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Holy Hour Youth Vigil

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil



    The priest procession the monstrance from the adoration chapel to the church altar.The whole congregation kneels until the Taize starts.

    INCENSATION After placing incense in the censer, the priest kneels and incenses the Blessed Sacrament.


    O salutaris hostia,Quae caeli pandis ostium:

    Bella premunt hostilla,Da robur fer auilium

    Uni trino!ue DominoSit sempiterna "loria:

    Qui #itam sine termino$obis donet in patria%


    The priest invites the whole congregation to praise.

    P. God, † come to my asssta!ce"

    R. Lord, make haste to help me.

    P. G#o$y to t%e Fat%e$, a!d to t%e So!, a!d to t%e Ho#y S&$t

    R. as it was in the eginning, is now, and will e for ever. Amen.


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    Ta'e P$aye$ 



  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil



  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    Psalm 23

    Handog N'yang himlaya'y sariwang pastulan,ang pahingahan ko'y payapang batisan.Hatid sa kaluluwa ay kaginhawaan;sa tumpak na landas, Siya ang patnubay.

     Madilim na lambak man ang tatahakin ko,wala akong sindak, Siya'y kasama ko.Ang hawak N'yang tungkod ang siyang gabay ko,tangan N'yang pamalo, sigla't tanggulan ko.

     Inihahandog Niya sa akin ang 'sang dulang.

    Maging sa harap man ng aking kaawaay;kasiyahan Niyang ulo ko'y langisan,saro ko'y punuin hanggang sa umapaw.

     Kagandahang loob, pawang kabutihan.Ang tanging kasunod ng buhay kong taglay.Doon sa tahanan ng oong Maykapal,nais kong manahan magpakailanman.


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    Celebration of Light*+- m!.tes/


    T%e Lo$d s my #(%t, my #(%t a!d sa#0ato!,I! Hm I t$.st, I! Hm I t$.st *Re&eat o!ce/

    Boys) T%e Lo$d s my L(%t *G$#s) ! Hm I t$.st/Boys) My #(%t a!d sa#0ato! *G$#s) ! Hm I t$.st/

    *Re&eat T%s Ve$se Ma!y Tmes/


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil



    Matthew! :"#"$ 

    1 Seeing the crowds, he went onto the mountain. And whenhe was seated his disciples came to him.2 Then he began to speak. This is what he taught them:3 How blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdomof Heaen is theirs.! "lessed are the gentle: the# shall hae the earth asinheritance.

    $ "lessed are those who mourn: the# shall be comforted.% "lessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness:the# shall hae their &ll.' "lessed are the merciful: the# shall hae merc# shownthem.( "lessed are the pure in heart: the# shall see )od.* "lessed are the peacemakers: the# shall be recognisedas children of )od.1+ "lessed are those who are persecuted in the cause ofuprightness: the kingdom of Heaen is theirs.11 "lessed are #ou when people abuse #ou and persecute

     #ou and speak all kinds of calumn#  against #ou falsel# onm# account.12 -eoice and be glad, for #our reward will be great inheaen/ this is how the# persecuted the prophets before

     #ou.13 0ou are salt  for the earth. "ut if salt  loses its taste, whatcan make it salt# again t is good for nothing, and can onl#be thrown out to be trampled under peoples feet.

    1! 0ou are light for the world. A cit# built on a hilltopcannot be hidden.1$ 4o one lights a lamp to put it under a tub/ the# put it onthe lampstand where it shines for eer#one in the house.1% n the same wa# #our light must shine in peoples sight,so that, seeing #our good works, the# ma# gie praise to

     #our 5ather in heaen.


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    !. Halina "spiritu SantoAming puso#y puspusin moNg iyong biyaya$%ni San&t% Spiritus

    . Ama ng dukha(ukal ng kabanalan )anglaw n gaming puso$%ni San&t% Spiritus

    *. +om% all % -our winds o- Spirit+om% and bl%ss all o- usDisp%l th% shadows o%r us/%n%w, str%ngth%n your p%opl%$%ni San&t% Spiritus


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    0. ou ar% our only &om-ort%r%a&% o- th% soulIn th% h%at you shad% us

    In our labor you r%-r%sh usAnd in troubl%, you ar% our str%ngth$%ni San&t% Spiritus

    SILENCE *12 m!.tes/

    Lta!y o3 &$ase


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    1 2isdom, &oming -rom th% mouth o- th% Most High3 ou r%ign o%rall things -rom on% %nd o- th% %arth to th% oth%r; &om% and t%a&h usth% way o- wisdom. 4 2% bl%ss your Holy Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul

    8ho leads me into life

    1 Morning Star, Spl%ndor o- 5ight %t%rnal and bright Sun o- 6usti&%;&om% and shin% on all who li% in darkn%ss and in th% shadow o-d%ath. 4 2% bl%ss your Holy Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life

