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I BGEIÆIsrA. WEEKLY HERALD. SANDS BROS/ANNOUNCEMENT tall MLymrm goods . We will from now on, be in constant receipt of our heavy shipments of goods adapted for the Fall and Winter Trade, and wTould call special attention to the fact that our stock will not only be LARGER and MORE VARIED than in former seasons, but that our season- able Goods will be offered at Lower Prices than have ever obtained in Helena. *WeVill exhibit Flannels, Plain, Twilled, Checked; Opera Plaids in all colors and grades; Honeycomb Cloakings in Blue, Scarlet and White, together with a full line of All-TVool and Cotton and Wool Lindseys. These goods will be found marked down to bottom prices. # Water-proofs and Ladies’ Cloths in all colors and shades, uniformly low in price. Gassi- meres, Tweeds and Blankets of Eastern and California manufacture. Woolen Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and Children, in endless variety. Crochet and ma- chine-made Knit Goods of all description. A full line of Felt and Balmoral Skirts, Black Alpacas, Mohairs and Lustres of the most adprovcd brands. A splendid lustre Alpaca at 50 cents. Dress Silks in all Shades at Very Popular Prices. "TVe sell a 28-inch black Gros Grain Silk at $2.00 per yard, worth fully $2.50. Our Dress Goods Department will comprise some choice novelties in plain, plaid and checked fabrics in Cotton and Wool, All-Wool and Siik Mixtures. A full line of real Irish Poplins, very much reduced in price; Merinos, Empress Cloths, Cashmeres, etc. We will make it a special point to offer our stock of Dress Goods at a trifle above cost, to ensure rapid sales. A , • A lot of Scotch Plaids for Misses’ and Children's wear, at 35 cents, hi ice printed Delaines at 20 cents per yard. A FULL LINE OF LADIES’ CLOAKS of the latest designs, Braided, Flannel and Knit Sacques for Ladies, Misseç and Children. Ladies’ ready-made suits in Alpaca, Poplins and other woolen fabrics. Water-proof Cloaks for Ladies and Misses. , , . , . . .. .. , Our stock of SHAWLS will be most complete and of all styles and designs, both sihgle and double, in Ottoman, Circassian stripes, Plaids, piain and mixtures, Cashmere, double and single Broche. ___ ___ _ F U R S , for Ladies, Misses and Children, in real Mink, Fur Seal, Ermine, Alaska Mink, etc., at 40 per cent, less than last year’s prices: MARSEILLES and Honeycomb Bed-Spreads, Coverlets and Bed Comforters, printed, embossed and embroidered Table Spreads. Table Linens and Napkins, Towels, Towelings and Crashes, warranted pure linnen. Good good at low prices. Our Stock of Domestics is Very Extensive, and of the most approvek standard brands of Bleached and Brown Goods, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, Ô-4 and 10-4 Muslins and Sheetings, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Ginghams, Cheviots, Cottonades, Jeans, Denims, Duckings, Bed Ticking, etc. We have revised the prices of all these goods, and customers will find them uniformly low. A large stock of Nottingham Curtain Laces and Window Shades of the plain, gilt and ace patterns. LADIES' SILK & LACE KECK WEAR, JET JEWELRY and Neck Chains, stylish Back Combs, Trimmings, Fans, Belts, real and imitation Laces, black Yak and Gunipure Laces, Embroideries, plain, hem-stitched, embroidered and lace Handkerchiefs, and fancy goods of all descriptions. In E : [Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths and Mattings, we carry the largest stock in Montana. Tapestry and body Brussels, the celebrated Lowell and Hartford 3-ply and Ingrains; 2-ply, Dutch Wool, Rag, List and Hemp Carpets, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Floor Oil Cloths, Canton Matting, Rugs and Mats in velvet and Brussels. These goods will be found much lower than former prices. Buyers will find it to their interest to inspect and price these goods. !Sf[FLOUR SACKS AND SEAMLESS BACS. WThe celebrated brand MOUNT VERNON Hydraulic Duck and Hose in all numbers. «^Samples of goods furnished on application, and orders filled with the utmost care. SANDS BROS. sepl3-d&wlm Helena, Montana, September 13. WAGONS! WAGONS ! *ep!5-d&wtf BROADWAY, HELENA, M. T. FEED GAMES, a J r«i Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. IT PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF HELENA. Paid in Capital* - SI00,000 Authorized Capital, S500,000 My stock consists of the best and largest assortment of Ladies’, Misses and Children's French Kid Pebble Coat, Morocco, Cloth and Calfskin Shoes. Fish Bros/ and Bain Wagons! VAWTER & CO., AGENTS. We have on hand and are daily receiving, all sizes ot the Celebrated FISH BROS.’ and BAIN WAGONS, which we will sell as low as the same are sold at Corinne. Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES, WHICH WILL BE SOLD LOW DOWN FOR CASH. Call and See for Yourself. VAWTER & CO., THE UTICA S T M ENGINE CO, Cfica, N. Y., manufacture PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, (From 4 to 40 Horse power,) STATIONARY ENGINES, (From 6 to 150 Horse power,) Boilers of all sizes and descriptions, (Built ot best Penna. Boiler Plate,) CIRCULAR SAWMILLS, (Screw or Lever Set Works,) Pumps, Steam-pumps, Belting* saws, Hangers, Pulleys, àcc.% See, All our Engines and Boilers are very complete in their appointments, and as none but the best material and workmanship is permitted, we can fully guarantee them. Send for circulars, giving prices, weights, and full description to DAVIS Sc TATEM, Helena, Agents for Nontana. T. M. BARRETT. P. F. MADDEN, M. D T M. BARRETT & CO.’S TOLL ROAD, SS3AYERHEAD CANYON. Also, all kinds of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Slippers. All the latest styles ef Men’s. Boy’s and Youth’s Boots and Shoes. A large stock of Men’s Custom-Made French Calf and Kip Boots kept constantly on hand. GOI BOOTS A SPECIALTY. fS^Orders from abroad will receive our best atten- tion. wly-jy!6 LIST OF PAPERS, Periodicals &Magazines for sale by JOHN T. WARD. main Street, ............... Helena, Montana. (Successors to James M. Ryan.) r p ilIS Road has been put in thorough repair, and .1 . Toll reduced to one-half rates. Freighters will do well to patronize it. We keep on hand a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mining and Freighters’ Outfits, and for sale at the Lowest Cash Prices. Dr. P. F. Madden will attend to professional calls in surgery in Beaverhead county. wlm-jy29 T. M» IÎABRETT Sc CO. DR. L. W. FRARY, SURCEON DENTIST, BROADWAY .......................................Helena. Office—In the “ Herald” Building. WEEKLY PUBLICATIONS. Cincinnati Commercial, Cincinnati Enquirer. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Munro’s Girls and Boys Weekly. Frank Leslie’s Boys and Girls Weekly, St. Louis Globe-Democrat Boston Pilot Boys of America. Boys of England. Danbury News. Pleasant Hours. Budget of Fun. New York Ledger. Weekly. Tribune. Times. World. Sun. Herald. Pomeroy’s Democrat Fireside Companion. Saturday Night St. Louis Republican. Chicago Tribune. Chicago Times. Louisville Courier-Journal Any of the above for $1 25 per quarter; $2 50 for six mouths ; or $5 per annum. Leslie’s Chimney Corner. Leslie’s Illus. Newspaper Leslie’s Illustrat'd German Zeitung. Appleton’s Journal. Day’s Doings. Harper’s Bazaar. Harper’s Weekly. Ladies’ JouwiaL Illustrated Police News. Illustrated Police Gazette. New York Clipper. New York Nation. Irish American. Scientific American. Furf, Field and Farm. Scientific Press. New York Varieties. Wild Oats. San Francisco Bulletin. Alta California. Sacramento Record-Union San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco Chronicle. Sau Francisco Monitor. Nachrichten aus Dutch- land und des Schweiz. Wachenblatt der N. Y. Staats Zeitung. Forest and Stream. Die Gotenlaube. Die Bunte Welt. Any of the above for $1 50 per quarter : or S3 for six months. MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS. Demoreet's Ladies’ Maga- zine. Godey’s Ladies’ Magazine. Young Ladies’ Journal Magazine. Phrenological J o u r n a l Magazine. Popular Science Monthly Magazine. Harpers’s Monthly. Scribner’s Atlantic Overland Galaxy Eclectic Gleason’s Monthly Com- panion. Leslie’s Ladies’ Magazine. Peterson’s Magazine. Any of the above, $1 50 per quarter ; |2 75 for six months ; or $5 per annum, OTHER PUBLICATIONS. W. kes’ Spirit, Weekly Waverly, Monthly Waverly, Monthly Chimney Corner, New York Courier (French) each <2 per quarter.___________________________ f y A il of the above papers mailed regularly to sub- scribers (postage prepaid) at the above prices. All subscriptions must be paid in advance, and will invari ably be discontinued at the end of the time paid for. wly-jyl JOHN T. WARB. PROPOSALS. O BALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office O of the undersigned, at Fort Peck Agency, M. T., until 12 o’clock M., Saturday, October 2d, 1875, for furnishing the following articles for the service at said Agency, viz. : 200 tons Hay. 200 cords Wood. 700 bushels Charcoal. 