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Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation

Jun 01, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Highway Maintenance andRehabilitationHighway Maintenance andRehabilitation


    Highway Engineering


    Highway Engineering

    Espinosa, E.Espinosa, E.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    A. Highway MaintenanCE

    - the preservation and keeping of each type of

    roadway, roadside, structures and facilities as nearly as

    possible in its original condition as constructed or as

    subsequently improved the operation of highway facilities

    and services to provide satisfactory and safe


    -- AAH!"

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



    #. Highway programs and activities are measured by the

    amount of e$penditures for construction of new

    facilities and reconstruction of e$isting structure with the

    aim of keeping up with the traffic demand.

    %. &aintenan'E has its own role( by giving priority to local,

    rural ) urban facilities particularly the paving )

    rehabilitation after the contruction has been completed.

    *. &aintenan'E is focused on the DO BETTERMENT


  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Categories of MaintenanCE :

    Road Surface

    Shoulder and Aroach


    "raffic Services

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Road Surface MaintenanCE

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    MaintenanCE Oerations re#uires:

    #. +or Gravel Roads, blading and periodic reshaping or

    resurfacing is a routine for periodic maintenan'E


    %. +or Surface Treatment of low type bituminous

    pavement, maintenan'E could be patching, seal coating,

    remi$ing and relaying.

    *. +or Slick s!"alt Surface# roughening, burning or non

    skid seal is required.

    . +or Concrete Road# maintenan'E could be removal

    and replacement or filling of damaged areas.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Shoulder and Aroach

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    MaintenanCE of Shoulder and Aroach:

    #. Sod S"oulders should be removed andperiodically bladed down to the roadway elevation to

    avoid entrapment of water in the travelled way.

    %. Grass prevent soulder erosion.

    *. Gravel and Eart" shoulder should be maintained

    by blading under favorable weather conditions.

    . Ruttin$ and Settin$ the shoulder should be

    corrected at once by reconstruction or re- surfacing.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation




    $ngenious Machine %sed


  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Conditions for the MaintenanCE of Roadside:

    #. f the roadside is full of /A, mo%in$

    closer to the shoulder is the answer.

    %. f the roadside has dry /A considered as

    fire ha0ard, &urnin$ or !lo%in$ is the


    *. f bushes cover the back-slope, trimmin$ is

    necessary to maintain clearance and sight


  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    a. Mec"anical Sod Cutter

    b. Com&ined Seed ' (ertili)er S!reader

    c. Po%er Mo%ers

    d. Porta&le Grass Cutter

    e. Bus" Mo%er

    f. Bus" C"o!!er

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    a.&echanical od 'utter

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    b. 'ombined eed ) +ertili0er preader

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    c. 1ower &owers

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    d. 1ortable rass 'utter

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    e. 2ush &ower

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    $ngenious Machine %sed:

    f. 2ush 'hopper

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



    ' !he means of removing surplus water orliquid waste

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    &rainage MaintenanCE:

    #. Cleanin$of ditches, culvert, drop inlets and

    catch basins to accomodate free flow of water.

    %. Removal of sediments, branches and other

    debris gathered at trash racks, culvert and structure


    *. Re!air of eroded channels and dikes.

    . /iprap and bank !rotection to prevent


  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    !ridge MaintenanCE: (

    #. +or steel &rid$e structure, the routinemaintenance calls for cleaning by sandblasting,

    flame or other means of repainting.

    %. 'leaning and re-sealing of deck *oints that are

    e$truded or filled with dirt.

    *. /epair of drainage "andrails.

    . /e-surfacing of rough or slicky deck surface.

    3. 'orrect serious scour around the!ier ' a&utments.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    !ridge MaintenanCE: )

    4. &ost bridges maintenance is considered s!eciali)ed%ork.

    5. 'oncrete &rid$e decks normally deteriorate due to

    deicing salts.

    6. 'orrection is to remove the concret, clean the steel and

    apply new materials such as!ol+mer concrete.

