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Hilaire Belloc 1870 1953

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Hilaire Belloc 1870 1953


    Hilaire Belloc 1870 1953

    Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre.

    Portrait de lcrivain pour les ditions W. Heinemann (1903)Activits dput, crivain, dessinateurNaissance 27 juillet1870La Celle-Saint-CloudDcs 16 juillet1953GuildfordLangue d'criture anglaisMouvement Catholicisme socialGenres posie, biographie, essais historiques

    The Path to Rome (1902) La Croisire de la Nona (1925)

    Joseph Hilaire Pierre Ren Belloc (n La Celle-Saint-Cloud le27 juillet18701et mort Guildford le16 juillet1953)est uncrivainanglo-franaiset historiennaturalis sujet britanniqueen 1902. L'un des crivain britanniques les plusprolifiques desannes 1920, il se consacra tout autant la satire et la polmique qu' la posie et au roman ; il tait enoutre trs engag en politique et fut unmilitant catholiqueopinitre, aux cts deG. K. Chesterton. D'abord prsidentde lOxford Union, il fut ensuitedputde Salford de 1906 1910. Reprsentant du catholicisme libral, il proposa unealternative au socialisme dans son livre L'tat servile. Belloc est pass la postrit pour ses crits potiques,notamment ses contes morauxet ses pomes religieux. Les plus connus sont : Jim, who ran away from his nurse, andwas eaten by a lion et Matilda, who told lies and was burnt to death.Un tudiant atypique Sa mre, Elizabeth RaynerParkes (18291925), petite-fille du fameux chimiste JosephPriestley, tait elle-mme crivain. Elle avait pous en 1867 le conseiller juridique Louis Belloc, lui-mme fils dupeintre Jean-Hilaire Belloc. Louis Belloc, ruin par des spculations boursires, mourut en 1872, et sa jeune veuveemmena alors ses deux enfants, Hilaire et Marie-Adladeen Angleterre. Belloc, de pre franais et de mre anglaise,passa son enfance en Angleterre Slindon, petite ville dont il gardera toute sa vie la nostalgie : on en retrouve l'chodans certains de ses pomes, tels, "West Sussex Drinking Song", "The South Country", et le plus mlancolique de tous,"Ha'nacker Mill". Sa sur, Marie Belloc Lowndes, devint romancire. Aprs des tudes auprs de John Henry Newmanchez les Oratoriens Edgbaston, Birmingham, Belloc choisit d'effectuer son service militaire en France, et fut affect aurgiment d'artillerie de Toul en 1891. Il entreprit ensuite des tudes d'histoire Balliol College (Oxford) et y obtint lespremires places ; ce furent pour lui des annes exaltantes, qu'il clbrera l encore dans ses pomes : "Balliol made me,Balliol fed me/ Whatever I had she gave me again". Dou d'une excellente constitution et d'une nergie peu commune,il pratiquait volontiers lamarche, et s'y adonna toute sa vie que ce soit en Grande-Bretagne ou sur le continent. Pourrallier le domicile de sa future femme, l'Amricaine Elodie Hogan, dont il avait fait connaissance en 1890, Bellocn'hsita pas traverser pied une bonne partie du Middle West pour rejoindre le nord de la Californie, payant lesfermiers qui l'hbergeaient de croquis et de dclamation de ses propres pomes. Il pousa finalement Elodie en 1896, et

    en 1906 acheta la proprit deKing's LandShipley, dans leSussex de l'ouest o il passa l'essentiel du reste de sa vie.Elodie donna Hilaire Belloc cinq enfants avant de mourir d'une grippe en 1914. Belloc ne se remit jamais de cettedisparition, et conserva intacte la chambre de son pouse2.'artillerie_(France)'ouest'ouest'artillerie_(France)'ouest
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    Carrire politique Belloc, licenci s arts deBalliol College (Oxford) en 1895, tait un personnage de l'universit, quifut mme lu prsident de cettesodalitvoue aux dbats tous azimuts qu'on appelle Oxford Union. Amrement dupar le refus de sa candidature3 au grade de fellow de All Souls College (1895), il opta pourtant pour la nationalitbritannique afin de se lancer dans la politique. Entre 1906 et 1910, il sigea en tant que dputlibraldeSalford South,mais l aussi, il accumula les dsillusions : au cours d'un discours de campagne, comme un homme l'interpelait et luidemandait de justifier qu'il n'tait pas un papiste , il se saisit duchapelet qu'il avait dans sa poche et rpondit : Cher

    Monsieur, je m'efforce d'aller la messe chaque jour et de prier genoux, et je prie avec ceci toutes les nuits ; si celavous offense, alors je prie Dieu de m'pargner l'indignit de vous reprsenter la Chambre 4. Sur quoi la foulel'acclama et Belloc remporta le scrutin. Son fils Louis, qui servait dans le Royal Flying Corps, fut tu en servicecommand dans le Nord de la France en 1918. Belloc fit placer un ex-voto dans la cathdrale de Cambrai, dans lachapelle latrale o se trouve la clbre icne de Notre-Dame de Cambrai. Dans les annes 1930, il pratiquait la voileautant que ses moyens le lui permettaient et devint un yachtsmanrput, remportant plusieurs courses. On lui fit dond'un cotre, le Jersey, avec lequel, aid de coquipiers plus jeunes, il fit pendant plusieurs annes le tour des ctes del'Angleterre. L'un de ses compagnons, Dermod MacCarthy, a donn un rcit de souvenirs de ces navigations : Sailingwith Mr Belloc . Belloc fut frapp d'une attaque crbrale en 1941, dont il ne se remit jamais vritablement. la suited'une chute dans sa proprit de King's Land, il fut intern l'hpital de Guildfordo il mourut5 le 16 juillet 1953. Il estinhum dans le chur de Notre-Dame de la Consolation de West Grinstead, dont il tait un paroissien assidu. Dans sonhomlie, MgrRonald Knox dit de lui : No man of his time fought so hard for the good things. Le polmiste Vivant essentiellement de sa plume, Belloc n'eut d'activit salarie que pendant la Grande Guerre, en tant