40 gallons Coal Oil. 800 pounds Iron, assorted Bizes. 300 pounds Steel, assorted sizes. 500 pounds Cut Nails, assorted sizes, 6 Two-horse Wagons, with whiffle-trees and neck yokes. 6 Sets Harness, (double.) 2 dozen Hand Saws. 2 dozen Augurs, ^ inch to 2 inches. 50 American' Cows. 3 American Bulls. 500 Sheep (Ewes.) 5 Sheep (Rams.) Separate bids will also be received at the same time and place for the following supplies: 5.000 pounds Beans. 3.000 pounds Homony. 1.000 pounds Rice. 20.000 pounds Oats. 75.000 pounds Dried Buffalo Meat 100,000 pounds Pemmica:;. All articles to be of unexceptionable quality, subject to a thorough inspection by the Agent or other desig- nated person, and to be delivered at Fort Peck or at Wolf Creek, M. T., upon the requisition of the Agent as the needs of the service may require, after approval of contracts by the Departmeut The cows and bulls to be good American dairy stock, not over 7 nor under 3 years old. The sheep to be good average American, well wooled, and not over 5 years old. Bids must he accompanied with the usual guarantee to enter into contract and give the required bonds, should the contract be awarded to him or them. Proposals will be entertained for any or all of the articles enumerated. All bids must have a copy of this advertisement at- tached, endoreed, “Proposals for Supplies, etc., for U. S. Indian Department,” and addressed to the under- signed. at Fort Peck Agency, Montana Territory. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids ; also, the right to increase or diminish the amount to the extent of 25 per cent. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids, October 6th at Fort Peek Agency. W. W. ALDERSON, U. S. Indian Agent September 4th, 1875. d&w4w-sep4 We draw Exchange on Deer Lodge, Virginia City, Bozeman, Corinne, Sale Lake City, San Francisco, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and all the principal cities of Europe. We arc also prepared to give Telegraphic Transfers on either of the above named cities. Y, X M m PROF. B. F. MARSH. Twenty years’ experience, making a specialty of hie field of labor, gives Dr. Frary precedence over many others in the practice of his profession. The most difficult cases in Surgical Dentistry successfully treater [d&wly-ap4] C. L. DAIILEK, President. GEO. W. FOX, Cashier. J. M. MARSH Buy Silver Ores at the mine, or delivered in Helena, or we will make cash advances on ores and ship the same for account of owners. Buy local securities, loan money, discount paper, an allow interest on time deposits. In connection with our various correspondents throughout the Territory, our facilities for making collections are particularly good. ASSOCIATED BANK. FIKST NATIONAL BANK, OF BOZEMAN, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY & FINAN- CIAL AGENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM A. CHESSMAN. ALEX. H. BEATTIE. WILLIAM ROE. C. J. LYSTER. CORNELIUS HEDGES. GEO. W. FOX. L. M. BLACK. HENRY KLEIN. NICK KESSLER d&wtf-apl5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK O F H E L E N A . DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. S. T. HAUSER, President, S. M. HALL, D. C. CORBIN Cashier. Vice President ü. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYORS A PPOINTED agreeably to the provisions of the Mining Laws of the United States, we are author- ized to make Surveys and execute the work required to obtain Patents to Mining Claims in Montana. WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Office and Booms at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Addres MARSH Sc SON, dly-janL Helena. Montana. T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT, - Ass’t Cash. Authorized Capital, $500,000 00, Paid up Capital, - «100,000 OO Permanent Surplus Fund, 50,000 OO AVERAGE DEPOSITS PRECEDING SIX MONTHS, - - 5f)T,G04 52 INVESTED IN U. S. BONDS. - - 228,000 OO DIVIDEND PAID NOVEMBER 1,1874. . 