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His Desert FoxBy

Katherine Mary Young

© Copyright Katherine Mary Young 2013

This is a legally distributed free edition from 

The author’s intellectual property rights are protected by international Copyright law.

You are licensed to use this digital copy strictly for your personal enjoyment only:

it must not be redistributed commercially or offered for sale in any form.

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The Fennec family

The Sahara desert; home to some of the most exotic creatures known to science. One

species in particular is the fennec fox. These nocturnal canines have giant ears that regulate

their body heat and distinctive golden fur. They normally live on their own, but when the sun

goes down the desert becomes fox city.The fennec doesn’t have many natural enemies. However, there is one Sahara animal

that strikes fear into all inhabitants; the caracal. The caracal, similar to North America’s bob

cat, hunts small animals such as mice, birds, snakes and foxes. Paw prints in the sand are the

only indication that a caracal was nearby (that and several missing neighbors).

There was a family of fennecs who lived by the river bank. Mr. and Mrs. Fennec had

three pups; two boys (Gabriel and Shango) and a girl (Eve). There was some concern as to the

 predators that were near their den, but the river bank was the ideal nursery for any creature

 because of the lack of caracals. Hence, Mr. and Mrs. Fennec didn’t worry about supervising

their pups as they played.

Eve was too young to romp with her brothers, so she was kept inside the burrow.

Gabriel and Shango only went outside at sunset to escape the intense day time heat. “Can we

 play in the river now, mom?” Shango asked.

“Of coarse dear. Remember to come back inside for dinner.”

“We will.” It was getting darker and cooler when the two pups walked to the river; the

 perfect time for a caracal to hunt. Nukpana, the relentless caracal who terrorized the northern

desert, usually stalked prey at night. When he heard movement near the river bank, he wasted

no time in finding out what dinner awaited him.

“Hey! Stop splashing!” Gabriel yelled as Shango swiped water into his face. “If you

do it again, I’m telling mom.”“Cry baby!”

“I’m not a cry baby!” Shango’s taunting smile disappeared when he saw Nukpana

 behind Gabriel. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Don’t move and don’t make a sound.”

“What?” Gabriel turned around and screamed when he saw the giant caracal.

“What was that?” Mrs. Fennec said as she heard the screaming.

“It sounds like the boys,” Mr. Fennec answered. By the time they got outside, they

found Nukpana carrying their sons away. “Hold it right there!”

 Nukpana turned around and started to laugh. “What’s this? My prey is going to fight

for its children. This should be interesting.” One swipe with his massive paws sent the

Fennecs running back to the den. Nukpana picked up Gabriel and Shango once more and


“My babies! That vicious caracal is going to eat them!” Mrs. Fennec cried.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do.” From that day on, the Fennecs became

 paranoid about the world around them. Since they only had one child left, they were going to

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dedicate their lives to protect her. In doing so, Eve was never allowed to wonder away from

the den. She never knew what it was like in the outside world because she was concealed in

her own sanctuary sheltered from danger.

Eve grows up

Eve didn’t complain about her lockdown lifestyle. She wasn’t even a month old when

the rules of her being confined to the den were put in place, so she had no idea what kind of

freedom she was missing. Instead, she accepted what her parents told her; they taught her that

the world is dangerous and nothing good can come from it.

Mrs. Fennec brought the food home so that Eve wouldn’t have to hunt. Mr. Fennec

was in charge of guarding the den entrance all day to make sure that no caracals were in sight.

He was especially on the look out for Nukpana, who was still making his residence in the


“What are we feasting on today?” Eve asked.

“Fish,” Mrs. Fennec replied.

“We always have fish. Isn’t there anything else we could eat?”

“Many things, but I would have to travel away from the river bank to get it. It’s safer

to stay here and fish. Remember what I told you…”

“I know, the world is too dangerous for a fox.”

“That’s right. Now, let’s forget about this nonsense and start eating. Honey! Come in

and have lunch!”

“Yes dear.” Mr. Fennec sat next to his wife and stared at the fish. “Oh boy, fish. Howunusual.”

“I was just telling Eve that it’s safer to fish than to hunt for other food. Don’t you


“Yes. There are too many caracals in the areas that we use to hunt, so we just stick to

fishing. The river bank is our sanctuary.”

“But dad, didn’t Gabriel and Shango remain near the river when they were…” Eve

couldn’t even finish her sentence because it was painful to talk about.

“Yes, this is the place where they were….taken away. But that doesn’t mean it’s not

safe. Caracals don’t normally hunt near here, which is why we built our den in this spot. We

knew it would be the perfect place to raise our family. Whatever’s left of it.”

“What your father is trying to say is that as long as you stay hidden in the den you

have nothing to fear. Just let us worry about food and you’ll be fine. Now eat your lunch.”


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When Eve was an adult, she was still living in her underground prison, but she didn’t

question her parents as to why they were still over protective. As before, she accepted her life.

