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Hidden Cause of Cancer

Dec 03, 2014



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Page 1: Hidden Cause of Cancer

by Walter Last @ 20ll


Historical Evidence for Pleomorphic Microbesor nearly a century we had increasingly strong evidence for a commonmicrobial cause of cancer and autoimmune diseases, but now we alsohave visual proof A recently developed research micr&cope canshow us in great detailwhat happens in the blood of individuals who

develop these diseases. What it shows is that the key to understandin€ theircause ard cu.e i he ris". o'perhdps boller rr_e uprjsjrg. o!ar endogerousmicrobe in the blood.

The scientific community adopted the concept al manatuorphism, based onthe work of Louis Pasteur in the late l9th century. This concept means thatmicrobes alwavs maintain their basic shape as virus, bacterium or fungusThe tet'. pleouarphistn, on the other hand, as coined by the French chemistand biologist Antoine B€champ, refers to the ability of microbes to changefrom one forn into anothet like a caterpilla. changing into a butterfly.

while a causal correlation between car]cer and microbes has been shownonly in a few rare human or animal tumours, several independent

, rcsea.chers have reponed the proliferation of certain microbes in all cancer

, One of the first researchers was the German professor of zoology andmicrobiology, Ciinther Enderlein, who in 1925 described the different stagesofa microbe that is normally present in the blood as tiny colloidal proteinunits.

These protein units appear to originate from the natural breakdown ofcellular components and may be essential for healthy blood. Indegenerative diseases, especially cancer and autoimmune diseases but alsochronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, these protein units grow intoincreasingly higher bacterial forms and finally into fungi. Conventionally,these lorms are called Ekdetleifi sttucturct and are the basis of Live BloodAnalysis as presently used in naturaltherapy.

Independently, mostly withoul knowing ol each other's work several olherresearchers-including Royal Raymond Rife, wtlhelm Reich, VireiniaLivingston-Wheeler, Alan Cantwell and caston Naessens-have describedthe same phenomenon

orthodoxy, however has a dogma which says that microbes always havethe same form and cannot chanCe from viruses lnto bacteda and fungi. Thisis because ofthodox microbiologists commonly observe dead stainedmicrobes in dead tissue or live ones for short periods, instead of livemicrobes in iive tissue at very high magnification over long periods.

Of special jnterest are the experiments of Dr Livingston-wheeler, whoinjected cultures of pleomoehic organisms into mjce. when small amountswere injected, an autoimmune disease developed, but higher dosesproduced tumours or cancer Accordingly, these cancer.formlng microbeshave often been called caneer viruses at cancer micrabes.


Page 2: Hidden Cause of Cancer

Mycoplasmal lnfectionsThe growth cycle ofp/eomoehicoryanisms includes a

stace as cell-wall-deficient (cwD) microbes These mayarise endogenously, within our body, or arrive from theoutside as M!/ropldsrnd species orthodox microbiologydoe5 1ol recognisp tha CwD ari\eendogenot-rsly, but mycoplasmas have been known since1898 as the smallest group of bacteria. The term mycoindicates fungus-like properties, while plasma pointsto the soft shell without a cell wall. Mycoplasmas are

actually Iiving particles of bacterial nucleic acid and areregarded as being parasites in our body.

Mycoplasmas or their spores are so small that, likeviruses, they go through bacterial filters and maycontaminate blood used for transfusions. Oftenmycoplasmal infeciions remain symptomless until onesuffe6 a traumatic event or when health deteriorates forsome other reason. Because of the missing cell wall,mycoplasmas don t respond to most antibiotics.commonly, mycoplasmalinfections are associated withthe presence of otherpathogenic microbes andparasites

of special interest presentlyare the microbes associatedwith Lyme disease which canoriginate naturally from a tickbite The bacteria that causeLyme disease, the spiral-shapedBo/rolia have been shown toexist in a bacterial as well as ina mycoplasmal form and as

Mycoplasmas areactually living particlesof bacterial nucleic acid

and are regarded as beingparasites in our body.

schizophrenia, depression and Alzheimer's diseasesome af these, jncjudjng Partrjnson s disease, could becured by eli.ninatjrg the mycoplasmal infestation lsee

A Revolution in MicroscopyA te\o'utiond'y e hniq,e rn optrcdl m'croccopy.

