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All Saints Sunday Sacrament of Communion and Candle Lighting Remembrance November 5, 2017 9:00am and 11:00am TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST HEBREWS 13:1-2 Let mutual love continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.


Mar 29, 2018



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Page 1: HEBREWS 13:1-2 - · CENTERING OUR HEARTS AND MINDS SERMON Stand Up For Justice Rev. Ed

All Saints Sunday Sacrament of Communion

and Candle Lighting Remembrance

November 5, 2017 9:00am and 11:00am


HEBREWS 13:1-2

Let mutual love continue. 2Do not neglect to show hospitality

to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels

without knowing it.

Page 2: HEBREWS 13:1-2 - · CENTERING OUR HEARTS AND MINDS SERMON Stand Up For Justice Rev. Ed

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are so glad that you are here. We hope that joining us for worship today will nurture your heart and transform your mind. Here at First Pres our mission is transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ, that simple and that challenging. We realize we need each other and commit to pray for each other. We reach out in love and compassion to a world in need, and we know we are a work in progress. If you are new to First Pres, we hope you will join us again and consider attending any of our mission, fellowship and education opportunities. If you would like to learn more about us, please fill out the visitor information on the “blue card” in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. You are also more than welcome to contact any of our pastors over the phone or by email. God's peace to you today.

Rev. Laura Sherwood, Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, Rev. Bill Lane, Rev. Ann Pitman (contact information on inside back page)

† Those who are able please stand

PRELUDE 9:00am Pastorale Alec Rowley 11:00am Elegy James Biery


† CALL TO WORSHIP (congregation please stand, rise in body or spirit) inspired by The Beatitudes

One: Happy are we All: When our treasures cannot be quantified. One: Happy are we All: When our knowledge is tempered by mystery. One: Happy are we All: When our pain is held in the balm of love. One: Happy are we All: When our delight comes from beyond ourselves.

† HYMN No. 773 Heaven Shall Not Wait HEAVEN SHALL NOT WAIT

CALL TO CONFESSION (congregation may be seated) One: Let us approach God in this time of confession with the honesty of our lives. First, in a time of silent personal prayer. (Moment of silent prayer.) Now, let us pray together:

PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: Jesus, you showed us holiness in action through the way you lived your life. You gave away your power in the service of others and turned our understanding of blessedness on its head. We confess the difficulties we experience in living as you lived and loving as you loved. We confess our failure to act when we see around us weakness, pain, suffering and powerlessness. Strengthen us to be people who sing and live your song of love; who willingly serve our neighbors; who seek justice and mercy for all; who truly repent of what is past and look with anticipation for what is yet to come. This we pray in your name and for your sake. Amen.

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WORDS OF ASSURANCE One: “In Christ... when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, you also were marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our inheritance towards redemption as God’s own people.” (Ephesians 1: 13, 14) Hear again the word of truth: in Jesus Christ we are forgiven. All: Thanks be to God! Amen.

† CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE We Are Forgiven (Hymn No. 447) WE ARE FORGIVEN We are forgiven. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God. We are forgiven. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.

† SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST One: Having received the gift of peace that forgiveness brings, our first act is to share it with one another. Let us do that now by saying, The Peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us greet one another with signs of peace in a manner that is comfortable for you. [This may be shaking hands, hugs, or simply smiling.]

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please sign and pass the friendship pad to those in your pew.

ANTHEM 11:00am Shine like the Sun Scottish traditional/arr. Karen E. Black

Alexandra Tsilibes, violinist There’s a light that lights the darkness, and the world cannot contain it, and the world cannot explain it.

It is the light of God’s creation. There’s a love that flows within us, and the world cannot create it,

and the world cannot negate it. It is the love of God’s salvation; and it shines like the sun.

There are saints who light the darkness, and the world cannot contain them,

for the love of God sustains them and they will never be forgotten.

We are blest to have them with us, and we praise the God who made them.

There is no way to repay them, and so we simply do applaud them as they shine like the sun.

Glory be to our Creator! Glory to the Holy One! Glory be to Christ our Savior, the Lord of light,

the King of love. See him shine like the sun.

There’s a light that lights the darkness, and the world cannot contain it, and the world cannot explain it.

It is the light of God’s creation. There’s a love that flows within us, and the world cannot create it,

and the world cannot negate it. It is the love of God’s salvation; and it shines like the sun.

Glory be to our Creator! Glory to the Holy One! Glory be to Christ our Savior, the Lord of light,

the King of love. See him shine like the sun. They will shine like the sun.

TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES Please join in singing “Jesus Loves Me” as our children come forward.

Children are invited to stay up front to listen to the Scripture reading.

SCRIPTURE READING Hebrews 12:28-13:6, p. 227 One: This is the Word of the Lord. 9:00am Larry Stoneburner All: Thanks be to God! 11:00am Betty-Alice Almeida Following the scripture reading, children are invited to join their families in the pews for the remainder of the Service, or to meet teachers in the Narthex for worship activity time. Childcare is available for ages 5 and under anytime. Please see an Usher for assistance.

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SERMON Stand Up For Justice Rev. Ed Dysktra

HYMN OF REFLECTION (seated) No. 769 For Everyone Born FOR EVERYONE BORN

(You are invited to remain seated in a time of reflection by listening to the hymn, singing along or meditating on the words.)

OFFERING OFFERTORY 9:00am Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service setting by David Cherwien 11:00am The Lord is My Shepherd Handel/arr. Cindy Berry



GREAT THANKSGIVING (The Apostles’ Creed - traditional) (*Spirit, **universal) One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. One: It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, O God, creator and ruler of the universe. We praise you for saints and martyrs, for the faithful in every age who have followed your Son and witnessed to his resurrection. How glorious is your heavenly realm where the multitude of your saints rejoice with Christ. Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with all the faithful of every time and place, to proclaim what we believe: All: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost*, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic** church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. One: May this Sacrament be for us true Communion as we share in the elements of Bread and Cup. Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are yours, almighty God, now and forever. Amen

WORDS OF INSTITUTION Remembrance of our Members who have gone on to live in the fullness of Christ since last All Saints Day. As each name is read, a chime will sound indicating our thanksgiving to God for that life.

One: Almighty God, we remember before all you those who have lived among us who have directed our steps in the way. We thank you for the ways in which they opened our eyes to the truth, inspired our hearts by their witness, and strengthened our wills by their devotion.

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We rejoice in their lives, honor them in their death, and pray that we may be united with them in the glory of Christ's resurrection. Amen. SHARING OF COMMUNION Breaking of the Bread, Sharing of the Cup Communion this morning is by the ancient practice of intinction (breaking a piece of bread from the loaf and dipping it in the cup). All are invited to partake. Please come forward as the Ushers open your pew doors and guide you. If you prefer not to come forward for communion, please let us know and it will be served to you in your pew.

CANDLE LIGHTING IN REMEMBRANCE OF LOVED ONES After you have come forward and received the elements, you are invited to light your own candle in honor of loved ones. Take a candle from the basket; light it from the tall candle and place in the container of sand. Continue to move toward the outside aisle to return to your seat. Those who remain in the pews will be offered the communion elements at their seats and asked if they would like a remembrance candle lighted and placed at the front on their behalf.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION All: God, in deep gratitude for this moment, this meal, these people, we give ourselves to you. Take us out as changed people because we have shared the living bread and cannot remain the same. Ask much of us, expect much from us, enable much by us, encourage many through us. God, may we live to your glory, both as inhabitants of earth and citizens of your kingdom, in the one communion of saints. Amen.

† HYMN No. 761 Called as Partners in Christ’s Service BEECHER


† BENEDICTION RESPONSE 11:00am The Lord Bless You and Keep You Peter C. Lutkin

The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord lift His countenance upon you; And give you peace, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you, be gracious, the Lord be gracious, gracious unto you. Amen.

† POSTLUDE 9:00am For All the Saints setting by Robert A. Hobby

11:00am Amazing Grace Saint-Säens/arr. Marilyn Reimer

Scripture reading for today: Heb. 12:28-13:6 Lectionary readings for today: Josh. 3:7-17; Ps. 107:1-7, 33-37; 1 Thess. 2:9-13; Matt. 23:1-12 Lectionary readings for next week: Josh. 24:1-3a, 14-25; Ps. 78:1-7; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Matt. 25:1-13

Anthem note: John Ylvisaker wrote the text used in “Shine like the Sun.” This is one of several texts he wrote. His most famous hymn-text is “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry.” The tune used with the text is called Wild Mountain Thyme and is a traditional Scottish tune. Karen Black, Professor of Organ at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa arranged this anthem which was recently published in 2014.

Resources: Call to Worship ~ written by Katherine Hawker (2006), and posted on Liturgy Outside.; Confession and Assurance (adapted) — written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on her Liturgies Online website. Visit that site for more good resources for All Saints worship.