    que correspondant du journal Land and Water. Ses revenus furent toujours modestes. Son activit de pamphltaireconnut son apoge dans les annes 1920 avec la critique vhmente qu'il fit de l'essai historique de H. G. WellsintitulOutline of History : il reproche notamment l'auteur son parti-pris athe et dnonce lvolutionnisme et la thorie de laslection naturelle, ses yeux profondment discrdites. Wells se plaignit que dbattre avec M. Belloc revient lutter contre une tempte6. La pointe critique de Belloc propos de Outline of History est reste clbre : il concdeque le livre de Wells est inspir et fort bien crit jusqu' l'apparition de l'Homme, c'est--dire autour de la page sept 7. Wells rpliqua par une brve apostille intitule Les objections de M. Belloc (Mr. Belloc Objects8) ; quoi Belloc,pour garder la main, rpondit par un M. Belloc persiste et signe (Mr. Belloc Still Objects). Le mdiviste britanniqueG. G. Coulton critiqua ses conceptions dans un article intitul Mr. Belloc on Medieval History (1920). l'issue d'unelongue joute littraire, Belloc publia son tour un pamphlet, The Case of Dr. Coulton (1938). Le style qu'adopta Belloc l'ge mr est conforme au surnom de sacr tonnerre (Old Thunder) qu'on lui donnait dans sa jeunesse. Son ami,Lord Sheffield, rappelait son temprament imptueux dans une prface qu'il composa pour La Croisire de la Nona 9 Dans un de ses romans de voyage, Les Quatre Hommes (The Four Men), Belloc parat doter les principaux

    personnages de diffrentes facettes de sa personnalit. L'un d'eux improvise pour Nol une chanson boire, dont voiciun extrait :

    'May all good fellows that here agreeDrink Audit Ale in heaven with me,And may all my enemies go to hell!Noel! Noel! Noel! Noel!May all my enemies go to hell!Noel! Noel!'

    Or les autres personnages jugent ces couplets maladroits et bancals : ainsi, tandis que les paroles refltent l'tat d'espritde Belloc, il sait faire preuve d'esprit critique envers lui-mme.uvres Auteur clectique, Belloc crivit sur une multitude de sujets allant de l'armement la posie en passant partous les thmes d'actualit : on l'a rang au nombre des Big Four de la littrature douardienne10 aux cts dH. G.Wells, George Bernard Shaw et G. K. Chesterton, les tnors des annes 1930. Belloc tait proche de Chesterton, et

    Bernard Shaw dsignait leur collaboration du sobriquet de Chesterbelloc. Comme on lui demandait pourquoi il crivaittant d'articles, il rpliqua : Parce que mes enfants raffolent de perles et de caviar11. Belloc tait d'avis que lalittrature doit avant tout fixer les canons du style, c'est--dire distinguer les uvres qu'un crivain doit considrercomme des modles de bonne prose ou de bonne versification. Quant son propre style en prose, il aspirait tre aussiclair et concis que la contine Mary had a little lamb. Essais et littrature de voyage Les meilleurs rcits de voyage de Belloc ont conserv un public dcennie aprsdcennie. Le plus clbre d'entre eux, The Path to Rome (1902), offre le rcit du plerinage pied que l'auteuraccomplit depuis Touljusqu' Rome en passant par les Alpes. Bien plus qu'un journal de voyage, on y trouve desportraits, des conversations rudites imaginaires, de courts pomes inspirs par les pays traverss, et surtout les croquisde paysages au crayon et la plume de Belloc. chaque page transparat lamour de lcrivain pour lEurope et pour leChristianisme qui, selon lui, l'a modele. Aux cts de Chesterton, E. V. Lucas and Robert Lynd, il tait l'un desessayistes les plus populaires des annes 1930. Dans un passage deLa Croisire de la Nona, Belloc, assis au gouvernailde son voilier sous le ciel toil, dvoile le fond de ses penses sur la Religion et l'Homme, chantant cette lumire d'orrpandue par toute la Terre par le battement des ailes de la Foi12. Posies Fichier:CautionaryTales-Belloc-Blackwell-cover.jpgCouverture originale des Cautionary Tales for Children,illustres par Basil T. Blackwood Ses cautionary tales, fables pleines d'humour au second degr avec un dnouement
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    invraisemblable ( Le Roi Henri, qui mchait des bouts de ficelle et connut une effroyable agonie , ou Rebecca, quifaisait claquer les portes pour s'amuser et prit misrablement ), illustres parBasil T. Blackwood(qui signait B.T.B.) puis parEdward Gorey, sont trs clbres Outre-manche. Malgr le choix du genre (du registre de la littratureenfantine), leur contenu satirique les destine surtout, comme les contes deLewis Carroll, au public adulte. La fable deMathilde la menteuse qui prit dans les flammes a t monte sur les planches par Debbie Isitt sous le titre MatildaLiar!. L'illustrateurQuentin Blakea dcrit Belloc comme un adulte autoritaire doubl d'un enfant turbulent.Roald Dahl

    poursuivit dans la mme veine que Belloc, mais ce dernier est plus grave et aussi plus amer :It happened to Lord Lundy thenas happens to so many menabout the age of 26they shoved him into politics ...

    qui se conclut surwe had intended you to bethe next Prime Minister but three ...

