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Higher Apprenticeship Programme Higher Apprenticeship Programme n An ‘earn while you learn’ alternative to securing a Level 4 Diploma, or if you already have that degree, this is a chance to specialise n A permanent position when you satisfactorily complete the whole programme n Two year development programme n Starting salary of £23,500 p.a. rising to circa £33,000 on programme completion n A fully-funded Level 4 Diploma with the potential to lead to a Foundation Degree n Vacancies Nationwide n Start date of September 2016 n Blend of formal training in London and at our Nottinghamshire centre combined with practical application and experience at your local office facility n Our state of the art academy training facility in Nottinghamshire hosts a 100 bedroom lodge. Your safety and security is our number one priority and we take our pastoral care responsibilities seriously n Recruiting people from their local communities is important to us and ensures you have a great support network both home and away n Ideal career path for females with the opportunity to work in teams in an office environment The programme is a blend of formal training in London and at National Grid’s Training Academy in Nottinghamshire, combined with working alongside your team to develop your practical skills and knowledge. This is a brilliant career path for ambitious apprentices and female applicants are keenly encouraged. Wanted: Ambitious trainees The Higher Apprenticeship Programme has been established to develop and grow our own talent to make sure we have the right skills to look after our networks both now and in the future. This is a permanent position from day one, provided you successfully complete the two year programme. Higher Apprenticeship A4 2pp flyer.qxp_Layout 1 26/08/2015 14:50 Page 1

Higher Apprenticeship Programme - Brooke Weston · Higher Apprenticeship Programme ... National Grid’s Training Academy in Nottinghamshire, ... Chemistry, Biology or Computing)

Jul 10, 2018



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Page 1: Higher Apprenticeship Programme - Brooke Weston · Higher Apprenticeship Programme ... National Grid’s Training Academy in Nottinghamshire, ... Chemistry, Biology or Computing)

Higher ApprenticeshipProgramme

Higher Apprenticeship Programme

n An ‘earn while you learn’ alternative to securing a Level 4 Diploma, or if you already have that degree, this is a chance to specialise

n A permanent position when you satisfactorily completethe whole programme

n Two year development programme

n Starting salary of £23,500 p.a. rising to circa £33,000on programme completion

n A fully-funded Level 4 Diploma with the potential to lead to a Foundation Degree

n Vacancies Nationwide

n Start date of September 2016

n Blend of formal training in London and at ourNottinghamshire centre combined with practical applicationand experience at your local office facility

n Our state of the art academy training facility inNottinghamshire hosts a 100 bedroom lodge. Your safetyand security is our number one priority and we take ourpastoral care responsibilities seriously

n Recruiting people from their local communities is importantto us and ensures you have a great support network bothhome and away

n Ideal career path for females with the opportunity to work in teams in an office environment

The programme is a blend of formal training in London and atNational Grid’s Training Academy in Nottinghamshire,combined with working alongside your team to develop yourpractical skills and knowledge.

This is a brilliant career path for ambitious apprentices andfemale applicants are keenly encouraged.

Wanted:Ambitious trainees

The Higher Apprenticeship Programme hasbeen established to develop and grow our owntalent to make sure we have the right skills tolook after our networks both now and in thefuture. This is a permanent position from dayone, provided you successfully complete thetwo year programme.

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Page 2: Higher Apprenticeship Programme - Brooke Weston · Higher Apprenticeship Programme ... National Grid’s Training Academy in Nottinghamshire, ... Chemistry, Biology or Computing)

Cyber Security - Warwick

Cyber Security is one of the newest and most important growth areas in our complex and

interconnected world. At National Grid, we take it very seriously, and have dedicated a

Digital Risk and Security (DR&S) division entirely to managing cyber risk. As well as carrying

out many cross-business, national policy and critical engineering functions, the team lead

the cyber-security and risk management for all gas and electricity transmission in the UK

and US. A challenging role with unprecedented scope

n 2-year programme

Solutions Architect - Wokingham and Warwick

You will build your knowledge of the software development lifecycle and gain experience of

delivering business value and using design and architecture tools. You will learn to support

the senior design authority on a project or programmes. Covering both the demand and

supply aspects, you’ll learn to make sure all solutions are in line while maximising National

Grid’s return on IS investment. To do this, you’ll work with a range of different people, from

direct partners to 3rd party suppliers. On top of all that, you’ll also maintain current and

leading practice - making it your mission to identify opportunities

n 2-year programme

Higher Apprenticeship Programme Entrance Requirements

n 2 A-Levels / A2: Grades A* - C (1 must be ineither Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology orComputing)

n BTEC National Certificate Level 3 in IT, Computing, IT Systems and Development, IT (Software Development), IT ( Business), ICT Systems and Principles, Computing(Software Engineering Stream) Grade Merit orDistinction

n BTEC Diploma Level 3 in IT, Computing, ITSystems and Development, IT (SoftwareDevelopment), IT (Business), ICT Systems andPrinciples, Computing (Software EngineeringStream) Grade Merit or Distinction

n HNC / HND in IT, Computing, IT Systems andDevelopment, IT (Software Development), IT (Business), ICT Systems and Principles,Computing (Software Engineering Stream) (Grade Pass, Merit or Distinction)

n Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Biology orComputing

Apply on-line at:

Vacancies to go live in September 2015

Apply early; applications will be screened on a first come first served basis

The closing date for applications is the 31st December 2015

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