Top Banner [email protected] [email protected] Daisetz T. SUZUKI Edward Conze [ed] On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ISBN: 06131403X 284 pp. E. Conze's Best of Daisetz T. Suzuki - und persönliche Würdigung von D.T.S. "Under the impulse of D. T. Suzuki's message I then withdrew into a private wood belonging to a Quaker friend of mine in the New Forest, and practised as much meditation as can be practised in this evil age. Then I emerged again, went to Oxford, and published a number of books in which I have tried to transmit the understanding of the Mahayana, and particularly of the Prajñāpāramitā, which D. T. Suzuki had first conveyed to me. His assurance, once by word of mouth and once by letter, to the effect that he thought that I had actually understood Buddhism, has given me great happiness and encouragement. For me therefore D. T. Suzuki will always remain a charismatic figure who raised me from a living death and has enabled me to lead a meaningful life for nearly three decades. And what he has done for me, that he has done for many others also." Edward Conze: A Personal Tribute In Memoriam Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki 1870-1966 The Eastern Buddhist - New Series II/1 1967 +49 170 5562094 +49 69 722012 Kronberger Str. 20 60323 Frankfurt

[email protected] … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

Jul 21, 2018



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Page 1: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Daisetz T. SUZUKIEdward Conze [ed] On Indian Mahāyāna BuddhismHarper & Row 1968ISBN: 06131403X284 pp. E. Conze's Best of Daisetz T. Suzuki - und persönliche Würdigung von D.T.S. "Under the impulse of D. T. Suzuki's messageI then withdrew into a private wood belongingto a Quaker friend of mine in the New Forest,and practised as much meditation as can bepractised in this evil age. Then I emergedagain, went to Oxford, and published a numberof books in which I have tried to transmit theunderstanding of the Mahayana, and particularlyof the Prajñāpāramitā, which D. T. Suzuki hadfirst conveyed to me. His assurance, once byword of mouth and once by letter, to the effectthat he thought that I had actually understoodBuddhism, has given me great happiness andencouragement. For me therefore D. T. Suzukiwill always remain a charismatic figure whoraised me from a living death and has enabledme to lead a meaningful life for nearly threedecades. And what he has done for me, that hehas done for many others also." Edward Conze: A Personal TributeIn Memoriam Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki 1870-1966The Eastern Buddhist - New Series II/1 1967

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

Kronberger Str. 2060323 Frankfurt

Page 2: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Thomas CLEARYBuddhist Yoga A Comprehensive CourseShambhala 1995ISBN: 1570620180109 pp. SAṂDHINIRMOCANA SŪTRA John P. KEENANThe Scripture on the Explication of Underlying MeaningNumata [BDK I/35] 2000 John POWERSWisdom of BuddhaThe Saṃdhinirmocana Mahāyāna SūtraDharma Publishing 1995 Die drei Yogācāra Grundschriften: 1. Mahāyānābhidharma [lost]2. Saṃdhinirmocana3. Laṅkāvatāra Daisetz T. SUZUKIThe Laṅkāvatāra SūtraA Mahāyāna TextRoutledge & Kegan 1932 Karl-Heinz GOLZIODie makellose Wahrheit erschauenDie Lehre von der höchsten Bewußtheitund absoluten ErkenntnisO.W. Barth 1996

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Page 3: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Thomas CLEARYEntry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen BuddhismUniversity of Hawaii Press 1983ISBN: 082480824X222 pp. Vier grundlegende Hua-yen Texte der ersten vier Hua-yen Patriarchen: 1. Tu Shun's Cessation and Contemplation2. Chih-yen's Ten Mysterious Gates3. Fa-tsang's Cultivation of Contemplation4. Cheng-kuan's Mirror of the Mysteries Sowohl der vierte Hua-yen Patriarch Cheng-kuanals auch der fünfte Hua-yen Patriarch Tsung-miwaren jeweils auch 4. bzw 5. Patriarch derHo-tse Ch'an Schule. Und dieser Ho-tse hatteHui-neng für die Öffentlichkeit überhaupterst als Patriarch quasi 'posthum' installiert -ohne seine PR-Arbeit wäre die Geschichte desZen ganz anders - vielleicht im Sande - verlaufen.Die Hua-yen Texte zeigen Zen 'in statu nascendi'und geben das nötige Vorverständnis zur späterenhistorischen Ausformulierung, die sich immerwieder zentral auf Tsung-mi zurückbesinnt. Garma C.C. CHANGDie buddhistische Lehre von der Ganzheit des SeinsDas holistische Weltbild der buddhist. PhilosophieO.W. Barth 1989

