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“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 1 Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 New Interns and Deeper Faith In 2014, our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews 12:1-2. It says, “Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” The year’s beginning is one of singular vision, and it includes laying aside personal “weights” and doing the work of believing God for what He promised. We want to serve Jesus with our whole lives, growing in love, discernment, and honor as we share testimonies of good news and encourage the body. Jesus is coming back to join a pure, spotless bride. So there is much to do in preparation! Our lives are lived in full pursuit of His ways transforming the way we’ve always lived. Our team took on some new interns in the Fall, and these new faces continue to enrich and expand ministry downtown. In addition, there are three new single teammates and one new family. These new friends will become vital participants in Real Restoration as they learn to love like Jesus and to lift up His name. These new ones are pictured below. As always, find their full stories and others on our website . Ofx!Zfbs" Vol. 3, Issue 1 | January 2014 Ofx!Qbttjpo" Ofx!Ipqf" We are praying for Real Restoration and Real Redemption through Jesus this year: complete NEWNESS in hearts and minds and bodies. Nbefm!QÁsf{-!psjhjobmmz!gspn! Qvfsup!Sjdp-!kpjofe!uif!po. cbtf!ufbn!jo!Efdfncfs Disjt!Ob{bsjbo!cfhbo! joufsojoh!Kbovbsz/!2/!If! dpnft!up!vt!gspn!Jmmjopjt Njttjttjqqj!obujwf-!Mff! Dvsujt!)qjduvsfe!sjhiu*!xjmm! kpjo!uif!ufbn!Gfcsvbsz!2 Uif!Xjlfstpot!tubsufe!jo! Efdfncfs!gspn!Dmjoupo-!NT!! Uifz!bsf!Bnz!’!Lfmmz-! Bccz!’!Lbujf!)M.S*

Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

Apr 05, 2018



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Page 1: Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

!“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 1

Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8                        

New Interns and Deeper FaithIn 2014, our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews 12:1-2. It says, “Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” The year’s beginning is one of singular vision, and it includes laying aside personal “weights” and doing the work of believing God for what He promised.

We want to serve Jesus with our whole lives, growing in love, discernment, and honor as we share testimonies of good news and encourage the body. Jesus is coming back to join a pure, spotless bride. So there is much to do in preparation! Our lives are lived in full pursuit of His ways transforming the way we’ve always lived. Our team took on some new interns in the Fall, and these new faces continue to enrich and expand ministry downtown. In addition, there are three new single teammates and one new family. These new friends will become vital participants in Real Restoration as they learn to love like Jesus and to lift up His name. These new ones are pictured below. As always, find their full stories and others on our website.

 Vol.  3,  Issue  1  |  January  2014                              

We are praying for Real Restoration and Real Redemption through Jesus

this year: complete NEWNESS in hearts and minds and bodies.

Page 2: Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

!“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 2



Jesus is a living gift, the light of the world, compassion incarnate, and a bold proclamation to the world: “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12 NLT) -->

2 Cor. 9:15 --> "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift”

On December 25th, missionaries, volunteers, friends, and neighbors gathered in our worship pavilion. There was even a family of 4 from Australia. We are so grateful to the Lord for putting it on the hearts of the Phillips Family (from New Liberty Baptist Church) to provide a delicious spread for everyone. Along with “breaking bread” together as a mixed family, we shared gifts donated by CHEC 1 homeschool group from of Clinton, MS. It was one of those perfectly clear days where spirits were elevated with celebration and anticipation both. We serve a worthy King!

John 1:5 --> The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not

(and will not) overcome it.