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Greeters: 9:00am Larry and Brenda Stoneburner

11:00am Jeff & Emily Caso, Nam-se Park, Steve & Marcie Weissner, Jai Son Wyss

Ushers: 9:00am Brenda Stoneburner

11:00am David Beer, Dick Florea, John Ruble, Jerry Winters, Anita Wolfe

Communion Servers: 9:00am Laurie Satter, Marcie Weissner

11:00am Kathy Beatty, Nancy Gerow, Cindi Odle, Jim Pulley,

Laurie Satter, Tom Sites

Crucifer: 11:00am Hayden Patterson

Liturgists: 9:00am Larry Stoneburner; 11:00am Betty-Alice Almeida

Organists: 9:00am Kathryn A. Miller; 11:00am Dr. Chelsea Vaught

Guest Violinist: 11:00am Alexandra Tsilibes

Chancel Choir Accompanist: 11:00am Kathryn A. Miller

Chancel Choir Members: 11:00am (soprano) Christa Cook, Mary Cree, Susan Dorion, Joan Jackson,

Antoinette Lee, Gretchen Lee, Mary Jo Meyer, Patricia Pierce, Marianne Platt, Sandy Shearer;

(alto) Nancy Archer, Jane Beer, Virginia Coats, Mary Jane Ormerod, Fran Page, Marj Sapp, Jill Therrien, Mary Winters; (tenor) Kathie Bishop, Scott McMeen, Robin Memmer; (bass) David Beer, Jim Mergenthal, Dan Michnay, Kip Ormerod

Chancel Flowers are given in loving memory of Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Niles, and Sandra Niles by Mr. and Mrs. Todd Richard Burris.

Hospital Visitation Please contact the Church Office, 426-7421. Deacons will assist with hospital visits on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

An Elder of the Month is available in the Narthex for a time of private conversation or prayer after each worship service. Elders are Laurie Satter and Marcie Weissner.

Let Us Rejoice With You: to share a landmark anniversary or birthday with the church, please contact Cindy Larson, 426-7421 x112 or [email protected] two weeks before the event.

Welcome Baby Ministry We are excited to provide new families with meals, support and small gifts from the church. If you are pregnant or adopting, please contact Cindi Odle, 317-523-5985, or [email protected].

Hearing Assistance Our Chapel and Sanctuary are equipped with the “Hearing Loop” system. Please set your hearing aid to the “T-coil” or “telephone” setting to access the system. If you do not wear hearing aids, but would like to hear more clearly, ask an usher for a loop headset.

The Welcome Table in the Narthex is a place for us to greet visitors to our church. Elders staff the table on Sunday mornings, but we encourage each of you to introduce yourself to visitors. Be a friendly face in a sea of strangers; please wear your name tags.

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Daylight Savings Time ended this morning. Did you remember to set your clocks back an hour? Or did you arrive at church an hour early? Today is All Saints’ Sunday with Communion and Candle Lighting Remembrance. Our reflective service honors those who have gone on to live in the fullness of Christ. We recognize how they and all believers are always gathered around the Lord’s Table in the timelessness of God. Communion of the Saints will include a time for all to light an individual remembrance candle in honor of loved ones. Our guest preacher this morning is a familiar face to some of you — Rev. Ed Dykstra, who was former interim head pastor here at First Pres before Rev. Jeff Lehn took the position. Rev. Dykstra is retired now, but still fills in when needed. Thank you, Rev. Dykstra. A special thank you to guest musician Alexandra Tsilibes for playing violin at the 11:00am service this morning. Alex also will be one of our guest violinists for the Christmas Eve service. She began playing at age 5 and gave her solo debut with the Rochester (New York) Philharmonic at age 16. She has been a violinist with the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra since 2005. She also is a private violin instructor. High School Youth Fellowship begins at 6:00pm tonight in Rooms 209/212.

T.O.W.N adult education classes for November 8 and 15 will be taught by Dr. Chelsea Vaught and will continue our focus on the reformation by looking at the way the major reformers thought about music and the music they created. November 8 will focus on Martin Luther and John Calvin. November 15 will focus on

Ulrich Zwingli and the Anabaptists. T.O.W.N. (Together On Wednesday Night) is a weekly event for middle-schoolers and adults. Dinner is at 5:30pm ($5/person, $20/family). Then adults and middle-schoolers each go to their own programs at 6:00pm. RSVP by Mondays: Sign up in the Church Office, online at, or scan the QR Code on the upper right. Questions? Contact: Pastor Bill Lane, 426-7421, Ext.150.

