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Knights of Columbus communitY FAith in Action PLAYBOOK H OCKEY C HALLENGE

HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut

Aug 02, 2020



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Page 1: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut

Knights of Columbus

communityFaith in action



Page 2: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut

Brandingalways use the program’s official name: Knights ofColumbus hockey Challenge.

order kitorder the Knights of Columbus hockey Challenge Kit(#hC-Kit) through supplies online, which can beaccessed through officer’s online.

insuranceinsurance and liability considerations should be accessedin the same manner as competitions for Free ThrowChampionship and soccer Challenge events, or otheryouth events.

solicit local suPPortContact the schools in your area to explain the permission of the principals, athletic directors, andsuperintendents to conduct the program as part of theirphysical education or intramural program, or ask for anendorsement encouraging students to participate in this

community sports program. high school athletes shouldbe reminded to check with their jurisdiction’s highschool athletic association/athletic director aboutpossible eligibility conflicts.

Contact officials from the town recreation departmentor local street hockey leagues to promote the competitionamong their players. teams and schools can holdpreliminary competitions to determine winners by agegroups to advance to the council competition. make surethat entry forms/score sheets are distributed in advanceto league officials or team coaches.

if there is a professional or semiprofessional franchise inyour area, contact its public relations office to see ifarrangements can be made to honor winners of yourcompetition between periods. also, approach teamsabout the possibility of getting players to present awardsto your champions. local sports teams, including sportsother than hockey, may also be willing to donateuniforms, autographed memorabilia and other similaritems as awards or prizes for your champions.


encourage values of sportsmanship and healthy competition with this meaningful and fun event!

ConduCting a Cou n

Play-By-Play For council hockey challengechamPionshiP chairman

ConduCting a Championship . . . . 2-5Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . 6-7publiCity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9Kit Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10pRomotional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Page 3: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut

Promote the eventdisplay program posters prominently to generateattention and participation. ask to display posters inschools, youth centers, church halls, libraries, and otherprominent locations in the community. on the poster,indicate the name of the contact person, the date, time,and location of the competition, and a telephonenumber to call for additional information. supplementthese posters with newspaper ads, radio and tV spots,and other publicity. additional posters are availablethrough supplies online, which can be accessed throughofficer’s online. use the sample press release toannounce the competition in local newspapers, on socialmedia, and through radio announcements. always usethe program’s official name: Knights of Columbushockey Challenge.

set a time and PlaceContact schools, community centers, or youth centersto reserve a time and space for the hockey Challenge. ask local sports teams, colleges or universities to workwith your council on the hockey Challenge as part oftheir community outreach program. While april is therecommended month for conducting a councilcompetition, councils should be flexible and workaround the schedules of local school teams. all localcompetitions should be held so that the winners canparticipate in the district competition, and districtevents should be held prior to regional or jurisdictionevents.

Preregistrationpreregistration of athletes will boost the number ofparticipants and save time at the actual event. distributeentry forms/score sheets to approved locations. make

sure the teachers know your council number and contactinformation. personally deliver entry forms/score sheetsto physical education teachers and coaches whenpossible. try to collect completed forms and proof-of-age documents before the competition to get a generalestimate on the number of participants. plan thecompetition based on these numbers. have anannouncement made in school or send out a reminderof the competition immediately before the event. beready to accept entry forms/score sheets from walk-inparticipants on the day of the competition.

recruitmentall programs are a membership recruitmentopportunity. The hockey Challenge is no different.some of the fathers attending your event are likely to bepractical Catholics who are eligible to join a council.have one or two Knights from your membershipcommittee set up a table for recruiting and stock it withmembership pamphlets, 921 prospect Cards, and Faithin action booklets. be sure to hold a degree followingthe competition for the prospects received during thecompetition.

Program creditimmediately following your council’s shoot out, thegrand Knight must complete and submit the FraternalPrograms Report Form (#10784) found on feedback provides valuable statistics on participationand an overall assessment of the program. include thenumber of participants (non volunteers) in section 2.

gymnasium/Park equiPmenteach level of competition should be held in a gym, localpark, ice rink, or another location facility approved byand under the supervision of a participating Knights ofColumbus council. Check with your parks andrecreation department for availability and usageregulations. do this as early as possible, becauseschool/recreation teams are also reserving gymnasiumand ice rink space. The needed equipment is hockeypucks/street balls and a piece of plywood (see diagramon page 7 on how to set up the plywood). Children areencouraged to provide their own hockey stick in orderto be allowed to compete in the hockey Challenge.


nCil Championship

Page 4: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


ConduCting a

Play-By-Play For the district dePuty:

set a time and Placesecure a gym, park space, or ice rink, select a date for theshoot-out and pass the information to the local parish,school or community.