invented by cerman researcher Kurt Olbrich, has beendeveloped by Crayfield optical Inc (see the websitehttp// It allows one to seedetailed structures that are otherwise not even visiblewith conventional phase-contrast microscopy Now it ispossible to observe the decomposition of live blood orthe pleomomhic changes from spores or viral forms tobacteria and fungj in diseased blood

Previous researchers of pleomorphic processes weierestricted to a magnification of about 2,000 times and aresolution of 200 nm, while the Olbrich Lens Systemallows magnifications of up to 30.000 times and

resolutions of less than 100 nmwith great depth of focus innatural colours. Therefore,everrthing can now be seen inmuch €reater detail and caneven be filmed

Orthodox microbiologistshave used conventionalanalltical methods and theoriesto prove that the observedEnderlein structures are deadprotein aggregates, but if theyinstead used the olbrich systemand f ilmed the development

spores. They also can hide from the immune system byusing markers of normal body ceils.

Modem Lyrne disease stalred in 1975 as an epidemic inthe town of Lyme, Connecticut, close to a biologicalwarfare research laboratory US govemment scientistshold a patent on behall of the US Amy for the crystallineMtt.rplaswa lunenlIns Th rs sem i -"ynt hel lc sper'cs a oped ,to be much more dangerous than the natural variew (see

Public Health Alert article at http,// Ie nenlant is an important agent in severalmodern diseases which suddenly appeaied in epidemicform, such as AIDS, Lyme disease. Gulfwar s''ndrome andMo gelloF\ d'ced-e. Vd rou, my"oplar'n"l -pecres d'eassociatedwith pneumonia, bladder infections, endocrinedysfunctions, gastro-intestinal distress and otherconditions. A key problem with mycoplasmas is theirdisruptive influence on cholesterol and other sterols, andeven worce is the toxic elfect ofthe Borrelia spirochaete onlipoproteins, thereby wreckingthe metaboljsm of fat.

The microbes of Lyme disease may trigger h!ndreds ofdifferent symptoms and have now been shown to mimicmost chronic diseases, especially chronic fatigueconditions, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases ingeneral, but also mental conditions such as

and movement of these entities they would be unable todefendtheir dogma.

I recommend that you watch these videos at thecrayfield optical websiie. The first video, athttp'//, shows the activity anddevelopment of pleomorphic microbes in the blood Alonger video. made earlier and of lesser quality butshowing additional interesting facts, is athttp://tinyurl com/6ykople. Disregard the scientificdetails of the explanations, and especially the names of the various microbes andprocesses, and just focus on what you see.

For detajled drawings and descriptions of thedevelopment cycle of these pleomorphic microbes, see

http://tinyurl com/3ehmxta. In the head of these club-\l^ap"d mr(,obe. ore can 5ep new sporer or vituspsevolvingr and when the whole structure reaches acertain size, the head explodes and releases a new batchof virus-sized patricles into the blood. Immune cells orphagocytes gobble up these virus forns to destroythem, but if there are too many they iust continue todevelop inside the phagocytes into club-shaped formsThese eventually break out again, with large heads fullof viruses that they release into the blood.

42. NEXUS www, DECET\,4BER 20 -JANUARY 2012

Page 3: Hidden Cause of Cancer

The Nature of Pleomorphic MicrobesThese aforementioned vldeos show that healthy blood

is clean with well-formed red blood cells, or ?rytlirorqfr5In addition, there is a faintly perceptibie backgroundstructure of tiny globules, each with a single tail. Durlagan acute infection, some of these globules grow muchbigger and develop a second tail, but after the infectionhas cleared up they disappear into the background astiny globules with single tails. If the body is generallymore !nhealthy or in a so-called precancerouscondition, then these structures remain permanentlyvisible as round or elongated club-shaped forms.

An interesting phenomenon is the movement of theseglobules in and out of erythrocytes Pleomorphicmicrobes live mainly on our blood sugar When it ishigh, they are mainly outside in theplasma; but with low blood sugar, theymove back into the ervthrocytes wherethey fi.d more food. Then when thesugar Ievel is high, they come back outagain.

