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Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project

Mar 22, 2023



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Page 1: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project

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The concert ~i von by Prof. Beal's vocal class iu Foster's Hall "n Faiday evening las t was not \'cry largely atteurled. The progr::im was fairly goo,] ;rnd some num­bers were grc!ltlj ::ippreciated.

Thoroughbred C~ttle.

Last week Mr. R. Steven of Canna­more, purchased two thoroughbred Dur­ham cattle from Lachine, Que., (a cow and heifer.) Mr. Steven is one of our l,ngest and most progressiv e farmers in this section.

Dr. Johnston Numln1>ted.

The Rev. R obe rt J ohnston, D.o.: of London, Out., has been nomiuated by the Prt>:sbvtc1 y of Lanark and Renfrew '" profe~sor of s ystem"tic theology in the Presbyteri,m College, Montreal, in suc­cession to tho lale Rev. Dr. MacVic::ir. 11:J

Capital (authorized) ... , . , . , ..... . Capital (paid up) .. , ............. . lle•t and undivided profits .. ... , . ,


$ 3,000,000.00

2,~00,000. 00


G eo. H ay, President, David J.fcLaren,.Yicc•rrcs . Jltm ry N e well Hate, J ohn llurns _l; r:uur,

H o n Geo. 0ryson, John Mathe r. 1:fenry K ci•y .Egon, Uenis Murphy, i\l . L. A.

1,;eori;c Halsey .l'c, Icy.

BRANCHES. ~\e1t:mdri'.l Arnpnor, ~vonmore, nracebridge,

Cft.rlcton rt:u{e t.ohden, Dauphin, G ra nby, l-lawkcs· ~ry Hull Ke~watlo, Kemptville , Lachutc, Lanark, ) 'a.1ontre:i.l Ottawa, Parry SounU, 1-'em· l>roke. K1at Port:ai~, PortilgC. la. Prairie , k cnrn .. m· , E>rn ith's }"'alls. Shawinig;m falls, Toro nto, \T;a,nklcck Rill, ,Vinchcstl.--r-, Winnipeg. ..

A Gener:<! Banking hu,iness transacted. Orafts iHu.ed on a ll b:tnking points in th e Dorninion 1 Uni­c,ed States a nd Great Bntain.

Branch at Pinch. ':,J'otoi a n,\ bills collccteJ. Tnl~rcst allowed a t

current r:rtes n.nd p;c1yablc scmi-annuall)'. No delay in withdrawing deposits.


DRS. M. & W. A.. BROWN, Physician, Surgeon, &c.



fNCOJlP()RA'l'ED 185,. C11pital Anthol'izcd $5,000,000 Capital Paid Up, - $2,500,000 R eserve :Fund $2,25(),000 H Efolcl Of FIGE Chesterville

MOf-lTREfol!>. Branch.

SAVINGS BANK DEPAll1'111ENT. Sums of $1 nnrl 11pw:irds rccoi,·ed on de­posit nud intcrc~t allowed 11t cu rrent ut i:~, and componndc,I half r early.

Notes col lt-ct,·d at lowc8t rntl's nnd n (l<,n crnl Hanking .Bu~in,•gs tmusnctod ·

Money Orders i~sucd~payalilc at par at any limach of nny chartcrt'd bnn k i11 c .. n . ada, exceptiug the Yukon district , at fol­lowing rate, :

Under $ 10 . • . •••••••... , . . . 8 crn ts. $10 to $20 . . .. .•..... .. ... . l 0 cents. $20 to. $30 ..... . ....... , . .. l? cen ts . $30 to $50 ... ..•. , . . . .. . .. 14 ccn ts.

H . P. DUNBAit £VANS, ' ' u,rn ngcr.


llo!ds it~ r!'g11lar meeting in tho Ma~onic tlall, Chestervill e, on ihc l,1.ond"Y Evening on or l,cfor" full moon.

Vi sitini; urcthcrn nre alwnys welcome.

Phisician, Surgeon, &c. A . . l[. FULTON, II. P. D EVAN~, Sccrct1uy. SOUTH FINCH, ONT. w. 11.

A .. M. FULTON, B. A. 'BAll.11.l~ TJ,;k, Solicitor, Notary, &.c.

CHES rERVILLE, ONT. OIBcc- Fulton Ulock.

W. B. LAWSON, B. L. C.

BARRISTF.1?, Solici tor, &:'c. Oflkcs, Ches­

t erville, nut' Winchcstcr. '!'he Win ­ohestPr office ,vill 1,c open un S1>turday of elldt week from 1 to 4. 30 p. m.


'11111rnntecd to cur11 old soTr~, Fresh Cnt~, Corns, rilso cures Eczuma, Pili,M, etc. 1-l.Jrndr~,i~ of tcstimonit'H. One of tho best scmedit•s on the mnrkft to-d,.y. Uo,Ynro of Imitations. Nonu gcnuincwith bLt t Dco1'~ Head 'L',·ad o M1Hk on eachhox. 25c a uox poijtpnitl or six !,oxes for $1.00. Address,

$_,UIUEL SWERDFEGER, Morcwoorl, Cint.


Jlarris te rs, Solicitors, Notorita, E:tc., CORNWAL.L., Ont.

J). B. Jlfac'eunan, K.C. . F. J. Maclennan. C. H. Ct111e.


.O.-vuie OvEn PusT-Ovrac•. Ca~selman Block


HAXV!LLE. ONT. Visits Avonmore on Tuesday each week



T. }"'J.YNN, - - J)ROP1tn:1'0R. 7'/tis !tote! lias lately- been renovated

and is 111 ci -position to caler lo the travel­ing public.·

Alwuys in sloe/.: tlte c/1cicest tlra11ds ot liquors aml c~i;ars.

House, Temperance CJ-iESTERVIIDIDE, ONT.

This house ha• been r~ccnlly enlarged and •c­noviatcd at great expcn:.c, Rt p resent the propriotc,r is iu I\ position lo cater to the wants of the traveling public.

F1rst-clnss sample room s for commercial tra 4

velters. Alsoun,te l i \!'ery iu connec1ion.

Health " For 25 years I ha,·e never

missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way." -John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel ;inxious to be active. You become strong; steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you.

SUO a bottle, All drat:lit..

.A1k your doctor what he thin Ju or Aye:-'1 San•partlla. }le, know• All a.bout t11l• gTan.d old. t;\ml1T me,tl,•lue. l "Ollo ,.- h11 ad"tloO wJ we will be 1 i1 ti 11fl "'''.

J. I: . .A nm Co., Low<>ll, ?.lau.

Stove For Sale. GO~~r ~~?~st~;1c S~O\'C; ott1j' J year! in u st-.


Horses For Sale. ONE goo<l 3-yoar-ol,l Colt (gooeral purpose),

w ell broken. Ono good single drl ver. Ono ortlluary work•horse. F'or turtl1or particulars apply to

N. G. MOODTF.. Chcstcrvlllo P. 0.

Bicycles For Sale. ONE Ocntlomnn'~ Iligh-Graclo (Perfect) whoe l

also one Lady's whoo!. Both are in gooc ortlc1·. C,111 ho ~eon 11.nd further information givon. by I\Jlplying at thls otllco.

DR. FULTON, FRO.u MONl'REAL tias localed in Winchest~r

AT THE BOWEN HOUSE a nd wilt practice h is p1·ofrssiou. From long experience a.ud lntc::;t mdhods, patients arc

quickly C u red.

MAGNETIC TREATMENT A Specialty, Con~ult:itiou Free.

J. JI . l'UL TON, ir. n., C. M. D . M . &c.

Notice . Tho imp~rted Clyd~sdalo boreo.

GUY PRINCE will be in tho Carlyle Sotttomcut Ft·iduy an<l at McOloskoy·.· hotel S:1turday or this week. Thi~ horse iH got. by the (;elobroto<l Prince oC ,vales 673J. an<l Wllll tmportocl by l1obt. Beith, M. P., or llOWIUllllVillc.

J'. J'. BLACK, Prop.


Cornwall Canal Employes.

For some time p,1st, Mr. A. F. M ul­heru, of Cornwall, has bt.•en urging tho Department of R>tilw,1ys irnd CaC1als t o inc rease tho wai;~s o f the cm ployes o f the Cornwall c,rnal, and as a resu lt of hi$ efforts th '.' dep:u-tmi::nt la,1s consentt:d to increase the wages of tbe ernployes 25 cents per day.

A Uruokvllle \Vldo,., Gets 81,000 .

I n the Divisional Court a t Os:(0ode Hall, Toronto, before the full cou rt, the appeal of thP pla intiff in the case of Bis­nan against S hitJ lds, a Urockvillc suit bv tho widow o f J ose ph Bisnan, to recover danmg<'s for his de.1 th through t be ,,egl i­gence of his employer!! i11 the opera tion 11( a llerrir,k, was allow tid with c ,1sts anJ judgment in her favor given for $1,000

and costs.

Sunday Desecm,t1011.

Seve ral of the citizens h:ls dnlwn our attention to the s ,~bbath desecration that ta kes pl,1 <:(' in onr village, :wd more especially that 0f S unday lust in Hnm­mcll's grove. '!'hey s t11te that music,11 instruments were taken the re 11nd that sports und g,1.1!!c of diffe rent kinds were p,irticipatcd in. Sports of different kinds arc gre11t recreatior. at proper times, but not on the Sabbath W e hr,pe th,1t we will not have t o make refe rence to this fact in futuro.

Smallpox In Tow11.

There is n caso of smallpox in t owa, and it is reported tn bo a veq b,d case. L:ist Wednesday the voungest sou or Mr. ;ind Mrs. Ezra Coutlee, who re;ir!e Rt the ,,astern limits of 1he town, took ill and, from t be na ture of the illness, it was R_uppnseµ it wa~ smallpox. Dr. M c­Lau~hlin, n1edic»l health officer, was in­strnct ed to vis it the case and he pro­nouncPd it smallpox and a.t once quar,m­tined the house . All precaution i~ beini: taken to preveut its s pread. The boy i~ reported to-d8y to be out of danger.­Morrisl>urg Leader.

:Ills • Jone8' Yolee Grt•aUy Improved.

LICl?NSF.ll Auctioneer for the Township of , Flach and Wiachestcr, and county ol l'res• -eott aud Russell. •

We have Just put in a n e w set or •eigh scales. A share o l' your p a ronagc is solid ted,

N _T_. - ,- WILL be received in bulk or fieparate tor all

JOH FO- _.,, - : • rop. tra,.le~ roqulrecl forU1ooreotlonof a Publlc

A etartling 1mprovf!meot iR noticeable io Miss Jones' flingin~. Her \'Oice is stronger, anrl ROuud~ clo,uer and sweoter thl\n before using Cat.irrhozone, which is " wnoderful aid to singers, speakers Bnd min111ters. Catar! hozone Inhaler insures absolute freedom from colds, coughs and catarrh, cleMs the nose aod throat, and preveutl! hoarseness and huskines~. Catarrhozone makes tho voice hrilliant by Prinn Donnas, members or 1'1i.rlia­'llent, La.wyer9, Doctors an<l thousands that use it d11ilv. Better try Catarrho­zone. P,ice $; trtal 11ize 250. Hol•ters or N". C: Pi-,ls~n & Co, Kingston, Ont.


GEO.L.BROWN,O.E. & o.t.s: NEW TEflM NOW O.f>EN Morrlabur11. Ont,

DRAUCR.TSMAS, I.And Surveyor, a11d ( ivil U ngineer, Jo:s:.t i111ate.s and reports 1 nad, ou

,t,r-idec work, '" a ti: rworks and sewerage con­•tr-uction. Sp~cia l a tlt:nticu given to drainage. 'o ftiee in I'ultou lllock.

DUNN & FULLERTON, GR.AD UA'l'F.5 of the Ontario School of Practi­

cal Scien..:I! n11d E:cgi11eering, Civil .Engin ­eers a ud Urau l!hts m en . t·:sthn .ites given ond r-e1lot ta m ade (?11 llridgc_ nn~ Sc we rag~ Cous .. fruction. :ip~ctAI a tte 11t1on g1,·eu to dra11tRge. Thomas H. Uu1111 , C. E. C. H. Full!'rtou, C. E .

Office above Unio n Bank, \Vinchester .· . •'/I

:o ~~:dc;tt.~~~t!;Ji1~,!~~;~•~1~i'~~~~;~ lie riweat cnslly t bc~:::·1>1«!!ri~ft ;v~~~;:~ ~~~:t~

1,1;!,~~1r ~1 1~~~ !':!~ '~(11

1~ :~~ ;w ;!:;1;()~,"~nfi~f 11: ~~1

1:~~o ~!o!~!"ritt~~:11c1~~ wlkk. Tl\\e no 1,therm01llci111'. Price OOi·. Ur. )lcf:fl.hey·i. Jfe&V6 t nre for broken winded hori;eg, 'l'he uu1y 1!l1!1lh; lnc tn

;~;~~!i11t1~~~~o 'r!11r~~f~1~~1::~~~ ~;ldL~~Jr t.~0!~<, 1~,:~~c r~~'.1

· ,.ru!et>rdhur to JlreotloM. J'rlrn, $1.00 nth.I •:.t. Tl1u iJr. ~lcG:tbey )fe41clne Co .. KeJ1111tvlllc1 Out., Canada.

J\lcGnhey's Condition Rlood Tablets 25 rents.

The Continental Life INSURANCE CO ~JPANY,

Capital S 1,500,000.00. ALSO ..


J. F. MOFFATT, A.gout, lUOltF.WOOD.

In all Departments at the eoMMEftClfaL eObbEGE.

Students may enter at any time. Facilities nnexcelled. Good ger. uine practic::il work under

concentn,tcd talent and eJl'vrt e nahles us t o produce superior r esul ts,

Full parti .:ula rs in our new,• C'-'fa logue •. Write for it. ·• ·

GEO. F. S )1ITII , Principal, Corn.wall, Ont.

FARMERS BH\VARE or Assessment Insurnnce Companies

aud Insu re 111 Relin1-tle _stock t:on1nanies of wl•ich you take ::oclrnuce 0Fassess111,ut. There arc bre:,kers ahead. "Pay for what yon g-el and get what you pay for,. is the motto ancl Insu re with the reliable old veteran lhal get~ you your Josses pro m ptly whe11 loss occu rs. Jlc is nge ot for t h e undersig ned com panies :>f which the re is n o assess111~11t b t1 l p ay over.

The North B ritis h :rnd Mercantile

Insnrance Cornpany, C;1pital Sixtx­

Eig;,.t 'Million.

Lancashire, Cnpi1 a l Twenty Million.

Manchest er , Capital Eleve·1 Million.

Stoc:k Comp,iuy, One Million. If you cons irle r }'0 \l r own 1utcrest you , will in ·

sure iu th e above companirq a 11d get your claims paid prompllv nud 110 hereafler.

Wm. M, Smith, ,\gent.

Farmers' Fire Insurance Company. Brockville

Tbe Cir-:nvJUe P.atron nutual Fire Insurance Company, io <iurcs fan~ r i~ks exclusively, Pre· tniuat n ote s ystem . Regular ra te f 2 oo pe r 11000.00, payabl•: yearly or $6.oo per $1000.00 for ·i:h~ onlio nry 3 ~ca1· ris k. I,ibcral ndj us tu1eu ts. .}/ r-o.upt paym e nt of losses.

J .un.s CLE)ll,;N r. ... Agen t, Dunbar, O nt1

Business College.

School Dulldlng in Uhostervlllo, Ont.,

Until May 11th, 190J. Plans. Etc., can be seen a't the McClosk_cy ~

Bou•o. Chostervlllc, also at the ottlco of O. M. Bayly, Architect, 4( Mot.caltc S t., Ottawa.

Hamilton's Pilla Cure Constipation.

' The Golden Gaff. The lowest or nny tender not necessarily nc­

ccJ•ted. Toudors to be acldrossocl to

F. McCLOSKEY, Chairman Publlc School Do!lrd, (met maa·kC(l Tcndora ro,· Public 'ohool.

Notice to Creditors. In tile Estate of Jam, s J."nulkner, Dcceaijetl.

NO'l' ICE,_is hereby, givon p ur~ua n t to n.s.O., 181)7. IJnp. 12\J, Seo. 38. and amen<llrtg Act,;,

that ail l>el'>!Ons havinl( ·htims ag1<inst tho es­tate or I.Le .Ja,110~ Ftrnlknor, late of tho Towashi1l of Winchcsto,·, in t ho l'ounw or Dumla>1, former, who ,lied on or a bout March 8th, rno:1, arc l'O([Ull'O(l to SOIHl by post Pl'Opuld or Lo t1oll1·01· to Joh11 Hugbos of Cannatnorc, or Robert Fraser or Mot'Qwoocl, P.O. tho cxcc11-tors. or Lo the urulcrsig11ccl soliclto1·, on or l)o, !ore tho 15Lh d"y of Mny, 1003, their m,me8. ad­drc,;,;cs and description::1, and a foll stntcmont of part loulur>1 of their uJ,,hus, a ncl the uaLuro of tho security, if any, hotel by thont .duly corti· tlocl, a nd tlmt l\ltol' tho fiid<l < t ho 81\itl oxc­outors will pruceocl to diat1·ib11to tbo 1<Ssots of tho deceased rimongst tbo partleij entitled thereto, having rogarcl only to tho claims of which they shall then h,,vo not ico.

Dutod this 14th clny ot April, 100:l. JOHN IIUGHl•:$, } , J-tOllER'l' FftA8ER 1i,,cocutm·s.

Per A..1\1. FU LTON, 'llestorvilto, Solicitor (or Exocutor~.

Jlurnc<l to D onU,.

A \' ery sad accide11t happeni,d at Vau­d reuil villa1,;e on Monday. 1Vlr£. N. Jubinville, ·a n old h1t.!y of seventy -six yeMs of age, was cleauiog her )':trd, a ud s tuted a tire to bu111 Lill tbe chips. .A very high wind was l>lowing at the time, and the fi re ca t1 ght her ,hess. She was alone at the time , but her cries soon broughl a tisist but not ir. t ime t o save her . Sho terribly burned 11bout the body, an d died that nit~ht at lve o'clock. Mrs. Jubinvill~ leaves :i lrna­band and grown up family/

A \'e ry enjoyable evening was s1~ nt :it the Brill of the Golden C.tff C lub o n 'W!-Cl nesday evening last, whe n the mem­bers ente rtained a few frie nds ,1t a pro­g ressive Euch re P:\rty.

At the close of :i very in teresting ser­ies o f g:m1cs tl1e prizes were aw:ll'ded to l\fosr,rs. D. A llison a nd A ~H. Ande rson.

'l'bPn a ve ry s nmptutms luuch of wir,e a nd cake was served, after which l\ir. R. J. Blacklock, Master of Ceremonies, ca lJPd o n the President, Mr. L. Jord ,111 to :lJd ress the nudirnce, in which he reviewed t he work of the Golden 0,df, sochlly a,ud ed uc,\tion.1lly. :Mr. '-N. 13. Lawson tlun kcd the met!l hers for the hospit,dity und congrntuh1tecl them oo their success o n behalf of the gllests.

Severnl other guests expressed gr(!,1t ple;1sure nt b1? i11i;: present to sh:ue the evening's liospit,dity. Afte r the singing of the N :1tion11l Anthe m the guests and membe rs dispersed.

Died In Churc h.

Mr. James G illiesie, of Kenmore, a geu :ibout 63 years of age, diod st1ddenly while attending rl ivi lle ,crvi ce Sunday in St. Mary's churcb, Metca lfe. D ~ceased was 1111 old rcsiclent of Osgoode, ~ f:u·mor of careful and industrious habits , greatly by all who knew him. He wns a respected me mber of tb e R oman Catholic ch urc h at Metcalfe and Father P,urlhomme ofliciat ­cdat the fun eral which tool{ place Tuesday. Deceased leaves two unman ied daught­,.rs, Alice l.nd Mary, who live oo tho homestead aud se rer1LI brothers residing :u Lhe district. One brother, Mr. J . 13. G illissie, of the railway 1111! 11 sen-ice, lives in O tta,,a,

Personal. A new Rom11n C.1tholic church and presbytery nre to be erected this sum- Messrs AM Fetterly and \V.R Ful!on mer about two-and-a half miles east of visited Aultsville on S unday. Ormood, a t wlut is known as E d ward's Mr. Edw::11d Car:er of Morrisburg is

One Year In Jail.

C hules King, the Whi techapel boy fon11d g uilty of mansli1t1ghter in killing Willie ~ rne man io Aldboro' Township in Dc-cember lust, was sentenced to twelve months iu the cnmmon jail Thursd,ly morning.

\V. N. U&rrle Dea,1.

Tho death of Mr. W. ~;. Barrie occur­red at L emieux, Ont., on S unday las t,

t he 2ti th A pril, 1903. Tho d eceased was born in June 1838,

in th <! County of Hll ntingdon Province of Quebec, a nd at the time o[ death was

65 yc111':i a nd 10 months of ,1ge. He was :t millrig ht hy tr,1cle and in hi,, e1trly boyhood learned thut trnde, and lrnilt mills r,lther extensively in both Quebec and Ontario provinces. He moved his funily tv ~l orrisburg some ye1HS l11ter and conducted rl ve ry extensive sash 11.nd door and crea mery and churn m>1nufac­turing estllblish ment for some yt:!ars. In the year 1881, after the destruction of the mill in thid place by fire he c.t111e he re and built up the gristmill and s11woaill, and this has been his head crntrn ever siuce. The deceased had a. very lari:e sawmill pla ut at Lemieux. at tho mouth ot Moose Creek, and had other mills in operation in ·the Prm·ince '>f Quebec. Ilos idcs beiDj! 11, luge miil owuet he has a Ia'rge t:act or farmini; land, and it is estimaLed th ,ll he owns a l,uut 3,000 acres. He wa~ ;1lways a very rugged man, bei ng 6 feet 4 mches tall, and enjo}•ed exceptionally good health unt i! about five years ago wheu he took an epileptic s troke, .. ntl a year later suffored nnotlrnr, anJ from which ho ha s c,)u1para tively beou au invalid e\'Cr since. Three yc:t rs ago he to()k a trip for his health to Scotland, England :rnd Franc~, but on bis ret urn th eni was not much improvement, a nd he m ::ide Lis .l,.,ad quute rs hrre, recci vioi: medical treat­ment and d r;ving eve,y d11y possible. L:ist fall l,,i went to Moose Cre .. k where he ml\dc his home' clurini; the wi'oter, and was on his return t, ip t..> ChcsttJrville when death overtook him. The deceased was .• l(OOd citizen and wall very charit-1,ble, {'ml tb!l Ian gift lo uoie wa~ $500 for " vault in the Maple Ridge Ceme­terv.

Althoui:h not unexpected, his de:ith "ill be mourned by a l,i.r~e circle of friends in this distt ict.

A widow and one daughter, Jessie, of Otbwa, anu brothers sml siitera are left to mo1,rn his demi11e. 'l'he funeral took place from L&mieux to Ottawa, yester­day where interment took place.

Local 11n<I District Newa.

-~ Mr. C. S. Smitfr lms begun excav,\tion of the cellar for his new residence.

Walter P. Kinselh1, g roce r, Cornwall, h'.ls asl!iimed to AleHnder L ;i nglois.

The R ev. Wm. Pet1rson and A. Russell exchanged pulpits on S uncluy evening.

'l'he pub)i:-;hers of the Ha wkesbury Post h:1ve sold out t o C ha rles 1:i. Moore.

The wenther d urin g the past week l.t::is ?een fine a nd tile form ers are busy seed­ing.

The S;Jnderg, Sonle & C,1sselm:1n Co., have a new phttform built in front of tbeir :;tore. '

A p ile of wood oaught fire in the i:ri~t mill yard yeste1 day, and it. was with ,, good deal of trouble that it was s~1bdu cd.

While seerlin~ nn !tis fa.rm on ]!'riday Mr. a mucl 1--J 1:1111mell's t eam gvt fright­c, nc)d and r,\n away smtlshiug the seed e r badly.

"St.-cngth n.nd vigor como of j.>OOd fooJ duly digested. 'F()rc'e', a ready-to-serve whoat and l,a rley food, adJ:1 no burden but sustain~, nouris:1es , inv;gorutes .

Messrs. Thos. and ,fames Irving of Winchester a nd J . A. l\JcOrcg0r, ,ire exhibiting their l}()t'Ses ,tt the horse show being he ld a t T oronto tbis week.

Mr. Sterling Cook bas purchased t he laun dry machine ry a nd business from Mr. Webster Keys in this place,. and in­tP. nds conducting that bn,i nf'SS in futuro.

The Holiness cong reg'\tion of this place has ptirchased th o west end of the grove east of tllo village from l\'liss E liza Humruel. We are, iu formed that tho purchase price was $ 500.

We are informed by the proprietor of our butcher s hop that we wi ll not be t roubled with tough beef.steak f,n a fow weeks hence, as he pu rchased twelve he::id of fine beef cattle Crum Mr W H Casselman las t week .

A1co Aget\l for the \Vt:ster 11 Agsura n ce Cont· pany. Toron to. capita l $2,000.000, in sures a ll 1.clu~ofh azard at lowest possible ra tes.

20 Orndu'.ltes of the Brockville Busi­ness College n~cently secured posi­tions, a nd in the h st few nion tbs we have b ,\d more cull,; fo r shortha nd writers than we could supply. Hednced mtes for su mme r course. Write for catalogue. Address,

Co rners. spending a few <lays in town, the gues t of

The many friend.;; ot 'Mr. Robert i::i te­vcn of Cannamor~, will be 11leaserl t o know tha t his ninl:-ye,1r-old son J ay, wbo w;1s at the Royl\l Victoria Hospita l, Montri:a 1, for treatment, is progressing nice ly and is ~ble to run abont a good defil.



ej-iESTER'VI bbE, Studio open e ,·ecy We<lncsday

JW ·TflE,----•

... KE"°"RtJS' BLOeK

C. W. GAY, Princip<tl. BROCKVILLF., ONT.

l\1r . R. Hamilton, \\ho has been ac- Mn. L. Cnrter . rountaot in tho Molsons B 1uk hertl fo r Mr. Ed. hishop of Crysler, wa s married sotxle lime, leaves fot• his hollJe in Corn- at that place to Miss l\'locdonald, on wa ll lo-m orrow. \Ve a,e i11furmed that T uosday. Further par:iculars next week. he intends studying medicine. Dr. W. A. Brown returned ho me f1 o m

l\lr. Webster Keys, who has cond~1cted l\fontrea.1 oo SMurday ha vrng been 1here • • a laundry busiuess in this place for a for a couple of weeks undergoing an W1ltord M. Saucier. number ofye::irs, has sold out to Mr. _ s. oper,1tion.

I Cook and moved !us houeehcld cfiecte Mr. w. 111. Saucier, or Chesteivflle, Practical Watchmaker to Morri sburg yesterday, \\he1e he in- arrived io town on Thursda y las t and is Jeweler, En&raver, ·&o., lends to re, idd in future. Mr. K eyR has visiting hifl parental home h ere.- Vauk­

All kinds of WHche•, Clocks, J<,wdry, Spec- beeu a resitlent of this pl11co for about leek H ill Review. Incle•, etc .. etc., for sate aud repaired with ncnt- ten years and durin~ that time has made ~ uesuud despatch. many friends . Mrs. Keys althougu ouly, l\fr. ,y. 0 . Stodd,ut, '~~o lms b_een

Pro111pt nttention paid 10 repairing •ent by a r'!sidenl here siuce last September, has undc~gotng a very severe s iege of s ick -mail. man.Y frionrl s , autl both will b o missed I 111.\ss for the p:is_t three n_1onths, irnd who

SOie a;:cn t for the Celebrated F;. Ir grab aw h I J Clocks. as thorouqhly good residents of our ad an op('r.tt1on perlnrmec , eft on

,n[T town. T IHi be,;t wiehes of all g l with 1. F'rid11y for Toronto for rurther examio-

TT • M. ~ll,1"1Cier. them in their new home. ation,

Mr. Frnuk l\foCloskey, of the Mc­Clo~k ey HouMe, Ch esterville, was h ere on •ruesday a nd ordered a tine bus from Sherma n & Soo, lhe ,veil known culiag:: builders . The Shermans 11re ale.1 p uild­ing a bus for D. 0. Bowen, of tho Com• me1ical.- lroquois N ews.

I\. G. F. Drew bas been eugaocd as hido inspector by Tho J.C. Lapp; Tann­ing C(). , a big concern iu Allegany, Pa. He left for Allegany Monday u ight to commence his duties . His work will take h1ru 10 different shipping centres w)iore the l:irm buy largely. His family 1Vil1 continue to reside heae, aud Mr. Dre w will be able to spend n. consider­able portion of his time in :\1orrisburg.­Mo1 risburg Herald.

1'1181lo11ony Address.

Mr. Sidney Hamilton :if Bush Glen, who is about to return to India., will (D.V.) speak in the Prosbyteria:i church un Sund'ly Morning next at J 1 n.m. The Evening Se1vice will boat 7.30 instead of 7 p.m.

To Erec t II Su1,"1Ar F1&<>tury.

The Peterborough Sugar Uompany lmve purchased 11. lot of 34 acres, upon which to locate a ne w $50,000 btJetsugar factory. The lot is situated a short dis­tance· south of the to wn. Construction of a portio n of tbe proposed buildings will l>e begun immediately. .

Ja,nes Cumming Dead.

After an illness of a fow months. Jamea C.11nrninge, a bliud man, passtd away ou Mouday morning las t. The de­ceased aod his moth1Jr lived at More­wooJ fur several years, a n'.! about a year ago moved here. Although blind he earn ­ed his livelihooJ by m .. king baskets . The funernl took vlace on Tueeday [01enoon , s"'rvice beiug conJucted by Rev A Ru:o­sell. He waa 38 years q fage.

The Odd Felluws Attend Service.

The Oddrellows' Lodge 1\t Morcwood, i1H·itlld the sister lodges of the district, to be present at their church pKmdo, which took place on Sunday afternoon h,at. 'fbe wa!lther was fa vornblo and quite a lnrge nnmbe r o f visiting l>reth­ren we·re present. The Hev. Wm. Pearson couducte<l t he services and preacherl .i very appropriate sermon.

Another Protest.

R eovo Log.;.n· has been nn11fied l,y loL te r f1oru \\'. B. Laweon, bar,istor, (')f Chesterville, who is actin)( fvr tlae peti­tionor, that unles, he signifies by to-d11y lli1:1 intention of re lin<J,iisbing the position procei-dings will at ouce l,e taken to uo­seM hi.n. The Ree,·e says that he ha~ no intention of resigning, therefore we can expect ·more pro1e11t s. It is B pity that the trouble is kept up. Surely the town has had enough.-Morrisburg Herald.

(). O. F. C:ourt Chesterville No. ll•'l',

Organizer Gl\rvin presided at thi, opeuiug of the new court room of the C. 0. F. in J. 'l'. Kearn!>' block on ¥11day eveninit. April 2-4th. Tho annual elect­ion and installation of officen. wa, he!d with the followini: re~ult:-

P. C. R., H Hummell; C.R., C. l'yke; VCR. , W Merkley; F S. , W J N11, h; R S., A H Anderson; Treas., F Baldrey; Chap., C Simser; Aud., W Saucier; SW., B Ellioi1; J W., G Riddell; S H .• A Shaver., J B .• A Merkley; Trustees ., J T Kearns, I Pelletier, C Simser; C P., Dr W A. Brown.

A complete stock of up-to-date H:itFt. in all the ne w Shapes, may be 1een witb A.Swc~t & Co., \Vi:Jcheste r.

Struc,k by a Train.

I:.oland and Fred, 11gcd resi,:ec­ti \·ely fifteen anrl twelve yea rs, sons of Mr. Lau e, who k eeps the tull gato just cast of Maitlan:l, went to Prescott on S Lrnday to look for work io the dyn<1roit~ wnrks there. The works were closed do.wn. They s tayed wiLh an uncle until 1 he next morning, wlleu the y started to w::ilk h n111e 0:1 the G. 'l'. Il. track. About three miles we~t or Prescott they m~t a fro1ght tra iu, and in getting out of its way did riot uotice the International Limited aoproaching from the o th e r di­recliou. The co11sequouce ll'as they wf'ro bath struck wi1h terrible force. Roland was insta ntly killed and Fred was h:idly injured iuternallv, 'Jt1t it i<; thout,;lit he will recover. T he t1 ' stop­ped, pickoJ them up, and took them to llrockvill.i. R oland's reru aios we1 e taken to Sw,1ns' under taking rooms,. aud Fred t aken to the Gene ral Hospit1'1. Coroner Jackson deciued to h old an in• quest, aoc:l ,1 jury was eummor,e<l.

