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Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Hoa 2 Assignment Reviewer


    Who is the architect of Farnsworth house? What is the architectural style?

    The Farnsworth Housewas designed and constructed byLudwig Mies van der Rohebetween 1945-51. It is a one-room

    weekend retreat in a once-rural setting, located 55 miles (89 km) southwest ofChicago's downtown on a 60-acre (24 ha)

    estate site, adjoining theFox River,south of the city ofPlano, Illinois.The steel and glasshousewas commissioned by Dr

    Edith Farnsworth, a prominent Chicagonephrologist,as a place where she could engage in her hobbies: playing the

    violin, translating poetry, and enjoying nature. Mies created a 1,500-square-foot (140 m2) house that is widely

    recognized as an iconic masterpiece ofInternational Style of architecture.The home was designated aNational Historic

    Landmarkin 2006, after joining theNational Register of Historic Placesin 2004.[4]The house is currently owned and

    operated as ahouse museumby the historic preservation group,National Trust for Historic Preservation.

    Study about Le Corbusiers La Chaux- de- Fonds

    La Chaux-de-Fondsis aSwisscity of the district ofLa Chaux-de-Fondsin thecantonofNeuchtel.It is located in theJura

    mountainsat an altitude of 1000 m, a few kilometres south of the French border. AfterGenevaandLausanne,it is the

    third largest city ofRomandie,the French-speaking part of the country, with a population of (as of December 2012) of



    The city was founded in 1656. Its growth and prosperity is mainly bound up with the watch making industry. It is the

    most important centre of the watch making industry in the area known as theWatch Valley.Completely destroyed by afire in 1794 La Chaux-de-Fonds was rebuilt following a grid street plan, which was and is still original among Swiss

    cities.Karl Marxsaid about the very special urban design of the city that it was a "city-factory". The famous architectLe

    Corbusier,the writerBlaise Cendrarsand the car makerLouis Chevroletwere born there. La Chaux-de-Fonds is a

    renowned centre ofArt nouveau.

    In 2009, La Chaux-de-Fonds andLe Locle,its sister city, have jointly been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status for

    their exceptional universal value.

    List down the directors of Bauhaus in Weimar

    Staatliches Bauhaus(helpinfo), commonly known simply as Bauhaus, was a school in Germany that combined craftsand the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. It operated from 1919 to

    1933. At that time the German term Bauhaus(helpinfo), literally "house of construction", stood for "School of


    The Bauhaus school was founded byWalter Gropiusin Weimar. In spite of its name, and the fact that its founder was an

    architect, the Bauhaus did not have an architecture department during the first years of its existence. Nonetheless it wa

    founded with the idea of creating a "total" work of art in which all arts, including architecture, would eventually be

    brought together. The Bauhaus style became one of the most influential currents inModernist architectureand modern


    The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design,

    interior design,industrial design,andtypography.

    The school existed in three German cities:Weimarfrom 1919 to 1925,Dessaufrom 1925 to 1932 andBerlinfrom 1932to 1933, under three different architect-directors:Walter Gropiusfrom 1919 to 1928,Hannes Meyerfrom 1928 to 1930

    andLudwig Mies van der Rohefrom 1930 until 1933, when the school was closed by its own leadership under pressure

    from theNaziregime. The Nazi government claimed that it was a centre of communist intellectualism. Though the

    school was closed, the staff continued to spread its idealistic precepts as they left Germany and emigrated all over the


    The changes of venue and leadership resulted in a constant shifting of focus, technique, instructors, and politics. For

    instance: the pottery shop was discontinued when the school moved from Weimar to Dessau, even though it had been

    an important revenue source; whenMies van der Rohetook over the school in 1930, he transformed it into a private

    school, and would not allow any supporters of Hannes Meyer to attend it.,_Illinois,_Illinois,_Illinois,_Illinois
  • 8/11/2019 Hoa 2 Assignment Reviewer


    St. Peters Basilica

    St. Peter's Basilica(Latin:Basilica Sancti Petri;Italian:Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) is aLate Renaissancechurch

    located withinVatican City.