Isaiah 9:6 --> "His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Ps 107:21 --> "Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loyal love, and for the amazing things he

has done for his people”

Page 3: Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 ! 3

Once upon a Trip to Peru Missionary Reflections from David Lancaster                    We just got back from a week of encouraging our friends Kim, Randy, Garrett and Tyler Bridges in Tacna, Peru. Amy and I spent last week talking with the two children in their care, helping them consolidate the two houses they operated this past year into one, and praying with Kim and Randy as we deepened our friendship with them. This has been a year of transition for our family in Peru. Tyler moved back to Mississippi to attend college. Garrett has advanced to 11th grade and is exploring what God wants him to do with his life. Melissa Lawrence and Elizabeth Froeburg completed their internships and moved back to the USA. Several of the children have been reunited with their families. These are good, successful steps. Kim and Randy quickly expanded from a staff that was simply their family to having full-time, 24-7 employees on base. Life always changes as we grow in our walk with Christ, and so it is with the Bridges family and the ministry of We Will Go in Peru. When I say the word missionary, many people may think of a couple who come to a church in the States once

a year and dress in unusual clothes, telling stories about people across the ocean. The people who come to mind may be the faces on that refrigerator magnet or a Bible bookmark, always smiling with no worries in the world. I used to feel the same way, but I have found a missionary is really someone just like you and just like me who is often faced with hard decisions. Missionaries still need friends

and encouragement. There are good days and bad days. Everything does not always go well, and they do not always have a five year plan. Missionaries have the same calling as us all--to obey Jesus every single day. They may live in another country, another state, another city, or on our street. Regardless, their lives can be shared beyond the occasional update email. This year when we come across a picture of a missionary

on the refrigerator or in our Bibles, let’s do something radical. Let’s act like they are an extension of ourselves--part of the same Body of Christ. They are not perfect, which means they are not much different from us. Yes, let’s pray for them, but more than that, let’s make friends with them. We can be a part of their lives. We can call them and tell them we are praying. We can email them and even GO SEE THEM!!! God did not make us to go through this life  alone,  no  matter  where  we  are.  

• Izmir, Turkey—NOW and continuing --> Meridith began living in Izmir as of early November. She secured a 5 year residency visa through the favor of the Lord and the partnership of a local church. Pray for her as she gets settled, and continues to learn the language. For other specifics, click here.

• Quebec, Canada—October 16 – April 15--> The Sims family started a 6 month internship with the Quebec House of Prayer. Pray for them as God

uses them to share His love with many unreached. Click here for recent news from this merry band of Jesus people.

• Swaziland— --> Jim, Elysa and five of the MacLellan kids have moved to Swaziland. They are getting settled and figuring out what God has in store. Click here to see the latest from the Mac Zone.

•Peru— --> The Bridges family runs the WWG base in Tacna, Peru. Click to learn more about the children’s home there called The Exodus House. Pray for wisdom as the team finds practical ways to serve and love.

[Photo: ancient Greco-Roman and Byzantine city of Hierapolis]

Pray for all the We Will Go family serving

in the Nations

Up Ahead!Turkey—Spring Break 2014: March 5-16

Honduras—March 2014Mexico—June 2014

Mozambique—July 2014

Email [email protected] for more info

Page 4: Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 ! 4

Beyond the Tools For wewillgo ARTS, “discipleship” is the place where it all comes together Thursdays and Fridays in downtown Jackson are ARTS days at We Will Go. A remarkable partnership between missionaries, neighbors, visitors, and volunteers contributes to a quirky yet effective working environment each week. It’s literally a cultural hub where faith-filled interactions promote purpose and identity for ALL involved. The work area we’ve been using for the past year is hardly an award-winning space. Yet beneath a lean-to squeezed between two metal storage containers, we’ve managed to build a small

business...literally from the fruit of generosity and resourcefulness. Our products are simple, smart, durable, and they are redefining the scope of restoration. Why? Because making them includes life-giving conversations with people at the same time as the products become something beautiful, even if they started as moldy messes. Every day is a new adventure of

teaching, training, shepherding, and motivating, and the goal becomes clearer and clearer with each run of the saw: we exist to make disciples.

