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KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Higher Education King Abdulaziz University Centre for Research in Islamic Economics HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT IN ISLAM: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Abdul Azim Islahi Scientific Publishing Centre King Abdulaziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1418/1997 Digital Composition for Web by : Syed Anwer Mahmood Islamic Economics Research Centre Published on net 2007
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Page 1: History+of+Economic+Thought+in+Islam Abdul Azim Aslahi

KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Ministry of Higher Education King Abdulaziz University Centre for Research in Islamic Economics


Abdul Azim Islahi

Scientific Publishing Centre King Abdulaziz University

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1418/1997

Digital Composition for Web by: Syed Anwer Mahmood Islamic Economics Research Centre Published on net 2007

Page 2: History+of+Economic+Thought+in+Islam Abdul Azim Aslahi


Abdul Azim Islahi Associate Professor, Department of Economics

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Scientific Publishing Centre King Abdulaziz University PO Box 1540, Jeddah 21441

Saudi Arabia Digital Composition for Web by: Syed Anwer Mahmood Islamic Economics Research Centre Published on net 2007

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FOREWORD Bibliographies are essential tools of scientific disciplines. Having earlier produced a bibliography covering the whole field of Islamic Economics, this Centre is now issuing specialised ones. After the two bibliographies on Economic System of Islam and Public Finance in Islam, we are glad to present a third one on History of Economic Thought in Islam. The author, Dr. Abdul Azeem Islahi, has been closely associated with this Centre, making a number of contributions including Economic Thought of Ibn al Qayyim, published by the Centre in 1404/1984. In the work being presented now he has collected quite a number of references. The subject, history of economic thought in Islam, has yet to receive the attention it deserves. I hope this book will promote further research in this area by drawing attention to the works available. We will appreciate readers’ cooperation in supplying more information on the subject and making suggestions relating to the bibliographies we are publishing. Dr. Mohamed A. Elgari Director 15 Rajab 1418 15 November 1997

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PREFACE From early 1970s to early ‘80s a number of bibliographies appeared covering works done in the field of Islamic economics in English, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish and German languages. Since then, due to fast development of the discipline many more books and research papers have appeared in the subject and need is felt to update these bibliographies. Because of increasing specialization, it is also felt that there should be separate bibliographies on different aspects of the subject. The present bibliography on “History of Economic Thought in Islam”, is one such effort. This bibliography does not include works by the past Islamic thinkers. It lists only works in the English language which deal with the economic ideas of Muslim scholars in the past upto the end of 19th century. We have not included the translation of the original works of Muslim thinkers except where the translator/editor sheds light in his/her introduction on economic ideas of the author. In total one hundred eighty papers/articles/books have been listed*. The present writer feels that the number of Islamic thinkers to be covered and works to be listed may be larger. Any suggestion or entry sent to improve the bibliography and remove its deficiencies will be appreciated. I owe a special obligation to Dr. Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi who has been a source of inspiration for me in compilation of this bibliography. I am thankful to Dr. Ghazi Obaid Madani, former Director of Centre for Research in Islamic Economics and now President, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, on whose initiative this work has been done. I am also grateful to Dr. Mohamed Ali Elgari, the present Director of the Centre, who took keen personal interest in bringing out this bibliography. Wa’l Hamdu li’llahi Awwalan wa Akhiran. A.A. Islahi Aligarh March 20, 1996 ________________ Editor’s Note: This is list has been classified in accordance with the scheme published in the Journal of Economic Literature, March 1991. In that scheme history of economic thought comes under category B. We begin with B 0 which is for general writings. Titled by the author: Development of Economic ideas and their History in Islam, this part has 27 items. This is followed by 96 items in B3, the category for individuals in JEL classification. The 50 individuals in this category have been distinguished from one another by a number preceded by a dot after B 3. Lastly we have “Some Important Economic Institutions in Islamic History” comprising 57 items spread over five sub categories under the category N (Economic History). Items within each category or sub category are arranged alphabetically and given serial numbers.

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Classification Scheme

B0 : History of Economic Thought: General (Development of Economic ideas and Their History in Islam) B3 : History of Economic Thought: Individuals (Economic Ideas of Eminent Islamic Thinkers) N : Economic History N15 : Al Kharaj and Public Finance N25.1 : Partnership and Mudarabah N25.2 : Money and Banking N45.1 : Property Right N45.2 : Prohibition of Riba N45.3 : Al Hisbah N45.4 : Al Waqf N55.1 : Agriculture N55.2 : Land Management N75 : Trade and Commerce

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I. DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC IDEAS AND THEIR HISTORY IN ISLAM B0 : History of Islamic Economic Thought II. ECONOMIC IDEAS OF EMINENT ISLAMIC THINKERS B3.01 : Al Faruq, Umar B3.02 : Al Ghifari, Abu Dharr B3.03 : Ibn Marwan, Abd al Malik B3.04 : Umar bin Abd al Aziz B3.05 : Zaid b. Ali B3.06 : Abu Hanifah B3.07 : Al Awzai, Abd al Rahman B3.08 : Malik b. Anas B3.09 : Abu Yusuf B3.10 : Al Shaibani, Muhammad B3.11 : Al Qarashi, Yahya b. Adam B3.12 : Al Shafi’i B3.13 : Abu Ubaid B3.14 : Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad B3.15 : Al Muhasibi B3.16 : Al Jahiz B3.17 : Ibn Abi’l Rabi B3.18 : Al Baghdadi, Junaid B3.19 : Ibn Jafar, Qudamah B3.20 : Al Buzajani B3.21 : Al Dawudi, Abu Jafar B3.22 : Ibn Miskawaih B3.23 : Al Biruni B3.24 : Al Mawardi B3.25 : Ibn Hazam B3.26 : Al Sarakhsi B3.27 : Al Tusi, Nizam al Mulik B3.28 : Al Dimashqi B3.29 : Al Ghazali B3.30 : Ibn al Awwam B3.31 : Al Kasani B3.32 : Ibn Tufail