She never learned how to hunt and was never taught basic survival skills. In other words, she

was ignorant as to how to live; her parents took care of those problems for her.

One day as she was taking her nap, she felt the rays of the sun pouring through the

entrance of the den; the only place where she could see light. It was warm and comforting, butsleeping in the dirt made it difficult to enjoy it. She poked her head out of the den was amazed

at how beautiful the outdoors was. The sand was gold, the water was glistening, and other

foxes were having fun. That was the moment when she couldn’t understand why she had to

stay inside while the world was preceding business without her. “It’s not fair. Why am I the

one who has to be protected?”

Mrs. Fennec returned to the den after bathing herself in the river. “Good afternoon

dear. Did you have your nap?”

“Yes mom. Can I play outside with the other foxes now?”

“Absolutely not!”


“I said no! Do you want to end up like your brothers?”

“Mom! Why can everyone else be outside and I can’t? It’s not fair!”

“Get use to it because life isn’t fair.”

“I’m an adult now. Why can’t I look after myself?”

“I don’t want to have this discussion anymore, is that clear?” Eve nodded with anger.

“Good. Worry about something important. Don’t fill your head with how other foxes can

roam the desert. They are risking their lives greatly.”

 When Eve met Adam

When mating season occurred, Mr. and Mrs. Fennec thought it was time to give Eve

to a strong male who would protect her. One male who lived in the neighborhood met their

requirements; he was charming, protective, and well mannered. He was invited for dinner that

evening to get better acquainted with his future wife.

Eve wasn’t excited about meeting him. She was still moping in her room about how

everyone else but her gets to have fun. Mrs. Fennec had to convince her to join them for

dinner. “Honey, your father and I want you to meet the male we chose to be your husband.

He’s excellent marriage material.”

“What’s the point? I’ll only be a prisoner in his den once we’re married.”

“Dear child, don’t think of it that way. Think of it as spending the rest of your life

with a mate who is caring and willing to defend you.”

“Why are you and dad doing this to me?”

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“Because we’re not going to be around forever to protect you. You need someone who

will make sure you’re safe. The question is why you DON’T want to get married? Everyone

finds their mate. It’s perfectly natural.”

“It’s not natural to spend my life underground. Everyone else can go into the desert

with their mates and enjoy the freedom.”

“I told you we weren’t discussing this anymore. Please be on your best behavior whenhe arrives. I want you to look presentable. First impressions are important.”

“Yes mother.”

Mr. Fennec already had the food ready by the time Eve and Mrs. Fennec enter the

dinning chamber. “Everything alright?” he asked.

“Yes dear. I just had to make sure our daughter was groomed before our guest comes.

Any sign of him?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“He’ll be here shortly. He seems pretty reliable.”

Soon there was a voice calling from the entrance. “Hello Fennec family! Is anyone

inside?” The male who was to be Eve’s future husband emerged. “There you are.”

“Good evening Adam,” Mr. Fennec greeted him. “Have a seat.”

“Thank you sir. That’s quite a spread you have there.”

“Adam, we’d like to introduce you to our daughter Eve.” Mrs. Fennec had to nudge

Eve to cue her to stand up. “Eve, this is Adam, the mate we chose. He’s among the dominate

males in the east river pack.”

“Please sir, there’s nothing much to praise about me. I would like to know more about

my mistress.”

Eve was shy, but she was eventually comfortable enough to answer Adam’s questions.“Well, what would you like to know?”

“What are your hobbies?”

“Hobbies? What’s that?”

Adam was confused. How could anyone not know what a hobby is? “What do you do

when you’re bored?”

“I don’t really do anything.”

“Nothing at all.”

“Eat and sleep is pretty much what I do all day. What about you?”

“I like to hang out with my buddies at the oasis. Different species gather there every

night to have fun. It’s like a festival of desert animals, and anyone is welcome. I can take you

there if you want.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Mrs. Fennec interrupted.

“Why not?”

“We have a certain rule that confines Eve to the den. We don’t want her to be in the

desert where caracals could get her.”

“She’s never left the den?”

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“No. Ever since she was born, we’ve kept her here to make sure Nukpana wouldn’t

take her as his lunch. That’s how we lost our two sons many years ago. We didn’t want that to

happen again,” Mr. Fennec added.

“I’m sorry. Don’t you think you went a tad over board? I mean, she’ll have to leave

the den some day.”

“When we first requested that you marry our daughter, we wanted you to respect ourrules. We just want to keep her safe.”

“I understand sir.”

Sneaking off to the desert

After dinner, Adam said his goodbyes and returned to his home. “Wasn’t he a sweet

 boy?” Mrs. Fennec asked.

“He seems nice. I just wish you let him give me the offer to join him at the oasis.”

“Honey, there’s no need to party with animals at the oasis. You can find better things

to do here. He’ll have to get use to the idea.”

“I suppose.”

“It’s getting late. You’re father and I are going to turn in for the night.”