For 'Il16 S ic k Peor.

T he tre:tsurer of t he Corn wall genernl hospital h'ls receiver! $ LOO from ~Jr. O eo. Kt:!rr, of Farran'g Point, ex -W:i.rdt:! n of the United Counties, as a doMtion to the funds of the hospita l in memory of bis late brother Wilh:1rn, whose recent death at Anltsville was noterl in these colum ns. S hortly b,;'fore his · de.1th, A. r • Kerr expressed a desire th,tt , ,1fter his death flowers should be o mitted a nd Io-· unnecessary expenses incun-ed in coo­necti•rn with his funeral. The mon, y t hus saved h, 'wished to be used for thu be nefit of either the poor of the counties or t he s ick poor in the hoRpital. In this matter the late Mr. Kerr has set :.m example against nP.edless display .1ncl expense at funerals, while his kindly an_cl thoughtful act will serve to keep his memory g reen with the gove rnors of the hospital and materitilly contribute to­wa l'ds the relief of t he s uffering poor in an admirable and deserving institution~

One of the lead ing industries of Ren­frew, Ontario. is the manufacture of Lime. On account of its s upe rior quality it is io gr eat cbmand among builders and ehip­ped to all parts of Eas tern Ontario. A. Sweet & Co., Winchester, ca rry a stock of it at all times.


lhRRIE.-On S unday, April 26, 1JJ03, at Lemieux, Ont., Willia m Nesbitt Barne, agt!d 65 years and l O months.

CUMMINCS.-At Chesterville, on Mon, day, April 27th, 1903, James Cummings.

Page 2: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project



-more. "Please do enlighten me. I°'m just dy ing to know."

)•'or AN Tl V l nnJlHTJON It.he Jaw is supposed to exist. .8. - .8.UU 11 .li o:xanlplc, , '-ection 15 malt.cs provisio n

T Tlol',T that in cvo,·y municipality whe1_-o A.GI A 11, smallpox exists, or in whicb 1.hore JS


Valuable Lessons From the Life o f Gustavus F. Swift. THE FALLACY


"I suppose you're laughing at • me," h o said. "'I suppose you think • be ·aus::i you're so-so horri'l,ly pretty •' you can turn a man's head just for

sJ)'Ort. But it isn't sport ; all least not to mo. I'm handicapped every wny.,r



danger of its breaking out throu,g_h collllnunica tion with infected locali­ties, t,he Council of tho municipality may order the re-vaccination of all persons r esident in tho . nunicipa.lity who have 11ot been vaccinated with-

The music of tho next dance be­gan. It distant and much subduod. 11is balance and his nerve seemed lost. Ho ros-e slowly.

Rev. J. A . C. Mccuaig Says in. s.evon years, and th o mo-dical practitioner shall adopt the same measwres to secure the re-vaccina­tion of all s uch pen;ons as he is r eq'llired to do with regard t.o chi.1-drcn.

In "the ca~er of tho late Gustavus F . Swift we have another and a signal proof that there is no of oppoi"tunities, but only of mon who have the intelligence, , tho cour­age n.nd the porsevering cne1·gy to improve men, says the Chkago Ch.-onicle.

Crnnfield holds that the beginning of his c.ourtship wns un;que ; but th t may bo Cran.field's one-sided view. It was the night of the Blunt ball and he lcanod against a pillar in the dancing room. At no time a dancing man, on this occa­sion h o :vas excessively bored ; be was out of sorts · the band was too loud : the crush ~as too great. He thou,;,,-!ht regretfully of hi-s lib1•ary fire, and shiveringly of tho lone; drive home.

At the end of the room he saw heads turned toward tho door. Fol­lowing a very human imp~lse ,_ he turned his own in tho same direction. He was inquisitive, but tho desire to know is quite as infectious as a dis-ease.

In o. brief space the crowd about tho entrance parted, and his curios­ity melted before· ttnother feeling-a feeling as rapid if infinitely more strong. He closed his eyes ; then he readjusted his glass.

It was Creighton-Tommy Creigh­ton and his wife. He W(Ltchod them move slowly up the room, and u.s they moved he felt, rather than heard tho admiration that hulllllled in th~ir wake. , He took- a long look; then ho leaned back against tho pil­br, sc,eking 'to fouli~c exactly_ where ho stood.

;,H you ever fall in love, Cran­ti cl d," someone had once sai rl , "you'll be tho worst case on record, bar none."

'l'ho words occurred to him inup­portunely·. As a man ho ,vas not exception-al ; but there wore thjngs at which ho drow the lino. Making lov-e to a ma1Tied woman, curiously cnougn, came first on the proscrib­ed list. The feelings that surged through him as he let tho pillar support him w.ere largiely made ·up of fear, Tne thing was ' p1.'opostorous-­grote1Sg.l1e. He shied vigorously at the sha,dow of -it. But not for an instant di-d his eyes stray from MJ·s. Creighton's face.

"At least, " he said, grasping· at a th'read, "at least say that you re­meml.Jer giving me tea- Bisherthorpe and me, one day soon after you'd come back from your honeymoon. Don't make mo ·feel quite an out­sider."

Sho watched him curiously. Then an expression-Just the dawning of a smile-stole into her eyes. She clasped her hands, and the smile crept very slowly from her eyes

I to

her mouth. "How de llciou-.. l" she "How

perfectly delicious But how absurd I"

Cranfield was fidgeting with his p:Tvg1'0.mme. At her words be sud­denly tore it in two.

She glanced at him, and there was a glow like firelight in her eyes.

"I don't think," sho said, deliber­at.:-ly, "that I ever gave you any tea. I'm not Daisy, you know; I'm Daisy's sister. We are horribly a­like, and I always keep for~e.tting·. Please forgive me- it's been all my fault ."

'l'ho swish of tho dancers and the throb of tho waltz came to Cran­field; they ,vcro tho accowpaniment fo hls tangling thoughts.

He passed his hands across his eyes, brushing· mvny many things. 'l'hen , for the first time that night, he smilocl.

"lfight I-- ?" Be halted. "Might I- ?"

Their eyes mot. He suddenly bent near ; so near

that his breath touched he r cheek. '(Might I-- ?" Just to level

JTcr head drooped, and the color rushed into her face. Her answer, whe;,n it came, was a whispe~ono or tliooo foaudible mystorios that are never .really placed . To this day Cr:U1tleld in·sists thu.t it was "yes," but Mrs. Cranfield in quite persist­ently determined that it hn.s !'no."


Compulsory Vaccinatiou Should Cease.

The uncompromising anti-vaccina­tion resolution adopted recently at a public m ootin:gi hold in St. An­drew's Hall., 'l'orouto, appears likely to become the subject of consider­al)lo heated discussion. 'I'he meeting, which was called by tho Mayor at the instance of o. !)<!lition of a num­ber of citizeus for discuSflion of the question of vaccination , was largely attended. 'l'ho resolution adopted was as follows :-

That this meeting is or opJmon that tho entire repeal of the Vac­cination Act, the disestatJlishment and disendowment by the State of the practice of vaccination, tho a:bolition of all regula.tions r egard­ing· vaccination a:s a condition of admissio n to educational t11stitu­tions, or employment in State de­partments would be in the interest of justice and tho heal th of tho r.ommunity, and that a copy of this r esolution be sent to each of tho city M.P.P.'s and also to J. W. St. John, :M.P .P., . West York ; Richardson, M.P.P., East York, and Davis, M.T'.P., North York, a~ing their eonsider.ation and '!nrpport when tho peUtions are brought be­fore the Bouae.


which appeared last Saturday in the Toronto Star, the Rev. J. A. C. McCuaig, who stro11gly supported the action at the public m eeting, aays :-

"lf the facts in ~·og,nrd to the On­tario A ct respecting vo.ccinntion an·d tho established history of vaccina­ticm itself can be brought before the community, a wave of public senti­m ent will be produced that shall make imperative the repeal of the present la,v of compulsory vaccina­tion. The Act, as it stands, is not enforced, and cannot bo enforce-cl w ithout awakening a resentment and indignation thnt would bespeak its doom.

Ho had seen her before-once be- Notes of fore. That point oJone wrought sclf-

Interest Abou.t Almost Everything.

"Under the Act, Chapter 206, Sec­tion. 6, it is provided that the Council of each city or town within the Province shall appoint a con­venient place in each ward thereof, and the Counc11 of every township and incorporated village shall ap­point a convenient place therein, for the performance, at least on ce in each month , or vaccination, and s hall tako effectual means for giving to all persons resident within each ward, or within the township or village, due notice of tho days and hours at which the medical prac­titioner contracted with for such purpose will attend to vaccinate a ll persons not successfully vaccinated, who may then appear there.

distrust. Ho had ca.lied ono day with Bisherthorpe, and sho had given them tea. llis verdict had been, "Extremely pretty, sarcastic, o.nd a trifle cold."

He screwed in his eyeglass and lea nod still further back. Ile saw Creighton introduce four men. Then his control gave way. Ho fol·cod · an 01~ning in the crowd ; but when be reached her sido and spoke, his voice hod a tone that, even to him, was

· new. - "J\f,ay I havo th-0 pleasure ?".

Sho looked up with just tho faint­est surprise. 'l'hen her eyes fell on the facings of his red coat, and she smiled-the friendllest and mos t per­fect smile he · h ti.d · ever seen.

"I~- " Sho Iles! tated and glanced round for Creighton ; 'but Croig'hton

•· had disnp•pcrurcd. Sl\o , smil'od again, a.nd held ·out her · card. ''I can give you number five," she;, "Will you put down your name ?

Ho took the card and scra\Vled bis tnllial·s. 'Then · he looked at the ob'viously waitin~ men. ·

''Nu.rnlhor six is also free," be said. ' 'Mny- I -- 'l" .

Ho would not have. admitted tho feelings with which -he waited for her reply. He saw the uegativo trembling on her lips, and quailed. Thon to his absurdly great rcl1cr, tho saving smile came again, and she blushed.

·'You may." The words scemecl tho !rankest and

most delightful ho had ever board. There is nothing in the world so

, ·ivifying aa hope. In a sing'lo mo­m ent tho shifting crowd had become ,the univer~, and ho had found its cQre. Like a wo11rlc1·fully deferred dream the fifth dance came arouncf, o.nd wa-itliJlg was at an end.

'.'Mhio, I thhik, " he said. · ' She folded her .'fan , smiled at • tho

man beside hei·, then . laid he r htuld on Cran(ield's arm.

''Shall we dance ?" ho a1:,lrnd. ''Oh ! pl ease." Ile llid his disappointment, though

his ideas were cui·iously upset. She seemed so cntlitrliiastic,-so buoyantly

Hank of lDngland notes cost o. )1alf cent apiece to procluce.

Sweden's biggest e..°'"port is timber. She ~ells £5,500,000 worth a year.

A woman who has died at Shef­field, Englarnd, aged sixty-six, had spent forty-six years in bed. -

'l'hroughout the world about 3 pe1· cent. of people gain their Jiving di­rectly from the sea.

Germany, with 1,088 paper mills, makes only haH o.s much pape1· as Great Bl"itain with but 300.

Wood intended to bo made lii to pj­anos iequiros· to lle kep·t forty years to l:lo in perfect conclHion.

The Government of tho United States g·iy~s deeds aw11y to farmers year to the value of $160,000.

Nearly everybo·dy smokes in Ja­pan. 'l'he girls bcgir\- when they nre ten . years of age, and 'tho boys a year earli e1· .

"'l'his fundamental provision for the onfoJ"Com ent of tho law ls not onl_y no't complied with in most localities, but in the city of To­ronto its very existimce as a law h os been entirely ovorloo'k·ed by the Mayor and the Medical Health Offi-The beer license of The Shades at

Great Bentley, Essex, England, has cer.VACCINATJON OF DABIE: . been held by the family for 500 yo:Lrs. '·'Under Sections 7 and 8 of the

At Kouka, in Central Africa, tbo Act, the father or mother of every average annual temperature is 88.5 cb.ild born within the Province, degrees F'alu·enhoit. This is tho shall, within three 1uonths after tho world's record for heat. birth of such child; take, or cause

Cen::4us returns for Duckinghnrn- to be taken, the child to tho medical shire, Englano, show that t),e nurn- practitioner in attendance at the bor of unm·u.rriod women - 57,928- appointed place, for the purp\)se of is prociooly the s-n'l'no as the number being vacclnatccl, unless tho child of s. has been previously vaccinated; and

'l'lle Pope at ninety-four reads upon the eighth day fol lowing the witlrnu't spectacles, walks without a. vaccination tho father or mother can , dresses ancf undresses without shall again take, or cause to be a tisis-tanco, an'd wo1·ks about four- taken, the child to tho medical prac-tcon hours daily. titicmer, in ordel' that h o may ascer-

rn proportion to populot-io n, tain by inspection tho r esult of the Spain, Norway, and Ireland have operation. The penalty for n0n­m.ore blind people than any other compliance with these req;uire rnents Et1ropeaJJ countries. Spain has 216 ls set forth in Section 18. If a per 100,000; Morway, 208; and Iro- father 01, mot.her docs not cau$e t)1e 1anil, llJ. ..1,hlld to ))o ,;-a._ccinn.t~ within. tho

Ladies are largely employed ia poriods proscribed by this Act, or Lonclon jn rent-collecting, earning <Joos not, on the l,!1ghth day after commissions . of ,.1, and 5 per cen t. tho , vaccination, take, or cause to One Ja~y is rcsp'ous illle for rentals be take n, tho child for iuspcction, a1r.iounting to about 5185,000 per then the father -or mother, <-o of­ann,4m. fending, shall h o liable to a ])onalty

'l'h e world now consumes 6,300,- not exceeding $:"i .00 recove1·ablo on 000,000 · pounils of tobacco yearly, summary conviction before a Police or 2,812,500 tons. 'l'his is worth Magistrate. ~2GO,OOO,OOO. In other words, tho ND VACCIN

young. world's smoke bill is just $5,000,- SCHOOL LAWS A A-'l' he music had quickened to its ,000 a week. - .. TION.

end, when he swung her out 'of the Some of . the residen.ts in the vii- •'In spite of the UJ1mista.kable crush . His brain was still swaying Iago of Wardle, near Rot:hdalo, Eng- t erms of tho Act, a.nd the penalty to tho beat of the tune as he drew land, havo formed a 'I' f.01.:.. non-compliance., the law is so h er down a pt,ss·ag·e ' to a distan1'. Association, with the o,bject or im- far igno1:ed and treatc-d a s an un­seat. In ten minutes of companion- proving the apiJearanc·e of their m eaning that not till np.plica­ship she had grown straiglht into his streets and the o.p_proac.hing roads. t,ion is fo r admi.·sion of chil­Jife. ')')10 p,·opo,·tion of marrie!l people to tho Public schools, a.t ages

The carpet of the passage WM1 vory to Lh. poJ 'lllation is highest in Hn.tJl- varying from five to t en -years, is it soft ; tho light of the hanging lamp gary, wl.cro 107 per 1,000 of t),q dh;covcred that thcll" parents am was , ·ery dim. It SC'Cmed to him people are manioil. Portugol viola t ors of the law. '.I'he Public that he had only existed until now. S'ta.n<ls n.t the other nd of tho lis t, school system becomes the net to H e anang'ed tho cusliions on tho · with OJlly 310 married 'per 1,000. eaten theso offendo1·s under Section divan , and she sat clown. Chicago puts forth a claim tb lie 16 of tho Act, which d clnrcs that

· 'Do you believe in infatuo.tion ?" cons•ideroil the true Dabe! of the it shall be lawful for tho trustees of he asked suddenly. twcn;ticth century. No fewer tha.n any Public, Sepa,·atc, or High

He felt afraid of what ho wa s go- forty ln.nguoges aro s poken within school to provide thAt no children ing to SQ, : IIo felt that his prin- i ts Jiinits, anicl of fourteen each is shall be p e rmitted. to attend any ciplcs, his hono r- he u so-d tho word &-pol,en by more thnn 10,000. school without producing ti certifi-boldly-all s taple thiugs w e1·0 A good Jr1dia.11 clephanL can bo ob- cato of successful'· vaccination when dril-Ung from ]Jim like a mirage. ta' ne<l for $700, whiia $1,500 would demanded by the tenche1·.

· ·Htavo you .. ever h co.rd of a man hu·dly an African elephant. "From this, it would appear t hat going ofT his head iu a single 'l 'h latt er a.r' now very scarce, only all parent:;; who d elay vaccina,tion or nig·ht ?" 110 asked a.fresh. fi ve hLwin g l>cen b1·ought to 1',urO'pe children till compelled to vaccina-

Sho looked up at him : and bohjnd s inco th o year J,880. tion by tho pro,ri s ions of the Public the uneasiness · - in h er e:ves ho fol t l'olico s tulisiics s ho w that the ar- , 'chool Doarcl, arc guilty of an of-that she was measuring him inch , ests for drunkenness in Lon<Jon fence under Section 7 of tbo Act, by iuch . at the onJ1t1nl rate of one to every and :;u-e liable to a penalty

"l'd like to ask you somct.hin g," J 75 inhabitants; in Birmingham one not exceeding $5 ,00, recoverable on she !'laid, ;,if you don't mi1td." to Jii3; in Manchester one to 71; summary convi!!lion before tho

/:,ho glancccl clown, on(! the n ,once and in Li.ve1·pool one to 50. Police Magistrate. It would further m o re ~lanced up. 1t has . just l.Jcen discovorocl that appear that there is little desil·e on

"I want you to toll rno your tho1 o exists at Rapp rswyl, Switzer- th<: part of anyone interested to cn-n umc." land, a funcl com,"i~ting of ne arly force the lawJ as the facts of vioJa.·

He m et her ga.zo in blank sur- $::i0,000 , which has been subscrihe1l tion are easily procured, and the prise. It was · hn.nJ to be rebuked ; vy l'olcs in ntrio11s parts of tho punishment of a score or parents it was inhuman to be fo rgotten-- worrct for tlic ()ll"rpose of waging would soon o!Tcctivoly call attention ,.jpcd ofT he,· m emory in s ix weeks. war on Russia when a p,·opitioua to tho mn.ttei·. nut who dcsin)s to

"'Yuu',·e been p111/,Zli11g mo the time s l,all a 11dvo. sec 1.he Jaw e nforeed ?

whole night," she said. "Of course, No niai,. c.~n put ;;;0~ advertise- VACClNA'I'lON" OF THF. .A DOLT.

I J,now t hat :vou'ro come friend of •• l Tommy's : I.Jut ,vhat friend- and mont what is not in himse lf. Ir he "Nor doc-s it a.ppcar that tho where I mot you- - " She 1.Jroko off is busines!'ike his advertisements most s t,:lct e nforcement of .,t.hQ law •~dcnly and Jook1.--o u.t him onr,e will be 1.Jus~oossJiko. would encc;,: tho Ji.nrposc f r ,yhtch

"1-Tore is a prov1sJon to enforce re-vacciT1ation of adults on the grounid that vaccination holds good no longer than seven years. But only in case of smallpox cpi<lcmic does the law become aggressive. lt considers a pen,on as unvaccinated after seven years, but makes no pro­vision, except u,pon the aAi)oo.rance of small1~x, for the· re-vaccirration of such persons. It provides that three-rnonths'-old infants must be vaccinated, but ov<!ry man and wo­man and child over seven years of ago in tho co1nmunity rnay go un­protected unless an epidemic of sma!J-pox appears.

MERITS OF VACCINATION. "And nil this is a1)art from the

merits of vaccination. 'l'ho prac­tico of vaccination is adhere-cl to by the majority of medico.I 1non. in On-· tario. Under tho present law, they are tied to it, ,vhether or no . Some have fa.ith in ih and some have not. Prominent investigators, mod.i­cal men of worldwide authority, have unhesitatingly prondunced against it. Professor Al frod Russel Wallace, who ' deals with the matter from the standpoint of a stati~t,ician says : 'The operation is, admitted­ly, the cause of many deaths, and of a large but unknown amount of permanent injury ; the only really tq1stworthy statistics on a largo ac-ale prove it to be wholly without ofl'e ·t, as a preventive of smallpox, and it will uudoU:bto-dly ra11k as the greatest o.nd most pernicious .failure of the century.' 'l'hc late Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, who carefuliy i.:tudi d the claims and r<>sul ts of vaccina­tion, asserts. 'Tho facts produced before the Roya.I Cdmmission h ave finally convinced mo that vaccina­tion is a great mistake, and that compulsory vaccination is one of the most fearful outrages of sacred human rights that selfishness and cowardice have ever devi sed.'

"To state the case most moderate­ly, there is a question as to the m erits of vaccination. Jf the claims of vaccinla.tion were estab'lishlld there might be some defence for the law. But there b ::ing a question touching those claims, the law that enforces tho practice is an unjustiflable inter­ference with individual rights. It compels subjection of the body to a k-nown evil, in anticipation of a doubtful good . It refuses to the in­dividual the right of judgment Jn a quostiona·ble matter, and makes the defence of liis own body and the bodies of his child1'0n , against that whioh he believes to be an ev il, a punishable misdemeanor. It com­mits an assault upon the person and will of the individual, unde r pre­tence of protecting the body from disease, that divine law does not sanction even to save tho soul.


Personalty of the ·Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

'I'he famous prophecy of th.i late M . de Blowit7, that the douth of the Emperor Frands Joseph of Aus­tria-Hungary would bo the ~ignal fn1· the great European war, l oav s o\it of .-:<nin t, in :,01ne degree. the personality of the heir to the Au!;­ th rone--the Arch­duke lcran.z Fer<liJ1and. An o.pplu·­cu Uy well-informocl correspondent. tolls us somethil'lg of the character of this man upon whom so much may l1inge . "Ji'ranz Ferdinand is a man of his times, but he evidently thinks it unbecoming for persons of certain rank to hunt .for pres s suc­cess. He is dlse1-eot. 'l' he news­

During tho fjrst thirty-six :vean, '_or hi'l) life Mr. Swift acquirocl b:,t Jit­t:e 'Vl'alth, but during th:i~" yeur s he been laying the foundation, consciously or unconsciously, for his subsequent phenomenal succ°:ss. I-le h a d been observing, thinkmg >.\lld accumulating a stock of useful knowloogo as w ell aJ, working.

When he came to Uhicago in 1875 there were great packing· esta:blish­ments at the stock yards, rich und powel"fui, and tho Jiold seemed to be c.crnpletoly tilled. Any many oi or­d)nary and force ,..;-1 ;h little money would not have thought of cnterin.g it any more than be would have thought ol manufacturing iron and steel to compote with Carnegie in T'itts burg. llut 11fr. Swift saw an opportunity and seized it with­out hesitation. Beginning with a small slaughter bo~JSe at the stock yard,; whore only a row-- animals could be handled daily, h o d eveloped his business with won<lorful rapidity and almost before his iireat •·ow­petitors knew what he was doing he was a'1:,1roast of them.

'I'hat was not mere luck . Mr. Swift not only knew the business as it wa.s t·hon clone, r l om buying to marketing, but he ha:fl ideo.s or bis own. · He k11ew that in the prepar­ing of animals for· tho market there was a grca,t. deal ol waste. It was po.rt of his plan to save whaL was then wnstocl. So successful was ho that four years ago he was able to say, "Not u. hair of tho beef is wasted, and tho hogs are all used except the grunt."

A 1Jian who could keep at tbo front in tho matter of by,>r0tlucts had a great advantage as a com­Dotitor in

THE MAIN PRODUCT. He could sell tho latlm· on a. very narrow nnd f>iili ruake good profits.

Mr. Swift ha'M other· idc-as. One of them was that tho ma1·kets for m eats could be suppl.ied fn1· b etter and more oconomioally if suitable pirovisions wero macle for pre:oerving the product in transit and storage.

He was pr~m.inently the man of the r efrigerator car and warehouse. As a result of his efforts in this field fresh meats can be carried al­most any di!Jtanco in any climate and laid down in perfect condition where they are wanted .

Another fact, and ono specially worthy or r emark, i,; that Mr. Swift was not a sp,eculu.tor in any objec­tionable sense of the word. Ho was, indeed, a good judg·o of"mar_ket conditions. Ho could forecast as w ell as any of them. He acted with an oyo on probable future condi­tions. So far ho was a l:>l)eculator, as eve1·y prudent buyer and seller must b e, but he was not a market rigger. He did not run corners or play any of the speculative games or the :Oon1'(1 of Trade, Ile achieved his remarkable success in the com­paratively short space of twenty­eight yeLu·s by strictly business me­thods. Ho did it by efTecting· im­portant economics and giviRg the consuming pu•blic be tter product and service. And ho did it in a fie1'd which to tho ordinary observer seemed fully occupied . He supplied a va.l1mble illustration of tho truth that as society is constituted mon of brains, energy and perseveronce can ·always l'lnd opporLu.nities to im­prove their fortunes and benefit their follow men in so doing.

There would be no such oppor­tunities under the artificial social organism for which some people long, and industrial progress wou}d be as dead a.s it is in India or China. ·


Pltpers have ofte n printed nc\Vs I or The mo1nentous ques tion; , '·'What judgmen.ts co11cen1iAg ' ,- hiµ). tba shall we ~ake ,. littlo.. Gooi•gio ?'-' was wore incorrect ; he has never had agitating his parents. them contradicted. 'Son;ie day, ' ho · 'I've thought . of, a pla.n ! " ex­says, <it will be seen •,that , I . was claimed the father at ·last.· · '·we misjudged.' must get him some useful toys--

"'l'ho P!"incess, for the Arch- nothing like watching the toys a duke 's wife being by birth a ,mere boy is most fond of to find out his Countess of a family thllt does n ' t natural bent. Get ·him a toy print­r e ig-n could not become :.,.n Arch- ing press, a steam ongirto, a box of duchess, leads only o. domestic- life. paints, a chest bf tools, and any­Discreet reserved, hating ostenta- thing else you can think of to find tion and ext ernal show~ as much as out what his tastes arc. " does her husband, she devotes 11er- "Very well , my clear," said M1·s. self with scrupulous delicacy to Drown. "I'll got them to-morro\v." avoiding· O".ory occasion where her But on the succeeding eventng ~lrs. rank, which doesn't con-espond to Brown greeted Brown with a vo1·y her true station, might arouse mis- puzzled exp1·ession . .• unde r s lundings or bring up quos- "I got all those th-ings," sho said. tions ~of etiquette. "Yes ; well ? And what does ho

"As the wife of t.he h eir to the like best ?" throne she cannot bo contused with "I don' t know. Ho's smashed the general public ; but, 011 tho them all up ! ,, other hand, her official rank pre- For a moment :Mrs. Brown's puz.­cl,~dcs her taking p lace with her zlod expression was reflected in Mr. husband in court life ; she , there- Brown·s face. fore, keeps away. "1 have it," he said triumpha ntly

"Franz Ferdinand is a hard work- at "We'll make him a furni­er. !Jo has all the education that turo remover I" is indispensable to a cultivated gen­tleman and is, besides, a specialist in military science, economics and the science of govemment. As re­gards music and art his lcnowledge docs not, ris<, al)ovo th,• level of a c·ullured man of the world who ha., u certain amount of ta.ste."


Conducting a sale at Aldcnhr1m, I-Ierts, under a dis tress for r ent, an auctioneer recently had a novel ex­perience. Upset at having his goods sold , the owner rushed into tho midst of the bidders and pitched a hive of 'bees \1pon . tho grouoo. Against such unexpecte d com.petitioll tho auctioneer and 1.lidder beat a h asty 1·ctroat, but the owner, relent­ing, soon afterwurdA hived his boes, and the sulo was allowed to procood.

l!frs . M.'Phi!lgct- "Who wroto the s011g. 'Tbc-ro's only one girl in the world for me ?' " Mr. ll'Phidgct­" Adam, I IIUP,PO&e.'~

'l'HE INVISIDLE JAMES. "Now, James," said the joiner to

his apprentice, "I am going out. I don't expect I shall be long, and you can be planing up that ten-by­eight beam till I come back ."

Hut, alas ! misfortune overtook the joiner. He slipped at the bot­tom of the street, sprained his ankle , and had to b e n h?mo.

Tho next day towards ovenmg he hobblotl into 11is workshop, and was confronted by an enormous pile of i::havings. .James was invisible.

" J ' im !" ho en.lied, "Il'allo ! " came a far-oil echo. · ·w•hor o are vou '!" "Down here ; UJJdor Lho sluivings!" "W-why--what at'O you up to ?" "Planing tho'.t boarn up, You told

m e to k eep 11t it till you came back; but if you'd kept away any longer there' cl have been no ne l eft."

It wns perhaps just as we ll fo1· Jim that his master's accident h1HI disnllled his foot .



$350,0 00 of Contract Have Boon A warded for Immense Works

at Hun: • Tho Ottawa. papers gave an. inter­

esting account of the gathering on several days of last week at Ottawa. of a dozen or two l·epresentatives of iron and steel mant1fncturing con­cerns from va,rious Canadian, United States, and Gorman cities,• their ob· ject being to submit tendo1·s to the directors and engineers of tho Inter­national Portland Cement Oompauy, Ltd. , for stl'uctura.l metals and rua­c·hinery for tho big Hull works.

According to the "Citizen," the directol'S b1td long day-and-'J'light. sessions with tho representatives ol the Iron and steel manufacturers who tendered for tho work of build­ing the machinery of tl10 new con­cern. "Some idea of tho magnitud~. of tho business done may be gained from the fact that during the weok over $350,000 worth of contracts have been awarded. '.l'he plant is of a size that no single ' manufac­t1iring !lrm could be relied upon to do all tho work of the high stand- i ard that the directors irisist upon and have tho plant ready at the re­quired time. Oonscquently a num­ber of contru.cts have been let, each for some special part of the plant."· The Hull poopl-0 l1ave, we are told, the Bljl,l'Il'c designers, enginee:rs, nnd chemists who ri'1ade so complete nii estab'li9bment of tho N ationa.l ce­me nt mill at Durham, Ont., the Pen­insular mills at Cement City, Mich:, and several othe1·s now in successful operation.


in favor ol this organization lies in tho fact that all machinery, the uu'ildings, and the entire plant from the smokestack to tho clinker pit is made from special designs and de­tailed d1·awings by a stall of en­g ineers, who have learned tbo busl­noss by many years of practical ex­Pllricncc.

V.arious representatives , of tho large manufacturing firms stated to a "Citizen" r ep orter tbat the d&­tailcd dra wings furnished by these engineers are easier to interpret and figure upon than any that go Into their works, and the machines when built and installed run with less trouble than any others with which they havo to deal. They all agree also that the fact that the same engineers who d esign the plant su­perintend its operation after con­struction ls a very strong asS'Urance of its succossiul and economical working.

'l'he favoral.Jlo points of the Ottawa or Hull proposition are that th( raw matcrialfl are abundant, of ex­ceptional pm·ity, · that both lime­stone and clay lie o.t tho very d oor of the factory, that they have water­power at the very low rate of $15 per horse-power, that they have both water and rail transportation from the Company's own docks: '!'hen the Oomp,o.ny not obliged to build a , railway or ste11m power plant, thus enabling them to build a much larger ractory with the 8aroe amount of capital, and thereby n:1.a­torially increasing the earning pew~r of tho plant. It is further to be noted that wlth


they oan market their cement o.t all ports in tho Lower Province!!, and through the Rideau Canal ca n reach all ports surrounding Lako Ontario. Their boats instead of re­turning empty from eastern port11 can bring back coal on the-Ir r etuni trips. The location as to tho mar­kets to be supplied. could not bo better, as tho1:o is no Portland Ce­ment producod in the Lower Pro­vinces , and the bulk of all tho ce­m ent consumed in Ottawa, Montreal, and the Ma-ritimu· Provinces ls oi necessity imported from Germany, Belgium, and tho United States ogalnAt a duty or 4Uc. per ban-cl. ;nic '';Citizen" article notes as ii. favorable point, that the , C.P.R. and the Canada Atlantic · railways run right by tho doors of • the fac~ tory, also the wo te1· way which gives a free outlet from the ware­house docks of the Company into the Ottawa river and thence direct to Montreal, Quebec, and tho sea bo·B.1--d cities.

