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Heating Up the Heavens

Apr 10, 2018



Sir Templar
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  • 8/8/2019 Heating Up the Heavens


    Its a Strangelovianscenario that only thePentagon could dream up: North Korea,

    in the throes of a military coup, launches anuclear weapon that explodes 120 kilome-

    tres above the Earth. The blast fills the atmos-phere with killer electrons that would withindays knock out the electronics of all satellitesin low-Earth orbit. It would cause hundreds ofbillions of dollars of damage, and affect mili-tary, civilian and commercial space assets.

    If this doomsday scenario sounds outland-ish, then the possible response may sound evenmore improbable: injecting radio waves intothe atmosphere to force these energetic elec-trons out of orbit. Yet this is exactly what theUS Department of Defense is looking at in a

    major ionospheric research facility in Alaska.The High Frequency Active Auroral ResearchProgram (HAARP) has been entwined withcontroversy since its birth. Originally envi-sioned as a way to facilitate communicationswith nuclear-armed submarines, HAARP tookalmost two decades to build and has incurredaround US$250 million in construction andoperating costs. It consists of 360 radio trans-mitters and 180 antennas, and covers some14 hectaresnear the town of Gakona about250 kilometres northeast of Anchorage.

    With 3.6 megawatts of power at its com-mand, HAARP is the most powerful iono-

    spheric heater in the world. At its heart is aphased-array radar that emits radio waves that

    are partially absorbed between 100 kilometresand 350 kilometres in altitude, accelerating

    electrons there and heating the ionosphere(see graphic). In effect, HAARP allows sci-entists to turn the ionosphere, the uppermostand one of the least understood regions of theatmosphere, into a natural laboratory.

    It is one of several ionospheric heaters scat-tered around the world. The facilities createunique opportunities to study the fundamentalphysics behind how plasma and electromag-netic waves interact. Researchers have alreadyused HAARP to create an artificial auroraand otherwise study the basic physics of howcharged particles behave in the ionosphere.

    Experiments have been ongoing for several

    years, but the facility didnt reach full poweruntil last June. As yet it may be too early toassess whether its research potential has beenworth the time and money invested in it, par-ticularly given the ever-changing justifica-tions for building it. The facility, which hasbeen passed around varying military agen-cies, including the Office of Naval Research,the Air Force Research Laboratory and theDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA), is perhaps the only research facilitythat has had to justify itself as being neither adeath beam aimed at Russia nor a mind-con-trol device. So prevalent are the conspiracy

    theories that HAARP has even been referredto in a Tom Clancy novel, in which a fictional

    facility is used to induce mass psychosis in aChinese village.

    In fact, HAARP is a unique case of coldwar-era military goals meshing with scientificresearch, and then maintaining that linkageeven after the end of the war. If the conspiracytheories surrounding HAARP draw on fantas-tical ideas of death beams, then the real historyof the facility is almost as colourful.

    Death beams and submarinesHAARP traces its origins back to cold war-era concerns over nuclear annihilation, whenUS and Soviet submarines prowled the deepseas, engaged in an elaborate game of hideand seek. By staying underwater, the subma-

    rines avoided detection, but they also couldntcommunicate well the deeper they went,the weaker the contact signal became. Then,in 1958, Nicholas Christofilos, a physicist atthe Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryin California, proposed using extremely lowfrequency (ELF) waves to communicate withsubmarines underwater. His idea, adopted asProject Sanguine, eventually led to the devel-opment of operational facilities in Michiganand Wisconsin. But these were mired in con-troversy. They were huge needing 135 kilo-metres of antenna wire to transmit the signal and many took exception to their goals and

    to the possible detrimental effects on the healthof people living nearby. The Navy eventually

    HEATING UP THE HEAVENSBattling rumours of death beams and mind control, an ionosphere research facility in Alaska

    finally brings science to the fore. Sharon Weinberger reports.


    NATURE|Vol 452|24 April 2008NEWS FEATURE

  • 8/8/2019 Heating Up the Heavens



    Magnetic field


    HAARP transmitters

    HOW HAARPWORKSThe facilitys transmitters

    send radio waves upwards

    into the ionosphere, between

    100 and 350 kilometres in

    altitude. The resulting heating

    effect creates irregularities in

    the electron density there,

    which in turn allow

    communications signals, as

    from satellites, to be relayed

    off the ionosphere.

    closed them down in 2004, saying that theywere no longer needed.

    Another approach to ELF submarine com-munication was to take advantage of electro-jets currents of charged particles that flowthrough the ionosphere and could act as avirtual antennas, transmitting messages tosubmarines. Once this idea was proven experi-mentally1 in the mid-1980s, physicist Dennis

    Papadopoulos, then of the Naval ResearchLaboratory in Washington, DC, began tryingto drum up support for a new facility.

