Top Banner Year 18 • Tuesday 8 April 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Helderberg Read in Thursday’s DistrictMail ) Rheinmetall Denel accident claims one life and injures two more ) Helderberg geteister deur kriekplaag ) R44 upgrade between Somerset West and Stellenbosch ) Club rugby results, reports and photos Nomzamo skills centre brings hope PG: 2 Last day for public input for SLP development PG: 4 Broadlands Park vat geweld vas PG: 7 Nebraska-Lee Thana (6) and Molten-Lee Torna (6) of Smartie Town in Macas- sar show off their pretty painted faces, which were decorated during a visit by the Halli Trust on Thursday. More on Page 2. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN Happy faces Minister daag nie op DALEEN FOUCHÉ Die vissersgemeenskap in die Strand was verlede week baie ont- huts toe minister van landbou, bosbou en visserye, Tina Joemat- Pettersson, nie vir ’n beplande vergadering opgedaag het nie. Die vergadering vorm deel van ’n toer wat Joemat-Pettersson geïnisi- eer het om met vissersgemeenskap- pe regoor die land te praat oor proble- me in die sektor. Die vergadering met die Strand- vissersgemeenskap was oorspronk- lik geskeduleer vir Woensdag 26 Maart, maar is uitgestel na Woens- dag 2 April. Vissermanne meen die minister mors hul tyd met vergade- rings wat sy self nie bywoon nie. Dullah Aziz, van die Hottentots- Holland-vissersgemeenskap, sê baie vissermanne het ’n goeie dag op die see verloor toe hulle verlede week ge- wag het vir Joemat-Pettersson. Hy sê die vissersgemeenskap is eers Dins- dag 1 April in kennis gestel van verle- de week se vergadering en is gesê die minister sal teenwoordig wees. Lionel Adendorf, ’n woordvoerder vir die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye, sê alhoewel mi- nister Tina Joemat-Pettersson die vergaderings geïnisieer het, is sy nie geskeduleer om enige van die verga- derings by te woon nie. Hy verduidelik dat alhoewel Joe- mat-Pettersson aan die hoof van die appèlproses is vir vissermanne wat nie visvangpermitte toegestaan is nie, moet sy onafhanklik en onparty- dig bly. “Dit mag nie voorkom asof sy kant kies nie.” Chris Khonkwane, transformasie- adviseur vir die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye het aan die vergadering van sowat 200 mense gesê die amptenare sal na alle beswa- re luister en dit opteken. Die besware sal dan aan die minister oorhandig word. Die teenwoordiges het egter hul ongelukkigheid uitgespreek oor die feit dat daar niemand was om hul vrae te beantwoord nie. Die gesprek is oorheers deur klag- tes wat verband hou met die toeken- ning van lynvispermitte. Die toeken- ning van lynvispermitte het vroeër vanjaar groot ongelukkigheid ver- oorsaak toe slegs 115 van die 303 lyn- vissermanne se permitte hernu is. Permitte is ook aan 100 nuwe toetre- ders toegeken. Die lynvissermanne is ná hul ap- pèl interim-permitte toegestaan. Een visserman het sy frustrasie met die proses uitgespreek en gevra hoekom daar vier maande ná die toe- kenning van permitte steeds nie dui- delikheid is oor die pad vorentoe nie. ’n Ander visserman het vertel dat hy al oor die 40 jaar lank visvang, maar het nie ’n permit gekry nie. “Ek het begin visvang toe ek 14 was en is die enigste man in Temperance Town wat vis voorsien.” Die visservroue het ook hul stem laat hoor en by die amptenare gepleit om hulle ook in ag te neem. Eugene Roux (25) het aan die Hel- derberg Gazette vertel dat hy ongeag die feit dat sy familie al vir genera- sies vissermanne is, uit die bedryf wil tree omdat daar “geen toekoms” vir hom is nie. Adendorf sê al die klagtes wat vis- sermanne tydens die vergaderings opper, word opgeneem deur ’n onaf- hanklike ouditfirma wat verslag sal doen aan die minister. “Die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye is ernstig daaroor om die foute in die toekenning van visvangpermitte wat gemeenskappe, individue en organisasies geïdentifi- seer het, reg te stel.” Adendorf het vissermanne aange- moedig om voort te gaan met die ap- pèlproses en sê die vergaderings met die departement vervang nié die ap- pèlproses nie.
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Page 1: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014 18 • Tuesday 8 April 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Read in Thursday’sDistrictMail) Rheinmetall Denel accident claims onelife and injures two more) Helderberg geteister deurkriekplaag) R44 upgrade between Somerset Westand Stellenbosch) Club rugby results, reports and photos

