didn‘t mind, I was trying to ask Torilee something.‖ 

―Of course I mind. I was just about to ask her something very important,


―Can it wait?‖ 

Trevor turned to me and got down on one knee. ―Torilee Jameson, will you

marry me?‖ 

I looked at his serious and dertermined face and started laughing. He got

up and dusted off his pants.‖Well, I‘m going to take that as a maybe.‖ 

I laughed even harder. ―Trevor I was trying to be serious. I wanted to ask

Tori something important, too. Actually I was going to ask her —― 

―Am I interupting something? Are you trying to ask Tori out?‖ 

―Yes I was. Tori will you —― 

―You‘re taking way to long. I‘ll help you. Tori would you like to date Jake?‖ 

There was an awkward silence. Both boys were looking at me for my

answer. I didn‘t want to give Trevor the satisfaction of embarassing Jake, but I

wanted to date Jake even less. I couldn‘t have it both ways. 

―I‘m sorry Jake. I really don‘t want to go out with anyone right now.‖  ―Okay. We can just be friends. If you ever change your mind though you

know where to find me.‖ 

He walked away defeated. I watched him disappear into the crowd of people

dancing. I tried followed him, but got lost in the crowd of people. A hand pulled

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me out and I found myself facing Breece. ―So how does it feel to be Jake Lansem‘s


―You knew and you didn‘t tell me? Or warn me?‖ 

―He wanted it to be a surprise. He said not to tell you so that you could bewooed.‖ 

―I wasn‘t ‗wooed‘. I turned him down. I‘m not his girlfriend.‖ 


―I turned him down.‖ 

―Why? Do you know how many girls would kill for the opportunity to be

his girlfriend?‖ 

―Yes, and Ashlee is one of them.‖ 

―Is this about Ashlee, because I could talk to her.‖ 

―No, it‘s not about Ashlee. I‘m sorry that you wanted me to go out with

Jake, but I don‘t like him and I hope I made that clear.‖ 

―Tori don‘t be like this.‖ 

―Don‘t be like what? I don‘t like him and I don‘t know why you keeppushing me to.‖ 

―Okay. I‘ll stop prying into your personal life since you‘re touchy tonight. 

Sometimes I wish you could see the sense in things.‖ 

―See the sense in Jake?‖ 

―Yes. In Jake. Your stupidity will have this whole school up in arms and we

 just arrived.‖ 

―Sis you just call me stupid ?‖ 

―Yes. Sometimes people need someone to call them stupid so that they can

understand the sense in things. Mom needed that. Her stupidity is what led her to

be killed.‖ 

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My tears clogged my throat. I turned. This party wasn‘t all it was supposed

to be. I left and made the quickest getaway. I walked fast and faster until I

running away from the party, the dancing, the music, the voices.

I walked to the edge of the campsite. The packet of things to bring had

many warning not to go into the woods past the campsite. I was never one to

follow rules.

I emersed my self in the thicket of trees and bushes. I walked further until

all I saw was green. I looked around, trying to remember the way I came. Every

tree was identical. I turned around and went the other way, but the trees seemed

to get thicker. I saw things moving in the shadows.

A crack above me brought my attention to the falling branch. The ground

hit me as hard as the branch did. I don‘t know how long I stayed there, butdarkness was all I could see before long.

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Chapter 7 ―She‘s here!‖ 

―Is she okay?‖ 

―Yeah. I think she‘s unconscious though.‖ 

―There‘s blood all over her head and face.‖ 

I hear voices. My eyes fluttered open. Breece, Jake, and Trevor looked

down at me while Mr. Oserum bandaged my head. Mr. Oserum was the first to

speak. ―You are in a lot of trouble young lady. You not only broke all the rules,you risked your life and those of the people searching for you for what? To look

at the stars?‖ 

Then Jake. ―Mr. Oserum, with all do respect stop. She most likely has a

concussion.‖ Turning his attention to me he said,‖Are you alright? We were all

worried about you.‖ 

Then Trevor. ―If you didn‘t want to marry me all you had to say was‘no‘.‖ 

And finally Breece. ―I think we should go home early. I‘ll drive.‖ 

I started standing up before I felt my feet go out from under me. Trevor

picked me up and carried me out of the woods. We walked for what seemed like

eternity. When we finally got to my tent Trevor ignored it and kept walking

towards Breece‘s car. I twisted in his arms trying to get away. His arms grew

tighter around me.

―Are you trying to make me drop you?‖ 

―‖You passed my tent.‖ 

―I know. I have orders to carry you to the car and keep you there.‖ 

―What do you mean keep me there?‖ 

―I mean babysit you.‖ 

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―Why? I can take care of myself.‖ 

―Of course. You definatley planned to get lost and then take a nap in the

woods that were totally off limits from students and anyone else and getting a

concussion was at the top of that list.‖ 

―Shut up.‖ 


He carried me through the camp and I noted the strange looks I got from

other students. When we finally got to the car I jumped out of his arms and into

the passenger seats.

―Wow. Am I really that hard to be around?‖ 

―If you must know, yes. You repulse me.‖ 

He stood in the door way of the passenger side.‖Why do I repulse you?‖ 

―You mock everything I say. You can‘t stay with the same emotion for two

minutes. You act like you‘re better than everybody else and you never listen to


―Those are bad qualities?‖ 

I shot him a look. ―Fine. Just so you know, I think you‘re lying.‖ 

―I couldn‘t make all that up about you.‖ 

―I‘m not saying you made it up. I‘m saying you like those things about me.

You like me.‖ 

―I don‘t.‖ 

―On the contrary, you would have to be paying a lot of attention to me if 

you noticed all of that.‖ 

I flushed and ignored his comment.‖I got to the car. You can go now.‖ 

―I get payed by the hour. The more time I spend with you, the more it pays


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He leaned closer and I leaned back against the arm rest. ―Well I‘ll

reimberse you if you leave now.‖ 

―What if I don‘t want to leave?‖ 

He closed the distance. His lips attacked mine. I could taste the metal of hislip ring. He pulled away too soon and left me gasping.

He stared into my eyes with a smirk on his face.‖I think you like me a lot

more than you‘re letting on.‖ 

The football team showed up putting my packed suitcases in the trunk of 

Breece‘s hummer. The driver seat opened as Breece climbed in. Trevor left with a

wave of his hand. I wanted him to stay. I hated him for making me feel this way.

I closed the passenger door and the car pulled away, stealing away from thecamp in the middle of the night.

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Chapter 8I woke up in my bed. All my suitcases in a pile on my floor. Apparantly we

made it to the house a few hours before. I spent hours unpacking my suitcases. I

really needed to learn how to pacl lighter, but it‘s hard when everything I pack

gets put to use.

I emerged from my room to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. I loved

my brother. I walked down to the kitchen to see Breece eating a the whole stack

of pancakes. There was none for me. I hated my brother. I made coffee instead.

I went back to my room and texted a variety of people from a variety of places where I‘ve lived. Before I knew it Breece was calling me down to dinner.

He actually mae something for both of us. We ate in silence and then the next

thing I knew it was Monday.

I realized I had to face … everyone. I got ready for school wearing heels

and a silk sundress. I put my hair into a high ponytail and kept make up to a


I went to Starbucks before stopping in the school parking lot. The first few

periods went fine. Then I arrived at the door of Mr. Oserum‘s class. I froze. What

could I do? I could leave, but then where would I go? I doubt Breece would vouch

for me again, but I didn‘t want to face Trevor. I didn‘t want to face Ashlee either

now that I thought about it. She would be the one spreading the rumours.

I had already heard several of them. I was going out with Jake and Trevor.

I was going out with Jake but had a friends-with-benefits relationship with

Trevor. The rumour that I was marrying Trevor was all thanks to his little stunt

in the middle of the camp party.

I sucked it up and I walked into the room. All eyes instantly zeroed in on

me. I walked in probably a little slower than I should have. I looked around and

found the only seat open was next to Trevor. I sat down and started playing with

my pencils and pens.

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The snickers started as soon as I felt Trevor‘s heated gaze on me. I tried to

ignore it, but it was like trying to ignore an itch. You can try as much as you

want, but eventually you‘re going to give up and scratch. I looked at Trevor to

find a smug look on his face. A grin srpead on his face.

―What are you smiling at?‖ 


He turned back to his notes. The bell rang and Mr. Oserum started his

lecture about the differences of medieval and ancient literature. My thoughts

drifted from Queen Victoria‘s diary to Trevor. 

How could I find him so annoying yet so attractive at the same time? I

can‘t live with or without him. He keeps me on my toes, but sometimes you justwant to be lazy just like every other high schooler. I couldn‘t publicly show him

or anyone else how attracted I was to him. Him carrying me through camp was

enough for the rumours to start about us getting married. Maybe I should stop

hanging out with him. Then who would I hang out with?

I know you may be thinking why is she spending so much time on a guy

she doesn‘t even like. I can‘t explain it to you. It‘s one of those irratating

connections that you can deny all you want to but you know it‘s there. So does

Trevor. I should just give him to Ashlee. If she likes Jake, I‘m sure she‘ll loveTrevor. Both annoying single American indivisuals. As much as I hate both of 

them I have to admit they are the hottest boys I‘ve ever met. That‘s saying a lot

since I‘ve met boys in nearly all fifty states.

I should stop thinking about Trevor. Then I wouldn‘t like as much as I do.

Then I wouldn‘t have to deny anything. 

I payed attention to Mr. Oserum for five minutes before my thoughts

drifted towards Jake. What was his issues. I don‘t think he got the hint that when

I said I didn‘t want to be his girlfriend that I didn‘t want to be his anything,including his friend . He was someone I could say I hated and not have to deny

anything. He got under my skin in the strangest way. He would randomly appear

and want to talk to me like he didn‘t just appear out of thin air. He needed to get a

grip on reality.

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If Trevor was like this I would have dismissed him in the most humiliating

way by now, but Jake was too nice for me to do that. I hated him for that too. I

needed to stop hating so many people. Maybe then I would make friends that I

could skip school with. If I had thought of this before then I wouldn‘t have to be

suffering form rumours today.

I made up my mind by the time the bell rang to make more friends if I

could. I doubt we would be around long enough for me to actually make an effort.