    Plus srieux sont ses Sonnets et Vers : dans ce recueil, Belloc dploie le mme art du rythme et de l'allitration que dansses contines. Ses thmes y sont le plus souvent religieux, parfois romantiques ; son rcit The Path to Rome est un longpome en prose.Essais conomiques et politiques Ses trois essais les plus clbres sont Ltat servile (1912), LEurope et la Foi (1920), etLes Juifs(1922). Belloc avait fait trs jeune la connaissance du cardinal Henry Edward Manning, qui avait

    converti sa mre au Catholicisme. Il fut vivement impressionn par l'engagement du prlat dans la grande grve desdockers de Londres en 1889, laquelle on retrouve des allusions dans The Cruise of the Nona (1925), et selon sonbiographe Robert Speaight, il faut voir l l'une des raisons de sa haine du capitalismedbrid13, ainsi que de plusieursaspects dusocialisme. Avec dautres penseurs chrtiens (CeciletG. K. Chesterton, Arthur Penty) Belloc avait imaginune sorte de troisime voie socio-conomique, ledistributisme. DansLtat servile, qu'il composa alors que sa carrire politique venait de sachever, puis dans dautres essais, sa critique de lordre conomique moderne et duparlementarismel'amne proposer cette nouvelle doctrine, non comme une perspective ou un programme conomiquenovateur, mais plutt comme un retour l'ordre ancien, celui des socits catholiques europennes traditionnelles. Ilappelle la dissolution des parlements et leur remplacement par des syndics des diffrents secteurs de la socitcivile, ide que l'on retrouve chez d'autres penseurs de la rvolution conservatrice sous le nom de corporatisme ;cependant il faut dire que l'idal de Belloc, comme celui des chrtiens sociaux de l'Entre-deux guerres, est biendavantage une rminiscence du corporatisme d'Ancien Rgime ( palo-corporatisme ), rfrence un Moyen geidalis, qu'un corporatisme au sens des idologues fascistes, qui est une synthse de productivisme dtat et de

    capitalisme paternaliste. la lumire de cette doctrine, Belloc produisit toute une srie de biographies controverses degrands hommes, parmi lesquels Olivier Cromwell, le roi Jacques II etNapolon Bonaparte. Ces essais sont autant deprtextes vanter lorthodoxie catholique et critiquer divers aspects du modernisme. Hors du champ acadmique,Belloc s'agaait de ce qu'il appelait l histoire officielle , ses yeux une relle imposture14. Joseph Pearce relve aussiles attaques de Belloc contre lescularismedont est empreint lessai de H.G. Wells intitul Outline of History: Bellocsopposait la prise de position tacitement anti-chrtienne, qui clatait particulirement dans le fait qu'il avait, dans sonHistory, consacr davantage de pages la campagne des Perses contre les Grecs qu' la naissance du Christianisme15. Il crivit aussi souvent sur l'histoire militaire et ne ddaignait pas mme luchronie : dans ce genre, il contribua un recueil de John Squire,If It Had Happened Otherwise (1931).

    Religion La Foi, c'est l'Europe, et l'Europe, c'est la Foi : par ces mots, Belloc montre la valeur identitaire etculturelle que lecatholicisme revt ses yeux. Il dveloppa ce point de vue de multiples reprises dans ses crits de lapriode 19201940, qui dans le monde anglophone sont toujours cits comme exemplaires de lapologtique catholique,et opposs aux ides de Christopher Dawson, son contemporain. Adolescent, Belloc avait perdu la foi ; mais une crisespirituelle, sur laquelle il ne s'est jamais exprim, et pourtant laquelle il est fait allusion dans La Croisire de la Nona,le rconcilia dfinitivement avec le catholicisme. Selon son biographe A.N. Wilson, Belloc ne s'est jamais totalementdtourn de la foi16. La crise spirituelle est dcrite en dtail dans The Path to Rome (pp. 158161) : elle a eu lieu dans levillage dUndervelier l'heure des vpres: Non sans larmes, je considrai la nature de la croyance (...) c'est une bonnechose de ne pas avoir revenir vers la foi 17. Le catholicisme de Belloc tait sans compromis : pour lui, lglise tait lefoyer et la demeure de lEsprit de l'Homme18. De faon plus lgre, le mot de Belloc : Partout o brille le soleil ducatholicisme, on trouve l'amour, les rires et le bon vin19 , rsume son apologie de la culture catholique. Il n'avait quedes mots mprisants pour l'anglicanisme, et ne mchait pas ses mots pour dcrire les hrtiques : Hrtiques, do quevous soyez, De Tarbes, de Nmes ou dOutre-mer,vous naurez de moi nulle compassion ;Caritas non conturbat me20.Dans sa Complainte sur lhrsie plagienne , il se fait mme plus grinant encore, dcrivant comment lvquedAuxerre, De sa massive crosse piscopale si furieusement cognait, de-ci, de-l tous hrtiques, grands ou rabls ,quils auraient prfr le gibet21

    Quelques titres

    Romans historiques Danton (1899) Robespierre (1901)'Angleterre'Angleterre'Angleterre'Angleterre'Angleterre'Angleterre
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    Richelieu (1929)Essais politiques

    L'tat servile (1912) L'Europe et la Foi (1920)

    Livres satiriques Le Livre des btes pour les enfants mchants (1896)

    Livres pour enfantsPremiers vers pour enfants publis en1898et illustrs par Basil Blackwood

    Matilda, l'horrible petite menteuse (illustration de Posy Simmonds) Philibert(illustrations de Quentin Blake) - conte moral Btes pour de vrai (illustrations de Tony Ross)

    Divers Histoire de l'Angleterre (1925-1931)


    Le contrle de la production des richesses est le contrle de la vie humaine elle-mme. Je suis fatigu de lamour, encore plus de la posie, mais largent me procure immanquablement du plaisir. Tout lart du discours politique consiste ne rien mettre dedans. Cest plus difficile quil ny parat. J'ai oubli le nom du lieu, le nom de la fille, mais le vin ... tait du Chambertin.

