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The most wonderful time of the year
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Page 1: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

The most wonderful time

of the year

Page 2: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

Dear Guest, It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The Holiday season brings with it, many reasons to celebrate and gather with friends, family, colleagues and loved ones, sharing the spirit of the season, holiday treats and century-old traditions. It is the one season of the year when the joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others burdens and filling empty hearts and lives with generous gifts, becomes the true magic of Christmas. The Avila Hotel with its timeless elegance and wonderful personnel always offers you the most dedicated attention and is the perfect choice for your Christmas or Year-End gatherings/activities. As you will be spending Christmas and hopefully also New Year’s Eve with us, we would like to inform you about some of the activities that we have planned especially for you during this marvelous Holiday season during our 65th jubilee year. Enclosed you will find our Holiday season menus for Blues and the Belle Terrace restaurant. Both restaurants offer limited seating capacities, and therefore we would like to urge you to make your reservations ahead of time to prevent possible disappointments. Kindly note that the dress code during our special events is “Elegant Casual” and that the selected locations are subject to change, due to weather conditions. Our Sales & Marketing department therefore awaits your earlyreply, in order for us to allocate your reservation(s) according to your wishes. Of course you may also contact us if you require any additional information. We look forward to welcoming you and are extremely happy that you have chosen the Avila Hotel to spend this special Holiday Season. Please do not hesitate to contact our PR & Sales Coordinator: Mrs. Gabriëlla Hoop [email protected] 461 4377 ext. 729

Page 3: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

Christmas Eve Pincho Buffet Pincho buffet Kerstavond

Salads / Salades

Selection of Homemade bread, crostini sticks with tapenade and flavored butters Selectie van huisgebakken brood, crostini, tapenade en kruidenboters

Pasta salad Pastasalade

Potato salad


Mixed salad greens Mesclun

Tuna salad

Salade Niçoise

Cucumber ricotta salad Komkommer ricotta salade

Balsamic tomato salad

Salade van tomaat en balsamico vinaigrette

Dressings and condiments Dressing en garniturenbar


Page 4: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Pincho / Pincho Chicken pincho

Pincho van gemarineerde kip

Beef pincho Pincho van gemarineerd rundvlees

Chorizo pincho

Pincho van chorizo

Shrimp pincho Pincho van grote garnalen

Mahi Mahi pincho

Pincho met Mahi Mahi

Vegetable pincho Pincho met gegrilde groenten

Corn on the Cobb


Page 5: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Desserts / Nagerechten

Tropical fruit salad Tropische fruitsalade

Ponche Crema cake with Ponche Crema liquor

Ponche Crema gebak met Poche Crema likeur

Red fruit trifle Rood fruit dessert

Home made pie

Huisgemaakte gebak


US $39,05 Nafl. 69,50

Kids until the age of 4 are free, kids until the age of 12 receive a 50% discount

Kinderen t/m 4 jaar zijn gratis, kinderen t/m 12 jaar ontvangen 50% korting

All prices are including 12% service charge and 9% turnover charge Alle prijzen zijn inclusief 12% service kosten en 9% omzetbelasting

Page 6: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Christmas Brunch buffet Kerstbrunch buffet

Bread station / Broodstation

Selection of homemade bread, crostini sticks with tapenade and flavored butters Selectie van huisgebakken brood, crostini, tapenade en kruidenboters

Butternut squash soup with truffle cream

Pompoensoep met truffelroom

Cold buffet / Koud buffet Pickled Pig’s Ears (Zult)

Varkensoren in zuur

Smoked salmon with horseradish, red onion and lemon Gerookte zalm met mierikswortel, rode uien en citroen

Pork roast roulade with herb dressing and caramelized apple

Rollade van varkensvlees, kruidendressing en gekarameliseerde appel

Dried ham Carpaccio, pine nuts and Parmesan cheese Carpaccio van gedroogde ham, pijnboompitjes en Parmezaanse kaas

Game pâté met cranberry compote

Wildpaté met cranberry compôte

Roasted eggplant with tomato and buffalo mozzarella Geroosterde aubergine in combinatie met tomaat en mozzarella van buffelmelk

Beetroot salad with goat cheese

Salade van rode biet en geitenkaas

Page 7: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Caesar salad with grilled chicken