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B3.33 : Al Shaizari B3.34 : Al Razi, Fakhr al Din B3.35 : Al Razi, Najm al Din B3.36 : Al Tusi, Nasir al Din B3.37 : Ibn Taimiyah B3.38 : Al Jarsifi, Umar b. Uthman B3.39 : Ibn al Ukhuwwah B3.40 : Ibn al Qayyim B3.41 : Al Shatibi B3.42 : Ibn Khaldun B3.43 : Al Maqrizi B3.44 : Al Dawwani B3.45 : Alamgir, Aurangzeb B3.46 : Al Dihlawi, Shah Wali Allah B3.47 : Fodio, Shehu Uthman Dan B3.48 : Bello, Muhammad B3.49 : Al Afghani, Jamal al Din B3.50 : Khan, Sir Syed Ahmed III. SOME IMPORTANT ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS IN ISLAMIC HISTORY N15 : Al Kharaj and Public Finance N25.1 : Partnership and Mudarabah N25.2 : Money and Banking N45.1 : Property Right N45.2 : Prohibition of Al Riba N45.3 : Al Hisbah N45.4 : Al Waqf N55.1 : Agriculture N55.2 : Land Management N75 : Trade and Commerce

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B0 History of Economic Thought in Islam 01 ABDUL QADIR, Studies in Islamic Socio-Economic Thought, Hyderabad,

Institute of Indo-Middle East Cultural Studies, 1975.

02 AHGHARI, ZOHREH, The Origin and Evolution of Islamic Economic Thought, Florida State University, 1991, 240 p. (Ph.D. Thesis).

03 AHMAD, RAFIQ, “The Origin of Economics and The Muslims - A

Preliminary Survey”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Punjab University, June 1969, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 17-49.

04 BALOGUM, S.U., “Economic Policy of the Sokoto Jehad”, Hamdard

Islamicus, 1988, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 21-47. 05 BEACK, LOUIS, “The Economic Thought of Classical Islam” Diogenes,

(Paris), April-June 1991, No. 154, pp. 99-116. 06 COHEN J. HAYYIM, “The Economic Background and the Secular

Occupations of Muslim Jurisprudence and Traditionalists in The Classical Period of Islam (Until the Middle of the 11th Century)”, Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, (Leiden), Jan. 1970, Vol. 13, Part 1, pp. 16-61.

07 ESSID, M. YASSINE, A Critique of the Origin of Islamic Economic Thought

(Islamic History and Civilization Vol. II), Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995, 257 pp. 08 ESSID, M. YASSINE, “Islamic Economic Thought” in S. Todd Lowry (Ed.),

Pre-classical Economic Thought: From Greek to the Scottish Enlighment, Norwel (Mass.) Kulwar Academic Publisher, 1987.

09 FALUYI, KEHINDE, The Economics of the Sokoto Jehad,” Hamdard

Islamicus, 1991, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 29-42. See also: B3.47,1.

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History of Economic Thought in Islam: A Bibliography


10 GHAZANFAR, S.M., “History of Economic Thought: The Schumpeterian ‘Great Gap’, the ‘Lost’ Arab-Islamic Legacy, and the Literature Gap”, Journal of Islamic Studies, Oxford: Vol. 6, No. 2, 1995, pp. 234-253.

11 GHAZANFAR, S.M., Exploration in Economic Thought: A Survey of

Selected Arab Scholars’ Contribution, Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 1989 (Mimeo).

12 GHAZANFAR, S.M., “Scholastic Economics and Arab Scholars: ‘The Great

Gap’ Thesis Reconsidered” in Diogenes (Paris), April-June 1991, No. 154, pp. 117-140.

13 GRICE-HUTCHINSON, MARJORIE, Early Economic Thought in Spain

(1177-1740), London: George Alen & Unwin, 1978. 14 ISLAHI, A.A., History of Economic Thought in Islam: A Subjectwise Survey,

Aligarh (India): Aligarh Muslim University, 1996, 40 pp. 15 ISLAHI, A.A., Market and Price Mechanism in Pre-Classical Literature,

Typescript, 1991, 22 p. An abstract appeared in the Indian Economic Association Conference Volume, Anantapur (A.P. India: 1991, part 1, p. 159-60).

16 ISLAHI, A.A., Market Mechanism in Islam: A Historical Perspective,

Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University, 1991, 16 p. (Typescript). 17 KIFAYATULLAH, “Economic Thought in the 8th Century-The Muslim

Contribution”, Voice of Islam, Karachi, March 1976, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 301-304.

18 MIRAKHOR, ABBAS, “Muslim Scholars and The History of Economics: A

Need for Reconsideration”, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Dec. 1987, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 245-276.

19 RAHIM, M.A., “Some Early Works on Islamic Economics” Thoughts on

Islamic Economics, Dhaka: Islamic Economics Research Bureau, 1980, pp. 319-327.

20 SADEQ, ABUL HASAN M. and GHAZALI, AIDIT, (eds.) Readings in

Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, 272 p.

21 SIDDIQI, M.N., “Islamic Economic Thought: Foundation, Evolution and

Needed Direction”, in Abul Hasan M. Sadeq and Aidit Ghazali (eds.),

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Development of Economic Ideas and Their History in Islam


Reading in Islamic Thought, Kuala Lumpur, Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 14-32.

