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Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

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The Man-Woman:Being a Medicine to cure the C^ilriih Difeafe of

the Staviers m the t5M\t(cv.!i:iC'!c>niniue\

of our riuH\s.

txprcfl in a briefc Dcclamaaon.

yion times poj'hmiis

Minris,will voubc irim'd orirufTd ?

LoiKwn ^'umc'.U:; I.; ...i o ..u loLc io»u .a v^i.wU C.».v.. ^..ic, u»u.

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Queens University


Professor J. A. W. Gunn,


Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Page 7: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive



Published by The Rota at the University of Exeter


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AC^Ii 1(^10/^ /JS-L

Printed in Great Britain by

The Scolar Press Limited, Ilkley, Yorkshire

Page 9: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

Bibliographical Note

Hie mulier appeared in 1620, licensed on 9 February toJohn Trundle,a well-known publisher of topical tracts. Haec-vir, ostensibly a reply,

was licensed, also to Trundle, on 16 February, a speed whichsuggests that 'the two were designed as a Ijookseller's effort to

capitalize on popular interest in both sides of the controversy over the

position of women (L. B. Wright, Middle-class culture in Elizabethan

England [Chapel Hill, 1935], p. 499). Hie mulier is a rather conven-tional diatribe against women who betray their sex by assertive andimmodest behavior, and particularly by dressing like men. Haec-vir,

much livelier and better-written, is a dialogue in which Hie mulierdefends herself against the charges reeled out by Haec-vir, the

effeminate man, and claims the rights of women to personal liberty

and to recognition as individuals. Although the author of neither

pamphlet is known, differences in style and attitude indicate that

two writers were involved. Trundle may have commissioned themas a contribution to the continuing argument set off by JosephSwetnam's The araignment of lewd, idle, froward and unconstant women,

published in 16 15. By 1620 this had gone into five editions and hadelicited four answers, among them two purporting to be by women


Rachel Speghte's A mouzellfor Melastomus and The worming of a maddogge by Constantia Munda, both 1617. King James himself hadjust voiced objections to 'the insolence of our women, and theyr

wearing of brode brimed hats, pointed doublets, theyr hayre cut

short or shorne, and some of them stilettos or poniards' (J. Chamber-lain to Sir D. Carleton, 25 January 1619/20, cited in E. P. Statham,A Jacobean letter-writer : the life and times ofJohn Chamberlain [London,

1920], p. 182). There is a select list of Tudor and early Stuart tracts

and satires on women in Cambridge bibliography of English literature

(Cambridge, 1940), I, 716-17.

Pollard, and Redgrave, Short title catalogue, record two copies of

Haee-vir (12599) ^^'^ ^^ur copies of Hie mulier (13374 ^^^ '3375)-The separate entry for the copy in the British Library is a con-

sequence of its having been cropped close at the bottom of the title

page. Ramage, A finding list of English books to 1640, lists a fifth copyof Hie mulier.

Collation of the Huntington Library copy (H) with those of the

British Library (B) and the Wigan Public Library (VV) shows that

press corrections were made twice in the course of printing. H is the

final version, incorporating a number of corrections, mainly of

spelling and punctuation, which affect the alignment. In VV some(but not all) of the corrections that appear in H have been made

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on a single signature, A4V (e.g., in line 4, H and W have 'doublet'

where B has 'dublet'). The most material amendment occurs in

line 3 of that signature where H has 'civill embracement' whereas

B and W have 'open embracement'.

In the opinion of Dr. Edward Hodnett, the woodcuts, in a style

characteristic of popular contemporary publications such as ballads

and broadsides, were executed especially for these works by an

unknown craftsman (neither designed by an artist nor cut by a


The Rota is grateful to the Huntington Library, San Marino,

California, for permission to reproduce Hie mulier (61256) and

Haec-vir (61257). We wish to thank the Director of the Wigan Public

Libraries. We have also received help from the British Library. Ourgreatest debt is to Dr. Sandra Clark for suggesting that these tracts

be published and for substantial help with this Note.

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Hic ^rvLiE%:.Or,

The Man-VVoman:Being a Medicine to cure the C^.olthli Difeafe of

the Staggers tn the ^raJcuiincJcmintnCi

of our Tiir.cs.

Expreil 111 a briefe Declamation.

'Son times polmus oinnes,

Minris,will youbc irim'd orirufTd ?

I.oiKon ^uuKU:; I. / .,.. c .«u iv/Lc ..i s^i..*Ji V- .» .v.. ^.,i<.. u

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I c M V L X E 1 ) How now } Breilce

trtfcidm bead at the firfk cncoon-

tcT } but two words, and they falic

Latine? Pardon mec good Sig-

niot C9wffQ$m ^ for I will not an-

fwere thee as the Pope did , that I

will doe it in dcfpight of the Grammar : but I will

tnam6taine,ifit bee not the trueO Larine in our King-

don^e, yet it is the commone(l. For fince the daies

of AdAwt women were ncuer fo Mafculinc \ Maf-culine in their genders and whole generations^&omthe Mother, to the youngeA daugfierj Mafculme in

Number, from one to multitudes; Mafculine in

Ofc, cucn from the head to the foot \ Mafcoiinc in

Moodc, from bold fpecch , to impudent adiion i

and Mafculinc in Tcnlc :for (without rtdrcflc) ihcy

were, arc, and will be ftill moft Mafculinc,moft man-kindc, and raoft monftrous. Arc allwomcnihenlum'd Marculinc?No, God forbid, there area worldfull of holy thoughts, modcft carriage, andfcucrechaflitic; to thcfc let mcc fall on my knees, and fiiyj ^P^i^i^,,,,You, O you women- you good women ;

you tliai good wotnyv

arc in -the fulnclTc of pcife^ion,you that arc the

A 3 crowncs

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Hie ^5\€uliery

crovmct of naniies workc , the compkmems of

mens csccttcnckf , and the Seminaries of popa-{;ation( yoH that muMumt the world,fupport man-nide, and giue fife to ibeiette; you, thatarmed with

the infinite power of Vertue, are Caftles itnprcgna.

ble, Riueis vnfailcble, Seas immoueable, infinie

treafures, and inuincible armies; that arc helpers

moft truftie, Centincls moft careful!, fignes deccic-

Icfle,plaine waves failclcde , true guides dangcr-

ledc; oaLnes that inftantly cure , and honours

^ . ., that ncucr pcrifh : O.doenot looke to finde your;M,e« tnt[.HU

j^j„gjjp(hjjDgt\amaiion,butwith all honour and

rcuerence doe I fpcake to you : You arc SeneUs

Graces, women, good women, modeA women,truewomcn:eueryong4>ccaufe euer vertuous,eucr chaO,

cuer gk>rious : when I wiite of you , 1 will write

with a golden pen, on leaucs of soldcn paper ; nowOfAhomiU

J ^rite with a rough quill, andDlackelnke^onironAuihor wiacs.

^^j^^^jj^^ iron deeds ofan iron generation.

Come then ,you Mafculine-womcn , for you

arc my Subicft, you that hauemade Admiration

an A(W; , and fool'd him with a deformitic neuer

before drcam'd of , that hauc made your felucs

granger things then euer Neahs. Arkc vnladcd , or

IQylt mgendrcdj whom to name, bee that named

all things, might fludyan Age to giue you a right

attribute , whole like arc not lound in any Antiqua-

ries ftudy, in any Sea- ;ians traucll , nor in any Pain-

ters cunning; you that arc ftfanger then ftrangencllc

It fclfe, whom Wifcmcn wonder at 5 Boycs iTiouic


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or, the MdH'Woman.•t, ind Goblins thcmfdues (Ian at ) You cfiM are

the gtlc durt, which imbrodcrs Play-hoif(eci{ the

painted Statues which adomc Caroches , and the

pcrtumcd Carrion diatbad men fecde on in Bro-

chek : Tis ofyou, I intrcat, and of your monftroutdcforniitie ; You that hauc made yout bodies Hkc

tnttcke Bofcadge , or Crocefco worice « not halfc

<nan, halfe wonian;kalfc fi{h^alfc flcfh; halfc bca(t

halfc Monftcr • bttt all Ody ous, all Diucil, that hatic

cafl off thcornamcntt of your fcices, to pvt on the

garments of Shame ; chat haue laid by (he bafh-

fulncflc of your natures, to gather the impudence

ofHatlotS) that haue buried filence, to rcuiucdan-

der^ that arc all things bat that -which you fhouki

be. and nothing kflc then friends to vertuc andftoodnodc; that hauc made the foundation of yout

nighcD detcAed worke, from the lowcft dcfpiled

creatures that Becord can giue tct^monie of; the

one cut from the Coramon-xicalih at the Gal-

lowes ; the other is %vefi knowne From the firil yougot the falfe armoury of yellow Starch (ibrtowcarc yellow on white, or white vpon yellow , « bythe rules of Heraldry bafcnefTc, baf\ardic , and in-

dignitie ) the folly of imiuiioii , the dcccirfulneilc offlatterie, and thegrofei^ baferieflfe of all hafenciTcjto

dowhatibcucr a greater power will command yon.