The 2017 Angel Tree Committee is beginning its work in support of our annual Angel Tree mission project, and can use your help. We will prepare angels for the tree Monday, November 6, and Monday, November 13, at 6:30pm in Room 304. We will decorate the Angel Tree Saturday, November 18, at 10:00am in the Small Dining Room. Angel Tree selections for the congregation begin Sunday, November 19, and run through December 10. The gifts will be delivered to the agencies on Monday, December 18. We could use your help at each stage of the process. Interested in helping? Contact Janice Roddy at 493-2511.

Happy Birthday to Virginia Bokern,

who is celebrating her 85th birthday today!

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Zip Code Dinner Groups: The 46845 and 46825 will meet Sunday, November 12, at 12:30pm at Don Hall’s Gas House, 305 E. Superior St. The 46804 and 46814 Zip Code Dinner Group will meet Sun-day, November 12, at 5:30pm at Don Hall’s Tavern, 5745 Coventry Lane.

The Stephen Ministry Leadership Team is in the process of inviting members who have been identified as having the necessary gifts and skills needed to prayerfully con-sider accepting God’s call to be trained and to serve as a Stephen Minister. We ask for the prayers of the congregation to surround those being invited as they discern God’s call on them to serve the congregation in this ministry. November 12 is Care Giving Sunday and Commissioning of Stephen Leaders.

The next newsletter deadline is fast approaching. We’re doing things a bit differently this time. First News will be published December 1 and will be a special Christmas and Advent edition. We have so many wonderful events coming up in December the Communications Committee decided to create a smaller newsletter just for December. If you have stories, photos, upcoming events or anything you want published in this special Christmas edition, please contact Communications Manager Cindy Larson at [email protected] or (260) 426-7421, Ext. 112. Or drop off any material for the newsletter in the Church Office. The deadline for submissions is November 10. Benefit for Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network is Saturday, November 18, 6:00-8:00pm at IPFW, Walb Classic Ballroom. Just Neighbors is an emergency homeless shelter serving families. To register, go to, Call 458-9772 or email [email protected].

Rising Stars is a program working with children in the public schools as mentors, tutors and reading assistants. Rising Stars specializes in connecting faith-based communities and organizations to public schools. First Pres’s school connection is with South Wayne. Rising Stars is seeking volunteers for a one day commitment at Junior Achievement’s Biz Town. Also, there are opportunities to work with teachers and students in making robots for an upcoming competition. The group meets every Monday. Interested in volunteering or have questions? Contact Pat Kohart at [email protected] or call 433-0584, or Kathy Adair at 672-9155. Our annual Presbyterian Women Advent By Candlelight will be on Wednesday, December 6, 7:00-8:30pm in McKay Hall. All women are welcome! Come and enjoy an early Advent program, wonderful fellowship and a great dessert! Please sign up in the Church Office, so we can plan accordingly. If you want to host a table, be sure to note this when you sign up. Presbyterian Women are providing desserts this year, so table hosts can decorate their table, invite some guests, and leave the program and dessert to us! We are still planning, but we are going to have a music theme. If you wish, you can decorate your table to your favorite Christmas Carol. If you have any questions, call Lynn Rebman at (260) 637-8462, or e-mail [email protected]



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8:45am - 12:15pm CHILD CARE

Kindergarten and under, Room 210



K - 2nd Grade, Room 210

3rd - 5th Grade, Room 208

6th - 12th Grade, Room 209

Adults, Parlor & 3rd Floor

(Wired Word and The Bible Speaks, respectively)


(Following the “Time With Young Disciples”) — offering hands-on projects, games or worship

Kindergarten and under, Room 210

1st - 5th Grade, Room 208

BIRTHDAY PARTY Please join the 85th Birthday celebration for Mary Cree on

November 12 following the 11:00am service in McKay Hall. Your presence is the greatest gift ever.

Enjoy refreshments and special music by Dr. Chelsea Vaught.

Pastor Nominating Committee update The Presbyterian process for calling and installing a pastor is an intentionally measured and se-quential one that sometimes can seem unwieldy and slow. Because the relationship between a con-gregation and a called pastor is expected to be long-term, it’s vitally important that it be established only after consideration of a very large pool of candidates and after all parties spend a significant amount of time getting to know each other. The PNC is happy to report that after examining doz-ens of candidates, we have identified about one dozen who we believe should be given further consideration. We have requested additional materials from them and expect to begin personal interviews by video conference in the coming week. This is a significant step in the process and we know you share our excitement as we move closer to identifying our next Senior Pastor! PNC members will continue to present updates to the congregation during worship on the third Sunday of each month, with the next one scheduled for November 19.