    7. ometimes, seal-out overlay of as!"alt materials are

    used as protective covering.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    !ridge MaintenanCE: *

    #8. 'heck the &rid$e deckdeterioration by(

    a. Applying waterproof membranes.

    b. Applying late$ modified concrete.

    c. mpregnating the deck with polymers.

    d. 1assing electric current through reinforcing


    ##. f decks are dismantled, an epo$y coated reinforcing

    steel may be used.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    "raffic Services

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    "raffic Services

    Maintenance oerations of highway includes thetraffic services li+e :

    tripping is a continuing functions

    /epair of road signs &aintenance of street and highway light and signals.

    'oping up w9 emergencies.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    !. Rehabilitation

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    ,ave-ent Rehabilitation

    - is an activity primarily to provide good riding and

    skid resistance or to improve the structural effectiveness

    of the pavement.

    - :resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation work,

    restoring the original safe usable condition w9o addition to

    the original capacity;

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Objectives :

    Source : AASH"O

    #. !o improve the smoothness of the road


    %. !o e$tend the pavement life.

    *. !o improve the skid resistance of the road.

    . !o construct the sections with poor


    3. !o improve the drainage facilities.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    "he Efficiency of highway syste- could be

    rated by :

    #. ufficiency ratings.

    %. Accident data.

    *. kid tests.

    . &aintenance report.

    3. 1ublic comments and suggestions.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Others :

    a. /esurfacing

    b. /estoration and /ehabilitation

    c. 1avement &aintenance

    d. ?efinition of terms

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



    t is the addition of pavement layer over the e$istingroadway or bridge deck surface to provide additional


    @ote (

    !he additional re-surface pavement should not be less than

    %8 mm in thickness.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Restoration Rehabilitation

    !his includes (

    #. /eplacement of defective oints.

    %. /epair of spalled oints.

    *. ubstantial pavement work

    . /eworking or strenthening of sub-base.

    3. /ecycling e$isting materials to improve their

    structural integrity.

    4. Adding under drains

    5. mproving houlders

    6. /emoving ) replacing deteriorated materials.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    ,ave-ent MaintenanCE

    !his refers to actions that are corrective or


    /econstruction - refers to the removal of e$isting

    pavement and replacing them w9 a new pavement and under


    "verlays - could be either by 1ortland cement or Asphalt

    concrete laid on an e$isting pavement.

    /ecycling B means repeated use of e$isting materials

    working on asphalt materials, portland cement or lime.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



    enerally, recycling contribute to the stabili0ation of cost

    conservation due to inadequate material resources and reducton

    of energy requirements.

    ,A/EME0" REC1C2$03 is categori0e into (

    #. !he type of materials to be used.

    %. !he 1rocedure to be employed.

    *. !he strucutural benefit to be gained.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation



    /ecycling procedures are as follows (

    #> urface /ecycling

    %> n place urface and 2ase /ecycling

    *> 'entral 1lant /ecycling

    ,2EASE4 2E" ME E5,2A$0

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    &efinition of "ERMS

    Surface Roughness

    - defined as irregularities in the pavement surface that

    adversely affect the riding quality.

    Surface &istress

    - any indication of unfavorable pavement

    performance or signs of impending failure, or any

    unsatisfactory performance is a sort of failure

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    Any type of distress that may be observed

    includes any one of the ff (

    a> 6racture associated with load and non-load


    b> &istortion is a permanent deformation of


    c> &isintegration such as spalling, ravelling and

    other failure of the pavement.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    SOME ,O$0"S "O REMEM!ER 77

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    +or each &istress "ye4 the corresponding

    damage, severity and locations are specified. All data

    are gathered and indicated in the survey form as guide.

    n case of Surface &eflection4 measurement in the

    changes of the pavement surface level between the

    loaded and unloaded segment is the basis for

    rehabilitation design strategy.

    ?istress observations could be of static deflection,

    steady state of deflection or by the impact load

    response as determined by the ?ynaflect and +alling

    =eight ?eflection respectively.

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    C/+A'E +/'!"@ is determined from gathered

    data identifying a pavement section having a low

    coefficient of friction. !here are equipment available to

    determine the skid number. t is measured a locked

    wheel trailer or by the Daw

    &ode !railer where the wheels are skewed in

    accordance with the direction of !/AEF ...

  • 8/9/2019 Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation


    "HA08S M%CH6OR "HE "$ME

    A0& E66OR"

    for 2$S"E0$03999 .

    HA,,1 ;OR2& "EACHER< =$0S"R%C"OR< &A199