    Designed principally byDonato Bramante,Michelangelo,Carlo MadernoandGian Lorenzo Bernini,St. Peter's is the

    most renowned work ofRenaissance architecture[1]

    and remains one of thelargest churches in the world.[2]

    While it is

    neither themother churchof theRoman Catholic Churchnor thecathedralof theBishop of Rome,St. Peter's is regarded

    as one of the holiest Catholic sites. It has been described as "holding a unique position in the Christian world"[3]and as

    "the greatest of all churches ofChristendom".[1]

    By Roman Catholic tradition, the basilica is the burial site of its namesakeSaint Peter,one of thetwelve apostlesof Jesus

    and, also according to tradition, the first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of thepapalsuccession. Tradition

    and strong historical evidence hold thatSaint Peter's tombis directly below the altar of the basilica. For this reason,

    many Popes have been interred at St. Peter's since the Early Christian period. There has been achurch on this sitesince

    the time ofConstantine the Great.Construction of the present basilica, replacing theOld St. Peter's Basilicaof the 4th

    century, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626.[4]

    St. Peter's is famous as a place ofpilgrimage,for itsliturgicalfunctions. Because of its location in the Vatican, the Popepresides at a number of services throughout the year, drawing audiences of 15,000 to over 80,000 people, either within

    the Vatican Basilica, or in St. Peter's Square.[5]

    St. Peter's has many strong historical associations, with theEarly Christian

    church,the papacy, theProtestant ReformationandCounter-reformation,and with numerous artists, most

    significantlyMichelangelo.As a work of architecture, it is regarded as the greatest building of its age.[6]St. Peter's is one

    of the four churches of Rome that hold the rank ofMajor Basilica.Contrary to popular misconception, it is not a

    cathedral as it is not the seat of a bishop; thecathedraof the Pope (as Bishop of Rome) is located in theArchbasilica of

    St. John Lateran.

    Sta. Maria del Fiore, Italy

    The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore(English: Basilica ofSaint Mary of the Flower)is the main churchofFlorence,Italy.IlDuomodi Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in theGothicstyle to the design

    ofArnolfo di Cambioand completed structurally in 1436 with the dome engineered byFilippo Brunelleschi.The exterior

    of thebasilicais faced withpolychromemarblepanelsin various shades of green and pink bordered by white and has an

    elaborate 19th-centuryGothic Revivalfaade byEmilio De Fabris.

    The cathedral complex, located inPiazza del Duomo,includes theBaptisteryandGiotto's Campanile.The three buildings

    are part of theUNESCO World Heritage Sitecovering thehistoric centre of Florenceand are a major attraction to

    tourists visiting the region ofTuscany.The basilica is one of Italy's largest churches, and until development of new

    structural materials in the modern era, the dome was the largest in the world. It remains the largest brick dome ever


    The cathedral is the mother church of theRoman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence,whose archbishop is

    currentlyGiuseppe Betori.

    Sagrada Familia, Barcelona ; Florence Cathedral

    The Baslica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Famlia(Catalan pronunciation:*sa

    fmii+;English:BasilicaandExpiatoryChurch of theHoly Family), is a largeRoman Catholicchurch inBarcelona,Spain,'s_Basilica#cite_note-size-2's_Basilica#cite_note-size-2's_Basilica#cite_note-size-2's_Basilica#cite_note-3's_Basilica#cite_note-3's_Basilica#cite_note-3's_Basilica#cite_note-BF1-1's_Basilica#cite_note-BF1-1's_Basilica#cite_note-BF1-1's_Basilica#cite_note-cathency-4's_Basilica#cite_note-cathency-4's_Basilica#cite_note-cathency-4's_Basilica#cite_note-5's_Basilica#cite_note-5's_Basilica#cite_note-5's_Basilica#cite_note-BF-6's_Basilica#cite_note-BF-6's_Basilica#cite_note-BF-6,_Florence,_Florence,_Florence,_Florence's_Basilica#cite_note-BF-6's_Basilica#cite_note-5's_Basilica#cite_note-cathency-4's_Basilica#cite_note-BF1-1's_Basilica#cite_note-3's_Basilica#cite_note-size-2
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    designed by Catalan architectAntoni Gaud(18521926). Although incomplete, the church is aUNESCOWorld Heritage


    and in November 2010Pope Benedict XVIconsecrated and proclaimed it aminor basilica,[6][7][8]

    as distinct from

    acathedralwhich must be the seat of a bishop. Construction of Sagrada Famlia had commenced in1882,Gaud became

    involved in 1883,[5]taking over the project and transforming it with his architectural and engineering style, combining