The Hull works will, .it is claimed, s uJ·pass in efficiency and equipment any of the plants yet des·igned by these men, and will supply Cement to Eastern Ontario and the Lower Provinces from its advantageous location, just as tho Durham works Is well pla.ced to supply the Western Peninsula.

'l'ho business abllity an·d scientiflc skil-1 of the people who have this ,vork in hand point to its s uccess ae o.n important industrial enterprise and promise well, we con s ide r, for its financial success also.

The greatest meteorite ever found Is that r ecently discovered by Pro­fessor Wo.rcl at Daculiirito, in Ji·fox i• co. It is l 3 feet Jong·, !: feet wide, anti. 5 feet high, and weighs 50 tons. It took 28 men a. day to uncover it.

Vienna almost a lways holds a wo1·ld's 1-ecord fo1· suicide. In tho first nine months of last ,yeur 250 men and 98 women auccoodod in killing themselves, and 011otho1· 307 made unsuccessful att<irnpts . .

Wolves can, and often do, · run 5(1 to 60 miles in lL night. ?oxeg travel great rli stances in sonrch o! Ioo<J . .Nansen sa.w an· Arctic fox out on tho ico 480 mjles from. tho .Asiatic Coast.

A fly will lie moti o nless at a tem­perature of freerin g point, begi r, to crawl o t. 53 degrees, to bu zz anc\ Oy n.t 68 clc-g;roc-s ; 113 degrees of dry hoot will USU(llly kill a fly in ,, short tlme.

Page 3: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project

------- ----- -----.,._.,........,._~~• sound o f t he fir st din1'.er pell,, nn(l. Theo Trist!" ··--------~------- n. general stir on deck. At sea, Brenda lllOt her sister's eyes w ith ~i ! melll times arc hailed with a moro a b rignt s:rnilc. : In Peace a· nd War ~ ~~s:b~°n i~fnJ,h:i/nio~t~dt;:d 1i:iot~ h~:~fon\:/~~~Ic~~ ft~. exclaimed. "I ' ' answoriug • the ,glaa ' summons. "l:'fo, of c ou,rse; you.--would n o·t i I Mrs. Huston rose langu idly Crqm notice it. When will he l;)o homo?"

A DOUT ALFALFA. }II ' , i' t~~ :~~ii~ ;;~:e: ;f~;;:;tc.toward re,::~1t1;_n't know,." she rnp lied indif-

"Yes ," "he u.·nswcre d thought fully , · •we," continued Mrs. Hus ton, fol-.., · h A ton of cu1·ed alfalfa hay i s ,

i i "Theo i s ver v clever . It is d ifllcu lt lowing o u t J1cr old t,rain of thoug t. · o Th E d f I All · J - • t $ays C. C. Jnmes, Deputy Minis t er r t to toa lizo that or!e :s fri 11-cls arc eel&- "arc ~o help! ss . \\ e wan a man ~

,: r e n -0 liratoo, is it not?" to stuna by us. or course papa is of Agri cu l ture fo r Onta rio , equal t o '._ ' ' · The captain w a lked by !Jer sl'de, of no uso. I suppose he i« spou ti ng a t,on o f bran in fee.d ing value. At

I b t h t ll a ·moder ate estimate, alfalfa,,fl~ ~.._~.....,.~, 7-~~..,.~--• :;iiiting his crisp, firm s tep t o h •r somcw , ore o out · c coun ry. o t . l anguid gait, ,vh i ch was, ne1·erthe- gene;·al ly i s ." ing bran oven a t $10 per ·or,, is

CHA PTEH. XI. tif'ul \\'Omim very earnes tly . Had loss, very grac ful in i ts l'l1y t,h 111ic "i'\o, " ro]llied Drenifo, with a won-1

w or t h !~GO to $80 per ucre. she. only known i t, ~er face was in- case. Iler voi ce was clear, gen t le , der fu l tolo1·ance. " We cannot co unt That is a valuable crop and (l _Lhc

Ono (inc cl £ty late in the autumn of finitely lovelier i n gro:vc repose than and s omewhat incl i lT ,,,ent. On he r on h i m, l ie is in h e lan d . I had a la bor-aft r tho fi r st year is i n mte-eightcen J11.1 n ctr ect a n d se venty-six , a in most p iqunn lo !Jo udori e, face t horn_ \\'as no ot her 0 ,,.pressiun 110 .,t-(·urd from h irn t he other d ay." ly less in the cure of alfnlfa than i t cte··1.r·11 •1· c 111erged from the haze that " 'l' h t · " t · d M. s ·s ·n ti or ost

1·oot c1·ops 0

• "I cun guile bol ie ,·c it." rGpl iell 1 h a n tl1e c usto n,ary s uggestion of , n · we require, con rn uc . r . 1 1 ie case m . lay over the ,\ t ltrntic and tho n orth- · ..,, t ,.. , · · ' l B t th · · t · · ' ho coin the sai lor, ll'ith a gallanti'y wliich' pathetic apathy. .uus o n . rs an or.c:-gocJC mun w1c 1 u - e main porn ,s .111 c -

ern wato:·s of t.h c Bay of Bis cay, even MJ·s. H u s t o n could not take a s " I su p pose," i-ho continued in u. LJrains.'" pa'l'ison of val ues bet.ween bran and The CD.ptain o [ this splcn!li~l lLn.,·t.hi ng 1no ,·c t h a n convcn t i onal. co n ,. n li on a l 1no.m1or, " t,hat he will " l am afntid that cnc rg tic men Li.liuH[L. JJran is g 1·owing dcarnr.

er was a g·•ntJc m nn 1;s w~ll as u "Rho is aiy g-uo.'rdi!ln ang·cl !" mur- not be homo for some t.i n1e. " with brains havo in m ost c:ases t hoit· This is lJocauso the value of '.:)ran .g·ooi l sui !or, 11 n rl lie o i ocl t o muretl sJic paLlicticall v. " ' o . There will be a big war be- o wn affairs to loo k a.[t er . Jt i s only for dairy cu.tLle has become ge11oral-1nako his Jnt&Silnger s fc?I. at ~0111e "I hear.'" the capLaln wpnt. on 'to fo "'O t)l is q uc~tio:1 is se U!cd, and the idle, 0 11es with t o ngues wlw have ly known and an enormous demand w hrle untler h is rare. , TJie.rof_o ,c )10 ·exp!. i n , in 1:i s chee1·y impcrs:on a l rrr ist will he in the thick of it. " time t.o devo te t o olher people's for it has sprung up in consequence. now w alker! aft, nnd :stooU beside t ,1c way ' ·sr rars o f fami ly hi s tories WHh a s l ig,h t in clin a t io n of the busi ness." T h r e arc fashions in fcecls, as well of a beautiful woman who was l,01 c' and thc1·e, r. t.hc n am ratl1er hcacl s he passed awrty from J;im and "'The 'brute,' m y dc-ar, i s clover; as clothing, and for year s bra n has ~ lways a lone, o:ways i 11di1Torent, a l - su1·pl'i s cl to meet members o[ t h ese I clisa, down tho s uloon stairs. we must 1 oinomb0 r lhat. And he iS' b,•vn exploited us a most necessary IH\ j S l'l' !'l'l lin a. fru 11 ilies, 01· Persons conr.1ectecl with 'J'hc cn.1 trti n turneU a\\·ay a nrl mount- tcrl'ibly o b~linnte. d a i,-y rood, a ki11 d o f stuff of life

, ul'hi s is a p rnLty s ig ht, llfrs. Ih1s- th r ,n." · cd thc' liLtl c 1>,·ass la dde r lea.cli ng t,o " We m ust be cool and cu.nning, tor the di1.iry cow , and the r esul t ton, " he ::;,\id !,lcasu.nlly , wit:,out • i\'.n;. Ifoston bravely q ucll ocl a <le- the b1.ilr'go w it h sai lor- like dcl i!Jen1- und bl'o. ,·o t o figh t against l!i rn ,'' has been a demand t hat, as is usual fooking· d01, 11 o.t bc1·, bui s tanding f.i rl' t o talk of her own afTail'S, and tion. sa i I llr n da 11 1·actica!ly. in sw:h casos, fore •d th pdco be-bcsi ,·o h er th air. s :nil d yurrue ly. ·' J\ nrl, ~,oung womat1." 110 muttered At thi s morncn t tho g u a rd came yonrl its actual feeding value , and

" Yes," was t he indiffo1 ent answer; " J have no do ubt," s ho sa id w ith t o him .. <Jelf, "you had b tlcr go do" ·n forwa1 cl , and he ld t h doo r of t lle ir w ith an uccompanying lowering o.C ,a n d V c sn.i lo r 's keen g 1 ay eyes c' o- rncc naniC"rtl plens-untncss , " that wo to y ou r rE;Pin and 1hank yo: 11· God co uip::u:t,nont inviti ng ly O! en. 'I'hcy its val ue by a dul tcr aLio n . H erc, how­itectcd tho fact t,hat 1,h c fair l h:v c 11, g-rcat 111uny m u tual acquaint- on your l)o 11L:od knees tbat 'Theoiloro g o t in, ancl fount! tile 111sohcs a lone. eve r , is another foocl w hich can be wo1 c 110, er I aisecl . cui.ces - i[ we only how to h it 'J'ri i.t i s n o t in Eng l uni.I, no1· likely Thcv w ·•·c b,1.rel v scaled, OJil P OSI t o made to ta.kc tho ph,ce of 1,


"Jt b1 i11gs the f::i c t 1Jeforc me ,'' he upon t he Yci n ." to ero ~s yow· path for many uio n tl!s to c~nch o t hl'r. ,,;hen tl:c trai n g li<lcd that t he farmer can procl uai:i fo r co nl inu <J(I, " t,1,at we arc gett i11g nea,· "Of , o u rso ,Ye hani - t h o wo rld, t o c·ome." s 111ooth l.Y away. himsel f. '!'her e is very l i ttle more ho me. " a n il oi;po: i a lly t he Intlian world, is R, l ooked ro:1nd h im wi Lh his h a- "Theo, " i aicl t l~c elder wom an s ig- di fficul ty in gettin g ulfal ia started

"Yo,;,'' wit):1_ pathetic indifr ,·en(·e. very smnll. " bitual <·hco1·~- l; onncs8, aml a nificantl y, ''is IJro.,·c and cool a nd tku n there is in getting a catch o f S he cJicl n ot u,·en 1t1 a l,c t he protem;e " I wo ncle1· w ho they arc?" mur- few woras to the sc ·011tl ofliccr who cunni ng, Jlren rla." clover noel once alfalfa is s t urtotl, it ,of l ooking 11[1, and ~·ct thc,·e was no 11w r ec1 JlfiR . l h 1s ton, l'ais ing her eye; w as on d u~.l'.- Coul d he h a,, ·c seen . " Hu t ," :·uif7cslc-cl Drenon, "Theo is is a stayer. vi s i b le i n l c1·c•s t in tho book that lay to her co111'Pt,rnion 's focc . 'J'l oodo: c 'l n s t s l o.nrl1 ng '.:,t th_at mo- Ill Du l.r;.ano.. . . . 'l'he most impo r Lunt sin g le fa:ctor uron he r lllp. "Men t ion a rcw 0 [ y our f iic:Hli:, ," m<)nt o n tile deck of a qu,ck cl1f po.lch J\1 1s . H ul:11.on s1111lcd w i t h all tho . . . F If . th ·at·on

'1 h ,,a i. 101· rnoycd a l ittle, nnd 1" su ,,.o·c·st"cl looking clow n into )l or IJo ,t t 1-a ci " rr forou.g li t,ho- flo <1p)1oro us coil!'c1011:,; po \\·cr of a woman wh o, ·1 in r uhis mg u. '" da, 119 ,

1°. prepa, 'cle

., . ""'' • " ' ' ,. ,, I · · lJ . · · 1 , of t e seed b' or • u s crop -le :inl I is eJl,,o\\·s llPOII t he rail , loo k- ey es somewhat keen ly and bound for JDngland, ho wq uld wit.I Ol, t l:c1rg actua Y ,atn, ,nows • f 1

t · ( J1 g r o ,1 11d l1i - s l1ip with a critica l · ' N~- you b l'g·in• ·· - · ,· o·I· pel' have l a-ughe cl so hcart-1 lhe mn r 1',..t, •:alt:e of t;:c mo ra l weight mancls a Yery care u prepafra_

11011 ?

· · ' · ' · · · b' t the &'O il if 1nu·Lio.l or total a 1 u re 1s r. n.-J ull-:;,c; 11g· eye. B~ l h n.n!!cd h is 1,os·i t ion somewhat, 1·1.Y u.t a " 1·y mild JOkc mndc l)y ts o f h er bcu.u y. , . v - l · to lJe avoided, fo r the young · al-'·I h o1 :c, " he s.aitl ·hecri l~·. " thaL 11.n cl stood UJl righ t., froo [1·o m Lhi s u lJortl innle a f •w mo 111cn ts later . . "Sup~io~c I te l_cg- ro.phc d to nm

· · - d h t t falfa p l unL, as so often · stated, i:s the, o i i, n o one O fl l.ioard to w hom r a il, hu t h is g·l ance no,·or loft her "Anc.l yet , " ho 1 eOo: tee!. U'S he lllll"O I U_u1t I w,·.a nt c 1n, o , come .o me


Clean -Your Liver WITH

Mnnyon's Live1> Remedy,

"People should die only from old nge or by c2ccident."-Munyon.

I unhesitatingly vronounco my Cure !or L I ver tr ou bles a d lscovory o! the h l.;h­est Importance. SI ug-gishncss or tl>at orga n brings on l>lllousness, "1ck head- : a che, ln(llgestion, consllvallon and all t he : Ills which foliow those condit ions . My j Liver r emedy acts vromptly-puritles \he I blood , claur s the tongue and skin and ' ma!,es you foci like a new verson. The Ltver ls ono or t he most Im portant or- : gans o f the human body. It ls dangerous to neg>ect lt.- Munyon.

MUNYON'S REMEDIES. Munyon'a Liver Cure, 25c a vial. Munyon's Blood Cure er0dlpa.tes all Jm- '

purities of the blood. Price 26c, . Munyon's Cold Cure vrevents pneu­

monia, and breaks up a cold In a tew hou rs. Price 25c.

M.un·ron·s Femnle Remedies aro a boon to a ll v.'omen.

Muny on·,. Vltallzer r estoren Io~t vower t o wea~ r..-,en. Nrtce $1. 1

Personal lotUr,i addrcsned to Pror. Munyo'n , Pl ,iladelphla, U. S. A., cont ain­ing detolle o·t ' elckneae, w ill be answer• # 1 promptly and free advice aa to treat• meal will bo g-lven.,_ lID


=================== l r · ·11 ' · • J clolicate uml , excceding'ly JJarticular ti .e s i,Ql1l ,,f , ,•,chl_v ,;t :>n w1 no't gi ve fncc. his way below in answer to c 10 ,·ec- at o ·,cc. . . . . . _ . , . . ~ ll nniilig-.i tcd 1J cns1.:1u. We s bu ll b o 'l'l·c od o r(, rl', ist!' ' ontl di r n~r bell-''ancf y•t, sbo does Drcn c'a. fixed h er eyes 11po1\ h('r s rs- r cga1d 1ng i ts su1touncl 111 g.,. amount of seed to the ucrc is poot:

f · 1· ' ' · · h t f ' f F l he tla 'nt ' economy, both in the beginni ng and ·_ th01c bo :0 10 uny. o . 11 s quite rea 170 Jn.s tnnt ly !;l;r.o a.vcd d r c r eyc8 . For not ~<'en , t o 111c to vc to s01· o tor s ace. •or a sccon,c ·r · 1 Y j _ •rlJB SOTL FOR ALFALF A tl ,ul t ho ,oynge is d rawing" to a.11 ct t!IO ll !Q,,t ; he was quite of'/ J:cr wo ma!1 fo r T i i:- t - i· o 'L g-oo'd on o11g h! lip ciuive ed . . encl. 'l'h'er e have been cases wJ1 i;in 15 l'r.d. ·• gt•al'(l , o. nc.l l;cr fingers 8 1 , a ~·cd in a Pcrimps t'hc go~.s ips n:· wrong, aflcr "You mu .-t n ot do that," she sai cl , I :;l 11J ·11r1 be l h ornughl-l' pulvonzed, _anrl vou ncls to tho acr e have p r oduced

8 1 c I a !:;c(I I 01· h ead nntl s mil~cl ncn ous, ui 111 l ·~s way ruuong ,the n i l , nt.< l he d oC's uot ca re f_o r J1cr!" in such a 'tone _of in v incible O!JPOS~- de pl,v p lo wed, IH~t. '.t ' be g iven good -~·esul tR, but • t hese a 1·0 excep-1,011,ewh_nt w,un ly , o.nd., t hc r ,~·t1S in pag s ( i f l•cr o :,en book . 'l'o her ]\[or t h em one id ler in llymouth tion thnt h er s1s·tc r c ha,nged colo t , t,me to >.ot1le b,fote s , 11drng . and tionul cases and must not be to.ken tl:e n e t 1011 to rHI _111 Ll.o eX!>r ss1on o f j ra'c c:hcc.l,s I liu \\'a rm ·olor 1110, lll tecl S ta.lion , one mo rning i n Odouor, unrl loo keel s omewhat hast ily in an- ,rnl_y t i,~ s_1.u-~ace layer allowec:1 to be a s a rul e for average condi tions, l 01· :, cs a .· uclt:en, _singular roscn.'- I as if ,t g lowing rnby roOccLion Lnrnccl h is h C'acl to look again nt othel' 'clircc lion. I loose. JJ' i t rn ne :<_Y',5ary t~ p lo w Lhc untt -ospecially on woody land. It is b la11rc l o JJ1enLla (Jdho l,nc. nut_ i t , lLrlclenl _y been cas t u pon tho il ol icttto t iYO wOll lt' Jl \\' Ul l; ing s ide by side on " I suppose, " mu n nurecl tho eldct· g r ou nd bcfon• rnedmg·. 1! 0 1t Mi cai·Jy better· to e n · on tho safe s ide ond was tl 11· a \ , o::y. 'J hc r·e W [lS 1101th- s kin . the p l:.ttform near to tho Lonclc n w oman ufler u s hort s il,ew .. c, "t)1ut ~s p os, ib.!o, hu1·r c,w tl1o r ? ugbl y, aucl so,.,...from 25 to 30 pounds of seed er the- in1·i11c iblc JI.l uck nor th~ u n- S iic expi·csscrl no suri,,ri sc by wo rd lrain . Onc-, t he t ftHe r o ( the two, it i s C]Uitc ~mro~si b lo to find out th,·n wait fc.t' " goc:>d 1·a1n l o seltlc pe,r acro. A small quantity of seed u~~:" l 1ntcllo,·tual,ty to be d iscern- 0 ,. gc.,1,1 1rl', u n'cl t.he r·o \\'US a pause or wns o:,ce11t.ionally beauli ful, o f a " ·hon )10 m ay rctun1?" the soil l.lClr-,rc !"e'cl111g. l:lecdin·g on is '"Tfa.blo to p r oduce a course, woody ed. ,, co,nsidcro.!J le c] ,11·u.lion lJofore at fai r, clel icnlc typo, with un a lmost "Quilc imposs ible. This 'Easlo: n n,·IV plower! ground w ill not give gl'Owth, which con tai ns neither so --; ,1 shal l be g l aC:," s l·e said , . t o I leng th she ~,poke. perl'C'ct figu r e l\nd a fncc fit fo r a Queslion ,' as it _is called, is so c~m- g·r,nrl 1·esu lts. A \':oi l cul t iv-aterl corn much n ut riment nor is RO palat ablo

flCO Fn~1·Ja trl ug ,:in. A lth o ugh the I · ' \\'he O ifi I e 11o w?" , h e uskccJ in model of t_hc _?ifodonna., so p~1·c _i11 1plko.leu tl'.at I l·a ~o g iven up t ryrng fil'lrl c l • of stulks_will make nn to the stock. J t should be rcmcm-vo., a go l ,\S lJecu , ·c ry pleasun t and a Jew v o ice. outline was 1t , ~o 11u1occnt m i t s, to fo ll ow tt - be1ndes, I do n ot F c oxcqll.cnt field fo r seeding - to uHnlfa, ,oared th,tt the lcav •s contain fou r ve Y · · T h a nks t o 'l'l.c · ca ptair1 st· okcd l1i s ~r i;:zled ntcfl nin g. ' ! ' I,(} yo unger 1,·o m an Wl\S w}:ia t, 'J.''l;co has to do w ith the nmt- as it only n eds harr o wing, timf'S as· m uc h i1r otoin os the You . ·· m u s ' n t lic I c f:o:· ti\·eJ)·. He octccl his sligh fl y sl O!'tcr . She \\'U S c.lad in t or . We must act a loi·c, :l\ lice." I 'J.'h e careful prepar a tion of the stL•ms t hereforn a larg'C, woody • :·Not nt :ilJ,'" . l,l nnswercd , wit,h po.: t, ,i·cl l, d , ,s: ,i1c l ie r su r'. <lc•n. cmd m6111·11ing, wh i ,·h ed SOU1c- • " J3ut \\'omen a re so help! ss." scod bod is especially n ecesscary 11.nd small growth o r leaves urn n.ot br cz.v d i t•crl 11 lncss; "l l·o.vo 'rlon c 10- lamentable fa i lu,re. w liat cn u1oly \\'ilh th l.iri g h.t er cos- B renda smiled i n o. sllg ht\y ironi- wh ere rain i s scarce, a nd i n Sllch ·want ed. m n r kubly l it,t,Jc to lllake things plea- " Le l rnc 'thin k ... H e i s in Con- tumo o f i1 r cou1panion . l t wo r, •vi- cu l way. 1 condi t ions a deep sood bed is n cccs- ·.::he best way to sow a lfu.lfa i r, ~ant. . Tt hnH (icon a quiet voya.g?· i:tun tin oplo lo u, IJ0>'1; o f t11y kno w!- dent that tJ1c-e t ,Yo \\'Ore s ii, t crs; " Why , hould they be?" she_ as,ked sary to hold tho mois t ure n ecessary with a press dri ll , especially i11 soils We a 1

0, 1 th rnk, a qutot lot tJ11

~ . edg·o. ll'! i1; c n g-ugNl in ,,·u ~ci iing ti,ey ,1·;:i,l l-ecl in t he same ea sy W.J.':( , pni.cticnlly. " T nm 110t_ afra id o f fo r the growth of t h o young plan t . that · are lig•ht and l iable to d ry out 1 ili !C. l n ,·nliUs mostly - in hody, Eastc1·n affairs . l t seems tho.t 'J'n r- and cspe,· i a.11.v 11 otablo wu.s lt c , rt,ain On.Plain l foston . H e 15 a gentle- T he soi l must lJe m-n.clo fine enough or- b low. rrho drill s·houlcl put the or ! " key tLntl H uss iu <.:nnnot I ccp t h c il' int10:1i'c.J ,·u ,-riage of the houcl , which man, ut a ll c,en t,s_." . . . t hat t he p articles can come i n im- seed just where t he soil i s mo ist,

T ho 111 0. :· incr looked. down i nto tho ha H•'s olT Nu:i, other's throa ts rnu ·h 1 , cntt1 1 o 1 o bclic,·c is essentially " H e ,i,a,s ! ' ' put 1n h is wife b itter- 1ncdiatc contact wit h Lho young and t h is sh ould not be over one inch fnco, o.

nd mn.iled in a co u, prchcn- longer. At p-rescnt ther e is a n arm- J,e ·ul iar lo high-bo:·n E n g li sh wo- IY; , , . _ . , pla 11t, a nd t bis ca n only be clono by from the surface. In very light, dry

s h-o wny which sccrnecl in some in- ist i( c, bu t rr , ist h1.s been thro ug h 11100. . An? I __ sup~osc_ their_0, ,1s somot h iug the r epeated u se of the h arrow , r(\- soils, an i nch and a half may lle o:q1li cable n1:u111c1· lo bring the m the lnlc wur bctwl'cn Sei· ,·in and · 'J'hc s i..tcn, met on the s;,c tun- Jol t _of his !0111101 sc i ? peatecl several times so t h e cnpilar- foun d proper , but, as a rule , not d OS<J r t og-c

tller. •rurkev. " boaL l anding a. few m oments previ- "}; o t v c,·~· much, ___ rny_ clear. At ity of t h soil will n o t b i n ter rupt,- ove r an inch is the proper clopth.

"rl'he n , " sa id the l a dy, " a 9 1 um "Do _yoi:t know him well?"' s110 ask- o usl~· - A rattl ing df'ivc t il .-ough tho leaSr. , tho phase of 1!1~ pic~out. con- ed until witldn two inches of tho Tho wheel s of tho prosa drill pack the i n the cnjoy ,ue nt, of rndc heal t h and cd nt lc ugt.h , afte r a sc~·ona pauiso. town had fol lowed, n11d no w they cl ition has been_ r olrgto usly lnd den , su rface T hi s ncccs,;i ta t es that the soH clof.-ely arnund the soocl, giYing likely to las t for som e yea r s yet, I "Yes. flc ii'< a fl'i en cl of mine. " wc. c ab !e to speak togethe r a lone r,.o·m my g a ze." , lower 1'nyern of soi l be well com]}act- it su ffi.·ien t 1noistu rc and causing 11111,v in-:·or t,hat y o u kn.ow all about "A t f · d?" fo r the Jirst time . 'rl1cre hacl been Uren da at·ow her glo,·cs pensively . . . . . . lll•O, " "I t gl re?" 1· llCn . " no tl is.•>Ja.y of e rnot,:on. up !:er s lim wrist s . smoothing out o<I e,l1~01 by l ollrng 0 1 by t h e .n~t,on _qui ck ger m ination.

llTJ:.< m ay ,·ny S ;) . tlie ,vi·i·nkles i·n t l,o ' ·lack k i"d . 'l 'J,e i·e of mois tur'O. If the lower l ayers be There is much d iver si ty of opinio n ' l.'ho cap tnin looked g ra,·e. "lfc is ah·.o a fricntl 0,r ours _ or "My clea r ,' ' Mrs. Husto n was say- u 11

tl d 1

th t "l kno w," he answ •red. " jus t li t- · t d 1... 'cl ~'[l's. in n· ., 1.0 wi ll I.Jo ll o me by the ne..xt wns in her rJcineonor an ai r of cnpa- ~c sc:t _e , llnl _ o tipp •r ·wo rcga1xl i11g nurse c rops , Jt is common

1 11 l I my s r,, er on mrso 1· sai Jl ,,. b lo ,1 ttettl1-011, sometli i·ng bo·t i,rec,1 1

1 rnchcs 1_n tho fon_n o f a clry m ulch_ , to sow onts, about 11 IJushcls pe1· t c noug h to be U J e to rep y t,at 11.'u s ton cn lmlv. uun t i f he c:tHl t·aisc t h e m oney. We • ·~ h f

1 1 11 I !, now 1. 0 . hing when people no mo She hnd quite recovered h er cquan- cu.i n o t count on rn oro th a n. fi week 's thnt 1, ccol·rJ etl b y a gene ral to his; t e mo1s-t,urc conung r:om Je o w Wt 11.el'O, a nrl cut ·tho oats just us they tl10 honor of i nquiriug; anrl jus t s uf- s ta, t ." a idc-de-t·amp 011 t.hc fi •Id of battle, b o a 1Test«l £tt tho porn ~ wl!o,-e the urc h eading out. ' rh is mi1,kcs a good r.1c·1 t to fne[ tl, o.t yo,,r fTa ,· ,·s h _1-0 in, ity l,:v ro w, uwl t l~c pink colo r , · d D 1 " h 1 1 1 t It 1 1,

5-, r a ril,y seed ts n lacccl for gcrm 111at1011 and qualit_v o( oat ha.v un'fl gives " e n . c a « col o r t, n:1 Jcft hc•r ch L'C~s. ·· Anrl, " rnqu1re rcnc a, can o anr t 10 ,.cen w u .c 1 u I c :s o - 1 • , •

be t t c,· left un tl iscubsccl by us ." "I- )ia,·o known h i m," said Lho rai ~e tho money?" si~inn \\·h ilo h is patient speaks. the r esul t will be an abunda n t sup- y., A PROFI'l'ADLE CROP " l s uppose, " she mun nurcd, "t.hat cuptnin con ve,·s .tionully, "for rno.ny •"Oh , yes ! Jr li e can get so far as " Theo , " she s uid conversationall y , ply of food cont rnuai ly / 1·ought to ,f~·om lbe alfalfa r, •lei the, fi i·st y l'ar.

g ossips ha ve bee11 thras·hi q f tho y ars n o w . Soon ,tflor he mado his the st<>urnboat oflico withou t spen d- " would be '-' g"cat comfort t o us. th7 rootlets o f t he p a n . •:L:ettrng t he outs grow ooyond tho w)lo!o q ucSt ion out wit h tbeir cus- 1 arno he went out to tho Eas t with ing i t." · n o is so steadfast ano so on tir ly · 1(, on thc olher h a nd , tho lOWl'l' bead i 11g--out poi n t is of d ecido cl in-t om.a r y 'lost." __________________ D 1 e ncla looked ut her sister in a re liable. But we must do without layors o f so il wi ll be loose as t.urn- ju ry to t ho young aHalfa. pla n ts,

" l think ," he s aid coo lly , " tha t DR 2

curious way . h im . \-Vo wil l manage som hot·r. " eel up by t h e p lo w , t ho water w ill both in the large amounts of waLet you have <lone perfec tly rig ht in , A, W. CliASf':3 5 "8pcn :ling it on what . " I am horr i bly a fraid, Brenda. It not come nbove tho line o f soi.I,.. that tney r emovo during growth ancl t llu keeping yourself quit apart from ~-, CATARRH CURE,

11 C. Ali l c'?'' has just <.:omc to me; I have ncv01· has been broken i n plowing, a nd the lc.:5sen in g Of tho ltv'ltilu.ble plnn l

the r est o f t h rn." ..., , "()n,-'tl i ink! " fe lt it l>efore. Y ou seem to take it young alfalfa p lant is liable to d ie r I 'Th I · , .. _,_ "d I h sent direct to tho dl,e:,se<l

1 - OO<. o su.n-,e i s in1e to a grouter

"I arn g ac , =10 sa1 1umbly, ~ fiar ts by the Im;,rovcu lllo-.·er. J\irs. l Tll s ton was not tho w oma n so serious ly , a tid ... and ex- from d ro ught and exh a u stion . o\· Joss extent o f a ll n urno crops,


" l hat my s ister will be at P ly- eals the ulcers, clears (htnlr to CQI :ccal a ny of b er own g- riev- IJOCtcd to find '.fheo at home.". lIBAVY OLA y LANDS. pc~ially if ihoy are allowed to ap-mou th to m eet me." p,ssage-s, stop, droppin~s in the onces r1·o111 quixo tica.11,v un£elflsh 1no- " 'l'heo i s one o f the e nc1·gctic men JJro,-,ch inaturi ty ..

