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High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016

Mar 06, 2016



Mark Armstrong

Guided and Self Guided Walking Holidays in France and the UK.
Holidays range from gentle strolls through vineyards to high alpine trekking.
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  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    elcome to the 2016 edition ofour Walking Holidays Brochure.

    For those new to High Point Holidays, wehope youll enjoy browsing our walkingholidays which range from gentle strollsthrough beautiful vineyards to challenging

    mountain treks. There are walks to suit alltastes and abilities and most of ourholidays can be tailored to match yourreuirements. !o please don"t hesitate tocontact us to help us create that perfectholiday.

    #ll our cycling holidays can be viewedonline and in a separate brochure onreuest. #lso e$cluded from the brochureare a few self%guided holidays and somedestinations where we can run guided walksfor private groups or clubs. &f you are partof a walking group, then we can cater forlarger numbers, we have successfullyarranged self guided and guided bespokeholidays in recent years.

    &f youve yet to come on one of our walkingholidays, &d just like to tell you a bit aboutour philosophy. 'e aim to provide agenuine opportunity for you to feel part ofthe local way of life through our choice ofaccommodation, many of which provide fullor half board making our holidays e$cellentvalue for money. (uality of service andstandards are never compromised in

    providing the High Point e$perience and weare committed to bringing you a personaland fle$ible service to help you get themost out of your holiday. )ur aim is tomake your holiday the High Pointof youryear.

    So Whats New for 2016..

    'ell we have a fantastic new GuidedHolidayfor you in the Luberon. 'e havechosen early )ctober as a great time toe$plore the wonderful sights and scents ofthis corner of the Provence.

    *ew self guided holidays in Franceincludeone in the Correzee$ploring the uieterside of +ordogne with its remarkablevillages and beautiful scenery, and also aseries of l!inetreks which traverse theentire length of the French #lps from ake-eneva to *ice.

    For those wishing to e$plore more of theUKwe have a new self guided holiday inWaleson the North PembrokeshireCoast, a wild and remote journey down arugged coastline with tremendous views at

    every turn. #nd in England, we have ane$ploration of the western edge of theendi! Hills in "omerset with naturalwonders in the landscape like heddar-orge and -lastonbury Tor.

    astly, Thanks Again to everyone of youthat walked or cycled with us in /012.'e look forward to hearing from you soon.

    William rmstrong " Partner


    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!

    Jura Guided 2015

    ver photo: Vercors

    High Point Holidays

    Where the Experience is Everything

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    *ot all of our holidays are included in this brochure. For e$ample, a limitednumber of self%guided walking holidays in the 34 5 France, as well as somecycling holidays in France are not covered. &n addition, the brochure does notinclude all of the destinations where we are able to run guided walking holidaysfor private groups or clubs. 6ou can find more information about all of ourholidays on our web site7


    4he High /oint Holidays !erience

    'hat you can e$pect on a High Point Holiday including a detailedlook at the winner of our #ccommodation of the 6ear award

    6Wild rance

    'e take a closer look at the wilder side of France from the water%falls of the 8ura to the heights of the French #lps

    10-hoosing your Walking Holiday

    )ur guide to choosing the holiday thats right for you, including

    guided versus independent, other options and walking grades

    13Holiday 3iary 2016

    )ur guided walking holiday calendar, plus a selective list offestivals and events to tie in with your walking holidays

    15Walking Holidays in rance

    )ur walking holidays in France by region, with a map and a fulldirectory list to help you find your perfect holiday

    61 Walking Holidays in the 45)ur selection of self%guided walking holidays in 9ngland and'ales

    66ra,el !tions

    )ptions for travelling to and from your walking holidays

    68ssential 7nformation 8 Booking

    &nsurance, how to book and our booking form

    89es /lus Beau :illages

    +iscover the rich variety of beautiful villages that you candiscover on our French walking holidays

    Contact us

    el; #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+






  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    a>ienne 8 /ascal at :illaoscana

    ocated in an elevated position andsurrounded by vines in the heart of the=eaujolais, Ailla Toscana is a charming1Bth century former wine making proper%ty. !ituated within the beautiful area of"ittle Tuscany", so called due to itssimilarly eye%catching landscape. #fter ahard days walking you can rela$ in theirgarden or use their outdoor pool. Theyalso have a beautiful well%being:spa areawhich is at your disposal during your stay.;eals are generous traditional family%stylecreations with local wine and are animatedby Pascals sense of humour. The roomsare tastefully decorated all in individualstyles and all ensuite.

    -ustomer -omments

    :illa oscana

    C'onderful hosts Fabienne 5 Pascal7 theyare a treasure.D T. 'hitehouse

    =eautiful setting, gorgeous garden andlovely old house. Fabienne 5 Pascal gave

    us such a wonderful welcome.D ! 5 8#llen

    Covely family, delicious and plentifulfood, gorgeous home.D P 5 ; #shton


    Focus on the BeaujolaisFocus on the BeaujolaisFocus on the BeaujolaisFocus on the Beaujolais

    =ireille 8 tienne at ,erlys

    !itting on a small ridge below the villageof ogny, +omaine des #verlys is a vine%yard set among the vines in the=eaujolais region. 'ith great views of thesurrounding countryside # tasteful mod%ern e$tension houses large and comforta%ble guest rooms. 6our hosts are bothe$ceedingly friendly and generous andnothing is ever too much trouble for;ireille.

    ;ireille provides delicious evening meals,traditional to the =eaujolais, whilst

    9tienne, who is very passionate about hiswines will talk you through his work inthe historic cellar with its dry stone roof.

    :alue or =oney&n creating our holidays we seek to match ual%ity with value for money in order to create ane$perience that can be enjoyed on a modestbudget. ;any of the holidays are full board andall prices are based on / people sharing aroom, unless otherwise statedE a singlesupplement being payable for single travellersor those not wishing to share a room on our

    guided holidays. 'ith the e$ception of localtransfers, travel to the holiday destination isnot included in the holiday package, allowingyou to make your own arrangements andtherefore benefit from any low cost flights orspecial deals offered by ferry companies. 'eaim to be clear and transparent as to what isincluded in the price of the holiday, seeindividual holidays for details.

    Auality of Ser,iceAalue for money is nothing without uality ofservice. 'e seek to ensure customer satisfac%tion with our holiday arrangements. &f you haveany specific comments or concerns relating to aholiday, then please don"t hesitate to contact

    us. &n order to ensure the continued improve%ment of our holidays, we kindly ask that youcomplete an evaluation form at the end of yourholiday.

    -ustomer -omments


    C9tienne 5 ;ireille were wonderfulhosts. 9$cellent viticulture talk andwine tasting. ovely meal.D # 5 *=lackhall

    CThe uality of the welcome, thewine instruction, the situation, theroom and the effusive personalitiesof ;ireille 5 9tienne.D H. Patrick

    CThe hosts at #verlys were [email protected] P. Toms

    9oyalty Scheme'e value each and every one of our customers but we like nothing morethan customers coming back year after year because they enjoy theauthentic and personalised High Point e$perience. That"s why we rewardreturning customers for their loyalty. # eturning ustomer ualifies for a

    /.2G discount on their holiday and subseuent holidaysE 2 trips ualifiesfor 2G discountE 10 trips and above 10G discount. !ee website for Termsand onditions.


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    Wild France

    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!

    orgeous+eep valleys and gorges can offersecluded and wild areas with tumblingstreams and dramatic waterfalls,making for a wonderful walkingholiday e$perience.

    &n the Curaour guided walking holidaye$plores the gorges or CreculDeD fromabove and below, including theHrisson valley which contains abreathtaking collection of I1 waterfallsin a Ikm stretch. The two mostfamous of the falls are the 9ventailwith its series of steps and the -randeascade which plunges J0m. )urCuraWine rail takes a linear course from#rbois in the north to =aume les;essieurs in the south, the dramatic

    location for the confluence of I gorges.see !ages #$ % #&'

    he Hills are li,e

    !ome of the wild mountainous regions ofthe #lps are home to an abundance ofuniue flora and fauna.

    The Aueyraslandscape is as diverse as itis spectacular. # large part of it is designat%ed a regional park which seeks to reconcilethe protection of wildlife and manstraditional activities. &ts fauna and flora ise$ceptional with chamois, ibe$, wolves,marmots, golden eagles and a vast array ofrare wild flowers.see !ages () % *('

    The =ercantouris acclaimed for being one

    of the wildest and most unspoilt parts ofthe French #lps. The pro$imity to the southcoast of France, gives these alpine moun%tains a ;editerranean touch with a largediversity of wildlife. There are over /000species of plants,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    A total of about 155 villaes across !ainland France and

    t"o in Corsica have been iven the pres#ious $!ost

    beau#ful villaes of France$ a"ard% &et us introduce 'ou

    to a fe" of our favourites%

    &es (lus )eau* Villaes

    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!


