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History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

May 28, 2020



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Page 1: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November


Page 2: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• History of the Budget• The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister

of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November 26, 1947. The first budget of the Republic of India was presented by John Mathai.

• Former FM Morarji Desai, has presented the budget a record 10 times. This is the most by any finance minister in the history of India. Chidambaram is second in place to present eight budgets.

• Indira Gandhi was the first woman Finance Minister to present the budget on February 28, 1970.

• On April 7, 1860, Finance Minister of India James Wilson was presented the first budget of India under the British rule.

• From 2017 the Railway Budget was added to the Union Budget.• The longest budget speech was delivered by former PM Dr Manmohan Singh,

comprising 18,650 words, during his tenure as Finance Minister in 1991.• The shortest budget speech comprising 800 words was given by HM Patel in 1977

while delivering the Interim Budget.


Page 3: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• What is a vote on account?

• A vote on account essentially means that the government seeks the approval of Parliament for meeting expenditure — paying salaries, ongoing programmes in various sectors etc — with no changes in the taxation structure, until a new government takes over and presents a full Budget that is revised for the full fiscal.

• Why present a vote on account?

• The reasoning is that there is little time to get approvals from Parliament for various grants to ministries and departments, and to debate these as well as any provisions for changes in taxation.

• More importantly, the reasoning is that it would be the prerogative of the new government to signal its policy direction, which is often reflected in the Budget.


Page 4: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Difference between Full Budget and Vote on Account:

• Full Budget deals with both expenditure and revenue side but Vote-on-account deals only with the expenditure side of the government’s budget.

• The vote-on-account is normally valid for two months but full budget is valid for 12 months (a financial year).

• As a convention, a vote-on-account is treated as a formal matter and passed by Lok Sabha without discussion. But passing for budget happens only after discussions and voting on demand for grants.


Page 5: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• What’s an Interim Budget?

• An Interim Budget is not the same as a ‘Vote on Account’. While a ‘Vote on Account’ deals only with the expenditure side of the government’s budget, an Interim Budget is a complete set of accounts, including both expenditure and receipts. An Interim Budget gives the complete financial statement, very similar to a full Budget.


Page 6: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Taxable income up to Rs 5 lakh per year will be exempted from tax; farmers owning up to 5 hectares of land will get income support of Rs 6,000 per year and unorganised sector employees will get Rs 3,000 per month pension.

• प्रति वर्ष 5 लाख रुपये िक की कर योग्य आय को कर से मुक्त तकया

जाएगा; 5 हेके्टयर भूतम के मातलक तकसानोों को प्रति वर्ष 6,000 रुपये

की आय सहायिा तमलेगी और असोंगतिि के्षत्र के कमषचाररयोों को3,000 रुपये प्रति माह पेंशन तमलेगी।


Page 7: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Income Tax reliefs:* No tax for those whose taxable income is less than Rs 5 lakh* Standard deduction increased to Rs 50,000 from Rs 40,000 for salaried class

• आयकर राहि: * उन लोगोों के तलए कोई कर नही ों, तजनकी कर योग्यआय 5 लाख रुपये से कम है

• * वेिनभोगी वगष के तलए मानक कटौिी 40,000 रुपये से बढ़कर

50,000 रुपये


Page 8: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Tax exemptions on investments:* Individuals with gross income up to 6.5 lakh rupees will not need to pay any tax if they make investments in provident funds and prescribed equities* TDS threshold for home rent increased from Rs 1.8 lakh to 2.4 lakh* Interest income up to Rs 40,000 in post offices and banks made tax free* Capital gains tax exemptions under Section 54 to be available up to Rs 2 crore. Capital gains exemption to be available on 2 house properties

• Income tax relief on notional rent from unsold houses extended to 2 years from 1 year

• तनवेश पर कर छूट:

• * 6.5 लाख रुपये िक की सकलआय वाले व्यक्तक्तयोों को भतवष्य तनति और तनिाषररि इक्तिटी में तनवेश करने परतकसी भी कर का भुगिान करने की आवश्यकिा नही ों होगी

• * घर के तकराए के तलए टीडीएस की सीमा 1.8 लाख रुपये से बढ़कर 2.4 लाख हो गई

• * ब्याज आय डाकघरोों और बैंकोों में 40,000 रुपये कर मुक्त तकए गए। िारा 54 के िहि पूोंजीगि लाभ कर छूट 2करोड़ रुपये िक उपलब्ध होगी। 2 हाउस प्रॉपटी पर तमलने वाला कैतपटल गेन छूट

• 1 वर्ष से 2 वर्ष िक के अनकही मकानोों में से तकराए पर आयकर में राहि


Page 9: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Other tax related reliefs:* Income Tax returns to be processed within 24 hours and refunds will be paid immediately* Within nearly two years, almost all assessment and verification of IT returns will be done electronically by an anonymised tax system without any intervention by officials

• कर से सोंबोंतिि अन्य राहिें:

• * 24 घोंटे के भीिर सोंसातिि होने वाले आयकर ररटनष और ररफों ड काभुगिान िुरोंि तकया जाएगा

• * लगभग दो वर्ों के भीिर, अतिकाररयोों द्वारा तकसी भी हस्तके्षप के तबनाबेनामी कर प्रणाली द्वारा आईटी ररटनष के लगभग सभी मूल्ाोंकन औरसत्यापन इलेक्टर ॉतनक रूप से तकए जाएों गे।


Page 10: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• For farmers:* Rs 6,000 per year assured income support for small and marginal farmers* Farmers having up to 2 hectare of lands will get Rs 6,000 per year in three equal instalment. The scheme will be effective from December 1, 2018..

• तकसानोों के तलए:

• * छोटे और सीमाोंि तकसानोों के तलए प्रति वर्ष 6,000 रुपये का आश्वासनतदया गया आय

• * 2 हेके्टयर िक के तकसानोों को िीन समान तकस्तोों में प्रति वर्ष 6,000 रुपयेतमलेंगे। यह योजना 1 तदसोंबर, 2018 से प्रभावी होगी।

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• Interest subvention for farm loan takers: Farmers affected by natural calamities to get 2% interest subvention and additional 3% interest subvention upon timely repayment* 2% interest subvention to farmers who pursue animal husbandry, fisheries jobs through Kisaan credit cards* Kamdhenu scheme for animal husbandry

• कृतर् ऋण लेने वालोों के तलए ब्याज सबवेंशन: प्राकृतिक आपदाओों सेप्रभातवि तकसानोों को 2% ब्याज सबवेंशन और अतिररक्त 3% ब्याजसबवेंशन पर समय पर पुनभुषगिान प्राप्त करने के तलए प्रभातवि होिा है

• * पशुपालन, तकसान रोजगार काडष के माध्यम से रोजगार पाने वालेतकसानोों को 2% ब्याज सबवेंशन

• * जानवरोों के तलए कामिेनु योजना कृतर्

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Page 12: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• GST:* Group of Ministers to suggest ways to reduce GST for house buyers* Direct tax collections increased from Rs 6.38 lakh crore in 2013-14 to almost Rs 12 lakh crore; The tax base is up from Rs 3.79 crore to 6.85 crore* Businesses with less than Rs 5 crore annual turnover, comprising over 90% of GST payers, will be allowed to file quarterly returns* Indian Customs to fully digitised exim transactions and leverage RFID for logistic. Govt abolishes duties on 36 capital goods* GST collections in January 2019 has crossed Rs 1 lakh crore

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Page 13: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• जीएसटी: * 2013-14 में प्रत्यक्ष कर सोंग्रह 6.38 लाख करोड़ रुपये से