I should start today so that I can get a head start. It wouldn‘t have to be anything

serious. Just someone to keep me busy after school so I wouldn‘t be lonely while

Breece was hanging out with the football team for whatever reason. He was

always out with them lately. It was either him and Jake or the whole football team

decided to get pizza and then go bowling. I wondered if he forgot he had a sister.

I doubted it and it would be petty of me to bring it up.

I walked to my locker before heading off to lunch. When I closed my locker

Trevor‘s shining face looked down at me. ―I didn‘t know a girl could hold a blush

for as long as you did in English.‖ 

Ignoring him was my best bet to make him go away. I brushed past him

and trudged on to the cafeteria. I knew he was following me when I walked into

the cafeteria and instead of getting whipsers I got stares. Their eyes followed me

as I went through the line with my tray and when I sat down. Trevor sat down

across from and then the whispers started. He didn‘t try to talk to me so I didn‘t

way anything to him.

The whipsers grew louder when he left his side of the table to sit next to

me. I heard gasps and laughing. I blushed. ―And do you, Trevor, know what the

rumours are?‖ 

―They‘re about us kissing.‖ 

―What?‖ My eyes tore up from the invisible spot on the table I was lookingat. ―I hadn‘t heard that rumour.‖ 

―Yeah, it turns out, one of the football players saw your token of 


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―But you kissed me!‖ Heads turned in our direction. I whispered,‖ It isn‘t


―Wake up princess. Life isn‘t fair.‖ 

―Princess? Are you implying that I‘m stuck-up?‖ 

―No. I‘m implying that the name ‗Princess‘ fits you. Maybe I should start

calling you that.‖ 

―No. Over my dead body.‖ 

―The princess is dead, long live the princess.‖ 

―You are the most annoying person I‘ve ever met.‖ 

―Last time I checked you still kissed me.‖ 

―You kissed me .‖ 

―You still kissed back.‖ 

I gathered my books and got ready to leave. Maybe I could find someone

normal to eat lunch with. ―Look, I‘m sorry. Stay here and eat lunch with me.


I set my books down and stared into the crowds of people smirking at us.Out of the crowd of people Jake Lansem‘s face appeared, moving toward our table. 

He sat down and I couldn‘t believe my eyes. Gossip was going to be cruel

tommorrow, and I thought it was bad today.

A friendly smile spread across his face. I couldn‘t just ask him to go away.

I‘d heard of this case where the school quarterback was turned down for the first

time in his life and he went on a killing spree. I should sit with him just for today,

It would save the lives of hundreds.

Jake sat down across from me and was obviously expecting some kind of 

greeting, but all he got were awkward stare, not just from me and Trevor, but

from the whole cafeteria wondering what he was doing. We all stared at

eachother until the awkwardness of the situation overcame me. I stood up and

walked out of the cafeteria leaving Jake and Trevor deal with the whole mess of 


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I never thought I would find myself spending the last half of my lunch

period in a girl‘s bathroom stall. There I was. Sitting on the toilet with the door

locked willing the bell to ring. I knew that Trevor and/or Jake were both outside

the door waiting for me to come out, but the bell rang and I had to face the

inevitable. I walked out of the bathroom and … surprise! Two midnight blue eyeswere staring back at me. I manuvered around him, on my way to my math class. I

didn‘t expect him to follow me since our only class together was math. I walked

faster and when I finally reached the classroom door Trevor‘s arem snaked

around and grabbed mine.

I turned around. ―What do you want?!‖ 

―Maybe I want you to talk to you without you running off or someone

getting in the way.‖ 

By the way he looked at me I could tell he was talking about Jake. ―Maybe

fate is trying to tell us something.‖ 

―Come on Princess. I know you want to talk to me as much as I want to

talk to you.‖ 

―What I want is to go to math.‖ 

―Then go.‖ 

―Well, if you didn‘t notice you are blocking my way.‖ 

He leaned down so his breath tickled my ear. ―You can‘t escape me. ― 

With that, he walked away. Feeling more confused than I have in my entire

left I walked into the class room dazed. The rest of the day I only thought of 

Trevor. He repelled me as much as he sttracted me. We were opposites. I really

hope opposites didn‘t attract. 

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Chapter 9I walked into a darkened house and turned on my favorite movie, A Walk

To Remember. Sitting on the couch the remenants of the sun still showing

disappeared behind the horizen. The movie pulled me in and offered me a small

repreive from my thoughts of Trevor and Jake and how Breece ditched me again

to hang out with Jake. The front door opened. I tensed. I hadn‘t heard Breece‘s

car pull up it must be him.

―Breece? Is that you?‖ 

―Sorry, Tori. Just me.‖ I frozed. ―My name is Torilee,‖ I muttered under my breath. 

My father walked into the room with his perfect designer suits and a smile

brazened on his face. I stood up. I tried to escape, but he caught me in a hug

before I could manage to squeeze past him. ―Oh, how I‘ve missed you. I brought

you a present.‖ 

―No present for me dad. I was just about to go to bed.‖ 

He gave me a disapproving look.‖ Looks like you were watching a movie.

Do you mind if I watch with you?‖ 

I shook my head.‖Yes I do mind.‖ 

―Oh well still you should open my present.‖ 

He shoved the present at me. I watched Breece leave unnoticed.

Unfortunatley that left me and my dad to bond. I took the present and opened it.

―Dad, I stopped collecting charms f or my charm bracelet when mom died.She was the only one to give me charms.‖ 

His smile died a little.‖Well, you can start a new charm bracelet. One with

all the charms I gave you.‖ 

―You never gave me any charms.‖ 

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―Well there‘s still time to change that.‖ 

―Of course there is Dad. There‘s always time to fix the mistakes you made.‖ 

―Tori I know I wasn‘t there when you were growing up, or much when

your mother died but I still love you.‖ 

― Are you sure about that Dad because I beg to differ.‖ 

―I do love you Tori‖ 

―My name is Torilee.‖ 

―I am  you father Torilee.‖ 

―Then it‘s your job to love me then, right?‖ 

―Yes. Well, No. That is not what I meant don‘t twist my words around to

fit your self pity.‖ 

I laughed. My dad looked very confused.‖What‘s so funny, Tori?‖ 

―My name is Torilee.‖ 

―Fine. What‘s so funny Torilee.‖ 

―You don‘t know me, yet you insist on claiming your ‗right‘ as my father.‖ ―Well, of course I know you. That‘s a little dramatic, even for you. I‘m just

getting old.‖ 

―What‘s my favorite color?‖ 

―Blue. Wait no! Pink. That‘s not it either. It‘—― 

―It‘s silver. It was mom‘s favortie color too.‖ 

―Of course I was just about to say that. Ask me another question.‖ 

―What‘s my favortie book?‖ 

―Well of course it‘s ….. It‘s The Art Of War. Same as me.‖ 

―No dad, my favortie book is The Great Gatsby. It‘s also my favortie


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―Well, like I said,‘ I‘m just getting old‘.‖ 

―Whatever.The only thing you know about me is that we share DNA.‖ 

I was walking out of the room when he shouted at me,‖I am still your 

father Tori! As long as I pay for the lifestyle you get to live you will respect me!‖ 


―Excuse me?‖ 

―My name is Torilee. Only mom and Breece get to call me Tori. That name

is used only for the people that actually care about me.‖ 

I walked out of the room with tears blurring my vision. That conversation

only reminded me that doesn‘t care he about me.

A knock breaks me out my reverie. Another one sharply follows the first.

―Tori…. Torilee….Please open the door.‖ 

My father asks me to open the door, to let him come in and ruin my life

again. I didn‘t know how to respond so I didn‘t. The door slowly opens, then

comes to a stop. Footsteps made their way to my bed.‖I went out and bought

poptarts and a mocha cappamianioviasco……… Oh you know what I‘m talking

about. It‘s down stairs. If you want it. You don‘t have to eat……. If you don‘t

want to……. I‘ll just go.‖ 

My dad left. I was alone, just like always.

Eventually I made my way downstairs. My dad was asleep in a kitchen

chair obviously he was waiting for me to come downstairs. I quietly got the

poptart and the cofee my dad got for me and went upstairs. I was almost to my

room when I heard,‖ Tori. Torilee are you still up?‖ 

Obviously my dad was now. I turned around and saw my dad right in front

of me. I found my voice and said,‖Hey Dad. I was just going to eat in my room

then go to bed. I didn‘t mean to wake you up.‖ 

―Of course. I guess we‘ll talk tomorrow then.‖ 


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I turned and walked to my room. He knew I didn‘t want to talk to him at

all. Then again, when did that ever stop him?

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Chapter 10I got up early and took a shower. I was determined to make it to Starbucks

before the line did. I got dressed and went downstairs. I ran into my brother on

my way out the door. ―Oh hey‖, I said,‖I‘m so glad we ran into each other so I can

yell at you for leaving me with Dad last night.‖ 

―Sorry about that but Jake called me and –― 

―Was it really  that important because I don‘t think it was.‖ 

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off again saying,‖I don‘t want

to hear your excuses. Are we taking separate cars or not because I really have to

get to Starbucks.‖ 

―We‘ll take the same car. Wait for me. I have to get dressed.‖ 

Great. Now I‘m going to be late to Starbucks. I went to the car and waited

for Breece to get dressed. When he decided to join me I had only five minutes to

go to Starbucks. I decided I was going to have to be late to class because after

everything I always had to have my latte.

I ran into Starbucks got a caramel latte and then ran out. I got into the car

and then drove to the school. I ran several red lights and broke several speed

limits. I got to the school and ran into the building. I knew that I was late. I

checked my watch and saw that I was 30 minutes late to a 45 minute class.

I ran into the building, through the hallways, and to my locker. I got my

books convinced that I was still not moving fast enough and ran to class. Mr.