22 SIDDIQI, M.N., “Muslim Economic Thinking: A Survey of Contemporary

Literature on Islamic Economics” Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1980, pp. 91-316.

23 SIDDIQI, M.N., Recent Works on History of Economic Thought in Islam - A

Survey, Jeddah: International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, 1982, 60 p.

24 SOMOGYI, J. DE., “Economic Fundamentals in Classical Arabic

Literature”, Studies in Islam, New Delhi, July 1966, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 115-18.

25 SOMOGYI, J. DE., “Economic Theory in Classical Arabic Literature”,

Studies in Islam, New Delhi, Jan. 1965, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-6. 26 TUMA, ELIAS, “Early Arab Economic Policies” Ist/7th/10th Centuries”,

Islamic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1965, pp. 1-23. 27 ZAFARUL ISLAM, Socio-Economic Dimension of Fiqh Literature in

Medieval India, Lahore: Dyal Singh Trust Library, 1990, 150 p.

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ECONOMIC IDEAS OF EMINENT ISLAMIC THINKERS B3.01 Al Faruq, Umar (40BH-23 AH/584-644 AD)* 1 QURESHI, AIJAZ HASAN, “Assessment and Collection of Kharaj (Land

Tax) under Umar I, The Second Caliph in Islam”, Journal of Punjab University Historical Society, Lahore: Vol. 13, No. 61, pp. 83-92; Voice of Islam, Karachi, Vol. 10, No. 11, Nov. 62, pp. 531-541.

2 RANA, IRFAN MAHMUD, Economic System Under Omar The Great,

Lahore: Muhammad Ashraf, 1970, 152 p. See also : N45.3 B3.02 Al Ghifari, Abu Dharr Jundub Bin Junadah (d. 32/652) 1 YUSUF, S.M., “Abu Dharr, al Ghifari” in Studies in Islamic History and

Culture, Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1970, pp. 169-190. B3.03 Ibn Marwan, Abd al Malik (26-86/646-705) 1 GRIERSON, PHILIP, “The Monetary Reforms of Abd al Malik”, Journal of

Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden: Vol. 3, Part 3, pp. 242-264.

B3.04 Umar bin Abd al Aziz (61-101/681-720) 1 GIBB, H.A.R., “Fiscal Rescript of Umar II” Arabica, 1955, Vol. 2, pp. 1-16. B3.05 Zaid b. Ali (80-120/699-738) See: B0,23 ____________________ * In what follows, dates within parentheses refer to dates of birth and deaths first in Hijri callender then

in Gregorian. But the abbreviations AH and AD have been ommitted. A single date proceeded by the latter d stands for the date of death. The abbreviation BH means before Hijrah.

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History of Economic Thought in Islam: A Bibliography


B3.06 Abu Hanifah (80-150/699-767) See: B0,23 B3.07 Al Awza’i, Abd al Rahman (88-157/707-774) See: B0,23 B3.08 Malik b. Anas (93-179/712-796) 1 UMAR, ABDULLAH, Malik’s Concept of Amal, Ph.D. Thesis, University of

Chicago, 1978. See also: B0,23. B3.09 Abu Yusuf, Yaqub bin Ibrahim (113-182/731-798) 1 AZMI, SABAHUDDIN, Abu Yusuf’s Contribution to the Theory of Public

Finance, M. Phill. Dissertation, Aligarh Muslim University, 1995, 140 p. 2 SHEMESH, A. BEN, Taxation in Islam, Vol. III, edited Translation of Abu

Yusuf’s Kitab al Kharaj, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1969, 155 pp. See also: B0, 21; B0, 23; N15, 12. B3.10 Al Shaibani, Imam Muhammad bin Hasan (132-189/750-804) B0, 17; B0,21; B0,23 B3.11 Al Qarashi, Yahya bin Adam (d. 203/818) 1 KISTER, M.J., “The Social and Political Implications of Three Traditions in

The Kitab al Kharaj of Yahya bin Adam al Qarashi”, Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, (Leiden), Vol. 3, Part 3, Oct. 1960, pp. 326-334.

2 SHEMESH, A. BEN, Taxation in Islam (Translation of Kitab al Kharaj),

Vol. I, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1967, 172 pp. See also: B0,23. B3.12 Al Shafi’i, Muhammad bin Idris (150-204/767-820) See: B0,23 B3.13 Ibn Sallam, Abu Ubaid al Qasim (d. 224/838) See: B0,23. B3.14 Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad (164-241/780-855)

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Economic Ideas of Eminent Islamic Thinkers 7

See: B0, 21. B3.15 Al Muhasibi, Abu Abd Allah al Harith bin Asad (d. 243/857) 1 GHAZALI, AIDIT, “Economic Thought of Abd Allah Harith al Muhasibi”,

in Abul Hasan M. Sadiq and Aidit Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 59-65.

See also: B0, 21. B3.16 Al Jahiz, Abu Uthman Amr bin Bahr (163-255/780-869) See: N75,2; N75,5 B3.17 Ibn Abi’l Rabi’, Shihab al Din Ahmad b. Muhammad (218-272/833- ) 1 HASANUZZAMAN, S.M., “Shihab al Din ibn Abi al Rabi’: On

Management of Personal and Public Wealth”, Islamic Studies, Islamabad, Vol. 31, no. 3, Autumn 92, pp. 365-374.

