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Health Reform in America: An Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Adam Dougherty, MPH 9/28/2010

Health Reform in America: An Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

May 07, 2015




A lecture to the UC Davis School of Medicine community covering the basics of the health reform law passed in early 2010. Presented by Adam Dougherty, MPH, MS1
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Page 1: Health Reform in America: An Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Health Reform in America: An Overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Adam Dougherty, MPH9/28/2010

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The Law

•Most sweeping reform since Medicare•Provisions effective immediately, but major

pillars in 2014•$938B over 10 years, costs fully offset by

revenue and savings (2% of federal budget)

•2,568 pages (less words than a Harry Potter novel!)

•Nearly 60% of Americans don’t understand it (KFF poll)

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International Comparison of Spending on Health, 1980–2007

Note: $US PPP = purchasing power parity.Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Health Data, 2009 (Paris: OECD, Nov. 2009).

Average spending on healthper capita ($US PPP)

Total expenditures on healthas percent of GDP





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Note: * Estimate. Expenditures shown in $US PPP (purchasing power parity).Source: Calculated by The Commonwealth Fund based on 2007 International Health Policy Survey; 2008 International Health Policy Survey of Sicker Adults; 2009 International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians; Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System National Scorecard; and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Health Data, 2009 (Paris: OECD, Nov. 2009).


OVERALL RANKING (2010) 3 6 4 1 5 2 7

Quality Care 4 7 5 2 1 3 6

Effective Care 2 7 6 3 5 1 4

Safe Care 6 5 3 1 4 2 7

Coordinated Care 4 5 7 2 1 3 6

Patient-Centered Care 2 5 3 6 1 7 4

Access 6.5 5 3 1 4 2 6.5

Cost-Related Problem 6 3.5 3.5 2 5 1 7

Timeliness of Care 6 7 2 1 3 4 5

Efficiency 2 6 5 3 4 1 7

Equity 4 5 3 1 6 2 7

Long, Healthy, Productive Lives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Health Expenditures/Capita, 2007 $3,357 $3,895 $3,588 $3,837* $2,454 $2,992 $7,290

Overall Ranking

Country Rankings




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Total Spending for Health Care (CBO)


% of


% of


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Premiums Rising Faster Than Inflation and Wages


* 2008 and 2009 NHE projections. Source: K. Davis, Why Health Reform Must Counter the Rising Costs of Health Insurance Premiums, (New York: The Commonwealth Fund, Aug. 2009).

Projected Average Family Premium as

a Percentage of Median Family Income, 2008–2020

Cumulative Changes in Components of U.S. National Health

Expenditures and Workers’ Earnings, 2000–2009

Percent Percent





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Uninsured Rising With Costs

Gilmer and Kronick, Hard Times and Health Insurance, Health Affairs, May 2009

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Insurance Underwriting

•Ability to deny/rescind coverage•Ability to ‘price out’ individuals with pre-existing conditions •2009 profit

increase: 56%

Source: Families USA 2010

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Source: KFF, 2009

America’s Health Coverage

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Overview of Reform▫Expands coverage to 33 million

individuals by 2019, covering nearly 95% of Americans

▫Bending the cost curve Extends solvency of Medicare Trust Fund by 10

years through 2-3% annual reduction in spending growth (e.g. 6% growth to 4% growth)

Slows private health care expenditure growth annually by 1% (e.g. 6% growth to 5% growth)

Reduces federal deficit by $130B over 10 years, and over $1T in second decade


Sources: CBO Score of Senate Bill, White House Council of Economic Advisors

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Near Universal Coverage

• The Individual Mandate▫ Every legal resident and US citizen will be

required to obtain qualified health insurance by 2014, or be subject to a monetary penalty (0.5%-2.5% of income) Must take employer coverage, buy private

coverage or enroll in public coverage Exemptions for financial hardship (i.e. more than

8% of income) Exemptions based on religious objection

•Employer mandate for 200+ employees•Pay-or-play requirement for 50+


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Medi-Cal Expansion

•Medicaid eligibility expansion to 133% FPL for parents and MIAs; SCHIP eligibility expansion for kids to 250% FPL

• CBO projects 15 million individuals newly eligible

•UCLA estimates 1.7 million newly eligible in CA

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Health Insurance Exchanges

• State exchanges with federal oversight - 2014▫Regulated market for individuals and small

businesses▫ Incomes between 133-400% FPL eligible for subsidies▫ Individuals pay sliding scale premiums capped at 3%

