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Health Tips for Wellness

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Health Tips for Wellness


    Health tips for wellnessMove More

    Find ways to move your body. It will help you keep fit and happy!

    Here's how.

    Climb stairs every time you can. Choose this option over the lift.

    Anything that moves your limbs is both a fitness tool, and a stress buster. It doesn't always have to bean hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or Ta'i Chi. Think 'move' in small increments of


    So Move More, it's your mantra to health and wellness !

    Cut Fat

    Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and

    sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions.

    Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Choose lower

    fat versions always.

    Quit Smoking

    The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Reducing the use of tobacco products that kill has been the all time

    sensible choice.Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette. The next one.

    Reduce Stress

    Stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended:Think positive thoughts.

    Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e., Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a

    park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie.

    Get a massage, a facial or a haircut.


    Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.

    Protect Yourself from Pollution

    If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in

    highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares.

    Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It deters pollution and dirt from the street.

    Avoid Excessive Drinking

    While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart

    disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer.

    Keep a Positive Mental Outlook

    There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life.

    Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.


    Cultivate healthy habits

    Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. The following is a guide to daily


    Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.

    Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It

    protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.

    Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other

    processed foods.

    Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.

    Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and

    satisfies your soul.

    You need to exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills to prevent the brain from

    atrophying with lack of use.

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    Beating Fatigue

    Do you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning? Run out of energy in the afternoon? Need an extra cup of

    coffee to keep going? All of the above? If youre feeling tired all the time, your lack of energy might very well

    be a sign of hormonal imbalance. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance, affecting

    perhaps 80% of women in perimenopause and menopause. Many women attribute it to age, as though it wereinevitable.

    Take note: fatigue is not inevitable! Theres a lot you can do to increase your energy naturally, whether you are

    20 or 50 or 90!

    So lets take a look at the underlying causes of fatigue, starting with their origins in hormonal imbalance.

    Disrupted sleep is a common cause of daytime fatigue. Worry, anxiety and depression keep women of all ages on

    high alert, tossing and turning throughout the night. Hot flashes and night sweats caused by hormonal imbalance

    and resulting in disrupted sleep lead inevitably to fatigue. Adrenal insufficiency due to stress, poor diet choices, or

    the effects of perimenopause on thyroid function and melatonin synthesis also leads directly to fatigue. And believe

    it or not, just sitting around yes, lack of physical activity can sap your body of its vigour. You have to use energy to

    have energy!

    Poor diet and nutrition are often behind hormonal imbalance and the resulting lack of energy. This is especially

    true of women who diet sporadically or follow low-fat, high-carb eating plans. These women often suffer from

    insulin resistance, which disrupts their bodies glucose/energy metabolism. They get a burst of energy from high-carb foods, but quickly wilt, and need to start the whole cycle again.


    Menstrual Cramps - Check your Symptoms

    What causes Cramps?

    During a woman's menstrual cycle, hormones are released that increase the contraction of the uterine muscle.

    If the uterus contracts too strongly, it can temporarily decrease the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscle,

    causing cramps.

    Menstrual cramps - why me?

    Menstrual cramps are a fact of life for most women, affecting more than half of all menstruating women at least

    one or two days every month. Maybe you're one of them. The good news is, most cramps are simply the result

    of what's going on in your body during menstruation. They're not due to any underlying gynecological problem.Do all women experience a cycle to their Menstrual pain?

    Usually you feel cramps in your lower abdomen or back. The pain usually begins a few hours before any

    menstrual bleeding, then rises to a peak in the next few hours and eventually stops within one or two days. Of

    course, the feeling and intensity of cramps can vary from woman to woman, and sometimes can even vary

    between the same woman's periods.

    Do all women have the same Symptoms?

    Maybe you have cramps you barely notice. Or maybe yours are somewhat more painful. Cramps can also be

    accompanied by headaches, weakness, chills and dizziness. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea,

    vomiting and diarrhea can also occur. Severe cramps may be a symptom of another medical condition. Always

    discuss these symptoms with your doctor.


    Asthma Treatment

    What is Asthma?

    It is defined as a disease of airways characterized by hyper responsiveness of the trachea and bronchi, due to

    a multiplicity of stimuli. Asthma is an ancient Greek word meaning panting or short- drawn breath." The

    most troublesome of the respiratory diseases, the asthma patient gets frequent attacks of breathlessness. In

    between these periods, the patient is completely normal. Asthma is manifested physiologically by a widespread

    narrowing of the air passages, which is relieved promptly by therapy. Most attacks are short lived and last from

    a few minutes to hours. It may be familial or acquired. Asthma, seasonal or perennial sneezing, urticaria and
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    eczema are many and different manifestations of one condition-allergy. A person may have eczema in

    childhood, develop sneezing when he grows up and then may contract asthma.

    What causes Asthma?

    Mainly bronchial in its symptoms, asthma is caused by a variety of factors. For many it is an allergic condition

    resulting from the reaction of the system to the weather, food, drugs, perfumes and other irritants which vary

    with different individuals.

    1. Genetic2. Allergic reaction to a variety of allergens like dust, pollen, cockroach dust etc

    3. Drugs like aspirin, colouring agents like tarzine, dyes and chemicals

    4. Air pollution

    5. Occupational factors e.g. wood dust, grain, flour, laundry detergents, cotton dusts, coal mines

    6. Infection especially in young children

    7. Exercise induced

    8. Psychological factors like severe stress

    Factors that predispose to Asthma

    1. Heredity: Almost 40 percent of asthma patients give a family history of either asthma or some other form

    of allergy

    2. Infection: Infection makes an allergy-prone individual start getting symptoms of allergy. A pre-existing

    sensitivity to a specific allergen may become manifest in the presence of infection

    3. Psychological factors: Time and again, researchers have claimed the presence of specific personality

    traits in asthmatics. Most asthmatics are tensed, ego-centric, dominating, jealous and stubborn

    individuals. Such personality diminishes the capacity of these individuals to adapt to unfavorable

    situations, which ultimately results into asthma

    4. Climate: Generally speaking rainy weather, strong winds and sudden changes in barometric pressure are

    known to precipitate asthma attacks

    5. Occupation: Some occupations are particularly hazardous for people with an allergic background or those

    who have some manifestation of Asthma

    Treatment of Asthma

    1. Elimination of cause from the environment. As in instances where farmers, poultry-men, dairy-workers

    and bakers are exposed to large amounts of fungus spores, gardeners, farmers and farm-labourers are

    exposed to large number of pollens, etc

    2. Patient propped up in bed

    3. Patients with severe attacks to be admitted

    4. Drugs (Bronchodilators)

    Asthma treatment during the attack consists of

    1. Administering oxygen through nose in case the attack has been very severe and has resulted into a

    deficiency of oxygen in the blood

    2. Relieving the narrowing of airways and inhibiting the production of secretions by bronchodilator drugs like

    Theophylline, Aminophylline, Deriphylline, Ephidrine and Salbutamol

    3. Combating lung infection, if any, by suitable antibiotic drugs

    4. Giving intravenous 5 percent glucose-saline if the patient seems dehydrated.

    If the asthma attack is not adequately controlled by bronchodilator tablets or injections, corticosteroid drugs

    may have to be used.