B3.18 Al Baghdadi, Junaid (d. 297/910) See: B0,21. B3.19 Ibn Jafar, Qudamah (d. 337/948) 1 SHEMESH, A. BEN, Taxation in Islam (Translation of Qudamah bin Jafar’s

Kitab al Kharaj), Vol. II, Leiden: Brill, 1965, 146 p. See also: B0,23. B3.20 Al Buzajani, Abu’l Wafa Muhammad b. Muhammad (328-388/939-997) 1 EHRENKREUTZ, ANDREW D., “al Buzajani on the ‘Ma’asir’”, Journal of

Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 8, No. 1, Leiden, Aug. 1965, pp. 90-92.

B3.21 Al Dawudi, Abu Jafar Ahmad (d. 401/1012) 1 AL FILI, NAJIB ABDUL WAHAB, A Critical Edition of Kitab al Amwal by

Abu Jafar Ahmad al Dawudi (d. 401 H), Vol. 1 & II, University of Exeter, U.K. 1989, 693 p.


Dawudi’s Kitab al Amwal”, Islamic Studies (Rawalpindi), Vol. 4, No. 4, Dec. 1965, pp. 441-448. See also: B0,23.

B3.22 Ibn Miskawaih (d. 421/1030)

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History of Economic Thought in Islam: A Bibliography


1 KHAN, M. S., An Unpublished Treatise of Miskawaih on Justice or Risalah

fi Mahiat al Adl li-Miskawaih, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1964. See also: B0,21. B3.23 Al Biruni, Muhammad b. Ahmad (362-440/973-1052) 1 SPENGLER, J.J., “al Beruni: Eleventh Century Iranian Malthusian?”,

History of Political Economy, Vol. 3, No. 1, Durham (USA): Spring 1971, pp. 92-104.

B3.24 Al Mawardi, Abu’l Hasan (d. 450/1058) 1 AMEDROZ, H.F., “The Hisbah Jurisdiction in The Ahkam al Sultaniyah of

Mawardi”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, (London), 1916, pp. 77-101; 287-314.

See also: B0,21; B0,23. B3.25 Ibn Hazam (d. 456/1064) 1 GHAZALI, AIDIT, “Economic Thought of Ibn Hazam” in Abul Hasan M.

Sadiq and Aidit Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 66-73.

See also: N45.3, 10; N45.3, 18; N45.2, 5. B3.26 Al Sarakhsi, Shams al Din (d. 483/1090) See: B0,23. B3.27 Al Tusi, Nizam al Mulk (408-485/1018-1093) 1 GHAZALI, AIDIT, “Economic Thought of Nizam al Mulk al Tusi” in Abul

Hasan M. Sadiq and Aidit Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 74-87.

2 RAKE, H.K. (Tr. & Ed.), The Book of Government and Rules for Kings

(Siyasat Namah of Nizam al Mulk al Tusi), London: 1960. 3 RIZVI, S. RIZWAN ALI, “The Siyasat Namah (The Book of Government)

of Nizam al Mulk Tusi”, Islamic Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer 1981, p. 129. See also: B0,23.

B3.28 Al Dimashqi, Abul Fadl Jafar bin Ali (5th Hijri Century / 12th Gregorian


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Economic Ideas of Eminent Islamic Thinkers 9

1 ESSID, YASSINE, “Greek Economic Thought in The Islamic Milieu: Bryson and Dimashqi” in S. Todd Lowry (ed.) Perspectives on The History of Economic Thought, Hampshire: (England): Edward Elgar, 1992, pp. 31-38. See also: B0,23; B0,24; B0,25.

B3.29 Al Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad (451-505/1055-1111) 1 GHAZANFAR, S.M. and ISLAHI, ABDUL AZIM, Economic Thought of Al

Ghazali, Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, (Under print). 2. GHAZANFAR, S.M. and ISLAHI, ABDUL AZIM, “Economic Thought of

an Arab Scholastic: Abu Hamid al Ghazali” History of Political Economy, Durham (USA): Vol. 22, No. 2, Spring 1990, pp. 381-403.

3 ORMAN, SABRI, Economic Thought of Abu Hamid al Ghazali - A

Methodological Approach, New Jersey, Assembly of the World Religion, 1985, 13 p. (Mimeo).

4 SADEQ, ABUL HASAN M., “Al Ghazali on Economic Issues and Some

Ethico-Juristic Matters having Implications for Economic Behaviour” in Abul Hasan Sadeq & Aidit Ghazali (eds.): Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 88-110.

5 ZAYAS, FARISHTA G. DE, “Considerations on Ghazzali’s Pragmatical and

Mystical Approach to Zakah”, in Mihrajan al Ghazali, Cairo: al Majlis al Ala, pp. 271-275. See also: 51.21; 51.23; 60.05; B0,21; B0,23; N75,5.

B3.30 Ibn al Awwam, Abu Zakariya Yahya (d. 540/1145) 1 KHAN, ABDUL RAHMAN, “Ibn al Awwam’s Kitab al Filahah”, Islamic

Culture, Vol. 24, Oct. 1950. 2 KHAN, ABDUL RAHMAN, “Furhter Elucidation of Technical Matters

Discussed in Ibn al Awwam’s Kitab of Filahah”, Islamic Culture, Vol. 28, April 1954, Vol. 29, Oct. 1955, Vol. 30, Jan. 1956.

B3.31 Al Kasani, Abu Bakr Ala al Din bin Mas’ud (d. 578/1182) See: B0,23. B3.32 Ibn Tufail, Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abd al Halim (494-581/1100-1185) 1 GHAZALI, AIDIT, “Economic Significance in Ibn Tufayl’s Philosophy” in

Abul Hasan Sadeq & A. Ghazali (eds.): Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 111-118.