Nomzamo skills centre brings hopePG: 2

Last day for public input for SLP developmentPG: 4

Broadlands Park vat geweld vasPG: 7

Nebraska-Lee Thana (6) and Molten-Lee Torna (6) of Smartie Town in Macas-sar show off their pretty painted faces, which were decorated during avisit by the Halli Trust on Thursday. More on Page 2. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Happy faces Minister daag nie opDALEEN FOUCHÉ

Die vissersgemeenskap in dieStrandwasverledeweekbaieont-huts toe minister van landbou,bosbou en visserye, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, nie vir ’n beplandevergadering opgedaag het nie.

Die vergadering vorm deel van ’ntoer wat Joemat-Pettersson geïnisi-eer het om met vissersgemeenskap-peregoordie landtepraatoorproble-me in die sektor.Die vergadering met die Strand-

vissersgemeenskap was oorspronk-lik geskeduleer vir Woensdag 26Maart, maar is uitgestel na Woens-dag 2 April. Vissermanne meen dieminister mors hul tyd met vergade-rings wat sy self nie bywoon nie.Dullah Aziz, van die Hottentots-

Holland-vissersgemeenskap, sê baievissermanne het ’n goeie dag op dieseeverloor toehulleverledeweekge-waghetvir Joemat-Pettersson.Hysêdie vissersgemeenskap is eers Dins-dag1April inkennisgestelvanverle-deweek se vergadering en is gesê dieminister sal teenwoordig wees.Lionel Adendorf, ’n woordvoerder

vir die departement van landbou,bosbou en visserye, sê alhoewel mi-nister Tina Joemat-Pettersson die

vergaderings geïnisieer het, is sy niegeskeduleer om enige van die verga-derings by te woon nie.Hy verduidelik dat alhoewel Joe-

mat-Pettersson aan die hoof van dieappèlproses is vir vissermanne watnie visvangpermitte toegestaan isnie,moet sy onafhanklik en onparty-dig bly. “Dit mag nie voorkom asofsy kant kies nie.”Chris Khonkwane, transformasie-

adviseur vir die departement vanlandbou, bosbou en visserye het aandievergaderingvansowat 200mensegesêdie amptenare sal naalle beswa-re luisterenditopteken.Diebeswaresal dan aan die minister oorhandigword. Die teenwoordiges het egterhul ongelukkigheid uitgespreek oordie feit dat daar niemandwas omhulvrae te beantwoord nie.Die gesprek is oorheers deur klag-

tes wat verband hou met die toeken-ningvan lynvispermitte.Die toeken-ning van lynvispermitte het vroeërvanjaar groot ongelukkigheid ver-oorsaak toe slegs 115 van die 303 lyn-vissermanne se permitte hernu is.Permitte is ook aan 100 nuwe toetre-ders toegeken.Die lynvissermanne is ná hul ap-

pèl interim-permitte toegestaan.Een visserman het sy frustrasie

met die proses uitgespreek en gevra

hoekomdaar viermaandená die toe-kenning van permitte steeds nie dui-delikheid is oor die padvorentoenie.’nAnder vissermanhet vertel dat hyal oor die 40 jaar lank visvang, maarhet nie ’n permit gekry nie. “Ek hetbegin visvang toe ek 14 was en is dieenigste man in Temperance Townwat vis voorsien.”Die visservroue het ook hul stem

laathoor enbydieamptenaregepleitom hulle ook in ag te neem.Eugene Roux (25) het aan die Hel-

derberg Gazette vertel dat hy ongeagdie feit dat sy familie al vir genera-sies vissermanne is, uit die bedryfwil tree omdat daar “geen toekoms”vir hom is nie.Adendorf sê al die klagtes wat vis-

sermanne tydens die vergaderingsopper, word opgeneem deur ’n onaf-hanklike ouditfirma wat verslag saldoen aan die minister.“Die departement van landbou,

bosbouenvisseryeisernstigdaaroorom die foute in die toekenning vanvisvangpermittewatgemeenskappe,individue enorganisasies geïdentifi-seer het, reg te stel.”Adendorf het vissermanne aange-

moedig om voort te gaan met die ap-pèlproses en sê die vergaderingsmetdie departement vervang nié die ap-pèlproses nie.