    Prevention of Asthma

    1. Give up smoking2. Use nasal filters

    3. No late nights

    4. Regular exercises and deep breathing

    5. Swimming


    End your Back Pain

    Most mild back pain and stiffness is the result of an injured ligament or joint in the spine that causes surrounding
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    muscles to contract into painful spasms. Low back pain is usually caused by muscle strain from abrupt twisting or

    improper lifting of heavy objects. Though the pain may be severe, most back injuries heal without special treatment

    or complications.

    To Help Relieve Your Symptoms

    Within the first 48 hours after your back symptoms start, apply a cold pack to the painful area for 5 to 10

    minutes at a time. If your symptoms last longer than 48 hours, try a heating pad,hot shower or bath to relieve

    your symptomsSleep on a firm mattress. Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees, or sleep on your side with a

    pillow between your knees

    Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes

    Use a chair with a good lower back support

    If you must sit for long periods of time, try resting your feet on the floor or on a low stool

    If you must stand for long periods of time, try resting one foot on a low stool

    An Ounce of Prevention

    Exercise : It is the single best thing you can to do ensure a healthy body

    Avoid excessive weight gain : Excess weight puts too much strain on the muscles in your back and

    legs,making them more vulnerable to injury

    Get up and stretch : Take breaks if you have to stand or sit for long periods

    Be careful while lifting : Always lift with your legs, not your back. Never raise a heavy object above your waist,

    or lift and twist at the same time

    Call Your Doctor If -

    - You have mild pain that persists after 3 or 4 days of self-treatment

    - Your pain is severe or recurrent

    - You have new symptoms


    Importance of Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is one of the water soluble vitamins. Since they are usually eliminated in the urine when taken in excess,

    they are not usually associated with toxicity. Vitamin C is also stored in the liver. It is interesting that most animals

    produce their own vitamin C, but man, primates, and guinea pigs do not have this ability.

    What is the importance of vitamin C?

    Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen and helps to protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as

    fatty acids from oxidation. Collagen is a substance that is the most abundant of the fibers contained in the

    connective tissue, which gives our body form and supports our organs. A complex series of events occurs

    inside and outside the cells when collagen is produced. Vitamin C is essential to cellular activity by adding

    oxygen and hydrogen (hydroxylating) to two amino acids: proline and lysine, forming a precusor molecule

    called procollagen, which is then modified into collagen outside the cell.

    What diseases are caused by vitamin C deficiency?

    Vitamin C is one of the most beneficial of vitamins. It prevents and cures the disease scurvy, which cause

    muscle degeneration, wounds that wont heal, excessive bruising, bleeding of the gums, loose teeth, joint pain,

    and numerous other problems. Scurvy was described as early as 1500 BC in Greek and Roman writings. A

    British report in 1600 indicated that in the previous 20 years some 10,000 mariners had been destroyed by the

    disease. In 1747 as the HMS Salisbury sailed from England to the Plymouth Colony, the ship's physician,

    James Lind, performed a simple experiment to determine what might be effective as a cure for scurvy. Lind

    divided his 12 ill men into six groups of two each. All 12 shared a common diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner

    but each group received a different supplement as follows:

    1. Quart of apple juice daily

    2. 25 drops of elixir vitriol (sulfuric acid and aromatics),

    3. two spoonfuls of vinegar three times a day,

    4. concoction of herbs and spices,

    5. half-pint of sea water daily, and

    6. two oranges and one lemon daily.

    The two men who ate the oranges and lemon recovered immediately. One was fit for duty in six days and the
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    other was also well in six days and was appointed as nurse to all the others. The two men who drank apple

    cider improved but were not well enough to work. None of the others showed any improvement.

    The British Navy adopted his remedy and British sailors have been nicknamed "Limeys" ever since, because

    they took limejuice on long sea voyages to ward off Scurvy. Vitamin C can also be helpful in the treatment of

    iron deficiency anemia.

    What are the best sources of vitamin C?

    Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, and grapefruit, and vegetables including tomatoes,green pepper, potatoes and many others. Optimum amounts of vitamin C are best derived from fruits and

    vegetables that havent been overcooked. Too much processing and heat significantly diminishes the quality

    and quantity of vitamin C.

    Can vitamin C be toxic?

    Although vitamin C is absolutely essential for human health, there are possible negative side effects if taken in

    excess. They are: the toxic release of inorganic iron which is potentially fatal, formation of oxalate kidney

    stones, diarrhea, teeth enamel damage if chewed, and heart arrhythmia.


    Healthy lifestyles for healthy heart and well being


    Here we are highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyles, and the ways to follow them, for you to have a healthy

    heart and to live long...

    Eat Healthy:

    Eating healthy diet is important, as diet modifications prevent heart disease.

    Avoid Junk foods- Pizza, burgers, chips will increase your calories and risk for hypertension, obesity and

    heart disease

    Avoid Aerated drinks - Pepsi, Coca cola etc.

    Avoid smoking and alcohol

    Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

    Eat fibre rich diet

    Eat 3 times a day

    Breakfast is essential

    The last meal [Dinner] has to be taken 3 hours before going to bed

    Eat Fruits as part of your meals but after an hour from the main course

    Minimise your intake of Sweets and Chocolates, resist the temptation

    Drink atl east 1.5 to 2 litres of water everyday


    Always do physical activity

    To start with, it need not be rigorous

    Take the Stairs instead of the Escalator

    Walk to the nearby store instead of driving a few blocks.