2 0 ,0 0 0 OO We transact a General Banking Business, and Buy, at Highest Rates, Gold Dust, Coin, Gold and Silve Bullion, and Local Securities ; and sell Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers, available in all parts of the United States, the Canadas, Great Britain, Ireland, and the Continent Collections made, and Proceeds remitted promptly. We have also perfected arrangements whereby our facilities for handling Silver Ores are particularly good, and this Branch of our Business will receive Special attention. Cash advances made upon Ores, and same Shipped for account of Owners. Or we will BXJY F O B CASH, At the very best rates allowable. Owners of Mines will consult their interests by calling upon us. Board of Directors : S. T. HAUSER, S. M. HALL, MOSES MOORE, JOHN CURTIN, JNO. H. MING, D. C. CORBIN. JNO. E. BLAINE, F. L. WORDEN. T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT. d&wtf-marft Jiut Received, And for sale at Lowest Market Rates, Pure ALMADEN QUICKSILVER. We purchase direct from the Almadcn Mine, and our customers may rest assured that our Quicksilver is at all times Pure amt t ree from Foreign Metals. We keep in stock all kinds ot ASSAYING MATERIALS: Sand and Rlack Lead Crucibles, Muffles Cupels, and Rone Dust, in any quantity, and at Lower Prices than these goods have been hitherto offered at. Our Stock ot Chandaliers, Lamps, Chimneys, Burn- ers, etc., are offered at prices that will suit customers. To the Trade, we offer Chimneys and Burners at the very Lowest Wholesale Rates. Our chimneys are the “ Dithridge ” chimney, and the best made. WEIR & POPE, Druggists, HELENA, .................. MONTANA. fd&wly-aplS] SINGER MANUFACTURING t’O. Helena, M. T., November 4,1874 We have appointed C. K. WcII b our agent for the sale of the Singer Sewing Machines at, Helena and vi- cinity. T lfe SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. A complete assortment of the above machines and attachments will be found at our store. J. H. MING & CO. Agents for the PATENT ALUMINOUS BUILDING PAPER, the best and cheajiest substitute for plastering known. pySamples sent by mail, and letters of inquiry promptly answered. dlni&w3m-whr;_ OBSTACLES T0_MARRIAGE^ H appy R elief for Younpr Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. ManiusH restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. method of treatment New and remarkable renieua- Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelop^- Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 419 Nortn Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pm,— an Institution ha - a high reputation for honorable conduct and Pr(- sional skill._____________________ d &wton-my g ^ per day. Agents wanted. All w» .w wHV of working people of both sesos. } and old, make more money at work lor us, m i ___ i _j. ________ s __ .I,..;, anurp moments, or a** 1 , $5 to $20 Ä S * «Hr, ~ ’ old, make more money at work tor us, m localities, during their spare moments, or ■* t ___ \ than at anything else. We offer emp ) ^ that will pay handsomely for every hour s w r • atj. particulars, teims, &c., sent free, f^ n- v pon't dress at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. J ^ look for work or business elsewhere, until learned what we offer. G. Stidson “'i^iy.inySl Maine. WEIR ft POPE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS HELENA,JIONTANA, Cordially thank the public for the liberal [patronage extended to them during the past year, and solicit through the columns of the Herald a continuance of \ > the same. We commend to those who want a Splendid Light to read, write, or sew by, the GERMAN STUDY LAMP. It is a lamp universally used and recommended. IN WINDOW GLASS, We have all sizes, from an 8x10 up to a 30x48. Prices as low as any other house. Our glass is shipped by boat from Pittsburgh to Fort Benton withor, transfer, and the breakage is therefore small. Our stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES. OILS, PAINTS , VARNISHES, SPONGES, TRUSSES, PERFUMERY, COMBS and BRUSHES, SOAPS (CASTILE and FANCY,) Is unusually replete, and to which we invite attention. |y Orders from all parts of the Territory arc solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 3. H. MING & CO., Booksellers, Stationers, and Dealers in Fancy Goods. HELENA......................... M. T. Would respectfully announce that they are now receiving a complete assortment of New Goods in their line, embracing WRITING, BILL and LEGAL BABER*. NEW INITIAL and FANCY NOTE BABER. GRABBING and WALL BABER. BLANKBOOKSand MEMORANDUMS. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS and TOYS TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS; BRUSHES, Etc. MIRRORS; BICTURESand PICTURE FRAMES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and STRINGS. FISHING TACKLE, SBORT1NG GOODS and FLAYING CARDS. w6m-je3