    The historic village of Baumes"les"=essieursis located in the wine region ofCurain a spectacular reculeKclosedgorgeL and surrounded by dramatic cliffs.&t"s houses are clustered around a Bthcentury =enedictine abbey, a magnificentomanesue e$ample, which contains oneof the greatest polychrome altarpieces in9urope. The valley is also home to cavesand picturesue waterfalls where water andlimestone are in permanent interaction.

    see !ages +' 8 +*; Cura Wine rail 8Cura 3isco,ery


    Perched on a hill, surrounded by the=eaujolais vineyards, ingtis one of thejewels of the >-olden !tones> region. Hometo craftsmen and artists the village has anumber of uaint lanes and alleys linedwith renovated limestone. 'ith a medievalpast, the village retains the ancient castlechapel and a dungeon, where from itstower, there are ama?ing views. see !ages1(F20 8 2' for BeauGolais holidays


    The birthplace of winegrowing in #lsace,the village of guisheimis proud of itsconcentric, cobblestone streets and itsfloral decorations. 9guisheim has hardlychanged in the last five centuries. Aisitorscan admire the beauty of its 1Jth and 1Nthcentury houses with their pointed roofs,bright colours and half%timbering. &tsnarrow alleyways wind in circles with largestone ramparts giving 9guisheim a uniue

    character and charm. see !age +(;lsace; :ineyards 8 =ountains


    The white stone buildings of ordesclingto the side of the Aaucluse plateau in the9u>eron. &t is one of the most well knownhill top villages in the region. The housesare arranged in tiers around the imposingenaissance castle and church and thenarrow cobbled streets wind their waythrough them. ;any artists have stayed inthe village and contributed to its fame andit plays host to many cultural events in

    summer with its museums, festival,concerts and numerous e$hibitions. see!ages )1 )$ 8 )+; -lassic /ro,ence 8/anoramas of /ro,ence.


    Perched on a cliff overlooking the ot andabout I0km upstream of ahors, thevillage of Saint"-irI"9a!o!ieis amasterpiece of medieval architecture.!urveyed by the fortified church, thehouses with their sloping, brown%tiledroofs are a harmonious sight lining thepicturesue alleyways. &t stands within theregional national park Parc naturelregional des Causses du Quercy. &n /01/this hamlet of only /1N inhabitants wascrowned France"s favourite village in avote by television viewers. &t is certainlyone of the major beauty spots of the otvalley. see !age $'; Serene 9ot :alleyrail


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016

    9/72*contactrun"les"Bains ingt





    -uremont in -orreJesee !age +1

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    uided or !ndependent Wal"ing#

    L'e certainly all had a brilliant time thanks to themagnificent efforts you made for us. ;igs and8acues were a magnificent duo, ordes is the perfectvenue and the hotel couldnt have been any bet%ter. The e$periences you set up over and above thepleasure of the walks were beyond all e$pectationsand & should like to reiterate my sincere thanks to you

    for everything.B. Wom>well Wokingham Health


    uided Wal"ing HolidaysSmall Walking rou!s;)ur guided walking holidays are typicallymade up of between < and M people. !mallgroups allow the guide to provide a morepersonalised and better uality of service.This also allows us to use smaller, more in%formal guest houses, which is not possiblewith larger groups. -roup guided walkingholidays are an ideal way to meet newpeople and make new friends and are ane$cellent means for single travellers to enjoythe company of like minded walkers. /leasenote7 )ur fi$ed date -uided 'alkingHolidays are generally not confirmed untilthe minimum number of < people has been

    reached. K'e can organise guided holidaysfor larger private groups.L

    Choosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking Holiday

    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!

    ur destinations are chosen for theirbeautiful scenery and the holidays

    are designed to let you discover the realidentity of that regionE allowing you timeto appreciate its uniue cuisine, architec%ture, history, culture, wildlife and scenery.

    'e like to highlight each day"s walkingwith, for e$ample, a breathtaking vista oran architectural treasure. 9ach holidaydescription includes a bullet pointedsummary of some of its highlights. )ptionsfor interest include7

    -oastal " =ountains " Waterfalls 89akes " Wine asting and :ines "

    Historic :illages " Wildlife


    &f you"ve not been on a walking holiday before and therefore ine$%perienced in navigation or using maps or walking notes, then may%be a guided holiday is for you. However the decision may not bethat simple. Here"s some help.

    @our uide?s local knowledge and e!erience;6our guide will make sure you make the most of your holidaythrough professional, informative and supportive leadership. #swell as ensuring safe progression, the leader will bring to life theregion, through his passion and knowledge on such subjects ashistory, geology, food and wine. 'e only use e$perienced guidesthat are resident in the country. The guide will pace the day sothat there will be plenty of time to take photos, rela$ and soak upthe atmosphere.

    )ur guided walking holidays in France are mainly led by 'illiam#rmstrong, who has been leading walks across France for morethan 10 years.

    Bilingual uides;&f you can, for e$ample speak a little French, you maybe moreconfident to try out your grasp of the language with your hosts inthe knowledge that your guide can help you out. !ome of theFrench =5= owners speak 9nglish, but having a bilingual guide cancertainly help you out with communication and therefore yourenjoyment of your holiday.

    lei>ility;Fle$ibility around local situations or circumstances by changing the

    itinerary where appropriate. For e$ample if the weather was verywet and everyone agreed that they did not want to do the day"swalk, the guide can provide transport to a location to look aroundan abbey or castle. 6our guide can also help in terms of under%standing the best routes for the groups interests and abilities.

    &f you have a specific interest and not sure whichwalking holiday to choose please don"t hesitate to

    give us a call to discuss your options, or drop usan e%mail with an outline of what you"re looking for.

    )n our website you can find information on the climate of theregion you have chosen to e$plore, as well as some indications ofideal times of the year to visit, whether that"s to see thelavender in bloom, the wine harvest or the autumn colours. 'ehave a calendar Kpages 1I%1

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    'hether you choose a -uided or !elf -uided 'alking

    Holiday, with the e$ception of any backpacking treks in the#lps, we provide a luggage transfer service. This meansthat you only need to carry the most essential items withyou in your day rucksack, safe in the knowledge that yourluggage will be ready at your ne$t overnight stop.

    Detailed TrailDescription


    Distances Culture

    Timings Architecture

    Walking Grade Historic Monuments

    Walking Notes Local Interests Practical Information

    Guest Houses

    Emergency Contacts



    Alternative Routes Wildlife Cash oints

    Way Markings !ood " Drink ost #ffice

    Altitude Gains Economy Markets

    $uggage %ransfers


    Wal"ing rades

    E&S'ess than 2 hours walking per day at a gentle pace

    with less than

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    Holiday Profile

    &t a lance





    Dates: ,arch -ctober


    -uided 'alking Holiday

    &ndependent 'alking Holiday

    &n addition to the information presented in thissection and on our directory page, eachspecific holiday page has some summary infor%mation and symbols to help you identify as

    rapidly as possible whether the holiday is rightfor you. This information is e$plained here.

    'alking between guesthouses on most days

    entre based, staying in one,two or three guest houseswith circular day walks

    # mi$ture of centre basedcircular day walks and

    moving between guesthouses


    Choosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking HolidayChoosing Your Walking Holiday

    ailor"=ade 7nde!endent WalkingFound an independent holiday you like the look of, butwant to make it longer or shorterO *o problem, let usknow and we can adjust the beginning or end of yourholiday and arrange another activity if you wish Ksuch as

    a wine tasting courseL or just allow you more time toe$plore the local town or village. For larger groups wecan, in some instances, create a holiday in a new areajust for you. !o dont hesitate to get in touch to find outhow we can help you.

    )ther Holiday )ptions

    ailor"=ade uided WalkingFound a guided walking holiday that you like, but youwish to book it for your private group on a week of yourchoosingO 'e will do our best to cater for your reuire%ments, please contact us to discuss your options. 'ehave e$perience of providing for walking groups andusually cater for groups of < to /< walkers. &n addition wealso have a number of guided holiday destinations not

    covered by our brochure, which can only be booked forprivate groups and clubs Kprices dependent on the groupnumbersL. These include the #tlas ;ountains and !ahara+esert in ;orocco, Picos de 9uropa in !pain and ila 5Pirin ;ountains in =ulgaria, as well as a large number ofdestinations in France.

    Self -atering Walking Holiday&f you have a limited budget or are a group or family thatwould rather be in one location for the full length of yourholiday, then you could consider self catering. )n our websiteyou will find a number of self catering options in differentlocations. 'e supply you with information about the area aswell as suggested walks and then you can do as much or aslittle walking as you wish.

    =ade to =easure Holiday6ou have an idea for a holiday, but would like help organisingitO 'e can help bring your ideas to life. Thanks to our networkof specialist partners we can create a range of activity orrela$ation holidays in France. Here are some suggestions7

    Horse riding in the BurgundyHills

    Thermal spa relaxation in Alpsor Massif entral

    Hot air !allooning Wine tasting courses inBurgundy or Beau"olais

    Mountain Biking inBeau"olais #isiting the city of Lyon

    !ee Page 11for info onwalkinggrades

    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!

    %ype of Holiday

    Centre /ased or multi-day circuit

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    .olida' /iar' 016


    e>ruary)ur self%guided walking holidays getunder way. 'alk the Pyreneesoastal Trail between France and!pain under mild ;editerraneanskies. !ee page /M.

    =archThe alanues *ational Park on theProvence coast is an ideal earlyspring break. 9njoy stunning

    scenery and views where impressivecliffs surround wonderful drownedvalleys. Tip7 &f you are looking foruiet trails and empty beaches,;arch is a great month to choose,with only the first week coincidingwith French school holidays. !eepage /B.