From the other, you haue taken the monftroiifnefic

of your dcformitie in apparcll,exchanging the mo-deft attire of the comely Hood , Cawlc, Coyfc ,

handromcDrcrTcorKcrchicfe, to the cloudy Riiffi-


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Hie ^SVfuIier,

aoly b^ojd-bcJoVd Haue, and wcaioq Fe^iilier,

the m6dc{l vppcr patts ot a conccaling^ flraighc

gownc, (o the look, laickiious ciuiU cm&4j:cm€nc

of a French doobkt, being all vobuccon'ii co <ntice,

allof oncQiapc cohide defbunitie, ani extreme

(bort wafkd lo giue a ino(^ ea^ Mcay to «uery

lauoirious a^on : the filoryof a faire lai^e h«yf€,

to d>c (kame ofmofl ruibanly (hort locbcf ; die <idk,

ihioke ^thcT'd,and dofe guarding Saurgards^ to

the (hoic,weake,thinDe,looiC|and tactf hand-en-

cenaioing fnost baOes 4 for Noedki, Sword« ; for

Prayei bookes , bawdy ligs ^ for niodefV gciUirei,

gyant-like bchaiiioun^ and lor woinens modclMCfdl

Miniicke and ^pidi inciiiiUt|e : Thcii: arc jrottr

ioundciS) from thefc you toakeyocircc|7ie$ , aad

(without amcndmcui) wid) tlicfc you ihaU<:ot))e 10


St^hnlcs being askcdjwhy he prcfemod i>a wontai

inbisTiagcdieshuc good ones i'^nd^AftP/ti^^fytnc

but bad oncs?anrwcrcd^^ prtcicnted ^mKi>asihcyiMivtheAu (lioukIbc«5biu£is<^i^<^^jwpir»cn asthcy wcfc. Solf ur win I ut.

pjj.f-gfjj^i^fg Mafculine woincn in ibc dcioraHtie«a'»

ibcyare, tiut I may call tl^em backc U) xlic uiodei^

tomclincflc in w hich duy were.

The modcA conKh»«flc in which they were ?

ifcc dcitrj^ui- VV'hy^idcucrthcfeAfr^rr«4/<^, or raihcr Me^tre-

hre^rA^i"""^'*A''^5 t^^^ ^^^^ ^c Car-nwns blockc, the

mtx/ Dutchjuans feather f7>/^-zi^;7-«/«^<' J the poorcirans

pate poiil'd byaTrcencdifh, the French doublet

ttudd with points, to Matj Ankr^i light nether


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or, the Man-ff^omdn.

skirts, the Fooles Baadnke, and ibe Diucis Pony-ard. Did they cucr know comclincflc/)? roodcfUc ?

Fic, nojihcy ncucr walki in tho(c«patbcs; foi thcfc

atthc bed are fiirc burr;,ggcs of Gentry, tomefrom better pieces for their foule ftaincs , or elie the

aduhcrate branches of rich Stocks, that ukiog toomuch fapfrom the roote , are cue away , and iohploy'd inbafc vfesj or, ifnot fo, they are the (link-

ing vapours drawne from dunghils,whicb nourifht

in the higher Regions ofiheayre,become Metcectand falfe tires blazing and fla(bin€theieia, anda^mazing mens a)indes with their tminge proporti-

ons, till die lubftance c^their pri<k being f]»eDt,they

drop down againe to the place from whence they

came, and there rot and confume ^Rpitticd, andvn-reaiemhred.

And queftionlefleit is true , that (uch were^y^DtComlk]


firft beginners of thcfe laft deformities, for froni bafc aD<i bar^

any purer bloud would hauc iflbed a purer binh: ^*ro«»

there would hauc becnc iomc fparkc of venue:fome excufc for imitation : but this dtfotmitie

hath noagreejnent with goodneffe, nornodifife*

renceagainft theweakeil rcafbn : it is all ba(e,

all barbarous. Bafe, in refpe^ it offends nun in

the example, and God in the mo{\ vnnaturall vfe:

Barbarous, in that it is exorbitant from h^ture,andan AfK/thf/if tokiiide*, goingaOray (with ill-fauou-

red affectation) both ui attire, infpecch, in man-ners,and (it is to bee feared) in tlie whole courics

and floriea oftheir anions. Wliat can bee more^ barba

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Hic ^'fuller,

barbarous, then with the gloffc of mumiiitig Art,

to difgutfc the beauty oftheir creations;* To mould

their boJics to cucry deformed fafhion ; their

tongues to vile and horrible prophanarions, and

dieir hands to ruffianly and vnciuill anions •, Tohaue their geftures aspyc-bald, and as motley-va-

rious as their difguifei^ their foules fuller of infir«

mities then a horfc or proftitute, and their^indes

laneuifhing in thofc infirmitiei : If this bee not

boroaroQS, make the nide SdthidM , the vntamed

^MTf, the naked Indutt^ or the wilde I///i&, Lords

and Rulers of well gouemed Cities.

But refis this defbrmitie then onely in the ba>

ier r in none but fuch as are the beggery ofdefen ?

that haue in thpm nothing but skyni(iinefi&,&pee-

uifhaefle? chat are liuing eraues, vnwholelome

Sinkes ? quartan Feuers for intolerable cumber,

and the extreme iniury and wrong of nature Pare

the(c,andnone elfe guilty of this highTrcafon to

God,and nature?

Of the better o yes, a world of other, many knowne great;

':^X^.though. geoJ, wiihthapoy muchloued and

moi) admired, arelo foulely branded with this

infamie of difguife, and the markes Hicke fodecpe

on their naked faces, and more naked bodies , that

Where rtiA, not all the painting in Rome or FMftftdCan concealc

1vi!r""^ them, but eucry eye difcouers them almoft as low

as their middles.

It is an infe^^ion that emulates the plague,

and throwcs it fclfeamongft women ofall degrees,


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or,the Man-U^oman.ill deferts, and all ages^ from the Capital! to

chc Coccage, arc fomc fpoti or fweilings of this

difeafcjycicucrmorcihc greater the pcrfon is,

the greater is the rage of this GckncfTc , and tlic

more they haue to fupport the eminence of

their Fortunes, the n)ore they be(\owc in ^c lue-

mentation oftbeir dcibrmtties : not oncly fucn ,,u„ ^.^as will not worketoget bread, will nndc time wiii doe for

to weaue her fclfe points lo iruflc her loole J^'^'^P'^*'

fireeches: and fhce tluLthith pawned her credit^^"'

Co get a Hat , wtll lell her Smocke to buy a Fea-

ther ; Shee that hath giuen kilTcs to hauc he:

hayrcfhorne, will giuc herhoneftiecohauetKt

vpper parts pucinto a French doublet : To con-

clude,(he that will giuc her body to haue her bo«

die detormcd, will not ftickc to giuc her foule to

h^ue hf r mincic (atisficd.

But (uch as aic aUe to buy all at their owne The exceiTc of

L^'»rgcs,they fwimmeinthc cxcdic of thefc va- t*»f guat p«.

nities, and will bee man-likc iwt onely from the*^"**

head to the waite,but to the very foot, & in cucry

condition : man in body by attyre, man in bch.i-

niourby nidc complement, man in nature bya^tncflc to anger, man in adion by purfuing rc-

uenge, man in wearing weaponf,man in vfing

weapons:And in briefe,(b much man in all things,

that rhcyare neither men, nor women, but iuft

good for nothing.

Andean Grcatneflc and great Birth ; great

bcauiy,grcat bringing vp,and great richcs,ftoopc

B2 t.

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Hie (SKfulier,

to the bafeneflc of tlicfc mooftrous imitations ?

What I v-o- Why , what arc all chcy when the face of vcrtueauH IS when

j^ difguifcd , mofc then as filuct Bci« on a Iackc an

loft. Apescoatc that (hew faire, and chyme fwect^ but

laue not poorc lacke fkom cne laih of the whip,

when hisknauerie requires it ? no more (ball chetc

greatnede onwealth ^uethcmfcom one particle

ofdifg]:ace,whichthcren)or)(fa:ous difguiies haue

ca(\ vpon them.