Helena weekly herald (Helena, Mont.) 1875-09-16 [p 6] · 2017-12-14 · Buy Silver Ores at the mine, or delivered in Helena, or we will make cash advances on ores and ship the same

May 19, 2020



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Page 1: Helena weekly herald (Helena, Mont.) 1875-09-16 [p 6] · 2017-12-14 · Buy Silver Ores at the mine, or delivered in Helena, or we will make cash advances on ores and ship the same



SANDS BROS/ANNOUNCEM ENTtall M L y m r m goods.

We will from now on, be in constant receipt of our heavy shipments of goods adapted for the Fall and Winter Trade, and wTould call special attention to the fact that our stock will not only be LARGER and MORE VARIED than in former seasons, but that our season- able Goods will be offered at

Lower Prices than have ever obtained in Helena.*WeVill exhibit Flannels, Plain, Twilled, Checked; Opera Plaids in all colors and grades;

Honeycomb Cloakings in Blue, Scarlet and White, together with a full line of All-TV ool and Cotton and Wool Lindseys. These goods will be found marked down to bottom prices. #

Water-proofs and Ladies’ Cloths in all colors and shades, uniformly low in price. Gassi- meres, Tweeds and Blankets of Eastern and California manufacture.

Woolen Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and Children, in endless variety. Crochet and ma­chine-made Knit Goods of all description.

A full line of Felt and Balmoral Skirts, Black Alpacas, Mohairs and Lustres of the most adprovcd brands. A splendid lustre Alpaca at 50 cents.

Dress Silks in all Shades a t Very Popular Prices."TVe sell a 28-inch black Gros Grain Silk at $2.00 per yard, worth fully $2.50.

Our Dress Goods Department will comprise some choice novelties in plain, plaid and checked fabrics in Cotton and Wool, All-Wool and Siik Mixtures. A full line of real Irish Poplins, very much reduced in price; Merinos, Empress Cloths, Cashmeres, etc. We will make it a special point to offer our stock of Dress Goods at a trifle above cost, to ensurerapid sales. A , •

A lot of Scotch Plaids for Misses’ and Children's wear, at 35 cents, hi ice printed Delainesat 20 cents per yard.

A F U L L L IN E O F L A D IE S ’ C L O A K Sof the latest designs, Braided, Flannel and Knit Sacques for Ladies, Misseç and Children. Ladies’ ready-made suits in Alpaca, Poplins and other woolen fabrics. Water-proof Cloaksfor Ladies and Misses. , „ „ , . , . . .. .. ,

Our stock of SHAWLS will be most complete and of all styles and designs, both sihgle and double, in Ottoman, Circassian stripes, Plaids, piain and mixtures, Cashmere, double and single Broche. ___ ___ _

F U R S ,for Ladies, Misses and Children, in real Mink, Fur Seal, Ermine, Alaska Mink, etc., at 40 per cent, less than last year’s prices:

MARSEILLES and Honeycomb Bed-Spreads, Coverlets and Bed Comforters, printed, embossed and embroidered Table Spreads. Table Linens and Napkins, Towels, Towelings and Crashes, warranted pure linnen. Good good at low prices.

Our Stock of Domestics is Very Extensive,and of the most approvek standard brands of Bleached and Brown Goods, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, Ô-4 and 10-4 Muslins and Sheetings, Canton Flannels, Apron Checks, Ginghams, Cheviots, Cottonades, Jeans, Denims, Duckings, Bed Ticking, etc. We have revised the prices of all these goods, and customers will find them uniformly low.

A large stock of Nottingham Curtain Laces and Window Shades of the plain, gilt and ace patterns.

L A D IE S' S IL K & L A C E K E C K W E A R , J E T JE W E L R Yand Neck Chains, stylish Back Combs, Trimmings, Fans, Belts, real and imitation Laces, black Yak and Gunipure Laces, Embroideries, plain, hem-stitched, embroidered and lace Handkerchiefs, and fancy goods of all descriptions. In

E : [Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths and Mattings,we carry the largest stock in Montana. Tapestry and body Brussels, the celebrated Lowell and Hartford 3-ply and Ingrains; 2-ply, Dutch Wool, Rag, List and Hemp Carpets, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Floor Oil Cloths, Canton Matting, Rugs and Mats in velvet and Brussels. These goods will be found much lower than former prices. Buyers will find it to their interest to inspect and price these goods.