Romeinse salade met tranches van gegrilde kip

Mixed salad greens Mesclun salade

Coleslaw with raisin

Witte koolwortelsalade

Crab salad Salade van krab

Local “Johnny cake”, flat cornmeal cake

Lokale “Johnny cake”, een plat maïsmeel broodje

Local “Pan di Jamon” Christmas bread with ham, olives and raisins Traditioneel kerstbrood voorzien van ham, olijven en rozijnen

Warm buffet / Warm buffet

Mahi mahi with sun dried cherry tomatoes and white wine basil sauce Mahi mahi filet met zongedroogde tomaat en een witte wijn-basilicumsaus

Roast turkey with chestnut stuffing and red wine gravy

Kalkoenfilet met een garnituur van kastanjes en een rode wijn jus

Traditional "Ayaka" polenta steamed in banana leaves Traditionele “Ayaka” gestoomde polenta in bananenblad

Traditional Christmas ham

Traditionele Kerstham

Page 8: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Roasted beef strips with prunes and calvados sauce

Runderreepjes met pruimen in een calvadossaus

Rice with a garnish of seafood Rijst met een garnituur van zeevruchten

Green beans with bacon and spiced almonds

Groene bonen met een garnituur van spekjes en gekruide amandel

Rice mixed with various vegetables Rijst gemixt met diverse groenten

Roasted sweet potatoes

Geroosterde zoete aardappelen

Truffle mashed potatoes Aardappelmousseline met truffel tapenade


Christmas pudding with a brandy sauce Kerstpudding met cognac saus

Brûlée cream of white chocolate and orange

Crème Brûlée van witte chocolade en sinaasappel

Page 9: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Rum and raisin cheese cake with spiced winter berries Rum en rozijnen cheesecake met gekruide winter bessen

Cashew Cake


Chocolate dessert with Baileys and shaved white chocolate Chocolade dessert met Baileys en geschaafde witte chocolade


US $47,75 Nafl. 85,00

Kids until the age of 4 are free, kids until the age of 12 receive a 50% discount

Kinderen t/m 4 jaar zijn gratis, kinderen t/m 12 jaar ontvangen 50% korting

All prices are including 12% service charge and 9% turnover charge Alle prijzen zijn inclusief 12% service kosten en 9% omzetbelasting

Page 10: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Christmas Menu Kerstmenu

Crisps and amuses

Krokantjes en amuses

Pickled salmon, piccalilli mayonnaise, shallot cream, tajerblad, cress, local herbs and edible flowers

Gepekelde zalm, piccalilly mayonaise, sjalotten crème, tajerblad, lokale kruiden, tuinkers en eetbare bloemen


Lobster tail, charcoal smoked butter, hart of palm, citrus nage, cilantro

Kreeftstaart, houtskool gerookte boter, hart van palm, citrus á la nage, koriander


Broth of Kumbo Kombu bouillon


Duck breast, celeriac, prunes, caramelized pickled onions, pommes soufflé,

jus of olives Eend, knolselderij, pruimen, gekarameliseerde zilveruitjes, pommes soufflé, olijvenjus


Page 11: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


White chocolate ravioli, mango crème, herbal tea-champagne broth, limoncello sorbet

Witte chocolade ravioli, mango crème, bouillon van kruidenthee en champagne, limoncello sorbet

To order extra: Coffee unique Extra te bestellen: Koffie speciaal

Nafl. 15,50 US $8,71


US $84,27 Nafl. 150,00

Kids until the age of 4 are free, kids until the age of 12 receive a 50% discount

Kinderen t/m 4 jaar zijn gratis, kinderen t/m 12 jaar ontvangen 50% korting

All prices are including 12% service charge and 9% turnover charge Alle prijzen zijn inclusief 12% service kosten en 9% omzetbelasting

Page 12: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Boxing Day Menu

Menu Tweede Kerstdag

Crisps and amuses Krokantjes en amuses

Burned tuna, annato oil, 3 minutes egg yolk, sweet and sour veggies Gebrande tonijn, annato olie, 3 minuten gekookt ei, zoetzure groente


Conch, fried melon spheres, celery foam, avocado ice cream

Kroonslak, gebakken meloen bolletjes, schuim van knolselderij, avocado ijs


Argentine lamb rack anticucho, beurre noisette yucca cream Edamame soybeans, puffed quinoa