“I’m not tired yet. I’ll stay up a little while longer.”

“Ok, just don’t stay up too late. Adam is supposed to be here tomorrow morning to

have breakfast with us.”

Eve sat by the entrance to gaze at the stars; it was the closest she could get to thedesert’s night life. Her eyes became heavy, but as her eyelids were closing she heard rustling.

It sounded like someone walking close by. “Hello? Is anyone out there?”

“Eve, it’s me Adam,” a voice said, but she couldn’t find it.

“Where are you?”

“Look behind you.” Eve turned around and saw Adam standing on a dune above the

entrance. “I thought you’d be up.”

“I thought you went home.”

“I told you I always go to the oasis at this time. I wanted to see if you still wanted to

go. I think you’d have fun there.”

“But my parents said it’s forbidden.”

“Are you really going to spend the rest of your life with your head in the ground?

There’s a whole world out there that you need to discover; so many wonders you are missing

and so much knowledge that you need to learn. Please come with me to the oasis. At least

have one night to remember.” How could Eve argue with that? Despite fearing what her

 parents would do if they found out, she took Adam’s offer and followed him to the oasis.

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Eve had never seen anything so beautiful. What caught her eye was the crystal clear

water that shined in the moonlight. The reflection made the surrounding palm trees glisten a

dark green. “Wow! No wonder you love coming here! It’s paradise!”

“You said a mouth full. My friends and I came here when we were pups, and we’ve been coming here ever since.”

“What are all those other animals?”

“Don’t worry, they’re all harmless. There’s elephants, gemsbok, camels, gazelles,

sand cats and other foxes like us. Want to meet them?” Eve was so excited that she ran into

the crowd before Adam asked her. He wasn’t going to hold her back; he figured that she

needed to know how much fun life could be.

There were animals in the trees, in the water, and rolling around in the cool sand as a

refreshment from the daytimes’ blistering heat. Eve was having the time of her life. She didn’t

realize how much trouble she was in. The fact that her parents might wake up and find her

gone didn’t concern her.

For the first time she bathed herself in water; up until that point she had been groomed

 by tongue. There was never enough water for her to swim in unless she was to go to the river.

Adam was with his friends when he found her walking away from the pool soaking wet.

“What happened to you?”


“I didn’t know you knew how to swim.”

“I don’t, but I taught myself just now. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your

friends?”“Of course. This is Harley, Indigo, and Turban. We’ve been pals since the day we

were born. Guys, this is the girl I was telling you about; my future wife.”

“Pleasure to meet you mademoiselle,” Indigo said as he bowed. “How does a scruffy

guy like Adam get a gal like you?”

“Actually he was chosen by my parents,” Eve replied.

“You two are in an arranged marriage?” Turban asked.

“Sort of, but we’re ok with it. I wouldn’t mind having Adam as my husband. Thanks

to him I having so much fun. I beginning to love the oasis just as much as you guys do, and

this is my first time.”

Harley winked at Adam. “You’ve got a keeper my man. It looks like you two will

complete each other. You certainly have the same adventurous qualities.”

“To tell you the truth, this is actually her first time outside of the den,” Adam said.

“You don’t say?”

“Yes. I wanted to show her how we live even if it’s only for a short time. It’s not right

that her parents keep her cooped up like that.”

“We hear you.”

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Party crasher

It was unusual for Nukpana to hunt in new areas, but he was desperate after going a

whole day without finding anything to eat. He wasn’t sure where to start looking, but he

followed his nose. The scent from fresh tracks led him to the oasis.

In his eyes, it was like a buffet of animals. He licked his chops as he slowly stalkedthe party. His pupils glowed in the moonlight. Anyone who wasn’t observant would never

notice those glowing, green orbs staring at them. However, the elephants sensed there was



The night was still young, and Eve wanted to stay longer. She wasn’t ready to go

home, for she had transformed into a regular party animal. Adam was having fun too, but he

made a promise to Mr. and Mrs. Fennec. “Aren’t you worried that your parents will wake up

without you there?”

“Not at all. They’ll get over it.”

“They specifically put me in charge of your safety. I think I should escort you back

home. You can never be too careful.”

“You sound like them now!”

“Eve, I don’t want them to think I can’t keep you safe, and right now I’m breaking the

 promise I made with them. If they find you missing, it’s me they’re going to punish. I don’t

think they’ll approve of me after that.”

“Them and their stupid rules!”

“They’re only trying to do what’s best for you. I brought you here to have a goodtime, and at least you have this memory to hold on to. Now let’s bring you home before they

wake up.”

They were about to leave when the elephants bellowed their warning. The animals

formed a stampeded, and Eve didn’t understand why they were frightened. “What’s going


“There’s a caracal nearby. We need to get out of here.” The chaos made it difficult for

Adam to see where they were going, so he turned around the other way. He was confused as

to which direction Eve’s den was.

 Nukpana’s mysterious figure was nothing but a shadow, and it made Eve was curious.