    Quand une uvre est russie, le fait est que ce n'est pas simplement un homme qui en est l'auteur, mais unhomme inspir.

    Notes et rfrences

    1. Priestley Toulmin, The Descendants of Joseph Priestley, LL.D., F.R.S. , dans The NorthumberlandCounty Historical Society Proceedings, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, The Society, vol. XXXII, 1er juin 1994, p. 36

    2. The Point(aot 1958).3. Au dbut de l'examen de sa candidature par les doyens de l'universit, il plaa sur la table une statuette de la

    vierge Marie, ce qui aurait mal dispos les jurs son gard.4. Citation originale : Sir, so far as possible I hear Mass each day and I go to my knees and tell these beads

    each night. If that offends you, then I pray God may spare me the indignity of representing you in Parliament.5. Sa succession a t value 7 451 .6. Citation originale : "Debating Mr. Belloc is like arguing with a hailstorm".

    7. Citation originale : "up until the appearance of Man, that is, somewhere around page seven."8. Wells, H. G., Mr. Belloc Objects, to the Outline of History, Watts & Company, London, 19269. Time and again I have seen him throw out a sufficiently outrageous theory in order to stimulate his

    company, and, be it said, for the pleasure of seeing how slowly he might be dislodged from a position he hadpurposely taken up knowing it to be untenable...Of course Belloc was prejudiced, but there were few who knewhim who did not love his prejudices, who did not love to hear him fight for them, and who did not honor himfor the sincerity and passion with which he held to them. Once the battle was joined all his armoury wasmarshalled and flung into the fray. Dialectic, Scorn, Quip, Epigram, Sarcasm, Historical Evidence, MassiveArgument, and Moral Teaching --of all these weapons he was a past master and each was mobilised and madeto play its proper part in the attack. Yet he was a courteous and a chivalrous man. A deeply sensitive man, hiswas the kindest and most understanding nature I have ever known. In spite of a rollicking and bombastic sidehe was as incapable of the least cruelty as he was capable of the most delicate sympathy with other people'sfeelings. As he himself used to say of others in a curiously quiet and simple way, 'He is a good man. He will go

    to Heaven.'10. Cf. (en)The Poetry Archive[archive].11. Citation originale : "Because my children are howling for pearls and caviar."12. Texte original : "That golden Light cast over the earth by the beating of the Wings of the Faith."13. Raymond Williams,Culture and Society, p. 186:Belloc's argument is that capitalism as a system is breaking

    down, and that this is to be welcomed. A society in which a minority owns and controls the means ofproduction, while the majority are reduced to proletarian status, is not only wrong but unstable. Belloc sees itbreaking down in two ways on the one hand into State action for welfare (which pure capitalism cannotembody); on the other hand into monopoly and the restraint of trade. There are only two alternatives to thissystem: socialism, which Belloc calls collectivisme; and the redistribution of property on a significant scale,which Belloc calls distributivisme.

    14. Il y a un gros livre intitul A Cambridge History of the Middle Ages , 1er volume. Il fait 759 pages en

    petits caractres... et l'on n'y parle pas une fois de la messe. C'est un peu comme si vous deviez crire unehistoire de la diaspora juive sans parler de synagogue, ou de l'Empire Britannique sans Londres ou la RoyalNavy (Letters from Hilaire Belloc, d. Hollis and Carter, p. 75).
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    15. Joseph Pearce : Belloc objected to his adversary's tacitly anti-Christian stance, epitomized by the fact thatWells had devoted more space in his "history" to the Persian campaign against the Greeks than he had givento the figure of Christ

    16. D'aprs A.N. Wilson,Hilaire Belloc, Hamish Hamilton, p. 10517. "...not without tears (...) I considered the nature of Belief. is a good thing not to have to return to the

    faith." (cit dans Wilson :Hilaire Belloc, pp. 105106.

    18. D'aprs l'introduction de A.N. Wilson aux Posies Compltes de Belloc, d. Pimlico (1991)19. "Wherever the Catholic sun does shine, there's love and laughter and good red wine."20. "Heretics all, whoever you may be/ In Tarbes or Nimes or over the sea/ You never shall have good words

    from me/ Caritas non conturbat me".21. "...with his stout Episcopal staff/ So thoroughly thwacked and banged/ The heretics all, both short and tall/

    They rather had been hanged"ref>.Bibliographie

    (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalit issu de larticle de Wikipdia enanglais intitul Hilaire Belloc (voirla liste des auteurs)

    C. Creighton Mandell and Edward Shanks,Hilaire Belloc, the man and his work(1916) Douglas Jerrold et al.,For Hilaire Belloc (1942) (d. Douglas Woodruff), Robert Hamilton,Hilaire Belloc; An Introduction to his Spirit and Work(1945) Renee Haynes,Hilaire Belloc (British Council, 1953) Frederick WilhelmsenHilaire Belloc: No Alienated Man. A Study in Christian Integration (1953) J. B. MortonHilaire Belloc: A Memoir(1955) Marie Belloc Lowndes,The Young Hilaire Belloc, Some Records of Youth and Middle Age (1956) Robert Speaight The Life of Hilaire Belloc (1957) John P. McCarthynHilaire Belloc: Edwardian Radical(1978) A. N. WilsonHilaire Belloc (1984) Jay P. Corrin, G. K. Chesterton & Hilaire Belloc: The Battle Against Modernity (Ohio University Press, 1991) Joseph Pearce, Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc (2002) Anthony Cooney,Hilaire Belloc: 1870-1953 (1998), (ISBN 0-9535077-3-4). Tim Rich, "On a Monkey's Birthday: Belloc and Sussex" (2006), rd. dans Common Ground: Around Britain

    in Thirty Writers (Cyan Books) (ISBN 1-904879-93-4). David Boyle,Hilaire Belloc and the Liberal revival: Distributism - an alternative Liberal tradition? ,Journal

    of Liberal History, n40, automne 2003

    La campagne de Shipleyet lemoulin vent(King's mill), pour la reconstruction duquel Belloc se mobilisa.