Oh you that are the great rich builders of this

huge frame or NUile of di(guiros,remcmber what

the Poet (aith;

S- T. O. jiff^ the {Udes tffexes )fwthw^

Nor villi fitM^mif^nw my gyme tt mske,

Btrth, BcAttty^ weMhhtretiHhmg wcrthdltmy

Ailtbefe I cHiUf0rgt0dtddrtioniiAke ;

N9$f»rgHdpAfts^ tho/i tvF^ sre /^ctml/md

w1i$m My third tktrtg fr§ tbcmfeluti hsth mnu

Mdther them thefc the cbieci ofmy hne^

Lit U begnd 5 whim thf/e with vcrtutg»<y

Th€f (m tliemjelues mdtprtut ) vertucs fnue^

t firgtodlike fireturnes dll th.ffj^s to hefo :

Gods Ifitige in herfink^O letmepkce

My ioia vf$n j noi Adams ttt her fAce,

I h :,i from ibe Remember how your Maker made for ou r (irft

: t A there was Parents coates, not one coat, but a coat for thed:^crcncc in man, and a coat for the woman; ooaics of fcucrall

fa(hions, feutrall fotmes, and for fcuerall vies


the mans coat 6t for his labour , thcwomansfit


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or, the Afan^f'^oman.

for her raodcftie : and will yoa lo(e the modell kft

by this great Work>inaftef ofHeauen?

The long hayrc of a woman it the omammcq^^^^ ^

ofbei fcxc,and bailifuii rhamcfaftncffc her chiefe dc^ouMtic

honour : the long haire ok a roan, thr voard ior

»chccui(h or murderous difpofkion: and will yott

cue otf that beauty , towcare the others villany ?

ThcVefUlsin/tiMprworeconily gannemsoloncpiecekom the neck to the hecle \ and the Sword-

players nx}tley doublets, with gaudy points : the

Brllbcgotrcuetaice; lite brer Unfthiccri and will

you ioU that hotior^iorthe others (come^be wea-

pon ofa vcrcuous woman was her stares ^ which

cuery good man pitied, and euery valiant Qian

hoooured: chcwoaponola crueU mati is his

fwotd,which neither Lawaliowes^aorrealbn de-

fends: and will you Icauc die eiccyent fhicfd of

tnoocencc tor liiis deforined in(\rument of

difgrace ? Eiicn for goodncflc lake ( that can cuer

pay her owne with her ownc oKrits ) looke to

your repiiutions, which arc vndermined with

your owne Follies, and doc not become the idle

Sifters of fooliib Ucm Q«tx»te , to bclcaic euery Women com

vainc Fable whi hvou readc.or to think you may P''^<*«°^**

bee atttrea like BrddsmMMtj who was often ukenioi RtarcUtio her brother j that you may fight ^„»4,f4^1,like Mdffiz^^ and winne husbands with conqueO


ot ride aUryde like CLtr/Mdns , and make Gyantsiall at your Hirrops, ( (he Morals will giue youbetter mcaniogs ) which if you (buDDe^ and take

B 3 the

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Hie oSXfulierj

the groffc imttacloiis, the 6rft will depriueyou ofall good ibcietie ;thc fecondjofaoble aftcdiont;

and the third,ofall belouedmodcfiie : you (hall

lofcaUihccharmcsof womcnt naniiall perfect*

ons^tue no prcfencc to winnc rcfped, tH> beauty

CO inchattnc (neiis hearts,nor no b<i(hhilncfi[c to ejt>

cufe the vildcfl iospuunons.

The £iyrcft face couacd wich a foide vizard,

begets iKKhing hue afiighc or Icotne, and the

noblcfl perioD, in an ignobk diiguife, atcainef

to nothing but reproch^ndicandaU; Away then

with thele difguties, and foule viiards ; thdfc vn-

natural] paincingf ^ and immodeft dikouerics}

keepe ibofe pans concealed from the eyes , chat

may not bee toucbc with the hands : Let nota wandrine and laiciuiouf thoughc read in anintiiing Ineex the contents ofan vnchailevolume

How women Imicate nature: and as(hee hach plac'c on theihauJd ,rr,t cr

j^^j^^^ ^^ fuperficies of the eanb , all things

nccdfuil for mans fulkrunce, and neceilaric vie %

A5 Hcarbs, Plants, Fruhs, Corne and (uch like,

hut lockt vpclofe in the hidden cauems of the

c-iuh, all things which apperuineco his delight

asd pteaftire:as gold, (Uucr , rich Mynerals and

precious Stones lio doe you difcoucr vnto men.ili ihings that are Br for them ro vnderftand from

. ou : as bafh&Jocte in your checkes , chaAitie

\a your eyc$,wi^ome in your words, fweetncflc

if> your corucr{arion,piric in your hearts , and a

:'>i cnll andfcucrcmodcftie in the whole ftruc-


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or, the Man-lVantan .

cure or fctme of your vniuerfaii <6mpo(ition :

But fdr chofe things yvhisli^lotig to tins wanton

and Uiciuious delight and ple;^urc : «»cyct %¥dr.-

dringfUps byUing, tongue inticiug, Wed bicds

reducing, aod luiedarmes imbracing : O hide

thein,forfhame hide them in the dokft pn^<»Rs

of your ^i^eft goucrmncm : fhield chcrti with

model) and comely garments, fuch as are warmeaod whokfooK, hauing eucry window clofcd

with a firong CafenMi^c, aiui euery Loope-hole

fumt(ht with &icb ikong Ordnance » that no vn*

chaise eye'may come ocere to aflayle chetn ( nolaiciuious longue wooe a forbidden padage, noc

no pr#phaneband couch reliques (o pure and re-

ligious * Guard tbcm above with couiiter*fcarfes

of hiiioodAce, Treadles ofhiunaiitKea(bn»,andimpregnable walks of (acred Diuiiutie : noc with

Antickc d«%iiife , aod Mimkke CuKaftidtcnefle,

where eucry window flandiopealike the 5ai^ar- AftrcrtHhcrr

fj, and^uery window a Curtizan wichaninOru- ^He Cunuans

ment, like (b many Syrtm^ coinchant the wcake**''^'' *"



paflenger to (hipwracke aod defiru^ion. Thus(ball you be your (elues againe , and hue the moAcxcellcnceftcreacuresvpon earth, things paA ex-

ample, pa(\ all imiution.

Remember, that God in your firfl creation did

not forme you of (lyme and earth, like man , but

ofa more pure and refined metall ; a fubftance

much more wonhy : you in whom arc all the har-

monies of life, the perfc^ion of Symetry , the


Page 24: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive


mse and curious confimt ofthemoA ^itA ce^

lours and the w^ciUby Gacdeos which fiU the

world wichliuiog Plincs. Doc bur yoa rccdtie

veituous I«'mate»(as what Palaces art more rich

CO rcceiuc beaucoly osdicngers } ) and you (ha9

draw mensfoulcsvnto yoowidichatienere, dc-

uout,and holy adoracion^thacyou (hal neuerwant

praife^ucrloucncucr rcuercoce.

rhf excufc of ^t «•«'' "'c* thiiikes I^ hcarc the witty-

);rcftt pcrfons. offending greatOncs reply in excufe oftheir de«

lormities tWhar, is there nodifteiciice amoagft

Wonxn > no diftiniSion ofplaces, no refpcA of

Honours, nor no regard of bloud, or allyaoccf

Muft hue a bare pay re of fheercs paflebccwcene

Noble and ignoble, betweene die eendttus (pidc

and die bafe Mechannick;(hall we be altco4ieiret

ofone honor, one eAase and one h^( } O Mrn,

^ou are then too tyrannous, andnotonrly iniuce

Nature, but alio breake the L^wrsand cnOomes

of the wifeft Princes. Are no* Biftwp* knowne by

their Myters, Princes by thcii Crowncs , ludges

by their Robes, and Knights by their Spurres ?

but poore Women haue nothing (how great (be-

uer they bee ) to diuide themfclues from the inti«

fing fhcwes or moouing Images which do fumith

iTie Cjtic ac- "oofi (hop$ in the City.What is it that cythcr the

ciUii Lawes haue allowed loihe grcateft Ladies, cu-

fiome found coniienient,or their bloods or places

challenged, which hath iwt beene ingiofl into the


"*"Ciiie widi as great greedincile, and pretence of


Page 25: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

or, theMsn-ff^oman.

inietyife} as if the furoeafe fipomthe Tmjtfrifm

were the voer breach of their Ch&mct eMccbA-ingly.