“I know the stories my parents told me, but what exactly is a caracal?”

“Teeth, paws, and a nasty attitude. That’s all you need to know! Let’s get out of here

 before we get crushed!” The wind made Nukpana’s senses lock onto Eve. He saw her staring

at him without knowing how much of a threat he was to her. Adam had to pull her away. “Eve

look out!”

The adrenaline rush made them run in the opposite direction of the river bank.

 Nukpana chased them for miles until they reached a rock formation where they found

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sanctuary in the cracks. Eve had never been so scared in her life. “We’re going to die!”

“No we won’t. Nukpana can’t reach us in here.”

“My parents told me he never gives up once he’s on the scent of an animal. There’s no

changing his mind.”

“That’s just a myth. Once he discovers that he can’t harm us, he’ll leave. For now, we

should spend the night in here. It’s not safe to bring you home while he’s in a hunger rage.I’m afraid your parents will have to worry for the time being.”

“I hope they don’t worry too much.”

Eve’s parents are missing

At dawn, Mr. Fennec woke up to start his search for breakfast. He passed by Eve’s

room to make sure she was sound asleep when he noticed that the chamber was empty. It

wasn’t like him to hallucinate in the morning, but he double checked to see if his mind was

 playing tricks. Eve wasn’t there. “Honey!”

Mrs. Fennec was angry that he woke her up, but she went to Eve’s room anyway.

“Darling, what’s with the wake up call? It’s only dawn.”

“Our daughter is missing!”

They looked around the room, but there was no sign of her. “Where could she have


“She might already be in the dining chamber.” She wasn’t there either. Mrs. Fennec

started hyperventilating. “Calm down, she has to be somewhere in this burrow. She knows it’sagainst the rules to be outside.”

“What worries me is that she isn’t up at this hour. Someone probably kidnapped her

while we were sleeping.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Mr. Fennec didn’t want to believe that their daughter was

abducted, but as time passed there was no other explanation as to why she was missing. “If

that’s the case, who could’ve done it?”

“Maybe it was Nukpana!”

“No. Nukpana wouldn’t be able to reach her in her room. It would have to be another

fox. Who would want to kidnap Eve?”

“The only other fox who knows her and where she lives is Adam, but he didn’t strike

me as the kind of fox who would do such a thing.”

“He did mention that it was wrong for us to keep Eve in the den at all times.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“He must’ve taken her to the oasis overnight.”

“Wouldn’t he worry that he would be punished if we woke up? Why didn’t he bring

her back?”

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“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.”

There was no sign of Nukpana anywhere, so Adam felt it was the perfect time to bring

Eve back home. “Dad normally wakes at dawn, so there’s no doubt that he’s notice my

absence,” Eve said.

“They will be thrilled to see us strolling in.”“I don’t think they’d be particularly happy with you. Seeing is how you’re the one

who brought me out last night, it’s you who is going to get the cold shoulder. Maybe I can

talk some sense into them.” When they reached the burrow however, Mr. and Mrs. Fennec

were gone. At first Eve thought they were out fishing, but she realized that her mother never

gets up at dawn. “Something’s wrong. My mom should at least be here.”

“Your dad must’ve seen your room empty and he told your mother. I’ll bet they went

out looking for you.”

“Are you kidding? They’re afraid of the desert.”

“Not afraid enough.”

“Now I’m worried about them. If Nukpana’s out there, he’ll find them and eat them

 just like he did with my brothers!”

“Relax! We’ll find your parents before Nukpana catches their scent.”

“How are we going to find them in such a vast desert? Just walking from here to the

oasis is enough to make me want to call off the search.”

“Just stick with me and we’ll find them. I know this desert like the back of my paw

and I’m friends with just about all its inhabitants. All we have to do is ask around; someone is

 bound to have seen them.”

Asking the gemsbok

Eve was scared to travel into the desert without knowing what to expect. She stayed

 by Adam’s side hoping he would protect her incase Nukpana tried to chase them again. The

oasis was the only thing she experienced since leaving the den, so naturally she observed her

surroundings with aw. “Adam, how come there aren’t as many trees and plants like at the


“The desert is too dry to have vegetation distributed through a wide range. That’s why

oasis’ are an animal’s delight.”

“The river bank has plenty of vegetation.”

“And aren’t there plenty of animals there as well?”


“Water is very scarce as you go deeper into the desert. Rain hardly falls in the

outskirts. I’ve been there many times before, and during the dry season it becomes a

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nightmare. Frankly I can’t understand why anyone would want to live out there.”

“Why do they?”

“I have yet to answer that question. There is someone I know out here. She’s a

gemsbok. They wonder around any part of the desert whether it’s wet or dry.”

“What’s her name?”

“Bessie. She’s the first one we’re going to ask.”


Bessie was feasting on a small patch of grass growing through one of the sand dunes

when she saw Adam. “If it isn’t the mischievous Adam come to pay me visit. Who have you

 brought with you?”