Argentijnse lamsrack anticucho, beurre noisette yucca crème, Edamame sojabonen, gepofte quinoa


Page 13: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Candied fruit cake “Bolo pretu” 2.0

Gekonfijte vruchtentaart “Bolo pretu” 2.0

To order extra: Coffee unique Extra te bestellen: Koffie speciaal

Nafl. 15,50 US $8,71


US $67,42 Nafl. 120,00

Kids until the age of 4 are free, kids until the age of 12 receive a 50% discount

Kinderen t/m 4 jaar zijn gratis, kinderen t/m 12 jaar ontvangen 50% korting

All prices are including 12% service charge and 9% turnover charge Alle prijzen zijn inclusief 12% service kosten en 9% omzetbelasting

Page 14: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

Asian Club / Aziatische Sociëteit

Steamed dim sum / Gestoomde dimsum

Samosas / Samosas

Tom Kha Gai Chicken Coconut Soup with lemongrass Tom Kha Gai kokos kippensoep met citroengras

Spring rolls / Loempia

Larb Gai Thai chicken salad / Larb Gai Thaise kipsalade

Sushi deluxe with wasabi and soy sauce / Sushi deluxe met wasabi en sojasaus

Atjar tjampoer / Atjar tjampoer

Prawn crackers / Kroepoek

Yakitori seasoned skewers / Yakitori gekruide spiesjes

Babi panggang / Babi pangang

Thai green curry panga / Thaise groene curry panga

Hoisin duck / Hoisin eend

Live wok dish with egg noodles, fish and meat Live wok gerecht met ei noedels, vis en vlees

Indian styled chicken tandoori / Indische stijl kip tandoori

Fried rice / Nasi goreng

31.12 Fabulous Las Vegas

Around the world Buffet

grande terrace

Page 15: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Mediterranean tapas / Mediterrane tapas

Marinated olives / Gemarineerde olijven

Marinated anchovies / Gemarineerde ansjovies

Peppadew peppers / Peppadew pepers

Spanish chacutterie, salami, chorizo, seranoham Spaanse vleeswaren, salami, chorizo, serranoham

Bread and Aioli / Brood en aioli

Dades with bacon / Dadels met spek

Manchego cheese / Manchego kaas

Egg plant, ricotta, rocket and balsamic salad Aubergine, ricotta, rucola en balsamico salade

Tomato, mozzarella, basil, pesto Caprese salad Tomaat, mozzarella, basilicum, pesto Caprese salade

Albondigas meatballs in tomato sauce / Albóndigas gehaktballetjes in tomatensaus

Spicy chorizo in red wine / Pittige chorizo in rode wijn

Shrimp croquettes / Kroketjes van garnaal

Gratin of tomato, eggplant and zucchini Gratin van tomaat, aubergine en courgette

Crispy sardines with garlic and lemon Krokante sardientjes met knoflook en citroen

grande terrace

Page 16: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Seafood passion / Passie voor zeevruchten

Haring with unions and pickles / Haring met uitjes en augurk

Salmon salad / Zalmsalade

Crab salad / Krabsalade

Avocado cherry tomato and shrimp salad Avocado cherrietomaatjes en garnalensalade

Antillean styled (spicy) ceviche / Antilliaanse (pittige) ceviche

Seafood salad with whiskey sauce / Zeevruchtensalade met whiskeysaus

Lobster bisque with tarragon and sour cream Kreeftenbisque met dragon en zure room

Montana stir fried mussels / Montana gewokte mosselen

Soft shell crab frittata / Frittata met blauw krab

Steamed whole catch / Gestoomde vis

Smoked salmon with lime mayonnaise and fried cappers Gerookte zalm met mayonaise van limoen en gebakken kappertjes

Herbed Panga rolls with wine sauce and shrimps Gekruide Panga rolletjes met witte wijnsaus en garnalen