    Lieu de spultureLe caveau de famille Gros plan sur lpitaphe. Plaque commmorant son action au sein de laparoisse,
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    Hilaire Belloc

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Born 27 July 1870 La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France

    Died 16 July 1953 (aged 82) Guildford, England

    Occupation Writer, Member of Parliament(1906-1910)

    Nationality French-British

    Period 1896-1953

    Genres Poetry, History, Essays,Politics,Economics, Travel literatures

    Spouse(s) Elodie Hogan, 1896-1914

    Joseph Hilaire Pierre Ren Belloc (English: /h l r b lk/ ; French:[il b l k] ; 27 July 1870[1] 16 July 1953) was

    an Anglo-Frenchwriterand historian who became a naturalisedBritishsubject in 1902. He was one of the most prolificwriters inEngland during the early twentieth century. He was known as a writer, orator, poet, satirist, man of letters andpolitical activist. He is most notable for his Catholic faith, which had a strong impact on most of his works and hiswriting collaboration with G. K. Chesterton. He was President of the Oxford Union and laterMPfor Salford from 1906to 1910. He was a noted disputant, with a number of long-running feuds, but also widely regarded as a humane andsympathetic man. His most lasting legacy is probably his verse, which encompasses cautionary tales and religiouspoetry. Among his best-remembered poems are Jim, who ran away from his nurse, and was eaten by a lion andMatilda, who told lies and was burnt to death. Recent biographies of Belloc have been written byA. N. Wilson andJoseph Pearce.Family and careerBelloc was born in La Celle-Saint-Cloud, France to a French father and an English mother, and grew up in England.Much of his boyhood was spent in Slindon, West Sussex, for which he often felt homesick in later life. This isevidenced in poems such as, "West Sussex Drinking Song", "The South Country", and even the more melancholy,

    "Ha'nacker Mill". His motherElizabeth Rayner Parkes(18291925) was also a writer, and a great-granddaughter of theEnglish chemist Joseph Priestley. In 1867 she married attorney Louis Belloc, son of the French painterJean-HilaireBelloc. In 1872, five years after they wed, Louis died, but not before being wiped out financially in a stock marketcrash. The young widow then brought her son Hilaire, along with his sister, Marie, back to England where he remained,except for his voluntary enlistment as a young man in the French artillery. After being educated at John HenryNewman'sOratory School inEdgbaston,Birmingham, Belloc served his term of military service, as a French citizen,with an artillery regiment nearToulin 1891. After his military service, Belloc proceeded toBalliol College, Oxford, asa History scholar. He went on to obtain first class honours in History, and never lost his love for Balliol, as is illustratedby his verse, "Balliol made me, Balliol fed me/ Whatever I had she gave me again"s]]. In 1896, he married ElodieHogan, an American. In 1906 he purchased land and a house called King's Land at Shipley, West Sussex where hebrought up his family and lived until shortly before his death. Elodie and Belloc had five children before her 1914 deathfrom influenza. After her death, Belloc wore mourning for the remainder of his life, keeping her room exactly as shehad left it.[2]His son Louis was killed in 1918 while serving in the Royal Flying Corps in northern France. Belloc placeda memorial tablet in the Cathedral at nearby Cambrai. It is in the same side chapel as the noted icon, Our Lady ofCambrai. Belloc suffered a stroke in 1941 and never recovered from its effects. He died on 16 July 1953 in Guildford,Surrey, following a fall he had at King's Land. He is buried at the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation of West Grinstead,where he had regularly attended Mass as a parishioner. [3] At his funeral Mass, homilist Monsignor Ronald Knoxobserved, "No man of his time fought so hard for the good things." Church website [1]Political career An 1895 graduate ofBalliol College, Oxford, Belloc was a noted figure within the University, being

    President of the Oxford Union, the undergraduate debating society. He went into politics after he became anaturalised British subject. A great disappointment in his life was his failure to gain a fellowshipatAll SoulsCollege in Oxford in 1895. This failure may have been caused in part by his producing a small statue of theVirgin and placing it before him on the table during the interview for the fellowship. From 1906 to 1910 hewas a Liberal PartyMember of ParliamentforSalford South, but swiftly became disillusioned with partypolitics. During one campaign speech he was asked by a heckler if he was a "papist." Retrieving his rosary

    from his pocket he responded, "Sir, so far as possible I hear Mass each day and I go to my knees and tell thesebeads each night. If that offends you, then I pray God may spare me the indignity of representing you inParliament." The crowd cheered and Belloc won the election. His only period of steady employment was from,_Oxford,_Oxford,_West_Sussex,_Oxford,_Oxford,_Oxford,_Oxford,_West_Sussex,_Oxford
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    1914 to 1920 as editor ofLand and Water, a journal devoted to the progress of the war. Otherwise he lived byhis pen, and often fell short of money.