“This is my future mate, Eve.”

“Hello there Eve. My name is…”

“Bessie,” Eve interrupted. “Adam told me all about you. You’re a gemsbok right?

Pardon if I don’t know my animal kingdom. I don’t get out much.”

“Quite alright dear, and you nailed it on the head. I am a gemsbok. I was with my herd

an hour ago, but I decided to take a detour to call dibs on this delicious grass. I thought I’d

take some before my family finds it. Food has been slow since the dry season began. We’ve

 been searching for grass all day and this is my first sighting.”

“That’s terrible! Why don’t you reside somewhere where there’s bountiful grass?”

“Dear child, this has been our home for generations. We can’t just leave.”

“You’d be happy by the river bank where my home is. No animal goes hungry there.”

“That includes that caracals. We gemsbok choose not to go where caracals roam. Any

 place where other animals find food is an ideal hunting ground.”Adam cleared his throat to get the ladies’ attention. “Excuse me girls, but we’re

getting off track. Bessie, have you seen two fennec foxes walking aimlessly through the

desert? We’re looking for Eve’s parents. I was going to return Eve home when we found them


“It’s funny you should ask because I did see a pair of foxes heading north. They

looked lost. I tried to give them directions, but they ran away from me. Apparently they’ve

never seen a gemsbok before. My size tends to overwhelm small critters.”

“Thanks Bessie. We’ll be on our way now.”

“I hope you find them! Come back for a visit sometime soon!”

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Help from a mouse

Adam and Eve were on their way north where Bessie last saw Eve’s parents. They

weren’t sure exactly how far north they should go, but they were going to ask any animal in

their path.

The heat of mid afternoon made them tired. Eve couldn’t take another step becauseher exhaustion, so she sat in the blistering hot sand. “I don’t think I can walk anymore; not in

this heat anyway. We’ve been going north for an hour now. Are you sure Bessie’s directions

are trustworthy? We don’t seem to be getting anywhere.”

“We need to go further north.”

“For how long? We’ll get cooked if we stay out in the sun. It’s never been this hot

underground. No wonder my parents hated going outside during the day. Not only that, I’m


“I’ll find us something to eat. Wait here.”

Once Adam left to find lunch, a kangaroo mouse jumped in front of Eve. It wasn’t

even aware that she was examining him as he dug through the sand to find sand fleas. “Hi

there!” she said. The mouse ran away thinking she was going to eat him. “Come back sir, I

won’t harm you! I just wanted to say hello.”

“You mean you’re not going to eat me?”

“Of coarse not. Why would I do something like that?”

“Because foxes eat mice.”

“Really? I’ve only eaten fish all my life.”

“I hope you’re not looking for something new. I’ve been crawling in the sand all day!

I don’t taste good!”

“Slow down buddy! There is something I want to ask you.”“I don’t do well as a side dish so forget about it.”

“No, it has nothing to do with food. My boyfriend and I are looking for my parents.

Have you seen them?”

“You’re the first fox I’ve seen all day. I try to keep out of their sight. I’ve lost many

friends to foxes and sand cats.”

“Will you stop! I won’t eat you, I promise.”

“You seem like an honest creature, so I’ll apologize for being overly cautious. My

name is Maurice.”

“I’m Eve.”

“Well Eve, I didn’t see your parents, but I think I might know where they are. All

mice know the forbidden areas in the desert where our enemies hang around. The Land of

Stones is the best place to find missing foxes.”

“Where is that?”

“It’s a long ways away.”

Adam came back with nothing. He was worried that they wouldn’t have anything to

eat until he saw Eve talking with Maurice. “Well done Eve! You found lunch!”

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Eve stepped in front of Maurice to defend him. “Wait! This mouse if our friend, not

our lunch! His name’s Maurice.”


“Yes, and he has an idea on where my parents might be. Do you know where the Land

of the Stones is?”

“I’ve heard of it, but I’m not sure exactly where it is.”“I thought you knew this desert like the back of your paw.”

“Even an expert gets confused.”

“Well then, I guess there’s no choice but to let Maurice show us the way.”

“Say what?” Maurice was stunned. “You want me to come with you? I don’t think it’s

such a good idea.”

“Please? We need to get to the Land of the Stones and you’re the only one who knows

the way. If my parents are there, we can catch them before they leave.”

“If you’re that desperate, I suppose I can help you out.” Maurice climbed onto Eve’s

 back. “I suggest we be careful. There are caracals in the Land of the Stones, and they are

camouflaged in the cliffs. It’s the perfect place for an ambush.”

The sandstorm

The Land of the Stones was a different landscape than the rest of the desert. There

were few dunes and cliffs taller that a stack of five elephants reached for the sky. “This place

certainly lives up to its name,” Eve commented.

“Keep a sharp eye,” Maurice added. “There may be something watching us right now.Animals don’t come by here unseen.”

“I don’t smell anything suspicious. I think the mouse has been in the heat too long.