Breaded calamari with sauce ravigote Gepaneerde inktvisringen met ravigotte

Paella Valenciana / Paella Valenciana

Grilled mahi mahi with luke warm tomato antiboise and roasted vegetables Gegrilde mahi mahi met lauwe tomaat antiboise en geroosterde groenten

grande terrace

Page 17: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

American steakhouse

Straight from the grill / Direct van de grill

Provencal rib eye / Provençaalse ribeye

Sesame and ginger marinated spare ribs Met Sesam en gember gemarineerde sparerib

Mustard pork loin / Mosterd varkenslende

Leg of lamb with honey / Lamsbout met honing

Hanging tender pepper steak / Longhaas peperbiefstuk

Coleslaw with raisin and pineapple / Koolsalade met rozijnen en ananas

Baked potato with sour cream / Gepofte aardappel met zure room

Corn on the cob with cinnamon / Maïskolven met kaneel

Potato salad with bacon and spring union / Aardappelsalade met spekjes en lente-ui

Mixed green salad / Gemengde groene salade

Steakhouse fries with Texan old style mayonnaise Steakhouse frietjes met mayonaise in Texaanse oude stijl


US $122,47 Nafl. 218,00

Kids until the age of 4 are free, kids until the age of 12 receive a 50% discount Kinderen t/m 4 jaar zijn gratis, kinderen t/m 12 jaar ontvangen 50% korting

All prices are including 12% service charge and 9% turnover charge

Alle prijzen zijn inclusief 12% service kosten en 9% omzetbelasting

grande terrace 31.12

Page 18: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

Date Time Menu Location Entertainment

Saturday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.30-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Caribbean Grill Night

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Dushi Korsow/Trio

Sunday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Monday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Tuesday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Burger Night Christmas Style

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Christmas Eve

Wednesday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Christmas Eve Pincho Buffet

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Avila Café Pool Bar

Blues Belle Terrace

Christmas Thursday

December 25

09.00-0.00 12.00-19.00 12.00-14.30 18.00-22.30 19.00-20.00 20.00-23.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Regular Pool Bar menu

Christmas Brunch Christmas Pincho Night Champagne reception

Christmas 5-course Taste of the Region menu

Schooner Bar Pool Bar

Belle Terrace Blues

Octagon Plaza Belle Terrace

Trio Luis Blanco Mr. Dorotea

Normon Moron

Boxing Day Friday

December 26

09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Chirstmas Jazzy Pincho Perfecto

Christmas 4-course Taste of the Region menu

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace


Saturday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu (10.30-22.30) Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Caribbean Grill Night

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Live music Dushi Korsow/Trio

Entertainment itinerary

Page 19: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel

Weather: Locations are subject to change, due to weather conditions

Dress code: Elegant casual

Date Time Menu Location Entertainment

Sunday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Monday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Pincho Perfecto

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

Tuesday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Lunch (All Day Dining menu)

Regular Pool Bar menu Burger Night

Taste of the Region

Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

New Year’s Eve

Wednesday December


09.00-0.00 12.00-13.00 12.00-14.30 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00 23.30-02.00

Regular Schooner Bar menu Pagara

Lunch (All Day Dining menu) Regular Pool Bar menu

Pincho Perfecto New Year’s Eve-fixed menu Fabulous Las Vegas & Around the World buffet NYE Celebration with Champagne at midnight

Schooner Bar Entrance Avila Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Grande Terrace Sea Terrace

Luis Blanco Gino Coelho

DJ Brazao

New Year’s Day

Thursday January


09.00-0.00 10.30-22.30 12.00-15.00 12.00-19.00 18.00-22.30 19.00-22.00

Breakfast Regular Schooner Bar menu/BBQ

Lunch (All Day Dining menu)-Limited menu Regular Pool Bar menu

Pincho Perfecto New Year’s Day Taste of the Region-Limited menu

Avila Café Schooner Bar Belle Terrace

Pool Bar Blues

Belle Terrace

DJ Brazao (15.00-18.00)

Regular band

Entertainment itinerary

Page 20: Holiday season menus 2014 Avila Beach Hotel


Since both restaurants offer limited seating capacities, we would like to urge you to make your reservations ahead of time to avoid the hassle

upon your arrival and prevent possible disappointments.

If you’re interested in making reservations for celebrating the Holidays at one of our restaurants we are happy to assist you via:

[email protected] 599 9 461 4377 Between office hours ext. 729 Outside office hours ext. 743

We look forward to receiving your reservation request, and to celebrate this Holiday season with you!