    7i% us your p%a&%, so that w% &an &ommuni&at% it to on% anoth%r

    in mutual lo%, and s%r% th% human -amily. . 4 2% bl%ss your HolyNam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life

    7od our 8ath%r, w% bl%ss you -or haing &all%d us to know you, tolo% you and to li% with you.4 2% bl%ss your Holy Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    8ho leads me into life

     ou s%nt your b%lo%d Son, your p%r-%&t imag% and th% r%9%&tion o- your -a&%; h% b%&am% lik% us in all things but sin. 4 2% bl%ss yourHoly Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life

    In him you pro&laim%d th% good n%ws o- your Kingdom; you -orgi%our o:%ns%s and h%al our wounds. 4 2% bl%ss your Holy Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame

    "less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life

    K%%p us in th% &ommunion o- your Son; k%%p us al%rt as w% wait -orth% day o- his &oming. 4 2% bl%ss Holy your Nam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame"less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life

    7i% us your p%a&%, so that w% &an &ommuni&at% it to on% anoth%rin mutual lo%, and s%r% th% human -amily. 4 2% bl%ss your HolyNam%3

    "less the 6ord m# soul

     And bless )od7s Hol# 4ame"less the 6ord m# soul8ho leads me into life


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil




     %sus our 6oy, th% simpl% d%sir% -or your pr%s%n&% is alr%ady th%

    b%ginning o- -aith. And, in our li-%, th% hidd%n %%nt o- a longing

    &aus%s w%llsprings to gush -orth< kindn%ss, g%n%rosity, and also that

    inn%r harmony whi&h &om%s -rom th% Holy Spirit in us.


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil



  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil



    TA$TU& 'R(O 

    Tantum ergo Sacramentum%eneremur cernui&

    't anti(uum documentum)ovo cedat ritui&

    Praestet fides supplementumSensuum defectui.

    *enitori *enito(ueLaus et +uilatio,

    Salus, honor, virtus (uo(ueSit et enedictio&

    Procedenti a utro(ueompar sit laudatio. Amen.

    V. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis.R. -mne delectamentum in se haentem.


    De.s,5. !o6s s.6 sac$ame!to m$a6#,&asso!s memo$am $

    t$6.e, 5.aes.m.s,ta !os co$&o$s et sa!(.!s t.sac$a myste$a 0e!e$a$,.t $edem&to!s 3$.ct.m !!o6s .(te$ se!tam.s"7. 00s et $e(!as ! saec.#a saec.#o$.m"R. Amen.


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    -r&V. ou have given them read from heaven.R . ontaining in itself all happiness.

    Let .s &$ay"Lo$d 8es.s C%$st,yo. (a0e .s t%e E.c%a$stas t%e memo$a# o3 yo.$ s.33e$!( a!d deat%"May o.$ 9o$s%& o3 t%s sac$ame!t o3 yo.$ 6ody a!d 6#ood%e#& .s to e:&e$e!ce t%e sa#0ato! yo. 9o! 3o$ .sa!d t%e &eace o3 t%e ;!(dom9%e$e yo. #0e 9t% t%e Fat%e$ a!d t%e Ho#y S&$t,

    o!e God, 3o$ e0e$ a!d e0e$"R. Amen.

    The priest takes the monstrance and then makes the sign of the cross with it over the people insilence.

    THE DIVINE PRAISESB#essed 6e God"B#essed 6e %s Ho#y Name"B#essed 6e 8es.s C%$st, t$.e God a!d t$.e Ma!"

    B#essed 6e t%e Name o3 8es.s"B#essed 6e %s most Sac$ed Hea$t"B#essed 6e %s most P$eco.s B#ood"B#essed 6e 8es.s ! t%e most Ho#y Sac$ame!t o3 t%e A#ta$"B#essed 6e t%e Ho#y S&$t, t%e Pa$ac#ete"B#essed 6e t%e ($eat Mot%e$ o3 God, Ma$y most %o#y"B#essed 6e %e$ %o#y a!d Immac.#ate Co!ce&to!"B#essed 6e %e$ (#o$o.s Ass.m&to!"B#essed 6e t%e !ame o3 Ma$y, V$(! a!d Mot%e$"B#essed 6e Sa!t 8ose&%, %e$ most c%aste s&"

    B#essed 6e God ! %s a!(e#s a!d ! %s sa!ts"

     A closing song such as the following ma/ e sung.

    O sacrament most hol)  sacrament di#ine

     All praise and all than*s"i#in" 

    Be e#er) moment thine


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil


    Be e#er) moment thine%


  • 8/18/2019 Holy Hour Youth Vigil