comPetition levelseach contestant receives three practice shots followedby 20 shots broken up into three groups (10-5-5) fromthe shot line. all age groups shoot from the samedistance. in the event a tie breaker is necessary, it shouldbe conducted as follows:

each contestant will have the opportunity to take threeshots from a position three feet behind the shot line. ifthe contestants are still tied they will then continue totake turns of three shots each until a clear winneremerges. tie-breaker shots should not be counted for thenext round of the competition.

recognitionpresent participation Certificates (#10858) to allparticipants, and Council Champion Certificates(#10859) to the winners at the end of the competition.a council can also purchase plaques on

advanced comPetitionprovide the entry forms/score sheets and the proof-of-age for the council winners to the district deputy forthe district competition. make sure your councilnumber is on the form. inform council competitionwinners of the date, time and location of the districtcompetition and any other levels of competition towhich they are advancing. be sure that a council officialaccompanies council winners to all upcomingcompetitions as they advance. in the event that a winnerin any level cannot participate in the next level ofcompetition, the second-place winner should representthe area.

Program creditimmediately following your council’s hockey Challengecompetition, the grand Knight must complete andsubmit the Fraternal Programs Report Form (#10784)included in the hockey Challenge Kit. This feedbackprovides valuable statistics for participation and anoverall assessment of the program. include the numberof participants (non volunteers) in section 2.

district/regional/Jurisdictional& international levels

Play-By-Play council level

district comPetitiondistrict deputies should inquire with their councils tosee who is hosting a hockey Challenge. if only onecouncil participates, a district contest isn’t necessary.

each contestant receives three practice shots followed by25 shots broken up in three groups (10-10-5) from theshot line. in the event a tie breaker is necessary, it shouldbe conducted as follows:

each contestant will have the opportunity to take threeshots from a position three feet behind the shot line. ifthe contestants are still tied, they will then continue to

take turns of three shots each until a clear winneremerges. tie-breaker shots should not be counted for thenext round of the competition.

set a time and Placesecure a gym, park space, or ice rink, select a date for theshoot-out and pass on the information to each of thecouncil hockey Challenge chairmen in your district.

comPetition dayConduct the district championship according to the rulescovered in this booklet. organize entry forms/ scoresheets by age and gender. use the entry form/score sheet

Page 5: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


Championshipto record each participant’s score. This form, and proof-of-age, must accompany each participant as he or sheprogresses through the higher levels of competition. Thecouncil number must also be clearly written on the form.Conduct a final check of equipment and see that the hockeysticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are availableand ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make surethe 5 scoring zones are clearly cut out on plywoodcovering the goal, as marked on the diagram on page 7.

all district-level participants must participate during thescheduled hours of the competition and under the sameconditions as all other competitors. under no

circumstances can participants compete at a special timeother than the scheduled and publicized hours of thecompetition. use the entry form/score sheet for eachpar ti cipant to record district competition scores.

recognitiondistrict deputies should order their 14 olympic stylemedallions for presentation to the district winners.medallions can be ordered through supplies online,which can be accessed through officer's online.

announce winnerssend a press release to local media sources announcingthe district winner.

Play-By-Play For the regional/Jurisdiction communitychairman:

regional and Jurisdictional level

order awardsorder regional/jurisdiction awards or or contact a localsupplier for an appropriate award. Jurisdictional councilsare responsible for ordering and presenting awards to theregional and jurisdictional winners.

comPetition dayeach contestant receives three practice shots followedby 30 shots broken up into three groups (10-10-10)from the shot line. in the event a tie breaker is necessary,it should be conducted as follows:

each contestant will have the opportunity to take fiveshots from a position three feet behind the shot line. ifthe contestants are still tied, they will then continue totake turns of one shot each until a clear winner emerges.

set a time and Placesecure a gym, park space, or ice rink, select a date for theshoot-out and pass on the information to each of thecouncil hockey Challenge chairmen in your district.

note: a hockey challenge event should not be held ona school day unless all participants are able to attend.

recognitionpresent the regional/jurisdictional awards. Cash or bondsmust not be awarded at any level of the competition.

announce winnersprepare a press release announcing the winners and send

it to local media sources. use the sample council releaseas a guide.

advanced comPetitionReport the results of your district competition to theregional/jurisdictional community chairman and givehim the entry forms/score sheets of your champions.inform your champions of the date and location of theregional/jurisdictional shoot-out Challenge.

note: in the event that a winner in any level cannotparticipate in the next level of competition, thesecond-place winner should represent the area for thatage group.

suPreme rePortingThe competition ends at the Jurisdictional level. Coun -cils should submit their Fraternal Programs Report Form(#10784) to the Knights of Columbus supreme Councilby may 15th.

authorityThe Knights of Columbus hockey Challenge program willbe under the authority of the state deputy andjurisdictional community director. any questions aboutthis program not answered in this guide should be directedto the appropriate jurisdictional officials or to:

supreme Council department of Fraternal mission 1 Columbus plazanew haven, Ct 06510-3326 telephone: (203) 752-4270 Fax: (203) 752-4108email: [email protected].