    Walking for atl east 30 min a day helps to regulate your Blood Circulation and general health

    Keep your BMI within the range of 18-25

    AVOID walking or practising Sports- right after a meal, as this hinders the process of digestion

    It reduces the benefits of Sports and causes joint pains

    Do exercise, eat less and eat right- Basic steps to lead a healthy life it also helps in reducing stress by

    distraction and gives you a lift via endorphins

    Deep breathing, Meditation, Yoga & Music: Breathing Exercises: it is an easy stress reliever, It

    oxygenates the blood- which wakes up the brain, relaxes muscles & calms the mind .You can do them

    anywhere, and they work quickly so you can de-stress in a flash


    To get relieved of stress, meditate for at least 5-10 min

    Meditation builds on deep breathing, and it takes a step further
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    When you meditate your brain enters an area of functioning that is similar to deep sleep

    It carries some added benefits you cant achieve so well in any state, including the release of

    certain hormones that Promotes Health


    It combines the Practices of several other stress management techniques

    It combines- Breathing, Meditation, Imagery and Movement

    Gives a lot of benefits for the amount of time and energy requiredDates back over 5 thousand years

    Proven to be Beneficial for the Heart


    It is one of the most relaxing and spiritually boosting factors in life

    Soft or classical music is relaxing

    When dealing with stress, the right music can lower your BP, relax your body and calm your mind

    Music therapy has shown numerous health benefits for people with conditions ranging from mild [like

    stress] to severe [like cancer]


    Sounds simple- many people tend to miss it and frown instead

    It takes 17 muscles to smile and 41 muscles to frown

    Smile is contagious

    Smile relieves stress, it increases your life span

    The benefit increases if your smile turns into a Laughter

    Have a hearty laugh to keep your heart healthy

    Have fun, Cultivate a supportive social circle:

    Those with a supportive social circle, or just one close friend or partner to lean on in times of crisis, enjoy

    healthier, less stressful lives

    Have fun- filled activities that you enjoy and make time for them

    Volunteer a couple of hours a week to the less fortunate

    Living a healthy life means you are making choices daily that affect your health in positive ways

    Positive thoughts, visualizations:

    Never have Negative thoughts

    Have a high self esteem, be confident

    Healthy mind- Key to healthy living

    Always think positive, have visualizations. Imagine yourself- Achieving goals, healthier and more relaxed,

    doing well at tasks and handling conflicts in a better way

    Positivity increases your longevity

    Organise your time:

    Keep a schedule

    Stick to the schedule

    Learn to say no to excessive demands on time

    Utilize shortcuts

    You will become less frantic and have more time to do things, you will enjoy life, thereby energizing and

    de-stressing you

    Maintain an Organised living Space:

    A cluttered environment can literally drain your energy and can cause additional stress

    Keep your environment in your workplace as well as your house cleanGet organized about cleaning and work towards the goal of having a beautiful and organised living


    Will soothe you and de-stress you

    Take care of your body:

    Eat healthy diet

    Exercise regularly

    Get enough sleep- 7 hours a day

    Think Positive, do Yoga, Meditation

    Have massages

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    Be soft and polite

    De-stress to avoid distress



    Health of the Heart

    There is mounting concern over India's statistics in India in coronary artery disease(the arteries supplying the heart

    muscle). Current estimates suggest that by the year 2020, India will have the largest number of cardiovascular

    patients in the world. The age of onset of CVD(cardiovascular disease) in Indians is 10-15 years earlier than their

    western counterparts. Indians population as a whole is more prone to coronary artery disease due to the following


    Indians have 33% body fat compared to 25% in Caucasian or African ethnic groups

    Indians have narrower arteries compared to European counterparts

    Indian patients have a more diffused form of disease. The length of coronary vessel affected is longer

    compared to their Western counterparts

    Coronary artery disease rates in urban India are now 4 fold higher than the United States(US) although the

    rates were similar in 1968 .

    South Asians seem more naturally vulnerable to heart diseases than other ethnic groups. In India in the past

    five decades, rate of coronary artery disease in urban populations has risen from 4% to 11%Risk factors


    High blood cholesterol

    High Blood Pressure (high BP)


    Obesity especially central obesity: weight carried around abdomen

    Physical inactivity

    Emotional distress/stress


    High Fat diet

    Life style change

    An estimated 12 out of 100 people living in cities and 7 out of 100 living in rural India suffer from heart


    Mantras for a Healthy Heart

    At least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily

    A brisk walk for about 30-60 mins each day

    Regular exercise most days of the week..even climbing stairs,house work and walking the dog can contribute

    to this physical activity

    Cutting down on sugar and desserts while eating more whole grains

    Lower saturated fats-use healthier cooking oils

    Eating fish rich in essential fatty acids(EFA)

    Avoiding foods with high salt content

    Stress on natural foods

    Switch to low fat dairy products while restricting meat, poultry, eggs and alcohol


    Blood Donation

    Blood is the magic potion that gives another person life.

    Human blood in spite of all medical and scientific advances has no practical, viable & easily usable alternative

    Safe blood requirements are vital for blood transfusion services

    The body has 5.5 liters of blood of which only 350-450 ml of blood is taken

    The blood taken is replaced by your body in 24-48 hours

    14th June is celebrated as World Blood Donors Day
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    Who Can Donate Blood?

    Those who are 18-55 years of age with a weight of at least 50 kg, whose pulse rate, body temperature and

    blood pressure are normal. Both men and women can donate.

    Who Cannot Donate Blood?

    Those with history of epilepsy, psychotic disorders, abnormal bleeding tendencies, severe asthma,

    cardiovascular disease, malignancy

    Donors suffering from diseases like hepatitis, malaria, measles, mumps and syphilis may donate bloodafter full recovery with 3-6 month gap

    People who have undergone blood transfusion or surgery may safely donate after 6-12 months

    Pregnant or lactating women cannot donate as their iron reserves are already on the lower side

    Persons with AIDS or symptoms of AIDS such as unexplained weight loss, night sweats, swollen

    glands, long standing diarrhea or seizures

    STD such as syphilis, Hepatitis B

    Rather than donating whole blood, a donor sometimes has the option to donate only some blood components

    while retaining others. This is more involved, time consuming and requires more specialized equipment. The actual

    bleeding time is 5-6 mins. Medical check up is conducted before the blood is withdrawn. Donor is advised rest and

    also given light refreshments in the form of beverages, biscuits etc. Minimum time advised between 2 donations is

    3 months. PRECAUTIONS: Be informed that disposable sterile needles are used for bleeding.


    Food Poisoning

    How to prevent it?