As the immune system continues todeteriorate, fungus-Like forms withlong threads develop and growincreasingly bigger. The.igid andflexible fibres shown in thepleomorphism videos remind me ofthe weird-looking specimens ofMorgellons disease that I once viewedln this disease, strange synthetic-Iooking fibres come out of theskin. This suggests to me thatMorgellons may be the result ofthe crystalline Mu.opldsnii speciesdeveloped by the US Army. Thetjmeline shows that the Army sfirst patent application was in1986. that there were severalmodifications and that in 1993the final patent was granted ltwasn t until 2002 that the term'Morgellons disease was colnedSuccessful selthelp methods forMorgellons, posted on the Internet seem to be effectiveagainst mycoplasmas in general. It appears that the USArmy siarted ej(perjmenting with mycoplasmas soonafter the end of World War ll, as suggested by severalstrange epidemics such as the Royal Free Epidemic of1955 involvjng myalgic encephaljtls, now morecommonly called chronic fatigue syndrome orfibromyalgia

Large fungal forms are present at the end stages ofcancer and ,qlDS. It is recognised that frequently thecause of death is due to systemic fungal infestations, orMq,rses. Convenlional theory assLtmes that these aresecondary to tumo!rs or HIV, while the observedpleomorphic life cycle shows that these and their fungal

stages are the primary cause of why people die of cancerand probably ofAIDS. The reason for the lethal effectsof severe mycoses is likely a combination of poisoningof the energy-producing mitochondria inside cells byfungal toxins and ihe destruction of erythrocytes bypleomorphic microbes.

These pleomorphs not only fill the inside of redblood cells and deplete them of nutrients, but they alsoform spines and long protrlsions in the cell wall whenthey mo\re out into the plasma Someone withmyasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease, oncementioned that he was shocked to see that most of hisred blood cells looked like black sea"urchins. Theseerythrocytes can no longer supply nutrients to the bodyand are quickly destroyed jn the spleen This is the real

In the end stages of cancet nearly100 per cent of erythrocytes arestrongly infested and dysfunctional.This then leads to cachexia (musclewasting with extreme fatigue) as theieading caus€ of death in cancer andAIDS sufferers Howevet as shown inthe longer video mentionedpreviously, with special Enderleinvaccines used even in advancedcancer the erythrocytes can be

returned to healrh within onemonth with simultaneousshrinking of existing metastases.

You may lronder how it ispossible for a single cause such asan overgrowth of pleomorphicmicrobes in the blood to lead tomany different diseases. Theanswer is basically the same aswhy a cyclone can destroy onebr.tilding and leave another oneundamaged, or rips off the roof ofone and causes water damage inanother When the immune

system is severelyweakened, then any pathogens have freerange and theweakest organ willbe the first to crumble

Orgone ExperimentsThe new observations with a superior microscope also

validate the orgone experiments of Wilhelm Reich, whodescribed similar microbialprocesses in the 1940s (seeThe Canrcr Biapath|, Farlar, Straus g Girolx, New York,197?1. He accepted only terminal cancer patients andhis treatment was free Commonly, pain diminished,blood and weight improved, and tumours shrank ordisappeared. Despite this, the patients died. From this,Relch concluded that tumo!rs are not an important partof th-. disease

cause of severe anaemia that is socommon in cases of advanced cancerand various other diseases.

ln this disease,strange synthetic-

looking fibrescome out of

the skin. Thissuggests to me

that Morgellonsmay be the resultof the crystalline

Mycoplasmaspecies deyelopedby the US Army.


Page 4: Hidden Cause of Cancer

Reich's work was so threatening to the medicalestablishment that all of his published books weleburned and his equipment was destroyed under FDA

suoeNision. He maintained that a court is not a propei

olace to discuss a sc enlific theof Hedl"d r'057'r a

iJS prison llor rore b,ograohl"dl 'nlormatior "eehr Lt//www w'lhelm'e'cntrusl org^rograpn! liml l

Wilhelm Reich s most important achievement-whichI reeard as the gredlesl sc'enl:f.c d'sco'ery ol lhe Iast

reniurv- war hts dis.overy of lhe rio,l at lhe basic Jlltol bioiogical Life. Reich found that every kind ol food

and vegetable matter, when heated to incandescence

and then dropped into a sterile nutiient soLution,evolved into round, moving orpulsating bions thal appeared blue tndark-field micloscopy or \rhen vjewedwith a fluoresceni microscope He

sa crificed 'fine-slru ct u re details andobsewed mainly at 3,000-i,000x inorder to see colour and movementbetter The stronger the blue colour'the higher the vitalily of the entity.Unde. these conditions. healthYerythrocytes have a blue appearancewhile dead ones are black Accordingto Reich, this blue glimmer is thecharacteristic of bio-energy or life'

tumour developed large cavities which filLed up with T-

bodies The originally blood-red cavities turned into a

rust-brown colour from the disintegrating tumour and

blood cellsReich observed that weak erythrocytes could be

charged to become strongly blue and vital by usingsunlight and especially his orgone accumulator whichconcentrates orgone from the atmosphere. Somehealers have the ability to channel strong bio-energywith their hands and to some degree even remotelywiththeir mind.