1·n sucli cases t ile"

"Did y ou, " inquired t he sailor, lhro•t and

perm•n• 11111 cures of bi·ain~ who have their o wn a r- should be p lowed deep the previous " " Ca1Mrhan<ll-layFov•r. Blower lives . ~ take so 1nuch moisture nncl l'o1·tilit.)I "wl'i te from Port Said to Miss G-il- e. All dealers, orDr. A.W.Cli ose l_' r e ni:l a t h ou

0,,.ht for so 1ue momen't!:1 fai1s 'to attend to," sai.d Drnnda, in fall, fo llowed by u t horough U o-0 Of I

'- • l lw.11 1 c T ~ fron: tl;Jc a lfalfa t hat o. fa ilu re o , ,olme?' · cne o., oron,o an<l Ba~ bef\ll.:! replying. her cheery way. , "'l'{e are n o t his t he h tu-row in 1,h~ s1,ring. · 'l'J1e al-S he rlliSod l,o.r h ead with a quo& ------------------ '' ' [' he 11 " •h o sa ·rcl 'Lt lcngtl1 •v1'tl1 afTu.·, ,·~·. 1Jo 0 1' des , as I mentioned be- t e rna.te frost and t hawing du rfo·g··· the t ha cr op lllOSt wanted is not m,•

ti · · b t d "d 't J 1 • • · ' • • ~ ~ • 1 common. Perhaps tho one condi tiou onrng arr, u · 1 no oo c up. m e, ond we struck up u h'ionrl sbrp. some lctorlllinalio,1, " we mus t mo.k fore , l10 is in Dulgaria- in Ins c e- wintc1· sets free :muc h p lant food , " M " G ·11 l " ' t ct JI · t I k · Where a nu rse croJ) is necessary i~ 1ss 1 10 mo, s ,ie rep a e - o 19 no a lll;Ln w 10 111 11 ·os many :llll)r o 0 r, o1.n· s to.rt, if, t ,io.t i s , y ou moot,, in the , n Licls t of conrusio,n, in- and makes tho to ugh clayey , soth

"Io d k !10 ?" f • 1 T · · " whoi·c very li f>'ht, soils are subi'cc a 1 w o YOll ·now r n ame n on,"· ,_ ""n,g-1nc. are st il l cle lcnnineU to lc u.,·o h i m ." st11Toctioo, war," n10 1·e g rantJla r and easier to work "' ','Oh," laugl1ed ·Uie captain, "I a m "Nn,'' 11wr1n t..-cd Jlfrs. IIu:ston, in ,.1 IT t l o k . ... t "l.lut ," ro'iJoated Mrs. fllui>"'ton , 1-11 , spring, , but whatevei: tho n:-\ - to heavy wind:;. In such a case thu

't f U · cl· t 'I' h · -'-' rs. u s· o n was O · rng uown n · f n ur se c1·op m ig·lit u ;•J"i n hold ing th" a. so,· o wa u n g ircc ory. cro 1s 1:i. voice wld ch itnplicd tl1e;t t ile s1.1 b- he r s is1er-'s neat bl ll.ok dross, about \dth t1.ggravating unconS1C1ousnoss o · ture of t he la nd, it m us t bo t hor- " • a constant procession or men and jcct was 11 ot dista s t eful to h OI', but w,Jici1 t here was a s ubtle a ir 0 r r &- the o bvi o us vnnity or hor words, 011g hly prepared by use of harrow, soil a nd p rcv9n~ uncovering Lba \V()lmcn passing before me . Many of ~he p r •ferred h ct· companion to tnlk fi n d lu,xury , which see,us naturnl t,o "suppo se I te legrn.pbe"d for him'/" · r o lle r , o r planker,' or t her e will be young a lfalfa plants ; but t hc gen• them turn a side and say n. fe w while she lh.1.onod . some wo men , mid p art of t heir be- Jlrenda la ughed , nnd s ho olc hot· m uch labor lost, and small r etu rns oral tenden cy seems to be towards wor<ls. S ometimes we finl:I mu t ual " Dul," collitinuc it the ~n.i lor, ing. head. for year s, from t h e poor stand so- dispensing w ith tho nurse crop. a cq ua inta niccs, somelimos only mu- " lhmc who tlaim him a s n friend " Ye., , yes, I s u ppose we mus t . By " I have a melanchol y p resenli mcnt cured.. If t h o alfalfa has been sown on luul interests. Sometimes thoy have fill unw.rnul pri vi lege. H o is the way , dea r, ~-ou in m o u rning t ha't if you telegra phed for him he T h e young a lfalfa p lallt needs heavy so ils , nnd there s hould bf pass by o.gain, anii ou occas ion we what we Yag 1:cly c u ll at sea. a . ... for whom?" would not com e. There is o. vulgar w armth nnd u,ois·ture, a nd · is v ery rai ns b efor e the yo uu ~ plants s11011. become fri end s ." "good'' man - o. man upon whom "Fol' Admiral 'Wy lie," replied but weighty, prov<!rb abou t making s uscoptiblc to frost, and cold r ains themSc!YOS, there i s JiL\bl c to be a

"'I'h cn y ou have not me t her?" i t is safe to p lace r e liance i11 li.ny nrcn'cla po.tiently. o ne·s own b ed , whi?h ~o 111.i ght r e- are , •cr y r etanling Jf there is m ois- crust formed , t hn t tho young p lantli "No - I n ot ha d that p leas-- emcrgeucy , 11 n.der ull d rcumst,nncos." " l lut it is two month!;l--is it not? coimnc ni:1 t o o ur notice . - · cannot·· penetrate. In su(:h cases . o

fire. " "Yes ," the Judy softly , ' I I d 1" tu rc in tho ground , i t m a y lle sown 1· I t I . . II l h - s imc his dcat,h , a nd lie was no r e- "'!'he n 'lhco mu st ,ave c 1ange . any time from when oats sown, 1g1 1a rrow111g "'' oo!>-cn t, o

"It is n. pleasure, " said t ho beau- 'l"h e so.i i o r wns into1..-u ptocl by the lati o n . 1 thin k it is urwucc··s ary. nrendo. rai~od her roiind, b lue eyes, to t h o middle of August. J.n n o,·t,h- crust, nncl sorneUmes suvc the c1·op ~=============================:--.,:,_,e,_,:, __ =--:---~=--~- JJlack is so melancholy, though it a n d glanced side ways o u t of t he ern localities it is n ot well to sow from ,'nrithc r ing . ·e I d . w t sui t s. y o nr figure," win,dow. She was p laying idly with nftcr the flTst o f Au•gu'St, as t he Alfallfa will usually need to be run ' 00 Is a e ry "I am liv ing with Mr s . Wy lie, " tho strri.p or the so.sJ1 , tapping 'tho plant will n ot make suff1ci.on t gwow t h o, •e r with tho JllOWe1· seYcral times Drc nd a. cxJ)lu inco with uncon sci o us back o f hc1· hu.nd wilh i t . to fo ,·:m n p i·o tcct ing' mulch 1.o s he!- to keep t h(• weNls down . Tho mower i10 11~· . "Arc you s Ull determ ined "Th eo," s he observed indifTercnlly, k·ni fe shoul d be set hi g h , tl.llcl tho th t t J- ' t i . " 1·s tl1e ,·nca1·no•·1·0 11 of stco.il1·,.stness. tor it during the winter. This bei ng d t f h I o. y ou cun no 1YO w1 1 y our pus- .. , " t · th I t t b 11 d wee s Cl.J so• o ·ten t at t 1ey ma_y

I h S B bancl, A l ice?" "Ho hns not changctl in any pcrcep- wanf m ~, I -~ pan JDust · 1, ·o a ow~ bo allowed Lo 1:muuin o n tho ground n t Pr I n g ":My d ea r, he is u bruto! I um t ihle w ay. J3ut he is , bcfoi·e n il to UJ'TIJSkll 1cs o_w~ ])~~l ~c 10°n, or i t withou t smothering' t ho young e . not an impulsi ve pe rson , b ut I think eh u , a wu.r corresponden t. I caru,ot w ill quic Y wrnce i· 1 · n laud plant s. ~ m e cxp~~r t,s mo w the a l­

thut. if he ,·h o uld catcl1 m e a gain, it imagine th a t an y o ne sh ould pos- thut is weedy, a n curly sowi ng is falfo. thr ee o r fou t· times the first is very probable that I s•houlcl clo sess tJ, e 1wwe r of drngg-ing him away prefern.blc to prnvcnt t h e weeds from year , even when there arc no wccd!J

Is Lacklns the Essential, Life-giulng Principle which is Best Obtained

So•ne't l11·ng cle~·po,·,,to - k1·1 1 mysel f, fro1u the sca t o f war. " g!c'ttiog an undue start, and not only t . 1 h ' ~ · 1 tt If If I a s t 10 pnmrng· sc ms t o ma co t e

or s o methin g of t hat i,0 1·t." Mrs . Hus t o n smileu vaguely for smot icr 10 yo ung a a a p a nts, p lant more vi gorous. If the cu t ting " l do not ·think," ob~-c 1·vcd Drcn- h e r ow,, salisfaction . Her irnugin- b ut a l so r ob them of the s upply of f d d

I , h o the wee s , has been ,rng lcc te un• da serenel y·, " tl1° t yo u ,1,ou1·c.1 eve" at1·c)n ,vus a J) J)urnntly capable of water, whic 1 is necessary to t o al-1 " • ti! the g r owth "is hcu.vy, they niustl by the Use of' kil l y o urself. " greater t,hing s . It was rather to be fa lfn, and tho growth once s topped , .

The b r a1Jtiful w oman l a ughed in deplored that, when !.'h o smile d , the tho w eeds soon shoo t ahead . be \~ke<:1 orrtl th01lf:)Lln ctN t o ir~veni

J. 1 t b ' J ex·1J1·e,·s1'ou. of h or· be,,11t1''ul fncc w" s In t he South , where t h e w i nters smo - 0, t·rng · io a n a. 0 s ·o ' 0 a n casJ·, 1g 1 some way, w tc 1 was ., L •• .. J d 1 1 ) b 11 l() l o ne of her m any s ocia l gift,s. It wa:; wJ,a t 111 ig ltt (by a t nle' fdena b ehind nre l ight, tho locality fr1o m wh ich · 1111·" .un s iou c O a ow~ on u. -sucli a p lcasunlly infectious l u ug b, her hn,ck ) be callod a trille vacuous. the seoo comes is or llu t l ittle im- falfo. t he fir'st year of i ts g r o w t,h

Dr. Chase's -Nerve Food11 The tired, l a nguid, a.nd (.loprossed

feeling s which come with spring a r e lb-c outwa 1'<i in dioation of t h e wcak­~n,o,cl condi-tiun of t:he LJlood and t he ,ow s late of vitality.

,. : Wl1011 t he blood- gets thin· and wat-' ,ry t he wast e of t h o human body is ln101•c rapid than t he· process or r c­k:ons truc tio u . G r~dun lly the a ction ~f tho ho,wt grows wbakcr a nd w-cak­~r . the l u11gs do no t work to th~ir !full cap0;ci ty, the s tomach , n.nd other ~igA~tive organs fai l to perform their d uties, a nd t he r esult is nil sor tl! of bodily d e"t·ments.

Ac hing h ead, di zzy spells , i ndiges­tion , fl'ol ing-s o f weakness a.nd rle­fllpoudcucy, luck of oner,gy t o per­for111 the du:ti cs of tho da)', loss o! a p.pc.,t\te, faiUng m em ory and power !or con"cntrat iug th e mind, irritnbil­,i t y , 111•1•·..,usnc,;,, , · anq,. slooplessines~ !fµ,e umong t,10 symp.toma which dis-

SO Lltte l l . I t l tt d ,d s "'l'.'.Jn 11·1·~te," continued the younger portance, uncl ~o loJlg as i t i s clean, a n cJ the fall g rowth should ~ treS'S vou , and all can ·be avoidt•cl by . _r Y_ 1s 1·- .1en · e • _an • 0 c~ ~ " o t he stu o cut J • 1ea cl, 1 t s · vo t ·o f .n1111 g s ·1·sto1·, ( "a vory good ar• ic lc the oth- 1Jlu1n11, well r i1;cned , a nd new, it 11. t 1· pa n r · tho use o f Dr. Cha i.'O's Ne1--vo Fool!. · ' · ·" _ n 1 ca r 11 0 " 1 up ~

'l.'hoi·e is 110 prepna·a,tio n to be com- awkward pa.urns. er day , whi ·h came j us t withln the will give good r esults. pu.rod to Dr. Chaoo 's Nevve F o od as "No, p e rhaps n ot. nut in t be limi t s of m y un ders tanding. It was As n r ule it is best to obtnin seed

meantime, w)1at is to become of m e? upo n tho dl1.ngors of alliance; o.nd no from t ho same laLitud o, Ol' a little a spring · re

s torative. It does n ot .Will Mrs. Wy li e take me in fo r a c.1a.Y I s howed .t)1at. an ally who, in a ny one n or th o{ tho p lace whore ,tho seed atirnuhttc a nd so whip t l\e organs o f .

o r t wo , or sh a ll we seek Joilgings? I wa y , might at s ome t irne prove -~1s- is to be sown, and i n this we arc t he body t o ov·or-exr:rtion, but by ho.Ye some m oney, on ou g il to lf.LS•t a a.dvantagcous , 1s better a vowed fo llowing the rule that applies to

enriching t h o b lood , ittSt i ls n (lW month" or so ; but I must h tLVO two from 1ho Cirst pa.1't. Tt wus a,,r opos o,t,her l:lee'd , as \-vh:C'at, ba,rley, etc.

vigor in to th

c n<Jrvos a n d bull·ds up ne w dresses ." of the 'l'urkish-Ch ristian subjec'ts Old seed shou ld not be used , bu t l'­thc w ho le sySlcrn . JJy n o ting your " Mrs. Wy li e h a s J<in clly a id t.ha t welcom ing a R u ssian invasion . It moclorate ,age is no d 1·awback . Jf incn:ms e in weig·ht whil-e using t h ts you can ,;\,n:y a s lo ng- o.s yo u l ike. seems to me, Alice, that o ur Pos i- t h e se d is p lump nncl. we ll ripened g rou t food cure you can JJrovo t h a t 13 t A l . · il · th · t i · tl, ach r u , iCO, it wou ld never o to t ion 1s n , - er wi iin ° re o WITUOU'l' S 'l'ACK .IlURN, new, firm flesh n nd tissue is bei ng stay in London. You m us t get t hat a•·g-u mcnt." acl'Cl-c·d to t h0 ho cly. away t o so me s n1,1 ll p lat.c o n the " Be ing o. soldier's wife, I rio n o·t i t wi ll keep well fo r several year s,

To nwaken tho liver , inv·i·got,ate sea coas 't, o r somewh ere wh <' rc ,you know rnnch about mil itary m utters: bu t da rk, :shrunken see-cl i s a l iyays t i'.e kidneys and reg ula t e tho bowel9 , wil l n o t bo u lt<'•·l.,- IJoi·ctl , anrl keep but it Sl'ems 10 rnc th o.t n, retreat pooi·. use Dr. Ch ase 's Kiduey-Livcr P ills. in )iicling- ,mtil h e con:es i omP, nncl should lJC sufcly cu \'e : od nt all T he nuw seed is of u. bright yello w A ll deale r s , 01· E 1lmnnsot1 , Da t es & J can Jii;d out wh ll.t h Inten ds to cost s . " color, hut aflcr t he fir~t yeur grows Co., Toro11"to . To prot'rct ·· you d o." " Xot n.t a.I I co,sts," s;, id. Brenda rlarke r i n colo r . If i t is dark, a nd a g•ui nst imitation.iii the pur1,rait u nd "My d Par, I s lrnll 1,0 utlo ·ly !Jorc'd s ignificnn tl .,·. Jf r colo1· h ad ch ang- s hows s igns o f mold. it sh ould be s ignature o f Dr. A.. W. Chase, ' the nn,vw c · c- except in l.o:i rlon . nut

I en. ,, 11 11 thc< ro_ was n wn.Yc o f p ink di sca nlcQ. It s·h o u lcl be · clean a:icl

fe,rnous rec-eipt book (LU t.h o r , on l kcnda, tell me ... , ·o u hn,·c g-o t . s lo wly rro·•nt 1,·g o , ·c r lier . free f1·om roreig-n seeds . .

DISPOSED 'l'O DE F AHL ~· ' I " Aud n ow, Raebel , ' ' the yo llng

man said , ::itancl ing er ect before her,' "I shall upon the return o( t h e diamond ring I gave · y ou." ! "Certainly, Mr. Higginsidc," sho ro.. pl ied, taking r, pastcbonrd box ft'Gm. th e mantel-piece and holcli11g i t ou~ to him. " Pick it ou t from this col-, Jcction of en gagemeut ri ngs, if yo~ ci,n l o ll which fa you rs, nnd take' nnothe r one ,or two, J\fr. Higginsicltl;· for inter s t ." '.

cv.try box of uis re1aecli·ca. !ntn " trnhi J-. o f L ,1:_;., ,,. " ,.. ,.,,11 .. 1;1.- ,. i /' l'o Be 'Cont it1t:ed) . S avi ug-· expen ses by u sing .a.

Van rudi Ltm is one of t he r u rc m tals, being wort h 5600 per pound . When: m ixc.-d -with copper, i t h as the p r o°' pert,v o f ullo\\'in!,; , t he a l loy to bl

small . d r a wn int o oxtreutcly fmc wit·e. •p ,/

Page 4: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project





51 per year in Advance $1.25 IF NOT SO PAID.

Transient o r lega l ad\"crtisincnls tnsert~d at the r.ate of 10 cents per line for firsJinser tion a nd a cents per line for ea ch subseq uent insertion.

Bbsiness notices i11serted in local columns fo r 8 cents pe r line e"·ery insert ion.

No adveni,m1ent pul.,lished for less than 25 cents. All advertisments measured by the scale of solid

.nompare il, 12 lines to th e inch. Advcrti ·m cots ·without spcci:11 di roctions will be

inserted t ,11 fo rbid and cha rged :iccordingly

The Story of Jllornln,: 'ilredu~k8,

l s tolcl by im puro blood, po'>r d igestion, eluggi&h li rnr and tired nerve,. It is fl.

w1<111ing of r c ry serio us t, oublo ahfa<l, an<l should p10111pt s~11silile peo,, le to tRkc a br:icing to11ic like F e11 ozone, an energe tic iul' i!.!01ant and rebuilde r. Fer­r, zone will give you a slmrp appetite, pro1note good diges ti o11 and evuntl s leev ; it will f •ed and enorgize the ei.feebled orga ns, strcmgtben the uervs:, a ud ,·ital forces Rnd rc•gulR:e th o h eart. Ferro­zone chan~es , hat tired feel i11 g into ,·igor st1engtli and amhi1io11 1 and d,,e: it quiuk ­ly. ltP.JUemhct the nan,o. ~nd in~ist 011 having- 011I)' F c rroz,,nc; it ' s the bes t tonic 111:icle. Price 50c. ver box. or 6 bnxes for $2. 50, at U11 lstors, or N. C. l'olrnn & LJo., Ktn!.(tnn, Ont.

Hamilto11'~ Pills Cure Constipation.

The Sprlni: Aulzes.

The Spring Sittiog11 of the H igh Court ot Ju,tice (witl, jury) opened at Corn,rnll on 'l'ut,sday o( lal!t wnk befo1c Mr. Justice Fc111uson. ·

His Lordship addn•ss~d the Gran~ Jury at cnueiderable length. poi111i11g out their various duties ,llld explaininK tlm l:iw bearing cu the case11 to come befort> the'll.

Tl,e followi ng gentlemen composed the Gr11r.d .) ury :.

James Ulackwoud. Jolin Blackwood, David Gr:uit, Hugh. McMill11n, Don11ld l>1ck1mn, John McDiarmid, Johu Johu ­~oo, John R. Camp!,ell, Chas. Farli11ger, Hu1th Leitch, Hiram Alguirf', Guy Shav­tr, James :\lax\\'ell.

'fhe King vs. Ackland - This was n chugo vf rape, Vor<lict of not guilty. I Hilliard for tho accu~ed .

The King vs. McCulloch- Tho ~ CCU ·

Bed l,1d been charged at the l,~s t ass ·z,•s of lioel by 1:xhibit1 11g a 1111.rriage !icer•se. He w-'1s soot to J3rockville As) lun, l>uL has 51r1 co bee n pronoun cod SdllO. Let go on suspeud ec! sell ' euce.

Link "'· L ane- A,. action for m d­procticc, wher., the pb:otiff allersca llp,t owing t<' the in~proper trcatriient of a hau<l tl1at had bc.-11 i11j urctl h e has lost thu use ol it. Tho doctor lrnwe.,.c r, claims tl,at so far as bis W OJ k waR conceroed it was <.lono prop,·rly, l:,u\ owiug to tlw plaintiffiusistiug upon ca1ry1P.1? bis :irm in a sling, although f11rbitldw to tlo so il1.1: . 1hc doc' or re fu~ed to d~ au1; thing furtho, 11 i1h th e c ,t~e a11d rn cuusequcncc of I he non u, n of t hti hand _ir, Lecarue s tiff. A nio11 diemiSSf'd II iti, cn ;;1~. L e itch Pringle & Ca meron for P1ff; Maclennan, Cline & l\'l;iclennan for dofcndant.

Bowen vs. 1,ue;h:in - Action a.rbing out of a lease . R eferrecl to L ocRl l.\J astPr f or trial. I r wrn IJil !ia rd for Ptff; l\lac­len11an, Cl ine & Macl ennn.r: for defendant

. J\l cA11h11r •·B. Aluxtndllr - A 0 t ton fo r a ll account. R0crr,'d to Loc~l !\fa ter tor tri a l. L eitch. l'r iuglo & Carnerou fo r Ptfi; i\l acltiuu:i n, Cliue & !Ha lenuau for defell <bn t.

J ;i rvis \'S. c,raner- Act ion to have ib dcc !nred that a r<' C-t:ipted accoun t lor $ 100 on acc0t1nt of µu rclHtRe li10noy was ; int au a r t of tho plaint ;ff aurl t o h ave it declared Oil Liuh:1lt o f the llefendaut, that lw is entided 10 hav,.; the ag1eeme at fiP I ou: i11 the recei pt , p, c ifica lly enf11rc~d in prog nJ~R \vh 1:1 11 guing to press. G. F . S!wi,ky, K C., J~ruo-; Lei tch. K . C. a nd J. F. Orde for plain t iff. George Watson, K. C., and James J.Jingwcdl for defen­dant.

Cheese Ilo a r <h.

Lanr,1s tcr, April 2 L - T he cheese b J:uds met . Messrs. H odgson JJrns., James Alexa nde r, AyPr & Co., nnd L ovell & Cbrist111,t~, of )lontreal, h,~d buyu·s prtSen t. 'f1Je1 e wa • 178 cheese b oarded, nil wh'itP, of "h ic h l ua were i:;old at J 2! c; 25 were held fur l,igber prices. Me8 rs. I-Jnclgson ~l'CL1rccl 69; Alexander, 56; and Lovcll ,rnd C hdatm,\s 26.

Winchester, April 2-1.-At a meetiui; o f tile chccsc bo.trd I.J ere 2i2 boxes were olfered for Rale, 25 colorecl;b:llaoce white All sold ,it 12ie. Buyers present : Gibson Ault, We ir ;11,d :Log,111.



Paine's Cel~ry Compound The G,-eat Sprlui, Me<llol:1e,

The claim that r a ine's Celery Com ­pound i8 the on ly honest mediciuo in the world for the cure of rheumat ism. oeu r­algi111 n~rvou s Rnd blood diseases, is fully borne <fut by the stro11g and con ,·111cing letters of testiruony recci ved r.onst,u1tly by tho p1oprietors of the popular mec'i· r.ine. Nothing else h as ever possessed au~•thing Eke the powers of Paine's Cel ­ery Compound to restore a l-calt hy ner ,·ous touo to the eutire body and to cleanse tlie blood, making it impossible for rheu­matism,' neuralgia nnd other, trou'bles to find a lodgement ill the 1ysteru. .Minis ters and professional m en :;enerally, newspaper men, public offic1als and all br11in workers. meo whose daily outlay of vitality, because of hard trying anx;oua wor~ is C"-Ceasive, find rcnewo<l nerve strenl(lb an<l vitality in. Paine',, Celery Cnniponnd. General William \V. H .. nry Aq1ericau Cousul in tho city of Quebec aays: ,

"It i:i.,,s me great pleAsure to ·iu.dorst Faiue'11 Ctilery Cumpouud both on ac count of the results obtamed froru person-11 l use of the remedy o.ud knowledge of tl1e rem1\Tkahle cures it h&11 performed . J '>t>licve it has no equal in coring disease• ol the net vous aystem and building up th011e wlio ue weak and out of health. lt has cured several fri,mds of rtJine of rheumatism in its worat, anci I ha,·e no lre1itnaey in r1:C<'mme11rli11g i.i, to all atDicted with t11111 dise&11t!."



IN EXA.KINATIONS. The following dt>grees h.' been

grar,ted at Queen·s Univergity: Degrees of M.A.-L. Bolton, Portland

S. L. Grey, Atheus; W. A. Jolimiton, Athens; S. G. McCormick, Lyn, f' H. )lacDouga.11, Maxville; J. H. Philip, ~Iorrisbnrg.

Degrees of B. A.- :Marie Tiyrnes, Cnm berlaod ; A. IL Cameron, ~torrisburg ; Annie C. Dingwall, J. DiDg wall, Al. Oingwa.11, Corn_willl ; F. Fanlknt>r, Wil­li funsto wn; K ,,the rine M. fl. McConkey, Bro9kville; Tt. A. il:l cL t>a n, 8 initli 's Fall~, I3. J S illlpson, Pete rborough ; Willi .lm· d ta:w 1:esc, Pr in broke.

Tcst,tmnr~ iu Thcolo::ry - W. F . Craw­ford, B rockville; A.G. ~focK innon, B. A. Ottttw:1 .

Bacli~lors 0f ScicncP. - In mining Engincering.-J. C. B:1ker, O ~na bruck Centre.

The fvllowiog is a partrall lis t of 1!1e ad­di1i,,na l h onors a s announced at Queeu's University :

Bachelor of Divinity-Rev. J . A. Mc­ConntJII, lJ A., llLJrto,.; \\'. F. C1awfunl, B.A., Bro~k,·ille.

SC IJOI.ARSII IP S. Chernistry- 0. )lont>1 11 m ery, L :wark. Mc.L•nnau (Grrck)-G. M . R oddick,

Lyndhurst. Brue<.> CarruLhcr3- R. B. i\·l cKay, Corn·


Sarah J\lcCl~llantl Waddell $1 20- W. l\fac ln11i ; , U.A, Vankleek IJ°il!.

The Chirncellor's, $70 - 1'. C . B ro wu, Mattland. . ·

Toronto, $60 (Second lll'hrew)-J. N. Beckstedt, U.A ., Uheste1 vi lle.

St. Andrew's Church, Tnrontn, 850 (.Ojd aud New TestR.ment Exegeais)- C. C. Whiting, M.A, T"ledo, Ont.

~IEDA LLISTS. L:ttiu-P. F. ,¾.uuro, H.A, Kina:ston. German-Gcnrude Hewton, M .A,

Kin)(Stcm. English - SterneL. H. Orey, M.A.,

Athens. Hilltory- '.\leta Newton, B.A., De er­

onto. Philosophy- James Wallace, M.A.,

Renfrew. Botauv- E . J. \Velis, Dvuck'~ Hill. Miueralogy R.nd Gcology.- L . L. Bul­

ton, l\1.A. , Pv11land.

Mr. J\loCuRker Cancel.

Prescott county h,,s l o t ()ne of i ts hrgcst and most progressi ve f,1rn1ers in th e 1w r::1011 of Mr. D ::i uie l Mc011;;kcr, ,J Alfn)d , 1d10 h,ts mon,d to the we~t to t ,1ke qr r,isi.Jence a t Ticgina. l\l r. :ll c­' nsk ~r il'ld fur m:Lny year:; hecn fort ·

mo tin the affairs i n the l'C11111ty and wo n tile esteem anrl resve.ct nf a ll cl:Lsses. He scrrnd as a county councillor and w:is ,dso warden nf the U nited coun~16s of Prescott a nd Rus ·ell, positions whic h he fi lled t o tli e entire !>,ltis faction of th ose be r0prcse.nted. H e w 11s kn own as the "lrny killg" <,f th,} Ottawa valley, being cx tensivlll,Y engaged in thu e xpnrt lrny tr:trlc. His bus tn l.'!:lS b roug ht him frequently to tbe Cflpi ta l wh ere lie 11:Ld n,a ny friend :;. On the e \'e of )lr. ~lcCnskcr':; departure hi~ fello w citiz,~ns ,,f the towu~l1ip of A lfred nnd ot her~, prC'~enkcl lii111 wi t h ti h ,tndsomc gold head t•d cane accorup:tni.:-cl hy n flatte rin ;:: adrlress exprt'S$ive of sentimen ts of ~011cl · will. l t wag :1ck11owlt:dgcd in a suitable speed1 liy tliu tx-wa rden.

Mr. ~l cCuske r has 00111,;ht ,, s plcnd~d fa:·m on1~ mi le from Ht•g tn ,L ,11:d the proµi;1·ty"along wi t h the i1nple111cnts has cost hi 11 1 $22,000. He inte nds going into farming on an ex t<.-ns i .,.e sea Ir.

Silvor l\~c d J Jng.

On Good Friday Honin!.!, April 10th, fl. very eujoyable tim.e W'IR spC'nt at tlt e hc,rne ,,f M r. and l\'lrs. Ed ward Baker, of '·Cu,br Ou n,'' Winc hester, tlrn t clay be­ing tllc 25 th ann ivc, sa1y of tuc ir mar­riage. About 60 guosts were r,r~s~nt. ru,\11y o f whom l.Jad tho ple:isurc of wit 11e~s in g- tl1 f ir 111nrriage 25 years :1go, a,1tl Mr. ;111 ,l l\1 ~s. Baker ll'ere 11111.r. '! 1h11 reci­µi ,·nt of a g rea t many valuab!e at.:d use ful pro~en ts.

Aftc:r all h acl partaken-of a sumptuous rt>past rf goocl thi.11i:s, as Mr. and Mrs. Haker know well how to pro,· 1de , 1 h e e,·ening was sµe nt in qames and music, in(e,·epcn,ed with 1\ {,ew a pprop, ia t <.> r o m,u ks, conizratula1 ini:( them on thei r ptosperity, 11nd wiohiug them nJany havpy t·cturne nf the prese nt oc assion, to which l\lr. H,1kcr su itnbly re~ponde~ thanking them 1Lll for their goucl \,·ishes'.

The :.:uests, before Ie,win!.(, formed a circle, joiuin~ lnnds " 'i•h Mr. and i\11s. Bahr a nd i,ang "l.llest be the tie 1hat biuds," clo. ing \\ith singiug ' 'Auld Lang Syne."

The AJca,ru<ld11. J, trc.

Taesd ay's dis,i,trous fii-e at Alcxan dria destroyed, beside D . D. Mt; :\lil :1tn & S011 's shnJJ ,\nd the l'resbytu1 i1u1 manse. ba rns a nd staul, s belm:~ing to J ohu lllcln1osl11 Angus Ca me ron, E. II. Tiffauy R1:d John Chi,bol111. The resi­d ence~ d E . H . Tiffaoy ,rnd tuc Mis;e s Gr,,ut _were prac1 ically ruined. The total loss, which 1s not lrnow::i, will be fairly co,·e red by iosuranr e.

The ori~in of tbc fi re is u ukr.ow n.

Ulsas:er at Frank N ., ,v. T.

\Vianipog, J\far, April 29- There was a 1·olca111: explosion 11t Frank, N W T, 11bou1 four c'clock this n,orniog. It i , reported 75 people we1e l-illod Tho wires are cio wu cast of F rank, I\Ud the line is , c porteu to bo covered for " rnilo antl a halt east from ten to fifty feet in dep!h . ·

J,·or Kuox Collece, Toronto, April 27 - Tho committee

appointed to chN,se ,. sucr.eesor to tbe la•e R ... v. H1\ll1d:1y Douglas 111 profoHor of apolo11etics and practical traioiug iu Knox College, will reromruend to the Seuate nnd board o f mana~emellt tho name oi Re,•. J. D. Kobert~ou, M A., D.S. C . . of the United Free Church, N .. rtll Berwick. Scotland. The Senate board meet on Thursday, and it is con­fidently oxpecte<l that thi11 oppointment will be made. It is understood that Air. n,.,1,eJ tson will accevt. He is a graduate of Edin!:Jurgh Univerity of 1880.


Miss Aggie Carruthers who h11s been spendin~ Ute winter in Morri1burg and in Uncle Sam's domains ia home.

Remember the Eighth WondElr bolds a mcuthly entertaiment. There is a 11110d thini: aw1&iti111< everyone for \Vednesd11y ever:iui;;, 1\111.y 6.

Mias Nellie Jamieson i. the i,:ue ,;t or her s ister. l\frs. J. A. Shaver of Winche6• ter Sprmgs.

Frank Elliott was in M orrioburg last week.