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The exhibit Lost, Found, Loved

by Susan Kline

On exhibit in the Gallery now through November 26. Susan’s passion for rescue animals is evident in her mixed-media work. The Gallery is open weekdays, 9:00am-5:00pm, and Sundays, 9:30am-1:00pm.

Dr. Chelsea Vaught will perform an Organ Recital on Sunday, November 19, at 2:00pm in the Sanctuary. The concert will feature organ music from around the world: England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain,

Taiwan and United States, and will celebrate the successful completion of the recent organ project. If you still wish to contribute to the project, which upgraded the electrical system and paid for maintenance to the keyboards and pedal board, there will be an offering at the concert. The Sanctuary organ was built by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company of Boston, Massachusetts, and installed in 1956. The organ contains over 4,500 pipes, the majority of which are located in the rear of the choir loft.

Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a new adaptation of an old classic. This inspired new piece adapted and directed by Jack Cantey previews on Thursday, November 30 (all seats $12), and then runs Friday,

December 1 and Saturdays, December 2, 9, 16 with curtains at 7:30 pm. There is one Sunday matinee at 2:00pm December 3, and we have 6:00pm Sunday performances on December 10 and 17. The unusual schedule is due to sharing our Theater with the Fort Wayne Youtheatre’s production of A Charlie Brown Christmas. Tickets for FPT’s production are $20 general admission, $18 for patrons age 65+, and free for full-time students with a reservation. Box Office hours are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11:00am-2:00pm. Or call and leave your number. You can also buy tickets by going to our website,

FPT’s annual Barnes & Noble Book Fair will be at their brick and mortar stores December 9 and 10. Do your Christmas shopping early and up to 20 percent of your purchase goes to the Theater. Just give them the following number: 122-54-991 during your transaction. If you prefer to shop online, enter the FPT Bookfair number 122-54-991 on the last page of your transaction December 3-9, and 12 percent of your purchase will go to FPT. Stratford 2018 dates and shows are set. Brochures are in the literature rack next to the Church Office.

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STAFF DIRECTORY Rev. Laura Sherwood, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff [email protected] or Ext. 107 Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, Korean Group Associate Pastor [email protected] or Ext. 105 Rev. Bill Lane, Assoc. Pastor for Children, Youth & Families [email protected] or Ext. 150 Rev. Ann Pitman, Parish Associate for Pastoral Care [email protected] or Ext. 106 Michelle Adams, Financial Manager [email protected] or Ext. 116 Norma Christon, PT Administrative Assistant [email protected] or Ext 120 Jo Furr, Financial Assistant [email protected] or Ext. 111 Danielle Gonzalez, Office Manager [email protected] or Ext. 102 Beth Grueb, Administrative Associate [email protected] or Ext 101 Rev. Bill Haworth, Ex. Dir., Smock Sr. Adult Ministries [email protected] or Ext. 131

Thom Hofrichter, Managing Artistic Director [email protected] or Ext. 103 Cindy Larson, Communication Manager [email protected] or Ext. 112 Mary Lynn McIntyre, Smock Administrative Sec. [email protected] or Ext. 132 Kathryn A. Miller, Assistant Organist [email protected] or Ext. 137 Bill Patterson, Property Manager [email protected] or Ext. 144 Jennifer Rannells, Director of Day School Ministry [email protected] or Ext. 108 Rae Surface, Theater Technical Director [email protected] or Ext. 130 Shannon Timmons, Head of Housekeeping [email protected] or Ext. 104 Dr. Chelsea Vaught, Director of Music [email protected] or Ext. 137

Many staff members are also church members. If you speak to one of them regarding a business item on Sunday, please follow up with a phone call or e-mail reminder the following week, or leave a written note in the Church Office. Thank you.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 300 West Wayne Street † Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802

Contact us by phone at 260-426-7421 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm M-F;

8:30am - 12:30pm Sunday

Our clergy are available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office.