He’s obviously going crazy,” Adam said.

“I’m not crazy! I’m telling the truth. I’ve been in this land many times and there hasn’t

 been a single incident where I haven’t been stalked by a predator.”

“You’re mouse; everything tries to hunt you. Even the insects.”

“Scorpions give me the chills.”

“What are scorpions?” Eve asked.

“Giant bugs that have a stinger at the end of their tail. That stinger has mouse killing

 poison in it.”

“Do they kill foxes?”

“I’ve never heard of one attacking a fox, but it’s possible.”

“I hope we don’t come across one. I don’t even like sand fleas. They get caught in my

fur and I can’t do a thing about it. It’s painful when my mom finally decides to groom them


“That does sound painful.”

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“Tell me about it.”


 Nukpana was hiding in the rocks when he heard voices. A familiar scent passed his

nose, and when he looked at the bottom of the cliff he saw his dinner walking in his direction.He was going to have the main course with an appetizer and a dessert; he thought it must’ve

 been his lucky day.

Maurice was the first one to see Nukpana. Eve could feel him quivering on her back.

“What are you shaking for?”


“Where?” Adam asked, but he answered his own question when he looked at the top

of one of the stones.

 Nukpana carefully jumped down into the sand and startled the three travelers. “What

do we have here? Two foxes and a mouse. My wish came true, for I was just thinking about

what I was going to have for dinner. You know how to serve yourself as an instant meal,” he

said sinisterly.

“Get behind me Eve.” Adam sneered at Nukpana trying to display his readiness to

fight if the confrontation got too serious. “You listen to me, Nukpana. We don’t want any

trouble, so step aside before my teeth pierce your skin.”

 Nukpana laughed at the puny threat. “You’re so adorable I can’t take you seriously. I

would love to chat with you some more but I’m getting very hungry. Any last words?” The

wind started to pick up. Sand was hoisted into the air and it formed a sandstorm. Nukpana ran

away to find shelter.

“What’s happening!?” Eve yelled. Her eyes were closed due to the sand poundingagainst her face. Maurice buried his head in her fur to protect his eyes.

“It’s a sandstorm! We have to get out of here before it gets worse!”

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Fennec were caught in the sandstorm as well. They were

also in the Land of the Stones when it hit. “Come darling, we’re not going to make it through

in this maelstrom,” Mr. Fennec said.

“But my baby is out there in this! We have to find her!”

“She’s probably in a shelter by now. I don’t think she and Adam would be walking

through this. As for us, we better get somewhere safe before the sand buries us alive.” The

storm got heavier and visibility reduced to less than a mile. The only thing they could see was

rock silhouettes through the orange coated sky.

They managed to find a cave. It was the first time they were able to rest since they

started their rescue mission. “I promise we’ll begin our search once the sand settles.”

“Oh honey, I fear that our little girl is in peril. She’s never been outside of the den

 before and she has no idea what the world is really like.”

“I know you’re worried, but you can’t keep dwelling on what might happen if we

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don’t find her. That’s not the kind of spirit one wants when they are searching for someone.

Try to think good thoughts.”

Inside the cave

Adam, Eve, and Maurice were able to hide from the sandstorm underneath a bolder.

They’re notification that it was clear was three heads popping into their haven. It was Turban,

Harley, and Indigo! “What are you guys doing?” Harley asked.

“Staying out of the sandstorm,” Adam answered. “What are you three doing here? I

thought you’d be at the oasis by now.”

“That damn caracal made everyone paranoid. I’m afraid the oasis has been untouched

since you left. How did you end up in the Land of the Stones?”

“Bessie told us to go north, but then we met Maurice and he told us to come here.”

“Who’s Maurice?” Turban asked.

“I am,” Maurice waved his arms hoping that the three foxes would see him as a friend.

Unfortunately that’s not how Turban saw him.

“Oh goodie! I’m starving!”

“Hold it!” Eve screamed. “You can’t eat him. He’s our friend.”

“Since when does a fox befriend a mouse?”

“Since I came into the picture.”

“Whatever you say Eve. So tell us why this mouse wanted you to come here. It’s not

what you call an ideal dating spot.”“We’re not on a date! We’re looking for my parents!”

“What happened to them?” Indigo asked.

“They found out that I was missing so they’re somewhere in the desert looking for me.

We’re trying to find them so we can show them that I’m alright. Their biggest fear is me

 being out in the open for a caracal to eat me.”

“And you thought they’d be here?”

“That’s one of the theories. We were just following the mouse,” Adam replied.

“If that’s the case, you may want to check the cave over there. The sandstorm might

have sent them there. There really isn’t anywhere else to hide out here other than that

cave….and the boulder you’re under.”

Indigo led them to the cave but then decided not to go in. “What’s the matter? To

scared of what may be inside?” Adam said tauntingly.

“Cave’s aren’t my thing. You go ahead. We’ll wait out here.”