- 9.8% of income▫Up to 50% premium subsidy for small low wage

employers <50 employees (available now)▫Would cover 2.3 million uninsured in CA (UCLA) ▫Would subsidize 45% of individually purchased

private insurance in CA (CHIS calculation) • Initial focus -- small group and individual markets

▫CBO projects 25 million would purchase through Exchanges

▫Expands past 2017

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Sliding Scale Premiums andOut of Pocket – tied to Price

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The Uninsured after Health Reform: California

Source: Health Policy Fact Sheet, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, Oct 2009

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Insurance Transformation• Exchange plans and new individual market plans

▫ Guaranteed issue and renewal▫ Risk-adjustment mechanisms to discourage insurer

‘gaming’▫ Rating variation: age, geography, family size, and tobacco

use▫ Mandatory data reporting▫ Compete on price and quality, not medical underwriting ▫ ‘Essential community providers’ must be included in plan

networks▫ New national non-profit insurer managed by OPM

• New protections across entire market▫ Minimum benefits package (grandfathering exceptions)▫ Minimum medical loss ratio (80% in small group, 85% in

large group▫ Transparency in claims, costs, enrollment, etc. ▫ Standardized administrative processes▫ No copays for effective preventive services

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Insurance: Minimum Benefits

• Covered Benefits▫ 4 benefits categories ranging from 60 to 90% of the

cost of the covered benefit packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum), mandate tied to bronze

▫ Grandfathers existing benefits (you like it, you keep it)

▫ Young invincible coverage: Prevention and catastrophic coverage for those up to age

30 or individuals exempt from mandate due to financial hardship

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September 23, 2010• Young adults up to age 26 guaranteed can stay

on their parents’ insurance• Children can no longer be denied insurance

coverage because they have a pre-existing condition (adults in 2014)

• Ends the practice of rescissions, making it illegal for insurers to drop an individual who gets sick and 'unprofitable’

• Ends lifetime caps on insurance claims for all individuals, assuring individuals with a chronic disease or medical emergency the security to access vital services

• Requires new plans to offer proven preventive care with NO cost sharing or co-pays, assuring access to these vital services even in economic hardship

• Imposes a 10% sales tax on tanning services

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Reform Financing: 1/2 savingsand 1/2 taxes

• Savings in Medicare and Medicaid▫ Provider payments: MA reductions and productivity

increase adjustments• Pay or play for employers with over 50

employees• Excise tax on Cadillac plans• Insurance industry, device and pharmaceutical

manufacturer fees• 0.9% Medicare payroll tax increase on

individual/joint incomes over $200K/$250K• 3.0% Medicare tax on unearned income of

individual/joint incomes over $200K/$250K• CBO finds law will reduce deficit by $130B

over 10 years, $1.2T over 20 years

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System-wide Savings• Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB):

MedPAC with teeth• Care coordination and delivery integration pilots

▫ Pay for Performance incentives in Medicare▫ Accountable Care Organizations▫ HIT

• Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute▫ Clearinghouse for national comparisons on the

effectiveness of treatments • Medicare fraud and abuse programs• Program Simplification: Breaking down the silos

▫ County programs, State programs, federal uncompensated care

▫ Major relief to state and county budgets

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System-wide Savings• Focus on primary care, prevention and wellness

▫$11B for community clinic infrastructure Lynchpin of reform

▫10% Medicare reimbursement increase for PCPs▫Medicaid reimbursement increase to 100%

Medicare levels for 2 years (2014)▫Prevention and Public Health Fund ($500M)▫Workplace wellness grant programs ($200M)▫Health disparity monitoring programs and

intervention grants▫Community transformation grants▫Nutrition labeling in chain restaurants

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Strengthening the Health Workforce•National Health Care Workforce

Commission•Primary Care training ($255 million), loan

forgiveness ($125M annually) and expanded residency slot distribution

•National Health Service Corps ($1B annually)

•Public health fellowships•Nursing grants, nurse-managed clinics•Community health worker scholarships

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Looking to the Future• Today: State based high-risk

insurance pool, closing the Medicare donut hole, strengthening consumer protections

• Tomorrow?: Health Exchange bills in CA

• Crystal ball: Massachusetts 2006 health reform▫Phase 1 complete: Near-universal

coverage (98.5%)▫Phase 2: Cost containment


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Looking to the Future

•We have decided as a nation that basic access to health care is a nationwide responsibility

• Implementation needs to be effective and sustainable in order to improve long-term population and economic health

•95% of the legislation will be implemented by 2014: the next few years are crucial

• Implementation is forever: No system is perfect

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