    In controversy and debate

    Belloc first came to public attention shortly after arriving at Balliol College, Oxford as a recent French army veteran.Attending his first debate of the Oxford Union Debating Society, he saw that the affirmative position was wretchedlyand half-heartedly defended. As the debate drew to its conclusion and the division of the house was called, he rose from

    his seat in the audience, and delivered a vigorous, impromptu defense of the proposition. Belloc won that debate fromthe audience, as the division of the house then showed, and his reputation as a debater was established. He was laterelected president of the Union. He held his own in debates there with F. E. Smithand John Buchan, the latter a friend.[4][5] He was at his most effective in the 1920s, on the attack against H. G. Wells's Outline of History, in which hecriticized Wells' secular bias and his belief in evolution by means of natural selection, a theory that Belloc asserted hadbeen completely discredited. Wells remarked that "Debating Mr. Belloc is like arguing with a hailstorm". Belloc'sreview ofOutline of History famously observed that Wells' book was a powerful and well-written volume, "up until theappearance of Man, that is, somewhere around page seven." Wells responded with a small book, Mr. Belloc Objects.[6]

    Not to be outdone, Belloc followed with, "Mr. Belloc Still Objects." G. G. Coulton, a keen and persistent academicopponent, wrote on Mr. Belloc on Medieval History in a 1920 article. After a long simmering feud, Belloc replied witha booklet, The Case of Dr. Coulton, in 1938. His style during later life fulfilled the nickname he received in childhood,Old Thunder. Belloc's friend, Lord Sheffield, described his provocative personality in a preface to The Cruise of theNona.[7] In Belloc's novel of travel, The Four Men, the title characters supposedly represent different facets of the

    author's personality. One of the four improvises a playful song at Christmastime, which includes the verse:'May all good fellows that here agreeDrink Audit Ale in heaven with me,And may all my enemies go to hell!Noel! Noel! Noel! Noel!May all my enemies go to hell!Noel! Noel!'

    The other characters regard the verse as fairly gauche and ill-conceived, so while part of Belloc may have agreed withthis song, it is not necessarily representative of Belloc's personality as a whole.Hobbies

    During his later years, he would sail when he could afford to do so. He became a well known yachtsman. He won manyraces and was in the French sailing team. [citation needed] In the early 1930s, he was given an old Jersey pilot cutter calledJersey. He sailed this for some years around the coasts of England, with the help of younger men. One of them, Dermod

    MacCarthy, wrote a book about his time on the water with Belloc, called Sailing with Mr Belloc.WritingSee also: Hilaire Belloc bibliography Belloc wrote on myriad subjects, from warfare to poetry to the many currenttopics of his day. He has been called one of the Big Four of Edwardian Letters, [8] along with H.G.Wells, GeorgeBernard Shaw, and G. K. Chesterton, all of whom debated with each other into the 1930s. Belloc was closely associatedwith Chesterton, and Shaw coined the term Chesterbelloc for their partnership. Asked once why he wrote so much,[9]heresponded, "Because my children are howling for pearls and caviar." Belloc observed that "The first job of letters is toget a canon," that is, to identify those works which a writer looks upon as exemplary of the best of prose and verse. Forhis own prose style, he claimed to aspire to be as clear and concise as "Mary had a little lamb."Essays and travel writing

    His best travel writing has secured a permanent following. The Path to Rome (1902), an account of a walkingpilgrimage he made from central France across the Alps and down to Rome, has remained continuously in print. Morethan a mere travelogue, "The Path to Rome" contains descriptions of the people and places he encountered, hisdrawings in pencil and in ink of the route, humor, poesy, and the reflections of a large mind turned to the events of histime as he marches along his solitary way. At every turn, Belloc shows himself to be profoundly in love with Europeand with the Faith that he claims has produced it. As an essayisthe was one of a small, admired and dominant group(with Chesterton, E. V. LucasandRobert Lynd) of popular writers. There is a passage in The Cruise of the Nona whereBelloc, sitting alone at the helm of his boat under the stars, shows profoundly his mind in the matter of Catholicism andmankind; he writes of "That golden Light cast over the earth by the beating of the Wings of the Faith."Poetry

    HisCautionary Tales for Children; humorous poems with an implausible moral, beautifully illustrated by Basil TempleBlackwood(signing as "B.T.B.") and later by Edward Gorey, are the most widely known of his writings. Supposedlyfor children, they, like Lewis Carroll's works, are more to adult and satirical tastes: Henry King, Who chewed bits ofstring and was early cut off in dreadful agonies.[10]A similar poem tells the story ofRebecca, who slammed doors forfun and perished miserably. The tale ofMatilda who told lies and was burnt to death was adapted into the play MatildaLiar! by Debbie Isitt.Quentin Blake, the illustrator, described Belloc as at one and the same time the overbearing adultand mischievous child.Roald Dahl was a follower. But Belloc has broader if sourer scope:It happened to Lord Lundy thenas happens to so many men,_5th_Baron_Sheffield,_5th_Baron_Sheffield,_5th_Baron_Sheffield
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    about the age of 26they shoved him into politics ...leading up towe had intended you to bethe next Prime Minister but three ...Of more weight are Belloc's Sonnets and Verses, a volume that deploys the same singing and rhyming techniques of his

    children's verses. Belloc's poetry is often religious, often romantic; throughout The Path to Rome he writes inspontaneous song.History, politics, economics

    Three of his best-known non-fiction works are The Servile State(1912),Europe and Faith (1920) andThe Jews(1922).From an early age Belloc knew CardinalHenry Edward Manning, who was responsible for the conversion of his motherto Roman Catholicism. Manning's involvement in the 1889 London Dock Strike made a major impression on Bellocand his view of politics, according to biographerRobert Speaight. Belloc described this retrospectively in The Cruise ofthe Nona (1925); he became a trenchant critic both of unbridledcapitalism,[11]and of many aspects ofsocialism.With others (G. K. Chesterton, Cecil Chesterton, Arthur Penty) Belloc had envisioned the socioeconomic system ofdistributism. In The Servile State, written after his party-political career had come to end, and other works, he criticizedthe modern economic order and parliamentary system, advocating distributism in opposition to both capitalism andsocialism. Belloc made the historical argument that distributism was not a fresh perspective or program of economicsbut rather a proposed return to the economics that prevailed in Europe for the thousand years when it was Catholic. He