FIRST PRES BOOK & GIFT SHOP: 260-426-7421 x110

Book & Gift Shop hours: Thursday 11:00am—1:30pm &

Sunday 10:30 - 11:00am and 12:00 - 12:30pm


October 6—November 26

FIRST THEATER Dickens’ A Christmas Carol November 30— December 17

FIRST MUSIC Organ Recital by Dr. Chelsea Vaught

November 19

Visit our website: www. Like us on Facebook:

MISSION CO-WORKERS SPONSORED: Mr. Mark Hare and Ms. Jenny Bent, Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers in the Middle East Rev. John McCall, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan

Rev. Leonel Pech, Amistad Cristiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 All Saints Day—Daylight Saving Time Ends

8:45am Childcare, 210 9:00am English Worship, Communion, CH 10:00am Church School, see Church School page Chancel Choir warmup, SC Korean Group Choir rehearsal, 201 10:30am Book and Gift Shop Open, BGS 11:00am English Worship, Communion, SC Korean Group Worship, Communion, CH Korean Group Sunday Class, 200 11:20am Children’s Activity, 208 12:00pm Book and Gift Shop Open, BGS Hospitality Time, NX Korean Group Fellowship, FH 1:30pm Korean Group Choir rehearsal, 201 6:00pm High School Youth Fellowship, 209/212

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 9:30am Day School Chapel, CH 4:00pm Youtheater Charlie Brown Christmas Rehearsal, 306 4:30pm Youtheater Parent Meeting, MH 5:30pm Pastor Nominating Committee, SR 6:00pm Red rehearsal, FH 6:30pm Angel Tree Preparations, 304 7:00pm A Christmas Carol rehearsal, TH

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Prayer Day: John McCall, Mission in Taiwan

10:00am Staff Meeting, SR 11:00am Staff Worship Planning, SR 11:30am Clergy Team Meeting, OS 2:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership Team, SMO 4:00pm Youtheater Charlie Brown Christmas Rehearsal, 306 5:30pm Personnel & Administration Committee, SR 6:00pm Red rehearsal, CL 7:00pm A Christmas Carol rehearsal, TH

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Prayer Day: Presbyterian workers in the Middle East

10:00am Table Talk I, SR 2:30pm Table Talk II, 300 4:00pm Youtheater Charlie Brown Christmas Rehearsal, 306

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 con’t 5:30pm T.O.W.N., MH Adult Ed. Committee, 304 Day School Staff Meeting, 302 6:00pm Red rehearsal, CL 7:00pm A Christmas Carol Rehearsal, TH Korean Group Worship Service, CH

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Prayer Day: Mark Hare & Jenny Bent, Mission for Haiti

11:00am Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS 2:00pm Men’s Bible Study, 303 4:00pm Youtheater Charlie Brown Christmas Rehearsal, 306 5:00pm Day School Board Meeting, SR 5:30pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 201 6:00pm Red rehearsal, CL 7:00pm A Christmas Carol rehearsal, TH Chancel Choir rehearsal, MR 8:15pm Chancel Choir Harvest Party, PR

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 1:00pm 3B Fitness, MH 7:00pm A Christmas Carol rehearsal, TH

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 7:00am Korean Group Prayer Meeting, CH 8:00am Korean Group Men’s Bible Study, SR 4:30pm Wyss/Griffin Wedding, SC

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:45am Childcare, 210 9:00am English Worship, CH 10:00am Church School, see Church School page Chancel Choir warmup, SC Korean Group Choir rehearsal, 201 10:30am Book and Gift Shop Open, BGS 11:00am English Worship, SC Korean Group Worship, CH Korean Group Sunday Class, 200 11:20am Children’s Activity, 208 12:00pm Book and Gift Shop Open, BGS Korean Small Group Meeting, 300 12:15pm Mary Cree’s 85th Birthday, MH Korean Group Fellowship, FH 1:30pm Korean Group Choir Rehearsal, 201 6:00pm High School Youth Fellowship, 209/212

BGS - Book & Gift Shop CH - Chapel CL - Chapel Lounge CO - Counseling Office CY - Courtyard FH - Fellowship Hall FO - Front Office

GL - Gallery KLR-Kitchen lower level K2 - Kitchen, 2nd floor LB - Library LE - Lobby Elevator LN - Lobby North MF - McKay Foyer

MH - McKay Hall MK - Main Kitchen MR - Music Room NX- Narthex, SC OS - Offsite PG - Playground PO - Pastor’s Office

PR - Parlor SB - Sanctuary Balcony SC - Sanctuary SDR - Small Dining Room SMO - Stephen Ministry Office SR - Session Room

TH - Theater YL - Youth Lounge (209,