!Sf[FLOUR SACKS AND SEAMLESS BACS.WThe celebrated brand MOUNT VERNON Hydraulic Duck and Hose in all numbers.

«^Samples of goods furnished on application, and orders filled with the utmost care.

SANDS BROS.sepl3-d&wlmHelena, Montana, September 13.


*ep!5-d&wtf BROADWAY, HELENA, M. T.


a J

r«iWholesale and Retail Dealer in






Paid in Capital* - SI00,000 Authorized Capital, S500,000

My stock consists of the best and largest assortment of Ladies’, Misses and Children's

French Kid Pebble Coat, Morocco, Cloth and

Calfskin Shoes.

Fish Bros/ and Bain Wagons!VAWTER & CO., AGENTS.

We have on hand and are daily receiving, all sizes ot the Celebrated FISH BROS.’ and BAIN WAGONS, which we will sell as low as the same are sold at Corinne. Also, a general assortment of


V A W T E R & C O .,


UTICA S T M ENGINE CO,Cfica, N. Y., m anufacture


(From 4 to 40 Horse power,)

STATIONARY ENGINES,(From 6 to 150 Horse power,)

Boilers of all sizes and descriptions,(Built ot best Penna. Boiler Plate,)

CIRCULAR SAWMILLS,(Screw or Lever Set Works,)

Pum ps, Steam -pum ps, Belting* sa w s, H angers, P u lleys, àcc.% See,

All our Engines and Boilers are very complete in their appointments, and as none but the best material and workmanship is permitted, we can fully guarantee them. Send for circulars, giving prices, weights, and full description to

DAVIS Sc TATEM, H elen a , Agents for N o n ta n a .




Also, all kinds of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Slippers. All the latest styles ef Men’s. Boy’s and Youth’s Boots and Shoes.

A large stock of Men’s Custom-Made French Calf and Kip Boots kept constantly on hand.


fS^Orders from abroad will receive our best atten­tion. wly-jy!6

L IS T OF P A P E R S ,Periodicals & Magazines for sale by

JOHN T. WARD.m ain Street,...............H elen a , M ontana.

(Successors to Jam es M. R yan.)

r p il IS Road has been put in thorough repair, and .1. Toll reduced to one-half rates. Freighters will do well to patronize it.

We keep on hand a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mining and Freighters’ Outfits, and for saleat the Low est Cash Prices.

Dr. P. F. Madden will attend to professional calls in surgery in Beaverhead county.

wlm-jy29 T. M» IÎABRETT Sc CO.



BROADWAY .......................................H elen a .

Office—In the “ H era ld ” B uild ing.

WEEKLY PUBLICATIONS.Cincinnati Commercial, Cincinnati Enquirer. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Munro’s Girls and Boys

Weekly.Frank Leslie’s Boys and

Girls Weekly,St. Louis Globe-Democrat Boston Pilot Boys of America.Boys of England.Danbury News.Pleasant Hours.Budget of Fun.

New York Ledger.“ “ Weekly.“ “ Tribune.“ “ Times.“ “ World.“ “ Sun.“ “ Herald.

Pomeroy’s Democrat Fireside Companion. Saturday N ight St. Louis Republican. Chicago Tribune.Chicago Times.Louisville Courier-Journal

Any of the above for $1 25 per quarter; $2 50 for six mouths ; or $5 per annum.Leslie’s Chimney Corner. Leslie’s Illus. Newspaper Leslie’s Illustrat'd German

Zeitung.Appleton’s Journal.Day’s Doings.Harper’s Bazaar.Harper’s Weekly.Ladies’ JouwiaL Illustrated Police News. Illustrated Police Gazette. New York Clipper.New York Nation.Irish American.Scientific American.Furf, Field and Farm.

Scientific Press.New York Varieties.Wild Oats.San Francisco Bulletin. Alta California. Sacramento Record-Union San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco Chronicle. Sau Francisco Monitor. Nachrichten aus Dutch-

land und des Schweiz. Wachenblatt der N. Y.