    !ril!pring truly gets under way in all butthe higher altitudes. &f youre lookingfor warm weather, uiet trails andstunning medieval villages then why

    not take a look at either of ourmoderate walking holidays in theuberon in Provence or the Tarn insouth west France. !ee pages Iury 7nternational rtsesti,alis one of the mostrespected arts festivals in the 34.


    uro!ean =useum NightinFrance, where closing time of themuseums is postponed to about1am, allowing the public to visit bynight, for free and see their collec%tions in a different, unusual andmore sensory way.


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    /2 8une % / 8ulySecret /ro,ence " 9es Baronnies)ur guided walking holiday in thisuiet and beautiful part of Provenceis timed to coincide with the laven%der fields coming into flower. !eepage II. 'e also have a self%guidedtour of the =aronnies. !ee page I0.


    I % 10 8ulyAueyras; Best 5e!t Secret in thel!s # stunning region of the French#lps where you can reach summitsaround I000m for wonderfulpanoramic views. !ee page er are NationalHeritage 3aysin 9ngland

    10 % 1N !eptemberBest of =edie,al Burgundy+iscover a pretty landscape full ofama?ing historic treasures from1000 year old churches to medieval

    castles. # patchwork of vines,pasture and forest carpet the hillspunctuated by rocky outcrops fromwhere you have great views. !eepage /J.

    /< !eptember % 1 )ctoberBeauGolais 3isco,ery+iscover the varied landscapes andtrails of the beautiful =eaujolaisregion. !ee page /N.

    Historic :illages 8 :alleys of thearn %>oth of the dates a>o,e guided week"s walking thate$plores medieval hilltop towns and

    the valleys that cut through thelandscape. see page er

    # great time to visit the winegrowing regions of France.#utumn colours turn the vine%yards into a patchwork of orangesand reds.

    M% 12 )ctober-lassic /ro,ence; 9u>eron

    rails)ur guided walking holiday in theuberon takes in some of the bestloved hill%top villages in Provence.;oderate walking lets youdiscover a pretty landscape ofvines, lavender, orchards andforests where small hills providegenerous vantage points. !eepage I1.


    BeauGolais Nou,eau 3ay. Thereare over 1/0 related festivals heldevery year in the =eaujolais

    region alone. The most famous ises !armentelles, in =eaujeu. The2 day festival features winetasting, live music and dancing.


    ete des 9umieres. yon"s &nter%national ight Festival sees the cityawash with lights for < days in+ecember.

    Holiday Diary 2016Holiday Diary 2016Holiday Diary 2016Holiday Diary 2016

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    Walking Holidays in FranceWalking Holidays in FranceWalking Holidays in FranceWalking Holidays in France


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    Walking Holidays in France & the UKWalking Holidays in France & the UKWalking Holidays in France & the UKWalking Holidays in France & the UKB4C97S 8 B4K4N3@

    Destination Guided Self Level ! nights Dates Page

    =eaujolais 'ine Trail7 -rand rus : 2 ;#;88#!) 1'

    =eaujolais 'ine Trail7 hateau$ 5 ;edieval Aillages J ;#;88#!) 1(

    =eaujolais ;edieval Aillage Tour 2 or N ;#;88#!) 1*

    =eautiful =eaujolais Trail N ;#;88#!) 20

    High =eaujolais Hills : N ;#;88#!) 21

    =urgundy7 hardonnay 'ine Trail 2 ;#;88#!) 22

    ;edieval =urgundy7 The ;onks Trail : 2 or N ;#;88#!) 2)

    =eautiful =rionnais7 !ecret Hills of =urgundy N ;#;88#!) 2$

    !ecret =urgundy7 hardonnay Aines 5 Historic Aillages N ;#;88#!) 2+

    =est of ;edieval =urgundy N 10 !ept 26

    =eaujolais +iscovery N N:2, 12:J 5 /

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    he Beaujolais region is famous for its wines and

    its great hospitality. This short break walking

    holiday lets you sample both in equal measure. It is

    also a delightful walking experience, traersing the

    beautiful and secret hills of the northern Beaujolais,

    home of wine growers producing the !" Grand Crus

    of the region. # pleasant combination of rich fruityflaours and more complex traits, makes these

    $rench wines unique. %ou&ll get the chance to

    sample many of them at your guest houses, which

    are all on ineyards, as well as at other producers

    along the way. %our walking trail snakes its way

    along secluded alleys and panoramic ridges, far

    from the tourist trails. #t the end of each day you&ll

    be welcomed with open arms at your small, guest

    houses where the hospitality is second to none.




    < walks moving between guest houses. #n average days walkingincludes about 12km with limited ascents and descents amounting

    to about I00m per day. The walk takes place on good paths andcountry lanes. !ome paths can be rough and stony in places withthe odd steeper section, so walking boots are essential.



    !tarts every day of week subject to availability. + nights; $ daysinde!endent walking mo,ing >etween guest houses



    #irport and station transfers from yon, 2 nights" accommodation.#ll breakfasts, I picnic lunches and < evening meals. Full walkingnotes and maps, transport of luggage between guest houses.

    Whats not


    Travel to yon, FranceE lunches on the day of arrival and departureplus one lunch and one evening meal, any e$cursions or entrance

    fees, travel insurance

    /rice /P/ R2/2 P:P based on / sharing Ksingle supplement R1I0L. his tri!can >e com>ined with the wine trails holidays on !ages 1( 82).


    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: ,arch -ctober


    2 charming bed 5 breakfasts full of local character KI 5 < cornsualityL offering an authentic 5 very comfortable stay. They areall located on vineyards. -reat local hospitality with a warmwelcome, wonderful regional cuisine 5 wine tasting in their

    cellars. "#a$%le& Le '(tre offers our guests e#)uisite food*fine Chirou+les ,ine* and a ho$e fro$ ho$e e#%erience.

    # short break walking holiday traversing

    the vineyards of the =eaujolais -rand cru

    +aily wine tasting of some of the finest

    wines in the region such as Fleurie, ;oulinS Aent, 8ulienas, hiroubles and =rouilly %'ine pick up service included Kif reuiredL

    9asy to moderate walking through vines,

    with pretty villages, chateau$ andpanoramic ridges





    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome, pick up from yon. 'ine tasting at guest house.

    3ay 2; uissD " :aurenard

    6our first day"s walk starts by visiting the pretty historic villages of hasselas andeynes which are located on the border between the -amay of the =eaujolaisvines and the hardonnay of the ;aconnais Ksouthern =urgundyL. #fterwardsyour trail takes you through a number of pretty valleys, the second being homeof the picturesue village of 8ulli and goes past the impressive 1Nth centuryhateau de la oche. 'ine tasting at your secluded guest house7 8ulinas,=rouilly, =eaujolais Aillage. 1Mkm, 220m

    3ay ); :aurenard " leurie

    6oull visit the busy village of 8ulienas with possible wine tasting visit and infor%mation about the wines in the old church. #fter, you"ll pass through the famous

    vineyards of henas and ;oulin S Aent where you can stop off to try their finestwines, before reaching your guest house at Fleurie. 'ine tasting at guest house %Fleurie. 9vening meal in restaurant in village. 12km, /00m

    3ay $;leurieF-hirou>les

    6our day"s walking starts by passing through the pretty village of Fleurie beforeclimbing to the hapelle de la ;adone which is a great viewing point above thevillage with ama?ing views, which on clear days reach all the way to ;ont =lanc.6ou"ll then follow a picturesue ridge to hiroubles which overlooks steep vine%covered slopes peppered with farmsteads and villages. 'ine tasting of hiroublesat your guest house with great panoramic views. B or 1les " BeauGeu

    Today you"ll follow a trail leading you down hill passing through pretty hamlets,historic chateau$ and villages to =eaujeu the historic capital of the =eaujolaisregion. )ptions to vary the length of walks. 'ine tasting at your guest house %egnie, =eaujolais Aillage 5 ose. 12km, 1M0m.

    3ays 6; 3e!arture " Tranfser to yon after breakfast


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    his wine trails walking holiday traerses the southern

    Beaujolais and follows on from our Beaujolais wine

    trails holiday through the 'rand (rus region, featured on

    page !). %our walking trail traerses a number of pretty

    alleys which descend from the higher hills, harbouring

    pretty chateaux and quaint illages. %our trail then

    traerses the *'olden stones country+ pierres dores-, socalled due to the warm colour of the limestone which make

    up a number of remarkable illages that are set in a sump

    tuous landscape of interlocking hills. %ou&ll get the chance

    to sample the aried wines that Beaujolais has to offer,

    both at your guest houses, seeral located on ineyards, as

    well as at other producers along the way. Included in this

    will be the opportunity to sample the southern most 'rand

    (rus, such as /egnie and Brouilly.


    3ay 1; rri,al Transfer from yon to guest house near =eaujeu. 'ine tasting7egni and ote de =rouilly.