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History of Economic Thought in Islam: A Bibliography


B3.33 Al Shaizari, Abd al Rahman bin al Nasr (d. 589/1193) See: B0,23. B3.34 Al Razi, Fakhr al Din (d. 606/1210) See: B0,23. B3.35 Al Razi, Najm al Din (d. 654/1256) See: B0,23. B3.36 Al Tusi, Nasir al Din (597-672/1201-1274) 1 MINORSKY, V., “Nasir al Din Tusi on Finance”, Iranica, (Tehran

University), 1964, pp. 64-85. See also: B0,21. B3.37 Ibn Taimiyah, Ahmad bin Abd al Halim (661-728/1263-1328) 1 AHMAD, ILYAS, “Ibn Taimiyah on Islamic Economics”, Voice of Islam,

(Karachi), Vol. 9, No. 11, Aug. 1961, pp. 57-69. 2 ALI, AMEER, “Some Reflections on Islamic Economics and Azim Islahi’s

Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah”: (A Review Essay), Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, (London), Vol. 10, No. 2, July 1989, pp. 527-539.

3 GHAZANFAR, S.M. and ISLAHI, A.A., “Explorations in Medieval Arab

Islamic Economic Thought: Some Aspects of Ibn Taimiyah’s Economics”, in S. Todd Lowry (ed.), Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought: Hampshire (England): Edward Elgar, 1992, pp. 45-63.

4 HOLLAND, MUHTAR, Public Duties in Islam (Tr. of Ibn Taimiyah’s work

al Hisbah Fi’l Islam (ed. by K. Ahmad), Leicester, The Islamic Foundation, 1982, 158 p.

5 ISLAHI, A.A., Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah, Leicester: The Islamic

Foundation, 1988, 286. (Under the same title, extracts of this work have been included in ethico-

Juristic Matters having Implications for Economic Behaviour” Sadeq and Ghazali, Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 119-156.

6 ISLAHI, A.A., Ibn Taimiyah’s Concept of Market Mechanism”, Journal of

Research in Islamic Economics, (Jeddah) Winter 1985, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 55-56.

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Economic Ideas of Eminent Islamic Thinkers 11

Reprinted in S. Tahir, A. Ghazali and S.O.S. Agil, (eds.), Readings in Micro Economics: An Islamic Perspective, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 157-164.

7 KAHF, MONZER, “The Economic Views of Taqi al Deen Ibn Taimiyah”, Al

Ittihad, (Indiana/Plainfield), 1981, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 9-21. 8 KHAN, M. FAHIM, “Economic Concept of Ibn Taimiyah by A.A. Islahi”,

The Muslim World Book Review (Review Article). Leicester (U.K.): The Islamic Foundation, 1989, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 24-25.

9 RASHID, SALIM, Review on “Economic Concept of Ibn Taimiyah by A.A.

Islahi, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 63, No. 4, 1991, pp. 547-549. 10 SHERWANI, H.K., “Ibn-i-Taimiyah’s Economic Thought”, Islamic

Literature, (Lahore), Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan 1956, pp. 9-22. 11 UDOVITCH, A.L., “Economic Concepts of Ibn Taimiyah by Abdul Azim

Islahi” (Review Article), Middle-East Journal, 1990, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 522-523. See also: B0,21; B0,23.

B3.38 Al Jarsifi, Umar bin Uthman, (7th century/ 13th century AD)* 1 LATHAM, J.D., “Observations on the text and translation of al Jarsifi’s

Treatise on Hisba”, Journal of Semetic Studies, Vol. 5, 1960, pp. 124-143. 2 WICKENS, G.M., “Al Jarsifi on Hisba, Islamic Quarterly, 1956, Vol. 3, pp.

176-187. ____________________ * According to Khair al Din al Zerekly, “al Jarsifi is Umar bin Abd al Aziz whose period is after 1279 AH/

1862 AD.” See al Aalam, Beirut, Dar al Ilm, 1987, Vol. 5, p. 51. B3.39 Ibn al Ukhuwwah (d. 729/1329) 1 LEVY, RUEBEN, Notes and Editing of ‘Ibn al Ukhuwwah’s Ma’alim al

Qurbah fi Ahkam al Hisbah, London: Luzac & Co., 1938, 256+113 p. See also: B0,23. B3.40 Ibn al Qayyim (691/751/1292-1350) 1 ISLAHI, A.A., Economic Thought of Ibn al Qayyim, Jeddah: International

Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, 1984, 35 p. Reprinted in Sadeq and Ghazali, Readings in Islamic Economic Thought,

Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 157-175. See also: B0,23. B3.41 Al Shatibi, Abu Ishaq (d. 790/1388)

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Objectives of Shariah and Some Implications for Consumer Theory” in Sadeq and Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 176-202.

See also: B0,23. B3.42 Ibn Khaldun (732-808/1332-1404) 1 ABDUL QADIR, MUHAMMAD, “The Economic Thought of Ibn

Khaldun”, Indian Journal of Economics, (Allahabad), 1942, Vol. 22, pp. 898-907.

2 ALAM, S. MANZOOR, “The Khaldun’s Concept of the Origin, Growth and

Decay of Cities”, Islamic Culture, Vol. 34, 1960. 3 ALI, S. AHMED, “Economics of Ibn Khaldun-A Selection”, Africa

Quarterly, (New Delhi), Vol. 10, No. 3, Oct-Dec. 1970, pp. 251-259. 4 ANDIC, FUAT AND ANDIC, SUPHAN, “An Explanation to the Fiscal

Sociology: Ibn Khaldun, Schumpeter and Public Choice”, Finanzarchiv, 1985, Vol. 13, pp. 456-459.