Oserum greeted me with a frown and aknowledged my presence by saying,‖ Hello

Torilee. I‘m glad you decided to join us, as you will be joining us in detention


Great. Another brilliant accomplishment by Torilee Jameson. I sat in my

seat in the back next to Trevor. He smiled at me when I sat down. I put my coffee

on my desk and solemnly listened to Mr. Oserum teach his listen. Trevor leaned

over and whispered,‖So I‘ll geuss we‘ll be spending the afternoon together then.‖ 

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Confused I responded,‖What do you mean? I have detention apparantly.‖ 

―I know, so do I.‖ 

―What did you get a detention for?‖ 

―Disrupting behavior. Total BS if ask me but the teacher who gave it to me

thinks I‘m ‗to charming for my own good.‘‖ 

I laughed despite myself. I finally tuned into Mr. Oserum‘s lecture. 

Lunch. The only thing in school that you can‘t study for or practice and

prepare for. If people love they love you. If they don‘t, then your screwed. I lookaround knowing that if I go to my brother for help now he would think I need

him babysitting me for my whole life. I walked over to a table at random and was

about to sit down before I heard someone calling my name. I heard the voice

calling me over to sit down.

I turned around surprised to see the voice was coming from Trevor. I

walked over to him and said,‖ Oh hey. I thought you didn‘t want me sitting with

you at lunch.‖ 

―Well that all changed when I found out you aren‘t a goody-two-shoes.‖ 

I decided to pretend I never asked. We ate in silence. When lunch was over

Trevor said,‖ Tori, why don‘t we just skip the rest of school. Go somewhere no

one else can find us.‖ 

I don‘t know where my mind was when I said,‖ Yeah I would wctually like

that a lot.‖ 

We left and went to the middle of no where as far as I‘m concerned. Wewalked for a mile and got to a cliff. Trevor sat down and I did the same. We sat

in silence for a few minutes just taking in the veiw. Out of nowhere Trevor

says,‖Tell me about you mother.‖ 

―She‘s dead. There‘s not that much to say. Why?‖ 

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Ingoring my question he continued,‖Did she say anything to you that

would seem very odd.‖ 

―Not really. She said she loved me and that I was special.‖ 


―Yeah she said I was special not only to her but to the world, and that I was

special in ways people couldn‘t imagine.‖ 


I asked,‖Why do you want to know? Is it important?‖ 

―Yes. Your mom was a very important person.‖ 

―Whe was a secretary.‖ 

―How did she die?‖ 

―I don‘t remember and I don‘t want to remember.‖ 

―Oh, sorry.‖ 

We sat in an oddly comfortable silence. I rested my head on his shoulder

and fell asleep.

When I woke up someone was shaking me. Trevor was staring down at me

on his shoulder gently lulling me from my dreamless sleep.

―It‘s late we should be getting back.‖ 

When I got home Breece was asleep. I got ready for bed. I layed in my bed

all night. Trevor had awakened feelings for my mother that I thought I had

buried with her.

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Chapter 11The next day when I got up and drove to school, I saw that Trevor was

waiting for me there. I got out of the car and said,‖ Hey. I didn‘t think of you as

an early riser.‖ 

―Well I make special exceptions for special people.‖ 

―So do you need something?‖ 

―I thought we could skip school today. What do you think?‖ 


We drove in silence to the cliff from the day before. We sat and watched

the veiw again and finally he said,‖ Did your mother talk to you about angels?‖ 

―No, we didn‘t even go to church.‖ 

―Did she ever talk about her childhood?‖ 


―I‘m sorry for acting like a jerk.‖ 

―Yeah you‘re not a real people person.‖ 

He smiled a devestating smile and said,‖I really do like you.‖ 

He leaned in closer and I said,‖I really like you too.‖ 

―Well that‘s great.‖ 

He leaned in closer and closed the gap between us. Our mouths met like fire

and ice, hot and cold, hard and soft. His lip ring was metallic, cold against our

heated lips. When we stopped our eyes met in the same way like our kiss. Our lips

met again. I loved it.

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Staying with Trevor all day became my new scheduele. School didn‘t exist

for me. I would drive to school only to leave and drive away in Trevor‘s car. 

One night we stayed out very late. We walked back to his car, then drove

to the school parking lot. We kissed goodbye and then got into our cars. School

was already out so I drove home.I pulled into our driveway. I saw Breece open the

door and yell at me,‖ Where the hell have you been!? I was so worried about you I

even called Dad!‖ 


―Whatever? The school said you never showed up for school! They said you

haven‘t been there for the past two weeks! Jake was really worried about you too.‖ 

―What does Jake have to do with any of this?‖ ―More than you think.‖ 

I didn‘t say anything. 

He continued,‖ I don‘t understand you anymore. You‘re a different person

than before and I don‘t know what to do about it. I think you should live with

Dad or that he should move in. Maybe he can keep better control of you. Why

aren‘t you saying anything?‖ 

―What do you want me to say? That I want to live with Dad? Or that I

want to be the way I was before because I don‘t. I never want my life to change. I

like it the way it is.‖ 

I waked past a very shocked Breece and went to my room. Obviously not

getting the hint that I didn‘t want to be around him, he followed me to my room. 

He said,‖ Did you think I wouldn‘t find out?‖ 

―I don‘t know.‖ 

―Is that all you‘re going to say? I‘m losing my mind.‖ 

―I love you so much. I‘m dealing with some issues or –  I don‘t know.‖ 

―Give me the truth since you haven‘t been doing that lately.‖ 

―I‘m seeing a guy from school.‖ 

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―Trevor Who?‖ 

―I don‘t know his last name, but he‘s amazing.‖ 

―Is he the one that sits with you at lunch?‖ 


―I don‘t think you should be hanging out with him.‖ 

―Why not?‖ 

―I don‘t know he just looks dangerous.‖ 

―I can‘t believe you just said that.‖ 


―Don‘t even. Get out of my room and leave me alone.‖ 

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Chapter 12I snuck out of my room took a shower and got ready for the day ahead of 

me. I drove to school to see Trevor waiting for me like he has been the past two

weeks. I smiled. He had become my escape. I mentally kicked myself realizing

that I couldn‘t have my escape today, not with my brother on my back.

―Hey,‖ I started saying while getting out of my car,‖I‘m sorry I can‘t go today. I

actually have to go to school.‖ 

―Since when?‖, he said with a frown on his face. 

―Since my brother decided to become my dad.‖ 

―Well we should go just one more time and make it memorable.‖ 

―Okay, but this has to be the last time.‖ 

We climbed into his car and drove. We drove farther than we did the past

two weeks and came to a cave. He stopped the car and got out. I followed

choosing to ignore the still tension. We sat at the mouth of the cave. A peaceful

slience broke between us. He said,‖Did your mother ever talk about her parents or

a life before you were born?‖ 

It was the first time he talked about my mother since we kissed for the first

time. My tempered flared. ―Why do you want to know about her? She left us in

her own way. She‘s gone now.‖ 

―You don‘t know her as well as you think you do.‖ 

―I know all there is to know.‖ 

―Your mother wasn‘t human.‖ 


―Your mother was an angel, a Seraphim.‖ 

―What do you mean?‖ 

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―Just listen. She was part of an experiment to —― 

―What experiment?‖ 

He glared at me silencing me again before he continued.

― She was an angel. A Seraphim. The highest rank for an angel. There was

an experiment to unite Heaven and Hell. Hell sent a demon to earth and Heaven

sent her. Your mother stayed on earth while pregnant with you and all during

your childhood. Hell became paranoid that she was convincing you to go to

Heaven with her. Your father sent another demon to kill her. Heaven sent

another angel to take care of you. You know him as Breece. Your father checked

in occasionally to make sure you remained neutral. You are the only of your kind.

The son of a demon and human is a Cataclysm. The son of an angel and human is

a Nephilim. You are the daughter of a demon and an angel, a Belvedere. Tocomplete the unification you were betrothed to a mild demon.‖ 

―What do you have to do with this Trevor?‖ 

―Heaven and Hell decided to send one more party. Not a demon and not an

angel. They sent me. I‘m a fallen angel. Not pure and not evil.‖ 


―Of all the things that people have said about my mother, none of themhave been as crazy as what you just said.‖ 

―Tori, it‘s the truth.‖ 

―I want to go back to the school.‖ 


We got in his car and drove back to school. I didn‘t want to deal with my

brother so I just got in my car and drove home. When I got home I cried. Cried

because my life was just sucked at that moment. I cried myself to sleep.

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I woke up to the sound of my brother calling my name. I heard him

shouting,‖ Tori! I want you downstairs now!‖ 

Slowly I walked downstairs, my eyes still adjusting to the light.

Once he saw me he continued yelling,‖ I didn‘t see you at lunch and theteachers didn‘t see you at school. Were you with Trevor again?‖ 

―So what if I was. It‘s not going to ever happen again after what he told


―What happened? What did he tell you?‖ 

―Do you know anything about mom that I don‘t know?‖ 


―Are you sure?‖ 

―I don‘t know anything you don‘t know about her.‖ 

―Do you promise?‖ 

He paused and said,‖Well, I can‘t promise.‖ 

He never hesitated to promise. He always kept his promises.‖You‘re lying.‖ 

―You know everything about her.‖ 

In a tiny quivering voice I asked,‖Was Mom an angel?‖ 

He didn‘t answer so I persisted. ―Was Mom an angel?‖ 

Breece whispered,‖Did Trevor tell you or was it Dad?‖ 

I walked out of the room suddenly disgusted by my brother.

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Chapter 13I woke up late. I checked my clock it was noon. Surprised that my brother

let me skip school I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfest. My brother was

in the kitchen waiting for me. I stopped in my tracks. I started,‖ How long have

you known?‖ 

―I‘ve known since I got the mission.‖ 

―What mission?‖ 

―I am not your real brother. My real name is Raceal. I am an angel. I sent

to guard you.‖ 

―Is Dad my real dad?‖ 

―Yes. As you know he is a demon.‖ 

―Why are you gaurding me?‖ 

―Since you are the child of both an angel and a demon you are very 

important. So important that there are some demons and angels both that want to

hurt you.‖ 

―Why is Trevor not an angel?‖ 

―Heaven wanted someone they trust to track you so they wanted an angel.