For this caufc, ihcfc Apcsof the City haue BriagiMiarfinticed forrainc Nanons to their Celi^ aod there f^^runtUb^

comining gro(£: adultery with their Cewgiwo^ ****

hauc brought out fiich vnnaturall cottceptiond,

that the whole world is not able to makea Dmm-critMS big inongh to laugh at their fooli^amWi^ons. Nay, the very Artot Paiotipg (which 10 Ci(it<m W»-

thc Uft Age rh.»ll ci'cr he held in detciUtion) they"*** ^•^ e^

hauc fo cumungly floln and hidden amongfl tbeif"^

husbads hoords of ireafurCjihat the decayed ftockori?roftitution(haiiirg little other rcuenuet) tichowerly in bringing their ad^ion of T^rtmaf ««

g.iinft thcin. Hence f'bceing thus troubled withihcle /'o/>^«/tft/,&loth rtill to march inorKratikewith fooles and Zs^ya) hauc proceeded thefe dif-

giiiicd deformities , not to offcrvi the eyes oigoodnelTc , btit to tycr with ridiculous cootcmptThcneucMobe fatitfied appetites of thefe gto&and trnmancrly imrudcrs: nay .look ifthi» Yciy laft ciwtt,, got

edition ofdifguife, this which iifo foU of fiiulti, into Uusbcw

corruptions and faL'c quotations, this bayt which**^^^*^*

the Diuel hath layd to catch thcfouiesofwafMbnWomen, be not as frequent in thedemy.palacesof Burgars and Citizens, as it is eithc: at Maske,Tryumph, Tik-yard. orPlay-houfe: call bis toiccounc the Taylors that are conuincd withinthe Circumference of the Walles of the City

^ and

Page 26: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

Hie (JM'ulier,

and ktbut tbehr Hels ind their hard fedoniri|l

hc;iu(Uy fammcd together, and it wsUbee found

they haue raifed more new foundations of this

new difgirile , and meumorphofed more ntodeil

old garmcms, to this new mannerof ibott lafe

and French doublet ("onely for the vfe of Free-

mens wiues and their chiidren)in one monetb


then hath beenc wome in Court, Suburbs, or

Countrey, (tnce the vnfortunate beginning ofthe

firft diuellifh kmention.

Let therefore the powerful! Stawte of apparell

bmlift vp his Battle-Axe, and cni{h the ofiEcnderi

in pieces, Co as euery one may bceknowne by the

true badge of theirbloHd> or Fortune : and then

theie Ci^iw^// ofdcformitie will beefent backe

to hell, and there bumc to Cynders in the flames

oftheir owne malice.

Thus, mecthinkes, Iheare the beft otfendert

argue, nor can I blame a hyc bloud to fwcll when

it is coupled and counter-chcckt with bafenes and

corruptioti; yet this (licwcs an anger pai&ng neere

akinneto eniiy,and alludes much to the faying of


Lorn yeM0trm their Sexe^ but enuj etur.

They haue C^ftrs ambition , and dcfire to bee

oneand alone, but yettooflfend themfelues» to

gricue otbers,ts a regenge dif&nam toReafon \ &as

Page 27: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

f)r, the Man-lVoman.

as Enrifides faith, a woman of chac malicious oa- Bis. U tVd^

lurcitaikiccBeift, afidnx>(\peroiciotti cothe

Common-wealth, for (he hath power by example

CO doc it a world of iniury. But farrc bee fuch

cruelty from the rofincfTc of their gcmk difpo-

fitions : O let them remember what t^ Poet faith:

Frsm'd wtth the fdmepdrts §fthe mimdt st jwi

Naf Nature triumfht m their hetuttes hirtht

Amd women mdde theghryfftheegrtb^

The life of beautj^m wheJeftrnplebreftSf

{Asw her fdirefi lodging) Vertne refis


wh$fe ttwrmglhtogkts attcrtdedwtth refmra,

l>t€ tmhe their fAjretJcpe he ofgreaterf^rtt.

But when ihcy ihruft venue out ofdootcs, and

giuc a (lumelcil^ Hbcrtte to aiety ioofc y^j&xm^

thaceiihef ihcir weake choughcs ingendcrs, or

the diicourfe ofwicked tongues can chanuc into

their yccldiiig bofoincs ( much too apt lo bee o- ^"i noake*

pened with anypick-locke of fiattcting aud dc« {^°^^^^''*^

ceitfull iufmuauon) then they tome Maikers, fduct

Mummers, nay Monftcrs in ihcirdifgwifc* , and

Icf they miy catch the bridle in ilKir teeth, arnl

lunneaway uith their Rulers, they cartiK>t into

what dangers ihcy plunge either their Fortunes qc

RepuiMionSjthedifgrace ot the whole S^(e,orthe blot and obloqiy oftheir priuate Famdiei,a«-

coi^dingto tbc faying of the PocuC2 SMih

oiren tuac*

mc (hen-

Page 28: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

Hie ^5\fulier,

£. ^, S»tk is fhtgrmkftfwmteit'kmJe^

whenthnhsm^Jim §ff$ke(btmefMct istui

tFftkwh/thwifi mstmr^iUAtbemjhmgijfhmde^

T 0hey Ihe hep tfmdMS wcil-ndiwgksmd i

Th§t $ken gUluUe smd liifm they wfhfigmi

Ttf^mrelhtfid ffH/rtntii itkirtie \

Bf$t vertsMU w*met$ wifely vmderBsmd^

Thdt they were hermeU tmilde humtlttte^

Vnkffe thehetmm them lift t§ Uwfk&^mr^

A warniag m To you therefore that are F4chcrt,Hiitb«iMls,

^^^^**^^oi Suftainers ofthefcncw Herm9phr$daes ^ be-

longs the cure of this ImpoOunie { ic is you that

giue fiiell to the flames of their wilde indifcie-

tion. You adde the oylc which roakea theif

ftinking Lamps de61c the whole hou(e with fiU

thyfitiolie, and your purfcs purchafe thefe defor-

mities at rates, hoih dearc and vnrcafouable. Doeyou but hold clo(c your liberall hands , or takf a

m'xQ, account of the innploynicnc of the treafure

you giue to their neccfiarie maintenance , and

thefe excefles will either ccafc^or clfc dye fmothe-

red in prifbn in the Taylors Trunkes tor want of


-ifjktnXu SenttA ( fpeaking of hbcralirie ) will* by namcanes allow that any man lliould beftowe either

on fricndjWifc or children,any ircafure to be fpent

ypon ignoble v(e$ , for it not oncly robs the party

oi the honour ot bounty, and takes from the deed

ibe name of a Benefit j but atfo nmkes him con-


Page 29: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

or, the Man^Jf'^c^man.

fcioui,& guikie of die cnmes whkb are parduAbvruchagTituide. BceibcrcfontbcScbotkts ofSemeu \wdyom VVioet, Stftcn and Daufhtert

will be ibe Co-hciies ofoiockOie.

Li(«r^ the Uw-giucr made it death in one ofLycurfmU*

his Sucutcs, to bring in any new oiftome imohif *^^^ "•*^*

ComiiKxi-weakh. Uocyou make it the vticT io(&

of your fauour and bouncy^ hatie btought imoyottr Family, any new faThion or dtigtufe, that

migbt ciiha dctormc Nature, or beean iniwy to

modedi^ : io fhail (hamebflnei and comciineirc

cue* Hue voder your roofe, and yoor Wiues andDaughtcTi like VincsandfaireOUuef^eucrlprcad

withoeaiity round about your Tables.

The LuedewHmUms feeing thac thek chikJrcQ .j^ aifto«»e

were better taught by cxamplet, then prcc€pU)«fihcL>rcdc-

had hanging in their nouiet in diire paimiKl u- »««^<-

bles all the Veruiet and Vicec that were in choie

dayet raigning, vrith tbetr rewards, aod puniA).

men^. O hauc you but in your houies the faOii*

ons of all attires condantly, and without cliange

licld and Hiil followed through all the pans ofChriftcndoRi Let then) but fee the iikxJcA Dutch,thcnateUIcahan, the rich Spaniard , and the

courtly French, with the reft, according to their

climaicr,and they will blul"h,thai in a full fourth

part ofthe world there cannot be found one piece

ofaCharader,to compare or liken with the ab-

lurditic of their Mafculine Inuentioni nay, they(hall fee, that cheix naked Countrcyman , which

C 3 had

Page 30: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

Hie c5\fuliery

hidlib^ with his Shecfts co cut from eucry Na..

tion ofcbe World» one piece or patch to make vphis ^rmcnc, yet amongft them allcould not find

this MifftUntt or mixtore of deformities , which

onely by thofe ( which wiiiUI they retained any

fpatkc of womanhood, were both loued andadmired r) is looTcly, indiicrccdy, wantonly andmod vncbalkly inuented.