Staats Zeitung.Forest and Stream.Die Gotenlaube.Die Bunte Welt.

Any of the above for $1 50 per quarter : or S3 for six months.

MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS.Demoreet's Ladies’ Maga­

zine.Godey’s Ladies’ Magazine. Young Ladies’ Journal

Magazine.Phrenological J o u r n a l

Magazine.Popular Science Monthly


Harpers’s Monthly.Scribner’s “Atlantic “Overland “Galaxy “Eclectic “Gleason’s Monthly Com­

panion.Leslie’s Ladies’ Magazine.Peterson’s Magazine.

Any of the above, $1 50 per quarter ; |2 75 for six months ; or $5 per annum,

OTHER PUBLICATIONS.W. kes’ Spirit, Weekly Waverly, Monthly Waverly,

Monthly Chimney Corner, New York Courier (French) each <2 per quarter.___________________________

f y A i l of the above papers mailed regularly to sub­scribers (postage prepaid) at the above prices. All subscriptions must be paid in advance, and will invari ably be discontinued at the end of the time paid for.

wly-jyl JOHN T. WARB.

P R O P O S A L S .O BALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office O of the undersigned, at Fort Peck Agency, M. T., until 12 o’clock M., Saturday, October 2d, 1875, for furnishing the following articles for the service at said Agency, viz. :

200 tons Hay.200 cords Wood.700 bushels Charcoal.40 gallons Coal Oil.

800 pounds Iron, assorted Bizes.300 pounds Steel, assorted sizes.500 pounds Cut Nails, assorted sizes,

6 Two-horse Wagons, with whiffle-trees and neck yokes.

6 Sets Harness, (double.)2 dozen Hand Saws.2 dozen Augurs, ^ inch to 2 inches.

50 American' Cows.3 American Bulls.

500 Sheep (Ewes.)5 Sheep (Rams.)

Separate bids will also be received at the same time and place for the following supplies:

5.000 pounds Beans.3.000 pounds Homony.1.000 pounds Rice.

20.000 pounds Oats.75.000 pounds Dried Buffalo Meat

100,000 pounds Pemmica:;.All articles to be of unexceptionable quality, subject

to a thorough inspection by the Agent or other desig­nated person, and to be delivered at Fort Peck or at Wolf Creek, M. T., upon the requisition of the Agent as the needs of the service may require, after approval of contracts by the Departmeut

The cows and bulls to be good American dairy stock, not over 7 nor under 3 years old.

The sheep to be good average American, well wooled, and not over 5 years old.

Bids must he accompanied with the usual guarantee to enter into contract and give the required bonds, should the contract be awarded to him or them.

Proposals will be entertained for any or all of the articles enumerated.

All bids must have a copy of this advertisement at­tached, endoreed, “Proposals for Supplies, etc., for U. S. Indian Department,” and addressed to the under­signed. at Fort Peck Agency, Montana Territory.

The right is reserved to reject any and all bids ; also, the right to increase or diminish the amount to the extent of 25 per cent.

Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids, October 6th at Fort Peek Agency.

W. W. ALDERSON,U. S. Indian Agent

September 4th, 1875. d&w4w-sep4

We draw E xchange on Deer Lodge, V irg in ia City, B ozem an , Corinne, Sale

L ake City, San Francisco, O m aha, St. L ouis, Chicago, New York, an d a l l the

principal cities of Europe. We arc a lso prepared to give T elegraphic Transfers

on either of the above nam ed cities.

Y, X




Twenty years’ experience, making a specialty of hie field of labor, gives Dr. Frary precedence over many others in the practice of his profession. The most difficult cases in Surgical Dentistry successfully treater


C. L. DAIILEK, President.

GEO. W. FOX, Cashier.


Buy Silver Ores at the mine, or delivered in Helena,

or we will make cash advances on ores and ship the

same for account of owners.

Buy local securities, loan money, discount paper, an

allow interest on time deposits.In connection with our various correspondents

throughout the Territory, our facilities for making collections are particularly good.













NICK KESSLER d&wtf-apl5






P resident,




Vice President

ü. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYORSAPPOINTED agreeably to the provisions of the

Mining Laws of the United States, we are author­ized to make Surveys and execute the work required to obtain Patents to Mining Claims in Montana.


Office and Boom s a t the Cosm opolitan H otel.