We do ARTS to enable and empower people with a dynamic and practical relationship with Jesus. We don’t just have workers from the neighborhood; we have people from all across the country contributing to a team effort. The job is actually an invitation into relationship. We look for the opportunity to ask, “Will you follow me as I follow Jesus?” And so we’ve found that the gospel is the most relevant gathering point. We pray together several times throughout the day. We have morning meetings where we discuss contracts and agreements. We exchange goals and discuss plans for the future. “Discipleship” is the

wewillgo ARTS = True Restoration! From Condemned Property to Redeemed Creativity

wewillgo ARTS

exists to:

★ train, mentor, and DISCIPLE men and women

★ produce and sell quality and practical creations

★ share profits, proceeds, and donations

Don Michael shows off his picturesque side

This beadboard clip frame showcases two very dear friends of ours

Page 5: Here am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8!!!!!!!!!!!! am I. Lord send Me. Isaiah 6:8 ... our sights are set high on Jesus We never tire of the admonishment from Hebrews ... looking to Jesus,

“Here am I. Send me” Isaiah 6:8 ! 5

We  Will  Go  is  a  faith  ministry,  entirely  dependent  upon  the  generosity  and  responsiveness  of  the  Lord'ʹs  people  to  the  prompting  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  It  is  our  joy  and  honor  to  share  the  love  of  Jesus  with  our  neighbors,  friends,  and  visitors  for  the  purpose  of  making  disciples  for  His  glory.  Many  of  our  friends  are  very  generous,  both  financially  and  through  gifts  and  supplies  they  donate  to  We  Will  Go.  We  trust  our  Lord  and  Savior  to  speak  to  hearts  to  provide.  He  is  faithful!

Online:  :                                                                                                                                                          By  mail:    We  Will  Go      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   799  N.  Congress  St.

All  gifts  are  100%  tax  deductible.                                                                                                                  Jackson,  MS  39202  

default mode of operation, and it looks like constant contact. Maybe it’s a side by side conversation while painting that carries over from lunch, or maybe it’s the tough but necessary interaction about honoring commitments. The key has been a shared desire to learn and grow together.

Without the help of many, we would not have been able to get off the ground. Thanks to fabulous help from Hands of Hope out of CrossGates Baptist Church in Brandon, MS, we’ve had a roof over our heads for the past year. Rain or shine, wind or calm, hot or cold, we’ve been able to complete the tasks of each day. And the blessings keep coming. Soon we’ll have a building from which to grow-- the old YMCA teen center on Farish St. It’s a perfect fit. A warmer, dryer place for the next steps in discipleship. These steps include 1) more opportunities for one-on-one counseling, 2) more

workers placed in new jobs, and 3) a better setup for consistent training (tools, job skills, and Jesus-centered problem solving). Thank you, Jesus for providing AGAIN!

2014: A year of willingness As we Go! we are willing to be stretched, challenged, and changed. This will be a year that the “whispers of heaven will be heard,” said our dear friend and fellow minister David Wagner (leader of Father’s Heart

Ministries). He speaks to encourage the Body of Christ. His whole word for 2014 can be read here. “This generation has seen it all already. They do not need another club, organization, or group. They need and want something real, filled with the love, power, and glory of The Lord.... "Souls hang in the balance. Destinies hang in the balance. Do not settle for what is good, but pursue the best. Do not walk in the flesh, but walk in the power and leading of the Holy Spirit. Do not grow cold to the conviction of the Spirit and do not harden your hearts. Holiness is not an option for my people. I am not a God of mixture. You must not mix the Spirit and the flesh.... "It is time for My church to once again pull together. There will come new alliances established that will cross over denominational barriers. It is time for walls of division to be leveled and bridges of unity to be built. However this must be done without compromising scripture, sound doctrine, and the person and gifts of the Holy Spirit." (qtd. from David Wagner).

Circles like these occur every day at lunch. A guided question leads to a discussion where everyone is asked to share and all are expected to listen. One of the tenants of discipleship is participation in a fellowship.