And therefore to knit vp this impcrfcd Decb-mation^lct euery Fcmale-Miiciiline that by her ill

example is guilty ofLuf^or Imiution;ca(l offher

deformities, and ckMth her fclfe in the rich gar-

noentt which the Poet bcflowes vpoo her ir thcfc

Vcrfcs following*

TlffcVntmsthtim n$mtMmfritfrAife

Artjibtr(i>etort Tpfthditt^chtfithfiugys with/ff^

T/ne Forth attd due sbedietKe nthetr nttte^

A»d 9fthen chiidrto hm<Jt c»retpuke*


Page 31: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive


TheWomanish Man :

Being an AnCwerc to a hite Booke intitukd

Expreft in a bricfe Dialogue betwcenc /foc-

Vir ihc Womaniili-Mci;), and Hic-JMuliir the


London piiiucd (or ],T, and arc lobe k)U ^ Chrift Church gate. i^ao.

Page 32: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive
Page 33: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

The If^omaniJh^Man.

The Speakers.

H4C'V}r ; The Womanifti-MaaHic-JMulier i

The Man-Woman.

lOft redoubted tod worthy Str(fot

Icile then t Knight I cannot take

you) you are moft happily giucn

vnto mine imbcace.

Hit^Maii Is (he nud? or doth

rhee n)ocke mee ? MoA rare andexcclicnc Luidy,I am the (eruant of your vcrtucS|

and defire to be imployed in your feruice.

Hdt'K/r, Pitje of patience, what doth hec bo»

hoki inme,to take me for a woman ? Valiant andmagnanimous Sir,I fbal dciire to build the Towerofmy Fortune vpon iioftrooger founJatJon then

the bcnc6t oi your grace and lauour.

Htt'Mm/: O ! proud cucr to be your Scruanr.

Hdc-ytr, No, the Scruant of your Scruanr,

A 3 HH'MmI:

Page 34: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

HacA^ir^ or

ffif'Mai: TbeTytheofyourfneodAifp (goodLady) ifahmx roy malt.

Mat-nr, Yoa make mce richbeyond atprcfTi-

on. But (aire iCMtf^, the truth is I am a Man, and

dcTire but the obligation ofyour fricndfhip.

HH'Mwi: It is ready to be fcaled and ddiiicrcd

to your vfe. Yet I would haue you vrtdcriland 1 aiu

a Woman.HdcVtr, Are you a Woman }

JffC'Mttl: Arc you a MaoK) JumlMchs help mc.

Hdf-r/r. Veil am.HtC'Muk Your name ) mofl sender pifcc of


Mjtc-Vtr, HM-Vir, No flrangcr either in Court,

Citic,or Countrey. But what isyoiirs,moft coura-

gious counterfct oiHercules and liis Dirtaffc }

Hh-Mtil'. Necrcakifjnetoyour goodn«*5 and

compounded of fully as falfc Litine Tbc vforld

cals me, HU-MMlkr,HMc-V'ir. What,«/r.A/ir//^,thc MatvVVoi».^n>

She that hl:^ a LariMn-Bell af midnight hfith r:iifcd

the whole Kingdome in Armcsae^ainfthcrPGcod,

ftaml,and let metakcafuH(u>tjav,lH.(liofihec^iiJ

all thy df pcndffiitSi

Uic-MmIx Doc freely: and when rhon JiaH d.iu -

bed me ouerjWiih the v^orik colours thy malice cnti

grinde, then giue iiKeleaue toanlwcrc for myklfc.andl %«i]lK'<yrhoii.iit an accnlcr inO iind in*

different. Which done, I muft intreat you to f.t as

many minuter, that I ma> likcwifc take yonr pic-


Page 35: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

The IVomantJh^Man.mrc, &: then rcfcrrc toecnftirCjwhctherorourdcfor^

micici is moD iniuriout toNiouc^ moftc&miauicCO good men,in ihrnocoriouihesof the example.

Hdc-f^tr. With like condiiioti offrecdomc to an-

fwere. The Articles are agreed on : Therefore ftand

forth, halfe Btrche^-LsMe^ halfe S^ Thmus Affilci :

The BrO lent chee a doublet, the later a nether-ikirt:

Halfe Brtdevpill , halfe BUtke-Frters ; the one fbt afcuruy Blocke , the other for a moft prophane Feo*


halfe MuH'd-Sacke the Chiomey-fweeper,

hAlfe Gsrrdt the Foole ai a Tiltinfedie one tor a Yel-

low Kufre,ihe other for a Skarfeable to put a Souldi-

o(ir out of countenance ^ halfe BtdUm^ KaMc Brt'

memdfhdm^ throne for a bafe (ale Boote , the other

for a DeaHly Leiden gilc Spurre : and to conclude»all

HdijallDamnaboci. For a fhome, powdered, bor*

rowed Hayre, anakdd,lafciuiout,bawdy Bofome, aLeddt^nHJi Di%%cx^ a High-way PiAoli^nd a mindAtulbchauiouruuable or exceeding euery Dcpeated

rkiormieie.To be briefe, I xnn btitm thcic lew linet

^icliniaie your proponioo , fur the panphraic orf onij>nrtnr>cnt, to fee out your v^incfle to the grca,

icl> cKtf nt ofwonder, i can but refcrrc you to yout<iod^Md that carries yourown name, 1 meane the

hGc^^ oiBiC'Mmltety there you fhali lee yourcha-ra6)cr , atwl ieelcyoor ihaLie, with that palpable

plaincncflcjthat no %y£^yptJMm daikncs can bee moregroffc and terrible.

Hre-Mul: My moft tender piece of mans flcfli,

kaiic this lightening and thundcfi and come round*

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HacAJir, oi-

ly to thetnftter) draw miocAccufation into hcadi,Uid then let me anfwcrc.

Hdt-yk. Then ditM. In that Booice you arc arnig^

iied^(idfoiiodguiky.Fii^ot£tf^/^, in tnaking

youfffel&aiLiueronourl^, and tbe |>oorc innenci*

txi o(cocrf wcakc Braioc ^^ hacfa but «n sdibroi-

dcied ouc'fide, Ka(t^oi^KMur«r^i«^ to forAkp

theCasaiiooDfOody ^and CvAdmes oi the ISHig-

dome^tobe pkced and patched vp by a French Tai-

loT^an lulianBaby maker, sad a Docch Souldtour

(beaciroro the AuMi^^ori^ >U example ofRuffian^ly bchauioor) then •fsh^^mekfa^ym caiAmgoffaUmodeft ibftneUe, and ciuilitic, to rutme thorow eue^

Tf4ihn and wildensefieofmeos opinioiu,liU (are-

lefle vmaofied Heyfen/x wilde Saiiages. Laftly, ol

fml^ikft ^ mh<tfiiMnomedcfaiiQnocfemper,Gi>

ther Idpafiom or amdionrt Bttc turning all ioco

permibitionfand fisldae&softhe fedb, laugh awaytei|Mnoii6ie» «f yourTime, and at Uft dye witn#K naiririKgfacet roaltce of4M incurable coniump*tion. Thar ja/^ayf^, Vnmtmdmcfit^ Shsf/Hkfmft^

FMLfimtfa^ aretbcinaine Hatcb-nKnts, or Coat-

AfmoucSjWhicbyouhaue tanc at rich fpoiles to a-

dome you in the^forretsie ofyour appareU: which

ifyou can excufe^l canpkte,and thanke fr$fiirfmd

for thy wit} though no g«odaaaii can allow oiche


Hc-Mitl: Well, then to the purpofe : Firft, you'^'*'^'^'

fay,! am Btfe^ in being a Slaue to Nouclty.Whai (la.

uery can there be inftccdome of clc6kion ? or what

bafcncnrcjtocrownemy delights widithofcp'cafurcs


Page 37: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

The Woman iJh-Man.

which are moft fuublc to mine aHedions } Bondage

or Slaucry , is a rcftraint from thofc aftioiis, which ^'^'^« ^'^•

thcmindc (of it ownc accord) doth mofl willingly *^^ '**

dcfircrtopcrformcilie intents and purpofcs of an-

ottictsdifpofition , and that not but by manfiicnKic

orfweecncfleohntreatie) b<ttby the force ofauiho-

ritie and ftrengih of compuifion. Now formcctofollow change,according to the limitation ofmine

ownc will and plcafurc, tiiere catinot bee a greater ^^*^*; '

frcedome. Nor do I fn my delight ofchange other-


wife then as the whole world doch,or as becommetha daughter of the world to d^oc. For what is the

world , bin a very Chop or ware-houfe ofchange?Sometimes Winter/ometimes SiJcnmer; day andnight; ihey hold fometimes Riches, fomctimcs Po-Dcnie/ometimcs Health, fomecimes Sickncfle: ncwPleafurc^prcf^ly Anguifh; now Honour^ then con-

cempf:andto conclude,there i^ nothing but change,

Mrhich doth funound and mixc wkhall our For-

tunes. And will you Kauc poore wonvm fuch • fixed

Siarre, that fhce fhall not fo much as mouc or twin-

kle in herowt^e Spheate ? That were true Stauery

indeed, and a Bafeneife beyond thechaines of the

worft fcruitude.Nature toeuery thing fhe hath crea*

ted, hath giucn a (ingular delight in charge , as to

HcarbsjPlantsand 1 rccsatifnc towithcrandfheadtheir Icaues, a rime to buddc and biing forth thcii

lcaue$,and a rime for their Fruits and Flower*: Towomics and creeping thirtgs a time to hide them-fckics in the pores and hollowcs oftlK e.irih , aiKl a

liiDC to come abroad and fuckc the dcav^To Bcaf^i

B hbcrtic

Page 38: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

Hac^Vir^ or

libeitlecechu&cbck ibode , liberty to ddiehc in

their food^andlibetty to feed and erow fat with theit

food.Thc Birds hape the ayte to fly ifi,tbe waten to

bathe in^nd the earth to feed oti. But to man, both

thcfe and kll things eife,to alter, frame and fa(hion»

according as hit wiU and delight (hall rule hinn. A-e^inc,who will rob the eye oi the variety ofobiefis,