Hell wanted someone who wouldn‘t follow all the rules so they agreed to a fallen

angel. Why Trevor specifically? He was just chosen at random. Asto why he fell,

that is his story to tell you.‖ 

―Who else is a demon?‖ 

―Your English teacher, Mr. Oserum.‖ 

―I knew he must be the devil. He hates me.‖ 

―Not Lucifer. Only one of his followers.‖ 

―Will I grow wings?‖ 

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―Maybe. You also need to stay home from school. Now that you know what

you are you will be getting powers. You need to learn how to control those

powers before you go anywhere else.‖ 

―Fine with me. As long as I get to —― 

The front door flew open cutting me off. My dad came swept into the

kitchen and glared at Breece.‖ 

―This is your fault,‖ my dad yelled at Breece,‖She should not have known

this early! I was supposed to tell her, not that stupid tracker I told you was a bad


―Well maybe if you didn‘t sleep with an angel we wouldn‘t be in this

position,‖ Breece countered.―You‘ve been on earth too long.‖ 

―Whose fault is that?‖ 

―Stop!‖, my voice rose above the others. 

My dad walked swiftly next to me and asked,‖How are you taking it? This

is not the way I wanted you to find out.‖ 

―When was  I suppossed to find out? I‘m seventeen Dad.‖ 

―I know. I was waiting for the right time and the right time never came.‖ 

―You know you‘re full of excuses. At least one thing makes since, you are a

demon. You might as well be the devil.‖ 

I walked out of the house onto the front porch to see Mr. Oserum and

Trevor waiting for me there. I was horrified.

Mr. Oserum spoke first.‖ I guess you haven‘t been taking it well. Well, myname is Azazel. As you know I am a demon.‖ 

I found myself asking Trevor,‖What‘s your real name?‖ 

―I don‘t go by it anymore,‖ he answered. ―I choose my own path and that

name was given to me along with a path I also did not choose.‖ 

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Mr. Oserum spoke up saying,‖ Don‘t be so dramatic. His name is Daenial.‖ 

―Oh,‖ I managed to squeak out. I commanded my eyes to look at Mr.

Oserum.‖Can you give us a minute?‖ 

He shrugged and left us.

I sat down on our porch swing. He followed suit.

―Why didn‘t they tell me earlier?‖ 

―Probablly to protect you.‖ 

―How is that protecting me?‖ 

―I don‘t know?‖ 

―Did you lie to me? I part of being my tracker getting me to like you?‖ 

―No. Like I said before you are already betrothed.‖ 

―To who?‖ 

―Let‘s not talk about him?‖ 

He moved in. Our lips met in the same firey way they did in the times

before. He eased my lips open with his own parted lips and I relished in his taste.

The front door opened and we jumped apart. Breece stood with an appalled

look on his face before he yelled,‖ What are you doing Daenial? You know she‘s

betrothed. You were directed not to get close to her.‖ 

I ran into the house past my ―brother‖ and my father and up to my room. I

layed on my bed until I heard the door opened. I sat up and saw my dad walk into

the room. He sat down next to me on the bed and said,‖ I really do love you. It‘s

 just hard to be with you all the time because you are half angel.‖ 

―So now you‘re blaming this on Mom.‖ 

―No of course not. I loved her too.‖ 

A fire flared inside of me when I stood and said,‖No! You don‘t get to say

that! You would have been there for us if you loved her!‖ 

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A lamp fell.‖If you loved me you would have been there!‖ 

My desk fell next.‖You would have been at her funeral!‖ 

The lights flickered on and off.‖You would have been there to hear me cry

every night after she died!‖ 

Papers were flying around me.‖I hate you! I hate you so much!‖ 

The lights went out. I fell and cried. He went on the floor and hugged me. I

fought against him but his arms tightened around me. I gave up and sobbed into

his shirt. Finally sobs became silent tears, and silent tears became nothing.

―Are you okay?‖ he asked. 

―I don‘t know.‖ 

He left me to cope with my new found anger and sadness. I fell asleep on

the floor too tired to do anything else.

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Chapter 14When I woke up Breece was standing in front of my bed. I sat up and he

said,‖ I heard about your powers. It‘s good that they‘re coming in but you need to

learn how to control them.‖ 

―What do you mean? I haven‘t got my powers yet.‖ 

―Last night Caemael said you made a desk and lamp fall. Then you made

the lights flicker and go out.‖ 

―Who‘s Caramel?‖ 

―Your father. His real name is Caemael.‖ 

―Okay. Where‘s Trevor?‖ 

―Daenial? He‘s downstairs. He refused to leave until he got a chance to talk

to you in private so he slept on the couch overnight.‖ 

―When can I talk to him?‖ 

―Whener you like I suppose.‖ 


I jumped out of bed and raced down the stairs to find Trevor still asleep on

the couch. I knelt beside him and took in his features. I lowered my lips to his and

kissed him. His lips eventually moved in tandom with mine and his eyes opened. I

pulled away and he said,‖Are you trying to take advantage of me in my sleep?‖  

―Do you want me to?‖ 

I even surprised myself with my sudden flirtaious skills. He laughed and satup. He didn‘t have a shirt on. I saw his defined muscles and a belly ring not to my

surprise. ―So what‘s for breakfest?‖ he asked. 

―I have no idea.‖ 

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After we ate breakfest — which turned out being Waffle House — Trevor

went home to change clothes. While he was gone I got dressed and took a

shower. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard a knock at my door.

The person didn‘t wait for my answer. The door opened and in walked Breece or

Brecael or whatever his name is. A smile appeared broadly on his face as heannounced,‖Today we are working on your powers.‖ 

―Great,‖ I said lamely. 

―Well don‘t sound too excited.‖ 


He left while I got dress. When I got down stairs my dad and Breece were

arguing about who was going to take the lead in training me.―She‘s my daughter. You are only her guard so you can go to Hell for all I


―Well I know her a lot better than you. I know her limits.‖ 

My voice spoke up when I said,‖Well you know what? You can both teach

me. Now shut up. I‘m getting a headache.‖ 

The silence was worse for my headache thatn the constant arguing. I

grabbed a snack and then we hopped into the car and drove. We drove and drove

and drove until we reached an open field.

Was the first to climb out of the car and Breece and my dad followed me

out intothe middle of the field. ―So,‖I started,‖how do we do this?‖ 

My dad started first.‖You need to channel your anger, your power and

physically make something change.‖ 

―No that is opposite of what you want to do,‖Breece countered,‖You want

to channel your faith your purity and make something physically move.‖ 

―I thought we agreed I would teach my daughter.‖ 

―We agreed on nothing. You talked, I listened.‖ 

―I‘m going to teach my daughter. Agreed?‖ 

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―No. Not agreed at all.‖ 

―You need to listen to me for once!‖ 

―You need to stop ruining people‘s lives!‖ 

―You need to stop following rules!‖ 

―You need to start following them!‖ 

―When are you going to stop being such a follower and learn how to live!‖ 

―When you stop damaging His creations!‘‘ 

I was listening to them argue. I was listening to them decide my future.

Why couldn‘t I decide what was right for me? Something snapped inside of me.

―Stop for once stop! I decide what will happen to me! I am tired of both of you!‖ 

The ground shook. The wind rose. Leaves were circling, spinning around

me as I grew angrier by the second. The wind picked Breece and my dad up off 

the ground. They were both screaming at me to stop and calm down. I didn‘t

listen. While I got angrier the wind got faster and the ground shook violently.

Something broke me and I fell. The ground met me hard. I remember Breece‘s

face before I blacked out.

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Chapter 15I was in my bed. The last I remembered I was in a field toturing my family

with supernatrual resources. I opened my eyes to see Trevor sitting on my bed.

He lead the converstion by saying,‖They said I would be in charge of the lessons

from now on. How does that sound to you?‖ 

―That sounds absoloutley perfect.‖ 

I leaned into his kiss, immediatley inflamed by the warmth of his lips. He

broke the kiss and left me wanting more.

He spoke saying,‖I bet it does, but this is serious and you have to take thisseriously.‖ 


I got out of bed and to my horror realized I hadn‘t brushed my hair or my

teeth yet.

―Sorry,‖I said,‖I must look awful.‖ 

―You look great.‖ 

With that, he left me to get ready for our lessons, together, alone, in the

middle of an abandoned field. I couldn‘t wait. 

When I was ready we drove back to the open field from the day before. The

leaves were taken from the trees and thrown on the ground and the ground had

cracks in it. I heard Trevor call out to me,‖Looks like you can control the earth.

That‘s great but we need to know how strong your mind is.‖ 


―How your emotions are.‖ 

His voice was closer. ―Okay,‖ I responded. 

―How you are physically.‖ 

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His voice was closer.‖Okay,‖I responded. 

His breath warmed my neck.‖How you are.‖ 

I shuddered. His lips were already working on my neck. His arms wrapped

around my waist, pulling me toward him. I let my head fall backwards while Istifled a moan. He pulled away, leaving me standing there.‖No!‖ I cried. 

He was instantly in front of me.‖Wow,‖I said surprised.‖You move fast.‖ 

―I didn‘t move you moved me.‖ 

―No I-I…‖ 

―Don‘t worry. That was supposed to happen.‖ 

―I don‘t get it.‖ 

―You moved me. I told you that you were very powerful. You just don‘t

realize it.‖ 

I blanked. I didn‘t know what to say. I could control people. I could make  

them move.

―Wow,‖I heard my self whisper. I didn‘t know what to say and what to do

about this. I opened my mouth to talk but I couldn‘t find the words.

Trevor said,‖It‘s okay that your shocked. It‘s normal behavior. Lets just

take this one step at a time.‖ 

―I think that‘s a good idea.‖ 

We spent the rest of the day working on my ability to physically move

people and things. I couldn‘t do anything else. Nothing moved no matter how

hard I tried.

―I think we‘re done now,‖ Trevor said as the sun was going down.

―I don‘t know why it‘s not working now. It worked before,‖ I responded


―Well… maybe it‘s because you had something to work for the first time.‖  

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It took me a little bit longer than it should have to understand what he

meant. He lazily walked towards me, my eyes locked on his lips. My eyes clouded

over. All I saw was Trevor. All I saw was his lips. I moved closed. Our chests

were touching, both of us breathing heavily. His finger grazed my bottom lip. He

looked deep into my eyes, seeking permission. I nodded slightly, not even sure if he saw it. His face moved closer. Our lips met seeking salvation.

When we pulled away from each other we were gasping for air. He took my

hand and led me to his car. We drove back to my house and I silently climbed out

of his car.