Page 2: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 8 April 20142

Nomzamo centre offersspecial skills to youngstersThe Nceduluntu Skills and Dev-lopment Training Centre in Nom-zamo has brought much relief forchildrenwith special educationalneeds.

Lindiwe Gcilitshane, founder ofthe centre, recalls her own struggleto find a special school or trainingcentre for her son Andile.Andile (21), has suffered from epi-

lepsy since the age of seven, whichhad a negative effect on his health,resulting in his learning ability be-ing slower than average.After knocking onmany doors un-

successfully she attended a work-shoponstartinganon-governmentalorganisation (NGO) and with the

help of the local councillor, SamuelMatha, she was given the opportuni-ty to run the centre from a buildingat the back of the community hall.The centre soon attracted a lot of

interest from parents with childrenwith special educational needs andcurrently has about 16 learners be-tween the ages of 18-30.Gcilitshane says the centre is also

a place of safety for the learners whoare vulnerable to abuse when beingleft alone at home.“These children will be taken ad-

vantage off. Somewill be used to runerrandsorworkingardensandsomemay even be sexually abused,” shesays.Gcilitshane, who is also a pastor

and a tailor, started offering sewingclassesat thecentreandsoonEugenePhiri, a former learner at RusthofSecondary School, joined her and isteaching the learners computerskills. Gcilitshane is proud of Pene-lopeMakananawhohasapermanentjob at a local fisheries company, butoffers her free time to teach basicMaths and basic English at the cen-tre three times a week.With all these skills they hope to

develop and empower the learners tobecome independent entrepreneurs.In addition, the learners are alsotaughtbeading,basicwriting,uphol-stery and leather work. Anyone ableto assist the centre can phone Lindi-we Gcilitshane on 076 533 1294.

Thando Pino, Sinaso Hendricks, Patience Funani, Lindiwe Gcilit-shane, Fundiswa Xenza, Nlahlao Rapoto, Nokulunga Mthumtum,Gcobisa Nkomo, Nomapelo Mngenmezulu and Tankiso Ngaka.

Eugene Phiri, Lucia July, Zanele Wonti, Elsie Mathebe, PenelopeMakanana, Jeremiah Jantjies andPatrickGcilitshane; (front): Somele-zaBongi,SaneleMatshaya,SiphiweMonahengandAneleGcilitshane.

Halli Trust brings many smilesCASSY VAN EEDEN

TheHalliTrusthadaspecialholi-day treat for children of SmartieTown in Macassar when theyvisited them last Thursday.After a positive meeting held

with members of the SmartieTown community, Heidi Naude,director of the trust, is excited toget the community to work withthe organisation to empower andinspire the children.“We want children to learn to

be honest, work with us, take re-sponsibility and make goodchoices,” said Naude.The children had their faces

painted, enjoyeda lunchof pizzasand frozen yoghurt and were en-

tertained by local dance groupKaroo Trappers and Halli, thetrust’s mascot.The Halli Trust visits Smartie

Town every school holiday to en-gage with the children.“Smartie Town is one of the

most neglected areas in the Hel-derberg and the circumstanceshere just touched my heart.“Five or 10 years from now we

want to see that we’ve impactedon their lives,” said Naude.Roman’s Pizza in Somerset

West sponsored 350 slices of pizzaand Marcell’s Frozen Yogurt do-natedmorethan300tubsof frozenyoghurt while Applewaithe farmin Grabouw helped keep the doc-tor away by sharing 400 apples.

Holiday fun: The Halli Trust and their mascot Halli, visited the children of Smartie Townas a part of their educational holiday programme.At the back are (from left): Tinkie Baartman,Heidi Naude, Lucy Samuels, Alex Powers, Jason Jack, Morgan Tunnah, Halli, Jeniel Naude,Kaylon September, Elsie Jack, Juanita Tunnah, William Jack, Swain Westwig (Roman’s Pizza,Somerset West) and Bollie Roode.

Page 3: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 8 April 2014 3

Waarskuwing teenSassa-swendelaryDELIAH BRINKHUIS

Begunstigdes van staatstoelaes wordgewaarsku teen ’n moontlike swende-lary met Sassa-toelae.