£e eare ofthe delight ol(bunds , the nofc oi finds,

the tong ofufis^ the hand offeeling ?& (hall only

woinan^cellent woman^ fo tiiuch better in that (he

is (bniething purer , be oncly depriued of this bcnC'

6t? shall (he bee the BondUaue of Timcjthc Hand-

maid ofopinioRjOt the (Wi6^obferuer of ciicry frofly

or cokJ bcnuniroed iQiagitution?It'Werc a cruelty be-

yond the Rackc or Strapado.

i^Titt n^ttcl But you will fay it !• DOC Chingejaai N*mlfifSxom

which you dcterrc ¥i: a thiii^that doth euert the

good, and ercdthe eiiiU;prcferft the faichle(&,and

confound defen jthat with the change of Opinions

breeds the change ofStates^aod with condouall aire*

rations thrufls headlong forward both Ruine and

SubutrfiotL Alas (foft Sir) what can you chryflen by

that new imagined Title, when the words ofa wife-

man are ; th^t wkdf ms dene , it but dene MgAtne : iS

$hmgf d$thAHge^ vmder the cofe §fHeimn there n »»

new thiftg. So that whatfoenerwee doc or imitate,it

is neither slauirh,Bafe,nor a breeder ofNouclty.

Next,you condcmnc me oiP^nndturMlnefie,\x\ for-

Jali. faking my crcation,and contemning cuftomc. Howdoe Iforfake my creationjthatdoeall the rights and

o&ces due to my Creation? I was cjrcated frce^born



Kot vnnatu-

Page 39: Hic mulier: or, the man-woman and Haec ... - Internet Archive

TTje, and liuc free: what leti m c then ^o to fpinnc out

my timCjthat I may dye free ?

To alter creation,were to walkc on my hands with

my heclcs vpward,to feed my ftit with my fectjor to

forfakc the fwcet found of fweci words , for the hif-

fing noife ofthe Serpent: but I walk with a face erc^-

ed,with abody ck>athcd,with a miad bu(ied,& with

a heart full of reasonable and deuout cogitations;

onely otfcnfive in attire,tn as reach as it isa Stranger

to the curiofitie of the pident times, and an enemieto Cuftonse. Axe we then bouixi to be the Flattcreis

ofTime,or the dependants on Cuftomef O miicra-

rablefeniitudc chained onely toBafeaefle aod Fol-

ly ! for then cuflocBC, nothing is more abAird , no-

thing more fooli(h.

It was a cuftomc aroongft the Romanes,that as^we Fo«nfti Cu<

wafh our hands before meales, fo they with cudout *°"'**-

and fweetoyntments anointed all their arroes andIcggcs quite ouer,and by (iicccflc of time grew fromthele vnguents to bathes of rich perfumed aad com-pound waters^n which they bathed their whole bo-

dies : holding it the greatcft difgracethat might be,

to vfc or touch any nanirall water, as appeares bythcfc Vcrfes.

Sht fifines with oyntmentsU msh hsfre Ufidl^ Marx. Li,

Of witbfowre Cbtlktjbe tMn-cMcrs dU,

1 1 was a cufton>e anf>ong(\ the Ancients to lye vponftatcly and foft beds , when eytber they deliuered

Embaflagcs,or entered into any. feriousdifcouricoc

arguiBcnt^as appeares by thefc Verics


B 2 Fdtbif

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HacA}ir, or

Virg.Aen.lx. Father Bi^tSi^thus^giMfdy^

Ffrnfttictf {hitch vmerem he Uy»

Cat0 luftrtr held h for a a)ftbme,neuer to eat meatbut fitting on the ground: the ye/ittidfis kid^' one an-

othct eucT at the nrfi mcctingiatid tiko at (his day it

it a general! receioed cuftome acnongft out Eag-liAi, (hat when we mcctorotiertakc any man in our

trauellorioumeying, to examine him whither hee

rkfes, how fiirrc^o what purpoic^and where heiod-

ge(b } nay ,and with that unmannerly boldneile ofinoutiitson, that it is a certaine ground ofa mod io-

fumcient quarrelI,not to rcceiMe a full raiisf«.^ion ofthofe demands which goe farre 4flray trom goodmannerr,orcomely ciu'.ntie^and will you haue vsto

many our feluef to tbcTe Mymicke and moft fanra-

Aicke cuAomet ? It is'a fafhion or cu(k>me with vs

to moume in Blackc-yct the Arg/4M$T\d Rmt4»e La*

dies cucr mourned in VVliitc ; aiKl(ifwe will (ye th«

n6ion vpon the fignification of colours ) I fee not

but we may moume'\f\

Greeot^Bke^ Redox any (im-

ple colour skd in Hertldrr, For vs to falute Grangers

wid) a kiffcjis counted but cinilide, but with Lorraine

Nations iaimodcftic: for you to cut the hayrc ofyour vpf^cr lips, familiar hccte in England, euery

where clfc almofl choughc vnmanly. To ride onSide- Saddles at ^^ was counted hecre abominable

-pride, &c. I might inftance in a thoufand things that

oncly Cudonte g{\d not Reafon liath approued.

To conclude CMjI^me ts aa Idiot^ atulwhoi^euer de-


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7 he Womanilh-Ivhn .

pendtih wholcly vpon him,wirl)out the difccti. fc of

Rcalon , will takctrom him his pydc coat, a:)d Ic-

comc a Ibiic indeed to contempt and ccnfarc.

Btityou (ay wee arc barbarous and ilianiclcsavd

caft off all (bttncs, to ninnc wUdc ihrougli a wilder^'"• '"' "


ncflc of opinion*. In this you exprcnc more ciuclty

then iiiall the rcft,bccaufe I fiand not wtthnr)' !i?.nds

on mybellylike ababy atir4r^/fi»/9»9nr Fayrc , diat

moue notmy whole body wbetvl (houldf^ut oncly

Oirre my head hke lacke of the Ck>cke honfe ^lichhath no toynts, that am not dumbc when wamorticourt nice, as ii Afle-likc 1 were ready fbrallbor*

^iu,or becaufe I weep not when mtury gripcf me,like a woorried Deere in the fangs of many Curres:

am I therefore barbarous or fhameleflc? He is muchiniurious that fo baptix'd vs : w6 aid as frei-bofiit as

Men^haue as free clc(dion, and as froe fpirits,we are

compounded of like pans, and may with iikcliberty

make benefit ofour Creations: my countenance iTial

ftnjic on the won^y, and frowne.on the ignbbji^, I

uill hcarc the Wife , and bee dcafe to Idcots/giuc

counfell to my frknd, but bee dumbc tofiittcrers, I

hane hatfds that fhaU bee librrall to reward dHcrr,fcerc that fhall moue fwifily to do goodc tficc$,nnd

thoD^s that fhall cuer accompany frccdbme andiciicrity.lf this bee barbarous, let me Icauc ihit Citic^

and liae with creatures oflike (imphcity.