The f..rm ~rd ,ire l>usy seeding Trul y can it be s1 id, "Th ore is 11 0 rest for the wick ed" and all ow rne. t o adJ, no r thP rig hteo us cithei.

D,>n' L f,,rge t to see thti .;riishman 'a Pa nornma", at G r1y 's S chou! Uou,e on May 6th.

Onr football club is coutcrnplnlini( j oi1,ing a league. \Ve Lawe tho kickers rushe rti t1.'1cl I.Jiu ·k s t ,,o. Go ahe!Ld b oys.

Tho "Tria ls o f a Sch1ol :\listress" a l­ways please the ho1.i crs. [ 011.1 0 and h enr so111e r,f 1hern at tho •·Ei ghtl1 \Voode1. "

\Vhitoe y Clark will appear on the stnge Wecnesdny evening, May 6t h.

~ ' ill Carr wi\~ b orne 1:1 Snnd., y. Margie l'l'rcC!l.1thy never fai ls to exci te

intere,t. H or poellls a,e full ot hu uior and the good old tillle fun .

L '01·ii:m1l News.

V11nmo re Cord ed, a lad of 1G year•, :ind an employee of A. Lax,· Co., u1anu­fuctnn.' rs anrl me rch:1rts, H 1wkeshury, was before Po lice Mag istute Llll'lor ou Tuesday and sentenced t<J three ye·trs in tl1u Heformatory, for ·tealing several gold m\tch!'s and other artic lt!s of v:.due fro m his e tn~foyer. Oscar Leduc, of H ,twkesbury, was ali,o a rrP-sh,d, accused of co1rtplicity1 but in his case judgment was reserved until next week.

,Joseph l::ll'guin, an old and trustc-d employte of the J. L . Bato.!S, L'Orignal i\larble 1rnd Granite Works, dropped de,\d last night ill his own y,ird of lie<lrt. failure.

St. ratrtek's v .. y.

O , tawa, April 25.-l\lr. Hackett gil'es notice th at he inte nds :o a sk if it is the intcntiou oi the Prime Mini, tor to recoUJ­mend to the Governor-Gl'11cral the pro­priety of procb i1Ping March 17 (St. Patrick's da) ) a public holiJav, followit1g 1 he e xample of U is Most Gracious Ma· j eoty the Ki og.

The Torture oi Itching Piles

Mr. John Harvey, Mayor of Arnprior, Ont., s tates:- " Only persons \\ho ba,·e experienced the tor'.:>r<! ,;,f itr hiug piles can form any idea of what I lrcm this horrible disease. 1 was advised to try Dr. Chase's Ointmeot, and can positively say that it has completely .:ured me. I tri.:d very many so-called cures for piles, an I can truthfully say tha t there is no remedy on the face o t the earth like Dr. Chase's Ointment for this purpose. I would not be without it for any amoant of money, ar.d can hc:irtily rcccmmend it to all sufferers, as it is the best thing 1 ever used."

There Are several Imitations of Dr. Ch~se's Ointment, but so for it is the c nly prepara tion extant which is a positive and certain cure for piles o f every form. Y ou can 1·ely on it absolutely, and it i:J only a was te of time and money to try suhstitntcs. 6o cents a box. ~t all dealers. or Edmanson, Dates & Co., Toronto.

Dr. Chase's Ointn1eni

l'R(ZI~ ·wrNNI~ () "" S TA::'<1>AUD-lllt1UJ STALLION. "-

WILKES B. B\' D. :,. D., 2.27j; Hnlf Bro:hcr to !'oily T ., 2.rr+

\.~l 1\l ntnkc th e ~eusou of 1903, h e11l th n11'1 \Vtfl· ther pennltli11g, SU1r ti 11 g April 27Lh 0 11d eu<li n ,r July Loth , AS follows: .. .,

J\I'JtH°!Hv Noo11 , A,·ou more; Night Connles Hros .• Finc h ; T11 csch,y Noo:1. \V111. J--. ' Droppo 'i;.; Niu-ht, :\1 c~l i1lfln tt r,, s. ; \Ve d11 e~d ay a ll cloy ::. t C h stervi ll e; Thursday Noo11, Mike Tl 011 q Jf;011 'c C u·1 11nug lit ; NigJ1t. Richards Hotel rvs,e 1 .... •

Fridny Noo11 , St , Alhcrl ; •Nighl, at 11 01l1t:' ,\, her ~ h e will rt:mniu until M undny 111, ,r11i11g. '

· Oeacrlptlon. WII.K P:S I.I. is o re markab y <IArk C'h es: ni:t

llor:i:::c with hlnck p oi o -ts, ~IP11Us 16 llaads I i 11 ch w eighs .1375 lh-;. aud is a flu e t yµc of the hig-h ~ hred han,css hor- t', H o: p,i;;Re~scs J,.:rea t ~uh. stAn ce n11d ca 1111 ot fail whP n tnalc,t to well bn.d ma cs to p:-orl11c(: 1.µc<:d, H.11d crossed wilh th e o r dinary mn es the pnJgeny will be j11!,t the class of stock 110 w i11 suc h ,:t1e:1t <le:manu a l hig h p rice:; Wilk~s U, wns first sh ow11 nt 1i oxbo r ­i) t1 -"h TownshiJ). Fair i n 1~ .j. i_u l!1c Corr nge C la i--~. P.11<.I carried fi n:t pnz ...: w 1111i111,, fi rst in the :-,pccial l'rize ; w as shvwed n t Re :tou T o w11-.: Ji1p F :-1r in 1895. w111ui11g fi !,l iu the Carringe Citts~. R11d ~ ts;,, thsl 1n th e Special iu 1697. ll c !"_.ts ,.h ow11 ut the St o r1110 11 t. Co unty Fnir a t New111gto11 r., the 2-yenr-Old (.'nrri:., ,.,.e :-- t~ll .io n C!r,&s, ~v i11 11 _i11g_fi rs l al --<? a t R o : t, ,:·ou'gh ·1 o w ns, l11 p hl1r, w11.111111g fir.,;t 111 that C la,s . 111 1 ;)3 h e w a!-- sltow11 al the Cvr11wall l:-":.1ir 1 S t ,JrtHOnl t ·o u 11-~.Y Fair. nt ~e~vingto11, a !1<.1 the H.ox1>vrv 11g ll I ow11slHp Fair 111 the l'.nrr1oge ~ losr-H: t-1, wh ·re !,e st c ured firfll tHizc iu c,·c,v p ince: an d Ht the Central C3nada ExhilJi io 1 :I t ()ttaw3 h e w.-.s show11_ in th t: corriagc 1u ntl:-.ttT clns~, t a ki11 , fir5t priz!! :-lfl rl sc-~11ri11p- th e b '. 11e riUho11 . \Vit k: s 11 ts w ithou t <:xc ptiou t:1 e ha rnlso111c-;l ca r1·1n()'c stnllio11 i n cAn ada. \Vilkcs D. is a pure gnit~d and s hows qu it e:: fl l o l of speed. Thnvgh h e was ucve r trninc<l he ca I m ake qu i:e a ft: w hu s1:e. U is olts a re o l the li11c.:;t in the cotrnlry - n ic~ aw1 ln. q:t> w iLh fine lJ011c:.

Tl~t<i!S:$8 lo ins u re, pnynhlc 1s t Fchr11:1r y 1

J9Q4 •• ~ln.rt:S mus t Ue r t l ':J r 11cd rep.-1ilru ly or per11es wi ll be hclcl re .. po11s1h:t or s::rvic : fee, l:"nrlics dispos:11g of 1\l a r cs Qe fon: fuoii11g t im e wi 1 t,e he ld re~p~m ~ib'c to r ius 11 rnnce ft: . A ll a~ciden ts a t owners n s ,. The h .>n;e is limited lo )(Ooc.l mares o:: ly . c 1,o. HOtJ<.lll , F . m• UNET.

Croon1. r ropric tor , '.\J oos~ ,c reek .


Misses A. & A. Master.son

\Vi s ll'~S 10 aunounce to the L;\dies of

Finch ,rnd surroundiug di,;trkt thnt they no1,· open and ready fur Spring with

a Large and V .. ried Stock of Millinery. All the Latest Novelti~s of the season.

Prices rit:ht. N, lro.tble to ahow s tock.

a:ve us a call and inspect before buy­



:Montreal Market.

Tuesday El'euiug. The cheese 111111 ket w11s quite and

without chan:ie todtiy and pricoa w~re lari:ely nominal at 1 :?:),Jc for eastern anci 12-ac for western. .

The butter market di<l not ncord any further ch:in~e. There waa busioees iu tho Townships to-day at 18Ysc, and the spot price m:iy be quo•ed as it was yes tcrday, at 19c.

The receipts of egl!s to day were 859 t:11ses, fl'l ago.inst 678 yestaday. A tair­ly ac:ivc t rnde \\'as duu e a11<l the toue of the ma rket "as s teady 111 t he rece nt im ­povement iu prices , wi th sales uI No. 1

stock in fair sized lot s at 12~c per dozen antl No. 2 at 11 _½c; with 11ingle cas~s o[ No. I sdlin g at 13c.

Troubled with Kidney Trouble for Six Mon tbs.

Many Men and Women Are Troubled With Kidney Trouble, Some For Less Time, S ome For Longer-No Need To Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time, If They Only Kn.ew Of The Cures Being ?liade By

DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Backache Is The First Sign Of Kidney

Trouble-Thell Come Complications - Of A More Serious Nature.

DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS TAKEN AT THE FIRST SIGN OF BACKACHE WILL SA VE YOU YEARS OF MISERY. Mrs. William I-I. Bank.:, Torbrook Mines, N.S., t ells the pub­lic a.bout the grea t qrntlitics of Doan's }{idney Pills i11 thfl following words :-I wns troubled with kidn<>y trouble for six months, nud hall such terrible pains across my kidneys all the time that I could l,ardly get around. After taking one box of Doan'e Kidney Pm, I began to feel better, end by the time I had taken three boxes I was completely cured.

Price 60c. per box, or 3 t.oxes for tl.25; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Ca., Toronto, Ont.


Sanders, Soule & Co,



Sewer 0 / AND...., ...

CHIMNEY TILE, CEMENT , .. u1111111111111111111111~


• ALso--•---




Chester Casselman The Sanders, Soule & Casselman Co., GENERAL MEnCUANT




Cheap Rates to all Points.

The -.FOR­

Choicest- Cuts -OF ALL KINDS OF-


JOE FISHER, The Butcher,

Chesterville Ont.


Marble and Granite °'VOil,:U::S.

Co11s~a11 l1yo11 h a11d both :\Ia rb~e ttn<l C';r~ nite :\t o 11 u 111c nts o f the lalt.£l D es ibn s a ud n est Q i.:t l · i~· .

" ·c im port Grnuile cln e : t from Abcrd en . !=, o llR 11d, s, 11 .I cn 11 J::,ive c ustom ers W l r :. o l t\sto11· isltit1g l! J,o·w P r ice!-- .

A c~l will cv11v ' 11ce )'Oll lhrt thi s ia t h< p lace to p u rch:.t iC a n y thing iu the Jeud:no ue line.


Farmers' Attention!

·we can a.t prc. ·ent offer

special bargains iu th e follow­


Ground Wheat$ l.20.


Notice to the Public. I have s old out my l\Jeat l\l a rket at

:\1o rewoocl aud I ha1•e

Moved to Crysler I intend to run a. Meat l\Ia1 kct th ere

aud w ill make my regular trip, as be fore. I t hank the p eople of M ore wood and the publ ic gene1ally for thc il' l1be r,1I pat rona~e in tl1c p ast .

I am prepared to :ake in Doarde1s a t m odera te rates. ·Also w:u m meals served .it a.11 hc,t1 rs ; t 10 cen ts. Good house ;rnd lots of r oom.


15 FLOWERIN G BULBS Worth 50 C ts.

Sent Postpaid /or Ou!y


, Daffodil, Yoll Scio11 , 1 Rou1n11 Hy;,cinth., 1oc 1 N_arcis:us, Paper \Vh ll s ... . .. . . . .. , ..... . 4.: 2 l • f ('C$1:'.i S . , , , ..•. . ..... ... . , ... , . . . • , , . , • lS(l 1 D o11hl e Tul ip. Mu rill o............ .... . .. 5,: 2 Si11l(le T ulips, Bette Alliance........... . . 10c

Dyeing and Cleanil1g. ~t~,~~~~'.·::::·.:::·.::·: :::::·:::·:.:: ... ,.. ,~ l P you w ish n nyth inc:- do•1e in the wqv c f itye· 1 sex:

_lngor.-Jea11i11gc:illul t1e l{EC0 •1 uoffice 1or C A BURRIS, - Florist, pr1ces. \Ve are n;rents for lhe w ell kuQ.w u fi:-m • • ofk. Palker C-.tCo., Toron to. MORRIS.BURG.

CHOICE SEEDS. ..... .... --..,~----11110.., ...

CLOVEn. ·· ~ ·.rc<linn1. Red. Alsike. AlCalfit,.. , W-hitc Dutch,

CORN. LougCelloW". Loa1nint:9. North Dakota. '-'Vhi'te Flint,

Comptous Early, Sto,vell's Evergreen,

........ ----~--...... 0 R .C l-J:...c-~ RD G R._'\...S~. RAPE.

Ground Steele Briggs Royal Giant Sugar Beet.

Corn Feed $1.00. Improved Short White Carrot.

Ground Oil Cake $1 .45.

Bran, Shorts, AND THE BEST- ---


Jrl,(]t. ]3sac'h & ~o.




- 11 Farm, Garden :tnd Flower i ee<.ls. -·SHORTS, BRAN AND FEFD FLOlfR.

FULTON BROS. ~~~~~~~~~»:,9,0:,e:9,09,9>~~9,("j>eeao., ... ;i · 6· •

t i~1~·ti~i Barber Shop and Tobacco Store.


iY FIRST-~l!>ji:SS ~RTISTS . . , FUL.L. L.INEIS OF -elGjrRS, TOBfoCCOS, flfES

~J'HJ fobb ffQijjrCCONISTS GOOlclS I have ope·1ec! a B1.tcl1er Shop at Conatantly on

~orewoou and will eodeavor to kot'p on Qtve ~,~u~ .. s~a~!';~:::'ci:::,~;;iday night until lot ol October.


Your ratrouage queeted,

hand all kinda of meat iu @eason.. ~ ii ,cspectfully re- I Horat1· 0 1\8erkley Prop. . I i .lf.l. , Chesterv1lle,Ont I

JOHN SORRELL. I ~~ ~cJ'1(:1'3eceeeifM!eeoe9"eect~'3e~@4!e~e~ee~.a4


Page 5: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project


E. Ilrunet, of Moose Creek, was in A[lril 27th, 1903.

town °0 Saturd•Y· Grantley church is crowded full on W. J. McCut recci,·ed a car load of Sund,,y nights with people from 1111 over

su~ar 00 Wednesday. the country. There will be pr<:aching Mi58 Annie Fulton viaited friends in here on )fay 10th at 7.30 P. M. 'ind

Cry1ler last week. then on every other Sunday. Painter• are busy renovating the in- Rev. )Jr. ,rnd i\frs. Russell of Ctlester-

te, io r ot our station house. ville, were villi ting at Mr. Donald Oor-W. J. l\lcC,m's lights went uncle; a don's last week.

bushel on Tue11day et'ening. Mr. a.nd ~!rs. Wm. Hesson of Osna-C. S. _Nesbitt purcJ,ased a horse from bruck Centrt', were visiting friends here

J uhn Gibson last_ week . . . 011 Snnday J.tst.

Mr: o.nd l\lra. S. lla.¼ci, of llfot' liuctte, I Mrs. J:=ts. Black was visiting at ~Ir. A. were III t own on Tuesday. J C , I t -, a . . • . arr s as o un ay.

Mrs. R. J. Dumbnlle, of Nonll- GClwer, 'J , p ~, f R k ·11 v isited friends here last lfe< k. . ~ :· r . · ~ iave r o roe vi e, wa

The Misses Annie and Mina \V ,.ldri,ff \' ISit tng at home last week. went to l\l axville on Tue, day w!Jore they .Mr. A. C, Fetterly of Cornwall, was have secured positions with l\f r. Ken- here on business la,;t week. nedy. ~[ r. Ed. Collins was ht' rc l llst we~k on

W. n. lfclbe, who l:as bee n i:t the ' 1.JUsincs~. cmp!?Y of tho Bi~nk of Ottllw:i. he1 e,. left f,inu crs will nei~rly filli~h seeding t his for f<111ch on Tue~cl~y. l\lr. Mc~iil!Jn, week ir' the we,1ther coutinues tin(>, but of Alexandria, fil ls li1s place hero. a good rain is badly needed .

A Illgl,t to Judge, PC'1·sons wi,o h,.,. J used Dr. Cl ,nst:'s

Oi 11t11,c11 t lmrc the best ri~h'. t o judge of its ninit s nnd thcru is 110 prcp11rati o 11 on tl1c murl,c t to-day wliic:li is bac ked by ,uch n mass of 11nsolicitcd t ,•stimony. It ( U l'(' S t:l'zcmn, ~alt r!Jcu m and pi les so promptit nnd Ll10Tol1~hly rli:tt people f,·cl it ,i plcnsurc t o n ·corr,rncnrl it to oth er suflu rc1·~- Seo it·slfn1oni11ls ill thu n ' ws­)J:t)h!''~.

Dowen 1·amlly R e union.

Belleville, April 23. ~ There was a . pleasant-family re-union in Tweed, H-1s­

tings county, during the past week, whe n Sir Mackenzie Bowell, c,une up from Ot­tawa to spend 1\ couple of d,,ys witb his ~istcrs, Mrs HeMI and ;\Jr;;. ~1:iry Carrniff and his brother, :\l'r. W. J. Ilowell, ex­postmaster of Tweed. While m town 1\

group photo .vns t:1ken of the brothers and sisters whose 11ges At their nt!xt bil'thdays will be: Sir )fackl>nzie Bowell 80; Mrs. Reid, 78; Mrs. Canniff, 76; rrnd Mr. W . .J. Bowell, 71. These four, sons a nd dat1ghters, came to Canada from their home in Suffolk county, Engli\nd in J 633, with their p,uentR, Mr. and Mrs John Bowell.

Nervous Dyspepsia. -A DISEASE VEilY comuON TO


· A sun~ cu.r.E.

JI.Ir. and :\frn .• fas. Robin son were vis iting llt Finch last, und;1y.

Our salusm,rn cu ntractrri fo r the mont h of Apri l c l1 eresu at !:Jc. A s cheese 11.1~ fallen in price to l 2ic the factorym en arc somewhat pleased with the contraf't.

i\lr. A. B rc,wn was c,1lling nn our school, a.nd as usual, has ad vised the trn~te~~ t o do any amount of 1'0(.Jairing.


G S .. Bishof of Jos. Bishop & Son, (; rysler, was a Fincb vbitor this week.

Ault & Co., have (Jlaced a: Perfection gas machine in their new store and now have thdr preruises lighted by acetylene gas.

J. P. Dlack auditor of the K. & P . ra1lw.1.y, Mrs. Illa ck ,ind daup;hter, wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E, See~• o,•er Sunda3•.

Miss G. Loir, of R~ssell, who ie now in charge of thti junior departmeut of the Finch Public School. entered upon her new du.ies <10 Monday .

Finch i,; quite puttini:( on airs thel!e days wit'1 i111 two banks. No trouble for r"<lple to get all the auoney thev waut if they have the uecessary col!ateral.

J . M. C1tmpbell was in ll'oquois 1his week attending the fuu~ral of .Mr•. H. We.-t. The heroa,·e<l family were former residents of Finch and 1hey h<1ve mauy friends h ere who will be sor ry to hear of tli oir sad affiicuon.

I W. It. McRae of re1 th . late of t he Avounwrn lmrnch of the Ottawa 1.1,rnk hlls arrived in town to repllice W. Wyatt

In a case of Nerv,;ms Dyspepsia a wlJo returned to Cobden on Weduosday noctor secs two thii1gA, first, that the to take a position as accountirnt in th e digestion ia <lerauge<l, 11nd seooaci, tlrat local brituch of the O , lawa tl.nk. t he nerves are ia a stan·ed 1r1 it able Cun 1.1 . f ,1. I-! · 1 t Sh rt' , 1e'e o ,, 1ss enr1e a . t a c

I i'?:brcast of the time,, and in touch of Gra11t ley, to C. Barry uf1

• Chcdt ~n·i ll,' , \\'ith the latest discoveries the doctor is to~k pL1c.; at ~.t. Ilt!rua1d 5 Ch •11 ch~ in sure to advise Fcrrozon<', which i s l!OW I t his l'1ll;ige on I uesday at 9 a. 111. ,_ heL

niversally prescribed iu cases of acute· D. ll. ~JaodunalJ of Crysl .: r o ffici~t1~!!· lndi~esti,,u and Dyspepsi.i. L .. B:11 ry s uppo~tc(I the g rnorn, ;•d11lo

Ferrozone is pro,.>ared specia lly f, ir 1\:11$5 S. She,1 ass1stelL diseases of the sotmach an'cl bowels , arici The · Mei chants B,\llk recived their ~s a sure ::u re fo1 Nervous Dyspep~ia. , new _safe from_ Ne1v _)'.otk l:ist \\'eek und has proved itself a Lh0usa1,d tin,e tu Lie I h_ad _it plric1J_d JU p,1s111011 m~ \V ~dn~fd:' l'· supedor to al l others. 1 lhe11· p1em1~es h,1Ve bceu titted "l' 111 fiu e

\\' !to, e Fen 0z0ne is t.'1,en niter e~ch sh_:1p.i and now have t lie :-1ppt ,1_r~u, ~, of _it meal, it is imµos~iule fur D.r spep~ia or \\ all S11 t'et 8311k1ng hou; c. · I l;e1r bu~1-I11digestio u to exis t. It <lii;e~ts the food I n~ss so far l_1as exceeded_ the uiaLJa5er·~ l,efore it ha8 had 11me ro fermen t in the most s:inguiuo expfctaL1011s aud ere ,y · n111ach, a nd ll>· its ~cgular use 011e tlllog looks bright tor the fu turo.

is enabled io eat aud dri11k anylhiu~ at The licen se b, ,ard for Stormont 1J is-anv t i roe, with out fear of l)ad resttlt s. trict met iu ·c ormltiy 'd Ball oa Tne,<hy

FerrnZc>lltl relieves t hat . di~1~ess in~1 aud .:ccei ,·e<l 17 applirnt!~nfl fo r l ic:-11 se;;. headache, and bun11ng fcel11;ig_ 111 t!Je S ,xtecu we re granted. 11.te Ot1c hceu,o 1toruach pecu'.iar tu dyspepsia. It 1eK· , -:ut off was the third ho ' cl i ,1 l\l nc•, e

' ulates tho actiou cf t he bowel s , kid neys I Cr,k k, " ll wh ich \\'m. IlNnette has b, en and liver; strcngth~us tho uorves a11d th e JHOprii,tor. The Commissioner.s will un kes tho sad looking d i,j ec ed dysp eptic ru cnt here a~ain of l\l ay 2, when the feco fed like a now man in 1w..,11ty- four hour;;. will be r cce il'O!d an<l lice11ses issu ed.

T he general mam,ger of '1 Torouto

1.' bree Jtun111•ayli . Ma nufacturing Compan} who used Fer­rozone witli very 111arked res ults, says: '·The 11traiu of cootlucting a l<11gtl b11si Thrc·c young runaway boys from Ch~s­ness bruui;IJt on a seige of N e n ·ou; ln- ton ·ille landod iu town ou t: ,e b.u111purs tligestiorl about a year ngo, which I en- ,,fa freii.:ht nn Saturday o.n<l wl,il f! wait­dea\'ored io. vain to ~hake off. D oi:wrs ing fur their ''special" to be made ,up here t old me 0 11lv a complete ( tl~ t would cure [nr th.i w.;s t ; took 1\ turn abr,ut t:,e street, me, but llut' being ablo to spare tltc time, Wh ile they "ero dning thu gr~ncl para.cit; I u~eJ Ferrozooe i11str.arl. 'I r, perfeetly t he anxious lather ofooe 0f thcru was

· my good b ea!th in a ~hon l imr. \ 1elephnui11~ 1bc Chid. &!Id in a few mjn­I ha \'e coulide n, .e in the 1u,erita of Forro-\ utes lte cl111d his lynx eye on them. H l' zone. and am ple.1sccl t(1 r .'('11nm~e 1u.l it." ' rounde d thew ·up and lountl that they

What Ferrnzone c 111 do !or you c 1u be were se t t ing nu ; <>n a j ,uruc y of a,hen­beat provP.a by givi1:g it a t1 i 1I. E\'IJ ry turP., tlicir rn1mediatt1 objectfrc point J tliable drugg:st rt1cornooe11ds and eel le beinl,t Vancuu,·er. '!'be oldest, was fittoeu, it, price 50c. " box, or three boxes for the other two thil'tO'!ll. and they Bmokcd er .25. Sent to your ndJ ,es!'! hy m11,il if cig"1ottes aml read )'Cl low norels. The p, ice is forwarded to N. C. P ,,lson & Co. , father of one of them came up anrl took Ki a,::aton, Ont. , he bu'..lch home.- Smitli ',s Fall, ReermJ.


,.-.... - oF < GENERAL 1'.IEHCH-~NDISE,

u ~nally carried in .t fi rst -ch ss Coun try Store 111

Boots and Shoes, and Groceries.

--Having uJd my ~ c:il. E ht and tore- - ·

AT ET....,J\IA~-----,.-l um obliged to dispose, of eniryth 1ng in Stock. <Joods ·\re all n t w and bonght for

Clish, f\D<i 1 will be pleased to give aJI my customers the benefit of DIY exper i­

ence as a Cash Buyer, reg'lrol~ . of profits, ard will take: everything in Farm Prod11cc in cxt:lrnn;;c at Higlic;st ~I Hket Prices.

.,. Come Exp~cting Bargains and You will not be Disappointed.

- H:1,·e in stock a Number of-

New Buggl·es Of MUNRO & ~clNTOSH ~Alexandria~

Which I Offer at Cost.

A rue chance for Intending Purchnstrs. Everything nrnst ~ sold within ll

limited time; therefore don't d e lay, but catch the Barg1ins while they a1e going All booked accounts must he closerl l,y note or cash.



D. Hutt loaded a car of aahes here on Tuesday.

Mr. and ?dr11. S. Johoton wtre in Ot­tawa on l\londay.

\\Im , Bird has resumed work a! the w,11 after several illness.

Mike Willi ,ms is playing hie old po11it­ion on the lacrosse te11m this seasoa.

G. Mc]l-hrtiu, D. Hutt and P. D . Strader were in Finell on i\1oodar cveu ing.

S. Hult will soon l1ave completed a variety of mi lk wa~gous, buggies, elc., for tl.J e ~pri ng trade.

Mr. a nd l\lrs. 0. Grey wore io Crysler on !\'l onday attendinb t he marriagu of tl1e fo1111e1'R ,istcr.

J as. A. P vl luck, T. Aube, E . O uder­ki,·k . A. N 11g~u1, D. Ncph.,w, were in Cvrnwall last week as J n, ClrS.

Au ice c rea m pa: ty \\'lls h eld :it tile home <.•f Mrs. Md', .,e on Tuesa• y · c,·en­in1-,. \Ve uuderstand an erjoyable ti,ne 11·as ,pe n:. TIJe mns1c -:;:is furn ished by U. l\1 cG illiHay anJ E. ( ·urreu.

l\1 1s. fi oua ld \lcLea n is \'r, y il l. Or;.:aniz~r West on Cl ( tho R . 'l'. of T.

11'8S in tow 11 las t week. J\lro. S im John. tun was 1·i3iting frie nds

in l'rlon1rei1 l last \\'ee i-. l\l i~~ Eva l'llcMartin was home from

Sn,itl1' ~ Falls for the liolidays.

Robert 1'Iel<lrum, sr , visited his daugl.ter in Bn-ckville la~t weok.

Mrs. Hawn of Ne 11mc,ton ,·isited her mother, ;\I, s. Buga,·t, la,-~t week.

:Mrs (Rev. ) J. W. McLeod and her son, are visi ting friends in Berwick.

Mr . McDonflkl took lrnr son, "ho is ill, to Montre,.1 on Tho, sday of la•t week.

\\Tm. Ouderkirk aod his l)ro:her, fsa1ah Ouderkirk, •ere in Clarence lllttly. .

Oro, S. McLean of Riverside paid his p1urm,s $1. 12 ½ per hundred for .\larch milk.

Dan Poll,,ck And his brother, Goor1:e spc;ut last wcwk at Fournier with their aunt, MrR. L . D . Johnston.

Alu I\JcKill<>p rec~ntly removed to the Finch ct-meterv the iemains of his taro wife, winch we1e i11tcrred ai the houre last N,wemb r.

Ontario fto•Ji:-et.

Toronto, April 28 - The Ho,1. Geo. W . Ito~s cl,.li,·ered the bu,ll,(et ~peech 111

tbc Legislature th is nf1Mno11n. The proviocia l as~e ts ,i re $7,824,208, ,rn<l S 1 9 39,26:. The ~stin1ated receii,ts for 1903 a,o :ijl4 403 372 , w hich. w it!: the rash balance of Dec. 3 1, 111~kes $5 .~18.-883. T he esl ima1e•I l:'xper.rlitu,e is $4 ,537,,: 18, being ll r 34,000 u1oi-c than the r !venue.






THE PEER. Our lumuer - hard or soft woods-is the peer of any ou the market. There's a good deal in the ''"tick' (the tree siml_)ly barked and squared,) a goou deal more in milling and scaso11i11g - bawling and storing as well. Our lumber sta.nds every fair test, and you should see it before buying.

M F. BEACH & CO. WltJej-iESTE~.


F. E. M. STOCli FtlOD


Two weeks before putting Cows

on Grass and till two weeks after

putting Cows on Grass.

TRY IT. It will pay you handsomely.


To the Weary Dyspeptic. We Ask this Question:

Why don't you remove that _weight at the pit of

the Stomach? Why don't you r egulat e that

•rnri nble appct,ite, a.i.Ju condition the .ligcsLivc organs so that it will not ·.)c uccessary to stnt've tJ,ie stomach :o a.void cistre ·s after eating.

Tbe first step is to regulate the :)owcls.

For this purpose ·

Burdock Blood Bitters has no Equal.

It acts promptly and effectually and permanently cures all derange­ments of digestion. It cures Dys­pepsia and the primary causes lead­ine to it.

Notice to Farmers ' • Partiee having L:\'e Stock of any

«ind to di!lpose of can always find ready market for the snme by

bringing it to Chct1le rv ille on my market day, b1:i11~

Tuesday of Each Week .\.nd I wi ll be prepared to pay the

l1igh est market prices for

Beef Pork, Lambs, Calves and Poultry.

As I have no bnycrs on the road, farm ers will study thei1· own interests by not selling before bringing their Stock to :\farket.

Vene Robinson.

tltf BUGi:WJJIES !

!OOD It is the Best.

\\'e 11:wc :\ lnrge stor·k of Iluggirs on h:tnd fr o m the following 11rn11ufactnrers:

One car load from Tudhope of Orillia..

One Car loml from Cray's of Chatham. With mnny more to follow fur you r


Gre.dy & Jordan, CHESTERVILLE , ONT.

The Only Calf Food on ~~~1:. ,~~.~,~-the

AVONMORE ROLLER MILLS Where you g ot good satiafactioo. E very

pound of B.o·.,r ~ ua1 a nteed. Bri:ig your Co:1rsc Orn.ins h ere. C ,rn

grind to \'our satisfact ion. Can grind

M·'i[ .A R K E T 11·hilcynuwait. I BRAN, SH ORTS, conN, BARLEY I and PROVENDER, ah,aJ S on hand.

House FurnislJing~, Sash, Door~, Moul -<linR"s, made on short noticP, Timber, Dresaed Lumber, Sc11 n tli11g, J oice, · board s, S hi ngles a n d Lat h ,



Jin~- TRY IT. ttc


~ ~ ~ ~---~r .~ Reale and Soothea the Lunga and

Bronchial Tube,. Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOAJl.SE­NESS, etc., quicker than any rem_. edy known. If you have that irri· ta ting Cough that keeps you awake· at night, a dose or the Syrup will atop it at once.