    At the time the Pentagon was shutting downover-the-horizon radar sites that had beendesigned to detect Soviet bombers attackingthe United States including one in Gakona,an ideal location because it is underneath anelectrojet. So Papadopoulos, who is now at theUniversity of Maryland in College Park and hasserved as a scientific adviser for HAARP sincethe projects inception, argued for building anionospheric heater there. The facility wouldhelp the Navy to study ELF waves, it would pro-

    vide scientists with an ionospheric heater and itwould guarantee continued life for the militarysite in Alaska, something that Alaskan SenatorTed Stevens, famous for steering congressionaldollars to his home state, also liked. That, saysPapadopoulos, was the genesis.

    But even before construction began, peoplestarted to speculate about what the facility couldbe used for and why it was being built.In a newsconference in 1990, Stevens talked about bring-ing energy from the aurora borealis down toEarth so it could be used to solve the worldsenergy crises, earning him the mockery of phys-icists. Others such as Nick Begich, the son of

    another Alaskan lawmaker, began claiming thatHAARP was really intended as a missile defence

    process by creating whistler waves, whichwould kick the electrons into low enough alti-tudes around 100 kilometres where they

    would rain out naturally.No one knows for sure whether it will work.

    It is what we call a data-starved area theory isahead of actual observations, says Paul Kossey,HAARPs programme manager at the Air ForceResearch Laboratory at Hanscom Air ForceBase, Massachusetts. Several experiments arebeing done to look at this possibility. StanfordUniversity in Palo Alto, California, for example,is involved in the One Hop Experiment, whichuses HAARP to inject very-low-frequency wavesinto the magnetosphere to create whistlers. Theinvestigators use a buoy and ships in the South

    Pacific, where the waves fall

    back to Earth, to measure thepresence of whistler waves2.

    Mitigating the radiation froman atmospheric nuclear detona-tion would require an entirelynew facility, and the technologywould be daunting. In 2006, aNew Zealand-led group of scien-tists published a paper3 arguing

    that any attempt to remediate radiation couldlead to worldwide blackouts of high-frequencyradio waves, disrupting communications andnavigation. And some say that countering suchhigh-altitude nuclear detonations is simply

    unrealistic. I think scientific research to betterunderstand Earths ionosphere is a worthwhileendeavour, says Philip Coyle, a former associatedirector of the Livermore laboratory who servedas the Pentagons chief weapons tester during theadministration of President Bill Clinton. But,he adds, they dont know how much energythey would need to flush the electrons, or how,ultimately, injecting this much energy wouldchange the ionosphere.

    In the meantime, there are plenty of straight-forward science questions for HAARP to lookinto. The ionized part of the atmosphere has

    The HAARP facility includes 180 antennas.

    weapon. According to Papadopoulos, these

    claims, although far-fetched, were based on asliver of truth: Bernard Eastlund, a consultantto one of the firms building HAARP, had fileda series of patents making extraordinary claimsthat HAARP-like technology could be used as adefence shield by transforming natural gas intomicrowaves, which would knock out incomingSoviet missiles. The idea, jokingly dubbed thekiller shield, was even reviewed by the JASONdefence advisory group, but was dismissed asnonsense, according to Papadopoulos.

    From annihilation to defenceWith the breakup of the Soviet

    Union, submarine communi-cations no longer seemed ascrucial, and HAARP neededa new raison dtre. Support-ers proposed new tactics, suchas studying ELF waves abilityto map out underground bun-kers like those found in NorthKorea, a goal that quickly drewscepticism.

    After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, however,the military found a new use for HAARP. In2002, a panel headed by Anthony Tether, thedirector of DARPA, recommended that the

    facility be used to study ways to counter theeffects of a high-altitude nuclear detonation,which would release energetic electrons thatcould cripple low-Earth satellites.

    Electrons are produced naturally in thisregion when the solar wind, a stream of ener-getic particles flowing from the Sun, slams intothe magnetic envelope that protects Earth. Theplanet has its own self-cleaning mechanism torid itself of the particles: it eventually dumpsthem lower into the atmosphere through natu-ral auroras and lightning. Scientists are nowlooking at whether they can accelerate this

    Scientific researchto better understand

    Earths ionosphere

    is a worthwhile


    Philip Coyle





    NATURE|Vol 452|24 April 2008 NEWS FEATURE

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    A L A S K A

    Gakona, siteof HAARP


    long captivated researchers, going back to thedays of Nikola Tesla, who dreamed of using it tosend electricity around the world. In 1933, sci-

    entists found that changing the electron densityin the ionosphere could alter the propagationof radio signals4. That discovery eventually ledto the development of ionospheric heaters tostudy these and other effects.