    3ay 2; BeauGeu " St"9ager6our trail takes a beautiful traverse above the #rdieres Aalley to reach (uinci en =eaujo%lais. Pass through pretty countryside with fine views of the surrounding hills beforeclimbing the isolated hill of ;ont =rouilly. Famous for its wines, this lofty summit offersgreat IJ0Uviews. +escend to reach your vineyard near the village of !t ager. 'inetasting7 =rouilly, =eaujolais =lanc. 1

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016










    he southern Beaujolais region is known as the

    *'olden stones country+ pierres dores-, due to the

    warm colour of the limestone used in its historic build

    ings. 0ere, our unique walking holiday will pass

    through a number of remarkable illages with some of

    the prettiest illages in $rance perched on hilly

    promontories. 1hereer you look, you&ll find fortified

    remains, chateaux or churches adorning the ine

    coered slopes. The scale and gentleness of the slopes

    has created a sumptuous landscape of interlocking hills

    receding to the hori2on, that literally leaes you with

    the impression of flying oer the hills. This picturesque

    wine growing area, which is often referred to as the

    $rench Tuscany, is one of our most popular holidays.


    3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome in yon and transfer to =eaujolais3ay 2; =oirD " -ognyFrom the pretty hamlet of ;oir your trail climbs onto a picturesue ridge with greatviews that let you discover the region through which youll be walking for the week.+escend to the uaint medieval village of Thei?. #fter lunch cross secluded valleys toreach your =5=. 1Ikm, etween guest houses. #lsoavailable as a 2 night holiday with < walking days


    #irport and station transfers from yon, N nights" accommodation.

    #ll breakfasts, J picnic lunches and J evening meals. Full walkingnotes and maps, transport of luggage between guest houses.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to yon, FranceE lunches on the day of arrival and departureplus one evening meal, any e$cursions or entrance fees, travelinsurance

    /rice !P! M6$+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing for ' nights %single su!!lementM1'+&Q M+20 /P/ >ased on 2 sharing for + nights %singlesu!!lement M120&

    =eautiful historic villages built from awarm golden limestone with medievalchateau$ and historic monuments

    =eautiful rolling countryside reminiscentof Tuscany providing e$ceptional viewsacross the vines to the #lps

    Aaried walking through vines in a uietarea, famous for its wine and its gastro%nomic delights. -reat local hospitality

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: ,arch -ctober


    &ccommodation2 or J charming guest houses fullof local character KI or < cornsualityL offering an authentic andvery comfortable stay. Two withpools. -reat hospitality and localcuisine. "#a$%le& Clos Po$eirsis a char$ing* renovated stone%ro%erty ,ith great vie,s 3 %ool.

    Wal"s0 day-by-day

    Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!*

    BEAUJOLAISBEAUJOLAISBEAUJOLAISBEAUJOLAIS ---- Medieval Village TourMedieval Village TourMedieval Village TourMedieval Village Tour

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    his selfguided traerse of the Beaujolais region

    explores the full range of beautiful landscapes

    found throughout this relatiely quiet $rench area.

    3tarting in the north, the walk crosses the luxuriant

    0igh Beaujolais hills where fields of rich pasture

    gie way to forest on the highest hills with breath

    taking iews. %ou&ll then descend to cross some ofthe famous Beaujolais ineyards, before crossing a

    series of deep alleys and panoramic ridges.

    $urther south you&ll pass into an area known as the

    *'olden stones country+, so called due to the warm

    colour of the limestone used in the buildings. 0ere,

    you will find some of the prettiest illages in $rance,

    set in a sumptuous landscape of interlocking hills.



    J walks moving between guest houses. The days range from about1oardaccommodation. #ll breakfasts, J picnic lunches and N evening

    meals. 'alking notes 5 maps, transport of luggage

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to yon, FranceE lunches on the day of arrival and departure,any e$cursions or entrance fees, travel insurance

    /rice /P/ M6'+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M1'0&





    Dates: ,arch -ctober

    &t a lance


    N nights in delightful small=5= style guest houses, fullof local character whereyou"ll receive a genuinelywarm welcome. Aery com%fortable rooms. -reat localcuisine and wine. ull>oard. #t some overnightstops there are no alterna%

    tive =5=s available, soplease book early to avoiddisappointment. "#a$%le&Le 2onde de Do$ is a+eautiful guest house ,ithheated %ool 3 great vie,s.

    Aaried walking, e$periencing the full rangeof =eaujolais landscapes

    'ine tasting at different vineyards acrossthe =eaujolais

    High =eaujolais hills with their deepvalleys, wonderful ridges and beautifulviews

    &n the south, wonderful historic villages 5chateau$ built from a golden limestone





    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome, pick up from yon.

    3ay 2; urou " -hirou>les!uperb start to the week, with a gentle climb through the lush green pastures of thearelle Aalley. ise onto a series of hills and ridges each one slightly higher than the last,taking you to the roi$ ochefort for vast panoramic views. 6our guest house is at a winegrowers property with great views. 'ine tasting of the hiroubles cru, 1I /1km, les " BeauGeu+escend gently through vines and pretty villages to reach the ancient capital of the=eaujolais, =eaujeu. This is where the lords of =eaujeu reigned over a large part of the=eaujolais region from the 10th century for over

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    his independent walking holiday in the Beaujolais

    hills is a unique and inspiring circuit, ideal for

    those who are looking for a more challenging walk in

    the Beaujolais region. By day you4ll walk through a

    aried and beautiful upland landscape, whilst at night

    you4ll sample the best of the famous Beaujolais

    hospitality. 5ocated to the north and east of 5yon, the

    Beaujolais forms a series of rolling hills summiting

    around !"""m aboe sea leel. The high Beaujolais is

    little known, een in $rance, for its great walks,

    beautiful scenery and dense network of well kept

    trails. 6xcept during the busiest holiday days you&ll

    hae these wonderful trails all to yourseles.



    J walks moving between guest houses, averaging about /0km forthe more challenging option and 1N.2km for the moderate option.

    !ome si?eable ascents and descents, although no more than

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    his short break holiday traerses the southern

    Burgundy through the heart of the (hardonnay

    wine growing region. These dry and fruity white

    wines hae their most famous ambassadors in the

    7ouilly$uiss8 and 3aint 98ran labels. #s well as

    the wines, this self guided walking holiday also

    explores a rich landscape full of historic treasures.

    :edieal chateaux, historic churches and pretty

    illages are set in beautiful rolling countryside

    carpeted with ines, pasture and forests. 0igh

    lights include the medieal site of Brancion, the

    chateau of Ber28 le (hatel and the illage of Ber28

    la 9ille. # number of rocky outcrops punctuate the

    ineyards such as the celebrated *roche de

    3olutr8+ proiding exceptional iewing points.



    < walks moving between guest houses. There are different walkingtrail options on I of the days meaning that you can vary the diffi%

    culty. 9asier options7 average of about 12km with less than I00mascent per day, moderate options7 average 1Mkm and include somee$tra ascents. -ood paths, tracks 5 small lanes.


    !tarts every day of week subject to availability. + nights; $ daysinde!endent walking mo,ing >etween guest housesBeauGolais Wine rail can >e >ooked to follow on at the end

    of this holiday


    #irport and station transfers from yon, 2 nights" accommodation.#ll breakfasts, < picnic lunches and < evening meals. 'alking notesand maps, transport of luggage between guest houses.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to yon, FranceE lunches on the day of arrival and departure,1 evening meal, any e$cursions or entrance fees, travel insurance

    /rice /P/ M+'+/P/ %M*( for etra night B at 7gD 8 M*2 for etra nightHB at uissD& %single su!!lement M1++&

    &t a lancePrice:



    Dates: ,arch -ctober


    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: ,arch -ctober


    Five guest housesE all of which arechambres d"hWte style accommoda%

    tion. I star euivalent in ualityoffering an authentic and verycomfortable stay. They are historicproperties that have been lovingly

    restored where you"ll be reserved awarm 5 generous welcome andenjoy great home cooked fresh

    cuisine. 6ou have the opportunityto book e$tra nights at yourlu$ury =5=s at &g 5 Fuiss."#a$%le& Source des 'es is a,onderful guest house 3 vine4yard 4 ,ine tasting the fa$ousPouilly4'uiss ,ines


    hardonnay wine tasting including theworld famous Pouilly%Fuiss label

    Historically rich region with omanesuechurches, beautiful medieval villages andchateau$, ancient farmsteads and pre%historic sites

    The medieval cit of =ranXion with itsancient chateau, church 5 uaint buildings

    Picturesue countryside 5 rocky outcrops





    Wal"s0 day-by-day


    3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome, pick up from yon.

    3ay 2; -hardonnay " =essey!tart in the pretty village of chardonnay, home of these world famous wines beforetraversing vines to reach the village of )?enay with its chateau and beautiful 1/thcentury church. #fter, climb to the medieval fortress of =rancion. This is a remarkablesite with the remains of its chateau overlooking the rest of a well preserved hamletcontaining delightful stone houses, a historic covered market and a medieval church onthe hill top edge. Follow ridges and valleys with pasture and chardonnay vines. +inner 5night at ;essey. 1Jkm, up to IM0m

    3ay ); =essey" 7gDToday"s walk passes the beautiful chateau at ru?ille before following a vine coveredvalley all the way to the pretty village of =issy%les%;aconnais with lovely views. 6ou"llthen have the chance to visit the caves at #? an important site for primitive man,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016










    his independent walking holiday in the pictur

    esque hills west of Tournus in the Burgundy

    region explores a rich landscape full of historic

    treasures. :edieal chateaux, historic /omanesque

    churches and old farms are set in beautiful rolling

    countryside carpeted with ines, pasture and forest.