5 ANDIC, S., “Ibn Khaldun: A Fourteenth Century Sociologist”, Public

Finance, 1965, Vol. 20, pp. 20-44. 6 ALATTAS, SYED FARIS, “Ibn Khaldun and The Ottoman Modes of

Production” Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies (Tunis), Nos. 1-2, January 1990, pp. 45-63.

7 AL-AZMEH, AZIZ, Ibn Khaldun in Modern Scholarship, London: Third World Centre for Research and Publishing, 1991, 332 p.

8 BOULAKIA, JEAN DAVID C., “Ibn Khaldun: A Fourteenth Century

Economist”, Journal of Political Economy, Oct. 1971, pp. 1105-1118. 9 CHARNAY, J.P., “Economy and Religion in The Works of Ibn Khaldun”,

The Maghrib Review, 1979, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 6-8. 10 EL ALFI, E.S., Production, Exchange and Distribution in Ibn Khaldun’s

Writing, Mennisota: University of Mennisota Ph.D. Thesis 1968. 11 GUSAU, SULE AHMAD, “Economic Views of Ibne Khaldun”, Journal of

Objective Studies, (Aligarh), July 1991, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 48-66.

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Economic Ideas of Eminent Islamic Thinkers 13

12 IBN BATTAH, ABDULLAH M., Ibn Khaldun’s Principles of Political Economy: Rudiments of a New Science, Ph.D. Dissertation. Washington D.C., the American University, 1988, 243 p.

13 IRVING, T.B., “Ibn Khaldun on Agriculture”, Islamic Literature, (Lahore),

1955, Vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 31-32. 14 ISSAWI, CHARLES, “Ibn Khaldun’s Analysis of Economic Issues” in

Sadeq and Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia, pp. 227-237.

15 ROSENTHAL, FRANZ, The Muqaddimah (of Ibn Khaldun), New York:

Princeton University Press, 1967, 3 Vols. (The second volume deals with economic matters).

16 ROZINA, PARVEEN, “Ibn Khaldun as an Economist”, Pakistan Journal of

History and Culture, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1994, pp. 111-130. 17 SALAMA, ABEDIN AHMAD, “Fiscal Analysis of Ibn Khaldun”, Journal of

the College of Administrative Sciences, University of Riyadh, Vol. 7, 1979-80, pp. 111-114.

18 SATTAR, M.A., “Ibn Khaldun’s Contribution to Economic Thought”,

Proceedings of the Third East Coast Regional Conference, M S A (U.S.), Gray (Indiana): 1973, pp. 157-168.

19 SHARIF, M. RAIHAN, “Ibn Khaldun, The Pioneer Economist”, Islamic

Literature (Lahore), Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1955, pp. 33-40. 20 SHERWANI, H.K., “Ibn-e-Khaldun and His Politico-Economic Thought”,

Islamic Culture, Hyderabad: April 1970, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 71-80. 21 SPENGLER, J.J., “Economic Thoughts of Islam: Ibn Khaldun”,

Comparative Studies in Society and History (Hague), 1964, Vol. 6, pp. 268-306.

22 WEISS, DIETER, “Ibn Khaldun on Economic Transformation”,

International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1995, Vol. 27, pp. 29-37. See also: 51.01; 51.21; 51.23; 51;25; 59.05; 59.04; B0,1; B0,21; B0,23;

B0,25; N45.2, 4; N45.2, 5. B3.43 Al Maqrizi, Taqi al Din Ahmad bin Ali (766-845/1364-1441) 1 ALLOUCHE, ADEL, Mamluk Economics: A Study and Translation of al

Maqrizi’s Ighathah, Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press, 1994, 745 p. See also: B0,23.

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B3.44 Al Dawwani, Jalaluddin (830-918/1427-1502) 1 ANZARUL HAQ, MUHAMMAD, A Critical Study of Jalal al Din al

Dawwani’s Contribution to Social Philosophy, Aligarh Muslim University, Ph.D. Thesis (Unpublished), n.d., 443 p.

B3.45 Alamgir, Aurangzeb (1027-1118/1618-1707) 1 ZAFARUL ISLAM, Aurangzeb’s Farman and Land Tax, Islamic Culture,

April 1978, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 117-126. B3.46 Al Dihlawi, Shah Wali Allah (1114-1176/1703-1762) 1 “BALJAN, J.M.S., Social and Economic Ideas of Shah Wali Allah”, in

Sadeq and Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lampur, Longman Malaysia, 1992, cit, pp. 238-245.

2 ISLAHI, A. AZIM, “Shah Wali Allah’s Concept of al Irtifaqat (Stage of

socio-economic development), Journal of Objective Studies, July 1990, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 46.63.

3 JALBANI, G.N., “The Socio-economic Thought of Shah Wali Allah” in

Sadeq and Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Thought, Kuala Lumpur, Longman Malaysia, 1992, pp. 246-59.

(This paper is an extract from the author’s book entitled Teachings of Shah Waliullah of Delhi, Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1979).

See also: B0,21; B0,23. B3.47 Fodio, Shehu Uthman Dan (1168-1232/1755-1817) 1 GUSAU, SULE AHMED, “Economic Ideas of Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio”,

Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, (London) Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 139-151.

2 ISLAHI, ABDUL AZIM, Comment on “Economic Ideas of Shehu Uthman

Dan Fodio by Sule Ahmad Ghsau”, Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, July 1989, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 570-571.