    Many jokes have been made about Delhi Belly and the runs as diarrhea is sometimes referred. However since it is

    a very common occurrence it is vital to be aware of the dangers. Persons that have been infected with food borne

    organisms may be symptom free or may have symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to bloody diarrhea (loose

    motions) that may lead to dehydration and even death. Thus it is very important to take steps to avoid food

    poisoning (medically known as gastroenteritis)

    General Guidelines:

    Ensure that food from animals like meat, dairy or eggs is thoroughly cooked or pasteurize

    Avoid eating raw meats or eggs

    Select fish and shellfish(crabs, prawns etc) to ensure that they are fresh

    Do not leave eggs, meat, poultry, seafood or milk out for extended periods of time. They may undergo


    Wash your hands, cutting boards and knives preferably with anti bacterial soap & warm/hot water

    Wash raw vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating

    If you are ill with vomiting and diarrhea DO NOT prepare food for others, especially infants, elderly and those

    with weakened immune systems as they may be more likely to get the infection

    Wash hands with soap after handling birds, pets etc.

    Mothers milk is the safest food for young children. In fact breast feeding may help to protect the child from

    food borne illnesses and other health problems

    Those at high risk such as pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems ,infants and elderly

    should ensure that they cook food until steaming hot, especially left over food or ready-to-eat foods such as

    hot dogs before eating


    Management of Obesity: Guidelines

    Losing even modest amounts of weight (5-10% of body weight) offers advantages in regard to health. It serves to:

    Lower BP(high blood pressure

    Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease(heart attack) and stroke

    Improve glucose control in diabetes

    Improve osteoarthritis and sleep apnea

    Lower the risk of cancer
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    Dietary Changes

    Consuming fewer calories: Crash diets are not advisable as they cut so many calories and nutrients that they

    can cause adverse effects like vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies

    Include vegetables and fruit in the diet

    Choose healthy foods like grams, beans, fish, low fat dairy products and lean meats

    Eat a variety of healthy foods to avoid diet boredom

    45-65 % of total daily calories should come from high fiber food sources like whole grains, bran, rice, oats etc..Cut back on sweets, table sugar and other sweeteners

    Limit intake of fruit juices( whole fruit is more nutritious)

    Reduce fat

    Watch portion sizes: especially when eating out as many restaurants serve oversized portions

    Cut down on sugary aerated drinks that are filled with large amount of worthless calories

    Role Of Physical Activity

    Engage in at least 30 mins of moderate intensity physical activity (like brisk walking) on most, preferably all

    days of the week

    Take a walk instead of watching TV

    Eat meals and snacks at a table & not in front of the TV or computer

    Take simple measures like: use stairs instead of lift. Park car further away from the workplace and walk

    remainder distance


    Stress in Children

    Stress is part & parcel of life, a normal feeling that everybody feels from time to time. A certain amount of stress

    can be helpful as it motivates us .Stress becomes bad when it interferes with daily activities, relationships, physical

    and mental health. Contrary to belief even very young children can experience stress. So how is a parent to know

    that their child is stressed out

    Why do children feel stress

    Many children may have to cope with divorce, constant changes in schools, conflict within the family, peer

    pressure and sometimes even violence in their homes or communities.

    The impact of a stressful event depends on the childs maturity, nature, personality and style of coping.

    They may have difficulty expressing their feelings. Instead of saying I feel overwhelmed they might say my

    stomach hurts or my head hurts. Some children may cry, become aggressive, irritable, and talk back, show

    anger problems, decreased appetite, nightmares, clinginess or whining.

    What can parents do?

    Parents play a valuable role in trying to keep the harmful effects of stress ta a minimum

    Make sure the child gets enough rest

    Parents should monitor their own stress levels. They need to be particularly aware when their own stress

    levels contribute to marital conflict.

    Frequent fighting between parents is unsettling for children

    Ensure good communication .Kids feel better about themselves when the relationship with their parents is

    loving and open

    Parents should encourage friendships

    Children of all ages need time to relax and play

    Anticipate potentially stressful situations and prepare your child for them

    Let the child know that some level of stress is normal and that it is Ok to feel angry, scared or lonely



    World Arthritis Day

    World Arthritis Day is observed on 12th October to create awareness among the general public. Arthritis is the

    leading cause of disability in the world. Incidence of osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) in India is

    high, at 12 %.
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    Definition - Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, which results in pain, swelling and limitation of


    Causes: Arthritis is due to breakdown of cartilage .cartilage has a protective effect on the joint allowing for smooth

    movement. It also acts as a shock absorber when we walk. When the amount of cartilage decreases, the bones

    rub against each other causing the pain, swelling and stiffness.

    Diagnosis: Osteoarthritis is detected either through a physical examination for joint changed or X ray of joint in the

    affected area.Risk Factors:

    Being overweight

    Previous injury to affected joint

    Repetitive action on affected joint, putting stress on joint(sportspersons & construction workers are at risk)


    General Measures:

    Weight reduction is an important aspect of management in people who are overweight

    Strengthening exercises

    Progressive walking programme

    Avoid high impact activities like running and stair climbing

    Avoid prolonged standing ,kneeling or squatting

    Consider biking or swimming

    Pain Relief (Analgesia):

    Local cold therapy

    Local heat therapy

    Paracetamol (up to 800 mg 4 times daily/less than 4gms per day)

    Cautious use of NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs)

    Sodium hyaluronate or hyaluronic acid

    Intra articular corticosteroids(avoid use more than 3 times a year)

    Glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate

    For Chronic unrelenting pain:

    Tropical capsaicin cream

    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS)

    Local massage



    Surgical procedures:

    Arthroscopy-whereby the knee joint is visualized

    Total knee replacement(arthroplasty) where the painful damaged or diseased knee joint is replaced with an

    artificial joint(prosthesis)

    Indications for knee replacement:

    Swelling of joint

    Knee pain that is severe and debilitating

    Bow legged or knock knee deformity

    loss of motion

    feeling of knee giving way


    Hypertension: Part II


    Hardening and thickening of arteries leading to a heart attack or other cardiovascular complications.An

    enlarged bulging blood vessel(aneurysm) is also possible

    Heart failure

    A blocked or ruptured blood vessel in brain

    Weakened and narrowed blood vessels in your kidneys

    Thickened, narrowed or burst blood vessels in the eyes.
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    Metabolic syndrome: Includes raised waist circumference (in men 45 and women 35) high triglycerides, low

    HDL or goodcholesterol, high blood pressure and high insulin levels. If you have high blood pressure ,you are

    more likely to also have other components of the syndrome.