I hnYe used DR. WOOD'S :NORWAY PINE SYRUP for every eold I have had for the past eight years, with wonder­rut ~uccess. I never sec a friend with a cough or cold but t!1at I recommend it.­lL :1\1. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B,


Page 6: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project


.A.··simple Plan that Should Be Follewed by, All Who Are Sick


Trains have often l>ee11. e"topped by' swarms •.. ol locus ts getting on tho track . a.~ clogging •. the wheels of

It you could buy badk your health t he engine ,and coach es ao that they on the l,netalment planr-ooy 50 cents no lo ng er get· a grip on, the metals , a week, for a llmited -· nuinber of and revohro withou"t moving fo rwar i:f. W\leks_ imtil cured- would ?0 " ~o it ? I<'rom Jibutil comes the r eport tha"t H ere 1& a p}an worth trymg .- Tak- a train has beeo s t opped near Che­iing into a~i:rnnt, ~elr _power t_o_ bele by o. gra sshopper s ' s warm. 'l'he cul'e, ltr. W1lh1tm_s Pink P _ills , _,\I e t r a in ca me t o a stand s-'till . By p u t -

' .the most econo ~ 1ca~ m~icm e , wi th- ting sancl ana peb bles on t h o rails out exc-e_pt,, °1:1. I hose pills . h ave . e f- the officials go t t h e t rain at le ng th t-ccte~ CUl'CS 111 _cases of ~heumat1sm , t o c:o ntinue its journ ey, but noar

" Pure soap I'' You've heard the wordti;. In S u n 1 i g h t Soap y~u .. have the fact.


~ E:X:PEN-'lt


It is conceivable that a ser mon may l1a ve a legitj mat e comme r cial va lue o f its own, a nd Q ueen A lex­a ndra h as late ly ::.en t . out cJ1equc9 fo r £ 1G each to two charitable in- . &titutio ns, the m on ey ·being t.ho pro­duct · o f a yen.r 's· sa les of a sermo n p.riiuched befo r e Her :Majes ty a t Sa1:clring h a m . Tho se r-mon was prea ched ten years a go, and was printed b y comlnancl of the Queen for t he b enefi t o r "tho G ortlon Doys ' Home a nti the Dri ti sh Hiome for Jn,.. ·urables , w bich h ave received fro m

partial _pe.ra l~s1s, St. Vi t us dan~e, H olholl the locomoti Ye 1.1.gain st op - .uk Cor tile Oeta;o11 Bar. rn-iligos,t1on, k idney t rouRJJ.c , anaemi a , pod on n.n incline, a n d t he train ran {- tf.

•31 thi s sourco a ltogether moro t ha n

,and o tJh-er &'Crio us diseases of -tho backwards t hrough t he brako mech- r -- - • ....., ____ ,uswww " l:ilood and nerves. 'l'hey h a ve cured o.n ism b eing cl ogged wi l l! the ir.-

es .... .

1-wnd:re-d s o f cases wlic rc 01-0-in a r y 00 ·ts . T TIADE AND I NDUSTRY.

'I'he g la ss fac tories of Swede n h a ve formed a t rust.



me<licine had been tri,ed a n d fu.ilc-<l . They have restore d h el pless i nvalids to full use of limbs that ha d lo ng

I been p o worles9. 'l'ha t is tho b es t lg-u-u.1,antco th a t these p ill s will noL !di sa ppoint when used for sim 1!lor I ai lrn~111:9. Tu.kin.~ · o ne pHI uftcr ' each meal, (as recruirod for m inor / t roulbles) a flf ty-ccnt box of pills 1 g i vos nearly two weeks' t r cat nicn t. •Fo1· ,Jtron ic dis('aS<Js, wh c ,~ th o 1targ'Or clo~o i s r equired, the cost of t rcatmeit d ocs n o t us ua lly ex ceed

' fif ty cen ts a w eek. If yo u arc si ck

S TATE Otl' Onto, C ITY O}( TO LE Dn, > l..v c,,s CouNTY. ( ".S

l•'HA NK ,I. UH EN BY mnk:cs o n th that ho is sen ior pu.r t11 c r of t h o llru, or I•' . J . CJIE Nl•) Y &, uu., uoing hU NJ llO~S ln the Ulty or 'l'olc<lo, Coun ty nnd l:;to.lo aforesaid. and U1at said u rn , w ill puy tho BUlU ol ON .hl JI lJ N lJ H l!:lJ DUL­LA H :::l /or onch and every cnac or IJA· 'l'AIUL H th l\. l cnnllo t bo cured by t ho !.l:; o or lJALL'S C A'I'AllIU l C llltJ-:.

Dunk Ucpos its t1a ve increased per cent. in t op yea,·s .


! •'HAN K ., . u~u-;~,8 \'. S,l'orn to hero n , n10 t\nd su bscribed ju

niy lH'C!-JCl\ce, thia; 6th 011y of llccc m lJcr , A . .U. 18,~ll.

'or n iU·ng, is i t not w or th your wh ile : s " "" : to g ive so e (TN·tive a mc-Oici ne us :Or. Williams ' P ink P ill s a ti"i a l 'I ~Vhat the p il ls h av e don .:i fo r o t her p eople they ca n d o fo r you. B ve 1·y d os·e m nL~s t he n ew ri ch , r ed b lood t-hn t b1 ::it(S rob11s t hen.1th nnd s t reng t h . ·1 hc,y a r e t ile . b .s t . to,,i,c m edicine 1, , take, at this time o r the y •ar w lw11 1 :1c blood js sl ugg·ish a nd

A. W. G LE.AeON. .ll"ota,·v Publio

:impovor i!,h, d. 1. ·no no t. was-te m o ney on 0 1•d i na r y ,m edi cines, or sulwUtutes ; sec tha t It.ho full na me, "Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills for P alo reople," i s p r in ted 011

the wrr1.p,per a ro und ever y box . S ol d ;b y a ll medicined- al er s or sen t pos t-I p a i-ct at 5 0 cents a box, o r s·i x boxes / ror $2.50, by a:ddrossing t-ho . Dr. Will i-ams' }.f eclicino Co ., Drock vi lle, Ont. ---··---------------


N ecessary Utensil of Gr andmo~h ­er·s Day.

:Mention has been made o f t he' de­cline o f the u fn.cttu·e of snulT­boxcs, wh it· h in the early years o!

, Uie bst century was a pros pe rous .- · illldus t r s, . I n this conneci ion it is

' in t er os,ti ng to n o tice a l :;o t he ex-1 tincti on o f tho tinder-box, which ' down t o abo u t t he year 1 8 30 was ' to be found in a lmost e ver y h ome

· lin the l a nd. '!'h e do:.:li1ic of 'tho~e '!industries was, of cou rse, n ot t he e ffect o f 'the s a me cauS'C, f()r while ,

llo.ll's .-rh ~ure Is t a.ken il, t cr-n a l ly, 1tn rl net s di rec tly o n Lile bloov ttn d u,uco us surfaces o f tho sys t ern, Send f or lcs U1 11on in.l s 1 r,·co.

F . J . CJI J-:Nl•: Y & CO. , T o led o , o . '-'n l,J h;v o.11 ) )ru 11i:lsts, 7 :Sc. lla.ll '~ J:'nmi ly l ' ills 11. ro tho best.

\ \"i fe - "Do vou Jove rnc us 111uch os o,·or ?" i1usb n,11cl. - "I I cckon r o ." Wife - " \\'ill I a lways be 1ho dear s t t l ing- in. t he woTJ d" t o uo u?·' J-T-u~hu,nd - ''I arn sorre you will, un­less t h o landlord ra ises t,ho ren t ."

A n e w a rr iva l h{l(] como into t ho fa m ily circle, nud 'l'om, a g-('d fi vo. wa:c, t ake n t o sec t he " li t t le s,tr ong­c r . ·, He looked tho infa n t o ve r wi t h l\ ·11.ln.i., critica l regar d, a nd then , turni ng t o the m a id wl:o a ccom­paniecl him , l1e s a id, v ery d·oc i c! od l y: " u ne , you cun keep tha t ia tho ld tci,en.''

'l'ho b i cycle fa ctor y in J apan'. i s n.JJOut to sta rt with ln.rge capi t a. I.

'J'hcre is a p la tinum farui 110, and ln\:l'us•l ry demands l oudly the d isco v­e ry of new tleposits o f tho precious m t a l .

hogland buys eggs a nd hu r from F r a nco and Den 111ark, ch ick= ·i from S candi n a via and Hu ss ia , a nd Iler g r een veg t ables fr o m .Holl a n.<.] .

'I'he yea rly gross ea r n in g s o [ the Un i l ed Stales Steel Corpor a Lion are a p proximate ly equa l to tllc gross r evenu e r eceived by the Un it ed S tatell G overnmen t .

Seventy F rench fi rms manu fa cture m otor ca rs a nd t ),e it· comb ined o ut­p u t last y ear was 1 2 ,000 cars. 'l'he i n dus t ry empl oyed 180,000 wodc­rocn , ea rning on an average o f $360 a year e .

A di rect weekly train fro.rn. Mosco w t o Da .lny on tho Ye ll ow S ea h as ju&t been 'ins ta lled . 'I'ho t im e i s t hirteen a nd a h a lf d a y s, wit h two day s steamer a i1dect t o Slla11g hai n nd ono tl n d a h a lf aodoa to Nagasa k i , Ja­p an.

Lc,·c r 's Y -Z ( Wisc Head ) D is i11fect­n.nt S oa p Powder dust.e el in the b n t h , :,oftons t ho w a t er a n d dis in­fects.

Dh·or s ' b oo ts weigh 20 p ounds a piece . The b e lm e"t woi g b3 4 0 po und s , and tihe di\·e1· can·ies 80 pounds weight besides .

T rchcr11c, J a n. G, 1!)0 2 . Ma s rny-Hn.rris Co ., Limited ,

Winn ipeg, M a n . G c cin(!n .- l t g ives me very in uch

r lcn.s urc t o i nform y ou t hu.t tl1e No . 4 Hind er w hich I purcll o.scd from y o ur A1_.0"011t hero last sun1 mcr h ,is g·l \'Cn t he very bes t o f sati>Jfactio-,1, c Ol;n g Jts ,woJ'J.:: to pcd ccU o n - a11d Uni.w i ng- light - very m uc h ligh ter than I oxpectod . :My cro:r was very he o.v y, and some of it vory hnic! ly do wn , but y o u t· b in.dcr d i.ct i ts wonk spl cmd.W . I h ocl n.o t r ,,..: ';)le wha t­evm· . I hop e y o u w ill sc i l lots o r

, <;'nUfl'- t a ldng i S d ying ou t Wit h 11 0 1o t h cr h abi t t o r e pla ce it (unle~'S it tie t ha t o f smoking-) , the tinde r-box was a contrivance whic h in t he pr o­ces s o f evol ur!.ion tu-..d to g ivo p la ce to b e tter inventions. Mill er C.: lr l'i st y , writing in tho Bur ling t o n 1\lo.,gazino, s~iys t he d is,1.ppea.-anco of tho t inder­b ox w a s e:xt.r,L-o ncliua ri ly !clttdclcn and

, conlJ)lc t e a fte ,· the intr od u.ction o f

N inetv-nine hearls out of a hundred b inders fo r 190:~ a nd 1;,n,ve ,ny lJ~·o-. a rc fai ling lo do 1hei r work. The~, t h er fa.rrners lol s of t ro llb le . I w1 s.h

I the fri tion mu Leh . Lc!;S t h a n a ifen­cn,tion la t c ~ u l moct . i n fa ct , with-

ma y be no pain ther,, but it is fe1t I you eYery i,ucco~s. r,in, wlun for some organ is robbed of its n . M. FEitRIS. p rope r ' need of blood b y this insidious heart _ _ _ fo il11re, and distress follows. Comm~n A wea k but ingeniovs y o un g g u y sense Rays. c ure where tho trouble and p ain Wo.s i nd uccJ t o l.Jcl iove he could fly, I in a clcca'CI t he tin d r -box h a d be­

come l ittle 1110 :·e t h an a vague t.-a-1 ui tion o f tho past, and OX'tlIUl) lcs \ we . c to be looked for o nly in tho ; cabfoot. of tho unti-q·u o.u ·y, "the cas es !o f t he m use um-cur ator. or the sh o p 1 o f the cur io--<lc-a lor. 'l'o-day tho ti n-1 <.le r ~!Jox i s so unfamiliar a n obje<: t 1 tlrn t fL'W peroons can g i vc a n in-

begin. U se s o ho b uilt a m a c hine DJ~. AGNEW'S HEA~T CURE, That required ga,;.oleno-

because it begins at 1he ~lood's d istrib_utin,g And he t hen flew a t : ifle t oo high. organ, h ealing that rapidly and makmg it s l rong and a ble, q uickly send~ streng lh and f I h 11ealth to e very o ther organ. 111s the 0011 Mlnard's Liniment or sa e evcr~w ere '11:ay that combines science and seuse and relieves and cures.

' t c1Jig i!Jle d e:-;cdption o f i t , or Uw m anner of I ts u ,-;c .

A m o ng the cont ents o f t he t inder­b ox t he t inde r. from which t bc b ox deriYcii its n , dc~crvcs !)r s t no­tice. T in·dcr was m a de usiu.u lly from soi110 Jig·ht , loosely-woven co tton o r linen fll.b1·ic- p rc fer .. ,lJly t he latte,·. T ho l ig hlc r t h inner t he fa b r ic tJ1e b et to r t he t inrlcr : for tin·dc r from a ny t hic k . cl osel y-woven fabri c did no t t ake lire readily. H ug­tinder wns a lways h ome-made , ,or no shopkeepe r o r hawke r e ve r :,--o ld it, 'rho mu.k i ng· o f i t wa s o no of t h e m inor domestic a ccomplisih mon·t s o f our b'1'a n-clmothe rs. It was u:ncler-

· H E>IRY A KEV, of Peter~ o. Ont., writes : ''I tu:rcred with my h enrl, nerv..s and ge ner :1) de· b il ity. The best d octors said I must d1_e w1th10 a month. On my wife s advice I tned J?R. .AGNEW'S HEART CUR:!l.. Relief from the tirst dose. I :\nl fully c:ired. Weighed 128 pounds

now 180 pounds. D &. AGXTt.W'8 OJ~E1'"T '!'·Ill drlTe P He11 a.,v&y f'orc~er .

f: U •( ou t he, 11111~10\. SpeeO..-r re1non~ a.U 8k1n blC>!I a·:/pl1i1ptcw, tetf\lr, nH, rtieum, oi.o, Price, 35,c, l•


Ge rmany n t prcs en"t poss,essos cii;lrt m illion m en who J1 a v c been t h rough t h o rank s or a rc a t p re­,;en tin Iler a r my.


t a kon weekl y , or as o ften a s cor1e·,= E xpert Testim ony on Wheeling­.qui , ed ; a nd the operatio n ~ uued a con,; id era blc quantit y o f The Revival. h o u&~ho ld l ine n. '.Ma ny of t he · o ld tinder- boxes · purcha sed n ow will oo fo und s t ill to c o nta in po t·­

' t.ions of the ol"ig i nnl r ag-t inder. !

S A VE T HE B A Bx . :..,;

n,·. lT'll.mmond, 0110 o f New Y'o r k 's m os t .fo 1'Cmos t pJ1ys icia ns, a n d uu nc ti ve me mber o f t ho Now Y o 1·k Ath ­le tic Cl ub , was recently interviewed . by a r epres,ent alive of t he Ne w Y ork pn.,ss, n.nd a sked h is opinion as to t ho m er i t s o f cycling a s exer cise .

"Yo ung- m un , " said tho pom,p o us iuirli d dual. ·'I d id not a lways t his ca rriage. When I fi r s·t st::,, rled in life J r a d to wal k. " " You were lucky!" ch ucklocl 1h o youth. "Wncn I fi rst star led in life I couldn' t walk . ''-

l"or o ,·~r ,11~,, Yc nra, AN' O LD A J,,'D \\' p;Lv 1' tu.:.o R K~ &DY. - M n

\Vioalo...-·11 !-901.hina: S1r11p h».s been ui,,ed tor o,er 1t .x;1.1 years by mllHon1 of mot.h er& t or Lhe1r oh ildren while te•thhli with p erfttc, , uc..:011t. I t. aoothN \ho

1 c hlldJ

1ofte111 Lh1 I UDlll, a lla7 111 a.11 pal11, cureB wind co l o, a.:1 is tho baa~ remedy tor Ola.rrha,a., IS pl@• '"'n' to the lull. Sold by d ru1i1le- t.1 ill tn•ery pan of Lhe ,..-orJd . Twenty-the oentl a bot.tle. ha value _b lnc..,loula.h • · Me aure aud ••k fo~ Mfa. Whui.ow'1 8eo,blna s,l~fa aod t..ake uo other km d .

']' ho s unniest part ol t he D ri tJsh I sl es is tho Ohnnnel J s lun,ds. 'f hor1, the sun sh ines fou r h ours o u t of ~v­e ry t en it is a bov e t he h o r izon .

Mincrd1s Liniment Cures Burns, etc, Only 49,746 n c1·es of fl ax ~ve'.·e

g r own in Irelan d last year. Thts 1s ti. d ecrease o f 10.3 per cont. on the fig u res £01· 1 901.

o n City , 1,' · 1903.

" I co n truly sa..v t h a t h ad I t n o t 'l'h c do c"tm· r,t a ted ver y decidedly t h ot b een for Jlaby' s Ow11 'l'a!Jlet s; , l d o he considered it ab solut ely Lh e bes t not bel ie, ·e my !Joby wo uld have possi ble , if taken wit h discretion . b een o.liV'O t o-duy ." tro w r ites Mrs . H o of courso excluded all per sons

1 Alber t L u·dd ing ton , or S t . llfary 's wit h v sry weak hoai·ts, or p eo ple of Mas scy -H 'a-rrls Co ., L lmltcil, !River , N.~ . • an~ s he a~ltls :- "He is extremely d elicate con9titutions, but _ 'l' o ro nto, Ont. .n o w growing m coly ; 1s g ood na - said tha t nearly eV'C1·y p a t ient go- Oontlornen .- l'lcni;e F.cnd m o one or ,otu,·cd 1,nd ls getting i at. " rt is ing t hro ug h his hand :; rode o. b i cycle y o ur H.103 catal og ues or form ma · gratify ing to k now th a t i n all p,o.rt s whe n conVL, loscent, a nd thu.t it w a s ~hi n er y . ] have use d no ml\ch-lne ry 'o f Can a da , B a by's O'I\ u 'l'ai.)lets arc ,·emarku l>lo what prog ress t hey 1un·de tha t g ive~ o.s m uc}1 s a.tisfo.c1.ion o.s 'iproving a rea l blessing t o childr e n towards heal t h . Ma s-soy-Har ris. and o. boon to mothe rs . T hese 'J'ab- I n Canad a l..h.cre has been a n un-le t s am a speedy relie f a ud JJroIDpt prccctlcnted revival i n wheC'l in g·, and curo for cons tipation, sour , i t ·an bo t i a.cod to n o be, · c n.u so r ~-w in<l co lic , d ia rrh oea. , w or m s , and t llaa to "tbe iutroctuction o f t ho H ,y­

• im plc fevers. T h ey break up cold , g ienlc Cushio n Frame. To u so "the preve nt croup a nd ulla y tho ir r i to.- wo rds of the ad.vertiser, " I t iii to ion a ccomp a ny ing tho cutting o l wheeling wt,u t the 'P ull.roan' is to eeth . Baby' s Own To.blot s a rc g oo·d ro.ilroading," o.nd these words r•ut

1for ohildren o f a ll ages from b irth the argurnon·t in the p rover b i a l nu"t-'il.lpwa rds , a nd guarnn teed t o , con - sh ell . I t allo ws foe r ider t o ho ltl o. lta in no o r ha rn::ful drug·. unifo rm p os i t i-on, wh ilo tho wh ools Sold by medicine dea lers,. o r sent u ccom1uo"clate t l1em sel vcs t o t he by m u.ii, pos t paid , a t 25 cen t s a ~-oRabed . 1t h as mai:l e bicy cling o.n box , oy Writing d ir ect t o tho1 Dr. abs ol u tely plea sa n·t and healthy r;\l!ill\iam if Medicine Co ., B rockv illc , for m o f o u t i ng . ' ' Mo.s/ioy,,.Harris , " pnt. " Clev eland, " "lJro.nHord" 1:ln"d " Per-1 • feet" b icycles have this c us h ion ' T ecUi of a ll kini:ls ha, •e been w o r- r,ame . Jbipped, and a ro, in fact , s till ven­

. l)ra t cd a s r elics in som e , rolig io us J'liTinos. Buddha 's t ooth is p reso,·v- Mlnar~1s Liniment Relieves H eura lgla

Baffin L a n d i s now k n own to b e an isl and, a n.ct o-no of the larg-cst in tbe world, h a v in g an a rea or 800,-0 0 0 square m iles.

" My q ueen !" fondly e x cla i med the lnfatJua. tod y o uth. "1\fy Jack !" soft­ly responded t ho b l ush ing maide n. Bu"t n.ll t,ho same t11e,·e w i ll be "no ca1 d s " at tbe weddi ng.



COCOA .JJ1 .CM ~'11-~T~I,


!frs. Daub er - " T his i s one of my e,on· s pai ntings .: ' Cr ittick - "Ahem! Yes. " M rs. Dauber - "Yes; ho' s q uite wedded to his ar"t, and- --'.' Cri t t.ick - " Ila t h or a n inipr udent marr iage,. was n 't i t.?"

r,d in a n India n t emple, the Cinga Jeso worsbip the t ooth of a mon­)key, while t.hc olopI?-ant ' s and sh a 1-Jc 's ~ooth serve tt s i milar p~1Tp oso amon g the Ma la bar and 'l'onga is landers r &­l'Pectively . 'l' he S iamese were . for• ,norly the possesso r s o f t he t o o th o r ~ sn.cred m onkey, whlch they valued 11rory highly , bu"t in a war with the port111Iucse thoy lost it and. h a d t o pay f8, 50O,000 to get it back a g air. . It Is now kept In a small c old box enclosed in si)I'. o ther boxes In on e of the m a ni . t emples o f . tho

111 aummo, the conUnuou coll Page Woven Wire F e nce takH up '111 ~ :.iolL . All tences Blacken in wa.l"lll weatlle~ and

ran:1-e ~~P.!!!:~ .JB-03 . . ,. •

- --:rs: :nr-rl:! -e: · re tt; hten in cold - except thG Pago l ence. "" ..ut ¾:II' ._.JLSJJ. --. ])11,p sprin~ coil t nka. up t b11 IIUill·

In ~e "l-t:,r ~oil.!-' ~ it, )laliki«n lll&r a i,d l~ts i~out f !1 w iutel'. No lO!'~e s1tg lnr: -..U«d J .. aw .-.,_ - 111. ~ummer , nostr:unl11:r or k el'b~ In ""1n;

....., ,_ , .. • rt t - erell r.nJ i!lt ~lllckcns u •taye el&ct cncd: h 1. tor. Commonunmpt4 -..-..-o-.. no. •P ug e- J> p "'w iro l3 te mper ed -torcgalate iL• own Ufrbten11 l b l008<lna agBin worso thBn evnr. n~ . . tcoslon aummor o.nd wlntar. 80,000 miloeul P lto!,Ce wm, fenco In uso ,ww. ne l'al!O Wire r ,·ncit co., IJmited, Walken lllo, Ont. L!ontre.::!:!:Q., ndS~ 1ohr., N.!S. 9

- - ---,- _,. • .., _ _ - a -::!--27

T h os. L. Kidney He Used medy .


Hubbs T ells How H is S t rain V ani sh ed When

the Great K idn ey Re-

:r en lis , N .W.T., A p ril 13.-(Spe­cial ) - Jn this n ew count ry w here m &di ca l a t t end ance is o f ten ha rd t o g\(lt t-he ac,tion of spec ial prepara­t ions is car:cfully watched a n d t he resulJ;s are carefu l ly no ted. Consc­(ruen tly, conc l usio ns a r e a r rive d at tbat a r e or value to the pll!blic. And t h e a lmost 11nanimo us conclus io n is that as a family m edicine t,her e is n o thing to com pare wit h Dolitt 's K ·idney l:'illa .

A s a toni.c it bas made a na me for itself, whilo its curo of a ll stages o f K idney Diseas e from B r igh t's ms­ca ·o to ach c . m igh t b e cons ider­ed m i rnculous if thcii" frec~ lC'l)CY d id not make t he m a lmos t commo n.

'I'he fo llowing s t ory told by Tho!!. L . IIu b·bs, a farme r in Ind ian H ead mun icipo.l i ty, is one of t he m a n y t h rt t h avQ ~ ivcn Dod<.l' s. Kid ney Pills tll(!oir. reµ utt\tio n . ,

" A 1Jout one yo~r a go , " sa y s 1\fr, ITubbs, " I was t hro wi1 from a wag­gon , ca usi ng sotne s train o n n1y Ki dneys. I tried ~ vera l medicines b ut cb uld ge t .11 0 r el ief ti ll I wa s in­duced t o t r y Do dd's Kidney Pills . .

" Dodd's K r ctncy Pills r elie ved m e ulIDos t from the start and by the tim o I had fini shed on e box m y pains were gone. T h ey h ave not co me b ack eithor . "

'l"O rnr::v E NT PNE Ull[ ONIA.

Now t his m eans a lot. 1~n C1.rnH>ni a o nce e~·(,aWi!:lh c<.l , mw: t ru n ils u11d w l~en s t atistics a ll ow us t,hat

·rnorc p,,o plc die a nn ua lly t hro-u,g h o ut -th u No 1·thut·n, l\l idd lc 1..n d \V{)ste r n ,Sla t e's from t.l,is, thun from any 'o lhc1· ·tliH<.·asc, it bccorncs us to .,u,· 9u r sd v'Cs and u sce1·t ufn what rcmc­/ Jics wo can adopt to p n:,ven t a cold dovclo p i11g- in to 111 1ou111on ia . J g·ive ·you these r ig h t l1c1·e :- U r. A ugust ,K oen ig 's I.Tu tnLurg .Brc>a s t T cu u.n·cl St. J ,, Oil , th e fo rmcr take n h o t 0 11 t he uvp or t he fi rs t ,;ymp toms o r u col·d- - fo r p ne u1no ni u. docs n o t como first, it i s a ueglcete d ·col-cl nrrd exposure th at. p r ecedes 0

J)'l1euJ110 1ria . In conj ua1ct i o a a p•ply S t. J nco bs Oil across t ho top por­U ou o f the cltcs t a nd th roat, co, •e r wi t h oil ski 11, on top or which put !h o t flan nel cloths ; pla ce feet in h o t n,u:;tiu•rl n.n-d water, t a k e a h o t iJcmonu de wi t h a dash of Jamaica. ;(no t Mc-dfo ru, o h , d cu.1· no ) r um, an<l ,y ou w ill bo n il right. m os t likely in

1a d ay o r two.

" What is abili ty?" " Ab ilit y i s t hat to wh ich a man owes his o wn s u.c ·ess . " " A n d wha t is l uck?" "Luck is that t o wh ich n.U otbers o wo I.heir succes s ."

Mlnard's L1nlmenl Cures Dan~ruW, T ho world 's s"tock of unmanufn.c-

turoc:i copper in the - hands or d ea le rs 1 usually stands at abo ut 00,000 tons .

I know MJNATID'S LINI111:E N'I' will c ure D iphth eritt.

,J OHN D. BOUT1LLIE8. 11'1--ench Villa ge. I kno w MINAU D ' S LINU.IENT

will c ure Croup . J . F. CUNN"rNG H AM.

Cape Isl and . I know MINARD'S L I NlJ\{ENT

is t ho b est romed y o n ea rth . JOSEP H A. SNOW.

No1·way, Me.

7- 59

1,025 British se a men Jos t lives during 1901, I.Ju t o n ly pa ssen ge rs by Dri tish s hip s .

thei r t we lve

On the Lawn.

Libby Luncheons· V>'e sell t he prod11t!t In k cy-open lnir cans. T uma key a nd you find tbe meatexactly as it lelt us. Wo put them up in this way:

Potted Ham, Eeef and Tongue Ox Toniue (Whole), Veal Loaf

Deviled H11m, Brisket Beet Sliced Smoked Beet, ftc.

All 11 a tura l ilavor foods- p a la t a b le and wholesom e. Your irroccrsbould have t hem

"How to Mako Good Thln a-s t o E at" 'ff UI b e s,;nt ft-eo to a ny aci·J.ress for the a skina-

Libby, McNeUI & Libby Chicago, Illinois - --· ---------------

I , .-_ •<,,,':

There are several wa7a oC adulterating teas-an.infe·rt.or brand mixed ·in . is the

Baille Ribbon; Cevlon ·· Te a .:,,t ,/ .. ~.,,/; .

.. ,t. is a uniform tea of a opecial age ii(rowth. We value >"Our continued order• too much to adulterate in any way.

Elack. Mixed. Ceylon Greon. Ask for Red Label. TOR. TY C ENT S -SHOULD Bl:, VllrTY


have stood U1.e te8' of ..uomer IU~ ..f ?r, 80 7ear1. They stand ft>\. OOODntJ' ,~il ·dan· biijty will 110\' crack. bt lltor or .fuU·-,iway. The:, 'prcaer,,9 your h oUJ, and ~eeo it uea1&.• tiful thro1tOOlrl tb11 1rr.t;111.e • of .pim,

' paint. Bei•.11 mado right, they are Ul1 to


work, lut Joqer, look better ani at j~t tlio r iiJlt prh. ~k yoµr -lej'for. W'ntf!I u1 for " BoelrJct B.'1 fl'ff. ~DC, ho~ eome howies are painted with Ruu&l"• Pai.nt1. 1


.&. B.AlllllAY 1/J 80N, lllOlffBBAL,

J:lltallls1:&4 I' AlliT (~ lUS MAJU!!1'S '




should be in




Pill :- Black on G.reen. Ointment :- Btown au ~· -~on White,

P-OLLOW A. Y'S PILLS are of im m e nse va lue to the we ak a nd ailing. AIU,ough thoroug hly cearching, their actio n . is co gentle that d e licate p e rsons need have no hesitation in t a kini; the m; indeed, they should n ever b e without a s1,1pply. The Pills g ive s peedy relief In case s of Headache , Biliousness, Nausea , Dizziness a nd Tre mbling S e nsations . Females will find the m hig hly e fficaciou s .


King Edward 100&

u Headlight" ioO.

" Vlotorla" 11 little Comal"

llOLLOWAY·s OINTXl:NT . is pre-e m inently a household re medy ; once used it is sure to h ave a pe rm anent p lace in the family m edicine cupboard. It quick ly allays inflammation and ir r itatio n, and Is in the highest deg ree sooth ing and healing. Apply it to Bruises, Bu rns; Scald!, Cuts, Wounds, .Boils, Abs cesses, &c. It also re lie ves and cures Bro nch itis, Ast hma~ . S ore Throat, Q uinsy, and othe r · a ffections o f the Throat & Chest."

¼ 13- 33

Don't Experiment with other and Inferior brands,



Brass Band "ll'V'•s,,.te4 -f>o :11!"'-.:a...-oh.-•e An:, qul\,,t it r ot dry. m lx,"1 w o, d . 111.ltnble tor­,r[c lt bnrolng-, f or "• r ly d cll Yr r r. 8 t &te •·11111, ~r ioo, r.o."'-. :,ou r " a · lon. Ad~rH•, BIJ,l:r~~NI HlUtJ IC CO .. I Torooto S t. , r or.~oto. 'l e .&• phona 70'1. 1

7-1 9 . In• rument•, Drum•, Unlf"orm-. Etc.

EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Low .. ~t prlce1 ever quoted. Fine OAtaltJ(l lle.

000 iJ.u , t rttLlon•, lll!llled fro ... \Vnte u~ for any­thing ln .Uu~lr. ,.,, Jln•l<'ftl ln•lrnme ,.u.

WIUl.EY ROYCE & CO., liimited. Torontu, Onl, nnd \Yinnl;i•g, JII .. n. I-20

PATEN Ts IMITlt A DAMEIIOII bOl~citor \ or r a~enu

Ca11ada •: te liui!d ·a, To.Qnto.