Dit volg na ’n paar Helderberg-inwo-ners telefonies gekontak is deur be-weerde Sassa-amptenare en uit hultoelae bedrieg is. ’n Macassar-pensioe-naris, Joyce Montjies, was onlangseen van die slagoffers van dié swende-lary. Volgens Mondjies het die vroue‘amptenaar’beweerdathulle inligtingnamens Sassa nagaan wat moontlikebedrog kan uitskakel. Die vrou, watAfrikaans-sprekend was, het Montjiesse ID-nommer asook die laaste viernommers van haar Sassa-kaart gevra.Volgens Montjies wou sy aanvanklknie die inligting aan die vrou verskafnie, maar het dit wel later gedoen toedie vrou sê dat haar pensioentoelaagopgeskort kan word as sy nie haar sa-mewerking gee nie. Montjies verteldat nog voor sy kans gehad het omhaar uit te vra oor dié beweerde be-

drog, die vrou die oproep beëindig het.Sy het die oproep die volgende dag

by die plaaslike Sassa-betaalpuntgaan verifieer, net om te ontdek dattwee transaksies van R200 vir die koopvan elektrisiteit en selfoon-lugtyd methaar kaart gemaak is.

Nog ’n Macassar-inwoner, AubreyMoses,verteldathyook ’nsoortgelykeoproep gehad het. Volgens Moses hetdie vrou beweer dat sy Sassa-kaart ge-dupliseer is en dat sy dié kaart kanstop as hy sy Sassa-besonderhede aanhaar kan gee. Moses sê dat hy egtergeweier het om die inligting aan dievrou te gee en aan haar gesê het datsy ’n skriftelike bewys aan hom moetstuur.

Shivani Wahab, woordvoerder virSassa, kon nie bevestig of dié beweer-de swendelary by hulle aangemeld isnie. Sy het wel gesê dat begunstigdesse kodes vertroulik is en dat dit aanniemand,selfsnieaanSassa-amptena-re gegee mag word nie om bedrog uitte skakel.

Top cop visits HelderbergThe national minister ofpolice, Nathi Mthethwa,went on awalkabout in theBroadlandsParkandCasa-blanca areas in Strand onSunday 27 March.

Mthethwa visited a few res-idents and listened to theirconcernsaboutcrimeintheircommunities. Jannie Fries-laar, chairperson of theStrand Community PoliceForum (CPF), highlightedthe need for more police offic-ers, as well as the need for apolice station in the Rusthofareas which will be easier forsurrounding communities toaccess than the current sta-tion in the CBD.

Other matters of concernare the lack of community-based projects to combat so-cial crime such as domesticviolence and drug abuse.Frieslaar also alertedMthethwa to the escalation ofgang activity due to the mi-gration of gangs to the area.

National policeministerNathiMthethwa (second from left) onawalkaboutwith commu-nity leaders in Broadlands Park recently.

Man in hofPeter Opperman (25)het verlede week optwee klagte in dieStrand-landdroshofverskyn.

Hy het op 2 April virdronkbestuur ver-skyn en is op R500borgtog vrygelaat. Hykom weer op 12 Meivoor. In die mees on-langse voorval is hyop 31 Maart in hegte-nis geneem ná hy ver-moedelik op 27 Maart’n man (22) in Ross-straat met ’n baksteenteen die kop geslaanhet. Die man is die vol-gende dag dood. Op-perman het op 3 Aprilvir moord verskyn.Die saak is uitgesteltot 24 Junie.

Page 4: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 8 April 20144

Mixed reaction to Sir Lowry’sPass development plansDALEEN FOUCHÉ

A proposal to adjust the urbanedge in order to accommodate theproposed development of hun-dreds of houses, a hotel and a wa-ter-bottling plant on the slopes ofthemountainsatSirLowry’sPass,has had a mixed reaction from lo-cal residents.

A petition opposing the develop-ment started circulating last weekand by 10:00 yesterday (Monday), 256people had signed it.The development, however, also

gained great support from Sir Low-ry’sPass residents.Community lead-ers handed over 5 400 documents,signed by local residents to the Cityof CapeTown, pledging their supportto the proposed Casa Maris develop-ment.An application to adjust the urban

edge, subdivide the property andchange the property zoning to accom-modate the proposed Casa Maris de-velopment, was submitted to the Cityof Cape Town and is nowopen for pub-lic comment.The property is currently zoned for

agriculture.The proposal consists of an Eco Es-

tate of 148 houses, a hotel with 15 to20 rooms, conference facilities, a res-taurant and a water-bottling plant.The development is earmarked for

a property in the Knorhoek area,which is home to a national monu-ment, the Tolhuis and the historic oxwaggon trail, used by early settlers as

a gateway to the interior.The proposed CasaMaris was given

environmental approval from thePro-vincial Department of EnvironmentalAffairs and Development Planning on26 February 2013, but objections to theapproval triggered an appeal process.