    Cognitive impairment and dementia are more common in people who are hypertensive

    In the case of patients undergoing treatment for hypertension coronary artery disease is the most common

    cause of death. Systolic BP is found to be the most important predictor of cardiovascular disease(fatal and non

    fatal) compared to diastolic BPSelf Care

    Emphasising the need for life long management and vigilance to avoid serious complications.

    When on treatment ,stand up from bed slowly (to avoid giddiness on sudden standing due to fall in BP)

    Do not stop any drugs suddenly, without physicians advice.

    Eat healthy foods: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy foods. Eat less saturated fat

    and total fat. Also limit the amount of salt in your diet

    Maintaining a healthy weight: In overweight patients a loss of even minimal amount of 2.5 kgs can lower your

    blood pressure.

    Increase physical activity-Try to aim for at least 30 mins of physical activity a day

    Manage stress: reduce stress as much as possible. Reduce stress with healthy coping techniques such as

    muscle relaxation and deep breathing. Also get plenty of restful sleep


    Check your blood pressure at frequent intervals

    Take your medication properly and regularly

    Schedule regular doctor visits

    Adopt healthy habits

    Manage stress


    Drug Therapy

    Individualised drug therapy

    Drug therapy is tailored to each individual patient taking into account the age, height ,weight and sex of the patient,

    associated diseases like diabetes or elevated cholesterol, kidney functional status, cardiac status, prostate

    problems with regard to men ,life style, cost of treatment and physicians previous experience with the medicines.

    In patients except those above 65 years the goal of therapy should be to lower the BP to 140mmHg,
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    diastolic >90 mmHg

    Mild :

    Systolic 160-179mmHg,

    Diastolic 100-109mmHg

    Severe :

    Systolic 180-209mmHg

    Diastolic 110-119mmHgHigher systolic pressure is s a greater risk factor than diastolic pressure for heart, kidney and circulatory

    complications and for death, particularly in middle-aged and elderly adults.

    Causes: Hypertension may be either essential or secondary.

    Essential hypertension is diagnosed when there is no identifiable cause. Multiple factors including genetic

    predisposition ,excess dietary salt intake and increased blood vessel tone may produce hypertension

    Risk Factors: High blood pressure has many risk factors ,some of which are beyond our control

    AGE: the risk of hypertension increases as you get older. Women are more likely to develop high blood

    pressure after menopause

    RACE: Hypertension is particularly common among Blacks and Asians.Serious complications such as stroke

    and heart attack are also more common in Blacks and Asians particularly Indians

    Familial: hypertension tends to run in families

    Modifiable risk factors:

    Excess weight

    Inactivity, sedentary

    Tobacco use

    Increased salt intake

    Low potassium intake

    Excessive alcohol

    Stress and response to stress

    Certain chronic conditions may also increase your risk of high blood pressure including high cholesterol, diabetes,

    kidney disease and sleep apnea.



    Diabetes is the inability of the body to use and store glucose (sugar). There are two kinds ofDiabetes: Type 1 and

    Type 2 diabetes.

    In the former, the body is incapable of producing insulin and so a person with Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent

    and cannot survive without injecting it regularly. However, most diabetic patients are affected by Type 2 diabetes.

    The body produces insulin but in insufficient quantities. People above the age of 40 are prone to Type 2 diabetes

    and are not insulin dependent.


    High blood sugar level

    Dehydration of the body

    Increase in thirst

    Extreme tiredness

    Loss in weight

    Blurred vision

    Dry and itchy skin

    Repeated infections and increased healing time

    Diabetes check is a must for:

    People with diabetic background in the family

    Obese people

    People above 35 years of age

    Those with a sedentary life style

    Those who were diagnosed diabetic during pregnancy (gestational diabetes)

    People prone to hypertension
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    Those who have other disease, which may be precipitated or aggravated by diabetes


    Fasting Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar) Level:

    Diabetes can be diagnosed after an overnight fast (not eating anything after midnight). A value above 140

    mg/dl on at least two occasions typically means a person has diabetes. Normal people have fasting sugar

    levels that generally run between 70-110 mg/dl.

    Oral Glucose Tolerance Test:An oral glucose tolerance test can be performed in a doctor's lab. The person being tested should fast

    overnight (having no food or drink except water for at least 10 hours but not greater than 16 hours). An initial

    blood sugar is drawn and then the person is given a "glucola" bottle with a high amount of sugar in it (75 grams

    of glucose), (or 100 grams for pregnant women). Blood tests are done again at intervals of 30 minutes, 1 hour,

    2 hours and 3 hours after drinking the high glucose drink.

    The oral glucose tolerance test is conducted by measuring blood glucose levels five times over a period of 3

    hours. In a person without diabetes, the glucose levels in the blood rise following drinking the glucose drink, but

    then fall quickly back to normal. In a diabetic the glucose levels rise higher than normal after drinking the

    glucose and takes a longer time to fall to normal.


    Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin, exercise and diet.

    Type 2 diabetes is initially treated through weight reduction, exercise and diet. If this fails, insulin is taken.


    Prevention of diabetes is possible through diet control and exercise. Exercise burns excess fat in the body.

    Best exercises to burn fat are regular walks and aerobics. A balanced diet low in fat and sugar is an ideal diet.

    The meals should be taken in many small supplements spread over the day replacing the usual three meals a




    It has been receiving greater attention in recent years and Weight Loss as a subject is much in focus lately.

    Obesity is a chronic condition of excess body fat in a person. A certain amount of body fat is required for storing

    energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions of the body.

    Normal amount of body fat in women: 25% - 30%

    Normal amount of body fat in men: 18% - 23%

    Women with more than 30% of body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered to be obese.

    Obesity increases the risk of developing a number of diseases like:

    Premature death

    Type 2 diabetes

    Heart disease


    Hypertension (high blood pressure)

    Gall bladder disease


    Sleep apnea


    Cancer (uterus/colon/kidney/gall bladder and post menopausal breast cancer)

    High blood cholesterol

    Menstrual irregularities

    Hirsutism (excessive facial hair)

    Stress incontinence

    Increased surgical risk

    Psychological disorders such as depression

    Psychological difficulties due to social stigma

    Body Mass Index (BMI)

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    High diet in carbohydrates

    Frequency of eating

    Slow metabolism

    Physical inactivity

    MedicationsPsychological factors


    Diet therapy


    Behavioral therapy

    Drug therapy Genetics


    Monitoring excessive fat intake.