Page 6: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


rules & regulations eligiBilityThe Knights of Columbus hockey Challenge is open toall boys and girls in your community, between the agesof 10-17. age eligibility is determined by the age of thecontestant as of the month the competition is run. proofof age is required. athletes in high school should beadvised to check with their school athletic directors ortheir state/province athletic associations regardingpossible eligibility conflicts.

entriesall competitors must register using the official Knightsof Columbus hockey Challenge entry form/score sheet(#10854) provided in the hockey Challenge Kit, or using the “resource” link. all kitmaterials are in this section. proof-of-age mustaccompany all entry forms. preregistration isrecommended but not required. The entry form/scoresheet and proof-of-age must accompany participantsthrough all levels of competition. The council numbershould also be clearly written on the form. Winners willprogress to the district, regional, and jurisdictionalcompetitions. in ter national champions are chosen onthe basis of jurisdiction-level results.

comPetitionThe Knights of Columbus hockey Challenge is a greatway to put your faith into action and provide an athletic

outlet for youth in your community! The competitionis designed for players ages 10 to 17 to demonstrate themost important skill in hockey — shooting accuracy ongoal. each player will be allowed 20 shots, 12 feet awaydirectly in front of the goal. This contest is designed tobe held on a gym floor, ice rink, or at a local park. at thedistrict level each participant will have 20 shots at goal,for the Regional and state Competition participants willreceive 30 shots on goal.

scoringeach participant will be given 20 shots on goal. pointswill be awarded depending upon the area of the scoringzones through which the ball passes. 5 points for thelower corners, 10 points for the upper corners, and 7points for the middle. normal rules of hockey regardingshots on goal apply for all levels of competition.Violations include stepping over the line prior to theshot.

timelineThe recommended time frame for the Knights ofColumbus hockey Challenge is:

Council Championship — september/octoberor march/april

district Championship — november or mayRegional Championship — december or JuneJurisdictional Championship — January or July

Rules & Re

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specific dates for Regional and JurisdictionalChampionships are available from the jurisdictionalprogram director. all program material should beordered four weeks prior to your contest to ensureavailability. We are requesting that the FraternalPrograms Report Form (#10784) be submitted beforemay 15th.


Judges, scorers, and ball catchers will be selected by thehockey Challenge Chairman at the council level, by thedistrict deputy at the district level, and by theJurisdiction deputy at the regional and jurisdictionlevels. The recommended minimum is one judge, twoscorers, and a ball retriever. it is recommended thatvolunteer parents be utilized in age groups other thanthe group(s) in which their child (children) competes.The judge will ensure that each participant receives theproper number of shots on goal and will point out anyshot violations (see scoring section). all questions willbe resolved by the judges and hockey ChallengeChairman. scorers should refer to the scoringinstructions included on the entry form/score sheet.

set-uP instructionsuse the following diagram to set up your gym floor or asection at the park. First, find a spot for your standard4’x6’ hockey goal, which will be the reference point fromwhich all other measurements are taken. to create the“hash mark” shooting positions, measure 3 feet to theleft of the goal and 3 feet to the right of the goal alongthe goal line (see diagram 1 for position of goal line).From the center point, measure out 12 feet away fromthe goal line and mark the spot with “no residue” the case of a tie, mark a line 3 feet back from the firstline, to be used as a tie breaker.

step 1: measure 3ft. from both left and right corner ofgoal along goal line.

step 2: measure 12ft. out from the goal line and markthe floor or ice with hash marks shown indiagram 1.

step 3: measure 15ft. out as a tie breaker line.

Diagram 1

net set-uPa standard 4’x6’ goal will be divided into a series of fivescoring zones through the use of a “net screen.” Thisscreen can be made from a 4’x6’ piece of plywood. Cut aone foot square out of each of the four corners, plusanother one directly centered between the goal posts,about 6 inches above the floor. see diagram above forapproximate layout.


1.1. 1.

2.2. 2.


4 feet

6 feet

1 foot



1 foot

Page 8: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


Open to Boys and

PuBlicizing your eventone of the best ways to ensure that your council’shockey program is successful is to publicize it. Theprogram must always be referred to as the “Knights ofColumbus hockey Challenge.”

after reserving a gym and setting a date for thecompetition, use the sample press release on the nextpage to announce the event.