Addres MARSH Sc SON,dly-janL Helena. Montana.

T. H . KLEINSCHMIDT, - Ass’t Cash.

Authorized Capital, $500,000 00,P a id up C apital, - « 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 OOP erm anent Surplus Fund, 5 0 ,0 0 0 OO


INVESTED IN U. S. BONDS. - - 2 2 8 ,0 0 0 OO

DIVIDEND PAID NOVEMBER 1,1874. . 2 0 ,0 0 0 OO

We transact a General Banking Business, and Buy,

at Highest Rates, Gold Dust, Coin, Gold and Silve

Bullion, and Local Securities ; and sell Exchange and

Telegraphic Transfers, available in all parts of the

United States, the Canadas, Great Britain, Ireland,

and the ContinentCollections made, and Proceeds remitted promptly.

We have also perfected arrangements whereby our

facilities for handling

Silver Oresare particularly good, and this Branch of our Business

will receive Special attention. Cash advances made

upon Ores, and same Shipped for account of Owners.

Or we will

B X J Y F O B C A S H ,

At the very best rates allowable. Owners of Mines

will consult their interests by calling upon us.


T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT.d&wtf-marft

J iu t Received,

And for sale at Lowest Market Rates, Pure

ALMADEN QUICKSILVER.We purchase direct from the Almadcn Mine, and our

customers may rest assured that our Quicksilver is

at all times Pure am t t ree from Foreign

M etals.

We keep in stock all kinds ot

ASSAYING MATERIALS:Sand and R lack Lead Crucibles, Muffles

Cupels, and Rone Dust, in any quantity, and at

Lower Prices than these goods have been hitherto

offered at.

Our Stock ot

C handaliers, Lam ps, Chim neys, B urn­

ers, etc., are offered at prices that will suit customers.

To the Trade, we offer Chimneys and Burners at the

very Lowest Wholesale Rates. Our chimneys are the

“ Dithridge ” chimney, and the best made.

WEIR & POPE, Druggists,HELENA,..................MONTANA.



Helena, M. T., November 4,1874 We have appointed C. K. WcIIb our agent for the

sale of the Singer Sewing Machines at, Helena and vi­cinity. T lfe SINGER MANUFACTURING CO.

A complete assortment of the above machines and attachments will be found at our store.

J. H. MING & CO.

Agents for the PATENT A L U M IN O U SBUILDING PAPER, the best and cheajiestsubstitute for plastering known.

pySam ples sent by mail, and letters of inquiry promptly answered. dlni&w3m-whr;_

OBSTACLES T0_MARRIAGE^H a p p y R e l i e f fo r Younpr M en from the

effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. ManiusH restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. method of treatment New and remarkable renieua- Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelop^- Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 419 Nortn Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pm,—an Institution ha - a high reputation for honorable conduct and Pr(- sional skill._____________________ d&wton-myg^

per day. Agents wanted. All w» .w wHV of working people of both sesos. } and old, make more money at work lor us, m i ___ i_j . ________ s__ . I , . . ; , a n u r p m o m e n t s , or a** 1 ,

$5 to $20 Ä S “ * «Hr,~ ’ old, make more money at work tor us, m

localities, during their spare moments, o r ■* t___ \ than at anything else. We offer emp ) ^that will pay handsomely for every hour s w r • atj. particulars, teims, &c., sent free, f ^ n- v pon't dress at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. J^ look for work or business elsewhere, until learned what we offer. G. Stidson “ 'i^ iy .in y S l Maine.



Cordially thank the public for the liberal [patronage

extended to them during the past year, and solicit

through the columns of the Herald a continuance of \ >

the same.

We commend to those who want a Splendid Light to

read, write, or sew by, the

GERMAN STUDY LAMP.I t is a lamp universally used and recommended.

IN WINDOW GLASS,We have all sizes, from an 8x10 up to a 30x48.

Prices as low as any other house. Our glass is shipped

by boat from Pittsburgh to Fort Benton withor,

transfer, and the breakage is therefore small.

Our stock of




Is unusually replete, and to which we invite attention.

| y Orders from all parts of the Territory arc solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.

3. H. MING & CO.,Booksellers, Stationers,

and Dealers in Fancy Goods.

HELENA......................... M. T.Would respectfully announce that they are now

receiving a complete assortment of New Goods in their

line, embracingWRITING,