Eve was so excited about seeing her parents that she dashed into the cave. Adam had

to stop her. “Wait! You can’t just barge into a cave without seeing if it’s stable. Caves have a

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way of giving in when you least expect it.”

“Oh? And how many caves have you explored?”

“Enough to know such knowledge. A cave almost collapsed on me once and I vowed

that it would never happen again.”

“Have you been in this cave?”

“Not this particularly one, but if you see one you see them all. Stay by my side; it’seasy to get lost in here.”

The family reunites

Adam heard noises echoing through the caverns. Eve heard them too, but her hearing

wasn’t as acute. Maurice’s fear grew as they journeyed deeper into the cave. He didn’t have a

 problem with darkness; it was the voices that made him nervous. “Can we get out of this

cave? It’s giving me the creeps.”

“Not until we find my parents. Those voices sound like them.”

“I hope your parents don’t look at me as a tasty snack.”

“If they do I will prevent them from harming you.”

“Bless you Eve.”

The voices got louder. Adam called back to them to see if they would respond, and

they did. “Who’s there!?” a male voice yelled.

“My name is Adam! I’m with Eve and Maurice! Who may I asked are you?”

The voice didn’t answer Adam; it talked with the other voice that it was with it. “It’sthem! They’re here in the cave!” Eve knew that that was her dad. Mr. and Mrs. Fennec

appeared from around the corner. Tears of joy filled their eyes when they saw their daughter


“My little girl is unharmed!” Mrs. Fennec said as she embraced Eve. “Look at you!

You’re filthy! You need to be groomed right away!”

The moment of joy came to an abrupt end when Mr. Fennec chastised Adam. “You

traitor! How could you disobey us like that? We told you Eve wasn’t allowed outside the den

and you took her anyway. I am ashamed!”

“Let me explain sir. I was only trying to…”

“I don’t want an explanation! I expect rules to be followed, and you broke them. I

don’t want you marrying our daughter. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir.” Adam knew that he was no longer welcome to the Fennec family, so he left

the cave with his head down and his ears drooped. He was ashamed at himself for making a

 bad impression on his once future in-laws.

“Why did you do that, dad?” Eve asked in disappointment. “He was putting some life

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into my life. I never had so much fun.”

“Not another word young lady! You’re going home where we can keep an eye on you

at all times.”

“Mom! Aren’t you going to do something?”

“I’m sorry dear, but you’re father is right. It was wrong for Adam to break our rules.

He put you in danger. We can’t let him marry you if that’s the kind of lifestyle he’s going tointroduce to you.”

“Mom! Dad! You’re both being unreasonable. Don’t you think you’re overreacting?

It’s not like I died. He even saved me from Nukpa…” Eve had to cut herself off because she

was saying too much.

“You saw Nukpana?” Mr. Fennec asked with anger.

“Yes, but the sandstorm chased him away.”

“How dare that boy endanger your life like that!”

“He actually almost fought with Nukpana. He’s the only reason we weren’t torn limb

from limb.”

“I don’t want to hear this! Let’s get back to the den.”

Nukpana strikes again

Indigo, Harley, and Turban saw Adam and Maurice leaving the cave without Eve. At

first they guessed that something tragic happened, but they had to be sure. “Where’s Eve? Did

you find her parents?” Turban asked.“Yes. They’re taking her home.”

“Why aren’t you going with them? Isn’t there going to be a wedding?”

“I’m not invited.”

“What are you saying? You’re the husband! Of coarse you’re invited. Can I be your

 best man?”

“I want to be his best man!” Indigo argued.

“You two are wasting your time. He’s obviously going to choose me as his best man,”

Harley said.

“None of you are because there is no wedding.”


“Mr. and Mrs. Fennec don’t approve of me.”

“You’re the one they wanted to marry Eve. So they changed their mind?”

Adam nodded. “They told me that Eve wasn’t allowed to leave the den, and I broke

that one rule. They said that I was putting her in harm’s way, so they called off the wedding.

I’ll never see Eve again thanks to my consideration of showing her how great the world can


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The Fennecs were on their way home when Nukpana crossed their paths. “Did you

honestly think you’ll be leaving the Land of the Stones without seeing me again?” he asked

arrogantly. “When I catch the scent of my prey, I don’t ignore. I track that one animal until it becomes my meal!”

Mr. Fennec put his two girls behind him and tried to scare Nukpana away. “You’re not

touching my wife or my daughter. I’ll fight you to the bitter death!”

“You remind me of that other brave fox who stood up to me. I’m surprised he’s not

here defending the girls with you. Now step aside! It’s not you or your mate I’m after; it’s

your daughter!”

“Over my dead body!”

“Have it your way!” Mr. Fennec was thrown to the ground. The force of him hitting a

surfaced rock broke his leg. Since he was unable to fight, Nukpana ran after Eve and Mrs.

Fennec. They got themselves cornered by the cliffs.

