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Hepatitis B

Oct 08, 2015




hep b
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  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    Hepatitis B

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    Virology Hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus with small, circular, 3200-bp size

    HBVoe o! a !amily o! aimal viruses, hepa"aviruses

    #hepatotropic DNA viruses$, a" is classi%e" as hepa"avirus

    type &

    'eplicate i the liver but e(ist i e(trahepatic sites, cotai their

    ow e"ogeous DNA polymerase, have partially "ouble-stra"

    a" partially sigle-stra" geomes acute a" chroic

    hepatitis a" hepatocellular carcioma

    Hepatitis B atiges a" HBV DNA have bee i"eti%e" i

    e(trahepatic sites, iclu"ig lymph o"es, boe marrow,

    circulatig lymphocytes, splee, a" pacreas

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B



    HBsAg protei sur!ace

    HBcAg core atige

    HBeAg a soluble, oparticulate,

    ucleocapsi" protei that isimmuologically "istict !rom itact HBcAgbut is a pro"uct o! the same ) gee

    HBeAg "urig chroic hepatitis B isassociate" with ogoig viral replicatio,i!ectivity, a" i*ammatory liver i+ury

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    cheme o! typical cliical a"laboratory !eatures o! acute hepatitis B

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    cheme o! typical laboratory !eatureso! wil"-type chroic hepatitis B

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    pi"emiology a" .lobal/eatures

    cubatio #"ays$1 30&0, mea 4050

    6set1 si"ious or acute

    Age pre!erece1 7oug a"ults #se(ual a"percutaeous$, babies, to""lers

    8rasmissio1 percutaeous, periatal, se(ual

    everity1 6ccasioally severe

    /ulmiat1 09&&:

    ;rogressio to chroicity1 6ccasioal #&&0:$ #50: o!

    eoates$ )arier1 09&30:


  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    High-'is> ;opulatios !or =hich HBV-!ectio creeig s 'ecomme"e"

    ;ersos bor i coutries?regios with a high #@:$ a"iterme"iate #@2:$ prevalece o! HBV i!ectio iclu"igimmigrats a" a"opte" chil"re a" iclu"ig persos bor i theite" tates who were ot vacciate" as i!ats a" whoseparets immigrate" !rom areas o! high HBV e"emicity9

    Househol" a" se(ual cotacts o! persos with hepatitis B ;ersos who have use" i+ectio "rugs

    ;ersos with multiple se(ual cotacts or a history o! se(uallytrasmitte" "isease

    e who have se( with me

    mates o! correctioal !acilities ;ersos with elevate" alaie or aspartate amiotras!erase levels

    ;ersos with H)V or HV i!ectio

    Hemo"ialysis patiets

    ;regat wome

    ;ersos who reCuire immuosuppressive or cytoto(ic therapy

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    ymptoms a" igs

    prodromal symptoms

    )ostitutioal symptoms o! aore(ia, auseaa" vomitig, !atigue, malaise, arthralgias,myalgias, hea"ache, photophobia, pharygitis,cough, a" coryza may prece"e the oset o!

    +au"ice by &2 wee>s9

    A low-gra"e !ever betwee 3 a" 35)#&00&02/$ is more o!te preset i hepatitisA9

    Dar> urie a" clay-colore" stools may beotice" by the patiet !rom &E "ays be!ore theoset o! cliical +au"ice

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    ymptoms a" igs

    clinical jaundice

    ;ro"romal symptoms usually"imiish, but i some patiets mil"weight loss #29EE >g$

    8he liver becomes elarge" a"te"er right upper Cua"rat paia" "iscom!ort

    pleomegaly a" cervicala"eopathy are preset i &020: o!patiets with acute hepatitis

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    ymptoms a" igs

    recovery phase

    )ostitutioal symptoms "isappear, but usually someliver elargemet a" abormalities i liver biochemicaltests are still evi"et

    8he "uratio o! the posticteric phase is variable, ragig

    2&2 wee>s, a" is usually more prologe" i acutehepatitis B a" )

    )omplete cliical a" biochemical recovery is to bee(pecte" &2 moths a!ter all cases o! hepatitis A a" a" 3F moths a!ter the oset o! +au"ice i three-

    Cuarters o! ucomplicate" el!-limite" cases o! hepatitis B a" ) #amog healthy

    a"ults, acute hepatitis B is sel!-limite" i 5E55: whilehepatitis ) is sel!-limite" i oly &E:$

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    Gaboratory /eatures

    A8 a" AG8variable icrease "urig the pro"romalphase o! acute viral hepatitis a" prece"e the rise ibilirubi level

    ;ea> levels vary !rom F00F000 or more

    au"ice sclera or s>i whe the serum bilirubivalue is @F3 mol?G #29E mg?"G$

    Neutropeia a" lymphopeia are trasiet a" are!ollowe" by a relative lymphocytosis

    easuremet o! the prothrombi time #;8$ Hypoglycemia

    erum albumi

    erologic mar>er

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    )ommoly coutere" erologic;atters o! Hepatitis B !ectio

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B



    Relapsing hepatitiswee>s to moths a!terapparet recovery !rom acute hepatitis recurreceo! symptoms, amiotras!erase elevatios,occasioally +au"ice, a" !ecal e(cretio o! HAV

    Cholestatic hepatitis uusual Fulminant hepatitis#massive hepatic ecrosis$

    8he combiatio o! rapi"ly shri>ig liver size,rapi"ly risig bilirubi level, a" mar>e" prologatio

    o! the ;8, eve as amiotras!erase levels !all,together with cliical sigs o! co!usio,"isorietatio, somolece, ascites, a" e"emahepatic !ailure with ecephalopathy

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    )hroic hepatitis

    #&$lac> o! complete resolutio o! cliical symptomso! aore(ia, weight loss, !atigue, a" thepersistece o! hepatomegalyI

    #2$8he presece o! bri"gig?iter!ace ormultilobular hepatic ecrosis o liver biopsy"urig protracte", severe acute viral hepatitisI

    #3$/ailure o! the serum amiotras!erase, bilirubi,a" globuli levels to retur to ormal withi 4&2 moths a!ter the acute illess

    #F$8he persistece o! HBeAg !or @3 moths orHBsAg !or @4 moths a!ter acute hepatitis

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B



    A ucleosi"e aalogue !or severe,but ot mil"mo"erate, acutehepatitis B

    Gamivu"ie, etecavir, telbivu"ie

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    ;ree(posure prophyla(is

  • 5/19/2018 Hepatitis B


    ;ree(posure prophyla(is

    Perinatale(posure o! i!ats bor to HBsAg-positive mothers a sigle

    "ose o! HB., 09E mG #$ i the thigh immediately after birth, three

    i+ectios o! recombiat hepatitis B vaccie to be starte" withi the %rst

    &2 hours o! li!e9

    Direct percutaeous ioculatio or trasmucosal e(posure to HBsAg-

    positive bloo" or bo"y *ui"s -a sigle "ose o! HB., 0904 mG?>g,

    a"miistere" as soo a!ter e(posure as possible, is !ollowe" by a

    complete course o! hepatitis B vaccie to begi withi the %rst wee>

    Sexualcotact to a patiet with acute hepatitis B, a sigle "ose o!

    HB., 0904 mG?>g, shoul" be give withi &F "ays o! e(posure

    Booster "oses are recomme"e" whe ati-HBs levels !all to J&0 m?mG