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HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014

Feb 17, 2018



Okesola Okesola
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  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    History of WarNew Weapons, New TacticsAlena Papayanis, PhD

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    The Middle AgesEarly 300-1000 A.D.

    igh 1000-1300 A.D.

    !ate 1300-1"00 A.D.

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    #New Weapons, New

    Tactics$13thc., in%antry too& on 'ore i'portant role in

    western war%are



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    #New Weapons, New


    Platear'o*r +e*dal


  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #New Weapons, New

    Tactics$Political factors

    +le'ish ago(ert the /r*ceeign 130-


  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #Pi&es and /ows$5*ited a modest social background

    The spear, the hal(erd, the pi&e, the cl*(, and

    the a6e

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #Pi&es and /ows$The English *sed 'en-at ar's 7ghting with

    archers, and 'o*nted 'en-at-ar's

    New tactical syste', where(y archers andcavalry now combined

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    8the 5cots9 iss*ed %ro' the woods in three(attalions on %oot, (oldly holding their co*rsedirect %or the English ar'y, which had (een*nder ar's all night, with their horses (itted.

    The English, who were not acc*sto'ed to7ght on %oot, 'o*nted with '*ch alar':whereas the 5cots had ta&en the e6a'ple o%the +le'ings who earlier at )o*rtrai had, on%oot, de%eated the %orces o% +rance. )ont;d

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    The a%oresaid 5cots ca'e all in a line inschiltrons 8cl*ster o% spear'en9 and attac&edthe English %or'ations, which were =a''edtogether and co*ld do nothing against the'(eca*se their horses were i'paled on thepi&es. The 'en at the English rear recoiledinto the raine o% the /annoc&(*rn, each%alling oer the others.$ p. 3->4

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    #Pi&es and /ows$5*ccess o% the 5cots? aggressive rush by

    massed infantry

    Deelop'ents did not catch on eerywhere

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    The *ndred @ears War133-1>"34#War o% )onB*est %or the English and o% sel%-

    de%ense and sel%-assertion %or the +rench$

    p.>4E6perience o% war trans%or'ed (oth

    England;s *se o% hit and r*n raids

    Treaty o% /retigny 13045econd phase 13-134

    Third phase 1>1"-1>"34

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    The *ndred @ears War?

    /roader ECects+rance wins and dries England oC continent

    eal winners were 'onarchies and state? had

    'ore reso*rces 100 @ears War ta6ation4sed reso*rces %or larger ar'ies andper'anent standing ar'ies

    1>"0 +rance asse'(led 7rst standing ar'y

    o% 20,000-2",000

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    Fn 'y yo*th the< English were ta&en to (ethe 'ee&est o% the (ar(arians. Today theyare a 7ercely (ellicose nation. They haeoert*rned the ancient 'ilitary glory o% the

    +rench (y ictories so n*'ero*s that they,who once were in%erior to the wretched 5cots,hae red*ced the entire &ingdo' o% +rance (y7re and sword to s*ch a state that F, who had

    traersed it lately on (*siness, had to %orce'ysel% to (eliee that it was the sa'e co*ntryF had seen (e%ore. G*tside the walls o% townsthere was not, as it were, one (*ilding le%t

    standing. p. "-4

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    The raid chea*cheH4Fnti'idating

    Not sophisticated ar'o*r or weapons

    5'all or cheap (reed o% horsesse o% co''on soldier

    Moed %ast with troops spread o*t in parallelcol*'ns

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #5ieges and Artillery$Fn 1>1" the English t*rned to a war of

    conquest for total victory

    The siegeEnd of the war and its broader eects

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The *ssites and the

    5wiss$Cost of war increased

    Not all innoations were expensive

    /ohe'ian *ssites lead (y Iohn *ss War o%Fndependence 1>00-1>2"4

    Military leader Iohn JiK&a? particular styleof ghting

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The *ssites and

    the 5wiss$Wagenburgen



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    #The *ssites and the

    5wiss$5wiss consisted 'ainly o% pi&e'en and


  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The *ssites and the

    5wiss$Tactics 7t with collective aggression

    5wiss ha(it o% challenging the enemy

    Trained and prepared to %ace the caalrycharge

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    #The 5*rial o% )aalry$Cavalrystill pop*lar in Ftaly, +rench,


    5*rial o% the traditional social order "feudalism in +rance and /*rg*ndy

    Plate armour

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The !ate Medieal

    Ar'y$Gthers dominated by infantry

    Fn 1>thc England, the nor'al ratio inrecr*iting caalry and in%antry was 1?2, raisingto 1?3, and as high as 1?10

    atio diCered and ar'ies aried in siKe

    Medieal warfare at sea

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The 5tate at War$#tate$formation and preservation

    Northern E*rope, England, and +rance and thetraditional social system

    Eent*ally 'en were paid for their service

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    #The 5tate at War$This 'eant that?central a*thority and taxation%indenture& England4, #letter de reten*e$

    +rance4, and condotta Ftaly4

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    #The 5tate at War$'ndenturewas i'portant (oth practically and

    sy'(olically?right o% a society;s leaders to decideright to appoint 'engae the right to insist on standards

    Need to apply discipline

    *ler also had obligations

  • 7/23/2019 HIST 017 Week 4 New Weapons W2014


    #The E6a'ple o% the

    Ancients$(oman tradition o% waging war

    The desire to create a permanent army

    /*t spread o% gunpowderweapons B*ic&lytrans%or'ed the nat*re o% war%are in the Westwe;ll tal& a(o*t that ne6t wee&L4