बढ़कर लगभग 12 लाख करोड़ रुपये हो गया; कर आिार 3.79 करोड़

रुपये से 6.85 करोड़ रुपये िक है। 5 करोड़ रुपये से कम वातर्षक

कारोबार वाले, 90% से अतिक जीएसटी भुगिान करने वालोों कोतिमाही ररटनष दाक्तखल करने की अनुमति होगी

• * भारिीय सीमा शुल्क पूरी िरह से तडतजटाइज्ड एक्तिम लेनदेन और

लीवरेज आरएफआईडी के तलए रसद। जनवरी 2019 में 36 पूोंजीगिसामानोों पर जीएसटी सोंग्रह समाप्त हो गया है

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Page 15: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Sops for workers:* Rs 3,000 per year pension for unorganised sector workers* New Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana for unorganised sector workers with income up to Rs 15,000 per month. Beneficiaries will get Rs 3,000 per month pension with a contribution of Rs 100 per month after retirement. Govtallocates Rs 500 crore for the scheme* Gratuity limit increased for workers to Rs 30 lakh

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• श्रतमकोों के तलए सोप: असोंगतिि के्षत्र के श्रतमकोों के तलए

• * प्रति वर्ष 3,000 रुपये पेंशन

• * असोंगतिि के्षत्र के श्रतमकोों के तलए नई प्रिान मोंत्री श्रम योगी योजना,

प्रति माह 15,000 रुपये िक की आय। लाभातथषयोों को सेवातनवृति के

बाद 100 रुपये प्रति माह के योगदान के साथ 3,000 रुपये प्रति माह

पेंशन तमलेगी। योजना के तलए सरकार ने 500 करोड़ रुपये आवोंतटितकए

• * श्रतमकोों के तलए गे्रचु्यटी की सीमा बढ़ाकर 30 लाख रुपये कर दी

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• Rural allocations:* Rs 60,000 crore for MNREGA* Rs 19,000 allocated for construction of rural roads under Gram Sadak yojana

• ग्रामीण आवोंटन: मनरेगा के तलए 60,000 करोड़ रुपये

• * ग्राम सड़क योजना के िहि ग्रामीण सड़कोों के तनमाषण के तलए 19,000 रुपये का आवोंटन

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• Defense budget: * The government has increased the defense budget to Rs 3 lakh crore, if needed, the government will provide additional funds for defense.

• * We have distributed 35,000 crore rupees under the #OROP scheme in the last few years.

• रक्षा बजट: * सरकार ने रक्षा बजट बढ़ाकर 3 लाख करोड़ रुपये कर

तदया जरूरि पड़ने पर सरकार रक्षा के तलए अतिररक्त िन मुहैयाकराएगी।

• * हमने तपछले कुछ वर्ों में #OROP योजना के िहि 35,000 करोड़

रुपये का तविरण तकया है

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• Railways:*Railway's operating ratio seen 96.2% in FY19 Vs 95% FY20.*Railway capex for FY20 set at record Rs 1.6 lakh crore* Today there is not a single unmanned railway crossing on the broad gauge in India.

• रेलवे:

• * रेलवे का पररचालन अनुपाि तवि वर्ष १ ९ ६ ९ में ९ ६.२% या ९ ५% था। * तविवर्ष 2015 के तलए रेलवे कैतपटल ररकॉडष 1.6 लाख करोड़ रुपये का सेट है। आजभारि में ब्रॉड गेज पर एक भी मानव रतहि रेलवे क्रॉतसोंग नही ों है।

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• Fiscal Deficit:* For FY19, government has revised the fiscal deficit target to 3.4 percent in FY 19. Fiscal deficit for 2019/20 estimated at 3.4 percent of GDP.* Government's stated commitment earlier was to bring down tthefiscal deficit to 3.1 percent of GDP by the end of March 2020, and to 3 percent by March 2021*Current account deficit at 2.5% of the GDP