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Thomas CLEARYStopping & Seeing A Comprehensive Course in Buddhist Meditationby Chih-iShambhala 1997ISBN: 1570622752207 pp. CHIH-I's MO-HO CHIH-KUAN Neal DONNER & Daniel B. STEVENSONThe Great Calming and ContemplationChih-i's Mo-ho chih-kuan[The Kuroda Institute]University of Hawaii Press 1993 Die drei Grundtexte der Lotus-Schule1. Fa-hua hsüan-i [Profound meaning]2. Fa-hua wen-chü [Words and phrases]3. Mo-ho chih-kuan Als wichtigster Text der Lotus-Schule stehtChih-i's Mo-ho chih-kuan auf gleicher Stufe mitTsong-kha-pa's Lam-rim chen-mo wie auchBuddhagosa's Visuddhi-magga. Einer der großenKlassiker chinesisch-buddhistischer Spiritualität. Th. Cleary übersetzt das 1. Viertel des Werks - Donner & Stevenson das 1. von 10 Kapiteln. Chih-i's Hsiao chih-kuan Handbuch der Meditationwar Vorbild für alle nachfolgenden Zen-Manuale. Chi-Chi's Die Kunst der VersenkungO.W. Barth 1960

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Page 5: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Yoshito S. HAKEDAThe Awakening of Faith attributed to AśvaghoṣaColumbia University Press 1967Numata [BDK I/68] 2006ISBN: 0231030258128 pp. Daisetz T. SUZUKIAśvaghosha's Discourse on theAwakening of Faith in the MahāyānaOpen Court Publishing 1900 Dwight GODDARD / Wai TaoAwakening of FaithMahāyāna Shraddhotpāda ShāstraBuddhist Bible 1956Teaching of BuddhaNumata BDK 1966 Raoul von MURALTMeditations-Sūtras des Mahāyāna-Buddhismus IOrigo 1973 Sung Bae PARKBuddhist Faith and Sudden EnlightenmentState University of New York 1983 forthcoming:Sung Bae PARKWŏnhyo's Commentary on the Śraddhotpāda[Collected Works of Wŏnhyo] Ein Text mit größtmöglicher Wirkungsgeschichte.

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Page 6: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Edward CONZEBuddhist Wisdom Books The Diamond and the Heart SutraUnwin Hyman 1988ISBN: 0042940907132 pp. Die rev. ed. enthält zwar nun den vorher immerunterschlagenen Teil des Diamant-Kommentars,der ist aber nur angehängt an das Diamant Sutra - wodurch sich die Seitenzählung für das Herz Sutraim Anschluß fatalerweise verschiebt - und solltewirklich in den Text als Einheit integriert werden. Edward CONZEVajracchedikā SūtraRoma 1974 Diese bi-linguale Ausgabe ist im Zweifelsfallheranzuziehen wg wissenschaftlichem Anspruch. Edward CONZELong commentary to the Heart Sutra210 pp. manuscript Auch dieser (zu) ausführliche Kommentar isthilfreich, erläuternde Passagen z.B. als Zitate. Edward CONZEThe Heart SutraAudio tape E. Conze Live at The Buddhist Society London. Das Buch in Deutsch wäre eine letzte Würdigungfür Eberhard Conze - 'A German scholar in exile'.

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Robert E. BUSWELLThe Formation of Ch'an Ideology in China & Korea The Vajrasamādhi-SūtraA Buddhist ApocryphonPrinceton University Press 1989ISBN: 0691073368315 pp. Mahāyāna Śraddhotpāda-śāstraMahāyāna Vajrasamādhi-sūtra In diesem Fall folgt das Sūtra auf das Śāstra,sonst folgt das Śāstra immer erst auf das Sūtra. Nach BUSWELL stammt das Vajrasamādhi-sūtra voneinem koreanischen Mönch aus der Frühzeit des Ch'anin China - noch weit vor der Zeit eines Hui-neng. Das eigentliche Sutra ist nur 65 Seiten lang - mit Einführung und Apparat weniger als 100 Seiten. Ein Klassiker unter den für Zen relevanten Sutren: Hṛdaya, Vajracchedikā, Laṅkāvatāra, Śūraṅgama, Vajrasamādhi, Pūrṇabodhi, Vimalakirtī. [D.T. Suzuki, Manual of Zen Buddhism] forthcoming:Robert E. BUSWELLCultivating Original EnlightenmentWŏnhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-sūtra[Collected Works of Wŏnhyo] Der früheste und wichtigste Kommentar