    Eating 3 balanced moderate meals everyday.

    Exercising regularly to increase the metabolic rate.


    Heat Stroke & Heat Exhaustion

    What is heat stroke?

    This is a body temperature higher than 40 degrees C (104 degrees F) with malfunction of the nervous system.

    What does heat stroke mean?

    Heat exhaustion is a warning that the body is getting too hot. If not treated the heat exhaustion can progress to

    heatstroke which can result in death

    What do heat exhaustion and heat stroke look like?

    Before heat stroke a person suffers heat exhaustion, the symptoms of which are



    Heavy sweating

    Dark yellow or orange urine

    When the body is no longer able to control normal body temperature, heat exhaustion progresses to heat

    stroke the symptoms are

    Elevated body temperature over 104 degrees F

    Hot and dry skin

    Absence of sweating

    Muscle cramps

    Rapid & weak pulse

    How do we treat heat stroke?

    Emergency medical treatment is needed. Patient should be transferred to hospital or medical centre immediately.

    First aid should be initiated as soon as possible

    First aid involves the following:

    Remove person to a cool, darkened place

    Apply ice packs in armpits and groin

    Cool person by sponging with warm towel

    Water with electrolytes (electoral) fruit and vegetable juices should be given

    Urgent rest is needed

    How do I prevent heat stroke?

    Observe precautions to avoid overheating and dehydration

    Wear light loose fitting cotton/linen clothing

    Avoid strenuous exercise in hot weather

    Drink plenty of fluids (especially water and tender coconut water)

    Use cooling fans/air conditioners
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    Use an umbrella for shade

    Do not stay or leave anyone in a closed parked car during hot weather

    Enjoy summer by taking these simple precautions



    Cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Uncontrolled multiplying of cells in the body when the body does

    not require it results in the growth of tumor. It can be malign or benign. The malign tumors are cancerous and life



    Smoking is the main cause for cancer in most people. Tobacco causes lung cancer, oral cancer, cervical

    cancer, cancer of the esophagus, kidney, pancreas and larynx. Passive smokers also have high risk of being

    affected by it.


    Diet which contains high fat meat, oil, salt and high fat dairy products increases the risk of developing breast

    cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, uterus cancer, pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer.


    Repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiations from the sun and other sources causes skin cancer. Being under

    hot sun radiations in summer increases the risk of getting skin cancer.Alcohol

    Drinking alcohol increases risks of oral cancer, liver cancer. Alcohol damages the liver and thus results in liver


    Exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals: Exposure to large doses of radiation from medical x-rays and

    chemical substances like asbestos, nickel, cadmium, uranium, benzene, vinyl chloride increases the risk of

    cancer. All the metals contain carcinogenic substances and can cause damage to the lungs.


    Genetics can play a big role in cancer development. In case there has been a history of breast cancer in the

    family the future generation have a greater likelihood of getting it.


    Treatment for cancer varies depending on the type, stage and overall condition of the patient affected by it.

    Surgery - In surgery the cancer tissues are removed and it is helpful in diagnosing the likelihood of its


    Chemotherapy - is administering drugs through veins or through pills to kill cancer cells. It is done

    systematically based on the patient's condition.

    Radiation therapy - is using high energy rays to kill cancer cells and preventing it from growing further. It

    is administered along with other cancer treatments like surgery and chemotherapy and is delivered


    Hormonal therapy - These are drugs that block the production or way of functioning of hormones that

    may cause the spread of cancer. It is a systematic treatment similar to chemotherapy.


    Quit smoking and avoid an environment where tobacco is used.

    Eat healthy food with lot of fiber and antioxidants.

    Use a sunscreen while going out in the sun.

    Take genetic tests to be aware of the condition in case of a family history with cancer

    Swine Flu

    Awareness needs to be created to safeguard individuals & their families from the impact of HINI (Swine Flu)


    Cover your mouth and nose whenever you sneeze and cough.

    Wash your hands frequently with either soap or water or alcohol based sanitisers.

    Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms (fever, cough, running nose, sore throat, vomiting or
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    Stay at home.

    Have adequate sleep, nutritious food and plenty of oral fluids.

    Namaste is better than a handshake.


    Don't panic.

    Don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth unnecessarily.Don't undertake unnecessary travel.

    Avoid crowded places like Mall, Railway Station etc., if possible.


    World Asthma Day

    Observed on the first Tuesday in May.

    Asthma is one of the most common chronic(long standing) diseases in the world

    Estimated 40 million with this disease in India

    Major underlying causes are modern urbanization and increase in atmospheric pollution

    Asthma is responsible for 1 in 250 deaths worldwide. Fortunately 90% of these deaths are preventable with

    awareness and proper medication and intervention

    Asthma Prevention for ChildrenIrritants, allergens, upper respiratory tract infections(URTI; common cold /sore throat) and changes in weather

    can trigger acute (sudden) attacks

    Avoid things that triggers child attacks; keep a asthma diary

    Look for warning signs of an impending attack like worsening allergies, runny nose, cough, exposure to known

    trigger and begin medication early

    Environmental Control

    Get rid of objects that collect dust like heavy curtain, carpeting, stuffed animal etc

    Control cockroaches

    Use allergy proof plastic cover on all mattresses and pillows

    Wash all bedding in hot water every 7-14 days

    Try to keep pets out of the childrens bathroom

    Keep children away from damp areas

    Keep indoor humidity low(less than 50%

    Provide a smoke free environment

    Avoid strong odors and sprays in the home

    Take allergy medication that has been given by doctor on a daily basis, since uncontrolled allergies can make

    symptoms worse


    Health Habits for Everyday

    Eat breakfast everyday

    Get enough sleep

    Add fish and omega 3 fatty acids to your diet

    Exercise for better all round health

    Make social connections and strong relationships

    Practice good dental hygiene

    Take up a meaningful hobby

    Protect your skin from sun and pollution

    Snack using healthy foods

    Drink plenty of water and eat milk and milk based products (low fat)

    Drink Tea (especially Green Tea)

    Take a daily walk

    Plan - a little planning goes a long way
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    The Role Of Medications In Osteoporosis:

    Medicines are given both to prevent and treat osteoporosis. Some work by slowing the rate of bone loss or by

    increasing bone thickness. Along with these medications, calcium and vitamin D supplements should be included

    along with a healthy diet with nutritional value and regular exercise. At present not all the medicines listed are usedin India or even widely available-treatment is individually tailored to suit each person:

    Bisphosphonates: Constitute the mainstay of treatment in India. Among Alendronate and Risendronate,

    alendronate is commonly used.Their effects are specific to bone.Commonest side effects include heartburn and

    irritation of oesophagus (food pipe)which can be avoided by taking the medication in the morning on an empty

    stomach with a full glass of water.Not to be taken with other beverages such as orange juice, milk or coffee. After

    the drug is taken the patient must remain upright (in a sitting or standing position)and avoid bending over and lying

    down for at least 30 minutes

    Calcitonin: Hormone that is prescribed as a nasal spray is used in the case of post menopausal women of 5 or

    more years. Effect is specific to bone with possibly mild side effects (runny nose, nose bleeds and nose pain).