• राजकोर्ीय घाटा: * तवि वर्ष 19 के तलए, सरकार ने तविीय घाटे के लक्ष्य कोतवि वर्ष 19 में 3.4 प्रतिशि िक सोंशोतिि तकया है। 2019/20 के तलएराजकोर्ीय घाटा जीडीपी का 3.4 प्रतिशि अनुमातनि है।

• * सरकार की पहले की प्रतिबद्धिा माचष 2020 के अोंि िक जीडीपी के घटिेहुए 3.1 प्रतिशि को घटाकर 3.1 प्रतिशि करने और माचष 2021 िक 3 प्रतिशि करने की थी

• * चालू खािा घाटा जीडीपी के 2.5% पर

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• A single window clearance for filmmakers* A single window clearance will be made available to filmmakers, anti-camcording provision to also to be introduced in Cinematography Act to fight piracy

• तफल्म तनमाषिाओों के तलए एक तसोंगल तवोंडो क्लीयरेंस

• * तफल्म तनमाषिाओों को एक तसोंगल तवोंडो क्लीयरेंस उपलब्ध कराया

जाएगा, पायरेसी से लड़ने के तलए तसनेमैटोग्राफी एक्ट में पेश तकए जानेवाले तवरोिी कैमकोतडोंग प्राविान

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• Nine priority sectors for govt: To build next-gen infrastructure -physical as well as social; (1) To build a Digital India that reaches every citizen; (2) Clean and Green India; (3) Expanding rural industrialization using modern industrial technologies; (4) Clean Rivers - with safe drinking water to all Indians; (5) Oceans and coastlines; (7) India becoming launchpad of the world; (8) Self-sufficiency in food and improving agricultural productivity with emphasis on organic food (9) Healthy India; (10) Minimum Government MaximumGovernance, with proactive, responsible and friendly bureaucracy

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• Social schemes:*Govt to build 1 lakh digital villages* For the welfare of farmers and for doubling their income, historic decision was taken to increase MSP by 1.5 times the production cost for all 22 crops* To ensure cleaner fuel and health assurance, we embarked upon Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, a programme to give 8 crore free LPG connections to rural households, 6 crore connections have been given already* Committee under NITI Aayog to be set up for denotifed nomadic & semi nomadic communities

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• सामातजक योजनाएों :

• * 1 लाख तडतजटल गाोंव बनाने के तलए सरकार

• * तकसानोों के कल्ाण के तलए और उनकी आय दोगुनी करने के तलए,

सभी 22 फसलोों के उत्पादन लागि में एमएसपी को 1.5 गुना बढ़ाने केतलए ऐतिहातसक तनणषय तलया गया था

• * स्वच्छ ईोंिन और स्वास्थ्यआश्वासन सुतनतिि करने के तलए, हम

प्रिानमोंत्री उज्ज्वला योजना के िहि, ग्रामीण पररवारोों को 8 करोड़ मुफ्त

एलपीजी कनेक्शन देने का कायषक्रम, 6 करोड़ कनेक्शन पहले ही तदए

जा चुके हैं। नीिी अयोग के िहि कमेटी को तडनोतटफाइड खानाबदोशऔर अिष खानाबदोश समुदायोों के तलए गतिि तकया जाएगा।

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• State of Economy:*India is poised to become a $5 trillion economy in next 5 years, $10-trillion economy in the next eight years* Black money: Committed to eliminating the scourge of black money; anti-black money measures taken have brought an undisclosed income of about 1.30 lakh crore rupees to the fore; 3.38 lakh shell companies were deregistered*GST has been continuously reduced, resulting in relief of 80,000 crorerupees to consumers; most items of daily use for poor and middle class are now in the 0%-5% tax bracket*Fiscal deficit seen at 3.4 percent in FY 19 and Current account deficit at 2.5% of the GDP* We have recovered Rs 3 lakh crore through Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Govt expects banks on the central bank's Prompt Corrective Action list to be removed soon.