Guillaume Nel, environmental con-sultant for the project, says three enti-ties objected against the positiveRecordofDecision(ROD),givenbytheprovincial authorities. Nel confirmedthat he received notification from theofficeofAntonBredell,ministerofEn-

vironmentalAffairsandDevelopmentPlanning that the appeal process wasin its final stages and estimates thatit could be another six weeks beforethe appeal process is finalised.Henk Maris, owner of the property

and chief executive officer of CasaMaris, established an education trustfor the benefit of the Sir Lowry’s Passcommunity and says the trust will befed fromthedevelopmentas10%of theselling price of each property withintheEcoEstatewillgotowardsit,aswilla further R750 of the levies.

Martin Britz and Lionel Benjamin, both community leaders in Sir Lowry’s Pass Village, handover the 5 400 letters, signed by local residents in support of the proposed Casa Marisdevelopment, to the City of Cape Town. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Talentcontest heldin April

Rape Crisis Helder-berg, Patch and theLionsClubarehostingan Easter-egg huntand talent contest.The fundraiser will

be held on 13 April.All entertainers,

singers and dancersare invited to show-case their talents.Entry fees for

groups are R100 andR50 for solo acts. Bigcash prizes can bewon – 1st prize R2 000,2nd prize R1 000 and3rd prize R500.Some of the fun ac-

tivities to look for-wardtoareavarietyofcraft and food stalls ofthe Route 44market, avisit from the Disneycharacters, a raffleand an Easter-egghunt.Rape Crisis is in

need of 30 boxes ofmarshmallow eggs fortheeventandwouldbegrateful for donationsof this.For details phone

Colleenon021 852 5620or email [email protected] entry forms.

Geen borgtog vir verdagtesShaun Daniels (45) van Stellen-bosch en Clayton Fortuin (32)van die Strand het Donderdag3 April in die Strand-landdros-hofverskynenisborgtoggewei-er ná hulle Maandag 31 Maartin hegtenis geneem is in ver-band met die roof by Mr Tobac-co in Gordonsbaai.Volgens die Gordonsbaai-po-

lisie was die voorval omstreeks15:40 Woensdag 26 Maart. ’nMan het by die winkel ingestapen die kassiere gedwing om opdievloerte lêenmet ’nonbeken-de bedrag geld, sigarette en ’n

selfoon weggekom.Die DistriksPos het verlede

week berig drie mans is in heg-tenis geneem en het Woensdag2April indiehofverskyn .Slegstwee mans – Daniels en For-tuin – het hulle eerste versky-ning in die hof gemaak. Die der-de verdagte kon nie met diesaak verbind word nie.Die saak is Woensdag uitge-

stelnaDonderdag3April.Albeimans is steeds in aanhoudingendiesaakistot15Meiuitgestelvir die beskuldigdes om regs-hulp aan te stel.

Page 5: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieTuesday 8 April 2014 5

Page 6: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg Gazette Geklassifiseerd Tuesday 8 April 20146




Vanaf 20 Maart word daarPAARL POST koeranteverkoop by HelderbergKwikspar vir al die oudPaarlliete wat nou in dieHelderberg kom werk ofwoon of vir diegene wat

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Amadeus on stageat PlayhouseAmadeus,aplayaboutthebattlebetweenMozart and an ambitious, but not so gift-ed, Salieri, can be seen at the PlayhouseTheatre in Somerset West.The play, which is set in Austria be-

tween 1783 and 1825, tells the story ofcomposer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’srise and fall at the Austrian court of Em-peror Josef II through the eyes of his en-vious competitor: Antonio Salieri. Rich-ard Higgs plays the part of Salieri. Thisdramatisation is by the award-winningplaywright, Peter Shaffer and directedby Philippe Pringiers.Amadeus is seldom performed in the

Western Cape and it is not one to bemissed.On a grander scale, a private company

has booked out the entire opening nightfor Amadeus. This ensures exclusivityfor their clients and employees for thewhole performance.The show dates and times are Thurs-

day 10 April at 20:00, Friday 11 April at20:00 and Saturday 12 April 18:30.Tickets are R90 and are available from

Computicket. R5 per ticketwill be donat-ed to ECHO.