W.!Jt.<t f ,_;{ ff!!.!>~~~ t -4-l')l')

RUBBER GOODS LateRt Novc.,Jt. ie s , nil styles . Cor resp,omle ncc in~ited. En­c lose 2c s tamp for drculnr ,

rHi: UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO,1 P. 0 . ll~x 1142,' Mont r eal.


Dyeing I Cleaning I· W'or tile ••l'f .... •••4 rout worlr lo •••

11 IIUTIIH AlliRICAN DYIING oo.• Look for .... t ...... IOWD, o, ..... Ir .....

Montreal, Toron~o, Ottawa, Qu~bM 1 -44

&:,omlnion Line Steam1hlp1 Montreal l.o Ll'"rPoOL J!otl.on to U••· pool. Portland l.o Lhorpool. Via Q~ .. DI·

La t~'!::it Fai t Steu,ab1pe. Superior acc,nn•od&lloo for a1'? cla.&HI ot pa.neaaerL 8 :110001 and Btal-ereo.,.. are a mlcllhlpe. Special atteotloll 1,,.. !Mia •ht!" te


8econd S a.!ooa and T b lrd -01,... 1100ommo<l11t Ot>- or ratn or_.,.. .... aacl all ,r.rtlcu lars, applJ '41 UJ !J.~t ef t.h• Compa.n7. er ~

11 ..... MIiia ~ Q-. rt. Torn• .. a, Ce.. . n ~ ..... , ... ....._ lloatreal u4 P..-tlu4. .. ~ -

ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, W E California Navels, H AVE Va lencias, a nd TUE Sevilles. BEST

D.A.N" .A.N" .A.S. J :irload eve ry w eek. All t he above a t market prices , We can a h o han d le your

Butter, Eg-8"&, Poultry, Mattie Syrup and other produ c e to a clvan­

ta&"o fo r yo 1,1,

fHE t! AWION COMIIISIION CO,, Limited., Cor. We•t Market at., TOllrONTO.

1 -'5


Dopulted wltb u1 la • ecurc(\_ by our

,7,600,000.00 or P 11ld.11 p oapito.l o.n<' R .o serve F und. Our lnveatcd tunds exceed

. 23,600,000.00 We allow ln eat on dep~slt1 ., 3~ fer Oent.

per ananm, cempoli"Qll c4l

bal,-yoarly THE


IIORTfl.lQB OOIIPOIIA T ION, Toronto Bw:eot , Toronto,

$ t-2-27. '


Page 7: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project

.· ...

..,. ..

FIGHTING IN SOMALILAND. ed by the Kings numbe1·ed 400,000, including 10,000 to 12,000 British. The diplomatic body not bdng among those who welcomed King Edward at the station, the Ambas­sadors, Ministers, and other foreign officials witnessed the passage of the cortege from various points of vant­age.


the Provincial Capital. at BILLS DEALT WITH.

The Very Latest Items From All Par~ of the Globe. ··------~---------- Bills were introduced this after­

noon respecting the Mexican Light & Power Company, Limited, by Lieut.- Col. Thompson, and to con­fer upon the Comtrrissioncr of Pat­ents certain powers for the relief o l Geo. M . Depew, by Mr. Logan.

Col. Cobbe Relieved After Stveral Sharp En­


A London despatch says: Word has been received here that General Manning, on hearing of the slaughter of Col. Cobbe's forces on April 17 ln Soma.liland by the Ma.d Mullah'$. followers, started at once to relieve Cobbe with l:180 men. Ho sent Ma­jor Kenna with 100 mounted infan­trymen in advance. Major Kenna reached Col. Cobbe on the afternoon of Apxil 18 without meeting any op­positiou. Gen. Manning, on the ,·outc, engaged the Mullo.h's forces and killed 2,000 of them. The Bri­tish losses are · not given. Col. Cobbe's force was rellcved.

Further details have been received of the fighting between the British .and the forces of the Mad Mullah in Somaliland before the action in which tho British suffered so severe­ly.

'l'hese show that on April 14 the enemy, who were completely con­cealed, attacked Col. Cobbe's · forces in the" thicl<"brush . . The guide ha.d led th~ British forces sixteen · miles out of the way. 'l'he British camel battery wen't . into action- a1id the enemy retired. ' · Qol. Cobbe, however, was without water, and wn.s compelled to retreat toward · Gala.di. On April 16 the enemy surrounded a patrol of. rifle­men under command or Cap't. Shak­eldcy. A lieutenant was killed and three men were wounded. The eno­my su.ffered a los6 of fifteen.

'l'he dervishes who wiped out the little force of Col. Plunkett and Capt. Olivey on April 17 numbered 2,000 horsemen and 10,000 spea.r­me11 .

ANOTHER SEVERE FIGHT. The British Somaliland e:xpedition

has had another severe engagement with the followers of tho Mad Mul­Tah. A sma.11 · column under Major Gough, which we.a moving towards Wa.lwal from . Bohotle 1n the north­east, concurrently with Gen. :Man­ning·s advance upon Walwal, was surrounded by the enemy in · the thick bush. The fighting lasted un­til a.ltIJ.ost all the ammunition of the British was gone, when the.y retired fighting to Danop. T:bey lost · two officer5 and thirleen men killed, and four officers and 28 m.en wounded, all natives except the officers. 'fbe fighting lasted from 7.30 in the mornin~ until 5.45 in the evo_ning 011 April 2:... Much of tho fighting was a't close 'quarters. The enemy, who were recklessly brave, were frequent­ly repulsed. It is estimated that more than a hundred of them were killed. The British four bay­onet charges.

According fo ln.ter official details of the disaster 'that befell Col. Plunkett's column, the enemy, de­splt.e tue·ir overwhelming numbers, horse and foot, who repeatedly charged with fa.naUcal bravery, we1·e kept off until Col. Plun:kett's ammunition was gon~: B!s square. was then broken, and ' t,he aur.\!ivors tried to cut their way through the ~nemy. S .urviv,ors say that dead Jollowers of the Mullah ·were plled up in heaps In front of the Mal<im guns. The Britb;h force u~d ordin• a.ry service bullels I instea.d of dum­dums or similar expani:ling bullets, and were consequently at a disad­vantage, the service bullets, _as has been often proved, failed to stop the ;rushes of the fanatical savages. Nev­er-theles~. at least two tho11sand of them were killed, chiefly by the Maxim fire . The ,·ta.tement that Gen. Manning's force killed 2,000 of the enemy In their recent engage­ment was evidently an error. The re­port referred to Gen. Plunkett'e en­gagement.

Seldom has the city been so sump­tuously decorated. The streets and buildings were brilliant with flow; ors, flags, and d1·aperies, und on all sides were to be seen the entwined flags and arms of Italy and Great Britain. ..


Strikes in Montreal Assume a Grave Aspect.

A despatch from Montreal says: Montreal is now having its turn at labor troubles. The great carpen­ters' sb-ike is on, the Jongs.1ioremen are waiting the arrival of tho first ocean vessel to , make a move, a strike of the electrical workers is ex­pected, ani:l there are minor matters in tho air. As a re3\llt or the ca,r­penters' e,ud joiners' strike, wl1ich was declared on Th,ursday, building operations are practically stopped on m.auy of the largo structures that should hLWe been com.pletca by May 1st. It is now believed if an agreement is not reached in a lJay or two there will bo ono of tho gre,i.test labor stru·gglcs in Montreal that any city has ever witnes ~-ed. There ure· 12,000 men cugaged in .Uie building trades in this city, and it is understood that all the othe1· unions in the building trades are in sympathy wHh tho crtTpenters, ' and intend 'to back them ftnan.clally and assist them in evc'.·y other way.


Grain Duty Abolished and Eight Cents Taken Off Income Tax.

A despatch from London 11ays :­The budget, wh·ch was introduced in the H,>use ot Commons on '.f'hurs­day, shows an estimated expenditure for H103-04 of $719,770,000.

NORTH RENFREW WRTI', In answer to Mr. Matheson·s ques­

tion rngarding the vacancy in No1·tb Renfrew, tho Prclnier replied that th'e Speaker's wana.nt for t he issue of the writ in the North riding of the Coi.1.Dty of Renfrew is dated 23rd March, 1903. 'l'hc , Goveunmcnt has cl irccted the , clerkmmm:rn111mm.1umrn1u directed the Clerk not to issue the writ pentling the present investiga­tion. ·

GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Hon. Mr. Latchforcl was asked re­

garding a repor't that a new resi­dence for the Lieut.-Governor would shortly 'be provided, and s tated that tI1e subject hao n.ot been considered by the Government. He said it was patent to anyone, however, that the present Government House was no longer a suitable re!tidence. In the first place it was not convenient to the Lcgislati ve buildings; in lhe next, the noise and i;moke make the location objectionable; furthe1·, it occupied a very valuable block of lnnd, and th·e house itseJ! was an­tiquated an<l uns,uitu.blc. The Min­ister was a-sked .If the Government wouli:I bo prepared to deal liberally with the city with a view to having the proper ty set aside for pnrk pur­poses. He said he could not say anything about that, but he expres..~­ed the view tho! Toron,to was sadlY., in need oof breathing places and play grounds, e11Pocially the latter.

ENQUUUES OF Ml'.NISTER. Mr. Matheson has given notice of

the following enqufries: Is it tho inte.ntion of the Govern­

ment to introduce legisla,tion to ex­tend the time for fyling claims for ·volunteer land grants under the act 1, Edw. VII. , cap. 6?

·What is the amount of the policies of A. McDougall, on which $1,150.-80 premium was p~id in 1902? Has any valuation been made of the pre-­scn t value of said policies ll surren­dered, and if lilO, what is the amount of the said valuation?

'l'he following bills were pa ssed through their final stages: Respect­ing the Atlantic, Quebec & Western RailWL\y Company - Mr. Lemiel1x. Respecting the I.i:astern 'fownsh1ps llank - Mr. McIntosh. To incor­porate the Dank of Winnipeg - Mr. Scott. Rcllpectlng the Canadian Or­der of the Woodmen of the World -Mr. Calvert. RP.specting the Bank of Mont r eal - Mr. Dickerdike. To extend the power of loan corn,panics --'Mr. Thompson. To incorporate the . Lumberman' s Fire Insurance Conwany - Mr. Charlton.

IMMIGRANTS. Sir Will iam Mulock, replying to

Mr. H. R. Emmerson, stated that the work of the immigration otU­cers was directed to securing i=i­grants for the Dominion, leaving it to the set tlers to select the part of the country wher e they desired to locate. Imruigro.tion literature de­scribing the Dominion Incidentally r eferred to the various Provinces . DuTing the calendar year .1902 3 ,161 irrxruigrants · arriving at 0anadian ports declared their intention of settling in the Mari'time Provinces, and 1,879 have done so so far the first quarter of 1903. . ROUND THE WHOLE WORLD TOPICS




Lord Salisbury's Quiet Life-New Fresh Air Charity-Bri-

tish Columbia Yarn.

'l'lie class in geography will now take up Bulgaria.


DOMINION. Winnipeg's police force hns bee11

increased. Mr. Justice Robertson or the mga

Court has resigned. It is stated that :.!00 now eleva-

tors arc to be erected throughout the west.

Miss Susan Kieley was cu't in two while crossing the railway trn.c.ks at Mon-treal.

Belleville Council has rleclined to accede to a r equest to license res­taurants in that city.

The Nova Scotia · fishing fleet is preparing for the spring voyago to the Grand Banks.

The homestead entries throughout the Northwest durin[X l'tfarch, HW8', numbered 2,246, an increase of 1,-079 over March, 190~.

Kingston ~otel licenses have been reduced by fou'r. In a quarter of a ccntu.ry Kingston's liquor licenses h1we dwinoled from 120 to 37.

Queen 's Una versity, Kingston, has decided to inaugurate a six year course in arts and science whereby ~he degree of B.A. and B.S.C. may_ be obtuined in th11.-t··tlme.

Charles R . "Roller of Yonkers, N~ ·Y . , conunitted suicide a.'t the Wind­sor Hotel, Montreal, on S11-forda.y, by "taking carbolic acid. · · · Add Foreign

St. Ca,thl;lrines and Welland Canal G-as •Oo. has offered to 11e11 , , their stock to the city at par, and a by­law may be svbmitted to the citi­zens of St. CatJ:Jarines to endorse the purchase.

Tho management of the G.T.R . ex­pect that the prcsidf'>nt of the com­pany, Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson, will spend about six weeks in Can­ada, and during bis visit he will in­spect the entire system.

SOME JNS·UR!NOE ORJVES, look through the tieatl man's papers, 111 so far as they might concern us, the

The Chancellor of the Exchcq·uer, Mr. Ritchie, fixed tho natiopal · debt charge at $1,035,000,000, of which $31,500,000 is available for the sinking fund. 'l'he estironted· revenue on the existing basis of taxation is $7'73,850,000 giving an available surplus of $54,080,000. The Chan­cellor had the pleasure of introduc­ing ' the first peace budget for four years. The duty on tea, sugar and coal are unchanged, but the grain dut y is to be abolished, and eight cents taken oft the income tax.

What amount lias been paid up to April 27, 1903, on account of the survey and construction of the Tem­iskaming Railway? What amount of bonds guaranteed by the province have been issued by the commis­sioners of said railway?

An incubator now in · in tralia has a capacity of more 14,000 hens' eggs.

The Patagonians will S-Oon bo eJ<Hnct, says a German Sleientist who has s_pont years in Pata­

Hon. Sydney Fisher will leave Japan for Canada on May 1st. He­has been feted and entertained in the Mikwdo's kiugl(lom, ai;i.d hnd some very interesting experiences. He was r eceived in audience by the Emperor of J apan, and w:itnessed a perform­aflce of "Othello" in Japanese.

per-mission was readily given. Then ATTEMPTS MADE TO VICTIM- came a regular Sherlock Holmes au.r-

IZE THE COMPANIES. prise. It seem5, in earlier years the c-fead man had literary ambitions and hai:1 written ti number of short stor­

gonia. ,Jt is o'da that a country which FOREIGN.

•• ,Man Committed Suicide in to Provide for His


Order,, ies. The original manu6-cri!Y(,s o-f these wero found ani:l among them the sto1·y of a 'proul:f' bankrl!J)t, · ana the fatJl.or of a family who sacrificed his ow11 life, precisely as our man hao done - by being shot 'a.c'Cido11t­ally' while cleaning a revel ver.

"I always was interesited in the work or cleYer d-etect~ves, but I've corne to the e,-onclusion that the only real 'sleuth' now-a.-'days is right in Jlly own line," said a J){rOminent life lnSlurance man.


How many pounds of binder twine were made in the Centr'al Prison during 19027 Has the twine been manufactured In the p ri son since 1st January, 1908?

M.r. Darr bas given notice of a bill to amend the Schools Act.


g eogra.pfiically is not ma.rtim.e should The Frencli War Minister will ask p.roviae the finest ana fastest steam- authority to re-open the Dreyfus FJhips afloat. Yet Germany has that case. honor. Further measures have been tak.011

Public expen.ditures on eau~a'tiott to emphasize Russian domination in have increa:-:ed in England from Finlanci. . .ffl00,000 a year a't the time Queen The germ that causes smallpox is Victoria. was crownei:l to tho p1·esent said to have been discovered by a.

''Detectives! in the life insu)·ance business'?" was asked.

"Certainly. Can you conceive of a business likely· to need de­tectives·? Tl1ere's h ·ardly an i11S1Ur­ance company in America that has not its own or·ganizcd stal'I of 'r.ub­ber s,hoe men,' and not one of them fails to save from three to four times the cost of maintaining the

'"Only t.he oldest son of the family was taken into the confidence of the Sold Gove;rmnent Supplies at Big .detec"tives, and be steered the women Profits to Themselves. clear of reefs, an<l so far as I know A ·oespatch from Washington says: none ever lc,'trne'd the truth or 'the U. S. ~ecre'tary of War Root lia.s di­remarkable case -which was unearth- rooted tlie court-martial of a nu1mber ed by a manuscript written all of of army officers jn Alaska. who J1ave twenty years ago . been chn.t'geii wlt;.li ma.Icing use of

DOCTORS TO GO ON STRIKE. annual outhiy of $65,000,000. !Harvard professor ,of medicin_e.. . The German Emi[)t-Oss has at hor The 1a1:ctowners convention _a.ti

Physicians Employed by Sick Fund dispo,·oal jewels to the value of $l _ Dublm . decided to support the ln:ih · Societies. ·· ' ...., land bill. .

25.0,000. ,Only about $500,000 I L" t C I lI w s I A cl 'SP tel f B Ji Th . ·ti h . . 1 . . ·h ieu .- o . onry . pro e , ~ c a , rom ex. n says: e .wo_1 1 ei pe1sona p'.IOPc1ty, t e United StalC's otr-iccr in · the Philip-

medical JJerlotlicals announce that rest belonging to the crown. pines, l,as committed suicide. physicians throughout Germany who Union muAicians throu

0rr-:.1out the

a r e em.P. Joyed by sick fund societies A syndicate of cattle men in counlry are to demand shorter hours T 1 t 14 "60 h d f ttl 1' n wilJ strike on July 1. They com- exas o s ,~ ca o ca o and it is hope d that all v. otmg wo- th t bli d plain or the hisu:lliciency of their O r ecen zaa.r • ~n learning to play the piano will Th f t· r J t J Lo fee s, wh1ch under the Invalids Insur- e orma 10n o a soc e Y n the union. d E 1 f c 1· ance La.w are only 20 pfennigs, on, ng and or L'tnac 1ans only iii

men.'' "'!'hey run down

"In instances our . men run a cross commissary supplies for their in,di­cases that look like murder. 'fhe vidual profit. . It appears that they tern,pta'tion to take lrn.mAn life, es- have been purchasing supplies at pecially when a sma.11 fortune falls cost and selling tbenl. a.t a great pro-· to a schemer by the death of an ob- flt, som<lthin_g they could do because

frau.ds , of Jcctionoa.blo man, is something w<! of the freig,ht rates on goocls shipped ' ' must always r eckon with. I recall' ·to Alaska..

If you are a working man, a break- · f bl about 4 ce11ts, for each visit. The prog1-cssrng avora y. fast of ham an'd eggs with corn 'l'h St Ch. J d" h " ·th medi cal nrofession is overcrowded, . · e r. 1na 10.s 1sc argeu e •· bread a:0:d a baked potato as big 1 f · s F and a great' majori'ty of practition- . . argest cargo o · oprnm at a.n • ran-course,." w'as B'llggestecf.

"Some of 1,he mos-t carefully plan­ned frauds ever hatched by the brain o.f desperate men. :Why, the cases unea1·thed in violation of ttie suicide clau:,ie alone would 911rprise you.. As most people know, nearly all life in­surance policies read tJiat no pay­ments Ehall be made in case the in.: sured coro,nils su.icioo within a year o! the date of 'the policy. Somo Uespera"te one& 'try to beat tha"t pro­vision f01· tho sako of relatives left behind, and then tlie work of o'llr de­tectives co,rne in.

"Not lo:ng ago wo 110.<i a. compli­cated case of this kind in Missouri. One ol our old p ,olicy hoMers Jn that Ee:tion doublea the amount of in-1,•urance he had been , carrying _ a..n'<:l t:hot himself m1der cirC111ms'to.nces in­t,ended Lo point to accii:lent. One of t.he queerest imaginable i:letccti ve jobs led t:o the SOLU'.l1ION OF TH.E MYS'l'ERY.

From the suspicious fact that the man died- shortly after ,increasing his insurance we wore· led into a deeper investig ation to ow-­selves fraui:1' had not been at'temptecL Upo,u. exa.m.irung. th" dead man's bu_ii.nes-<l affairs we fouJld that he had invesrtJm.cnts that had gone wrong. Even his bank account had been depleted to a few hundred dol­lars. And there was our case half cleared. The dead man, who ha.ct retired from business with a fortune early in life, had not t)1e means to 11wing him:;-elf to the top, and with poverty and a family of half-g)·own young daughters staring him in the fo,ce, about all he could do to pro­vide for tbom was to insure himself heavily ana. blow his )lead off.

· 'l'a.rticulars a s they were told to us seemed sotraight. 'l'J1e dead man had taken out his revolver to clean

rtt. He was alone in )11s dining­t room at the time. The l1ou~· was late at njg-l1t, and most of the fa-mily had retired . . The roport of t.he revolver br ouglJt the f,unlly to the ,scene, ani'I tihcy found the l'tSsur,ed sl1ot throu,gh the head. By llis side on a table was a sauc l" fill ed with , kc, ooone, :revered rags , darnp with

,tho oil an,d smudgy with slale pow­oei-, and five cartri:dges which he ha.d 'd,,·o.wn o'u't ,of the r oV'Olver ·as a seem­ing p re ~a,itiori . The weapon with the sdxth cartridge fo·ed was cla&'J)ecl in the hand of the 'dead man. B very im;,ident, you wi.11 no'ticc, wa s co.rc­fully pla nned nn'ct mappc'd to things appear a ccidental.

"One of the firs t tJ1ings we found upon closer in vestigaUon was that a mart-gage on his estate would have mot hin1 within three days had he not

KILLED H!l'MSELF. "Under tho circumstance s , natural­

ly, we de--lined payment until we _ha.a investigated further. Thero was no, d01ubt that th<l family was p<lr!cctly sincere in thinlting the d<!at h of the hu!tban-d and father acci,Jento.1. Hut our detectives ' frankly stated t.heir ~lcions. When they u.sked to

in particular a case which: we paid ----+---TEN WORKMEN KILLED.

ers are obHged to accept contracts as your fiSt will give strength for I cisco tha t ever from the Ori­from sick fund societies, the revenue ~.a.n's "',vities ant:I great comfort ! ent. It was valued at $584.340. up bcoausc we were unable to prove

fo1ul pla.y, but wbic·h t'd me always had all the earmaJ·ks of

A SLY MU11DER "A shoe dealer in Bos1.on ; nwred

his wife's lire for $1,000 with our company, ani:I within six mom-ths served noti(e t.J1at s he ho.d been kill­ed by ac,cident,o.l leakage of ga.s in' her sleeping room. Apparently the Jn.'l.ll was honest and above board, and it was not until he tlis-a.p.r,earod B'UIQdenly from the city, man-ied an­other woman, two weeks a(ter his wife's deatl,, that we suspec·ted something was wrong.

' 'The man said he half bought for hiE wife a dt'Op sh9rtly before she ,va:s killed, and that s he was tmaccustmned to h,a.n<iling the light, and therefore met the fatal acci­dent. It wa.', the wom1~n· s habit to l·ead in her room, befqre retiring and to leave the dr(Yp light Jignted on a c-ente.r -table until lie1· husbancl finish. ed with busineS,S;· whiie , went to bed.

''The fellow home later , than u8'..lal one Satui·da.y night, he s·aid, found the house full of gas, which he t1·aced to his wife's room, ani:I when he learned the worst, and fin­ally examined tho cause of the :trou­ble, ho found that the liooo of the light had 'dangled over the h-0t chim­ney o! the, h ad s.prung a lealc, . whic:ri i11creased more and more until the tube parted n.nd the light went out, and the sleeping woman was alone, with a volume or gas l)ouring into lier room as 1'ast as it could pour, under tl1e evening pres­S'llJ·e of the big city r eservoirs.

"Look througli that case, ana y o.,'ll :fino there is no re a son why the man 1Shourd not have preparea every incident in the fatality, which was too cleverly pl anned to be ques­tioned. At that, I gue,;s, insurance r-om.1)0.nies frequenUy arc swindlei:T. 'I'ho old adage .. ab011t 'murder will o·ut' has gone to . the rulihisl>: heap with a lot of other junk."


King Edward Arrives in Eternal City From Naples.

A despatch from Rome says: King Edward arrived hero from Naples on Monda y afternoon and was 1·e­cei vod by King Victor Emmanuel in person, who escorted the visiting Sover eign through the densely pack­ed streets. Their Majestle:, received a great public ova tion.

King Eldward, who was standing on the platform o f his car when the train reached tho station, descended a lone, almost before. the train s t op­

Cave-in . Caused o.n Railway by of which is ·provioed by corn.Pulsory m the catrng. . . . I The boi:ly of Jmgo, the great ele-Eai;thquake Shocks. contributions from emp'loyers I and Since hl_s rot_iremen_t froi:i t)le Eng- pliant that died while being brougJ,it

. .. emp)oyes. 'l'he doctors ut Gero. ancl' llsh Premiership Lord Sahs·bu_ry has• to the United States. ani:I wa& A despatch from Mexu~o City _says: Mulhauscn have al1·eady successfully gi':'cn himself_ _en~frcly to the pu~- ' thrown 9verboard, was sighted by,

Ten workmen, engaged rn . malnng . a· ·struck and the managers of the sick suits of a ,quiet llfo. He divides his several vessels. tun~el 0n t~e Mexic~n Central '. s ex- fund a'.t . -thos,e places are compelled t:lr'ne for tr.e most part between Hat- An inve ntion tried at St Pa.ul ten~1on at 'lurpam,_ m ·. th~ - Sta_te of.- to pay the . ordinary fees of inoe- fi~ld Blouse a.1:d. his villa at La Bas.- Minn. , ls said to produce pig iron of Ja.lts~o, have lost their l~ves m a penoent physicians. Tho Nati!:mal tl:de __ on the Riviera. . . a finer quality than Bessemer stecl. cavo-m caus<l? b~ sever al earthqll_ake P})ysicia ns' League, which supported The Germans a re expen~entmg Scott D . Anderson, a negro, for shocks coming m rapid succ~~s1on. 'the strike a't these towns, will engi- ~t)l a n~w soh~e of fresh ~·r chn.r- many yea1·s a resident of Bangor, The firi,t shock ca.used the falJmg of ncer the g en erul strike. 'l'he de- ity. . !t JS nothrn? loss than n. p_lan Me. , died recently aged 113 years. the interior working, an_d when the ma.uds al'e not ye t . formulated defi- bY_ which city clnldnm nnd country In 1\ battle following an· uns uccess­gang of workmen went to clear niLelY, but they include the appoint- childro_n e?'change places for a f_'?w !ul a.tternpt to rob the First Nation­away the debris they were caught by mcnt of an impartial committee to w~e;1<s dunng lho summer. The city al Bank at Wampum, Pa., one man a second ·cave-in, which resuJted fix fees in a ccordance with the con- cluldror) thus . hav e a few wocks . of was shot and killed and another from fresh shocks. diti.ons existing in various localities. op~n all", while the _couJ,tr! children s eriously wounded .

The f)hysicians also demand that tho _enioy ce rtain. ed·u,ca.tiona l ad".antages While running down a hill Mary MANIAC'S DREADFUL WORK · · paqent"!i, instead of the sick fu:nrl t~a.t ' they can ·secure ·only- 111 the l". · Capole, nine yoars - · old, of Ban:.,

. . managers, be aUowe_d to c~oose their citr . . · . . . gor, :Me. , fell on the point of a knife Murders Family, Fires Prenuses physicians. . There 1s a bill now be- Fr om Briti sh Columbia. comes . a ohe carried, and tho blade pierced

and Takes His Own Life. . fore the R eichstag ·\foaling with tJ1 remarkable yarn , House owners m h . h t · . · t t d u · a · · · 1 . 0 Vict oria the story runs are much ei ear ' causmg ms an ea 1 . · A despatch from C!evcllind, Wis.•/ ~ues-t.10~, ~~ . ~s f]_t 1 ong Y °:~{:o~e, b.y, . .cl ' b crows w)lich dig clams .Tho central Trust Company of

S!l.\"8 :--J'n ·a flt of jealous rage on ~he $ ociahsts qn bc,h~ll of .. t e work- . -:';:1fi;ec be:Cn at' low tide . fly high N ew . Yo1;){, has - just declared ;: a 20 W

. d . . ht J. :I . rng p eople., . ' .. ' . ' . t d" "d d . drl't" t ·t . e~lnc,s ·aY . mg ohn hcyme;ser, . . - --+-- into the a ir with their prey, and per cen . ivi en i? _a _-,..1 ion o i s

hh_vrng_fsoutbhof here , shot_. and kil!e<l SCORES OF JEWS KILLED. arop the biv·alves on the slate roofs .n-g'U.htl·-t. ,qu'la'1h·te rly ... div1dendh,,f>Lb, HS·

1:3 w1 e, c opped up the remains • to break the ~h<llls, in mder to get per _cer. ... e company as . een with an axe anrl se t fire to his barn. Mobs Wrecked Their Houses and at lhe meat inside. The shells aro p ayrng di".1dends at the- rate of 60 H eymeiser ~eel but was tl!rnrrounded Sacked Their Stores. b1·oken, but so sla·te S•hingles, per cent stnc~ 1900. ., by a posse m the woods n ear Clay- and one r esult is leaky roofs. II. Ro~s Sktn'ner and II. II. Noyes, ton. After holding the cr~wd a.t A despatch from. S~ . . Petersburg The first appearan.ce in Ii tcrature commissioners fro~ the Tri:nsva ... 1, bay more than an hour he killed Bays: 'l'be Novost1 prints further , o f t'ie word "fu<lgc ., was in "The are in San Francisco on theu· way himself. details of the anti- Jewish riots 'j v ·i ' . . of W kefi l.d,,' Th• origin of to China. to tho fea sibility


Canadian Cable Board Purchases Goods in States.

A despatch from Ottawa says: There has been a complaint that the Pacific Cable Board was purchasing supplies from the United States. lleing informed of the com­plaint by S ir William Mulock, Loi'(! Strathcona wrote to the Pacific Ca­ble lion.rd on tho s ubject. Strict Jnj1mc tions consequently been i ssued that in future all pos--sible Sllpplies are to be purchased in Can­ada.


German Crown·. Prince to W:ed Princess Margaret.

A despatch from Berlin s ays: 'l'he Be:·line r Morgen Post sta1es that the JmJJerial Crown Prince :Friedrich Wil­helm will be betrothed short ly to Princess Margaret of Connaught, and that the e.ngagem~nt of Prince Fried­rich H e inl"icih, U10 chles L son of Prince Albrecl1t of P niasi,~, lo Prin­cess Alice of Albany will be announc­ed a.t tJ1e same time. 'l' ho r eport in rogard to tl1e ImJ)et·ial CJ'OWll Prince /s r egardetl as ~robable.


which broke ou_t at Kischinell', c~pi- , th~a;xpress-i~n :ia.y be th: provincial ?f securing 100,0?0 coolies to w o_rli tal ol Des sarab1?-, last Monday. lhe · French "fuch," or the Low Germa n., m the South Afncan gold and d1a-mohs syste1:1at1cally wrecked all "Futscl1.,, '1'1,e elder Dis raeli mond mines . • hou~es ~.ccup1~d by Jews, and sacl~ecl traces Jt to this stm·y of , hlie y ear ___ ..._. __ _ the Je\\·lsh storel! a nd shops: '.(J,o 1700: '"'T'here was, sir, in our times, MAY CAUSE WAR IN ORIENT! Jews who otrerecl any r es1st~1~ce one Captain Fudge, who always we~e ?hot or beaten to deat~ . Ihe brought home _his owners a good car- United States Claim a Breach of ~a3onty of them fled and_ hid from J go oI lies , so llJJUCh f\O tha:t now . Faith · by Russia. the mobs. S cores were_ k1 lied and ! aboa.rij the ship the sailors when wounde~ . Hund'.·eds of thot~sands of tl:ey heai· 11 gn,~t lie tolcl, ~ry out, Je"s a10 homeless and destitute. 'You r,rdgo i't·I • "

CHECK TO RUSSIA. The broins of men weigh more

than the brains of women . Profe&­sor :Mar cha, of Marbu,rg, h a s col­

Britain and J"apan Tell China lccloo and analyzed a. great mass of Not to Yield. stat.isrt ics on brain we ights, and he

A despatch from Pekin says: Tho diplomatic reprnfenta.tives here of" the British a nd ·J apan-ese · G o-vern­ments- .. have .... advised -l'rlnce · Ching, tho head of the Chinese Foreign Of!i.ce, not to agree to Russia' s now demand for the vi'r tual control of Manchu .-ia. 'l'hey have advised him to insi s t on the restoration or that province t o the condition it was in previous t o the Boxer troubles. The United S t a t es have taken no i(lrmal action in the matter. ,


Chemists Making Experiments With Silk Worms.

finds that the maximum brain weigli't· is \1~1ually attained at ahou't the twentieth y oa.r in males, the a vernge being about· 1.400 graU1Jnes. .fo remo.les the maximum is usually about t.he seventeenth year, the aver­age b eing about 1,275 gram.mos. The average weigl1t . of the brain of a male ch!Td at birth is 380 gram:mes, and that of tbe female is 353 grammes. .