Degenerating Blood and ProteinsAll cancers, autoimmune diseases

and chronic infections seem to beassociated with degenerating bloodThis becomes apparent from the weak

orgone charge of red blood cells andthe presence of pleomorphic microbesin both plasma and erythrocl'tes Theweake. the blue colour and the morewidespread and evolved thepleomorphs, the more the blood isdegenerated and the more advancedis any chronic disease.

There is also a concern that bloodused for transfusions can be

contaminated wilh M'lcoplasft a.

Th is contamination and theformation of T'bacilli indegenerating blood may befactors in the observation thattransfusions often lead to worseoutcomes than not usin€ bloodtransfusions (see web page at:http://tinyurl.conV6islft 91.

Therefore, it is jmportant for usto understand the conditions thatcause blood to degenerate Amain cause is the presentlYwidespread 'leaky gut syndrome".

ln this condition, the intestinal wall is permeabie tomicrobjal products present in the intestines and also toonly paftly digested proteins which can now enter theblood. This greatly weakens not only the immunesystem, which tries to keep the blood clean, but also thevitality of red blood cells which become increasinglysusceptibl€ to invasion by pleomorphic microbesLeaky gut syndrome appears to be a frequent outcomeof antibiotic and chemothelapy drugs and other drugs

that interfere with our intestinal flora. This interferenceallows candida and other pathogenic microbes to take

over and invade the intestinal wall causinginflammation and making it permeable.

Also contributing are chronic infections andinflammations in other parts of the body Fultherimplicated is antthing that reduces our vitality, such as

force, which he called o/ro,l9. It ispresenl not only in ail livingmatter but also in water and aitorgone originates in the Sun andis transmitted bv sunliehtBions the biological units oforgone, may gradually aggregateand evolve into amoeba-like orprotozoan stluctures.

Reich described anotherformation derived fromdegenerating proteins as T-6a,illi

the T' standing for Tod ("death )

in German. These can easily be

cultivated from cancer tissue the blood of patients withcancer or precancerous conditions and also fromde€eneraLrng blood lniecl.eo in high doses lneycankmrce withrn 24 hours: in lower dose'. lhey produce

cancerous gro\lths. They are black lancet shaped and

of a similar size as described by olbrichAlso interesting is the observation that the blue bions

paralysed and killed the black T'bacilli and even themuch bigger Profeus bacilli. In the same way stronglyblue ertthrocytes killed T-cells and pathogenic bacteria

but thereby the erythrocytes lost some of their blue

colour, indicating that theil vitality had declined in theprocess When sirongly c\arged red blood cel ' entered

a LUmour can-er lis\Je staned to disir'egrate 'I to nor-motile T-bodies. But in addition, the red blood cellsdisappeared and only T-bodies remained visible The

Under theseconditions, heahhyerythrocytes have

a blue appearancewhile dead ones

are black.According to

Reich, this blueglimmer is the

characteristic ofbio-energy or

life-force, whichhe called orgone.


Page 5: Hidden Cause of Cancer

stress and worry pharmaceutical and recreationaldrugs,processed lood and nutritional deficiencies, exposure tomicrowaves and electromagnetic radiation, rool canallreatment, fluoride and mercury, as from amalgamfillings, and generally pollution of any kind.