    %our walking tour explores the historic town of

    Tournus famous for its :edieal abbey and will pass

    through the delightful historic settlements of Brancion,

    Blanot, (hapai2e and (luny, as well as isiting a large

    number of pretty illages with impressie churches

    and quaint historic streets which seem to date from

    another time. #lso aailable as a ;day linear walk

    from Tournus to (luny.



    J or < walks moving between guest houses, suitable for most walk%ers of an average fitness Kwith a minimum of preparationL. #verageof 1Mkm per day, with ascents totalling an average of I/2m in aday. The ma$imum distance on any one day is //km. &ndividualascents and descents are generally no more than /00m at a time.The walks allow for time to visit interesting sites on route.


    !tarts every day of week subject to availability. ' nights; 6 daysinde!endent walking mo,ing >etween guest houses. #lsoavailable as a 2 night holiday with < walking days


    #irport and station transfers from yon, N nights" accommodation.#ll breakfasts, 2 picnic lunches and < evening meals. Full walkingnotes and maps, transport of luggage between guest houses.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to yon, FranceE lunches on the day of arrival and departure,plus one other lunch 5 I evening meals, any e$cursions or entrancefees, travel insurance

    /rice !P! M6'+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing for ' nights %single su!!lementM1(+&Q M+6+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing for + nights %singlesu!!lement M1)0& J different guest housesE a mi$ture of styles with lu$ury

    guest houses, uaint =5=s 5 small

    hotels. They are I star euivalent inuality offering an authentic andvery comfortable stay in historicproperties. 6ou"ll be reserved a

    warm welcome. "#a$%le& 'or$er,ine gro,ers cottages at Chateau2essey. onderful roo$s 3 setting.

    'alking through pretty historic villageslittle changed in centuries with medievalchurches 5 historic monuments

    Picturesue landscape of rolling hills 5secluded valleys with vines 5 pasture

    'ine tasting of the local chardonnay

    Famous medieval settlements of=rancion, luny 5 Tournus


    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al " 'elcome, transfer to southern =urgundy

    3ay 2;ournus " -ortam>ert!hort transfer to take you out of the town and into the rolling countryside. Passthrough a number of interesting and picturesue villages lost in the hills. harcuble hasa chapel that was built in /< hours during 'orld 'ar &&, whilst =lanot is a beautifulvillage where time has stopped still. +inner and night at guest house. /0km, ert " -lunylimb back into the hills and visit the uaint and secluded village of +on?y le Pertuiswith its 11th century church. Finish your day at the abbey town of luny % one of themost important historic towns of the region. 1

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    his unique walking holiday takes place in the

    Brionnais, a secret region of Burgundy. In the

    shadow of the high Beaujolais hills, the green and

    picturesque hills of the Brionnais lead you towards

    the mighty 5oire 9alley. 1ith a patchwork of

    fields, you&ll pass from beautiful secluded alleys

    with babbling streams to open ridges with great

    panoramic iews. This secluded region also has

    fine architectural treasures to rial some of the

    more popular parts of Burgundy.

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016










    he southern Burgundy is a treasure of historic

    churches, chateaux and farms set in rolling coun

    tryside carpeted with ines and forests. # number of

    rocky outcrops punctuate the ineyards such as the

    famous *roche de 3olutr8+ important for its prehistoric

    human actiity. These landmarks proide exceptional

    iewing points to admire the surrounding countryside.

    In this quiet corner of southern Burgundy you4ll

    discoer scenic and wonderfully aried landscapes. In

    addition you will explore the rich architectural delights

    of the region, such as those found at (luny, with its

    quaint streets and historic monuments. %ou4ll also hae

    plenty of opportunity to sample the region4s fine wines

    and gastronomic food at your wonderful guest houses.



    J walks moving between guest houses, with some relatively longdays and / easy days. The walks average about 1Jkm per day. Thema$imum distance on any one day is /0km although a shorteroption is available. &ndividual ascents are generally no more than/20m at a time. #verage daily ascent is ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M220&

    !i$ beautiful guest housesE allof which are chambres d"hWtestyle accommodation. They areI star euivalent or better inuality offering authentic andvery comfortable accommoda%tion. They are historic proper%ties that have been lovinglyrestored where you"ll be re%served a warm welcome and

    enjoy mouth%watering homecooked cuisine. "#a$%le& Cot6igne is a +eautifully restoredfor$er vineyard ,ith char$ingroo$s* large grounds* s,i$4$ing %ool* ,onderful cuisine 3attentive hosts.

    # region synonymous with fine whitewines and great cuisine

    Pretty villages with wonderful historicchateau$, churches 5 pre%historic sites

    Aisit luny 5 its historic monumentsKformer site of largest abbey in 9uropeL

    3nspoilt picturesue countryside withvines and forested hills

    =eautiful guest houses in historic buildings

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: ,arch -ctober



    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al " 'elcome, transfer to southern =urgundy

    3ay 2;7gD " -luny# gentle first days walk climbing through the vineyards to the wooded hills, 5 the rusticvillage of +on?y before descending to the historic town of luny. 1Jkm, IM0m

    3ay ); -luny " =aJille&n the morning, visit the historic town of luny before taking a scenic route to ;a?illepassing through a small intimate landscape of pasture and copses. Pretty villages 5omanesue churches are dotted throughout the countryside. 11km, IN0m.

    3ay $; =aJille " ramayeslimb onto a picturesue ridge before descending briefly to !t Point near the hateauamartine before gently ascending a pretty valley to reach Tramayes. This is a wonder%ful location offering great views out over the timeless agricultural scene. 12km, 2/0m

    3ay +; ramayes " uissDThis is your longest day. The ascent from Tramayes is beautiful and secluded as you

    enter a remote agricultural scene little changed in centuries. 6our trail crosses thehighest hills in the area providing stunning panoramic views. +escend to the valleyslopes of the ;aconnais vines, at the point where they merge with the =eaujolaisregion to the south. 'ine tasting at guest house. 1B.2km, 2I2m

    3ay 6; uissD " /ierreclos# great days walking through elegant vine covered slopes. limb to top of the oche de!olutr, site of pre%historic activities Kdating back I2,000 years and favourite walkingspot of former president ;itterandL 5 with a rich flora and fauna. #ma?ing views allthe way. 12%/Ikm,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    ur guided walking holiday in southern

    Burgundy explores a rich landscape full of historic

    treasures. :edieal chateaux such as those at Ber28 and

    Brancion, historic churches and pretty medieal illages

    are set in beautiful rolling countryside carpeted with (har

    donnay ines, pasture and forests. # number of rocky

    outcrops punctuate the ineyards such as the celebrated*roche de 3olutr8+ important for its prehistoric human

    actiity. These landmarks proide exceptional iewing

    points to admire the surrounding countryside.

    The Burgundy region is wellknown for its fine wine and

    gastronomic food, a reputation that is richly desered. %ou

    will hae plenty of opportunity to sample both during

    your walking holiday.



    J day walks. The walks average about 1Jkm per day over undulatingterrain. &ndividual ascents and descents are generally no more than/20m at a time with a ma$imum of er



    'alking through pretty historic villages with

    medieval castles and omanesue churches

    # picturesue landscape of rolling hills 5

    valleys covered in vines and rocky outcropsproviding great views as far as the #lps

    'ine tasting of the local chardonnay and visit%

    ing historic monuments

    Aisiting the historic town of luny with the

    remains of its influential abbey

    ovely small guest houses serving great food

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: 10 ! 1 )e*t




    !taying in / or I charming small guest housesE all of whichare =5= style accommodation. They are I star euivalent inuality offering an authentic and very comfortable stay inhistoric properties that have been lovingly restored. 'armwelcome and mouth%watering home cooked fresh cuisine."#a$%le& Cot 6igne is a +eautifully restored for$er vineyard,ith char$ing roo$s* large grounds* s,i$$ing %ool*,onderful cuisine 3 attentive hosts.


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016






    he Beaujolais region is a series of picturesque roll

    ing hills summiting around !"""m aboe sea leel.

    =nown mostly for its wines, this quiet region has a lot

    to offer the walker looking for moderate days out and

    plenty of interest. ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M16+&

    3ates ' " 1$ =ay 1+ " 22 Cune 8 2$ Se!tem>er " 1 cto>er6oull stay in / beautiful guest houses. They are I stareuivalent, in historic properties offer%ing an authentic and very comfortablestay in =5= style guest houses. Thewelcome is warm and generous and thelocal cuisine is first rate. "#a$%le& 6illaToscana is a +eautiful %ro%erty seta$ong the vines ,ith lovely garden 3

    %ool and great hosts.

    9njoyable walking through beautiful anduiet countryside with e$ceptional views

    9$perience the full range of =eaujolais


    # region famous for its wine and itsgastronomic delights

    =eautiful historic villages 5 chateau$

    'onderful panoramic views

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: 0/05& 15/0$& 2%/0#



    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al " 'elcome in yon 5 transfer to =eaujolais

    3ay 2;rench uscany-entle stroll through beautiful historic villages in the region of the C-olden !tonesD,including )ingt Kclassed as one of the most beautiful villages in FranceL, Thei? and=agnols. 9$pansive landscapes reminiscent of the Tuscany hills. 1Jkm,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    reated in !>>? by our expert local partners, this beauti

    ful coastal path has for backdrop the mighty 7yrenees

    mountains on one side and the blue :editerranean 3ea on

    the other. 3mall historic fishing ports made from white

    washed houses nestle at the base of green hills coered in

    ines, orange groes and forest. 3ecluded rocky bays sit

    beneath picturesque headlands which offer great iews .