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• अथषव्यवस्था की क्तस्थति: *

• भारि अगले 5 वर्ों में $ 5 तटर तलयन अथषव्यवस्था बनने की ओर अग्रसर है, अगले आि वर्ों में $ 10-तटर तलयन अथषव्यवस्था

• * काला िन: काले िन के सोंकट को समाप्त करने के तलए प्रतिबद्ध; कालेिन-तवरोिी उपायोों के कारण लगभग 1.30 लाख करोड़ रुपये की अघोतर्िआय सामने आई है; 3.38 लाख शेल कों पतनयोों को डीररतजस्टर तकया गया था

• * जीएसटी लगािार कम तकया गया है, तजसके पररणामस्वरूप उपभोक्ताओोंको 80,000 करोड़ रुपये की राहि तमली है; गरीब और मध्यम वगष के तलएदैतनक उपयोग की अतिकाोंश वसु्तएों अब 0% -5% टैक्स बै्रकेट में हैं। तविीयवर्ष 19 में 3.4 प्रतिशि की दर से राजकोर्ीय घाटा और जीडीपी के 2.5% पर चालू खािा घाटा

• * के माध्यम से हमने 3 लाख करोड़ रुपये की वसूली की है। तदवाला औरतदवातलयापन सोंतहिा। सरकार को उम्मीद है तक कें द्रीय बैंक की शीघ्रसुिारात्मक कारषवाई सूची बैंकोों को जल्द ही हटा दी जाएगी।

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• Indian GDP: Growth in the last 5 years has been higher than that by any other govt. Spent Rs 2.6 lakh crore in recap of PSU Banks* Average inflation in UPA government was 10% and we have brought that down to 4 percent. Inflation in December 2018 was 2.1%. If we had not controlled inflation our families would have been spending 35-40 per cent more on daily use items* Transparent auctioning of natural resources like coal and oil* Domestic air traffic doubled in the 5 years* Over 90 percent of the country covered under sanitation coverage. People have made this a social revolution and i thank the 130 crore people of the country. More than 5.45 lakh villages have been declared Open Defecation Free* In the past, false promises were made but we have taken targeted expenditure on all dimensions* Everybody will get electricity connection in the near future. We have provided 143 crore electricity bulbs to the poor* Ayushman Bharat, the world' largest healthcare programme, was launched to provide medical care to almost 50 crore people, resulting in Rs 3,000 crore savings by poor families* Lower costs of Stents & Knee implants have benefited people. Government has announced 14 new AIIMS since 2014* Loans worth Rs 7.23 lakh crore have been given under Mudra Yojana*Monthly mobile data consumption has increased 50 times in the last 5 years; cost of data and voice calls in India is possiblly the lowest in the world

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Page 28: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• भारिीय जीडीपी: तपछले 5 वर्ों में तवकास तकसी भी अन्य सरकार की िुलना में अतिक रहा है। पीएसयूबैंकोों की पुनपषरीक्षा में 2.6 लाख करोड़ रुपये खचष तकए गए

• * यूपीए सरकार में औसि मुद्रास्फीति 10% थी और हम इसे 4 प्रतिशि िक लाए हैं। तदसोंबर 2018 मेंमुद्रास्फीति 2.1% थी। अगर हमने मुद्रास्फीति को तनयोंतत्रि नही ों तकया होिा िो हमारे पररवार दैतनकउपयोग की वसु्तओों पर 35-40 प्रतिशि अतिक खचष कर रहे होिे।