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Page 8: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Thomas CLEARYThe Sutra of Hui-neng Grand Master of ZenWith Hui-neng's Commentaryon the Diamond SutraShambhala 1998ISBN: 1570623481161 pp. HUI-NENG's CHIN-KANG CHING CHIEH-I Mit Hui-neng wird das Diamond Sutra zum Zen Sutra.Hier der Tradition nach sein eigener Kommentar dazu! Kommentar und Sutra sind nur 65 Seiten lang - mit Einführung und Apparat weniger als 100 Seiten. Im koreanischen Sŏn-Buddhismus wird die Kompilation KŬMGANG-KYONG OGAHAE von Kommentaren der fünf Meister: Hui-neng, Tsung-mi, Shuang-lin Fu,Yeh-fu tao-ch'uan & Yu-chang tsung-ching zum Diamond Sutra hoch verehrt. Und im koreanischen 'kang-wŏn' curriculums rangiert es prominent unter hochrangigen Zen-Apocryphen: MahāyānaśraddhotpādaVajracchedikā-ogahaePūrṇabodhi-sūtraŚūraṅgama-sūtra

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Robert E. BUSWELLTracing Back the Radiance Chinul's Korean Way of Zen[The Kuroda Institute]University of Hawaii Press 1999ISBN: 0824814274232 pp. Abridged edition of: Robert E. BUSWELLThe Koeran Approach to ZenThe Collected Works of ChinulUniversity of Hawaii Press 1983 "In this tradition, the optimal regimenof training starts with an initial suddenawakening to the mind's inherent radianceand enlightenment, followed by gradualcultivation of that awakening, so thatone can learn to 'act' as well as 'be'enlightened. The principal means Chinulproposes for catalyzing this initialawakening is through tracing the radianceemanating from the luminous core of themind back to its source, restoring themind to its natural enlightened state." An Wichtigkeit gar nicht zu übertreffen... Dank Chinul's Excerpts with Personal Notesvon Tsung-mi's Dharma Collection and SpecialPractice Record sind wenigsten Auszüge vonTsung-mi's verlorenem 'opus magnus' erhalten.

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Page 10: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Master HSUAN HUAThe Shurangama Sutra Sutra text and supplements only[Buddhist Text Translation Society 2003ISBN: 088139940X... pp. Master HSUAN HUAThe Shurangama SutraSutra with commentary and supplementsVols I through VIII[Buddhist Text Translation Society] 1977-96ISBN: 0881399493 Charles LUKThe Śūraṅgama SūtraRider 1966 Dwight GODDARD / Wai taoThe Śūraṅgama SūtraBuddhist Bible 1956 LIN yu-tang / Wai taoThe Śūraṅgama SūtraWisdom of India 1955 Fehlt in Meditations-Sūtras des Mahāyāna I Raoul von MURALTŚūraṅgama SūtraDas Große Kronen SutraEin Text des Mahāyāna BuddhismusTyposkript 1970 / Angkor 2007

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Page 11: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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Jeffrey L. BROUGHTONThe Bodhidharma Anthology The Earliest Records of ZenUniversity of California Press 1999ISBN: 0520219724198 pp. The discovery of a walled-up cave in northwest China's Tun-huang led to the retrieval of a lost early Ch'an (Zen) literature of the T'angdynasty (618-907) - among it a seven-piececollection: The Bodhidharma Anthology - parts of which were translated by D.T. Suzuki,John C.H. Wu, Red Pine, and J.C. Cleary before.Now BROUGHTON tells the whole story of Bodhidharma coming from the West - with all seven texts translated. Daisetz T. SUZUKISHOSHITSU ROKUMONBodhidharma's Six Gates1935 John C.H. WUThe Golden Age of ZenUPC 1967 J.C. CLEARYZen Dawn Early Zen Texts from Tun HuangShambhala 1986 RED PINEThe Zen Teachings of BodhidharmaNorth Point Press 1989