Retype it, double spaced, on council letterhead, filling inthe necessary information providing the who, what,when and where of your council’s scheduled Knight of

Columbus hockey blast. make sure to include the nameand phone number of a contact person.

ask editors to publish a reminder close to the date of thechampionship and to list it in the community orweekend calendars. talk with assignment editors andsuggest the competition as a great opportunity for afeature story. make arrangements for a story about yourwinners by personally delivering or sending in theirnames, ages, and stories to editors of both local news andsports sections of secular and diocesan newspapers. sendpress releases to radio and tV stations and local accesscable news programs.

publiCity: get t

Page 9: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


Girls Ages 10 to 17

Contact local high schools and college athleticdepartments about the possibility of holding your Knightsof Columbus hockey Challenge prior to a game and thenpresenting awards to champions between periods. if thereis a professional or semipro franchise in your area, contactits public relations office to see if arrangements can bemade to honor winners of your competition betweenperiods of a game. also, approach teams about thepossibility of getting players to present awards to yourchampions. local sports teams, including sports otherthan hockey, may also be willing to donate uniforms,autographed memorabilia and other items as awards orprizes for your champions.

the WoRd out!

Page 10: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


Hockey Challenge Entry Form &Score Sheet (#10854)

Hockey Challenge Participation Certificate(#10858)

Hockey Challenge Winner Certificate (#10859)

I wish to enter the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOCKEY CHALLENGE in the category and age group checked below. My eligibilityis to be determined by my age as of January 1. I also understand that I may only compete in one council level competition.

Secondary school athletes should check with the school athletic director about eligibility before participating. Birth Certificate or other proof of age is required to verify eligibility.

Boys Girls AGE: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________Name of Entrant Date of Birth

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Street Address

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________________City State/Province Postal Code

_________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________________________Telephone (Circle one: Home Cell) Email Signature of Entrant

This Section To Be Completed By Parent/Guardian:

By signing below, the undersigned requests and approves of the entrant’s registration and participation in the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOCKEY CHALLENGE(“The Contest”). In consideration for the entrant’s participation in the Contest, the undersigned (1) acknowledges that the entrant’s participation will be at the sole risk of the entrant and the undersigned and (2) agrees to release, indemnify and hold the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council, its subordinate units, officers, agents, members and employees harmless from any and all demands, claims or causes of action arising from or relating to the entrant’s participation in the Contest. The undersigned also agree to allow representatives from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council or any of its subordinate units to take and publish photographs or videosof the entrant during the Contest.The entrant may compete in only one council level competition. Parent or guardian must sign this form before entrant competes.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Date signed

Council No. __________




1 3/22/19 12:43 PM Page 1


Knights of Columbus

10858 3/19


�is is to Certify that

has participated in the

Knights of Columbus Hockey Challenge

Sponsored by

Grand Knight Date

10859 3/19





Age _________

_____________________________________Sponsored by

_______________________ ____________ Grand Knight Date

Knights of Columbus

Hockey Challenge Promotional Poster (#10857)

Hockey Challenge Playbook (#10853)


Knights of Columbus

10857 3/19


Boys and Girls, Ages 10-17

Location: ___________________________________

Date: ______________________ Time: ___________

Sponsor: ____________________________________

Contact: ____________________________________

Please note: Entrants may compete in only one local competition.

3/22/19 9:54 AM Page 1

Knights of Columbus




1 10:07 AM Page 1

Hockey Challenge Promotional Poster (#10856)



10856 3/19


Boys and Girls, Ages 10-17Location: _____________________________________

Date: ________________________ Time: ___________

Sponsor: ______________________________________

Contact: ______________________________________

Please note: Entrants may compete in only one local competition.

Knights of Columbus

1 3/22/19 8:49 AM Page 1

Kit Contents

Page 11: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


promotionalThe supreme council through in the united states in canada has several promotional items available designed toenhance your competition!

PuckFull weight rubber puck with direct print on front and one color logo on the back.Available in English and French.(HC-2)

street hockey BallCustom Knights of Columbus Street Hockey ballis a soft, plastic, bright orange ball, 2" in diameterand perfect for gym floors or streets branded withthe Knights logo. Available in English and French.(HC-3)

Plaque9” x 12” Black Gloss Wood Plaque with Direct Imprintof Hockey Challenge Art. Black Engraving Plate (that lasers to Gold) attached to back for localengraving. Hole routed in back for hanging on wall. 14 Plaques per set. Available in English and French.(HC-4)

Page 12: HOCKEY Knights of Columbus Csticks and street hockey balls/ hockey pucks are available and ensure that the shot line is clearly marked. make sure the 5 scoring zones are clearly cut


203-752-4270 www.kofc .org

10853 8-19