I went inside my house still at a loss for words. Breece greeted me gently

saying,‖ Hey. Did your practice go well with Daenial, or Trevor?‖ 

―I don‘t know.‖ 

―What do you mean ‗I don‘t know‘? You were there right?‖ 

―Yeah I just … I need to go to bed.‖ 


I walked past Breece and went to sleep.

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Chapter 16I woke up around one in the afternoon. No one was in my room to greet me

for a change. I was disappointed that Trevor didn‘t come to greet me first thing

in the morning. I heard his voice and another familiar one that I couldn‘t place. I

ran through my morning rituals just so I could see Trevor. I stopped at the top of 

the stairs to see what he was talking about.

The stranger said,‖She‘s mine. You weren‘t supposed to talk to her. You

weren‘t supposed to enroll in school. You were supposed to see to it that she

,while remaining neutral, stayed with a pure soul. That‘s all.‖ 

I could hear the controlled anger in Trevor‘s voice when he responded,‖

Well, there‘s a lot of things that I wasn‘t supposed to do. Your side chose me

because I didn‘t follow rules. So why make so many when you know I‘m going to

break them.‖ 

I was unintentially leaning forward and didn‘t realize until I almost fell. I

backpeddled and landed on my butt with a thump. Trevor called out,‖ Tori, why 

don‘t you come join us for lunch?‖ 

I slowly got up and saw Jake and Trevor glaring at eachother before their

gazes turned on me. I saw takeout from Herb, a Greek restaurant in town. I sat

next to Trevor taking in the strange silence. I ate my sandwitch.

I couldn‘t take the silence and spoke up saying,‖ So, Jake what are you

doing here?‖ 

Jake glance at me and stared at Trevor with disbeleiving eyes. ―She doesn‘t


Trevor said,‖ We thought it was better if you did. It isn‘t our place.‖ 

―What?,‖I said.‖What don‘t I know?‖ 

Jake turned his heated gaze back at me. His eyes softened as he said to me,‖

I know you know about your past. When you were still very young you were

betrothed to me. We are to be joined when you are eighteen.‖ 

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―Your kidding right? I don‘t even know you. I don‘t even like you. I‘m

betrothed to you? ― 

―Don‘t make a big deal out of this, sweetheart.‖ 

―Sweetheart?‖, I was screeching now.‖ I‘m not your anything! I don‘t wantto be betrothed you and I don‘t want to marry you either!‖ 

―Angels and demons don‘t marry. We will … join and then consumate our

 joining,‖ his tone was still surprisingly gentle. 

―I don‘t want to consumate anything with you! Ohmigod! I can‘t believe

this is happening!‖ 

―Look, I love you. It was love at first sight for me. I hope you will grow to

love me if I spend more time with you than I already have.‖ 

―I‘m going to go and when I come back I don‘t want you here, Jake. I want

you gone.‖ 

I numbly stumbled out of the house with my keys. I made it to my car

before I felt like I could breathe again. What would happen? Heaven and Hell

want me to join with Jake. No wonder he looked at me like an object or

possession. Would I be forced to marry him? Or would I defy and be tortured by

Heaven and Hell? My passenger door opened and Trevor sat down.

Silence emenced us before he spoke.‖You know he‘ll be here when you get


―I know. Why didn‘t you help me or support me?‖ 

―It was your fight to have not anybody else‘s.‖ 

―But you‘re my boyfriend. You‘re my boyfriend, right?‖ 

He smiled and nodded. I leaned over the armrest and kissed him.

I started the car and drove to one of the rare ice cream shops in Colorado.

The ice cream shop, Moren‘s, was nice with white walls and pastel furniture. We

got our ice cream, Trevor, chocolate chocoalte chip, me rasberry cream.

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―Since you‘re my boyfriend I should have a nickname for you,‖ I said once

we sat down.

―What did you have in mind?‖ 

―How about … Trev?‖ 

―Oh yeah that‘s fine,‖ he said looking releived. 

―What did you think I was going to come up with?‖ 

―Probably something like cuddlebear.‖ 

I started laughing. He eventually joined, but for a good time I looked like

that idiot on a suger high. We took our cones and walked around a park for a

little. We sat on a hill and watched the sun set. He looked at me strangely and Isaid,‖What?‖ 

―You have something on your face.‖ 

―I do?‖, I said fratically rubbing my face. 

―I‘ll get it,‖ he leaned in closer and just as our lips were about to meet he

took his cone and plunged it into my face. Then gave me a light peck on the lips.

I stared in disbeleif before slinging my ice cream at him. We continued to

throw ice cream until there was no more ice cream to throw and then we walked

back to my car. I gave him the keys and he drove us back to my house. I stared at


―What?‖, he asked obviously confused. 

―I don‘t want to go in there. His car is still here.‖ 

―Then where do you want to go?‖ 

―Don‘t take this the wrong way Trev, but I kind of want to go to yourhouse.‖ 

He put the car in reverse while he said,‖And why in the world would I take

that the wrong way?‖ 

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Chapter 17 I woke up in the morning for the first time in a long time. I was wearing

one of Trev‘s shirts, which was way too big. I was being smothered under Trev‘s

weight, but I didn‘t want to move and ruin the moment. The choice was taken

away from when Trevor stirred. He moved off of me and settled on his side

looking down at me. I smiled and moved closer to him. He put his arm around me

comfortably tight. Silence circled us until he said,‖We have to get you home.‖ 

―Can‘t we just stay here forever.‖ 

He chuckled, his chest vibrating against my cheek.‖I would love that, butyour phone has been blowing up all night and I don‘t think the people calling are

happy about you not returning last night.‖ 

―I guess you‘re right.‖ 

I climbed out of his bed and tugged my jeans on. I stood looking around for

my shirt. I felt hands wrap around my middle and pulling me closer. I felt Trev

whisper in my ear.‖Just keep my shirt on. I like it on you.‖ 

I smiled and gave up my search to turn around and kiss him. We walkedout to my car. On our way back to my house we stopped at Starbucks to get some

breakfest only to continue our death march most likely to our graves. I checked

my phone to see that Breece had called over twenty time all throughout the night.

We turned into my driveway and Trevor gave me my keys back and stepped out

of my car. I climbed out with him. There were five cars in my driveway. My car,

Trevor‘s car, my dad‘s car, Breece‘s car, and Jake‘s car. He was still here. Just


I started walking towards my front door when Trevor grabbed my armpulled me back to him.‖Do you want me to stay with you?‖ 

―No you don‘t need to be yelled at with me. Just go home and I‘ll call you.‖ 


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He gave me a quick goodbye kiss before climbing into his car and driving


I ventured on to my porch and after getting my thoughts together into my

house. I looked around. Things were quiet. I was supposed to walk in and be

confronted by angry, yelling faces, not slience. Nobody was around. I put my keys

down and looked in the living room. No one. I went to the kitchen and found

what I was looking for. My dad and Breece sat at the kitchen table, silent. There

were three seats. One was conviniently pulled out for me. I quietly walkled to the

chair. I sat down looking at my hands fidgeting in my lap.

Breece cleared his throat and began my lecture.‖I think you‘ve pushed my

limits too far this time Torilee.‖ 

He used my full name only when he was preparing to yell at me. His voicewas hushed to almost a whisper as he continued.

―I told you to stay away from Trevor and you leave with him. You went

who knows where and did who knows what and didn‘t even bother to answer

your phone. Do you know how many times I called you? I called you thirty-eight

times last night. Not once did you answer. ― 

My dad thought it was his turn to scold me and began in a fiery tone.‖ I

guess in a way this is our fault. Maybe we haven‘t made your boundaries with himclear enough. You will not talk to him. You may not call, text, email, or meet him.

He will be immediately disbanded from this mission. Whether or not he moves is

up to him, but if you continue to see him, we will make moving manditory. If he

refuses then you will move. Do you understand?‖ 

―This is ridiculous,‖ I jumped out of my chair so fast it almost tipped

over.‖It‘s not like I slept with him last night. We just hung out. And it is your

fault. You guys couldn‘t bother to tell me who I was betrothed to. Jake of all

people. I hate him. I rather be betrothed to Trev not that —― ―Trev ?‖,Breece gave me a look of pure disgust for the nickname I created

for him. ―You‘re grounded.‖ 

―How long?‖ 

―Three weeks,‖ my dad replied. 

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―That counts as overeacting.‖ 

―Well since overeacting is the only way to get you to listen to us then

that‘s what we‘ll do.‖ 

―Oh, and Tori?‖, my dad said.‖When you see Jake next time you need toapologise. Try to be polite about it. If you aren‘t I‘ll add another week.‖ 

―My name is Torilee,‖ I managed to grumble out before ascending up the


I opened the dooor to my room and screamed bloody murder. On my bed

Jake was lying there apparantly surprised by my outburst. My surprised turned

into an acute loathing. I walked into my room and took off my shoes. Jake sat up

and looked at me expectantly. If he wasn‘t going to talk then I was.‖Get off mybed.‖ 

―And here I thought they told you to apologise.‖ 

―Sorry. Get off my bed.‖ 

―That wasn‘t anywhere near polite.‖ 

―I apologise.‖ 


The nerve I‘m being forced to apologise to an asshole who finds it

amusing.‖I apologise for rightfully kicking you out of my house. Get. Off. My.


He took his time standing up and moving. He looked around my room

playing with things I‘d collected from all the places I‘ve lived. ―Now that you‘re

off my bed get out of my room.‖ 

―I can‘t.‖ 

―What do you mean you can‘t? Move your feet and walk out of this room.‖ 

―Despite your … chraming … rudeness I have been insrtucted to spend

two hours of alone time with you.‖ 

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― They want me to get to know you the way Daenial did.‖ 

―Trev? Well that‘s not going to happen. Who came up with this ‗plan‘


―Your brother and father.‖ 

―Oh I‘m going to kill them.‖ 

I ran downstairs to find them. They were gone. They left with this

monstrosity. I heard lazy footsteps coming down the stairs.

―They left to give us alone time. We still have an hour and forty- three

minutes together.‖

I brushed past him heading to the nearest bathroom.