    Gothic and curvilinearArt Nouveauforms. Gaud devoted his last years to the project, and at the time of his death at age

    73 in 1926 less than a quarter of the project was complete.[9]

    Sagrada Famlia's construction progressed slowly, as it

    relied on private donations and was interrupted by theSpanish Civil War,only to resume intermittent progress in the

    1950s. Construction passed the midpoint in 2010 with some of the project's greatest challenges remaining[9]

    and an

    anticipated completion date of 2026, the centenary of Gaud's death.

    The baslica has a long history of dividing the citizens of Barcelona, over the initial possibility it might compete

    withBarcelona's cathedral,over Gaud's design itself,[10]over the possibility that work after Gaud's death disregarded his


    and the recent proposal to build an underground tunnel of Spain'shigh-speed raillink to France which could

    disturb its stability.[11]

    Describing Sagrada Famlia, art critic Rainer Zerbst said, "It is probably impossible to find a church building anything like

    it in the entire history of art"[12]andPaul Goldbergercalled it, "The most extraordinary personal interpretation of Gothic

    architecture since the Middle Ages."[13]

    Church of Colonia Guell, Barcelona

    The Church of Colnia Gell(Catalan:Cripta de la Colnia Gell, IPA:*kiptkuniwe])is anunfinishedwork

    byAntoni Gaud.It was built as a place of worship for the people in a manufacturing suburb inSanta Coloma de Cervell

    nearBarcelona(Spain). Colnia Gell was the brainchild of CountEusebi de Gell.However with Gell losing profitsfrom his business, the money ran out and only the crypt was completed.

    Stile Liberty

    Art Nouveau(French pronunciation:*a nuvo+,Anglicisedto/rtnuvo/)or Jugendstilis an

    internationalphilosophy[1]andstyleof art, architecture andapplied artespecially thedecorative artsthat was most

    popular during 18901910.[2]English uses the French nameArt nouveau("new art"), but the style has many different

    names in other countries. A reaction toacademic artof the 19th century, it was inspired by natural forms and

    structures, not only in flowers and plants, but also in curved lines. Architects tried to harmonize with the natural


    Art Nouveau is considered a "total" art style, embracing architecture,graphic art,interior design, and most of

    thedecorative artsincludingjewellery,furniture, textiles, household silver and other utensils andlighting,as well as

    thefine arts.According to the philosophy of the style, art should be a way of life. For many well-off Europeans, it was

    possible to live in an art nouveau-inspired house withart nouveau furniture,silverware, fabrics, ceramics including
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    tableware, jewellery, cigarette cases, etc. Artists desired to combine the fine arts and applied arts, even for utilitarian


    Although Art Nouveau was replaced by 20th-centuryModerniststyles,[4]it is now considered as an important transition

    between theeclectic historic revival stylesof the 19th-century and Modernism.[5]

    ModernistaReligious Architecture

    Sacred architecture(also known as religious architecture) is areligiousarchitecturalpractice concerned with the design

    and construction ofplaces of worshipand/or sacred or intentional space, such

    aschurches,mosques,stupas,synagogues,andtemples.Many cultures devoted considerable resources to their sacred

    architecture and places of worship. Religious and sacred spaces are amongst the most impressive and

    permanentmonolithicbuildingscreated by humanity. Conversely, sacred architecture as a locale for meta-intimacy may

    also be non-monolithic, ephemeral and intensely private, personal and non-public.

    Sacred, religious and holy structures often evolved over centuries and were the largest buildings in the world, prior to

    the modern skyscraper. While the various styles employed in sacred architecture sometimes reflected trends in other

    structures, these styles also remained unique from the contemporary architecture used in other structures. With the rise

    ofAbrahamicmonotheisms(particularlyChristianityandIslam), religious buildings increasingly became centres


    The Western scholarly discipline of thehistory of architectureitself closely follows the history of religious architecture

    from ancient times until theBaroque period,at least.Sacred geometry,iconographyand the use of

    sophisticatedsemioticssuch as signs, symbols and religious motifs are endemic to sacred architecture.