    On four of the days it is possible to choose between two

    different grades of walking routes, making it ideal for those

    seeking both a challenge, as well as those looking for a

    relatiely modest trek. 3ee more information below-. This

    holiday is also an ideal spring or autumn break for people

    looking to escape the summer crowds. The :editerranean

    sea keeps the (atalan coast mild, een in winter and

    pleasantly warm in the 3pring and #utumn.


    /rice /P/ M610 /P/ >ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M16+&


    2 1:/ days walking moving between guest houses. The walks aver%age about 12km. !ome sections of the trail are rough and stony inplaces with the odd steep section. )n this holiday you have thechoice of two possible routes on < of the days, giving rise to twodifferent grades. 6ou can, of course, choose to do a mi$ture ofeasier and more challenging days. =oderate; #verage of 2 hourswalking with daily ascents of between I20m and 220m. =oder"atePchallenging; #verage of J hours walking with daily ascents ofbetween ucurucuc>. eturn by ta$i to ollioure with a possible stopby the ;useum +ali de Fiueres. /hrs12, :%100m

    tra night !ossi>le at -adaIues


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016






    his walking holiday explores a unique region of

    southern 7roence where gleaming white limestone

    forms a stark contrast with the deep blue sky and the

    turquoise :editerranean. The (alanques @ational 7ark

    on the :editerranean coast offers a truly ama2ing land

    scape of fjords where deep alleys hae been drowned

    by the clear blue sea. The rugged and tormented cliffs

    gleam white, rising high aboe the sea, forming a

    stunning and dramatic coastline.

    %ou4ll stay four or fie nights in the charming and

    beautiful port of (assis from where you can access your

    walks on foot, bus and boat. # ariety of walks to choose

    to explore this stunning region.


    /rice !P! $ Nights; M+2+ =arch ct 8 No,Q M+6+ !rilQ M62+ =ayCune 8 Se!t. + Nights; M+'0 =arch ct 8 No,Q M6$+ !rilQ

    M'20 =ay Cune 8 Se!t. /P/ >ased on 2 sharing


    I or < days independent walking based in a wonderful guest house inassis. This holiday is suitable for e$perienced walkers of an averagefitness Kwith a minimum of preparationL. 6ou should be used to walkingon a variety of paths and be comfortable on rocky 5 steep ground. Thepaths are mountainous in character and sometimes challenging but thedistances involved are generally moderate. 'alking days can be variedaccording to your wishes. 'alks average about 2%J hours and theamount of ascent in the day varies between /00m and N20m.



    $ or + nights; ) or $ days inde!endent walking " centre>ased " !tarts every day of the week subject to availability.

    7ncluded < or 2 nights" =5= accommodationE full walking notes and maps,transfer from ;arseilles train station. 9$tra for ;arseille airport

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to ;arseilles, FranceE lunches, and evening meals, entrance fees,bus, boat and ta$i transfers to some walks, travel insurance.

    3ates ,ery day of week from 1 =arch " )1 =ay 8 1 cto>er " )0No,em>er. %lso !ossi>le 1 " 1+ Cune 8 1+ " )0 Se!t >utthere is a higher risk of closure of /aths due to risk of fire&

    'onderful walks e$ploring the dramaticfjords of Provence

    9njoy beautiful secluded beaches en%closed by spectacular cliffs with a?urblue waters

    # pleasant ;editerranean climateperfect for spring or autumn breaks

    The charming small port of assis

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: )ee details




    < or 2 night"s accommoda%tion in a wonderful smallguest house in the heart ofassis, with swimmingpool. 'elcoming host whowill take great pleasure inlooking after you duringyour stay. e.g. 6illa Astoria

    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome, pick up from ;arseille station and transfer to your guest

    house in assis.3ay 2; 9a -iotat " -assisTa$i transfer or shuttle buses 5 train to a iotat. From here, follow the cliff top all theway to assis with superb views and enjoyable walking. The cliffs rise to an ama?ingIBBm above sea level with superb views. The arrival in assis is spectacular.11km, 2M0m

    3ay ); our of =ont /uget 8 Sugiton -alanIues #fter a short bus trip to -ineste your walking trail takes you on a round circuit overlookinges alanues to reach the ridgeline of the ret de !aint ;ichel. -lorious views over thecalanue or fjord de ;orgiou. # choice of trails depending on the difficulty you wish bring%ing you down to superb coves. #fter, climb to the ol de la andelle for ama?ing views.!hort bus trip back to assis. 12km, N20m

    3ay $; -alanIues de -assis6our trail stays close to the water"s edge as you e$plore the beautiful inlets of Port ;iou,Port Pin and Port d9n Aau. Then climb the picturesue valley d"9n%Aau 5 return to assisvia the plateau du ;ussuguieres and the Pas des ;armots. 1Ikm,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    ur unique independent walking holiday in northern 7roence

    explores a remarkably beautiful area known as 5es

    Baronnies. This is a secret and unspoilt corner of $rance where the

    #lps meet the 7roence with beautiful historic illages clinging to

    rocky mountain sides decorated in purple laender flowers.

    3heltered by the mountains, its priileged position and distinct

    climate gies the region a remarkable light that draws you into its

    rugged and beautiful landscapes. It is also a region where wild

    Thyme, 5aender, herbs and pine produce a wonderfully scented

    landscape. There are a large number of well presered fortified

    medieal illages clinging to steep hillsides established by barons

    in the !!th century. Their towers, walls and alleyways are now

    altered by historic eents that hae marked the region.

    The double influence of the #lps and the :editerranean has

    created an exceptionally rich fauna and flora and the region will

    soon be designated a @atural /egional 7ark.



    J days walking moving between guest houses. -raded as moderateor moderate:challenging depending on your choices. The moderategrade has average distances of 1

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    ur guided walking holiday in the 5uberon takes

    in some of the best loed hilltop illages in

    7roence. :oderate walking lets you discoer a

    pretty landscape of ines, laender, orchards and

    forests where small hills proide generous antage

    points. %ou4ll explore the beautiful, historic illages

    of 'ordes, 5acoste, Bonnieux, 3aint 3aturnin and/oussillon, among many others, each with their

    own special character.

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    his unique walking holiday traerses the etween guesthouses. !tarts every day of the week subject to availability. !tion ofetra night at /oet 9a,al. Holiday can also >e se!arated into two) or $ day walks " 2nd half is easier than 1st half

    7ncluded N nights" accommodation. #ll breakfasts, 2 lunches, < evening meals,walking notes and maps, luggage transport between guest houses.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to rest 5 from *yons, FranceE lunches on arrival 5 departuredays plus 1 other, I evening meals, entrance fees, travel insurance

    3ates R1 !ril " 6 Culy 8 2$ ugust " )1 cto>er.

    # uniue linear trail through a beautifullandscape of rolling hills

    elatively uiet part of France with manystunning perched, historic villages

    # multitude of landscapes 5 vegetationwith lavender, vines, olives 5 forest

    # warm and sunny climate

    +elightful guest houses full of character,five with swimming pools

    &ccommodationN nights accommodation in delightful, ualityguest houses, in historic properties which havebeen beautifully renovated, five with swim%ming pools. harm and originality. -reathospitality and fine local cuisine. "#a$%le&Do$aine Provensol is a +eautiful /9th century%ro%erty on an organic vineyard overlookingvines 3 olives.

    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome at your first guest house in rest. 9$plore this pretty town,home of the highest dungeon tower in France.

    3ay 2; -rest " Saou6our first day climbs away from the +rome Aalley, e$ploring rich woodland and undulatingfarmland. 6oull then traverse underneath the craggy tops of oche olombe before enter%ing the pretty village of !aou at the spectacular and narrow entrance to the !aou Aalley, anenclosed gorge, overlooked by towering limestone cliffs. /0km J20m

    3ay );Saou " Bourdeau;oderate option passes through the pretty villages of Francillon and Poet elard. #fter aclimb through picturesue farmland, descend to the beautiful perched village of =ourdeau$surrounded by lavender fields. hallenging option climbs steeply to reach the summit of-rand Pomerolle for ama?ing views of the !aou gorge. # ridge walk brings you to Porte de=arry from where its a beautiful descent to =ourdeau$, as lavender fields start to appear.;od7 1Nkm,

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    ur unique guided walking holiday in northern 7roence explores

    a remarkably beautiful area known as 5es Baronnies. This is a

    secret and unspoilt corner of $rance where the #lps meet the

    7roence with beautiful historic illages clinging to rocky mountain

    sides decorated in purple laender f lowers.

    3heltered by the mountains, its priileged position and distinct

    climate gies the region a remarkable light that draws you into its

    rugged and beautiful landscapes. It4s also a region where wild

    Thyme, 5aender, herbs and pine produce a wonderfully scented

    landscape. There are a large number of well presered fortified

    medieal illages clinging to steep hillsides established by barons in

    the !!th century. Their towers, walls and alleyways altered by a

    succession of historic eents that hae marked the region.