Mr. Fennec yelped out a distress call that caught the attention of Adam. “Wait a

second boys, I hear Mr. Fennec. I better see what he wants.”

“You want to check on the one who told you that the marriage was off? Turban asked.

“I don’t think you should go over there.”

“Maybe you wouldn’t, but I would never turn the other cheek. By the sounds of his

cries it sounds serious.” Adam’s prediction were proven correct. He found Mr. Fennec lying

in the sand with his injured paw twitching involuntarily. “My goodness! What happened?

Where’s Eve and Mrs. Fennec?”

“Nukpana! He’s after them! Got to get help!”“Don’t worry, I’ll go get them.”

“But you can’t take on Nukpana by yourself.”

“I can handle it.” Adam helped Mr. Fennec stand up, and then he followed the paw

 prints leading the cliff where Nukpana had Mrs. Fennec and Eve trapped. “Leave the girls


Once again Nukpana was amused. “Look who’s come back to face me. The little hero.

Are you ready to get thrashed, hero?”

“You don’t scare me!”

“I suppose I’ll have to kill you first.”

“Give it your best shot.” Adam jumped onto Nukpana’s back with lightning speed and

grabbed the back of his neck. Nukpana wasn’t fazed by the pain of teeth burying into his skin,

 but he was agitated by another animal occupying his back. Eve and Mrs. Fennec could believe

their eyes; they’d never seen a fox stand up to a caracal before, at least not one that was


As the battle heightened, Nukpana eventually got Adam onto the ground. All seemed

lost until Harley, Indigo, and Turban showed up. Adam got onto his feet and joined them.

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They ganged up on Nukpana, biting and clawing him to the point where he was forced to run


A mistake was made

Eve was relieved that Adam and the others weren’t harmed. She was however

concerned about Mr. Fennec. “Where’s my father? Did you see him before you came after

us?” she asked.

“Yes. Let’s see if he’s ok.”

Mr. Fennec limped towards them. His paw was still sore, but he was still able to walk.

He too was relieved to find his family was safe. “Thank goodness you’re all alive! I feared

that something might’ve happened to you.”

“Honey! What did that nasty caracal do to your paw?” Mrs. Fennec asked.

“I’m fine. It’s just a sprained paw. I’m more interested on how my girls are.”

“We’re alright thanks to Adam.”

“Where is the lad?” Adam presented himself from behind the crowd. He bowed to

show respect. “No need to do that my boy. I’m glad that you’re safe too. To tell you the truth,

I was scared when you went after Nukpana.”

“You were?” Adam said in bewilderment.

“Indeed. Nukpana is powerful, and the odds of a fox winning a battle with him are a

million to one. I’m glad you were victorious.”

“That’s not the best part dad,” Eve interrupted. Nukpana ran away from them.”

“Them?”“Yeah! We helped!” Indigo shouted.

“You did?”

“Yes sir. Its seems that the predator has become the prey. I don’t think Nukpana will

dare mess with us again.”

Mr. Fennec put his attention on Adam. It took him courage to admit that he was

wrong, and he had to report it in front of his wife, his daughter, and his future son in-law.

“Listen lad, I think I may have said some things that shouldn’t have been said. I realize now

more than ever that you would be willing to risk your life for Eve. Considering the

circumstances, I believe you have earned our approval once more.”

Adam’s spirits were lifted. “You mean I can marry your daughter?”

“Yes. You’re the perfect mate for her. A true protector.”

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Adam and Eve’s wedding

On the day of the wedding, everyone that Eve met during her time in the desert arrived

at the river bank to see the newly weds. Bessie was there with her herd. They decided that

since Nukpana was gone, they would be free to graze the vegetation near the river.

“Congratulations my dear. You’re finally married!” she yelled with excitement.“I’m having a hard time believing it too,” Eve replied.

Maurice was there as well. He and his mouse friends were welcomed to the wedding

and given VIP rights that prevented other animals from viewing them as snacks. The foxes

who were there had a hard time accepted mice as their friends, but Eve made sure everyone

got along. “Way to go Adam and Eve!” he said.

Harley, Turban, and Indigo were all made best man. Adam couldn’t make his final

decision with all their bickering. Even at the wedding they were harassing each other as to

who was the better best man.

It was difficult for Mr. and Mrs. Fennec to let their baby go. Adam wanted to take Eve

to the oasis, but he asked them first. “Go to the oasis and have a good time,” Mrs. Fennec said


“Seriously?” Adam asked again.

“Yes. Now you have our permission to go.”

“Be careful of Nukpana,” Mr. Fennec said. After seeing Adam and Eve’s stunned

face, he started laughing. “I’m just kidding. Have a good time at the oasis.”

Eve’s years spent in a burrow were over. She finally had freedom, and she shared that

freedom with the one who taught her that the world is more than a threat. The world is also a

 place for peace and sanity, a place where lives start and where lives thrive with the hope of aneven better afterlife. She owed it all to Adam.


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