According to Reich, T-bacilli originate from thedegeneration of every type of prolein Thisdegeneration stafts when proteins lose thejr vitality Wecommonly experience two forms of proteindegeneration: one comes frcm the lnappropriate use ofcooked food, and lhe other from gradually accumulalingprotein waste in ourtissues

Food can lose 1ts vitality through cooking storage orvarious mechanical processes It begins to lose vitalityimmediately after cooking and a few hours later itsvitality has completely disappeared. Therefore, if we eatsoon after cooking we still get much of the originalvltality, but the next day this cooked food may become asoutce of T-bacilli In a slmilarway, fresh food loses its vitalityduring long or inappropriatestorage or mechanicalprocessing and can th enbecome unhealthy Thls shouldnot be a problem with properlydried food and baked products

Another observalion of Reichmay provide a solulion. if bionsare mixed with T-bacilli, thenthe latter will be eliminatedTherefore, rf we mix some fresh

Understand:ng Autoimmune DiseasesThe mechanism of mycoplasmal infections lets us

understand the true nature of autoimmune diseases.During the acute initial stage of a bacterial infection, theimmune system eliminates most of the invadlngmicrobes but some of them manage to survive by hidinginside the cells of a vllnerable organ or gland. They mayremain there, possibly in their mycoplasmalform or evenas spores, until the vitality of the host, and especially ofthe immune system, declines sulficiently Then theygradually come out again into the blood, but this timethey re camouflaged by belng clothed in the biologicalmarkers of the cells in which they were hiding This maywoik for some time, but eventually the immune systemlooks through the deception and starts attacklng theseimposters. Unlodunately, genuine body cells with thesame markers are attacked as well. This then leads to anautoimmune disease invoLving the organ or gland in

food high in vitality with

Therefore, if we mixsome fresh food high inYitality with devitalisedfood, the overall body

reaction will be positive.

which the original invadeF werehiding

Howevel according to my ownexperience and the researchpublished by others, suchautoimmune atlacks can bestopped with appropriatenatural therapies For this to besuccessful, the blood needs tobe cleaned of ihe pleomorphicmicrobes that weaken theimmune system and the aedblood cells. Then immune cellscan also eliminate the disguised

microbes with the deceptjve markers from the bloodThis eventually stops the attack on normal body cellsvith these markers Any surviving invaders may hideagain as spores in suitable host cells. Such spores mayeven be transmitted to the offspring.

Understanding CancerCancer may start with a primary infection, similar to

that descrlbed for autoimmune diseases. or withpleomorphic microbes arising in tissues weokened byaccumulaled protein waste. ln ihis case, the bodycontains the mlcroblal infestation by encapsulating it. Aslong as the blood is clean, a tumour is jlst a tumourj notmalignant and not a cancer. However, if the bloodbecomes infested with pleomorphs, often in response toan emotional trauma, the encapsulated microbes startmultiplying and develop into higher forris They prodlcegroMh hormones which cause a tumour to expand Nowthe tumour is malignant but still contained Thissltuation may peasist for many years, with the tumourslowly growing or becomjng dormant foa long periods,depending on the vitality of the body and the strength ofthe immune system

L.- d l). dl e'ma ) .ed'\ ar d u tr a,' gpleomorphic presence in the blood, some tumoitrs may

devitalised food, the overall body reaction will bepositive This also ties in with the observatjon thatcooked food tends to cause digestive leulocytosis. Thisis an lncrease in the number of white blood cellsproduced after eating cooked food, indicating thepresence of something toxicj but this reaction does notoccur after eaUng /du food Apparently, leukocltosls canbe prevented by adding some raw food io cooked food

]}aditlonally, the vitality of food has been checked bypsychic means, such as via a pendulum, but now anobjectlve instrument is available and even affordableThis is the Experimental Life Energy Field Meter {seehttp //wrinv.orgonelab.or€/carvylemeter.htm) It sellspresently at US$360, so a group of indlviduals couldeaslly share in its cost and use

The second form of proiein degeneration is theaccumulation of protein wastes inside cells and tissuesThis commonly happens as we age, and is especiallynoticeable in all kinds of degenerative diseases Up to70 per cent ofthe volume of some cells can be filled withstored decayjng matter Thls problem arises mainly fromhabitually eating p.oteins without their natural enzymesMost ol these enzymes are destroyed by heating above45 degrees Celsius The solution is to eat mainly rawfood, or undereat, ordo pedodic raw-food cleanses.