    Glazed Ceramics

    Magnum Opus

    Magnum opus(plural: magna opera, also opus magnum/ opera magna), from theLatinmeaning "great work",[1]


    to the largest, and perhaps the best, greatest, most popular, or most renowned achievement of an artist.

    Sometimes the term magnum opusis used to refer to simply "agreat work" rather than "thegreat work" of a specific


    In popular usage, the English-style plural magnum opusesmay also be seen. Some reputable dictionaries such as

    theOxford English Dictionarynow regard magnum opusesas acceptable.

    The term magnum opusis distinguished in usage from "masterpiece"by a requirement that it be a work on a large scale,

    and by the absence of a requirement that it is generally regarded as among the creator's most successful works.
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    Opus Reticulatum

    Opus reticulatum(also known as reticulated work) is a form ofbrickworkused inancient Roman architecture.It

    consists ofdiamond-shaped bricks oftuff,referred to as cubilia[1],placed around a core ofopus caementicium.[2]The

    diamond-shaped tufa blocks were placed with the pointed ends into thecementcore at an angle of roughly 45 degrees,

    so thesquarebases formed a diagonal pattern, and the pattern of mortar lines resembled a net.Reticulatum is the Latin

    term fornet, andopus, the term for a work of art, thus the term translates to "net work".

    This construction technique was used from the beginning of the 1st century BC, and remained very common untilopus

    latericium,a different form of brickwork, became more common.[2]

    Opus reticulatumwas used as a technique in the RenaissancePalazzo RucellaiinFlorence,the skill having been lost with

    the end of the Roman Empire, and rediscovered by means of archeology byLeon Battista Alberti.

    The initial, rough form of opus reticulatum, an advancement from opus incertum, is called opus quasi reticulatum.


    Trencads(Catalan pronunciation:*tkis+)is a type ofmosaicused inCatalan modernism,created from broken tile

    shards. The technique is also calledpique assiette.This mosaic is done using broken pieces of ceramic, like tiles and

    dinnerware .

    The Catalan architectsAntoni GaudandJosep Maria Jujolused trencads in many projects, among

    whichBarcelona'sParc Gellis probably the most famous.

    Modernist architects made extensive use of ceramics, butAntoni Gaudin particular proposed a more unconventional

    method. He covered his three-dimensional architecture withglazed ceramicsof different shapes and colours, which

    created brightly coloured patterns. For the task, he used discarded pieces of ceramic tiles collected from the factory

    "Pujol i Bausis" located inEsplugues de Llobregat,and pieces of white ceramic from broken cups and plates discarded by

    other Spanish manufacturers.

    The technique was used for the first time at theGell Pavilionswhere the complex architecture forced him to break the

    tiles where he couldnt use an entire square one.

    St. Pauls Cathedral

    St Paul's Cathedral, London, is aChurch of Englandcathedral,the seat of theBishop of Londonand mother church of

    theDiocese of London.It sits at the top ofLudgate Hill,the highest point in theCity of London.Its dedication toPaul the

    Apostledates back to the original church on this site, founded in AD 604.[1]The present church, dating from the late 17th

    century, was designed in theEnglish Baroquestyle bySir Christopher Wren.Its construction, completed within Wren's

    lifetime, was part of a major rebuilding programme which took place in the city after theGreat Fire of London.[2]'s_Cathedral#cite_note-1's_Cathedral#cite_note-1's_Cathedral#cite_note-1's_Cathedral#cite_note-HG-2's_Cathedral#cite_note-HG-2's_Cathedral#cite_note-HG-2's_Cathedral#cite_note-HG-2's_Cathedral#cite_note-1
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    The cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognisable sights of London, with its dome, framed by the spires of

    Wren's City churches, dominating the skyline for 300 years.[3]

    At 365 feet (111 m) high, it was the tallest building in

    London from 1710 to 1962, and its dome is also among the highest in the world. In terms of area, St Paul's is thesecond

    largest church buildingin theUnited KingdomafterLiverpool Cathedral.