    Estrogen therapy and hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Available either as a tablet or skin patch.HRT reduces

    the risk of fractures including hip fractures & also decreases risk for colorectal cancer. Increased risk for breastcancer, heart disease, blood clots and stroke. Hence HRT should be used for the shortest period of time possible

    in the realm of osteoporosis prevention. Oestrogen therapy not indicated for women who had cancer breast, uterus

    and liver diseases.

    Raloxifene: used in post menopausal women .Therapy improves bone mass throughout the skeleton and reduces

    the risk for spine fractures..Like all medications it is important to discuss all the potential benefits and risks before

    taking this medication.

    Teriparatide: Only available injectable parathyroid hormone (PTH) approved for use in post menopausal women

    and men who are at high risk for fractures.Not used in low risk cases. Studies indicate that teriparatide increases

    bone mass, restores the skeletal framework and reduces risk for spine and other fractures. Common side effects

    are dizziness and leg cramps. Treatment for longer than 2 years is not recommended.

    References from:

    Bone densitometry studies :-what is it and do I need it?

    Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is the established standard for measuring the bone mineral density

    (BMD). DEXA is a rapid, comfortable and painless procedure for assessing bone. The measurements of the lower

    spine and hips are most often done

    Common uses of DEXA bone scan:

    1. Diagnosis of osteoporosis

    2. Assessment of risk for developing fractures

    If your bone density is found to be low, you and your physician can work together on a treatment plan to prevent

    fractures before they occur

    Testing Strongly Recommended If You :

    are a post menopausal woman not taking oestrogen supplementation

    Have a personal or maternal history of hip fracture or smoking

    Are a tall (over 5 ft 7inches ) or thin (less than 60 kg) post menopausal woman

    Are a man with clinical conditions associated with bone loss eg. hormonal treatment for prostate cancer
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    Use medicines that are known to cause bone loss. Eg.steroids such as prednisone, anti seizure (fits)

    medication such as phenytoin (Dilantin) and certain barbiturates or high dose thyroid replacement drugs

    have type 1 diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease or family history of osteoporosis

    Have high bone turnover, showing up in the form of excess turnover products in urine

    Have a over functioning thyroid(hyperthyroidism)

    sustained a fracture after mild trauma

    Have had x ray evidence of vertebral fracture or other signs of osteoporosisPre Test Guidelines:

    Normal diet on day of exam but calcium supplements should be stopped 24 hours prior. If you have recently had a

    barium exam or have been injected with contrast material for a CT scan ,a waiting period of 10-14 days may be

    required before undergoing a DEXA test.

    (References from,,,,


    What is osteoporosis? :

    A multifactorial bone disease marked by low bone mass making the bone more vulnerable to fractures of the

    spine ,upper thigh, arm ,pelvic bones and ribs.A disease mainly seen in post menopausal women and much less

    so in men.May be secondary to chronic liver and kidney diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, over functioning thyroid andcancer among others. May also occur after prolonged steroid medication for other disorders .

    Osteoporosis: the scenario in India: According to WHO figures one out of eight males and one out of three females

    in India suffer from osteoporosis, making India one of the largest affected countries in the world

    What happens in osteoporosis: Bones are of 2 kinds, outer compact and inner core spongy bone.Both types of

    bone get thinned out due to loss of calcium and protein.Even though remaining the same size the bone gets

    thinned on the outside with the holes of the spongy bone becoming larger, greatly weakening the bones.

    Risk Factors

    menopause before age 48 years

    surgery to remove ovaries before menopause

    not getting enough calcium

    not getting enough exercise


    osteoporosis in the family

    alcohol abuse

    thin body and small bone frame

    fair skin(Caucasian or Asian race)


    long term use of oral steroids


    Back pain or tenderness,loss of height,slight curving of the upper back.As the spinal bones weaken,they slowly

    collapse under the weight of the upper body causing a permanent curving of the spine ,often called a dowagers


    PROGNOSIS:In 70% of cases, treatment will lead to stabilization of skeletal manifestations with small increases in

    bone mass. The aim being to reduce pain and increase mobility as well.

    General Measures

    Protein and calcium rich diet, exercise and adequate exposure to sunlight( to fulfil Vitamin D requirements)

    Increased calcium(upto 1500mg/day) and vitamin D (400-800 IU/day)

    Avoidance of sedentary lifestyle with restricted mobility. Daily routine of low impact exercise.

    Patient Awareness

    Maintain ambulation( movement of less moderate nature)

    Avoid maneuvers that increase compressive forces on vulnerable sites

    If overweight, reduce weight by dieting

    Prevention:(Especially women to be advised before menopause)

    Walking daily, stair climbing .low impact aerobics, gentle weight bearing exercises 3 times a week
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    Avoid excess coffee intake(negative calcium balance)

    Avoid tobacco, alcohol

    Hormone replacement therapy in minimum effective dose: Ideal within 5 years of the start of menopause but

    effectiveness seen even in women over 70 years of age

    The Role Of HRT( hormone replacement therapy) IN OSTEOPOROSIS MANAGEMENT

    In HRT , hormones are taken in combination(estrogen and progestins together) to counteract the drop in oestrogen

    that happens in women at menopause or when ovaries are removed by surgery.Women who take HRT are at anincreased risk for breast cancer, heart attack ,stroke, serious blood clots and Alzheimers Disease ..Factors such as

    your health history and your familys health history will be important when weighing the risks and course of

    treatment ultimately decided upon by your physician


    Diaper Rash

    Having a diaper rash is a normal part of being a baby. There are many ways you can limit the amount of rash, but

    from time to time it will flare up again.

    Why Do Babies Get Diaper Rash?