Page 6: Hidden Cause of Cancer

form distant metastases. But the trend in modernmedicine is to rcmove even small tumolrs This now

allows more dangelous microbes to spill into the blood,

and dormant micro-metastases aheady present to spring

into life years earller than they would otherwise have

done (see my Cancel Surgery web page athttp,/,4inyurl com/3ob6o3o)

Howevet even these metastases do not normally killthe patient Commonly, lumours only kill directly if theypress on vital body structures. Instead, most cancerpatients die from cachexia-severe weight-loss and

-u-clewd.rirg -l ecd-\eol i\i. cdCLe\;d \progre\':.'anaemia due lo the desfflction of most erythrocltes bypleomophic microbes This is the main cause of death

from cancer

Regenerating the BloodIt should now be obvious that the mosi importani

blood, and Mongols drank blood from their holses.A good way to check your progress is vrith Live Blood

Analysis. If it does show problems in the blood, thenhave another check about every three months until theblood s appeaaance is normal I generally recommendthat you continue to follow your own specialLy desl€nedhealth program if you decide to undergo this analysis.

Another possibility is to use the Life Energy Field Meterto mon itor the vitality of your blood and urine

Rational Cancer TreatmentSome special conslderation may be appropriate for

overcoming cancel, especially in ihe presence of a large

tumour or metastases There are several possibilities.YoLr may focus mainly on restoring vitality wilhelmRelch did this with his orgone accumulatoa Even when

tumours disappeared, many patients died, presumablyfrom lhe toxic effect of disintegrating large tumours

which overloaded the organs ofelimination

The cerson diet is based onfresh vegetable juices to providevitality, and it strongly focuseson eliminating the generatedtoxins. Thls gives it a muchbetter success rale. However, itoften Leads to massiveinflammations or healing criseswhen the immune system startsattacking the pleomolphicmicrobes and anytumours. Onealso needs to be careful not to

requitement to overcome a

chronic disease, oI to becomereally healthy and make ourbody disease-proof, is toregenerate our blood we needto remove any higherpleomorphic forms and rechargeour red blood celis with vitalenergy. This is the goal. whenthe blood has been regenetated,then the immune system seemsto be capable of elimlnatingpLeomorphic invaders also intumours and affected organs. This

then shdnks tumours and stops autoimmun€ attacks.

Our €ffod may start with sanitising the gastlo'intestinaltract by usin€ a combination of antimicrobial remedles

and suitable probiotics or fermented foods. Continuethis for several months or until any related diseasesymptoms are under control. For a recomrnendedprogram see my ultimate cleanse web page athttp://tinyurlcom/4cxzpu7 combin€ this with a high-quality diet high in fresh raw food (see the web page Lhtml),preferably a moderate exercise program and suitableoutdoorc activiiy. Tly lo minimise the negative factorsmentioned in the previous section.

ln addjtion, pay attention to blood in meat products

Blood that is low in vitality disintegrates rapidly intopathogenic pleomorphs, and especiaLly T-bacilli This

shows the wisdom of ritlral slauehter whereby the bloodis drained from the animal. This is supported by the holy

books and religious traditions of meat-eating socleties,not only in lslam and ludaism but also based on biblicaL

traditions in early Christianity. ln contrast, frsstl andhelttha bload is a powedul healing agent and has been

used fortransfusions to cule cancet The Masai rarely eat

meat but typically drink the lrrsli blood of thelr cattlemixed with rd milk. Zulu tribes also drink fesfi animal

We need to remove anyhigher pleomorphic f ormsand recharge our red blood

cells with vital energy.This is the goal.

raise the blood sugar level undulywhen drinking juices ofsweet vegetables such as carrotsi at least half ofthe juice

content should be from green-leaf vegetables. Inaddition, iuices should be sipped graduaily.

lnflammatory crises can be avoided by greallyrestricting food intake, as with the grape diet, whichrequires eating about one kiLogram of grapes spaced outduring the day, or with the Breuss diei, invoiving half alitre of fiesh veeetable juice sipped during the day. Bothprograms are scheduled to last for six weeks with thjsapproach, the body tends to autodigest any tumours andthe pleomoehic microbes siarve to death, but one needs

to have reasonabLy good weight and energy from theoutset Alternatively, one may do several periodic raw-

food cleanses of shoder durauon.Still anoiher approach is to alkalise the body. Professor

Enderiein found that pleomoFhic structures dissolve inan alkaline milieu. we cannot make the blood moiealkaline than its natural, slightly alkaline, pH of about 7.4,

but we can make the lymph system alkaline and, withthis, any tumours This may be done with differentversions of sodiLrm bicarbonate therapy and to a moreexlreme degree with caesium chloride. These therapies


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