His face wore a confused expression.‖What are you doing?‖ 

I found the bathroom and stopped in the entry and spun around.‖I‘m taking

an hour and forty-three minute shower.‖ 

I slammed the door in his face and waited in the bathroom for an hour and

forty-three minutes for him to go away.

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Chapter 18Exactly one hour and forty-three minutes later my dad and my brother

came back home. I heard their hushed voices.

―She still doesn‘t like me. Maybe this plan won‘t work.‖ 

―I think it will. Where is she?‖ 

―She‘s taking an hour and forty-three minute shower.‖ 


―Yes. Seventeen minutes to work out a sorry apology, talk about a stupid

plan, and the rest of the time sitting outside of a locked bathroom door.‖ 

―Wow. I‘m surprised she didn‘t just leave.‖ 

―Maybe she knew that if she walked towards the door I would‘ve pulled her

back into this house. She wasn‘t going to leave.‖ 

―Good for you. Are you sure you don‘t want to void the betrothal. Both

parties have to agree and you already know where she stands.‖ 

―It might make me sound crazy but the more she does this the more I‘m

sure that I love. If anything I love her even more.‖ 

―Well it‘s up to you. We‘ll try talking to her. Again. Maybe if she knows

that we‘re only going to try harder then her behavior will get better.‖ 

―Great. I have to go. I‘ll see you, and Torilee, the same time tomorrow.‖  

―That‘s perfect. Call her Tori. Bye.‖ 

I heard the front door open and shut. I heard whispers that I couldn‘t make

out. Then foosteps. Then footsteps grew louder until I was certain that they were

right outside the bathroom door. I sat paralyzed in the middle of the cool tile

floor staring at the door. The door knob jiggled and the Breece said from the

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other side of the door,‖ Tori come out. We won‘t yell at you if you just explain

why you won‘t cooperate.‖ 

―You know why,‖ I said. Hoping that Breece heard.‖I don‘t like Jake and I

never will. Stop trying to get me on board with Mission Celestial Salvation.‖ 

The door knob jiggled again. This time not so sof tly.‖Open this door right


The power in his voice made me tremble. The door knob shook harshly.

―Tori. Open. This. Door. I‘m going to get you one way or another. It would be in

your best intrest to make this easier on you and me.‖ 

The door knob continued to shake until it bent unsually far for it being

locked. Breece had broken the door knob. There was a pause before the doorslowly opened. Breece slowly walked in. I scrambled backwards until my back hit

the tub. Breece closed in, but I‘d be damned if I made it that easy for him. I dove

through his legs and jumped to my feet. I sprinted up the stairs hearing the

thudding footsteps behind me. I ran into my room and frantically dove under my

bed. Lying there with discarded magazines I waited unitl Breece footsteps passed

my room and let out a little sigh of release. Then I saw shoes walk into my room;

Breece‘s shoes. He peeked into my bathroom. Eventually after searching my room

he sat on my bed. ―I don‘t know where you are but you are here. Listen to me and

listen carefully. My patience with you is gone. You will continue with thisbetrothal. You‘re selfish. This is a way to create a better world, a better life for

everyone and you are willing to throw that away for puppy love. I‘ve never been

more disappointed in you.‖ 

He left. Ten minutes after he left I slid out from under my bed. His words

were still vibrating in my head. Maybe I should just accept it. Maybe I should just

give it a try. Jake did say he loves me. Maybe I should try to love him. What was

I thinking? This was the same Jake I all but pledged my life to hate. Maybe I was

going crazy. The only thing that was certain was my starvation. I only had a miniStarbucks breakfest with Trevor and it was almost time for dinner. I dressed in

all black clothes, ready to imitate any spy movie moves that would keep me from

being spotted by Breece.

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I ran silently through halls and down stairs. I looked in the pantry.The

refrigerator. Then finally I looked on the counter to see a batch of brownies. I

looked around. I was still alone. I took the platter and carried it up the stairs.

Halfway down the hall to my room I heard,‖Stop and turn around.‖ 

I followed the intructions. I found myself face to face with my dad.‖ I knew

the brownies would work. You had to come out of your room to eat sometime.‖ 

Aggravated with the fact that I had fallen into a trap, I snapped my head

around and walked away from my dad and to my room. He followed. I set my

brownies down and walked into my loset to change into my pajamas. When I

came out my dad was sitting in a chair in a corner of my room. I walked to my

bed and started to eat my brownies.

―We are trying to understand. What‘s so special about Trevor that youcan‘t find in Jake.‖ 

―Trevor is smart. I can hang out with him. I can laugh with him. I can‘t do

that with Jake no matter how hard you try. I heard Breece say that the betrothal

is only void if both parties agree. If that is true then I imagine then I imagine the

 joining has to be agrees on by both parties.‖ 

―You always were a smart girl. You only have to say the words. You don‘t

have to mean them and I have no qualms about using some more impracticalways of convincing you to go through with this.‖

He got up and left my room. What impractical ways of convinving me was

he talking about?

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Chapter 19I couldn‘t sleep. I couldn‘t move. I looked outside the window. Breece was

watching my door. I couldn‘t go anywhere. Then I got an idea. 

The next thing I knew I was falling from my window into a bunch of 

bushes. I felt along the ground for my keys. I found them and ran towards my car.

I drove to Trevor‘s house. I had conviniently left my phone at home. I ran up to

his door. It took me a while to work up the courage to knock. When I raised my

hand to knock the door opened and a pair of midnight blue eyes stared at me.

―Tori? What are you doing here?‖ ―I needed to see you. I miss you a lot.‖ 

―You really shouldn‘t be here.‖ 

―I know you got taken of the mission, my mission, but Breece is awful. He

says he ran out of patience. My dad said we have to have boundaries. They both

want me to have alone time with Jake. I hate Jake. I fell like they‘re forcing me

to —― 

He cut off my flowing words with a hot kiss. I leaned into him and I

couldn‘t help myself. He pulled me into his house without sperating our fervered

lips. He finally broke away. We were panting, struggling for air. ―I never said I

didn‘t want you here. Just that you shouldn‘t be here.‖ 

―I‘m sorry for dropping in on you all of a sudden, but I can‘t stay with them

any more. They‘re suffocating me with all their senseless, stupid rules. I can‘t

stand it.‖ 

His phone rang. He went to his kitchen table and picked up hisphone.‖Hello? … Oh hey Breece.‖ 

―Please, please, please don‘t tell him I‘m here,‖ I pleaded. 

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―I-I haven‘t seen her … Yup … If she turns up here I tell you … I‘m sure

she‘s fine … I‘m sure she‘s lounging at a friends house … I‘m sure she‘s going to

forgive you … Okay. Bye.‖ 

He hung up and came to sit next to me again.‖When you get home you‘re

going to have to forgive your brother.‖ 

I leaped over and hugged him around his neck.‖Thank you so much.‖ 

―It‘s no problem lying for you.‖ 

―Really? You seemed kind of stressed.‖ 

―You would too if you were lying to an angel about his little sister.‖ 

―Point taken. Thank you though.‖ 

―You welcome, but I think you can come up with a more … creative way to

express your grattitude.‖ 

―Really? I don‘t think I can.‖ 

―I do.‖ 

I sat fully on his lap and kissed him. He responded instantly. Our lips

worked in tandem and he pulled me closer. I turned fully and straddled his legs.

He stood up with me still around him. My legs circled his hips. He walked quickly

to his bedroom. He carefully layed on to his bed. He took off his shirt and

followed me into the bed. He layed himself next to me and pulled me against him.

I layed my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. I ran my hand down his

hard stomach and stop at his belly ring. I tapped loghtly with my finger and said,‖

I don‘t have a peircing. I don‘t even have my ears peirced.‖ 

―Really? Maybe we can go to the place where I got my peircings and get

you some.‖ 

―I would like that. How about tommorrow?‖ 

―Okay. Now get some sleep.‖ 

I closed my eyes and succumbed to his request, hoping that when I woke up

I would still be in his arms.

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Chapter 20I woke up to the sound of a conversation. I rolled over to find that Trevor

wasn‘t in bed. He was talking on his phone. 

―No … I will call you if she does … Yes. I will … That‘s ridiculous …

Never … She hasn‘t … Will do … Bye.‖ 

He walked over and sat at the end oof the bed. He looked worried and

said,‖They‘re worried about you. They think you went to another state. Maybe I

should tell them you‘re here.‖ 

―No you can‘t do that. Please. I‘ll go back soon.‖ 

―Okay. I already went to Starbucks. The food is waiting on the table.‖ 

He left his room, most likely to get breakfest. I rummaged through his

drawers until I found something to wear. I pulled on his boxers and one of his

shirts and ran into the ktichen to find the food that he promised.

Trevor took one look at me and started laughing. He claimed that I look

ridiculous and that I should‘ve asked if I wanted clothes. I didn‘t want to be more

of a burden so I said that my current attire would have to do.

After lunch we went to get my peircings. I was so excited I could barely sit

still. We arrived in the parking lot of a place calle Lou‘s Tattoos. We walked in

and were showered by greetings. One of the people hugged Trevor. I was

thinking of what I wanted the whole car ride. When I told the man at the front

desk he nodded. Trevor took me aside and said,‖ Four peircings a lot.‖ 

―I know, but I really want them.‖ 

They called my name and I sat in a big reclining chair. I got three peircings

on the top of my left ear and I got a belly ring. I left Lou‘s Tattoos with three

silver loops in my left ear and a smiley face clad on my belly button.

On the ride back to Trevor‘s house in started raining. When we walked

through the front door I was still talking nonstop about my new peircings.

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―Maybe I should name the smiley face Fred. That‘s a cute name. No I have a

better one. The smiley face is now named Trev.‖ 

―You‘re going to name a smiley face belly ring after me?‖ 

―Why not?‖ 

―Okay. You‘re officially crazy.‖ 

―I am not.‖ 

―Don‘t worry I like you crazy.‖ 

About three hours later the pain started setting in. I almost burst into tears

due to the dull ache. Trevor sat me down and distracted me with a movie even

though he talked through the whole thing. Trevor made us spaghetti and usheredme to bed. I was lying in his arms and said,‖ I wish everyday could be like this.‖ 

―Me, too.‖ 

There was silence but I couldn‘t sleep. ―I love you Trev.‖ 

―I love you too.‖ 

I closed my eyes and I could sleep.