To concliide,you fay wee are all guilty ofnK)f^infinite folly and indifcretion.1 confcf^, that Difert- Not fotilni-

tUn is ihe true fait which feafoneth ctKry excellency,

cyihcr in Man orWoman, and without it nothing if

B 3 well,

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Hac^Fir, or

well f nodiing is wortny : that want difgraceth our

adioos, ilatneth our Vcttnes , and indeed makes vt

iDoft prophaneand irreligioHs,yet it is etier found in

excefle, at intoo much, or too little: and ofwhich of

cbcie are wee euiley;do we weare too manydoathesor too fiew ? if too many, wee (hould oppre^ Na-ture, iftoofew,we diould biiog (icLncfle to Nature


but neitherofthefe wee do, for what we do weace if

warme,iMtyand whokfome, then no exceiSe.^ andfb noindiicretion : where is then the error ^ ooely

in the Fafhton, onely in the Cuftome; Oh formefcy

lake bind vs not to iohatefull a companion , but ro>

member what one of our £«nous £ng|^ Pocli


OfBedridNnfme^ dttd l/mes Udgmiffey

A»d t4kes €W*y mU fetlmi«f9§e»ct*

Againe, another as excellent iothe(ameAtt^bith,

D'Dart. Cmfiome the werlds ladgtmeBt dttJt bUmdfiferre^

Then Vertm i^eft errdsggd dtKtcu Bene,

And will you bee fo tyrannous then, to compel!

poore Woman to bee a tnifth^e to (b vnfaithRilla

Seniant ? Beleeue it. thenwe mui\ callvpourCham-pions againilyoti, wnich arelAw/^ and Ttiuky^ andwhat the one cannot compell yon to forgiue , theo-

iher (halt inforce youtopitty or excufe:and thusmyfclfe imaginingmy felfe nrccofthcic fouoe Impuuti-


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The Womani/h Man.tioos, I ceflco bee contutcdbyfonie better and grjir


fUf'Ktr. You banc wrcfled oat (brae wit , to

wrangle fimh no rearon>fiQcc cuery thing yoti would

make for exctife, approues your guUt ftill more oog-

ly: what baftc bondage, arwhaenK>rcreniileba£-

nctfe, ibeaibicbefiattcnDgand (botbiocd an vn,

bridled appefficCtOi delight^ to take a wi&U libeitie

fodoeoill, andtogtuecuiilexamplc^ thisistobee

HeU PrtarRC,not Heauem Frce-won*^n. It is dtf-

ptxaUeanioin^oot Diiiiocs^wbcilKf vpon any o£-

cafisH a womanmay pu£oa mans att^e, or oo: all

conchidett vnfit; andtbe rooft kdi&rent will allow

it) but ontly tocfcapc pcrfecutioo. Now you will

Mconelyptickoei, bucyreareitconthuialJy^andoot

weam it) biittake fxidcm it, not for pcrfccmion, but

WaHtort pkeaftire $ not to cfcapc danscr.but to runne

intodamnatioQ^not to hclpeothcrs^utto confound

the whole (exe bv the euilneileof io lewd an exam-|ple. Pkd/ar/t (tnough an extreme tyrant) when he

executed the inoenter of the Brazen Bull in the Bull)

did it not lb iXHich for the pleafiire be tooke in the

tormenc,as to cut from the eanh a blaine (b diuelifh

and fiilt of vnciiiill and vnnatDrall inuenttons. Andiiire had the firH tnucoter ofyourdifguife pcrifht with

all her cooplen^cnts about her, a world had been pre-

ferucd from (candall and flanderi for from oiie euill

to beget inEoites. or to nourish fin with a delight in

finnc, is ot all habits the Wwefl, ignoblcft and bafcft»

Now, whoknowcsnotjihtrto yceld to bafcncfle,

muft needs b« folly > (fot what Wifcdome will beeB 4 guikf

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HacA)ir, or,

guilty of its owae initiry?) To be foolKhly bafe,howcan there bee an adion more barbaious^ and to bee

bale, foolirh and barbarous, how cao there appeare

anyfpacke, twinkle, or but ember ofdiicre'ioaor

iudgcment? So that notwithftanding your elaborat

pica for iffcedonDe , yoyr (eocre condcmnAtion ofcuftome, your fayre prpmiic ofciuiil adiohs, andyour temperate auoiditig of exce(&, whettby you

would fecme to hugge and imbrace difcretion ; yet

till you weare hats soddcnd the Sunnc>Dotto couer

(borne locks, CavU^ cojMlorBe the head, not Gregi-

rum towarme idle brakieftt^ till you v^earc innocent

white Ruf{es,noc iealoui yellow iaundis' d bandsywell

{hapr, comely atKidofe Gownei^not light tkirts andFrench doublets, (ot Poniards, Saroplen^or Ptftob

Prayer4>ookcs,and for rufBed Bootes and SpurteSf

neate Shooes aod clcane-garterd Stockings , you(hallneuer lofethe i\i)coiBsfe0ep ^rmmgittrdftes^

ShtmtUfme(jt^9iod Ftobflmeffe , 70U (lull feede Bat-

U4s , make rich fbops , arme contempt , and onely

i!anie and make pooreyour fcluesand your reputi-

rions. To conclude, tf you %vill walke without difFe-

renct, you^allliue without reucrence:.<if you will

^titene order, you ofniftjndure the fhame ofdifor*

der ) and if you will haue no rulers btn your wills^

you iBufl haue no reward butdifdaineand difgrace^

according to the faying of an excellent £ngh(h


d n'lfi.ufl rule sifmcthit Wilhftttrti

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The IVomaniJh-Man.

Hit'Maiu Sir, I confefle you hauc tayfd mine cie«

lids vp, but you bauc notcleane taken away the filme

that cottcri the fight: I feck (\ confcffe) caule oi be*

licfe , aod would willingly bcod my hean to enter*

caine bclicfe, buc when the accu&r is guilty of as

much or moic tbea that hee accufeth, or that I fee

you refuic tb( poctoOvaDd arc as grieuoLHy tn^dcd,

UaflK iDce not ibeti a litdc to (Uggcr, and till you

WtU bcc plcaf4 to bedeant'd of thJt leprofie which

I(ceap|Mrancioyou, giue oac leaue to doi\bt whe-

ther roiiieinfe€^ionbe &cocuagious, asyourblinde

(cncrity wouidmake sl.

Therefore to lakeyourproponion in a few lines,\^^^fl''^'^^

(jof deare Fcaiininc Malculine) tell me what Char- p^niOt Ma.i.

tcr4>relctjptibaorrightofclaime you haue to thoic

things you mak^ our^(bUxe inheritance ? why doc

you curie, frixeJl.aod powder your luyres^ftowing

more hourcs and time in deluding lockc trom l.>ck,

and hayre iromhayre, m ^iuingcuecy thread hia

poftorc , and cucry cudc his true fence and circunv

pbcrcnce then euci Csftur did inmar(hatiiiig his Ar-

my, cythcr at ph4rfii/M,w Sfstm^ot BnttA/mc } whydoc you rob vsofoMC Bliiffc$,ofour Earctitigi, Car-

kanct$,and Munillions^ofour Fanncsacid I cathcrs,

our Busks a.-vd French bodies, nay , of our Maskcs,

Hoods, Shadowcs awd Sliapynas ? not Co much as

the very A ri ofTainting , but you Kauc fo greedily

ingroftit, that were it not forthatliulc fa»taGicaU

C llurpc-

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^arp potntcddag^r chat faxngs at yotir cmm,8cthc

croiTc hiU whidi gM^ds yourppcr itp, hardly would

there be any difference between the fayre MiOris&the foolifh Seruanc. Bar is tliis theft the vttenneA of

our Spoyle? rie,you haue gone a wofid fimher, and

cucn raui(}it froiB vsour^peech, our a^bom, 4>or$

and recreations. Goodaeffe leaue fnee.if I baue not

heard a Man courc his Miftris with the fame words

that VeMMS did AtUa^^oi as neere as the Beolce could

inChiidhinis whereare the Tiks and Tctirafes^nd

loftie Gallyards thatwere daunfl m the dates ofdid,

wlien inen caperd m the ayre Ukewanton kidson the

cops of Moumatoes , and tumd abooe ground as if

dicy had been comp^A of Fire or a purerekmenc ?