    called for the dissolution of Parliament and its replacement with committees of representatives for the various sectors ofsociety, an idea popular among Fascists under the name ofcorporatism. Original corporatism, sometimes called "paleo-corporatism", was a system that predates capitalism and fascism. Paleo-corporatism was based around the guilds of theMiddle Ages and served to appoint legislators. Neo-corporatism is a fascist system that merges the state with thecapitalistic corporations and the corporations then are directed by the state, under nominal private ownership. Belloc'sviews fit medieval paleo-corporatism rather than neo-corporatist fascism.[citation needed] With these linked themes in thebackground, he wrote a long series of contentious biographies of historical figures, including Oliver Cromwell,JamesII, andNapoleon. They show him as an ardent proponent of orthodox Catholicism and a critic of many elements of themodern world.Outside academe, Belloc was impatient with what he considered to be axe-grinding histories, especially what he called"official history."[12] Joseph Pearce notes also Belloc's attack on the secularism of H.G. Wells's popularOutline ofHistory:Belloc objected to his adversary's tacitly anti-Christian stance, epitomized by the fact that Wells had devotedmore space in his "history" to the Persian campaign against the Greeks than he had given to the figure of Christ. He

    wrote also substantial amounts of military history. Inalternative history, he contributed to the 1931 collectionIf It HadHappened Otherwiseedited bySir John Squire.Reprints

    Ignatius Press of California and IHS Press of Virginia have been reissuing Belloc. TAN Books of Charlotte, NCpublishes a number of Belloc's works, particularly his historical writings.ReligionOne of Belloc's most famous statements was "the faith is Europe and Europe is the faith"; this sums up his stronglyheld, orthodoxCatholicviews, and the cultural conclusions he drew from them. Those views were expressed at lengthin many of his works from the period 19201940. These are still cited as exemplary of Catholic apologetics. They havealso been criticised, for instance by comparison with the work of Christopher Dawsonduring the same period. As ayoung man, Belloc lost his faith. Then came a spiritual event which he never discussed publicly, and which returnedhim to and confirmed him in his Catholicism for the remainder of his life. [citation needed] Belloc alludes to this return to thefaith in a passage in The Cruise of the Nona. According to his biographer A.N. Wilson ( Hilaire Belloc, HamishHamilton), Belloc never wholly apostatized from the Faith (ibid p. 105). The momentous event is fully described byBelloc in The Path to Rome (pp. 158161). It took place in the French village of Undervelier at the time of Vespers.Belloc said of it, "not without tears", "I considered the nature of Belief" and "it is a good thing not to have to return tothe faith". (SeeHilaire Belloc by Wilson at pp. 105106.) Belloc's Catholicism was uncompromising. He believed thatthe Catholic Church provided hearth and home for the human spirit. [13]More humorously, his tribute to Catholic culturecan be understood from his well-known saying, "Wherever the Catholic sun does shine, there's always laughter andgood red wine." He had a disparaging view of the Church of England, and used sharp words to describe heretics, suchas, "Heretics all, whoever you may be/ In Tarbes or Nimes or over the sea/ You never shall have good words from me/Caritas non conturbat me". Indeed, in his "Song of the Pelagian Heresy" he becomes quite strident, describing how theBishop ofAuxerre, "with his stout Episcopal staff/ So thoroughly thwacked and banged/ The heretics all, both short andtall/ They rather had been hanged".On Islam

    Belloc's 1937 bookThe Crusades: the World's Debate, he wrote, Our fathers all but re-established the spiritual masteryof Europe over the East; all but recovered the patrimony of Rome... Western warriors, two thousand miles and morefrom home, have struck root and might feel they have permanently grasped the vital belt of the Orient. All seaboardSyria was theirs and nearly the whole of that "bridge", a narrow band pressed in between the desert and the sea, the all-
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    important central link joining the Moslem East to the Moslem West... Should the link be broken for good by Christianmastery of Syria, all Islam was cut in two and would bleed to death of the wound.Since the Crusaders missed that chance, Islamsurvived and eventually overwhelmed the Crusader bridgehead in theMiddle East. For Belloc this was not a matter of old history: Islam continued to pose a threat. He wrote, The story mustnot be neglected by any modern, who may think in error that the East has finally fallen before the West, that Islam isnow enslavedto our political and economic power at any rate if not to our philosophy. It is not so. Islam essentially

    survives, and Islam would not have survived had the Crusade made good its hold upon the essential point of Damascus.Islam survives. Its religion is intact; therefore its material strength may return. Ourreligion is in peril, and who can beconfident in the continued skill, let alone the continued obedience, of those who make and work our machines? ... Thereis with us a complete chaos in religious doctrine... We worship ourselves, we worship the nation; or we worship (somefew of us) a particular economic arrangement believed to be the satisfaction of social justice... Islam has not sufferedthis spiritual decline; and in the contrast between [our religious chaos and Islam's] religious certitudes still strongthroughout the Mohammedan world lies our peril. In The Great Heresies (1938), Belloc argues that, although, "ThatMohammedanculture happens to have fallen back in material applications; there is no reason whatever why it shouldnot learn its new lesson and become our equal in all those temporal things which now alone give us our superiority overitwhereas inFaith we have fallen inferior to it."[14]At the time of his writing, the Islamic world was still largely underthe rule of the European colonial powers and the threat to Britain was from Fascismand Nazism. Belloc, however,considered that Islam was permanently intent on destroying the Christian faith, as well as the West, which Christendomhad built. In The Great Heresies, Belloc grouped the Protestant Reformation together with Islam as one of the major

    heresies threatening the "Universal Church". Belloc cited the many beliefs and theological principles which Islamshares with Catholicism. For Belloc, the common ground includes the unity and the omnipotence, personal nature, all-goodness, timelessness and providence of God, His creative power as the origin of all things, and His sustenance of allthings by His power alone, the world of good spirits and angels and of evil spirits in war against God, with a chief evilspirit, the immortality of the soul and its responsibility for actions in this life, coupled with the doctrine of reward andpunishment after death, the Day of Judgment with Christ as Judge, and the Lady Miriam (Mary) as the first amongwomenkindand exactly which, in Belloc's view, identify it as a heresy: where Islam decisively diverges fromCatholicism (and Christianity in general) is the "denial of the Incarnation and all the sacramental life of the Church thatfollowed from it"withIslam regarding Jesus as a merely human Prophet.Accusations of anti-Semitism