    The double influence of the #lps and the :editerranean has created

    an exceptionally rich fauna and flora and the region will soon be

    designated a @atural /egional 7ark.


    /rice /P/ M(*+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M1++&


    J guided day walks, 'alking on this holiday is mi$ed with moder%ate ascents and descents. #verage distances are about 12km withabout I00m of ascent. ;ost walks are well within the grade,although due to the nature of the landscape some small sectionscan be relatively steep and stony. The steep terrain means itsunwise to do this holiday if you suffer from vertigo.


    ' nights; 6 days guided walks staying in two high Iualityguest houses

    Whats notincluded

    unches on arrival 5 departure days, one evening meal, anye$cursions or entrance fees, travel insurance


    N nights full board accommodation including wine with eveningmeal Ke$cept one evening mealL. Transfer from yon and to thewalks, J guided walks

    3ates 2+ Cune " 2 Culy %la,ender in flower&


    3nspoilt landscapes, uiet trails and var%ied walking through scented lavenderfields, olive groves, wild scrub and forests

    !leepy historic perched villages

    # favourable climate % I00 days ofsunshine per year

    Aisiting the historic towns of =uis les=aronnies with its ProvenXal market and*yons with its narrow historic streets

    -reat local cuisine, beautiful guesthouses

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: 25 June ! 2 Jul-


    Two charming I star euivalent guest houses. They aree$uisite traditional properties offering an authentic andvery comfortable stay. Peaceful locations, with swimmingpools where the welcome is warm and the food e$cellent."#a$%le& 2aison de 2arguerite is a ,onderful stone%ro%erty near 2ont+run les :ains.Great hos%itality.

    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome, pick up from yon and drive to Provence

    3ay 2; =ont>run les Bains)ur day"s walk starts and finishes at ;ontbrun les =ains, a beautiful historic villageperched on the hillside Kclassed as one of the prettiest villages in FranceL. )ur walk wille$plore this fascinating village before doing a short circuit contouring around thesurrounding hills through forest and lavender fields. 10km :%/

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    ur A day walking tour of the 5uberon takes in

    some of the best loed hilltop illages in

    7roence. 6asy to moderate walking lets you

    discoer a pretty landscape of ines, laender,

    orchards and forests where small hills proide

    generous antage points. %ou4ll explore the beauti

    ful, historic illages of 'ordes, 'oult, 5acoste,

    Bonnieux and /oussillon, each with their own

    special character. ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M2*+&

    !tion to add etra nights



    J days independent walking moving between hotels. The daysinclude

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    his unique walking holiday undertakes a beautiful

    circuit around the hills, gorges and historic illages of

    the 5uberon /egional 7ark. #s well as isiting some of the

    best known sites and illages such as 'ordes, 5acoste and 3t

    3aturnin ls #pt, your trail takes you off the beaten track into

    the higher hills and through some less frequented, charming

    hamlets and illages. This two week tour is also aailable asa ) or !" night holiday. On most of the days you4ll hae the

    option between a moderate or a more challenging day4s

    walk, meaning it is suitable for those looking for a fairly

    relaxed walking holiday as well as those seeking a tougher

    walking trip. 6ach night you4ll stay in wonderful guest hous

    es where you can relax and enjoy the 7roence sunshine.


    /rice !P! 12 nights; M1)$0 /P/ >ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M+(+& 10 nights; M11(+ !P!>ased on 2 sharing %single su!!lement M$(+&


    J or B:10 days independent walking moving between guest houses. The longer versons of this holiday are

    suitable for walkers seeking both a moderate and more challenging walking trip. 'alking is on a variety ofpaths, some steep and rocky in nature. ;oderate options average 1

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    n this walking holiday you&ll be exploring the (erdagne, a

    picturesque plateau, lying at C"""m in the $rench

    7yrenees. It is a delectable landscape scoured and shaped by

    Ice #ge glaciers leaing behind deep raines, rocky knolls and

    an array of beautiful mountain lakes, surrounded by alpine

    meadows and imposing mountains.

    The (erdagne plateau had been contested for centuriesbetween $rance and 3pain. The citadel of :ont5ouis was built

    as a safeguard to protect the border and is an austere and

    imposing structure. The area is also known for its quaint

    illages and /omanesque churches. This selfguided holiday is

    designed to be accessible and interesting to both occasional

    walkers and experienced trekkers alike. There is plenty of time

    to enjoy the changing countryside in a spot reputed for its

    sunny climate and natural open air warm springs.


    /rice !P! M+'+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing


    J days independent walking moving between guest houses. K/nights at / stopsL This holiday is at the upper end of the moderategrade. #verage days are 2 hours long and include 200m of ascent.+ay / can be shortened by taking the yellow train. +ay J can in%clude the optional ascent of Pic arlit. +espite the erdagne beingin the Pyrenees, the walking is relatively gentle and accessible tothe average walker. &n addition, possibility of easing tired musclesby rela$ing in natural, warm open air pools 5 at your hotels.


    6 nights; 6 days inde!endent walking mo,ing >etweenhotels. %2 nights at each of =ont 9ouis 8 9es Bouillouses&.!tarts every day of the week subject to availability.


    J nights" half board accommodation. Full walking notes and maps,transport of luggage between guest houses, short transfer to 5from #ngoustrine 5 on day

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    his selfguided walking holiday explores a

    beautiful part of the 7yrenees mountains in $rance.

    %our walk takes you up onto the sides of the delightful

    and luminous #2un 9alley where you4ll marel at the

    wonderful panoramas and the well presered mountain

    illages. $our of the days hae both moderate and more

    challenging options to suit different abilities and as the

    week progresses you4ll enter the stunning high moun

    tains of the 7yrenees @ational 7ark peppered with

    beautiful lakes. /ich green forests, mountain pastures,

    beautiful lakes and shining snow on the flanks of the

    mighty Balaitous mountain all ie for attention, creating

    a rich palette of colours.



    J days independent walking moving between guest houses with daywalks from I places. -raded as moderate or moderate:challengingdepending on your choices. The moderate grade has averagedistances of 1/km with 200m of ascent Kma$imum N20mL. Themore challenging grade is longer and has an average of B00mascent in the day. Paths are generally good and well defined,although they can be rocky 5 mountainous in character in places.This holiday is accessible to the average hill walker, as well as thoselooking for more of a challenge


    !tarts every day of week subject to availability. 6 nights; 6 daysinde!endent walking mo,ing >etween hotels


    J nights" Half =oard accommodation. Full walking notes and maps,transport of luggage between hotels. Transfer from station.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to #rgelYs%-a?ost or #rras Ksee page Jased on 2 sharing







    Dates: 10 une 7 5 ept

    &t a lance



    uminous #?un Aalley with beautifulbalcony trails

    9$cursion into high Pyrenees withmagnificent mountains, lakes 5 wildlife

    'ell%preserved, pretty villages andpleasant hotels K< nights with swimmingpoolsL

    Fle$ible walking itinerary to enable choiceof moderate or more challenging routes









    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome at #rgelYs%-a?ost station or #rras. *ight in hotel withswimming pool at #rras, village built at the base of its chateau.

    3ay 2; our from rrasTour from #rras passing by the ;ont de -e? and the beautiful =ergons forest withchestnut and ha?elnut trees. -reat panoramic views of the glaciated valley des -aves.< hrs I0, 10km 200m

    3ay ); rras " ucunlimb the #?un Aalley by a wonderful balcony trail with great views over the vastpastures and nearby mountain peak of abaliros. 6our trail passes by the ol of #rrasand a lovely beech 5 fir forest. The landscape is peppered with hamlets, mills andbarns among the hay fields. ;od7 Ihrs I0, le to >ook an etra night.

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    n this exciting independent walking holiday you4ll explore

    the spectacular and relatiely undiscoered Dueyras /egion.

    Its range of accessible summits linked by good trails makes this

    unspoilt region a paradise for walkers wishing to hae a real

    high alpine experience. In addition, its southern location on the

    border with Italy means it enjoys E"" days of sunshine a year.

    The circular tour passes through a range of aried landscapesFwith mountain torrents snaking down deep gorges and alleys,

    whilst aboe, alpine meadows merge with astonishing rocky

    deserts capped by a succession of stunning mountain ridges and

    peaks. Its fauna and flora is exceptional with chamois, ibex,

    marmots, golden eagle and a ast array of rare wild flowers.

    The region also has a rich architectural heritage which is

    encapsulated by the pretty alpine illage of 3t 9eran.