    St Paul's Cathedral occupies a significant place in the national identity of the English population.[4]It is the central subjec

    of much promotional material, as well as postcard images of the dome standing tall, surrounded by the smoke and fire

    of theBlitz.[4]

    Important services held at St Paul's have included the funerals ofLord Nelson,theDuke of Wellington,

    SirWinston ChurchillandMargaret Thatcher;Jubilee celebrations forQueen Victoria;peace services marking the end of

    the First and Second World Wars; thewedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer,the launch of the

    Festival of Britain and the thanksgiving services for the Golden Jubilee, the 80th Birthday and the Diamond Jubilee

    ofElizabeth II.St Paul's Cathedral is a busy working church, with hourly prayer and daily services.

    Rheims Cathedral

    Notre-Dame de Reims(Our Lady of Reims) is the seat of theArchdiocese of Reims,where thekingsofFrancewere

    crowned.[1]Thecathedralreplaced an older church, destroyed by fire in 1211, that was built on the site of

    thebasilicawhereCloviswas baptized bySaint Remi,bishop of Reims,in AD 496. That original structure had itself been

    erected on the site of someRoman baths.A major tourism destination, the cathedral receives about one million visitors


    Chatres Cathedral

    Chartres Cathedral, also known as Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Chartres(French:Basilique Cathdrale Notre-Dame

    de Chartres), is amedievalRoman RiteCatholiccathedral located inChartres,France, about 80 kilometres (50 mi)

    southwest of Paris. It is considered one of the finest examples of FrenchGothic architectureand is aUNESCO World

    Heritage Site.The current cathedral, mostly constructed between 1194 and 1250, is the last of at least five which have

    occupied the site since the town became abishopricin the 4th century.

    The cathedral is in an exceptional state of preservation. The majority of the original stained glass windows survive intact

    while the architecture has seen only minor changes since the early 13th century. The building's exterior is dominated by

    heavyflying buttresseswhich allowed the architects to increase the window size significantly, while the west end is

    dominated by two contrasting spiresa 105-metre (349 ft) plain pyramid completed around 1160 and a 113-metre

    (377 ft) early 16th-centuryFlamboyantspire on top of an older tower. Equally notable are the three great faades, each

    adorned with hundreds of sculpted figures illustrating key theological themes and narratives.

    Since at least the 12th century the cathedral has been an important destination for travellersand remains so to this

    day, attracting large numbers of Christian pilgrims, many of whom come to venerate its famous relic, the Sancta Camisa,

    said to be the tunic worn by the Virgin Mary at Christ's birth, as well as large numbers of secular tourists who come to

    admire the cathedral's architecture and historical merit.'s_Cathedral#cite_note-3's_Cathedral#cite_note-3's_Cathedral#cite_note-3's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington,_Prince_of_Wales,_and_Lady_Diana_Spencer,_Prince_of_Wales,_and_Lady_Diana_Spencer,_Prince_of_Wales,_and_Lady_Diana_Spencer,_Prince_of_Wales,_and_Lady_Diana_Spencer,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-Pierce-4's_Cathedral#cite_note-3
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    Periods of Renaissance





    Cologne Cathedral

    Cologne Cathedral(Klner Dom) (Latin:Ecclesia Cathedralis Sanctorum Petri et Mariae, officially Hohe Domkirche St.

    Petrus, English: High Cathedral of St.Peter)is aRoman Catholicchurch inCologne,Germany. It is the seat of

    theArchbishop of Cologneand the administration of theArchdiocese of Cologne.It is a renowned monument ofGerman

    CatholicismandGothic architectureand is aWorld Heritage Site.[1]It isGermany's most visited landmark,attracting an

    average of 20,000 people a day.[2]

    Construction of Cologne Cathedral commenced in 1248 and was halted in 1473, leaving it unfinished. Work restarted in

    the 19th century and was completed, to the original plan, in 1880. It is 144.5 metres (474 ft) long, 86.5 m (284 ft) wide

    and its towers are approximately 157 m (515 ft) tall.[3]The cathedral is the largestGothicchurch in Northern Europe and

    has thesecond-tallestspires(afterUlm Minster.Seeinfo-boxbelow.) Its two huge spires give it the largest faade of any

    church in the world. Thechoirhas the largest height to width ratio, 3.6:1, of anymedievalchurch.[4]