Page 7: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014

Helderberg GazetteLetters - BrieweDinsdag 8 April 2014 7

Mense sê hulle sêVan der Stel roads painted

Well done to the DA for getting the munici-palitytopaintthestreetmarkingsinVanderStel.Bou-inspeksie in alle gebiede

Ek daag die bou-inspekteurs uit om na daar-die gebiede te gaan waar mense maak en breeksoos hulle wil. Of is hulle bang? Vra dan die Me-tro-polisie om julle te gaan beskerm.Geen ontwikkeling in Garden Village

Dankie aan Granville Latief vir wat jy in So-

merset-Wes sien. Die oudste dorp, GardenVil-liage, krydieminsteaandagwatontwikkelingbetref. Die tyd is NOU vir ’n ander bestuurdeurmensewat die area ken.Oud-GardenVil-lage-inwonerSwak taxi-diens

Hoekomisdaarneteenrank inMacassar?SomersetMall-passasiersmoeteersSomerset-Wes toe gaan en word dan by die Mall, of opgevaarlikeplekke soosbyverkeersligte oorge-laai. Die guards is onbeskof en oorlaai taxi’s.Die taxi-assosiasie moet die publiek na verga-deringsnooi sodatdie gemeenskapsebeswaregehoor kan word- ons hou hulle monde oop.

Aksie teen bendegeweldDALEEN FOUCHÉ

Toenemende bende-aktiwiteit in Broad-landsparkiseenvandieoorsakewatsame-werking tussen gemeenskapsleiers enkerkleiers tot stand gebring het.

Pastore en gemeenskapsleiers van Broad-landspark het verlede week ontmoet om ’nplan teontwikkelwatdie sosialekwale enpro-bleme van die gemeenskap sal aanspreek.

Jannie Frieslaar, voorsitter van die Broad-landspark-gemeenskapsorganisasie sêbende-geweld het die afgelope jaar lelik begin kopuitsteek in Broadlandspark. Hy sê verskeieongelisensieerde gewere is in die buurt deurdie polisie gekonfiskeer.

“Dit is vir ons ’n groot bekommernis.”PastoorManfred Jumat van die StrandVer-

nuwingsbediening, sê die kerk en gemeen-skapsleiers het besluit om hulle eerste projek’n aand van gebed te maak. Jumat sê die ge-bedsaandword beplan virDonderdag 10April

vanaf 19:00 by die Broadlandspark-ge-meenskpasaal. “Ons nooi die hele gemeen-skap uit na die gebedsaand.” Hy beskryf diegeleentheid as Broadlandspark se noodkreetom hulp.

“Dit is die eerste keer in Broadlandspark segeskiedenis dat die kerk en die gemeenskaps-leiers hande vat en saamwerk.”

Frieslaarmeendat die projek slegs salwerkindiendiehelegemeenskaphandevatensaamwerk. “Diedoel is omdiegemeenskapsewaar-des te herstel.”

Maar die projek eindig nie daar nie. Diegroep gemeenskapsleiers en kerkleiers wilverskeie probleme hanteer deur programmein die gemeenskap van stapel te stuur.

Nigel Philips, ondervoorsitter van Broad-landspark-gemeenskapsorganisasie, sê hy isbaie positief oor die projek omdat soortgelykeprojekte in ander dele van die Kaap suksesvolwas. Hy vertel dat bendegeweld in Bonteheu-wel en Manenberg begin afneem het toe diekerk betrokke geraak het.

Agter van links is Judith-AnnHendricks (gemeenskapsleier), Jannie Frieslaar (voorsitter vandieBroadlandsparkgemeenskapsorganisasie), Nigel Phillips (ondervoorsitter van die Broadlandspark gemeenskapsorganisasie),Cheryl October (Anglikaanse Kerkraad, St. John’s). Voor is pastoor Patric Sauls (Life Church), pastoor Colinvan Wyk (Bethesda Church), pastoor Basil Jansen (Vrede Pinkster Herlewing Kerk) en pastoor ManfredJumat (Strand Vernuwingsbediening) FOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ

Page 8: Helderberg gazette 8 apr 2014


Year 18 • Dinsdag 8 April 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Sport in shortPaasnaweek netbaltoernooiDieMetro Netbal-unie hou Saterdag 19 April ’n Paasna-

week-netbaltoernooi en nooi alle netbalklubs om deel teneem.Die wedstryde wat op 5 April in Sir Lowry’s Pass sou

plaasvind, is ongelukkig gekanselleer.Alle belangstellendenetbalklubswordgevraommetdie

volgende persone kontak te maak: Sanna Booysen by076 737 0800 / 076 737 0800; Roleen by 073 948 3583 /073 948 3583; of stuur ’n epos [email protected] and Wine for fundsThe 2014 Walk andWine FunWalk and Photo Competi-

tion will be held on 12 April in aid of the Gordon’s BayPrimary School choir.Visitors can look forward to a guidedwalk inKnorhoek,

withbreathtakingviews, from08:30, andpit stopswithwa-ter and wine sponsored by Idiom, Highberry and Whale-haven Wine Estates.The family-friendly circular route covers about 6 km

fromDaCapoVineyardstoBezweniLodgeandback.Thosewhoarea little fitter, cancontinueup thehistoricalwagontracks up the Gantouw Pass.Participants also stand a chance of winning one night’s

stayat the exclusiveBezweniLodgewith thephoto compe-tition.TicketsatR110peradultandR10perchildareavaila-ble and include a goody bag, wine tastings and cup (adultsonly).

For bookings and enquiries, contact Rennie on082 777 9995 or send an email to [email protected] jou lyf ’n tydDie Macassar RFC Ondersteunersklub hou Vrydag 11

April ’n dans in die klubhuis van dieMacassar-sportgron-de. Die dans begin om 20:00.KaartjieswordteenR20perpersoonverkoop.’nKontant-

kroeg sal beskikbaar wees en besoekers word versoek omhul eie verversings te voorsien.Virmeer inligting, bel virFanie by 076 410 5949 ofMellie

by 072 967 3436.Senecio holds its annual fun runSenecio, support for people with disabilities, holds its

sixth annual fun run on Saturday 12 April.The fun run, which starts at 08:00, will be held at the

Blaauwklippen Wine Estate on the R44 in Stellenbosch.Participants can enter into the 5 km or 10 km events, as

well as a 5 km wheelchair race.To enter costs R60 per person, and registrationwill take

place at 07:00 on the day of the race.EntryformscanbedownloadedfromtheSeneciowebsite

( and completed forms can be handedinatSportsman’sWarehouseinSomersetWestandRonde-bosch. Entry forms will also be available at these stores.Late entries will still be accepted on the day at a cost

of R70 per entry – cash payment only.There will be medals for the first 500 to finish and the

first three to finish in each categorywill be eligible for gifthampers.For more information, contact Anna van Niekerk on

021 852 3856 or 073 191 6277.

Macassar winsRylands fixtureMacassar Cricket Club’s firstteamclaimedafourwicketwinover log-leaders Rylands intheir two-day final 2 A leaguefixture on Saturday 29 March.

Macassar got off to a good starton day one when they dismissedRylands in their first innings for111 runs.CameronMitchell was the pick

of the bowlerswith figures of 12-3-33-6.Macassar’s batsmen struggled

against the Rylands bowlers andonly managed to score 61 runs.The only batsman showing some

resistance was Shaun Jantjieswho top scored with 20 runs notout.

Rylands responded with 149/9in their second innings on daytwo. Neil Swartland, who cardedfigures of 7-1-35-3 and ShaneSwartland 8-2-11-2 took most ofthe wickets.

Macassarwas taskedwith scor-ing 201 runs to win, and reachedthe target in 49.2 overs.

The best batsmen were ShaunJantjies46,CameronMitchell35*,Ettienne Le Roux 27, Alton Rob-erts 20*,QuintonBowman19, andShane Swartland with 15.

ATHLETICSCHAMP:King-DavidMomoh, a SomersetWestMethodist Prima-ry School learner, recently represented the Western Cape primary schoolsathletics team at the National Primary Schools Athletics Championships,held at Dal Josaphat Stadium in Paarl on 21 and 22 March. King-Davidrendered sterling performances; he won the u. 11 boys 80 m sprint, andclaimed first place in all his heats and semi-final 80 m sprint events.With the athlete are his proud teachers and trainers, Luleka Dwaru (left)and Samuel Jackson.