    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome 5 pick%up from ;ont +auphin%-uillestre station

    3ay 2; =olines en Aueyras " -eillacToday you"ll climb gently through forests to reach the ol Fromage K/I01mL. From here youhave the option of continuing on to the summit of the rete de habrette K/2M/mL for somestunning views of the glaciated peaks of the Fonte !ancte, or descend directly to the village ofeillac in its deep valley setting. Jhrs, M00m

    3ay ); -eillac " St :eranThe climb out of eillac is fairly steep, but you are rewarded at the ol des 9stronuesK/J21mL with a stunning panorama. This makes a great place to stop for lunch. idges snakeoff on both sides with the rocky slopes of the rete de asis providing a stark contrast to theflower%filled meadows below. Possibility to summit Tete de 8acuette at /N2Nm. +escent to !tAeran with its alpine dwellings with high hay lofts built from arch. 2hrs,1020m

    3ay $; St :eran " Kefuge gnel6our walk starts by following the torrent of the #guille =lanche. 6ou then pass through alandscape of tumbling streams, meadows and rocky bluffs. The path climbs steadily to the olde hamossiere from where its possible to easily summit a I000m peak. The path descendsto the refuge #gnel. efuge or ta$i trip to hotel in !t Aeran. Jhrs, 1020m

    3ay +; Kefuge gnel " >riOs#fter a short ascent you reach the col Aieu$ K/M0JmL at the foot of the impressive Pain du

    !ucre. From here its a spectacular descent along the =ouchouse Aalley. 6ou"ll pass a coupleof beautiful alpine lakes before joining the -uill Aalley. Jhrs, //0 m E % 1/20 m

    3ay 6; >riOs " iguilles# steady climb out of #briYs along a steep valley leads to the -rand aus K/2NBmL, astunning mountain lake where the surrounding peaks are reflected in its clear blue waters.!ummit option 5 dramatic and pretty descent to the village of #iguilles. J hrs, :% 1000 m

    3ay '; iguilles " 9a -hal! r,ieu#n enjoyable walk with less climbing. 6ou overlook the -uill valley including the 1Jth centuryhateau (ueyras located on a rock pillar in the valley bottom. The path then winds past thetraditional village of !ouliers and ac de oue to reach the #rvieu$ Aalley. J hrs, ased on 2 sharing


    N days independent walking moving between guest houses. #verage daysare about J hours long and include height gains of between M00m and1000m. &n addition, most walks will take place between /000m and I000mwhere the effects of altitude can be felt. # good level of fitness is reuired,and you should be comfortable on mountainous paths. 'alking e$periencein the mountains is advisable. 6ou should be able to navigate in case of poorweather. The paths are mountainous in nature and sometimes e$posed, butthey do not reuire any technical abilities. 9arly in the season, i.e. in 8une,you could e$perience snow at some of the higher cols.



    ( nights; ' days inde!endent walking mo,ing >etween guesthouses. !tarts every day of the week subject to availability.


    M nights" half board accommodation. Full walking notes and maps,transport of luggage between guest houses, transfer to 5 from ;ont+auphin%-uillestre train station.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to -uillestre, FranceE lunches, drinks with some evening meals,any e$cursions or entrance fees, travel insurance

    )( Book now on #$$ %0&'$() 2$1 *$+ or ,isit www.high!

    TOUR of QUEYRAS: An Alpine SecretTOUR of QUEYRAS: An Alpine SecretTOUR of QUEYRAS: An Alpine SecretTOUR of QUEYRAS: An Alpine Secret

  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    iscoer the :ercantour @ational 7ark and the superb sites

    and scenery of the G9all8e des :ereillesG whilst staying in

    three star accommodation in a wonderful setting. $ie great

    walks to discoer the best of this corner of the southern #lps.

    The :ercantour is the last mountain range of the #lps before

    plunging directly into the :editerranean. #cclaimed for being

    one of the wildest and most unspoilt parts of the $rench #lps,

    :ercantour has a contrasting range of landscapes and dierse

    wildlife. In addition, the proximity of the :ercantour region to

    the south coast of $rance, gies these alpine mountains a

    :editerranean touch .

    %our walking holiday is located in the south east of the :ercan

    tour, close to :ont Bego. Beautiful lakes surrounded by rocky

    summitsH medieal illages and the famous 9allee des

    :ereilles, with its prehistoric engraings, are all on the menu.


    /rice /P/ + nights; M60+ %ece!t in ugust " M6)+&6 nights; M'0+Q %ece!t in ugust " M')0&/rices /P/ >ased on 2 sharing


    2 self%guided day walks. 'alking per day amounts to an average of 2 %Jhrs walking Knot including lunch stopL and N20m of ascent and descent.;a$imum altitude gain in one day is 1000m. The walks take place on wellmaintained paths, although they are mountainous and rocky in nature.6ou should have a reasonable level of fitness and be comfortable withwalking several days in a row on mountain paths. 6ou should also besure%footed on mountain paths.


    + or 6 nights; + days self"guided walks staying in one centre ina )RRR hotel


    2 or J nights full board accommodation in I star hotel, depending onoption chosen. ;eals from dinner on first evening to lunch on day J orbreakfast on day N. =reakfasts and dinners at hotel, picnic lunch duringwalks. +etailed walking notes and walking maps.

    Whats notincluded

    Travel to asterino, ;ercantourE !mall transfers to walks on some days %during Culy and ugust there are shuttle ser,ices. utside ofthese months you?ll need your own means of trans!ort drinks withmeals, entrance to the site of the engravings Kabout 11 euros p:pL, travelinsurance


    =eautiful alpine landscapes in the ;ercan%

    tour *ational Park in the southern #lps

    # series of delightful day walks to discoverthe best of this part of the ;ercantour alps

    # uniue pre%historic site in the Aallee des;erveilles with over I0,000 engravingswhich date from more than 2000 years ago

    # very comfortable stay in the highmountains in a three star hotel built fromwood in great surroundings

    &t a lanceGUIDED / INDEPENDENT




    Dates: 15 June 12 .ct


    This is a single centre based holiday. 6ou"ll be staying ina lovely I star hotel in the heart of the mountains. #llmeals are included in your holiday price, from dinner onday 1, until either lunch on day J, or breakfast on day NKdepending on which option chosenL.









    Wal"s0 day-by-day3ay 1; rri,al 'elcome at your hotel in asterino

    3ay 2; ontanal>e -ircuit2000 years ago the local shepherds left an indelible mark upon the territory, with anumber of beautiful rock engravings. This impressive and vast landscape is pepperedwith glacial lakes and dominated by ;ont =ego reaching almost I000m in altitude. #ne$ceptional day"s walk. 2hrs, :% JN0m

    3ay ); /anoramic >order " /eyrafiIue 9akesToday you"ll literally have one foot in France and the other in &taly. !tarting from anancient military route, lined with forts, and now covered in a carpet of edelweiss flow%ers, your walking route will take you past beautiful lakes and lead you to magnificentpanoramic views over the ;ercantour Park and its &talian neighbour. 2hrs, :% 220m

    3ay $; /erched :illages# transfer will take you to the start of your walk in the oya Aalley. !huttle buses areavailable in 8uly and #ugust, otherwise you"ll need to use your own transport. +uringyour picturesue walk within this pretty valley you"ll be captivated by two superbalpine medieval villages crammed full of history and charm. 2hrs I0, :% MJ0m

    3ay +; :allee des =er,eilles# uniue and ama?ing walking and cultural e$perience. 'alk back in time anddiscover thousands of pre%historic rock engravings % figures and animals representingpagan gods % in a wonderful mountain landscape. -uided visit of the engravingseveryday during 8uly and #ugust and at the weekends during 8une and !eptember. #short 2 minute transfer at the beginning of the day. Nhrs, :% 1000m

    3ay 6; 9akes of :almasIueTumbling streams, impressive waterfalls and three beautiful lakes are all present foryour last day"s walking in the heart of the ;ercantour *ational Park. # majestic andsparse alpine landscape where tales and legends abound. 2hrs, :%J00m

    3e!artureor etra night and lea,e after >reakfast on day '


  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016


    his independent holiday in the beautiful 9anoise @ational

    7ark is a backpacking trek which circles the huge glacial

    plateau of the 9anoise.

    The tour allows you to be at close quarters with elegant high

    mountain peaks and stunning alpine glaciers. 5ess frequented

    than the :ont Blanc range, this stunning alpine region in the

    3aoie 3aoy- offers a quieter but no less spectacular alternatie.ascade dela Fraiche>. 6our route then climbs an ancient route used to carry salt, trekking around thebase of the stunning rock spire aiguille de la Aanoise sculpted and polished by ice. #t theol de la Aanoise K/21NmL, youll come face to face with the -rande asse, a true giant ofthe French #lps, with its glacier lapping at the crystal lake at its base. 1100m,

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    his short walking break in the #lps, tours around the

    magnificent :ont #iguille in the 9ercors an incredible

    rock tower cast off from the main cliffs. The 9ercors is a

    magical place where gleaming rock faces meet wild and

    desolate plateaux. The main summits are to be found on a

    ridge running along its eastern edge, the centre piece being

    :ont #iguille. These undiscoered mountains offer some

    ama2ing panoramic iews of the alpine chain. %our self

    guided walking holiday stays C days to the north of :ont

    #iguille and C days to the south which allows you not only

    to hae remarkable iews of :ont #iguille but also to climb

    the highest summit in the 9ercors and explore the unique

    limestone plateau. # remarkable landscape of gorges and

    canyons which will take your breath away.


    /rice /P/ + nights; M+*+ /P/ >ased on 2 sharing



  • 7/21/2019 High Point Holidays Walking Holidays Brochure 2016



    he 9ercors is a magical place where gleaming rock

    faces meet wild and desolate plateaux. The main sum

    mits are to be found on a ridge running along its eastern

    edge, the centre piece being :ont #iguille, an awesome

    rock tower cast off from the main cliffs. %our traerse will

    follow this edge from aboe and below in the most scenic

    part of the 9ercors. These