    Babies have ultra sensitive skin. Along with moisture of urine and stools, and covered by a diaper that rubs back

    and forth, diaper rash is not uncommon. This damaged skin is susceptible to the invasion of bacteria and yeast,

    which can make the rash worse.Seven Ways To Prevent / Minimize Diaper Rash

    If your baby does not have a problem with diaper rash, then you don't need to be too strict with these preventative

    measures. However, if you are constantly battling rash, here are some helpful hints to minimize it:

    Change diapers frequently - at least every two hours in newborns. You can space this out as baby starts to

    urinate less often. Also, newborns often have small, frequent stools, which will slow down as baby grows.

    Attend to soiled diapers immediately.

    Try different brands - if using disposables, another brand may fit a little better and cause less friction.

    Rinse cloth diapers - add a half-cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. This helps remove alkaline irritants. Your

    diaper service can also do this.

    Wipe well - be sure to wipe all the stool and urine away.

    Use unscented wipes or just plain water - these are less irritating. You can even rinse out the wipes with water,

    although this takes more time.

    Diaper rash cream - some lucky babies don't need any. More sensitive bottoms need cream with each new


    There are two basic types of barrier creams:

    Petroleum ointment - (Original A & D ointment) - this is an excellent preventative every-day ointment. It's

    less sticky and less messy.

    White zinc oxide - this is thicker and may be better for babies who are more prone to rash.

    Three Ways To Treat Diaper Rash Flare-UPS

    No matter how diligent you are with the above measures, your baby will still have a rash from time to time. Here

    are some tips to treating those rough spots:

    Wash off bottom with water - don't wipe the sore areas. Instead, use a bulb syringe to gently wash baby's

    diaper area.

    Gently dab or pat away any remaining stool. Blot baby's bottom dry.

    Let it air out - leave the diaper off for a while, with no diaper cream on. Lay baby on a towel (with a waterproof

    pad underneath to catch accidents) with her bottom up. Do this as often as you can. This will help dry out the

    rash, which is important for the healing process.

    Identifying Specific Diaper Rashes

    Here are a few diaper rashes that can be more than just irritation from the stool, urine, and diaper. They usually

    require more specific therapy:

    1. Contact diaper rash - this is simply the regular rash as discussed above. Appearance - flat, red, irritated skin.

    When severe, skin will peel or blister and slough off.

    2. Intertrigo - this is a specific rash that occurs within the skin folds and creases around the diaper area where

    the skin rubs together. Appearance- Heat and moisture mixed with urine cause a red, burn-like appearance.
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    3. Yeast rash - when the skin is damaged, yeast from the intestines can invade the skin. This especially occurs

    with antibiotic use or prolonged rash. Appearance- it is a red, raised, patchy rash with sharp borders, mostly

    over the genitalia but ith satellite spots sprinkled around the diaper area.

    4. Impetigo - this occurs when bacteria invade the damaged skin. Appearance- coin-sized blisters or red raised

    patches that ooze a honey-colored crust.

    5. Seborrhea - an inflammatory condition that can affect different parts of the body, but can be especially severe

    in the diaper area. Appearance- a big, red, sharply demarcated patch over the groin, genitalia, and lowerabdomen. It can be more raised, rough, thick, and greasy than the other rashes.

    6. Allergy ring - a variety of foods can irritate baby's bottom, especially acidic foods such as citrus and tomato-

    based sauces. Appearance- a red ring around baby's anus.

    When To Worry

    None of the diaper rashes discussed here are so serious that they warrant an urgent call to your doctor in the

    evening or overnight. They generally can wait to be evaluated and treated by your doctor's office the following day.


    Speed up your metabolism

    Exercise speeds up metabolism. The more active your lifestyle the more likely you are to have a quick

    metabolism and lose weight.

    What most people don't know is that they do have the ability to control and adjust their metabolisms and therebycontrol their weight. The more active your lifestyle, the more likely you are to have a quick metabolism and lose

    weight. It may not be healthy for all of us to get into a highly active lifestyle all at once, but it is possible to get there

    as quickly as you safely can as an individual.

    Eat a healthy balanced diet

    Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. Also include

    low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes. Drink lots of water and go easy on the salt,

    sugar, alcohol, and saturated fat. Stop looking at food consumption as a means of gratification.

    Get plenty of rest and sleep

    Sleep and other lifestyle patterns can help or hinder the rate at which we metabolize foods. An active lifestyle

    should lead eventually to being able to exercise to exhaustion; this in turn should keep your metabolism quick

    and your fat content low. By extending oneself to ones limits you fully utilize the lungs, heart, and muscles and

    burn fat most efficiently.

    Be strong mentally

    Everyone has a bad day. Do not punish yourself. Try to lose any guilt feelings towards the mistakes you have

    done. Instead, just move on, start again and enjoy life as it comes.


    What does an allergy mean?

    An allergy refers to a misguided reaction by our immune system in response to bodily contact with certain foreign

    substances. It is misguided because these foreign substances are usually harmless and remain so to non- allergic

    people. Allergy-producing substances are called "allergens." Examples of allergens include pollens, dust mite,

    moulds, and foods. To understand the language of allergy it is important to remember that allergens are

    substances that are foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction in certain people.

    When an allergen comes in contact with the body, it causes the immune system to develop an allergic reaction in

    persons who are allergic to it. When you inappropriately react to allergens that are normally harmless to other

    people, you are having an allergic reaction and can be referred to as allergic or atopic.


    Eye Care

    To reduce the risk of permanent damage caused by eye injuries, it is important to treat eye injuries immediately.

    Consult an ophthalmologist (eye care specialist) as soon as possible.

    First-aid for cuts in or around the eye
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    Gently bandage the eye

    Do not apply pressure

    Do not rub

    Do not try to remove any particles from the eye

    Do not wash the eye

    First-aid for foreign objects in the eye

    Do not to rub the eyePull the upper lid down onto lower lid and blink repeatedly. The lower eyelashes may sweep the particle away

    Use an eye wash to wash out the speck or object

    You should seek medical attention immediately if the above procedures do not work

    First-aid for chemical splashes

    Use fingers to separate the eyelids, then flush the eye with water from a tap or clean container

    Seek medical attention immediately

    Cover the eye

    First-aid for physical trauma to the eye

    Immediately, but gently, apply small cold compresses to the eye without applying pressure to reduce pain and


    Contact your physician or ophthalmologist (eye care specialist) immediately