It was barely morning and the sky was still golden. I was tangled in

Trevor‘s sheets. He was gone again. I heard yelling and shouting coming from

outside the bedroom door.

―We know she‘swith you. A tatoo parlor saw you with her yesterday..‖ 

―She‘s not here.‖ ―Where! Is! She!‖ 

―Not here.‖ 

―Your relocation has been made manditory. We will come back in a week. If 

you‘re still here we will kill you.‖ 

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―I told you she‘s not here.‖ 

―Then you won‘t mind us searching you house.‖ 

I heard angry stomps through the house. Then the door to the bedroom

opened and Breece stormed in. He made eye contact with me and called out,‖She‘s in here.‖ 

Breece walked in and through me over his shoulder and carried me out. I

was flailing but he kept me airborne.

I couldn‘t help my self from screaming,‖ Trev! Don‘t take me away! Please!

I love you Trev! Don‘t take me away! Let me stay!‖ 

They carried out of the house. Trev‘s steely gaze tracked our every

movement. Breece thre me into the backseat of our car. Dad climbed in andlocked the doors. I was openly crying now and hitting, punching and kicking

Breece. He grabbed on to my limbs, trying to keep me still and said with a

surprisingly calm voice,‖ We warned you. He‘s moving somwhere far away from

here. You will forget about him and join with Jake. Do you understand?‖ 

I stuggled against him screaming,‖ NO! I hate you!‖ 

Breece‘s grip loosened and looked at me with hurt eyes.‖Congragulations.

We‘re never going to see each other again and I hate you.‖ 

The ride back to my house was silent. When we walked in I numbly walked

up to my room, closed the door and cried my heart out.

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Chapter 21The first day I cried. My dad and Breece tried to console me and get me to

eat. I didn‘t eat and I was far from consoled. 

The second day I cried. They tried to get me to walk out of my room or eat

something. I did neither.

The third I was done crying. My tears ran dry. They tried to get me to

talk. They tried to get me to do anything but sit on my bed another day. I kept

Trevor‘s boxers and shirt on. If I breathed in deep enough, I could still smell him.

The fourth day my dad and Breece didn‘t bother me. Instead they sent Jake

for our two hours of alone time. Jake walked in and sat down.I could feel his gaze

on me.‖Aren‘t you going to say ‗I told you so‘. You said I couldn‘t have him, and

now they took him away.‖ 

―Would you really think I‘d say something like that?‖ 

He stood up and reached for my shoulder. I moved it out of his reach.‖They

said you would feel better. It‘s been three days Tori. You haven‘t eaten. You

haven‘t come out of this room. You‘re wasting away. You look like you lost tenpounds. You should try to make a clean break. Take a hot bath, change clothes.

Forget about him. Don‘t let him make you this way.‖ 

―Trevor didn‘t do anything to make me this way. Nobody should‘ve taken

him away. I love him. I love him more than I can love anyone. More than I could

ever love you.‖ 

―I‘m sorry to hear that, but I really think I can change your mind. Come

downstairs. We can watch a movie. You can pick.‖ 

―I‘m fine here.‖ 

―You can‘t mourn over him forever.‖ 

―Watch me.‖ 

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―You are the most stubborn person I‘ve ever met. I love you no matter who

you love. Just know that I‘m not giving up on you. You will love me. It‘s just a

matter of time.‖ 

The fifth day it hit me. Trevor was leaving me in two days. I cried more

than I had in the days past.

The sixth day I took my phone and called him over and over and over. He

wouldn‘t pick up. I left dozens of messages. I talked about how much I loved him,

how much I needed him, he still didn‘t answer. I started crying again. When I

called and couldn‘t leave another message because I filled his phone. I broke

down. I cried and cried and tried to leave a message. When his phone repeated

that I couldn‘t I threw my phone at the wall. My phone shattered into a million

pieces. The wall was dented. Breece heard the collision and ran into my room to

see what caused it. He look back and forth bewtween the destroyed phone and me.

He came and sat next to me.

We sat in silence. ―You know this is only a passing phase. You‘ll forget

about him eventually.‖ 

―Everybody says that, but it sure doesn‘t feel like a passing phase.‖ 

―I know.‖ 

―No you don‘t. If you knew you wouldn‘t have taken him away from me. Ihate you.‖ 

―You don‘t mean that. Come downstairs and get something to eat. You

haven‘t eat in six days.‖ 

―I don‘t want food. I only want Trevor.‖ 

―You might not want food, but you need it to live.‖ 

―I don‘t want to live if I don‘t have Trevor.‖ 

―This is crazy. You‘d rather die than live without him?‖ 

―If you don‘t like it there‘s the door.‖ 

My brother got up silently and left.

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The next day I was tired. I didn‘t aleep the night before because I couldn‘t

bring myself to stop crying. I faced my wall and stared for what seemed like

eternity. Today when the sun went down I would know the Trevor was gone. I

couldn‘t move. I couldn‘t think. I could barely breathe. Nobody bothered me. The

hours passed like years.

What would it be like fully knowing that he‘s gone? I already felt like I‘ve

been torn to pieces. When he leaves he‘s going to take a apeice of heart with him.

I would never be the same. Maybe I‘m going crazy. I keep finding myself waiting

to wake up and find that this is all a dream. That I‘m not a unique species. That

I‘m not betrothed to an asshole. My pain makes me realize that it‘s all reality.

A knock on my door broke me out of my reverie. I didn‘t answer. The

knock came again. I heard the door creak open. Footsteps carressed my floor and

came to an abrupt stop.‖Jesus, Tori. What are you doing to yourself?‖ 

I froze. I stopped breathing. I tensed. I was hearing things. I shouldn‘t be

hearing his voice.

―Are you not going to look at me?‖ 

I slowly turned and sure enough Trevor was standing in the midle of my

bedroom. I couldn‘t think of anything to say. Tears were streaming down my face

as my mouth gaped open. He crossed the room quickly and wrapped my in hisarms.

―Shhhh. It‘s okay now. I‘m never going to leave you again. I love you.

Never forget that.‖ 

―I love you, too.‖ 

―Tori, you‘ve always been thin, but it looks like you‘ve lost twenty pounds.

When‘s the last time you ate?‖ 

―I don‘t know. About a week ago.‖ 

―You need to eat. Have you seen yourself?‖ 

Before I knew what was happening Trevor was guiding me to the very

thing I had been avoiding. The mirror greeted me with harsh reality. My eyes

were red and puffy with dark circles under them. My fair skin had turned pale.

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My shining golden hair was a dull yellow color and was thin and lifeless. My

cheeks had sunken in. My light blue eyes turned a stormy gray. Trevor‘s boxers

and shirt hung looser than when I last saw them on me. I lifted my shirt to see

my ribs showing. My smiley face belly ring looked stranger than usual on me. I

had forgotten about my peircings. I vaguely smiled at the memory.

―I don‘t recognize myself.‖ 

―You need to eat.‖ 

I nodded my head and he carried me downstairs and set me on the kitchen

counter. When he started making spaghetti I smiled. He made the same thing

when we were in his house. It seemed like a lifetime ago. I was suddenly very

tired. All I could think about was sleep. The movement and change in enviroment

must‘ve triggered my sleeplessness. I started falling and I couldn‘t stop.

―Tori? Tori! Wake up!‖ 

―I‘m tired.‖ 

―I know you just have to eat, then you‘ll be fine.‖ 

I tried very hard to stay awake. The past weak I was running on tears and

sorrow. The sudden activity my body partaked in today left me exhausted.

Trevor moved me from the counter to a kitchen chair. Much to my

embarrassment he had to spoon feed me. When I finished my plate Trevor tried

to carry me to the couch, but I refused. I hobbled, tripped, and occasionally

walked over to the couch where Trevor was waiting with an amused and worried

expression. I dropped on to the couch and scooted closer to Trevor. When his

arm wrapped around me I said,‖ Why are you here Trev? It‘s not that I don‘t

want you here. I just … I‘m happy you‘re here, too happy. If this is goodbye or if 

you‘re going to leave me again, I don‘t think I‘ll be waiting here when you get


―Breece called me and said he couldn‘t take it anymore. He said if I‘m what

makes you happy then we‘ll figure it out when I get here.‖ 

―So you‘re not leaving. You‘re staying? Please say that you‘re staying.‖ 

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His arm around me tightened.‖I meant what I said. I‘m never leaving you


Trevor got up and put a movie on for us. I fell asleep half way through the

movie, finally content.

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Chapter 22Breece woke me up early just to inform me that I would be attending

school. He practically had to drag me out of bed and put me in the shower. I

trudged my way downstairs, grateful to find a hot cup of coffee waiting for me on

the counter. Jake waited for me on a barstool facing to counter. Were my two

hours of ―quality time‖ going to begin now? He couldn‘t make me stay. I turned,

coffee in hand, and started walking.

―Tori,‖ I stopped in my tracks. I couldn‘t move; I wouldn‘t move. ―I know

you hate me now, but when we are joined love will come. It must.‖ 

―If   we are joined. I‘ll make sure we aren‘t.‖ 

―Tori, please. It will happen whether you like it or not. There is no point

stuggling against the inevitable. You forget, I am a demon. Though my love for

you makes me happier beyond compare, my generosity makes you forget that just

like any other demon, I have limits. It would be wise for you to mind the lines you

intend to cross.‖ 

He just threatened me. He just threatened me. ―My name is Torilee.‖ 

I walked to the car filled Breece and Trevor‘s curious faces. Choosing not

to aknowledge them I slid in the back seat and we drove to Bruxton High.

I was barely two steps in the door when a lady behind the front desk

emerged and handed me a note before returning to her post.

Meet me in my room. Now.

-OserumCould he really not wait? I had my fill of demons for the morning. Maybe

we could meet around noon, or maybe during our regular class times. Then again,

I might want to ―mind the lines I was intending to cross‖ since he was a demon. I 

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worked my way through the crowded hallways. I pushed my way thorugh the

door to Mr. Oserum‘s classroom.