    For fuller discussion, see section in G. K.'s Weekly Belloc has been deemed by some to be anti-Semitic and notconcerned to conceal his views. A. N. Wilson's biography expresses the opinion that Belloc had a tendency to allude toJews in conversation, in a seemingly obsessive fashion on occasion. Anthony Powell's review of that biography

    contains Powell's opinion, that Belloc was thoroughly anti-Semitic, except at a personal level. There are a number ofgrounds on which the accusations of anti-semitism have been based. He was repeatedly critical, from his days in politicsonwards, of the influence Jewish people had on society and the world of finance. In The Cruise of the Nona, Bellocreflected equivocally on theDreyfus Affairafter thirty years.[15]Norman Rose's bookThe Cliveden Set(2000) poses thequestion of whetherNancy Astor, a friend of Belloc's in the 1930s until they broke over religious matters, wasinfluenced by him against Jews in general. [16]On the other hand, Canadian broadcaster Michael Corenwrote: Belloc'spolemics did periodically drift into the realms ofbigotry, but he was invariably a tenacious opponent of philosophicalanti-Semitism, ostracized friends who made attacks upon individual Jews, and was an inexorable enemy of fascismandall its works, speaking out against Germananti-Semitism before theNational Socialists came to power. Robert Speaightcited a letter by Belloc in which he pilloried Nesta Websterbecause of her accusations against "the Jews". In February1924, Belloc wrote to an American Jewish friend regarding an allegedly anti-Semitic book by Webster. Webster hadrejected Christianity, studied Eastern religions, accepted the Hindu concept of the equality of all religions and wasfascinated by theories ofreincarnation and ancestral memory.[17]Belloc expressed his views very clearly: In my opinion

    it is a lunatic book. She is one of those people who have got one cause on the brain. It is the good old 'Jewishrevolutionary' bogey. But there is a type of unstable mind which cannot rest without morbid imaginings, and theconception of a single cause simplifies thought. With this good woman it is the Jews, with some people it is theJesuits,with others Freemasonsand so on. The world is more complex than that.[18] Speaight also points out that when facedwith anti-Semitism in practiceas at elitist country clubs in America before World War IIhe voiced his disapproval.Belloc condemned Nazi anti-Semitism in The Catholic and the War (1940): The Third Reich has treated its Jewishsubjects with a contempt for Justice which even if there had been no other action of the kind in other departments wouldbe a sufficient warranty for determining its elimination from Europe... Cruelty to a Jew is as odious as cruelty to anyhuman being, whether that cruelty be moral in the form of insult, or physical... You may hear men saying on every side,'However, there is one thing I do agree with and that is the way they (The Nazis) have settled the Jews'. Now thatattitude is directly immoral. The more danger there is that it will grow the more necessity there is for denouncing it. Theaction of the enemy toward the Jewish race has been in morals intolerable. Contracts have been broken on all sides,careers destroyed by the hundred and the thousand, individuals have been treated with the most hideous and disgustingcruelty... If no price is paid for such excesses, our civilisation will certainly suffer and suffer permanently. If the menwho have committed them go unpunished (and only defeat in war can punish them) then the decline of Europe, alreadyadvanced, will proceed to catastrophe. (pages 29ff.)'s_Weekly's_Weekly
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    Dennis Barton[19] has defended Belloc at length. He notes that Belloc condemned wild accusations against the Jews, inhis own book, The Jews. Belloc's open praises for the Jews (particularly in "The Jews, Chapter IV The General Causesof Friction") is further evidence that his anti-Semitism, to the degree that it existed, stemmed rather from unexaminedcultural or personal prejudices than from conscious hostility to the Jews.In the media

    Stephen Fry has recorded an audio collection of Belloc's children's poetry.

    A notable admirer of Belloc was thecomposerPeter Warlock, who set many of his poems to music. A well-knownparodyof Belloc by Sir John Squire, intended as a tribute, is Mr. Belloc's Fancy. Syd Barrett, a founder ofPink Floyd, was a fan. His song "Matilda Mother" was drawn directly from verses in

    Cautionary Tales, and was rewritten when Belloc's estate refused permission to record them. The Bellocversion has been released on a 40th anniversary reissue ofThe Piper at the Gates of Dawn.

    See also

    Poetry portal

    Hilaire Belloc's booksNotes

    1. ^ Toulmin, Priestley (1 June 1994), "The Descendants of Joseph Priestley, LL.D., F.R.S.", The Northumberland County Historical Society Proceedings (Sunbury, Pennsylvania: The Society)XXXII: 36

    2. ^ The Point(August 1958).3. ^ His estate wasprobated at 7,451.4. ^ Sir John Simon who was a contemporary at Oxford, described his "...resonant, deep pitched

    voice..." as making an "...unforgettable impression".5. ^ Francis West, Gilbert Murray, p.107 describes Murray's impression on an occasion in 1899:In July

    [...] [Murray] attended a meeting on the principles of Liberalism, at which Hilaire Belloc spokebrilliantly although Murray could not afterwa