President Loubet Will Return King Edward's Courtesy.

A despa'tch from Washington says: United S t ates Minister Conger ha1 cabled to Secretary of State Hay a sy nopsis of the demands made upon China by Russia respecting control of Manchuria. 'l'he present impres­sion here is that the .11uooian action is a distinct. breach of faith with the United States. An official of the Government, well informL"CI i.n re­gard to Chinese affairs, says that ti1e step taken by Russia. is one for. which she bad been preparing for a. number o( years .

The news from Pekin is received with deep concern in diploma tic circles. It i s expected t,hat a.t least the Unite·d States, Great, and J apn.n will join in a firm note to the Chinese G oTornment lns·islin9 that CJ:i"ina. do not agree to the con­dltlons which Russia seeks to Im-pose. .



The Sentence Passed on King.


ped . King Victor Emmanuel step- A despatch from London says: Mr. p eel quickly · forward, and the two Peter Ball, the recently appointed m.onarchs embrncod and kissed each Canatlian Trade Commissioner, is at other four times, the Italian King Birmingham ~eliciting the views of ~aying quite audibly In English: "I U-,e C.humbers of Commerce of tho welcome you with all my hea.rt ' to m idlands as to tho best methods or Rome.'· exfending trade bet'ween Canada ana

A dospa." from Lyons says: Two French chemists arc undertaking ex­pertments with a view to producing a. 11a'tuYally colored silk by painting the lcaYcs on which the silk worms are fed with neutral amitlololulne red , mothy line blue. a.nd an 'l'be worms' b odies grn.cl11al1.v a.ssurne the S!\llle tin'ts, n.nd / i r ,, 'l_v t !1n~· spin red or blue silk, ncc o cl t '!> their food.,

A despatch from Paris 11ays :­The Echo do Paris says President Loubet will mako a visit to London in July to return the call of King Edward. He will remain three days In IDngland, and wUl lodge 11-t the French Embassy while in the :BPitish capital. Ho will be escorted across the Channel by the French Northern Squadron. which will repay a Voistt or the Engllsh . war vessels to A,1-siflr& during President's e,.ur.

A despatch from St. 'l'homas, says :-Oharles King, the Wbtto­chapel boy f9U'lld guilty or man­slauJhter in ldlling Willie Freeman In Al<lboro' Township, 11 December laitt, WAS 8Ul)'tenced to twel~ riionths in the common jj,i1 on Thur11-1 day momio.r, · The c1·owds alon.i the route follow- 1 Great Britain.,





Page 8: Health - SDG Newspaper and Photo Digitization Project


Spring I!ats. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear II.ats in all the new shapes and

colors. \\re do not ask fancy prices. See the hats and get the prices, before you buy elsewhere.

,,ro11111,111111on· MEN'S HATS . .... ,,,11111


vVe have never had as fine ,t stock as this season. Of course the Soft Hat is mostly worn. _ Colors are Black, Brown and Gray. You will likely w_anta new Hat fo~· Easter. You will not be disappointed if you pick your hat from our stock and \htl price will be decidedly in your favor:

Tern1s Cash . 'P" •

Tt:llll'LE OF PEACE,

~1.R. CAI:NEorn O FFERS $1, 500,000 FoR •ruE E 'rABLIS1:1MENl' 01'' SucF£

AT Tirn HAout.:.

Washington, April 25.-~fr. Andtew Carnegie bas offered $1 ,000,000 to the gnveroment ef the ~ e the rhu1ds for the cs t11blishmei1t at The H>tgue of :Ln in­ternational library and T e mple of Peace. The offer wa~ m:.1di3 throngb Baro n Grov ers, the 111inis t<>r from the NetherlaudH to the United States. It is Mr. Carnrgie'~ idea to have erected a building io which n,ay be nrnintaioed an iutern;ttiunal library, and in which the arbitration tribunal can hold its sess ions.

All the diplomatic exchanges on the subject have taken place. Form:tl an­nouncement of Mr. Carnegie's gift and its accrptance will be made within a few days.

A portion of the donation will be set aput for meetini:: the expe n ­ses iu kcepi ng the T e mpie of Peace in rc•p11ir.

A Durden to S ell Rll<l Othe1·s.

"l'ako cure of yo u r health; y o·1 1,a l'C ~ o ,·ight to n eg- lcc t i t ,mct tbus l.,1icore o a l.,11 r-



The etrike of th e metal wo1 l,ers in the frost & W;:,,,tl shops were d eclared ofl on Fntl11y morning. The me11 went out :. mon:11 11go on a d owand of $1.44 per d:iy tinie aud 11 half for piece wot k, a wrilteo ag reement wi1h the company ;wJ reco~u- . it ion of the union, The Frost & Wood company offered them $1.40 for day work but refused auy ,.Jvance on piece worl; I rate'3 and al~,, cefused to fign an a!. rec­ment or recogn izu the union . L'lst night I the mc:n decided to accept the comp:iny'a offe r aud this morr. ing the strike wa~ de- I dared uff Tl,., labur.-rs are still nut I but is hoped they will come iu now. Thoy struck for a tweuty per coot. in crease on $1.2c per Jays and recoi-:nition of 1he union. The comp,\Oy vffered tliem $1.30 and $1.35 per day, but refused re­cognition oft,,.,. uni on. Tbey havr. a~ao ueen out a montl1, liut it is Ollpected they will r1ituru to work now on the company'ij terms, wh ich are cons iderecl fair. The strike has -been 1·e1y quiet and although there we1 e 3:;o men out there was 110 distutbance of any kind. Tim m e n are



MlLHUll!'l'S HEArt'l' .AND NE itVF. PILLS •.re a blesainl,l' to women in th is condition. 'J'he:r ;cure Norvousn<-'88, Slcep_les.~ncl!S, l'£,lpitatlo11 or tho Hoal't, Faint &1111 uiv.1.y Spells, ,vcalmeijS, J ,istlessncRs. and all trou blos puculiar to the fem:110 sex.

Mrs. James Taylor, Sall• bury, N .B .• In recom• mending them " ")'ij : A hout e igh t monllr~ ngo I w as VCTyba.d)yrun d own, wa.s lro ub)c tlg1·catly with.palpitation ot tho heart aml wou!J l{Ot eo dizzy I woul<I ha,·e to kiwo n,y work and sit down. I accmo<l t o IJe !l'et ting worse a.II the

~uiiJ··;r1n-~1·itr A~\v·N1:1~·sEto p~rl.J.1½

Milline1~y ! Milli:i;iery !

· Miss O'Neill of Kem ptville, who has conducted !\ Milline ry S l1 owroom in this place for the pRs t two season!!, wtshes to inform the Ladies of Chestcr,·illa :tnd

vi cinity that she will hold h er


TUESDAY, April 7th, ~03 - Arm TJIF: F oLLowrno D.AYS­

fo the brick st ore ne xt to McClockey's Hote l, where she h as conducted busi­ness for the past two seasons.

Apprentices wa n ted to learn the Mil­linery t nld e.

d d"n to yo urse lf and p erhnps to otl, ors.

d When the liv,·r g11 t il Ml i~h , th o l<i tl rcy~ .,,.,111111111111 111111111 ioae tivc, , ~lltl the _uo wc_b cou•_tip,\: cd 1 n. ,·.

. Cltust'ij K1dn1•y. L1 ,·c r Ptlls 1n l1 p rompt, y ~11111111111111 111 .. .-.• McCEE a. CO. a superior ol11se, the runst of them be ing long- time res ide nts of the to1V1J, and this accounts for it. The coiup.wy kept the sho ps ruuui ng all tl1e time wtth a couple of hn11 tl r:;d me u at wo1k in th o diffe rent departments .

can trut,hfullr snr t hat they do nll you c l.iim ,•or them, a nd l cnn rcconunond t horn to all tun-down women.

Prt.;,o 5.'lc. p er Le•,:, or3 bo:tca tor ~1.2:; ; nll d cal­ars. or The MJbur:i Co., LimiteJ, T oroi,to, Ont.


~=================;:========:;::::::::~:-:::::::;=:::~ R!·t you r ft I tcriui: ,111.t txc rctory xys tt m in pc rfrc t or1.h-r, nnd inst; ro good cl igt::s lion We Haye Comp~ete .'ck of Ho1tor Roll.

NOTICE ' Tltc follo willg is the Honor Roll for s: S. ?; o. 7 F inch. •

Class IV- Cassie :\lurnrty, - Teresa Foley, Annie Murnrty, Ethel K lin nedy,

Having Now Opened Our I N ora )1cL eod, Edith C11ssclman, Delh 1 Ond,: rkirk, Alex Munro, Ps.-arl Droppo,

NE W MILL Willium McC loskey. • Ubss I I L- i\1 iles Ouderkirk, In<la

Will Offer, at Lowest Prices, Our New Gqods,

Rave one million Shingles now on sale.

Uarn Lumbe1, Joisting, Flooring,l'lank (any length).

All Grades of DreP.seu Lumber for Stabling and H .. use Work; "lso Se.s h, Doors Frames. B1inds, Mould1o~d, e.nd all k10


ds of Interior House Finish,. We know the wants of the public and

theu,fore tho p osition and cu1_1ditin11 of circumstances will make you unerl!sted in onr s tock and pl·ices.

Orde rs now rolling in for winter de-livery. .-

REMARKS: \Ve h :we built one of the mos t modern rl,1Uing Mills in Ontario ;,nd eq11ip1:-ed with 1lle later:t up to date mach:nrr\" alt drir en by 100 h. }J.

cngiuP; theref~/e " '"' are ool iu the same position aR our ron,petitors wir.h ol~ dap 111achine1y. The public geuernlly_ wtll not he i111µosed upo u with ·,nch rnfertnr work ;,s has b .. en placed on t Lie surrounding community lately for tht'l want of good touli!, · Thauking yu11 for past f1w0r~, 1wd by h"nest de•lin,:is. we tixt,ect to have the continued confidence.

York & Garrow, C hestervi I le.

The Spring Will Soon Be Here

And \\'ith it comes the ~i\n:"' for



We have a large I\SS<>rtme nt o n h 1md 1111d c11n s11pµly you r w,rnhi without ha.v·

_ · ini; to wait . Call 1111d sL•e s tock before you buy.


CENTRAL Marble Vf orks

MAXVILLE, ONT. l 'I onu111e11t~. ·Tnh le ls . Pead

S lo 11 ~~- 111 :\:arbie a u d G rll_ll te.

As I l1a\·e prac Licat w o rk­m e n a 11rl orcle rmy m Ar b !e a nd g ·i. 11i i:e d irect, 1 wil l J?ln~ m y c ustom ers the he 11e6 t ot Jc.-­du c e d ra tt:l-'. n ~s11,!11~ t he la t c:--l. 1·1·ices rock b uttv m .

1·1 AS(' gi v tn f"' a C'A II b e lo r c c-0 l l it11,: elsew 1e. Uorscsaut.l ca ttl e;· token iu 1:xch a 11ge.




THE . .. l >' UOJ\I . . . .

.RECORD OF .. .. 01° .. ..


"..L"HE SUN J~II.~E Of' Cannda.

J\ ssu rnn c;es issued a.nrl pa id for . ... $ 11,030.900 9.1 ]11 crdlsc ove r 19,: 1. . , . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . 196,392 86 Ca sh Incom e fro rn t ·r e miums , ln-

tt, r es t , Re uts , U te ... .. . -~· . .. ... -lncrease: over 1901. . . -. . .... . .. . . . . . . Assc tsnt 3ts t Uec~mbe:r, 1902 .. . . . . J11c re11se o ve r J<)O L . .. • . .. . .... , . . .

3,s,5, ,509 34 465,&13 27

13.480;,72 88 1,; 07,240 61

Lile Assu ra n :e9 iu f :)1·ct: Oc..:e: 111be: r 31st , 190, . .' . . ... . ..... ... ... . . . . . .. 6;, 181,6o1 63 JOH N R. & W , l,. REIi) , Manag . rs Eastern

Ontnrio, Sun l, ife 13uilding- , Otta wa.

IRA J. CRAMER, General Ag ent, Counties Rtormo n t

Dund3S nnd Clengarry , Aulls vitk, Out, ~- i\l. F ET'f E KLY. r.ocal Aj!'t llt.

Ca~selman, .Patrick F oley, Mae Duob.\r, Alex,rndcr Foley, Lc·onf\rd M cCloskc:y, Nellie Munroe.

Ch1ss I[ - M11ry )lcOloskey, Andrew Droppo, .Jennie Dunb~r, Murray Droppo Lloyd McMilhrn, Willie Aforarty, J ohn Thomas Foley, Willemay Droppo.

E. M. RoncNs1w, Teaoh·u.



'l'H l': Gooo Q UALITIES ')f CFl.\MBl:.R·


A$hb rnham, On!., Ariil 18, 19;:,3.- I lhiuk it i~ only rigut that I slJoulJ tell you wl.ta t a wonderful d foc t Cha111bf'r­l.1in 's C0ui-;h Ilornedy has 1,1r:>ducert. The dav be foro Easter l was so distressed with e culd aud cough that I did uot think 10 br. able to take any duties tl;e nex ~ tl,,r, as my l'oice wns almost 9hoke<l by tho con~h The !;aaue d ·, y I roceivod au orde r from you for a bottle of your Cous h R . medy. I at once procured a sa 'llplt, hottl1>, :111d took au,rnt threu do~l's nf the medicine. To my gr~;1t 181ief lite ar.d cold lud compl.,tely d1sappo"r­ei 11nd I w11s able to,pruach three times on E"ste r Da>'· I know that this rnpid and ,-fJective : ure was dt1e to ynur Ccu~h Re1u1idy. I make t..hi~ rns tuno:iial with out solicitat:on, being th:rnkful t el havo found such a G,)di;eut remedy. •

H.e~pectfully yours, E. A. l,ANGFEI.DT, M. A ..

Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Cbam1>1:rlain !\1edieiue Co.,

'1'01 onto, Ontario.

The ()ltf out 823,000 la r ·uel Bu•lne••·

Tt1ro nto. April 27. - :Mr. Jones. atri:ot ro111ri1issiC?,ner; savs that the city wi.l be ,.bte to di.po1e of all coal .. nd wood uow on haud within ' the next month. The hard coal haM alrel\dV be t-11 eold, and the We!1<h and Hock ing' V11lley eo;i!, fo1 which $6 .50 a t lln i• being charged, and tho wnod, c11t and s plit a t $7 !\ cord, i$ goin i; by dogreo!l. The t.ota l l,1ss to the citv t11 rnug h eng aging iu the bu, ines:1 will Le u.l,o ut $25,000.

A Sun, Curo ror Co11stlpatfo11 • •

S o me re medie s c ure th i; dis t1 essiog­Cvntpl:iiut in A day, ~nme •· in n 'mouth, 1,ut t-erviliuc nt'v~r f..til s lo r u re in a few 111i11utes. Ju, t t o n drnp s of Nerv1l ine iu swoetcued "ater- tlt ;tt'd ouo ui; h . :11acl a\\'ar goes t hil dysen te ry , cured to st ay cured. ;-lc rvili,1e tLbo cu, os crawps, colic. vain iu tlui s t o anac ii, auJ Sici- h ~:i U­ach e. I t h ts fi ve tin.1 es the strer,gtl, a ucl cur111 i,·e proi:;e , ti es of vrri ina ry re medies, aud should b e in o,·c1·y h ousehold. Bet ­te r buy fl Z j <', 1,o tll e anti try it . N orvi ­liue is all r1 g lt l.

1-lamihou's Pills fo r th e Li·:er.

Lli!tl .Judi;o L onut.

Rar rie, Ont. , April 27. - The re ,n:iin s of th e l.1 t ti !Hr. Jus ti ce Lo·rnt we re ruct a t th e stat in n e n ,nrival fro 1n T oronto thi s nft eruoon l,y a g1 e ,,t 1,; :itl1e ri11g- of c it iz,rns who wished to JJ·'Y the ir ln8t t rihute of respect t u one wh o was for ~11

111any years prorrnnently idc:utitiecl \\'i th 1hifl 1,. wn auJ c .. u n ty . T h., p 'nces of b 11 , iue~s we ,·e closed dm i11 g the fun erltl prnces, i1> 11 a ucl the s tree t~ ~hruug h wLid 1 the c,,rtcge pasijed we re throu geu with p~11ple. T he J)Kl l-bea r~r l:! \\'Ore J udgo t;oy~. P oli ·e :VJagi s t,a1 e R."As, H . ll. Str:1thy, K. C., R L. Barwick, A. E . ll. Ores11 ick f.'. nntl Ur. M c~ to 11. ,.Am ung thnse pre, enl wen• J nd i:e A rdagh . to wn couucd, c.:>unty offi c ials. lilrge rep rfils,en­latio n from thu Siu,coo ~ a1·, to,,·n cl1iri;: y, ·e tc. In the U oio u Cc•uetery, the bod y w:is laid to rest. R e v. Ca.non R e iner, o ffi ciated.


'l'ake L1n11ti,·c Bromo-Quin in c 'J'aulc ts. All J, 11~ g is Lij re fund t he mo11ey if it fail s to cu re. E. W. 1.hcHc'ti si~n11tnrc i s 011

'CIIC~ IJOX:. 25c.

i1111111~1 D. MCCRECOR,



Qoods, Oroceries, Crockery, Glassware, and Shoes, Furniture, Etc.

• · 1 #




nnd goocl 111 alth,• 'l'li c ro is 110 medic in" rn ge neral I)' u~ed, nnc! uooc so ,;ncccssful . Onu p i 11 (I dose, ~5 c,•ntR a box. .




Bulfalo, N. Y: , April 27. --James T. Nelson, who was arrested lust Thursd;1y for tRkir.g an uosigaed a ffida\ it coocero­

iog Ontario politics from the law office of John T. Ryao, iu the Erie County Bank tried in the pol ice court ,to-day. The jury brought iu a verd;c : of l(Uilty with <1 recvmmendation for lenion, y. Netsoo was allowed to go on suepende<l eentenc~.

After fo~mal 1e1timony had been ~ve.n by Attorney R)'ilD nod Patrolman IJris coll, conccrniug the theft, and the judge had clcnied a motion for the d irec tion of a vordict. N oh·on wab sworn. He eaid he was hirud oy Cap!, Joirn Sulliv;,n, who lives iu Canada , to swing the bye-elect­io ns of Jauu c1 ry !~st, ttt North P~rlh. North Norfolk and North 3 rey

•·What were t u b e your dutitsl" he was as.keel. ·

•·I wa s to furn i, h the ruen anti C.,pt. Sullivan the money . I w orked in the city <,f Stra• ford iu N orth l't!rth. After I ~o t through I rnrne b .,ck to Torouto where I met Cdpt Sulli\'an. He . gR\'e me s,,me mon e y anti promis~..i t :> send the rest to l3uft'a111.

"You gave l\lr. Wright, the Cooset­\'ative organizer, 110 affidavit?"

"Yes." ' , A copy of tne afhdavit \\'as produced

by counsel for N ij lson, and Nelsnt! Hi::! it was 110 made ii . I t 11·11s then offored in evidence.

Follo wing is the substance of the affidavi.:-

~ Chauge In C,ontr,ol.

On t he 14th of M,Ly next the N'! w York and O tt,t w 'I. • lta il road, rnnnrni:; from '1\1ppe r Lakr, in Fra nklin Co L\nty N. Y. , tn Ott:tWII, O nt., a dista nce ol about 12;; miles, is to he sold under foreclosure proceeding~, a nd it id belie\'· ed th:\t it will the n be purchased by the Di:bware and Hudson R1ilroacl.

Oot11rlo Electric .Raallway.

The Ontario Electric Bailway pro mot ­ers hiwe a);nin vi~ited the line to run from Cornw,111 to Toronto, and have prnctically decided to develop a ~reat power by mc1rns of 11 dam at Glen Miller on the Trent Hiver, seven miles from '!.'rentou. The instullatiun II t that point will cost $20,000.

FJ•pal Deleg,.te.

Torouto, April 27.- Mo nsigner Shnrttt t.he papal <l~lerrate, speot a bu~y day \'is itmg the Sitrerent Rnman Ca thohc cc,mmunit.ies and institutions of 1he c11y. Thia morning he ce le brated mass iu the Chapel of Loretto Abbey, after wh1 r.h he was drivc u a round the c ity. At noon he was tenderee a luncheou f\t S t. l\Ja1y's presbytery by tbe Rev. Vi.:ar Genera l McCann, ~n,011~ tbriso preso,1t bein~ Eis Grace Arc uuishop O'Connor and clergy of the ci ry. At 4 o'cloc k tho disti11guish ­ed visitor was t endurcd a rec ,• ption in the auJito1 ium of Loretto Abbey by the Jlupils. The music reudered by the pupils in hcYnor of the representatives of L eo X 111 was in keeping with auch occ1u 0'1 , ? A moug th,·se present \\'Cre Archhisho;) O'Cou·nor, Vi, .. r Gene ral McC;inn , a l;irge number and p;1reuta and frillndd or 1hc pupils.

Asthma Gasps "f had been told tliat n.. T. Harding and Mr, G'Biioo, of the Bullcnn, were the men to 11ee; that they were ru11uing tha financial end of tht'l elections fur the Too many a,thma sufterert irtve up Liberals. I went to them when I ~ot to their aearc'h tor cure, bellevlns that Stratfur<l. I reci\11 the names of three :~::r0 ~a;;:;~:~Jc c~::11~::n!~~nd th

e con-mea who were 11aitl to ,·oto fur the Libe- It I., only n ecessary to point all ,al candidate. They i-10 Jame• Camp- - IIUch- to a. new In. Dr. Cllaae:11, bell, Donald Campbell au<! J. Calder. Syrup or Linseed and Turpentine, the A barber named :Schuh w,18 also paid one irreat remedy whic h has proven

. It• efficiency not only ,.., a prompt re-$40. He was & Couservaltl·e, b~it 11fter llet. lmt also a• ._ thoroug-h cure tor he got thr money he was uppo1ated a aathma. w!ltche1 for the Libernls." Hrs. George Budden, Putnamvllle,

"I.didn't pay t.he mon tiy . I jus t r e- Ont., ,1ray!I :- "I feel It my duty to r e ­ported the people wh o would be hou~bt. commend Dr. Chaee'11 Syrup or Linseed I f!c nt the b11rber to Mr. H ardin" and and Turpentine, as I h a.d th e a " thma

~· \'ery bad: could l'e t n othing to do m e whe n he cam e b;,ck to mo ho ht1d a roll ,;ood. A fri end of mine p ersuaded m e to of bill;." " try this r em e dy, I d id 1 0 , and I t cured

NelP.oo st:i ted in his a ffidavi t th11t m e." Lawyer F'rost of Owen Sound wa~ in- It Is lmpos!lble to ·Imagine a ·bet.ter strumeotal in \he d i8 tr ibution 'of m fJ u r y t.r c·Mm ent !or a ~thma tha n Dr. Ch as e's · I . I 11· · ·, 1, I•' . l S yrup or L !n!leed a nd T u rp eP tl n c. It tn t l ,tt p KCe. . e ~a 1Ct t Iii~ t a n ' eo th e!'I ·th e excl ted n er v e s , c le~· ,~s ·the Gallaghe r. o f HuH,iJ 11, re• lly pa.1,I the 1, r o n c h la l tubes, g tves prom p t r elier to m,,npy to t h e ,·orcrs, but that i t c.,rne th r. !rt.,;htrul s pa s m s, a n d, whe n u sed

-th ron"b M r F, osl r ot\'ul a rl y . t hor oq ~b ly a n d permanently Aft~r th e · rf .lcli n~ 'of 1Le affid,l\ it. N el- cures asthma . 25 cents. al~ d: a lers', o.r

I · l · · . E dmunson. Ba te-s & Co .. 'I 01 on to. son told a bo ut H S c ,·a)111gs wi t h S :Lloo u- · kee per McCarty, of thid c it)', "lie o f- o-. Chase's Syrup fe red m e $75 if l'u 11H1ke the st>cocd :dli - 1, c]g,·it denyit• !l t h e one 1·.i m ad e to l\lr. of Linseed Wright., " saiu Nelso i1.

Vlce- R c i;al Party.

Toronto, April 27 .--Tomorro w at 7. 15 His Exce lle ncy the '101•ernor -Ge nti rnl I\CCOrupaui~d by· Lady Mint,), will a rr ive in T o1onto for n ruontl,'s st>,y . A g uard of li onn r, coL>~i~ting of too picked me n Crom th e (J11een'd Own r111d a b ody gu a rd oi lif1ce u s talwarts f,om the Drn~oou~, together wi th tbc Quern 's O,v11 Band. will n,e~t the uis ting uisbod 1·1s itors on their a rri\1:.1, ;1Prl ose,,r ;; th o111 to t li e r es i­de nce of i\l r. J. \N. Fla ve ll o, Quoe1, '" Par!, , wh ore they will re 11111in fo r a while before µoi 11 !1 to Gvve1·nm ..i nt H ou se. T he b or~cfl a nd O,ll'l·iages of the ir Exce llcncie,; a rri,·cd this mo n , iug from Otta,•;a .

t:r:R:ec:::Es~·-~ 25c. I• sent direct t o the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals Ibo ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings ln I.he tbroal and p en nanamly cures Catarrh and H ay Fever. Blower

free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase . Medicine Co., T oronto 1111<1 Buffalo.

Conresglon nf Jl"altl•.

and Turpentine. ""·nu: CELJ;; IHCAT)sl) TOTTING --­


W'ARDWELL (~!H$3.)

S tnn dn rd hy n ,eedi 11 g . S tandard by Action . PEDIGREE_

H is s i re 1'1ighta w11 , s ired Alto. Rose 2 :18t h is fi rsl coll.

His gqu 1ds i rc . Alca ntara. 2 23, is th e s ire o f seven ty seven w ~th r ecocds l r o m 2 1 1 to 2 30,

llis t, r e a t g rn11 d :-11re, George \ V il 2 221 is the s i re o f e ig ht) t wo w 1lh records frv1n 2. 13½ t o 2.30,

Iii .;; ,J::"rc nl-'?'1' n t grn11ds i n\ U ;lmbleton inn 101 i s ~ire o f fvrty with r("cord s fn">m 2.1 71' to 2 w. ln fa c t h e is th e fou n d ntio u of al m o s t all th e t rotting frunt! ies.

Wn rd wc ll's rln m St e lla P rescr-,tt. is o ne of the: bt•sl h red 1aar c-s livi11 ;.{, oe ing by Presc-o t t , son of llarold h e by ll n m b lc to 11ia 11 1 0.

Cn11ulsi re w :1:-. HRr 11ld , wh o e b loo d r uns i n such w orld recurJ Jio ld e.::r s i it thei r d ;ty us M au d ::;, 2.08}, :iml th ir ty-s.,. ,·en others in the lis t.

ll il{i1l;.( w 11 's <!n m th e 11o l t d h roo<l m n r e S kip, 1,y C .clep n, h y ll a m h ldonia n ro, S kip i s th t:: c1n m o f I 11d c:pe11 tie 11cc , 2 2 11 to p o ie 2 , 1(ij,. G le 11-a r 111, 2 2.,! , a11d h nlf-s ia te r to th c Unm o l th e g- re :i t N'el so11 ·i .oQ. A l c:111l arn s dn m A l mn ~la te r , is dam o f eight i11 t h e 2.~o lis t. '

l ' r escoll's dnm , J.on m rose. i~ by Ale x:iu de r's Abdai lag h , n11 d is clam of Sl!ve 11 i11 th e 2 Jo lis t, nn <l seve n o f h er 8011H hnvc produc~ct 2.30 p .. r ­forln t rs. lie r hl• e is hy H aml>lc tonia n ro.

\Va1dwcll Re g is tc rcc.l 224831 w ill m ake th e sen ,-on o f 1903 , h e A Ith :rnd we a the r p t" rtn itti ng, co1111ne u ci 11g An rit 27th a nd e nding J uly 4t h , a11d w i ll p;,ks t . rou gh t rn ub ar . Ch estc rdl le, Mor e­w oo 1, F i nc h , 0 ~1rnhruck Ce 11Lr e, Aullsv i llc ttnd i11te rmeclin l t: po inl:;,

'l'lctt~I IS: $8 to insure. No colt 11 0 pny . Par­ties t ry ing 111:i r,e ~ to this horHt: a nd n ot re tu r 11 i11g then1 will b e h el<l th e sam e ns b ei n~ S"!rvcd ; o r di~posing o f the m b efore fo a lin g ttm c w ill b e cons idered as iu foa. l All 1nnres .tt t he o wn er 's

a Supplies, ..;c'rib~lers, Exerci-::1 0

P encils, Slates, ·etc.

Books, Pen~,

Games, Toys, Books, l:i'ancy and Toilet Articles,

Perfumes, Sonps, Drugs, Patent Medicines.

Choice Fruit and Confectionery. Oysters and Canned Goods.

BOLSTER l1- CO., Cil.ES,.rE r:i.VILLE.



iri~1~tv~1li~-Clerical and Wedding Garments INSPECTION INVITED_

S. W. BOYD, Merchant Tailor, - . (Kearn• Block) Chutervlll•


x-XX FLOUR~M -MUST ~E Gi001c;>, EJ-1?

- - --- -------No. 1. Hard

Manitoba -Seed Wheat For Sale.,..... a

a limited quantity of Also SELECT.ED SEED PEAS.

Joseph Bi~hop & Son. CRYSLER, ONT.

Fishing Nets of all sizes,

GU~ S, Rili'LES and


D o y ou wan t a nt:w rope f r

the Hay F ork? If so, write u ~.

McDOUGAL & CUZNER'S, 523 Sussex Street, OTT A "W" A.

'.!'he mo t re lia\:>le a nd p roduc:t ice of

I >l.l! garde_n seeds a r e The .<:= tccle Rriggs

SeP.d 'o's. whether fot th~ farm, vege t ­

abl a or flowe r ga rden, they a re acknow-

l r d i:;cd by t he m o~t s ucces-fnl g rowe rs us

the Yt ry best. Try them ilnd will liavl'

the finest and mos t prod uctice g,l rden in

ynur \'icini ty. :Fu ll impply o f new s t ock

o f a bo \'C sced 8 now o n h :1nd.

Philade lphia, April 27 .- The llev. \1\1•

H. R oberts , s tatistical cle rk o f t11e Pres­byl erian Genoral As~embly, a11nrmnced to-day tbat two-thirds of the l'resbvte rie ;; had voted in f.w or of rovis iog th e Con ­fessio n ·of F a ith, ,.ud o f lhe C.:eclara t0ry etate ment e luci,la ttog chap te rs 3 and 10

of the Confes,ioo. 'l'h~ subj ec t will be finally disposed of by tlle Gene ral As6cm­bly, whicll meet s in L os A11 ~eles , Cal., next mooth . I: is i:- x.p ec ted the ove rtures from t.he Presbvteries will b o enacted by tho G enera l A lise mbly.

r is k . Mn r~s provi g in fo:11 w ill be requlrc<l lo w pa y Lh c first of Feb ruary 1904.

RODINSON & TA\'LOR, l'ropd ol c11·s. . • G Bolster Chemist & ~tationer, • , Chest erville, Ont.

rer8eculln,; Corns.

Don't ~uffer, jnst aoply Putnl\ro's Pllin ­less Corn a nd \V11rt E xtrac to r; it cures Corn's, W,nts . Bua iooa auJ Callices in 24 hours. Ins ist on "l'utoam'~," it's tl.te best .

GJ'1',Ut iey, on ··. l

Tp Cure a Cold. in One Day ~~ .Tak~ Laxative Bromo Qlainine Tablets. AHN ~ °" ~ Seven MlDlon J»os• sold in past 12 montlla. Tbis signature, W. /'"C.Q'°~ lox. 2.5c.