See also: B0,4; B0,9. B3.48 Bello, Muhammad (d. 1837) 1 MALAMI, HUSSAINI U., “Importance of Muhammad Bello’s Tanbih al

Sahib ala Ahkam al Makasib to our Contemporary Economic System”, Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 17, No. 4, Winter 1994, pp. 35-40.

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B3.49 Al Afghani, Jamaluddin (d. 1315/1897) 1 HANNA, S.A., “Al Afghani: A Pioneer of Islamic Socialism”, Muslim

World, 57:1, Jan. 1967, pp. 24-32. See also: B0.23. B3.50 Khan, Sir Syed Ahmad (1232-1316/1817-1898) 1 ISLAHI A.A., Sir Syed Ahmad’s Views on Education For Economic

Upliftment, 1992, Aligarh: Sir Syed Academy, Aligarh Muslim University, 10 p. Mimeo.

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N15 Kharaj and Public Finance 1 AGHNIDES, NICHOLAS P., Muhammadan Theories of Finance, Lahore:

Premier Book House, 1961, 532 p. 2 AHMAD, ZIAUDDIN, Ushr and Maks in Early Islam”, Islamic Studies,

1988, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-11. 3 CASTORINA, CAMMTTE. P., “Islamic Taxation in The Classic Period: by

Fredze Lokkegaard” (Review Article). Journal of Economic Literature, March 1980, Vol. 28, pp. 131-32.

4 DENNET. DANIEL, C., Conversion and the Poll Tax in Early Islam,

Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950. 5 DURI, ABDUL AZIZ, “Notes on Taxation in Early Islam”, Journal of

Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 136- 44.

6 EL FADL, KHALED ABOU, “Tax Farming in Islamic Law (Qibalah and

Daman): A Search For a Concept”, Islamic Studies, 1992, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 5-32.

7 GIBB and BOWEN, “Taxation and Finance” in Islamic Society and The

West, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1950, pp. 1:69. 8 HUSSAIN, M. HADI and KAMALI, A.H., “Taxation Policies of the Power

State” in The Nature of the Islamic State, Islamabad, National Book Foundation, 1977, pp. 156-64.

9 JOHANSEN, BABER, The Islamic Law and Land Tax and Rent, Kent:

Croom Helm Ltd., 1988.

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10 AL LABBAN, IBRAHIM, “The Right of the Poor in the Wealth of the Rich” in Proceeding of the First Conference of Academy of Islamic Research, Cairo: Al Azhar, 1964, pp. 167-86.

11 LOKKEGAARD, F., Islamic Taxation in the Classical Period, Lahore:

Sindh Sagar Academy, 1979, 286 p. 12 MEERA, AHMEDI KAMEEL MYDIN and AHSAN, SYED NAZMUL, “Al

Kharaj and Related Issues: A Comparative Study of Early Islamic Scholarly Thoughts and Their Reception by Western Economists. in Sadeq and Ghazali (eds.), Readings in Islamic Economic Thought, Kuala Lumpur: Longman, Malaysia, 1992, pp. 203-21.

13 MODERRESSI, H., Kharaj in Shia Law from the Beginning to the 10th/16th

Century, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1982, 493 p. 14 ORAN, AHMAD and RASHID, SALIM, “Fiscal Policy in Early Islam”,

Public Finance, Netherlands 1987. Vol. 44. No. 1, pp. 75-101. 15 QURESHI, IJAZ HASAN, “Assessment and Collection of Kharaj (Land

Tax) under Umar the Second Caliph”, Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, 1961, Vol. 13.

16 SIMONSEN, JORGAN BACK, Studies in the Genesis and Early

Development of the Caliphal Taxation System with Special Reference to the Circumstances in the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt and Palestine, Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlog, 1988, 233 p.

17 SYEDAIN, H., “Counting on the Qur’an (Islamic System of Finance)”,

Management Today, March 1989, pp. 104-109. 18 TABATABA’I, Kharaj in Islamic Law, London: Anchor Press Ltd., 1983. See also: B3.1,11 B3.4,1. N25.1 Partnership and Mudarabah 1 CIZAKCA, MURAT, Contribution of Islamic Business Partnerships to the

World Trade in Medieval Era, Istanbul: Institute of Social Sciences, Research Paper No. ISS/E 86-06, Bogazici University, 1986.

2 GAIANI, A., “The juridical Nature of the Moslem Qirad’ East and West,

1953, pp. 81-86. 3 GERBER, H., “The Muslim Law of Partnership in Ottoman Court Records”,

Studia Islamica, 1981, Vol. 3, pp. 109-119.

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Some Important Economic Institutions in Islamic History


4 HASAN, ABDULLAH ALWI BIN HAJ, “Al Mudnrabah (Dormant

Partnership) and Its Identical Islamic Partnership in Islam”, Hamdard Islamicus, 1989, Vol. 12. No. 2, pp. 11-38.

5 UDOVITCH. A.L.. “At the Origin of Western Cornmenda: Islam Israel,

Byzentium?” Speculam, Vol. 37. pp. 198-207. 6 UDOVITCH, A.L., “Labour Partnership in Early lslamic Law”, Journal of'

Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden: 1967, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 64-80.

7 UDOVITCH, A.L., “Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam”, New Jersey,

Princeton University Press, 1970, 180 p. N25.2 Money and Banking 1 EHREKREUTZ, ANDREW S., Monetary Changes and Economic History in

Medieval Muslim World, Aldershot. UK: Variorum, 1992, 304 pp. 2 GOITEIN, S.D., “Banking Accounts from the Eleventh Century AD”,

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden, 1966, Vol. 9, pp. 28-66.