Tut all's forfaken^irs vanillit^hofe iMNions (hewed

more (kengdi then An, and niore courage then

counfhip; i; was much coo robu(Vtous,and rather

ipcnt chc body then prepared it, cfpccially where a-

ny defc£l before raigncd ^ hence you tooke from vs

poorc Women our trauerfes &nd tourneys, oiirmo«

dcO (latelinciTe and curious flidings, and kftvs no-

thing bnt ihc new French garbe of ptippet hopping

ai^ letting. Laft!y,poore Sheeile-cock that was on-

ly a icmalc inuemion , how haue you takon it out of

oiirhands,and made your fciucs fuch Lords and Ru-

lers oucr itjthat though it be a very Emblcmc of vs,

and our lighter defpfed fortunes, yet it dare nowhardly come necre vs; nay

, youkeepe it fo itnpri-

fond within your Bedde-Charebers and dyring

roomcs, amongf^ your Pages andl'andcrs , that a

poorc innocent Mayd to giuc buta kickc with her


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The If^omani/h-Mau


B«ttIe-dore, were more then halfe wny to the ruinc

of herrepucitioii. Foe this you hatic demoli(h*d the

noble fcnoolcs of Horfmanfliip ( of which manywere in this Ciiie) hung vp your Armcsto ruft^hj-

cd vp thofc fwords in their (cibberds tK<ii wouldfhakeall ChriAcndome with the brai)di(h,and enter,

uincd into your mindei (och foftncs , diilncffc andefieininatc nicenedc, that k would euen mnke He-

TAclttmt himfelfe laueh again(\ his nature to fee

how pnbngly yoo UnguiOi in thit wcalte en-

teruined finne of womanifh fofmefTe : To fee

one of your gender either fhew himfclfe ( in th€

iiiid(\ of his pride or riches) at a Play houfe , or

publiquc aifcrably howj ( before he dare enter; with

tke /4iy^$ufie ofhis owne eyes and tii) Pages, hec

takes a fuil fiipuay ofhimfelfe^Tom the highcli fprig

in his feather,to the lowed (pangie that fhines in

hiiShoo-ftring: how he prunes and picks hinifelfc

kkeaHiwkcfeca weathering, <als eucry fcuerall

garment to Auricular confcfsion, making them vt-

tcr both rfieir mortall great ftaincs, and their veniall

and leflV bkmifheSjthough the moat bee much Icflc

then an Attonie : Then to fee himpluckc and tuggeeucry thing into the forme of the newcft rccciucd

fal'hion ; and by Durers rules make his leggc anfwe-rabletohbnecke; his thigh proportionaole withhis middle, his foote with hi5 hand , and a world ofilich idle difdaiaed foppery: To fee him thus patchtvp with SymetiT,inake himfclfe complete, and euenas a circle; and uftly,caft himfclfe amongft the eyesofthe peoplc(as an obie^ of wonder; with more

C 2 • nice-

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Hac^Vir, or

mccncflcjthcn a .Virgin goes to the fticctcs of her

6r(\ Louer,would make patietKchcf fclft mad with

anger, and cry with the Poet


O HomJatPH mures, Ogenifi Temporg dur£,

QtsafMSm vrhe Dclor-^ Qiuntm in Or^ Dtlms !

Now fuice according to you: own Inference, cuen

by the Lawcs of Nature jby the rules of Religion, and

the Cuftomes oFall ciuill Nations , it if occeflary

therebca diftin^and fpeciall ditfcrence bctweene

Man and Woman, both b their habic and behaui-

ours: what could we pooreweake women doe lefic

(being farre too weake by force to fetch backc tlicie

fpoilcs you baoc vniuAly taken ftom v%) then to ga-

ther vp thofc garmentsyou haue proudly ca(^ away,

and therewith to cloath both our bodies and our

mindcs ; fince no other mcancs was left vs to conti-

nue our names, and to fupport a dififescnce } for to

haue held the way in which our fore-fathers firft fet

vs,or to haue ftill imbraced whc ciuill modeilie , oc

gentle fwcetocdc ©four (bit inclinations^ why,you

liadfofarreioctoachtvpon vs, and fo ouer-brib'd

the world, to be dcafc to any Gcant of RcAitucion,

that as at our creation,our whole fexe was contained

in man our firfl Parent, fo wc fhoyld haue had no o-

ilier bccing, but in you, and your moft effeminate

qualitie. Hence we haue preferued ( though to our

owne fhames ) thofe manly things which you ha\ic

forfaken, which would you againc accept, and re-

florc to vs the Blufhes we byd by ,when firft wee put

on your Mafciiline garments 3 doubt not butchaftc


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The Womanijh Alan,

tlioughcs tiid barhfulnefTc will againe dwdl in vs


aodouc PaUccibccingocwly gdt, trimmcd^nd r:-

cdificd.draw to vs all iKc Grdus.iW thcMt$/es 5 whichthat you auymorc willingly doc, and ( as wcc of

yours)growc inco dctcftation of that dcfotinitic youruucpurloya'd, to ihc vttcrloflc of your Hoooiirs

and Kcputaii«ns*Markc how the brauc luli ui Poet,

cucn in the Infancy of your abufes, mo<^ luicK


Ah*uf bis Mctke dCarkmet rich he Vfdre

O/pretious Stones, dUfet mgUd wtUtryed\

Fits Mrmcs thdf earft allvArlikt W€m^hs hdre^

iMgtltUnBrAceUts TfJintowlywtret^di

l»tt hts CAres tw» Rj»^s f»fiiuyed Art

OfgsUen J^yer^ dt whichm either fide^ a icfcHpnow

Tjw Induft Perries ^m mdkmg Uke tn>» Pedres, ttfcnunai^


Hts Locks bedeji^ed xttth tpdters tf/jreet/dH4/fr ,

Stood (urled roundm order on hii hedd^

He hddfkch nAMton rvomdu/fh behdu/our^

As though m VdUr he had ne'rc been ired


So chiHga m fpfech^H mdnners dnd imfdnour^

So from himfcife hy»$d dHrcdfun Ud^

By thefetHchintmemts of thts dmoroHS Ddme :

HewdS himfeljesn n$thmgjoiU in Wdme,

Thusyoufccyour iniury to vs is of an old and mueteratc continuance, hauing taken fiich ftrong root

in your bofomcs, that it can hardly bee puU'd vp



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HaeA)h\or,wuhoutromeofkncccothefbyle : ours vong r^^

tender/carcc freed bom the Swaddling cIoMs, and

chcreforc may with &s much eale bee loO, as it was

with little ditflculty fotind. Ca{^ then from you our

ornamentSymd piii on yourowne armours :Bc tnen

in rhape,tncn in {hcw,men in words^cn in adions,

men in counfell, ntenm exatnple : then will we loue

and icrueyou ; then will wee hcare and obey you


then will wee like rich lewels hang at your cares to

cake our In{ku£lions, like true friends follow you

through all dangers,aad ISce careful! leeches powre

oyle into your wounds: Then (hall you findc delight

in our words) pleafure in our faces ; faith in our

hearts ; chaAitie in our thoughts , and iwcetnefle

both in our inward Scoutward inclinstions. Come*lincfTe (hall be then «ur(hxfy*, feare our Armour,

and rnodeftie our praAice:Then (hall we be all your

mo(\ cxcellcmeft thoughts can de(tre, aodhaoe no-

thing in vs lelTe then impudence and deformitie.

lU6-yir, Inough ; You haue both raiCd mine

cyc-Iidf , clcered my (ightyind mademv heart enter-

r^inc both fiiame and delight at an inftant ; (hame

:n my Follies paft 5 delight in ourNoble andwonhyCoiiucrfion. Aw;iy then from me thcfe light vani-

tic«, ihconcly Enfignes ofawcakeand fott nature:

and comeyou gr^iue and fblid pieces, which arme a

nnnwirh Fortitude and Rcfolution : you are to*

rough and ftubbomc forji womans wearing.we will

hccrc change our attires , as wee haue changd our

miTn!cs,.ind with our attires, our names. I will no

ir.orc be //rfff7r, but Wc Vtr , not you Htc-Multer^


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The Womamjh-ALui.hutHdcMtdur: from henceforth dcforinidc i]i.jII

packc to Hell : and ifar any time hcc hide himfdLvpon the earth, yet itfhall bcc with contempt and

difgracc. HcclT)all haucnofiricnd but Poucrty j no

fauourer but Folly , nor no reward but Shame.Henceforth we will line nobly like our fclLics , cucr

fobcrjcuerdifcrcct^cucr worthy jtaic men,and tiiic

women.Wc will bcc hciKcforth like well-coiiplcd

DoueSjfullofioduftryjftiUoflouc: Imeanc^noi of

fcnfuall and camail louc, but hcauenly and diuine

louc.which procccdcs from God 5 wfbofe vnexpref-

lable nature none is able todeliuer in words,{incc it

is like hit d\felling , high and beyond the reach ofhumane apprchcnfioo i according to the laying oithe Poetyio thefc Verfcs following


Ofhues ftrfeQtm ferftcily tfi/feske.

Or efhis ftdturc rtghtly tp dejimCy

Indeed doth fArrefurfAfjt^ur reifins reuh.

And needs his Prieji $' exfreffe hts pcwer djuime,

Ftr Ung before the W0rld he was yhore^

And bred aboite ith hy'ft

celifitdU Sphesre,

F»r by hts porrer the world rras mgde pffore^

Anddllthit therein wondrtus dethdfpeAre.


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GAKE T-^. AnA le^.fs Ub fk-A^,,,

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TheWomanish Man


Being an AnCwere to a htc Booke intitukd


Expreft in a briefe Dialogue betwcenc /fer-

Vir ihc Womanini-Wan, and Hic-^dur the


London jpiintcd for J.T. and arc tobc (old at Chrift Church gate, i^io.

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