    Bells and whistlesRadiation from solar flares is one area of inter-est. These things are really important becauseit is the radiation coming off the Sun that is themain cause of satellite failure or potential deathin human space exploration, says MichaelKosch, the deputy head of the communicationsystems department at Lancaster University,

    UK. Other areas include looking at the proc-esses that cause an aurora when electrons inthe magnetosphere collide with the unchargedparticles of the atmosphere, creating the opti-cal emissions often seen as brilliantly colouredlights in the night sky. One of HAARPs mostcited accomplishments is the creation of thefirst artificial aurora visible to the naked eye5.On zapping the ionosphere, HAARP createda green aurora between 100 and 150 kilome-tres high in the middle of a natural aurora.That was something you couldnt predict,says Michael Kelley, a physicist at CornellUniversity in Ithaca, New York, who has been

    involved with HAARP.Other ionospheric heaters around the world

    include a lower-power US facility in Arecibo,Puerto Rico, which has been offline since aflood several years ago (although plans areunder way to refurbish it), and one in the Rus-sian city of Vasilsursk, which has struggledwith funding issues. HAARPs closest peer is apowerful ionospheric heater at the EuropeanIncoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Scientific Asso-ciation in northern Scandinavia. EISCATsheater has cost roughly $24 million to buildand operate to date, and was the first to create

    Scientists want to better understand the processes involved in creating auroras.

    an artificial aurora, even before HAARP.HAARP, though, has the highest power as

    well as the most advanced optics and diagnos-tic equipment. But most of all, its phased-arrayradar means that the signals can be steered andcontrolled digitally. It can also create multiplebeams, which can be shaped,or changed instantaneously tosweep north, south, east andwest. I think the main thingthat makes it unique is that ithas a much wider frequencyoperating range, adds Kosch,who has also worked extensivelyat EISCAT. HAARP operatesbetween 2.8 and 10 megahertz,

    whereas EISCAT operatesbetween 3.9 and 8 megahertz. It can operate ina much lower frequency range than the one wecan use here in Europe, Kosch says.

    As HAARP was only finished in 2007, sci-entists and Pentagon officials involved in theproject concede that management issues, suchas allocating time at the facility, are still in theformative stages. In fact, one of the most recentHAARP experiments is something thats notlikely to show up in the scientific literatureat all: an experiment done in January thatinvolved sending radio waves to the Moon and

    then having amateur radio enthusiasts and areceiving antenna in New Mexico measure thereflected signals. But Papadopoulos says that

    the experiment was more for the amateur radiocommunity than for scientists.

    At the moment, time at the facility is dividedbetween researcher-directed work, which takesplace during campaigns of two to three weeks,and military needs. Its a fairly complicatedsituation in which we support new research-ers, and new people, by getting them involvedin the campaigns, which is relatively cheap,says Kossey. Then of course we also fund[military]proposals and contracts that come inunder broad agency announcements, in whichresearchers propose research that is of interestto the various organizations.

    And even though HAARP is a military-owned facility, academics say that access hasnot been a problem. Umran Inan, the lead sci-entist for the Stanford work, says that Stanford

    has been one of the most fre-quent users, with numerousgraduate students and foreignscientists working at the site.Obviously, there are securityarrangements, because its aUS Department of Defensefacility, says Kosch. Im aforeigner escort required but I am already so famil-

    iar to the people there, and sofamiliar with the facility, that its not really amajor problem.

    HAARPs evolution may not have beenstraightforward, but it is, in the minds of manyscientists who work there, a success. HAARPhas been a boon to science in this area, and Ithink the managers that run HAARP, from the

    very beginning, have involved the community,says Inan. So unlike many other Departmentof Defense facilities that are built before thereis a clear rationale, in this case the commu-nity was involved from the very beginning, sothe properties of the facilities were all defined

    with the involvement of the community. Now,I think its a thriving success, he says.As for HAARPs original legacy, as an

    antenna to send signals to submarines, thatera has come and gone with the end of the coldwar. The communications for submarines isnot as important any more, says Papadopoulos.There are, he acknowledges, no submarinesfrom the other side. Sharon Weinberger is a freelance writer in

    Washington DC.

    1. Barr, R., Rietveld, M. T., Kopka, H., Stubbe, P. & Nielsen, E.Nature 317, 155157 (1985).

    2. Inan, U. S. et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L24805 (2004).3. Rodger, C. al. Ann. Geophys. 24,20252041 (2006).

    4. Tellegen, B. D. H.Nature 131, 840 (1933).5. Pederson, T. R. & Gerken, E. A.Nature 433, 498500 (2005).

    HAARP can operate

    in a much lower

    frequency range than

    the one we can use

    here in Europe.

    Michael Kosch




    NATURE|Vol 452|24 April 2008NEWS FEATURE