―I‘m very glad you decided to read the note. Though I am very

disappointed that I lost twenty dollars to a bet about your attendence. Do you

know why you‘re here?‖ 

―Not really. I thought you would be the one to tell me.‖ 

―Well you have been gone for two weeks I have three excuses for you to


―Why do I have to have an excuse. I thought you would take care of that.‖ 

―Well, you, Breece, Trevor, and Jake all disappeared at the same time, for

the same amount of time. Do you see how that would raise suspicion?‖ 

―I guess.‖ 

―Well, while you were guessing I came up with three plausible excuses for

you based on the other three.‖ 

―Okay. What are they?‖ 

―Breece‘s excuse is that he was dealing with family issues a.k.a your father,

which is not so far from the truth. Trevor said he went vacationing with hisparents because they finally decided to stop by. And … and Jake said …‖ 

―What did he say?‖ 

―He said the two of you went vacationing in the mountains.‖ 

―With Trevor and his imaginary parents?‖ 

―No they went to the beach. You two went to the mountains … alone.‖ 

One second passed. Two seconds passed. Three seconds passed. Fourseconds passed. ―He didn‘t! I am going to kill him! Come my eighteeenth birthday

there won‘t be anyone that I‘m destined to ―join‖ with!‖ 

―Don‘t blow this out of proportion. This is your fault anyway.‖ 

―What do you mean my  fault?‖ 

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―Well I talked to him earlier this morning and gave him three reasons why

he didn‘t show up to school and he came up with one on his own. He said that if 

you wouldn‘t openly accept him he would make so you had no choice.‖ 

―What the fu -― 

―Good morning sunshine. You look like a belligerent case of joy.‖ 

Trevor sauntered over to my side giving me a smile that didn‘t quite reach

his eyes. He heard the rumors, too. Great. I turned back to Mr. Oserum. ―You

have to fix this. You and him . By the end of the day the rumors will disappear or

I‘m done and I‘m disappearing and you won‘t be able to find me. I swear to God.‖ 

I stalked out of the room throwing away my half finished coffee. I hated the

extra attention the rumors gave me. Though I did enjoy the hateful and betrayedlooks I got from Ashlee. Walking tthrough the halls proved to be the most

difficult, trying to get to class while avoiding Jake. I was on my way to English

when I ran into Jake. Literally. My books fell with an unceramonial plunk at our

feet. I reached down to pick them up but he was faster than me. He handed me my

books. ―I‘m sorry about the rumors. Honestly, I wasn‘t thinking. I just want you

to accept me.‖ 

―Well that‘s never going to happen. I hate that people think we‘re dating

and I hate you. Leave me alone.‖ People were slowing in the halls to get a good look at us. ―Why don‘t you

like me?‖ 

―Are you serious?,‖ My voice was incredulous. ―I don‘t like you because you

come into my life and insist I have to ―join‖ with you, whatever the hell that

means! You come into my life and everyone bows before you like you‘re some

kind of god and you expect me to get on my knees, too! You come into my life and

spread rumors that we spent two weeks together in the mountains when I

actually spent two weeks with Trevor, not you, never you! You come into my life

and expect me to stop living mine so you can carry on with yours! That‘s not how

it works in the real world. If you don‘t like it you can go back to where you came

from, Hell!‖ 

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The hallway froze, as his face blanched. I scooted around him and carried

on to English. Heads turned and eyes followed me on my way to class.

When I did get to class not only was it deadly silent, but the tension in the

air with thick. Ashlee was in her side of the room whipsering to her friends, most

likely about me, Trev was in his side of the room pretending not to notice all the

other guys staring at me like I‘m a piece or meat. 

Sitting down in my usual spot, a guy from the football team, Simth I think,

leaned over close to me, too close. His breath tickles my ear while he says, ―Hey

Tori. Why don‘t you come spend two weeks in my cabin, baby. I‘m sure we could

have lots of fun.‖ 

―I‘ll have to pass, Smith.‖ 

―It‘s Sin, short for Sinclair, but you can call me anything you want to for a


―What did you just say to her, Sam?‖ 

This time neither Sin nor I spoke. Trevor was in front of me, facing Sin


―We were just having a conversation and my name‘s Sin.‖ 

―Look Sebastion, I think she‘s done talking.‖ 

Sin was on his feet now, too. ― I think it was just the beginning of our


―See that‘s where you‘re wrong , Seth. I think you should leave her alone.‖ 

―My name is Sin and you have no say in this.If I take her home with me,

that‘s no concern of yours. And when we have the best time I‘ll make sure you

know. Hell! I‘ll send you a postcard of—― 

It happened so quickly. I never saw Trev‘s fist strike against Sin‘s nose. It

seemed as if one moment Sin was formidable, and the next he was lying in a

bloody mess on the floor.

―I would stay down if I were you, Scott.‖ 

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Out of all of the voices Ashlee‘s shrill stuck out,‖ OMG!!! Why is everyone

fighting over her . She‘s new. Why not me? Has everyone forgotten about me?‖ 

She sat down with a humph, at odds with the rest of the world. My head

was spinning with hate. Did Jake think I would magically fall in love with him

after this fiasco. I hate the rumors he spreads and the overly dramatic conclusions

they come to. I was on autopilot. All my books were in my bag and I was out the

door hopefully before anybody noticed.

Sitting in the hall alone with my thoughts I waited for the bell to ring.

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Chapter 23If high school wasn‘t melodramatic, would it still be the single most

personality shaping experience of your life? I don‘t think so. Still, I find myself 

wishing that high school would just leave me be. I‘m just a not so inoccent

bystander trying to make it through life, or what I thought was life before mine

took a nose dive.

This day had been awful. Hell, this whole week had been awful. Breece had

stopped Jake‘s two hour privilages while the rumors were dealt with. Even

though I was no longer harrassed by football players, that didn‘t stop the laughs,

snickers, and whispers behind my back.

Walking down the hall was the worst because that‘s when everyone would

see me and when everyone had something to say. I had avoided Jake in the halls

and rightfully didn‘t push me any further than he already had. I saw Jake coming

down the hall and decided to take the long way to science. Jake followed me,

obviously thinking that I wasn‘t mad anymore. He was wrong. 

I cut throught the out fields, willing my legs to go faster than they already

were. I knew Jake was following me. I glanced behind me and found Jakesprinting towards me. ―Tori, stop. Just let me talk to you. I need to apologise.‖ 

―No shit,‖ I muttered under my breath. I walked fater preparing to drop my

books and run, but Jake came in front of me forcing me to a halt. I stared at the

ground, trying to avoid eye contact. His hand shot out and gently, but

demandingly pulled my chin up until our eyes met. ―Hear me out. Please.‖ 

―Well you already have me here so…‖ I said trailing off. 

―I love you, even if you don‘t. I‘m sorry I made that rumor up about youand I‘m sorry about the way people have been treating you recently.‖ 

―Okay. That was great, but I have to get to class.‖ 

His hand tightened around my chin and his eyes darkened.‖You‘re going to 

listen to me and I‘m not done.‖ 

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I stilled. The demanding tone in his voice was unrelenting as he continued.

―I came to apologise so I want you to accept my apology.‖ 

He was lying. He wanted me to accept him, not his stupid apology. Yet his

his hand moved lower to grasp my upper arm, holding me possessively. He was

scaring me now. Everybody told me--as much as I thought--that even though I

didn‘t like Jake, he was harmless. Something in him right now was changed, or 


The bell rang in the distance. The severity of the moment hit me hard. I

was alone with a boy, demon, that wanted me so badly that he didn‘t care if he

ruined me in the process and everybody else was in a building that was at least a

football field‘s length away. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He leaned in until Icould feel his breath on my ear. ― Your heart is beating faster. I can tell. You

shouldn‘t be afraid of me.‖ 

―I feel a lot of other emotions that I ‗shouldn‘t‘ be feeling towards you


―Like what?‖ 

I could feel hope oozing out of his suger-coated voice.‖ 

―Like hate. And disdain. And general lack of—― 

A sharp pain to my cheek hit me as hard as the ground. He slapped me. I

was shocked. ―Remember what I said. A demon‘s patience does not  last as long as

you hope, or intend. I am rapidly approaching the end of my stretched and

thinned patience. Your time is running short before I have you, whether you want

me or not. Do you understand?‖ 

I let out a moan that could be interpreted, as he wanted. He seemed pleased

and turned to walk away, leaving me on the ground. I could feel the side of my

face begin to swell, just as I could taste my own blood in my mouth.

I heard the next bell, wondering how long I‘d been out there. I walked to

my next class, English. I was there first and everybody filled in the desks around

me. Trevor came and sat behind me.

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It wasn‘t long until I felt a pen tapping me between my shoulders. I turned

around and his smile faded. His face clouded with concern, then boiled into rage.

―Who did this? Was it another football player?‖ 

―Who did what?‖ 

―Tori, the whole left side of your face has swelled and is bruising.‖ 

I hadn‘t gotten a chance to look at my face. ―Who did this?‖ 

Could Jake visit me if he found out I told Trevor, even if Breece kept our

temporary restraining order in place? ―Nobody.‖ 

I guess I underestimated the damage if my face was the first thing Trevor


―Who was it? I‘m going to find out anyway.‖ 

Thankfully, Mr. Oserum began class, but I could‘ve sworn I heard Trev

mumbling that this wasn‘t over. Mr. Oserum went on and on about different

literary revolutions throughout the ages before the bell stopped his tirade.

―Ms. Jameson, see me before you leave.‖ 

Trevor brushed past me probably to go ask around and see who hit me.

Too bad there were no witnesses and everybody is enamored with Jake. I walked

up to Mr. Oserum‘s desk. 

―How did you get that bruise on your cheek?‖ 

―Nowhere. I- I fell.‖ 

―No you didn‘t. Who was it? Was it Trevor?‖ 

―No!‖ I responded immediately. 

―Then who, Breece, a football player, Jake—― 

I flinched at the sound of Jake‘s name. Mr. Oserum stopped and narrowed

his eyes. A dark look crossed his face. ―This is not okay. I‘ll talk to him about it.

I‘ll also talk to Breece about visiting rights.‖ 

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―Visiting rights? You guys make it sound like I‘m in a prison.‖ 

―You are- to a certain extent. Just because we‘ve been lenient, doesn‘t mean

we‘re not watching.‖ 

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