3 IMAMUDDIN, S.M., “A Historical Background of Modern Islamic

Banking”, in A.M. Zaidi (ed.) The World of Islam Today, New Delhi: Indian Institute of Applied Political Research 1990, pp. 352-55.

4 LOWACK, NICHOLAS, Islamic Coins and Trade in the Medieval World,

Aldershot, UK: Varium, 1990. N45.1 Property Right 1 ALI, ABDUL KADIR, “Land Property and Land Tenure in Islam”, Islamic

Review (London), Dec., 1959, Vol., 47, No. 12, pp. 20-23. 2 BRAVMANN, MEIR M., “The Surplus of Property - An Early Arab Social

Concept”, Der Islam, (Berlin), Vol. 38, Vol. 62, pp. 28-50. N45.3 Al Hisbah and Al Muhtasib

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1 FOSTER, BENJAMIN R., “Agoranomos and Muhtasib” Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden: E.J. Brill, Vol. 13, Part 2, 1970, pp. 128-44.

2 GLICK, THOUMAS F., Muhtasib and Mustasaf: Journal of Economic and

Social History of the Orient, Leiden: E.J. Brill, Vol. 13, Part 2, 1970, pp. 128-144.

3 AL HUSAINI, ISHAQ MUSA, “Hisbah in Islam” Islamic Review, London,

1965), Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 30-36. 4 IMAMUDDIN, S.M., “Al Hisbah in Muslim Spain”, Islamic Culture, 1963,

Vol. 37, No. 1. pp. 25-9. 5 KHAN, M. AKRAM, Al Hisbah and The Islamic Economy” in Proceedings

of the International Conference of Muslim Scholars, Karachi: Printing Company of Pakistan, 1981, pp. 68-80.

6 SERJEANT, R.B., “Al Zaidi Manual of Hisba of The Third Century (H)",

Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, 1953, Vol. 28, pp. 1-34. 7 SIDDIQI, Z., “The Muhtasib under Aurangzeb” Medieval India, Quarterly,

1963, Vol. 7. 8 ZIADEH, NICHOLA, Al Hisbah and Al Muhtasib in Islam, Beirut, Catholic

Press, 1962. See also: B3.24,1; B3.37,4; B3.38.2; B3.39,1. N45.2 Al Riba 1 KATOUZIAN, H., “Riba and Interest in An Islamic Economy”,

Mediterranean, 1981, Vol. 14. 2 MUSLIM, A.G., “The Early Development of The Islamic Concept of Riba”

Current British Research in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Durham, Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1971.

3 ZIAUL HAQ, “The Nature of Riba al Nasia and Riba al Fadl”, Islamic

Studies, 1982, Vol. 21. No. 4, pp. 19-38. N45.4 Al Waqf

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Some Important Economic Institutions in Islamic History


1 BAER, GABRIEL, “The Dismemberment of Awqaf in Early Nineteenth Century Jerusalem” in G.G. Gilbar (ed.). Ottoman Palestine 1800-1914, Leiden, E.J. Brill. 1990, pp. 299-320.

2 PERI, ODED, “Waqf and Ottoman Welfare Policy: The Poor Kichen of

Hasseki Period”, Journal of Econornic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 35, pp. 167-186.

3 SCHACHT, J., “Early Doctrines on Waqfs”, Mel Kopulu, 1953, pp. 443-52. N55.1 Agriculture 1 WATSON, A.M., Agricultural Innovation in Early Islamic World,

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. N55.2 Land Management 1 ZAFARUL ISLAM, “Nature of Landed Property in Mughal India: Views of

Two Contemporary Scholars (Shaikh Jalaluddin Thanesary and Qadi Muhammad Ali Thanawi)”, Islamic Culture, Oct.-Dec. 1987, Vol. LXI, No. 4, pp. 46-62.

2 ZIAUL HAQ, Landlord and Peasant in Early Islam, Islamabad: Islamic

Research Institute, 1977, 410 p. 3 ZIAUL HAQ, “Origin and Development of Ottoman Timar System”, Islamic

Studies, Islamabad, Summer 1976, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 123-34. 4 ZIAUL HAQ, “The Theory of Primitive Tenures According to Muslim

Government”, Unpublished Mimeo. Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute, 1976.

See also: N45.1,1. N75 Trade and Commerce 1 CONSTABLE OLIVIA REMTE, Trade and Traders in Muslim Spain: The

Commercial Realignment of the Peninsula 900-1500, Cambridge University Press, 1994, 320 pp.

2 LOPEZ, S. ROBERT and IRVING W. RAYMOND, “Muslim Trade in The

Mediterranean and The West” in Lewis A.R. (ed.) The Muslim World and The West, London, John Wiley. 1970, pp. 30-8.

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3 MORTEL, RICHARD T., “Mercantile Community of Makkah During the Late Mamluk Period”, Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, London, March, 1868, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 15-35.

4 SOMOGYI, J.DE, “State Intervention in Trade in Classical Arabic

Literature”, Studies in Islam, New Delhi, July 1967, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 61-4. 5 SOMOGYI, J.DE, “Trade in Classical Arabic Literature”, The Muslim

World, April 1965, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 131-4. 6 TORREY CHARLES C., The Commercial-Theological Terms in The Koran,

Leiden: E.J. Bill, 1892, 51 p. 7 UDOVITCH, A.L., “Commercial Techniques in Early Medieval Islamic

Trade” in Richards, D.S. (ed.), Islam and Trade of Asia, Oxford, 1970, p. 37-62.

See also: N25.2,4.