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

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Page 12: … · On Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism Harper & Row 1968 ... Thomas CLEARY Entry into the Inconceivable An Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism

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A. Charles MULLERThe Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment Korean Buddhism's Guide to MeditationWith commentary by Sŏn Monk KihwaState University of New York Press 1999ISBN: 0791441024329 pp. PŪRṆABODHI SŪTRA Charles LUKThe Sutra of Complete EnlightenmentCh'an and Zen Teaching IIIRider 1962 Master SHENG-YENComplete EnlightenmentZen comments on theSutra of Complete EnlightenmentShambhala 1999 Peter GREGORYThe Sutra of Perfect EnlightenmentNumata [bdk 38] 2005 Für Meister Tsung-mi das perfekte Sutra: "At all times, (merely)Not arise false thoughtsIn false states of mindNot strive for cessationWhen abiding in false objectsNot try to impose a complete understandingWhile lacking complete understandingNot try to analyze true reality."

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Sung Bae PARKBuddhist Faith and Sudden EnlightenmentSUNY Series in Religious StudiesState University of New York Press 1983ISBN: 0873956737x, 211 pp. Remake of his groundbreaking Diss: Wŏnhyo's Commentaries on the Awakening of Faith in MahāyānaUniversity of California Berkeley 1979 Forthcoming anew as: Sung Bae PARKWŏnhyo's Commentary on the Śraddhotpāda[Collected Works of Wŏnhyo] Ein Text mit größtmöglicher Wirkungsgeschichte. Sung Bae PARK [et al]The Four-Seven DebateAn Annotated Translation of the Most FamousControversy in Korean Neo-Confucian ThoughtState University of New York Press 1994 Contributor to: Sourcebook of Korean Civilization IColumbia University Press 1993 Sources of Korean Tradition IColumbia University Press 1997

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Gudo Wafu NISHIJIMAJeffrey Alan Bailey [ed]To Meet the Real DragonSeeking the Truth in a World of ChaosWindbell 1984/92, 2007ISBN: 0870405942215 pp. Franz. Ausgabe: Face Au Vrai DragonSpan. Ausgabe: Encontrar El Verdadero DragonGibt den Schlüssel zum Verständnis von Nishijima's maßgebenden Übersetzungen von Dōgen's Shinji / Shōbōgenzō - sehr gut lesbar! Michael Luetchford [ed]Three Philosophies and One RealityWindbell 1987 Joe Langdon [ed]How to Practice ZazenWindbell 1976/83 A Heart to Heart Chat on Buddhismwith Old Master GudoWindbell 2004 Chodo Cross [ed]Master Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō, 4 VolsWindbell 1998 / Kristkeitz 2007 Chodo Cross [ed]Master Dōgen's Shinji Shōbōgenzō Windbell 2003 / O.W. Barth 2005

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Masanobu TAKAHASHIThe Essence of DōgenKegan Paul International 198390 pp. Major works of Dōgen Zenji: Fukan-zazengiReihō Masunaga [tr] Rules for ZazenYūhō Yokoi [tr] Universal Recommendation for Zazen Hōkyō-kiTakashi Kodera [tr] Dōgen's Formative Years in China Dōgen-oshō-kōroku | Eihei-kōrokuYūhō Yokoi [tr] The Eihei-kōroku Gakudō-yōjin-shūReihō Masunaga [tr] Points to Watch in TrainingYūhō Yokoi [tr] Points to Watch in Buddhist Training Sanshō-dōei | Dōgen-zenji-waka shūSteven Heine [tr] A Blade of Grass Shōbōgenzō-zuimonkiReihō Masunaga tr] A Primer of Sōtō ZenYūhō Yokoi [tr] The First Step to Dōgen's Zen ShōbōgenzōYūhō Yokoi [tr] Zen Master Dōgen - ShōbōgenzōKōsen Nishiyama [tr] ShōbōgenzōGudo Nishijima [tr] Master Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Shinji ShōbōgenzōGudo Nishijima [tr] Master Dōgen's Shinji Shōbōgenzō

+49 170 5562094+49 69 722012

Kronberger Str. 2060323 Frankfurt