    Cologne's medieval builders had planned a grand structure to house thereliquaryof theThree Kingsand fit its role as a

    place of worship for theHoly Roman Emperor.Despite having been left incomplete during the medieval period, Cologne

    Cathedral eventually became unified as "a masterpiece of exceptional intrinsic value" and "a powerful testimony to the

    strength and persistence of Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe".[1]

    Parts of the church

    There are several parts in the architecture of a church. Not all churches will have all these parts:

    Thenaveis the main part of the church where the congregation (the people who come to worship) sit.

    The aisles(rhymes with piles) are the sides of the church which may run along the side of the nave.

    The transept, if there is one, is an area which crosses the nave near the top of the church. This makes the church

    shaped like a cross, which is a symbol of the belief thatJesusdied on thecross.

    The chancelleads up to thealtarat the top of the church. The altar is in the sanctuary. The word sanctuarymeans

    sacred place. People were not allowed to bearrestedin the sanctuary, so they were safe. The altar is usually at

    theeastend of the church. People in the church sit facing the altar. We say that the church faces east.

    Churches will also have a towerorsteeple,usually at the west end. If the church has a transept the tower may be

    above the centre of the transept.
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    Study about the Erechtheion

    The Erechtheion(Greek:) is an ancientGreek templeon the north side of

    theAcropolisofAthensinGreecewhich was dedicated to bothAthenaandPoseidon.

    Temple of Athena

    The Temple of Athena Nike(Greek: ) is a temple on theAcropolis of Athens.Built between 427 and

    424 BC, thetempleis the earliest fullyIonictemple on the Acropolis. It has a prominent position on a steep bastion at

    the south west corner of the Acropolis to the right of the entrance, thePropylaea.In contrast to the Acropolis proper, a

    walled sanctuary entered through the Propylaea, the Nike Sanctuary was open, entered from the Propylaea's southwest

    wing and from a narrow stair on the north. The sheer walls of its bastion were protected on the north, west, and south

    by the Nike Parapet, named for its frieze of Nikai celebrating victory and sacrificing to their patroness,Athena Nike.

    Nikemeans victoryinGreek,andAthenawas worshipped in this form, as goddess of victory in war and wisdom. The

    citizens worshipped the goddess in hope of a prosperous outcome in the longPeloponnesian Warfought on land and

    sea against theSpartansand their allies.

    Temple of Zeus

    The Temple of Zeus at Olympiawas an ancientGreek templeinOlympia, Greece,dedicated to the main and most

    powerful god,Zeus.The temple, built between 472 and 456 BC, was the very model of the fully developed classical Gree

    temple of theDoric order.[1]


    A Propylaea, Propyleaor Propylaia(/prpli/;Greek:) is any monumentalgatewaybased on the original

    Propylaea that serves as the entrance tothe AcropolisinAthens.TheBrandenburg GateofBerlinand

    thePropylaeainMunichare specifically copied from the central portion of the Propylaea.

    Temple of Aggregentum

    Agrigento listen(helpinfo)(Sicilian:Girgenti), is a city on the southern coast ofSicily,Italy,and capital of theprovince

    of Agrigento.It is renowned as the site of the ancient Greek city of Akragas(also known as Acragas() in

    Greek,AgrigentuminLatinand Kirkentor JirjentinArabic), one of the leading cities ofMagna Graeciaduring thegolden

    ageofAncient Greece.

    Six leading influences that shape architecture

    Life of Gian Lorenzo Bernini

    Gian Lorenzo Bernini(also spelled Gianlorenzoor Giovanni Lorenzo) (Naples,7 December 1598Rome,28 November

    1680) was an Italian artist and a prominent architect[1]

    who worked principally in Rome. He was the leading sculptor of

    his age, credited with creating theBaroquestyle of sculpture.[2]In addition, he painted, wrote plays, and designed

    metalwork and stage sets.,_Greece,_Greece,_Greece,_Olympia#cite_note-b-1,_Olympia#cite_note-b-1,_Olympia#cite_note-b-1