• * कोयला और िेल जैसे प्राकृतिक सोंसािनोों की पारदशी नीलामी

• * 5 वर्ों में घरेलू हवाई यािायाि दोगुना हो गया * देश के 90 प्रतिशि से अतिक स्वच्छिा कवरेज। लोगोोंने इसे एक सामातजक क्राोंति बना तदया है और मैं देश के 130 करोड़ लोगोों का िन्यवाद करिा हों। 5.45 लाख से अतिक गाोंवोों को खुले में शौच मुक्त घोतर्ि तकया गया है। अिीि में, झिेू वादे तकए गए थे, लेतकन हमने सभी आयामोों पर लतक्षि खचष उिाए हैं। तनकट भतवष्य में हर तकसी को तबजली कनेक्शनतमलेगा। हमने गरीबोों को 143 करोड़ तबजली के बल्ब प्रदान तकए हैं। तवश्व के सबसे बडे़ स्वास्थ्य सेवाकायषक्रम आयुष्मान भारि को लगभग 50 करोड़ लोगोों को तचतकत्सा सुतविा प्रदान करने के तलए शुरूतकया गया था, तजसके पररणामस्वरूप गरीब पररवारोों द्वारा 3,000 करोड़ रुपये की बचि की गई।

• * स्टेंट और घुटने प्रत्यारोपण की कम लागि लोगोों को लाभाक्तिि तकया है। सरकार ने 2014 के बाद से14 नए एम्स की घोर्णा की है। मुद्रा योजना के िहि 7.23 लाख करोड़ रुपये के ऋण तदए गए हैं।तपछले 5 वर्ों में मातसक मोबाइल डेटा की खपि में 50 गुना वृक्तद्ध हुई है; भारि में डेटा और वॉयसकॉल्स की लागि दुतनया में सबसे कम है

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Page 30: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Launch of Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Mandhan (PMSYM) scheme to provide unorganised workers an assured monthly pension of _________after 60 years of age.

• The scheme will benefit _________crore workers in unorganised sector, may become the world’s biggest pension scheme for unorganised sector in five years”.

• The scheme will cover all those unorganised sector workers like autorikshaw driver, whose income is up to Rs ______ per month.

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Page 31: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• The increase in standard deduction from ₹40,000 to ______.

• Ministry announced that the fiscal deficit would be _________of the GDP for both 2018-19 and 2019-20, compared with a target of 3.3% and 3.1% respectively.

• Individuals with gross income of up to _______lakh need not pay any tax if they make investments in provident funds and prescribed equities.

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Page 32: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Direct tax collections from 6.38 lakh crore rupees in 2013-14 to almost _______lakh crore rupees.

• __________to be setup for sustainable genetic up-gradation of the Cow resources.

• ____nd AIIMS to be setup in Haryana

• Meghalaya, Tripura and ______came on India’s rail map for the first time.

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Page 33: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• Defence budget hiked to over Rs _____ lakh crore for first time ever.

• Operating Ratio expected to improve from 98.4% in 2017-18to 96.2% in 2018-19 (RE) and to ______in 2019- 20 (BE).

• Semi high-speed __________introduced – first indigenously developed and manufactured.

• he Government to make _______ lakh villages into Digital Villages over next five years

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• Maternity leave of _______ weeks and Pradhan Mantri MatruVandana Yojana for pregnant women in work.

• Renewed Focus on Internal trade; DIPP renamed to Department for Promotion of Industries and ________

• Ten dimensions of Vision for India of_________.

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Page 35: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• The vote-on-account is normally valid for________months but full budget is valid for 12 months

• The first budget of the Republic of India was presented by _________

• . How much rent will now be exempted from the TDS as per the Interim Budget 2019?

• The Interim Budget 2019 allocates how much amount for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana?

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Page 36: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November

• As per the Interim Budget 2019, how much amount has been allocated for the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana for construction of more rural roads?

• The Budget 2019 allocates how much amount of capital support for the Indian Railways in 2019-20?

• As per the Interim Budget 2019-20, Individual tax payers with taxable income of up to what amount will get full tax rebate from now on?

• The Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan scheme was announced in the Interim Budget 2019-20. Under the scheme, the workers will get what amount of pension after attaining the age of 60 years?

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Page 37: History of the Budget -•History of the Budget •The first Union Budget of Independent India was presented by Finance Minister of India RK Sanmukham Chetty on November